View Full Version : Silver Caravan, The RPG

2017-04-23, 09:14 PM
The Silver Caravan

In a world reminicent of our own, The Silver Caravan journies through difficult terrain, and strange encounters with unknown enemies seeking to raid her precious cargo. Adventurers who sign up may find adventure or a quick death. The political, social climate isn't black and white no it's more like shades of gray with occassional white and black specks.

The Silver Caravan is starting in the town of Abbey, and they hope to make their way to the city of Dustwaven.

In the townhall of Abbey, you find yourself standing amist other adventurers, townsfolk, and so on. Many are talking in small groups among themselves on various topics, ranging from a marauding dragon in the far West, and concerns over whether it will strike the far Western marketplaces, and what that might do to the price of goods all over the countryside, and the more mundane last weekend's great bar brawl and who ended up in the stocks. There's talk of Prince Alfonse the Good who gave a cow to an orphanage, and whether or not the rivalry of the Dukes over the hand of Princess of Westingham is really worth all the fuss. There's talk of bardic performing troupes canvassing the lands and whether one troupe has already outperformed another. Closer to home there's talk of goblin war parties up and about on the trade roads, and the great old goblin drums have been heard pounding away in the distance, summoning hordes to their keepers. Theirs whispers of dark and sinister night stalkers roaming the deep wilds once again. At a desk, The Silver Caravan has a sign-up sheet for guards, with a pay of 1 silver to help push through to the local City of Dustwaven, such an amount is a fortune to most in the town and a few crowds of would-be adventurers have collected nearby. Few have actually signed though, there's talk, lots of talk about people going. But with the pounding of goblin war drums in the distance nearly every night. Few can't help but wonder, if they might be signing up for their own deaths.

2017-04-24, 01:28 AM
I think you posted this in the wrong area. This recruitment thread should be in the recruitment area (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?51-Finding-Players-(Recruitment)). It's the best way to get people to notice your game and apply.

2017-04-25, 04:31 PM
So we have 8 brave souls that have signed with destiny.
Dwarven Cleric - Sasha Strongheart (JNAProductions)
Fighter/Eldrich Knight (Danielxcutter)
Moon Elf Paladin (Logan1996)
Halfling Druid 'Strongheart' (Maximum Carnage)
Human Fighter - Damian Belmont (Mikemical)
Commoner - Lex (WhatThePhysics)*
Halfling Rogue (samduke)
MMA Monk- Terry Connor (Frendle)*

Bits of campaign errata:

OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?523031-(OOC)-The-Silver-Caravan&p=21952006#post21952006



The next day is busy with caravans loading up in the small town of Abbey. It almost seems as though half the town is going on the trip to Dustwaven, quite the parade of yaks, horses, donkeys, oxen, and other beasts of burden loaded down with carts of trade goods. Rumor floats around about the Caravan Master made some kind of deal with the local Merchant's Guild. None seems to know what it was, other than it was a big talking point that was quickly shushed in the presence of unwanted ears.

Goblin drums can be heard pounding in the distance but few stop to listen to them, all seem focused on the task of loading up, for a run out of the gates by dawn. The party has a few pre-dawn hours to talk, load gear, and make ready. Most of the party is offered seating in or on different wagons within the Silver Caravan. Those that want to could walk it, but they might be left behind in the dust. Goblin raiders would be fool-hardy to try and hit such a large group.

2017-04-25, 05:08 PM
Damian, after helping load a large crate onto one of the carts, approaches the caravan Master.

"Excuse me, friend. I'd like to know how long the trip will be until we arrive to our destination?" He asks before quickly adding, "Just to make sure I bring enough food with me."

2017-04-25, 05:27 PM
The caravan master nods to Damian and answers. 'Three days if were lucky, Five if there's rain, Seven or more if we get raided. Keep yer eyes open, if you see anything suspicious you let one of our riders know.' He indicates one of the mounted fighters that have been patiently waiting by one of the caravans. By Tamsine's blessing we won't be raided, the mother hearth protects us all.

2017-04-25, 06:25 PM
Damian nodded with a smile.
"Thank you friend." He said before going to the cart where he'd put his stuff in, taking a seat and grabbing a small notebook of his to read up on his notes.

The Caravan Master's comments rung a bell in his head. In every teather play he'd seen and every novel he'd read, the moment anyone said something negative about an upcoming situation, it happened on cue. It was a rather comical thing, when it happened to others, that is.

After reading through his notes and putting his notebook back inside his bag, he looked up to the skies as he leaned back on his seat to rest. 'Man, we are so gonna get raided now.' He thought to himself as he smiled in resignation to what now seemed like an inescapable fate.

2017-04-25, 06:41 PM
Lex sat in a cross legged position in one of the wagons, and quietly turned the crank to his Clipray. The USB cable linked the charger to the phone in his pocket, though he kept the phone off to conserve its power.

He thought to himself in irritation, "1 silver for risking my life. 1 SILVER. What could I possibly buy with that?"

The Earthling sighed. He hoped that the journey to Dustwaven would be incredibly brief, and that employment opportunities there would be much more lucrative.

His cynical side quickly chimed in on his mental conversation, "Who am I kidding? I bet it'll be even worse there than it is here, assuming I don't die of dysentery along the way."

2017-04-25, 07:50 PM
Matt noticed the Earthling and wondered if he'd like some company. He walked up to Lex and held out his hand.

"Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Matthew Cygnus, but just call me Matt. What's your name?"

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-25, 07:50 PM
Thorne watched the civilized folk hurry to and fro from their great wagons.

His fingers dipped into the moist leaves that held his tobacco as he stuffed a large amount in the end of his pipe and sparked it with his flint.

"You must respect the elements, they are not mere toys to be used for leisure," he thought to himself as the smoke drifted up past his face and clouded his vision momentarily. Where were these people headed in such a hurry? Thorne smacked his pipe against his shoulder and the smoldering ashes fell over his ragged tunic

"Mayhaps I'll investigate" he said aloud, to no one in particular, and strode off in the direction of the caravan.

2017-04-25, 08:29 PM
'I should go get some more food. If it also rains I'm likely to spend a week in here.' He though to himself before he picked up his bag, making sure everything was still in it's place before he got off.

He looked to one of the workers who didn't seem to be all that busy, "Hail friend, do you know where I can get some provisions for the trip ahead?"

2017-04-25, 08:41 PM
A worker nods to Damian, 'The General Store's a good place for supplies, as is the Farmer's Market if'n your looking for a better deal maybe, this early though, likely the Farmer's Market might have something. General Store doesn't open until after sunrise.'

Thorne finds the caravan to be a bustle with an assortment of merchants, beasts of burden and hands loading up freight. It's a few hours before dawn. In the middle of this mess is the Caravan Master giving orders and double-checking orders and lists.

He glances down at Thorne, and says, 'One moment,' he scribbles a signature down in a book, and then nods to Thorne. 'What can I do ye for little maester?'


2017-04-25, 08:57 PM
Lex briefly raised their brows at Matt's introduction, then ceased their cranking to shake the Fighter's hand.

The Earthling gave a polite smile, "Well met. I'm Alexander, but you can call me Lex. What can I do for you?"

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-25, 09:00 PM
The sights and sounds of all the work were indeed a wonder in their own. Thorne meandered through the camp gazing at things for sale. From food to supplies, this caravan carried a big haul. He became swept up in the madness before stumbling upon a very official looking man who must have been the caravan master, he greeted Thorne and offered assistance.

Thorne spoke to the man with piqued curiosity, "You seem to be responsible for quite a few material possessions, who's to say those goblins everyone hears in the distance won't strip you of your goods whilst you bed down for the night?''

2017-04-25, 09:18 PM
Sasha lets out a loud yawn as she staggers blearily into the caravan. She approaches the first person she sees-Thorne-and says Morning.

2017-04-25, 09:19 PM
Lex briefly raised their brows at Matt's introduction, then ceased their cranking to shake the Fighter's hand.

The Earthling gave a polite smile, "Well met. I'm Alexander, but you can call me Lex. What can I do for you?"

"Eh, just wanted to get to know the other guys. New around here?" said Matt. "Haven't seen those kind of clothes before, but then I'm not exactly an expert in that area."

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-25, 09:44 PM
The question had barely left Thorne's mouth before a female dwarf staggered up to him, and greeted him.

"Good morning, to you too lass. It's nice to look someone in the eye for once." Thorne gazed down at his own slender halfling physique.

2017-04-25, 09:44 PM
"Ah, he's rather curious." Lex internally mused about the Fighter. "Think fast, man!"

"Yeah, I'm from...Easterville." He began to 'explain', while he casually slid the Clipray into his jacket pocket. "They make lots of clothes out there. Leather, silk, denim, stuff like that."

Lex mentally kicked himself. "Denim? Really? He's probably never even heard of that, genius!"

Bluff Roll: [roll0]

2017-04-25, 09:47 PM
The question had barely left Thorne's mouth before a female dwarf staggered up to him, and greeted him.

"Good morning, to you too lass. It's nice to look someone in the eye for once." Thorne gazed down at his own slender halfling physique.

Sasha lets out a chuckle and claps him on the back. Aye, the big folk are the majority here. But they best not forget about the little folk, or they'll find times are harder than they expected.

2017-04-25, 09:48 PM

Sense Motive check: [roll0]

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-25, 09:54 PM
Sasha lets out a chuckle and claps him on the back. Aye, the big folk are the majority here. But they best not forget about the little folk, or they'll find times are harder than they expected.

Thorne smiled to himself.

"Well you seem alright to me, not the average city-dweller. What brings you to the caravan?" Thorne asked, as he refilled his pipe with tobacco.

2017-04-25, 09:58 PM
Thorne smiled to himself.

"Well you seem alright to me, not the average city-dweller. What brings you to the caravan?" Thorne asked, as he refilled his pipe with tobacco.

Well, I left home a good two years ago, looking to see the world. And unfortunately, world-traveling can be a bit pricey, so I've found myself out of money. Luckily, this lets me travel and get paid for it.

And, she adds, just between you and me, if we do actually get into a fight, I won't be complaining. Been too long since I had the chance to really test my muscles-'course, I don't want anyone in this here caravan getting hurt, so I really do hope there's no troubles.

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-25, 10:12 PM
Well, I left home a good two years ago, looking to see the world. And unfortunately, world-traveling can be a bit pricey, so I've found myself out of money. Luckily, this lets me travel and get paid for it.

And, she adds, just between you and me, if we do actually get into a fight, I won't be complaining. Been too long since I had the chance to really test my muscles-'course, I don't want anyone in this here caravan getting hurt, so I really do hope there's no troubles.

Thorne had just lit his pipe, and at the mention of people getting hurt, his face darkened for an instant and then wiped itself clean. He tilted an ear and the distant yet familiar sound of the drums beat against the wind. How many goblins were out there, surely an unnatural amount to be making this racket.

"I think you may well be in for what you're seeking," and held a finger to his ear.

"It's been a pleasure talking, perhaps I'll see you around." He gestured to a thick copse of trees where he had been bedding in the recent days, watching the caravan. "Too many people around here for me, or I guess you could say I'm just used to the woods, but you're welcome anytime, oh and I didn't catch your name..?"

2017-04-25, 10:21 PM
Thorne had just lit his pipe, and at the mention of people getting hurt, his face darkened for an instant and then wiped itself clean. He tilted an ear and the distant yet familiar sound of the drums beat against the wind. How many goblins were out there, surely an unnatural amount to be making this racket.

"I think you may well be in for what you're seeking," and held a finger to his ear.

"It's been a pleasure talking, perhaps I'll see you around." He gestured to a thick copse of trees where he had been bedding in the recent days, watching the caravan. "Too many people around here for me, or I guess you could say I'm just used to the woods, but you're welcome anytime, oh and I didn't catch your name..?"

Sasha, from the Strongheart family of Earthenhome. Yours? she asks, as she looks over the rest of the assembled people.

2017-04-25, 10:30 PM

Sense Motive check: [roll0]

"Never heard of denim, but then again, I'm no expert at that kind of stuff.." said Matt, shrugging. "So, what're you good at? I've got a pretty Good Morningstar(at this, he chuckled), but I've also studied arcana... I should be able to cast spells sooner or later."

Odd... there's something off with this guy, but I dunno what. He seems okay, though, so I should just let this slide.

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-25, 10:36 PM
Sasha, from the Strongheart family of Earthenhome. Yours? she asks, as she looks over the rest of the assembled people.

"I'm known humbly as Thorne. A word to the wise, Sasha, keep your weapon close on the days to come. The sky darkens above this caravan." He took once last glance around at the preparations underway, and turned on his heel towards the embrace of the verdant woods. Once he reached his makeshift camp, he laid his back to a tree, to sit in contemplation.

A small snake crawled from beneath his sleeve, where the cool shade of his tunic protected the creature from the heat. Thorne looked down without alarm at his companion from the wild, and frowned.

"Bad feeling, huh?" Thorne asked the snake, knowing it couldn't answer.

"Me too.." The halfling trailed off, looking towards the horizon.

2017-04-25, 10:38 PM
Solid advice. A pleasure meeting you, Thorne.

With that, Sasha heads over to the next group, where Matt and Lex are. Morning, fellows. Actually, come to think of it... she says, looking around for any other women. I feel like the only women here. Heh-it happens.

2017-04-25, 10:41 PM
Solid advice. A pleasure meeting you, Thorne.

With that, Sasha heads over to the next group, where Matt and Lex are. Morning, fellows. Actually, come to think of it... she says, looking around for any other women. I feel like the only women here. Heh-it happens.

Matt turned around at Sasha's voice, and then looked slightly down - politely, of course.

"Huh... you're right. Didn't realize that. Oh, I'm Matt. He's Lex. Nice to meet you..."

2017-04-25, 10:44 PM
Pleasure to meet the both of you! she replies, boisterously, taking each of their hands in turn and giving them a good shake. I saw Thorne talking to a snake-I imagine he's got skills with nature, maybe a touch of magic? And I myself am a fair hand with my axe here, as well being skilled in the Art myself. What about you two?

2017-04-25, 10:50 PM
Pleasure to meet the both of you! she replies, boisterously, taking each of their hands in turn and giving them a good shake. I saw Thorne talking to a snake-I imagine he's got skills with nature, maybe a touch of magic? And I myself am a fair hand with my axe here, as well being skilled in the Art myself. What about you two?

"Oh, we were just going to talk about that. I've got this Good Morningstar(sorry Lex, I had to do that again), and I think I'll get the hang of arcane spells sooner or later."

Matt scratched the back of his head.

"What about you, Lex? No offense, it's just that knowing what your friends can do will probably save someone's butt eventually. Don't want anyone to get hurt."

2017-04-25, 11:12 PM
Those who went shopping find loaves of bread 5c each, apples 1c each, apple tarts 4c each, fresh milk 10c each, apple pies (small) 8c each.

2017-04-25, 11:59 PM
"Morning." Lex replied to Sasha, then shook hands with the dwarf as Matt introduced him to her. He listened to the two of them engage one another, and was a bit shocked at how casually they discussed the acquisition of magical skills. The idea of becoming a wizard in a brief period of time appealed to Lex, though he was skeptical that it would be that easy.

When asked about his talents, the Earthling chuckled, "I suppose I'm a jack of all trades, and not too shabby with a knife, either. Though, I doubt I could hold my own against warriors such as yourselves."

2017-04-26, 12:14 AM
"Morning." Lex replied to Sasha, then listened to her and Matt engage one another, before shaking hands with the dwarf. He was a bit shocked at how casually the two discussed the acquisition of magical skills, and wondered how easy it'd be for him to become a wizard or something.

When asked about his talents, the Earthling chuckled, "I suppose I'm a jack of all trades, and not too shabby with a knife, either. Though, I doubt I could hold my own against warriors such as yourselves."

"Is that so? You don't exactly look weak yourself, but you might want to stay off the front lines, just in case. I'm no healer, but she probably is. Wasting energy on healing is better than getting hurt, if you don't mind... Oh yeah, I don't think I got your name, miss." said Matt.

2017-04-26, 12:17 AM
"Morning." Lex replied to Sasha, then shook hands with the dwarf as Matt introduced him to her. He listened to the two of them engage one another, and was a bit shocked at how casually they discussed the acquisition of magical skills. The idea of becoming a wizard in a brief period of time appealed to Lex, though he was skeptical that it would be that easy.

When asked about his talents, the Earthling chuckled, "I suppose I'm a jack of all trades, and not too shabby with a knife, either. Though, I doubt I could hold my own against warriors such as yourselves."

Perhaps we can spar at some point. 'Course, I won't be wasting any spellcasting on a training exercise, so I won't be quite combat ready, but it'll let me take your measure, Sasha says. Hell, if you'd like, we could do it right now. Not like we're needed for loading the caravan.

And the name is Sasha Strongheart, from Earthenhome. And don't count on healing from me! Magical healing erases scars, usually, and those are a mark of pride!

2017-04-26, 12:31 AM
Perhaps we can spar at some point. 'Course, I won't be wasting any spellcasting on a training exercise, so I won't be quite combat ready, but it'll let me take your measure, Sasha says. Hell, if you'd like, we could do it right now. Not like we're needed for loading the caravan.

And the name is Sasha Strongheart, from Earthenhome. And don't count on healing from me! Magical healing erases scars, usually, and those are a mark of pride!

Matt rolled his eyes slightly.

"Careful. I guess a quick spar won't hurt, but don't strain yourselves."

2017-04-26, 12:34 AM
Sasha looks to Lex, and, if he seems up for it, draws back about 10', drawing her (sheathed) battleaxe. Right, feel free to surrender at any time. There's no shame in admitting you're outclassed! she says with a laugh, adding I'll probably be doing the same, actually-I don't want us to waste too much energy on this.

Nonlethal damage, of course, and I figure once one of us hits half HP in nonlethal we should surrender. Sasha might be tad bit grumpy if she's forced to surrender, but she's smart enough to know it's not a good idea to get KOed in some dumb sparring match.

2017-04-26, 12:34 AM
Eldroth Wiseheart, moon elf paladin, walks up to the sign up list and puts her name down as a guard. This is going to be an interesting trip, she thinks to herself and then leans back, examining the scene and listening to the sounds of distant drums.

2017-04-26, 12:41 AM
"Seeing as I signed up to guard this caravan, I don't think I'll have the luxury of being able to avoid the front lines." Lex replied to Matt.

He smiled at Sasha's sparring offer, then grinned at her reservations against healing others' wounds. Before he could even reply, Lex witnessed the dwarf withdraw her battleaxe.

The Earthling gave off a noticeably nervous laugh, "Probably better to hold off on sparring until we reach Dustwaven. I don't think the Caravan Master would appreciate one of their guards getting hurt before the wagons start moving."

2017-04-26, 12:43 AM
"Seeing as I signed up to guard this caravan, I don't think I'll have the luxury of being able to avoid the front lines." Lex replied to Matt.

He smiled at Sasha's sparring offer, then grinned at her reservations against healing others' wounds. Before he could even reply, Lex witnessed the dwarf withdraw her battleaxe.

The Earthling gave off a noticeably nervous laugh, "Probably better to hold off on sparring until we reach Dustwaven. I don't think the Caravan Master would appreciate one of their guards getting hurt before the wagons start moving."

Sasha looks at her axe, then back to Lex, then back to her axe.

Oh, fine! she says, a bit grumpy, hitching her axe back to her belt. Spoilsport.

She huffs out a breath, folding her arms. However, after a few beats, she lets them drop, turning back to Lex. Okay, she says,a bit sheepishly, you do have a point. I'm just itching for some action, but the better part of my brain tells me that it's for the best if we don't see any.

2017-04-26, 12:53 AM
"Yeah, a peaceful journey sounds pretty nice." Lex lightly scratched the side of his neck with his index finger. This world seemed much more easygoing with regards to violence, but he'd have to learn to play by its rules for the time being. "Then again, the wage is just a silver piece. Would be kinda nice if we took out some amateur highwaymen without any casualties, and claimed their gear as extra compensation."

2017-04-26, 12:56 AM
Eldroth approaches Lex and offers a hand to shake. "I also signed up for guard duty. Though I dont know how much looting I would do. But maybe I could appreciate a better suit of arms."

2017-04-26, 01:06 AM
Lex respectfully smiled at the Paladin, and accepted the hand shake while thinking to himself, "Okay, if I keep shaking everyone's hand, I'm definitely gonna die from shigella, and everyone here is gonna die from Earth flu."

"If you get better armor, do you mind if I keep yours?" The young man winked after his question, to make it apparent that he wasn't being serious at all.

2017-04-26, 01:11 AM
The sky gradually lightens to a soft pink and pastel purples. The Caravan Master yells, "Move Out!" The caravan creaks and starts to move with the strain of dozens of animals. It's not long before the caravan is on the way out the village gates.

A familiar smell wafts through the air.

Perception checks!

2017-04-26, 01:16 AM
Perception checks!
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2017-04-26, 01:21 AM
Lex respectfully smiled at the Paladin, and accepted the hand shake while thinking to himself, "Okay, if I keep shaking everyone's hand, I'm definitely gonna die from shigella, and everyone here is gonna die from Earth flu."

"If you get better armor, do you mind if I keep yours?" The young man winked after his question, to make it apparent that he wasn't being serious at all.

She looks at Lex seriously. "You may have it now if you need."

The sky gradually lightens to a soft pink and pastel purples. The Caravan Master yells, "Move Out!" The caravan creaks and starts to move with the strain of dozens of animals. It's not long before the caravan is on the way out the village gates.

A familiar smell wafts through the air.

Perception checks!

Eldroth sniffs the air and looks around.

Spot and Listen in order


2017-04-26, 01:49 AM
The sweet smell of applesauce assaults your noses. Fresh apple sauce. Lex sees the first goblin above them in an apple tree.
Surprise round.

Lex and Eldroth may make one action.

Then it's initiative for every one.

2017-04-26, 01:54 AM
Eldroth draws her sword.

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-04-26, 02:36 AM
Lex looks up at the goblin, and simply furrows his eyebrows while tilting his head. He wasn't fortunate enough to learn about the "goblin situation", so he doesn't view them as a threat.

Initiative: [roll0]

Sorry for the delay. I was away from my computer for a while. :smalleek:

2017-04-26, 02:40 AM
"Is there something wrong?" said Matt.

Initiative: [roll0]

I'll be away from my computer for about two hours.

2017-04-26, 02:52 AM
"There's a goblin in that tree." Lex answers, while pointing at the goblin in question.

2017-04-26, 04:42 AM
"There's a goblin in that tree." Lex answers, while pointing at the goblin in question.

"Oh... wait, what?! GOBLIN AMBUSH!" shouted Matt. As he did so, he pulled out his morningstar and readied it with one fluid movement.

I have Quick Draw. Weapons out as a free action!

2017-04-26, 06:10 AM
"So it begins." Damian said with a hint of annoyance as he stood up from his seat, drawing his weapons.

Initiative roll:

Quoting the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#draworSheatheaWeapon): "If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one."

2017-04-26, 06:47 AM
Initiative Order:
Matt 25
Goblins Party 4 [roll3]
Lex 23
Elderoth 20
Thorne 17
Goblins Party 3 [roll2]
Damian 16
Goblins Party 1 [roll0]
Goblins Party 2 [roll1]

Goblins Party 4 rains arrows down on caravan wagon. Containing Sasha.

Reflex Saves for half damage: 16 DC

Goblin Party 3 rains arrows down on caravan wagon. Containing Matt and Lex.

Goblin Party 2 rains arrows down on caravan wagon. Containing Damian.
Goblin Party 1 rains arrows down on caravan wagon. Containing Elderoth.

2017-04-26, 07:11 AM
Reflex save: [roll0]

What is my position? How far am I from the goblins? And what is the position of the others?

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-26, 07:19 AM
Thorne sat meditating in his camp on the edge of the caravan. He channeled the power of nature in his thoughts, and contemplated the lessons of the wild he had learned so long ago. An awful commotion started in the camp, as he saw a small group of people, point to the trees.

A volley of arrows fell like black rain upon the unsuspecting caravan, as Thorne pushed himself to his feet.

"Told you so," he scoffed, looking down at his serpentine friend.

His feet pushed off the soft earth, as he broke into a run towards the caravan.

2017-04-26, 07:23 AM
Reflex Saves for half damage: 16 DC

Goblin Party 2 rains arrows down on caravan wagon. Containing Damian.

Reflex throw: [roll0]

Damian tumbles to the side to try to avoid the worst of the volley of incoming arrows. "Son of a..."

Bought 2 Apple pies, 1 jug of milk, 4 apples and 4 loaves of bread at the Farmer's Market before getting back on the cart. Ate the apple pies and drank the milk for breakfast, saved the rest inside the backpack.

Question time: How many riders are with the caravan? How many carts are there? How apart from each other are the carts?

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-26, 07:25 AM


2017-04-26, 07:30 AM
12 carts, 10 feet apart, 4 riders per cart. 1 driver and 3 guards.

Three of the mounted guards will join the combat next round.

2017-04-26, 08:36 AM
"Aw hell." Lex muttered to himself, as he attempted to dodge the volley of arrows aimed at him and Matt, and quickly scanned his immediate surroundings for anything heavy that he could throw at the goblins.

Reflex: [roll0]

Search: [roll1]

2017-04-26, 09:29 AM
"Lex! Are you okay?" shouted Matt. "Damn it, are there always these many goblins?!"

Where are the goblins' positions, and where am I? And where are the other party members? Which carts are they guarding?

2017-04-26, 09:36 AM
12 carts, 10 feet apart, 4 riders per cart. 1 driver and 3 guards.

Three of the mounted guards will join the combat next round.

How long is each cart? I'm thinking that if the gobbos jump onto the carts, Damian could jump from one cart to the other, provided they're at least 20' long to get a running start and make the DC 10, rather than 20.

2017-04-26, 11:44 AM
Watching the cargo being loaded and secured mayo takes the time to introduce herself to her companions - Greetings I am Mayomi Kurosaki you may call me Mayo if you wish, and with that she takes a trip around and notices something amiss.. shouting to the others "Goblins in the trees" and readies her sling stone targeting the nearest goblin

2017-04-26, 11:54 AM
sorry for the double but can't roll in edits

move to within 50ft of nearest goblin
Sling +6 [roll0]
Confirm crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2017-04-26, 12:10 PM
Eldroth attempts to dodge out of the way while searching to see if any are very close.

Spot to see the closest set of goblins

2017-04-26, 12:28 PM
It's not the arrows that hurt so much as the lightning bolt that goes right down the line. You think that one came from the ground somewhere. I think everyone made their rolls so they're only taking half damage from the magic.

Lightning bolt, lesser [roll0]
Arrow hits Matt [roll1]
Arrow hits Lex [roll2]
Arrow hits Lex's driver [roll3]
Arrow hits Damian [roll4]
Arrow hits Damian's driver [roll5]
Arrow hits Elderoth [roll6]
Arrow hits Elderoth [roll7]

Music: https://youtu.be/exlGc8eFXI0

Mayo hits a goblin, 4/6 hp

Everyone who got hit with an arrow needs to make a fortitude save. They're's some sort of sticky black substance on the tips of these arrows.

2017-04-26, 01:12 PM
Damian moves toward whatever goblin's the closest, swinging with his Bastard Sword. "The arrows have poison on them!" he shouts, looking down at the small projectile protuding from his thigh. "Really hope it's poison."

Fort Check:
Attack Roll: [roll1]

can't add the damage roll into the post.
Damage: [roll]1d10+5

2017-04-26, 01:24 PM
Eldroth chrages straight toward the nearest goblin striking with her sword.


Also Arcana to see if I know the source of the lightning

2017-04-26, 01:25 PM
Forgot to roll damage:


2017-04-26, 01:26 PM
Damage: [roll0]

2017-04-26, 01:28 PM
Dang forgot the fortitude:


Maximum Carnage
2017-04-26, 02:28 PM
For when it's my turn...
Entangle on the nearest goblin group.
Also, as I was in the woods at the time, I didn't roll REF for dodging the arrows. Let me know if you want me to.

The caravan had become a place of mass hysteria, as Thorne reached the first wagon, he could see the small black shafts of the arrows jutting from the ground all over. With a snarl on his face, he pointed a finger at the nearest goblin group, and the very earth below their feet seemed to betray them...

2017-04-26, 05:46 PM
Damian, Elderoth, and Thorne are just fine. Damian and Elderoth have arrows stuck in them but have not succumbed to any secondary effects.

Elderoth is able to track down the general source of the magical lightning and heads in that direction. Longsword swinging she encounters nothing more than thin air as yet.

Damian likewise is unable to find an opponent on the ground to fight. But if he wishes to climb a nearby tree he'll have plenty of opponents up there.

Thorne uses entangle to devastating effect in an apple tree, there are screams and curses in goblin and 1/4th of the volley of arrows immediately ceases, they arn't dead, but they're struggling with apple branches and apples are falling vigerously out of that tree.

Top of the Round 2
Damian and Elderoth are going to need to make secondary fortitude rolls DC 15 as will the rest of the party when they catch up to this combat.

Orders yelled in Goblin direct all the archers at Thorne. Thorne post your AC, you just became target practice, dear.
Elderoth knows Goblin and thinks she can get a spell off at one of the trees in time to stop one volley.

[roll0] volley 1
[roll1] -9 (dead goblins) = 9 That's 4 fortitude saves if you can't dodge or find cover.
[roll2] volley 2 (paralyzed)
[roll3] That's 0 fortitude saves if you can't dodge or find cover.
[roll4] volley 3
[roll5] That's 7 fortitude saves if you can't dodge or find cover.

Luckily, 3 mounted fighters have bows on them, and have taken aim at the goblin archers.


There's also four drivers and each one has a hand-crossbow.

A total of 4 goblin archers die before they can shoot Thorne.

2017-04-26, 06:43 PM
Matt dashes up to the nearest goblin and swings his morningstar two-handed, swinging it in a wide arc.

Attack roll:[roll0](Power Attack to take a -1 penalty for +2 damage)

Damage roll:[roll1]

2017-04-26, 07:27 PM
Is there anything to take cover with? A crate to pick up and cover himself with? Or is any of the adjacent carts covered, like an old style wagon? The other thing I'm thinking of is hanging from the side of a cart for cover, wait until the second volley's over and then move back to the top of the carts.

2017-04-26, 07:37 PM
Eldroth continues moving towards the source of the lightning. She uses her wand to blast a cone of paralyzing gass toward one of the trees.


Cone of paralyzing gas:
Fortitude DC 22
Will Paralyze them for [roll0] rounds and will recharge in [roll1]

Also I make another fortitude saving throw right?
Yay I passed

"We mean you no harm but if you press us...." The rest is drowned out by the sound of the wand

2017-04-26, 07:59 PM
Matt you run up to a tree and are able to smash the feet of a goblin in the tree. It howls in pain and collapses. 1 dead goblin. It drops a shortbow and some arrows.

Elderoth uses her wand to paralyze one tree worth of goblins. Which volley? [roll0] She continues her hunt for the goblin magic-user.

Thorne is in a forest of apple trees, there are also carts he could dive under for full cover.

Thorne is lucky to have such good companions and decently high AC, he only gets hit with 4 goblin arrows 9 damage total. (Need 4 Fortitude Saves DC 15).

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-26, 08:00 PM
Sorry for the late post, time got away from me. AC of 16.

Thorne looked on with a satisfied smile, as the earth grabbed hold of the goblins and held them in place struggling.

Satisfaction turned to dismay as the archers pointed their bows at him, with malicious intent. He looked around for any cover to be offered and moved a short distance to dive behind an overturned crate.

2017-04-26, 08:04 PM
Matt picks up the shortbow and arrows, and sheaths his morningstar.

"Okay, payback time."

Picking up items is a standard action, so nothing yet I guess.

2017-04-26, 08:16 PM
Seeing the goblins overhead ready their bows, Damian jumps to the side of one of the carts to try to hide in the underbrush, away from where they seem to be aiming. His aim was slightly off, however, and the arrow embebed on his leg made sticking the landing difficult. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Goddammit!" he cursed as he rolled through the vegetation.

Jump Check to avoid damage from jumping off the cart: [roll0]
Secondary Fort check: [roll1]

2017-04-26, 08:16 PM
Just as soon as Matt tucks his morning star away.
Goblins start jumping from the tree Matt's killed a goblin at, they are fleeing.
Matt gets an attack of opportunity on each goblin with his shortbow. 8 goblins attempt to flee.

Damian feels his eyes growing heavy as he falls into the underbrush. The roar of battle seems distant as a far drifting cloud. Damian has fallen asleep.1d4 days.

2 drivers are now snoozing away as well. A ragged cheer rises from the entangled goblins, they've seen their arrows start to really take their toll.

Elderoth feels like she's close to where the lightning bolt was cast, very close. Give me a tracking or survival roll to look for footprints.

2017-04-26, 08:19 PM
Just as soon as Matt tucks his morning star away.
Goblins start jumping from the tree Matt's killed a goblin at, they are fleeing.
Matt gets an attack of opportunity on each goblin. 8 goblins attempt to flee.

How the heck am I AoOing with a shortbow? I thought that was melee weapon only.

Also, how many goblins?

2017-04-26, 08:31 PM
OOC: I'm giving it to you because we were both posting at the same time, in truth you should've known goblins were fleeing before you put the morning star away. So you get to shoot them with a shortbow instead. 8 fleeing goblins.

2017-04-26, 08:35 PM
1d4 days.

And so begin the adventures of Man in a Coma.

2017-04-26, 08:48 PM
How the heck am I AoOing with a shortbow? I thought that was melee weapon only.

Also, how many goblins?

OOC: I'm giving it to you because we were both posting at the same time, in truth you should've known goblins were fleeing before you put the morning star away. So you get to shoot them with a shortbow instead. 8 fleeing goblins.

I should remind you those were goblins, therefore they're likely using small bows, which means a -4 penalty because of size shenanigans.

2017-04-26, 09:03 PM
Spot [roll0]
Survival [roll1]

2017-04-26, 09:12 PM
"Spot (1d20+17)[20]"

Excuse me, how can you have +17 on a Skill Check at level one? At level 1, the max Ranks you can put into a class skill is 4.

2017-04-26, 09:16 PM
Excuse me, how can you have +17 on a Skill Check at level one? At level 1, the max Ranks you can put into a class skill is 4.

Sorry typo. 7

2017-04-26, 09:35 PM
OOC: I'm giving it to you because we were both posting at the same time, in truth you should've known goblins were fleeing before you put the morning star away. So you get to shoot them with a shortbow instead. 8 fleeing goblins.

Attack rolls:


















Maximum Carnage
2017-04-26, 09:47 PM
Fortitude Saves:


2017-04-26, 11:16 PM
Terry wakes up with a start, the morning light is too bright, “Oh dang, I’m late….. for my first day on the job in my dream.” Terry shakes his head laughing at himself, then heads to the assembly area to see if he still has a job to be late for.

As he approaches he hears a ruckus and people shouting, and odd high pitched screeches he’d never heard the likes of before.

Clearing one end of a stable he sees the general melee before him, “Well, I guess this is what I got hired to take care of.” And putting his head down he runs toward the mess looking for something that needs guarding, or at least something to hit.


2017-04-27, 12:03 AM
Just as soon as Matt tucks his morning star away.
Goblins start jumping from the tree Matt's killed a goblin at, they are fleeing.
Matt gets an attack of opportunity on each goblin with his shortbow. 8 goblins attempt to flee.
2 goblins die, 3 goblins escape, 3 goblins asleep.

Damian feels his eyes growing heavy as he falls into the underbrush. The roar of battle seems distant as a far drifting cloud. Damian has fallen asleep.[roll0] days.
Thorne feels his eyes grow heavy and he falls asleep. [roll1] days.

2 drivers are now snoozing away as well. A ragged cheer rises from the entangled goblins, they've seen their arrows start to really take their toll.

Mounted archery picks off more goblins.
[roll2], [roll3], [roll4]
[roll5], [roll6], [roll7]

The last 2 drivers are hand-cranking their hand-crossbows... will they fall asleep? [roll8], [roll9].

Elderoth follows goblin tracks into the woods, the footprints are muddy and easy to follow.

Sasha Strongheart and Lex owe 2 rounds of back posts and actions.

Mayomi Kurosaki owes 1 round.

Terry finds pale-yellow goblins about the size of children in pitched battle with his new friends. Elderoth is no where to be seen. Thorne is in front of him stuck with four arrows and not moving, but breathing is apparent. The carts, drivers, ground is stuck with little arrows. Matt is wielding a too small bow, and shooting at the woods. There are apple trees filled with goblins, some of them are cheering but apparently unable to otherwise move or take actions. One tree is silent and they arn't moving, and another tree is shooting arrows in random directions at the mounted cavalry, and two remaining drivers who hold crossbows.

The front of the caravan has moved out of sight.

oh my bad, Lex was waiting on me. :)

Lex finds a rock to throw, he has a chance to throw it before he succumbs to arrow of sleep.

2017-04-27, 12:54 AM
As Lex failed to find anything useful to throw, he felt a strong electrical current rush through his body. To make matters worse, an arrow then struck his leg. He began to swear in response to the pain, before succumbing to the arrow of sleep and falling unconscious.

Fortitude: [roll0]

2017-04-27, 12:57 AM
Secondary Fortitude: [roll0]

2017-04-27, 12:29 PM
“My god, what is this?” polyhedral images of digital goblins come flooding into his mind. He shakes his head stunned for a split second, but then oddly his body moves forward in a familiar, and somehow comforting, flow of movement.

He’s not well versed in combat tactics of course, other than what he’s seen in movies, which may be more or less applicable here and the only frame of reference he’s got. So go to the fallen to see what their condition is, which he is not really trained to evaluate, or attack the things in the trees.

Attack is something he’s qualified to do, so he runs to the closest tree shouting “Medic” as he passes Thorne. He takes the measure of the closest enemy he can reach and aims a strike backed by all the anger, frustration and fear, pent up inside him since his awakening in this strange world.

Move action: Run to closest tree, if possible in one action then as below, otherwise second action will be another move action until he gets to the tree.

Standard action: Stunning fist [roll0] DC 14

I forgot to add the damage roll with my action so made it in the OOC, sorry, I'll do better next time. :)

2017-04-27, 02:19 PM
owed action:
target nearest goblin
Sling +6 [roll0]
Confirm crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Other actions return to the leed wagon of the caravan wake the sleepy driver then sit next to that one for the trip keeping an ever watchfull eye out for nasties like goblins

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-27, 03:19 PM
Thorne's face met the cold grass still covered with dew. His body came crashing down behind him to lay still among the sounds of the pitched battle.

Darkness, receding images, and finally nothing, as Thorne slipped into the maw of sleep.

2017-04-27, 05:30 PM
Uh... guess it's my turn?

"Oh no...".... moaned Matt as he looked around - at least two people had already fallen. Gritting his teeth, he shot an arrow at the nearest goblin.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage roll: [roll1]

2017-04-28, 01:08 AM
Terry, Matt, and Mayomi each tag out a goblin.

Mayomi walks up to the head of the caravan, the driver is stuck with an arrow. Her first attempt to wake the driver yields a confused mumble and he quickly returns to sleep. The caravan has split in two at this point.

The other half of the mounted cavalry show up from the front of the caravan. They join the current three attackers. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6]
[roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] [roll12] [roll13]

Driver's work on goblins
[roll14] [roll15]
[roll16] [roll17]
Fortitude Saves
[roll18] [roll19]

NPC's kill 3 goblins combined, Goblins at the moment are no longer a threat. There are 7 paralyzed goblins in one tree, and 8 entangled goblins in another tree.
Down to one driver staying awake.
Time: 2:05 AM

2017-04-28, 01:21 AM
Eldroth will continue tracking until losing the trail or something else presents itself

2017-04-28, 07:12 AM
Upon hearing that the goblins have retreated, Lex inspects his leg to assess the damage. "Agh, pulling this out will be fun." He says with a sarcastic tone, then withdraws his Clipray to test whether it survived the electricity that surged through him a few moments earlier. The Earthling brings the flashlight to his eye, cups it with his hand to block the sunlight, and pushes the button to see if it still works.
I think you're already asleep...

Lex finds a rock to throw, he has a chance to throw it before he succumbs to arrow of sleep.

2017-04-28, 07:34 AM
I think you're already asleep...

My mistake, I totally missed that. I deleted my post. Thanks for pointing that out. :smallsmile:

2017-04-28, 05:07 PM
on seeing the driver with an arrow still in him, mayo will attempt to remove it and then render aid to stop any bleeding that occurs as a result of removing the arrow
Heal +2 [roll0]

Maximum Carnage
2017-04-30, 09:04 PM
Hey guys, I'm bowing out of the game, it seems to be crawling after the first few nights, and I'm looking for something a little more frequent. Thanks for the opportunity. See you around the playground!


2017-04-30, 09:58 PM
Hey guys, I'm bowing out of the game, it seems to be crawling after the first few nights, and I'm looking for something a little more frequent. Thanks for the opportunity. See you around the playground!


Me too, sorry. I don't think it fits me.

2017-04-30, 11:39 PM
Mayo aggressively rips the arrow right out of the driver, he screams awake and cusses Mayo out.
OOC: That's one way to wake 'em up. Failed heal checks. LOL. The driverr is now up to 6 hit points of damage.

One of the riders says to Mayo, We have a healer up ahead at camp.

Elderoth, the trail of footsteps you were following comes to a muddy clearing where they apparently end. Your ears pick up the faint sounds of goblin chanting. In the center of the clearing semi-transparent wings light up around the center for a moment. Your both aware of each other. It's your turn to act.

The companions are going to need search checks to find Damian I believe it is in the underbrush.

Sasha shows up with the riders.

2 goblins struggle and slip free of the entanglement, with hoots they speed off into the forest.

2017-05-01, 08:45 AM
Still lurking, just that with Damian deeply asleep I can't do much that isn't kinda metagamey.

2017-05-01, 10:49 AM
@All perhaps we should make haste for the camp ahead and get those that are wounded healed up.

2017-05-01, 05:51 PM
Listens to the sound of brewing coffee at this odd hour in order to shake off the days rides. Being just considered a healer, what's with this caravan? Do other healers not like this job? I've got find a spell pouch, pay off my traveling kit, hopefully not pay for refills... The thought process boiled on black. Still outside to remain calm and To internalize this grumbling attention turned to the sounds of day labor, gossips, slowly the process of elimination of trying to pick out certain people by the soundscape lead to silently listening to the forest.
[roll0] <- for rustling of wind, with hints of rain or cold.
[roll1] <- for hearing birds
[roll2] <- hooves or wagons on road
With that the coffee should be ready
[roll3] <- spot anyone looking to wake up with a fresh pot of Joe.

2017-05-01, 07:40 PM
The riders pick up those they can find, some of them moving to replace the drivers.
It's slow going but the caravan is once again on the move. It isn't more than a few minutes before the caravan breaks through the apple grove into a meadowland, and turns off the road to the immediate left to join the circle of caravans already parked.
Matt is uninjured, possibly the only one besides Elderoth who is doing OK.
Eldroth owes me actions.
Thorne has 4 arrows stuck in him.

Search [roll0] Damian is found.
Search [roll1]
Search [roll2] Lex is found.

Congratulations! You've survived the encounter and made it to safety, everyone who fought goblins take 300 combat exp. :smallsmile:
Sasha and JonMarker have a long blood-soaked afternoon ahead of them. Please make heal rolls on the party.

Heal rolls need to be made to remove arrows. Spells only heal wounds.

2017-05-01, 08:33 PM
Eldroth yells "what do you want?" And prepared for battle.

Sword attack unless my wand is recharged in which case I'll use that.


Or DC 20
[roll2] cold damage
Recharge in [roll3]

2017-05-01, 08:51 PM
If the goblin sorcerrer was going to answer he never got a chance because Eldroth's blade cuts him down.
Eldroth finds 2 copper coins and an aging oak chest that's locked, aside from the usual sorcerer robes, a large round crystal is topped on a mage-sculpted staff, and a tiny piece of star-metal. Touching the staff, Eldroth feels a shiver go up her spine, and she'd swear she heard the shadows whispering for a moment.

2017-05-01, 08:57 PM
Okay then.... Oops.

I take the star metal, coins, and staff and attempt to hide them on my person. I then examine the chest. If it is in rough shape, Eldroth tries to slice the top off.


2017-05-01, 10:04 PM
It appears to be in surprisingly excellent shape, Eldroth finds a Maker's Mark. GE INC. Goblins At Work. As Eldroth messes around with the lid, she feels something shift inside the box, this is likely not a good thing.

OOC: Box is now DC 16 for a trained locksmith, but you could always try to open it yourself!

2017-05-01, 10:17 PM
1= right eye
2 = left eye
3 = head
4 = right arm
5 = left arm
7 = right leg
8 = left leg
9 = chest
10 = abdomen

OOC: Just some DM prep work. :)

1 = fire
2 = acid
3 = bomb
4 = sword
5 = stinking cloud
6 = poison
7 = smoke
8 = cold
9 = paralysis
10 = cloud kill
11 = lightning bolt
12 = curse
13 = lost mind
14 = summon undead
15 = shadows
16 = polymorph

2017-05-01, 10:34 PM
Eldroth takes the chest and returns to the caravan to check to see if people are alright.

2017-05-01, 11:20 PM
OOC: Evil DM laughter. Not up for a game of chicken chance? :D

Eldroth finds tracks on the road, it seems the caravan has gone on without her. It's only several minutes of hiking down the road does she see where they turned off of it, leaving the golden apple trees behind

Eldroth is stopped by the caravan guards, but one of them recognizes her and waves her inside the circle.

Sasha and an alchemist are carefully attending the wounded, half the party is down and asleep.

Does Eldroth want to try her hand at arrow removal? Eldroth has two arrows stuck in herself, but with her superior moon elf fortitude she has overcome the sleeping urges. You are at a -4 when you try to remove arrows from yourself, but you keep your wisdom bonus when you remove from other people, no negatives.

I also need a decision from you on the other thing from PM's.

2017-05-02, 07:44 AM
Ooc: my bad! First 3 arrow removal
[roll0] first person healing getting to us
[roll1] second
[roll2] third

"Those that don't need a lot of healing follow me to my gear and bring the serious hurt straight to me!"
Gathering my cooking.
- 1 potion of healing (CLW 1d8)
- 1 extract of healing (CLW 1d8)
Ooc: I'll let those drinking roll the 8
Making my way to the alchemist kit I test the mutagen viability.
[roll3] craft alchemy cutting mutagen to potions
Throwing the first potion on the ground with a grin.
First potion: Goodberry [roll4]
"This is the Druid spell Goodberry, eat up."
Second potion: CLW [roll5] craft
Third potion: CLW [roll6] craft


2017-05-02, 09:15 AM
Thorne is the first victim brought to Jon Marker. He has four arrows stuck in him. Jon just rips the first arrow right out. You rolled a 1. :D Dealing maximum damage 6 hit points to Thorne. Thorne has four sleeping arrows stuck in him so he barely flinches. The second arrow is worked out a bit more delicately, and the third arrow is removed with the delicate precision of a surgeon. You can declare that you are taking your time on these and you won't suffer the regular penalties of doing them in 6 seconds.

Thorne dreams that he's in a fight with a boar and that it's busy gouging him repeatedly.

Jon, you notice that their is a black sticky substance on the tips of these arrows, and that most of your patients are unconcious and out cold, they are carried and laid down in a row before you. You have 9 people to tend. 10 if you include Eldroth who is the only one standing before you with 2 arrows lodged in her.

2017-05-02, 02:31 PM
"This is the problem that I face right now...if I don't hurry through the arrows, I won't get to make some potions, even if I have enough material and time to spread around, that doesn't mean I'm going get a chance to actually do something before whatever hornets stung you all with sleeping tar...get to us. Seeing how you are standing, I'll take it you're the group's leadership. I'll leave the hard choices to you."

Ooc: for now taking 10 on arrow removal, until response.

2017-05-02, 10:30 PM
Meanwhile, in Damian's dreamland:

2017-05-03, 01:33 AM
Okay, you start removing arrows at a steady 16 heal check.

I'm going to let those who are awake and active decide who gets the limited healing of the potions. So that's Eldroth.

After a few hours of healing the wounded, those goblin drums start up again, but they seem off-tempo, or maybe it's just a different kind of melody. The goblin drums shift tempo several different times, and then settle down in the usual familiar drum beat.

Back to goblin business as usual.

The caravan guards are on edge and eager to get away from the forest. A few of the drivers have collected some golden and ruby apples from the trees and offer them to Jon Marker.

A few guards have set about removing the goblin arrows from the seat cushions and baggage of the four wagons that were directly attacked. 22 arrows are recovered and offered to Eldroth who seems to have been nominated Tough Badass Party Leader, if these are combined with those recovered by Jon Marker and Matt the total comes to 69 small goblin arrows. It might be handy for someone decent at archery - or for alchemistry. The goblin arrows are half size, and can't be drawn to full length with a regular short bow. They are compatible with Matt's Goblin Short Bow, which only has a quarter the distance of a regular short bow. Each little arrow does 1d3 damage upon striking it's target.

All four drivers will need healing substances for their injuries so they can drive.

2017-05-03, 06:02 AM
Should I assume that Lex has been awoken by the removal of the arrow from their leg, and that they've lost another hit point from the procedure?
Ditto. Otherwise, I'll keep lurking.

2017-05-03, 10:03 AM
Sending guardsmen to gather:
Clovers, mushrooms, berries, small animals, my equipment, some still warm coals from the fire, a couple of flat rocks and about ten of the arrows.
Using the apples, reagents, natural ingredients, and even some of sweat I pour and pump out potions at a rate of 1/ 7 hours.

Not breaking concentration on my mixing, after the arrows are removed from everyone.

Once the arrows arrive, they are tied, placed over the metal bowel, which in turn placed a top the coals, on the the flat rocks.
"Once the goo coating melts I can get to analyze it, if we don't burn it, please get my attention then, maybe we could use the goop. Unless you got a faster method? Sorry for the rude treatment, I'm Jon, this is what I do for a living. Though not with this many on the line and usually without a strange beat to it."

Craft potions: (Ooc:DC 15 if failed by 5 item reusable, any further and it's a waste. 1potion / 7 hrs also if interrupted plz tell!)

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3],[roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7], [roll8], [roll9]

"Dang it all! I've got one last ace up my sleeve, but then I'll feel defenseless. Hope you've got my back."
Using 6 of my bombs, reagents, and solvents the breaking down of chemicals from the bombs will let me have enough ingredients for at least 2 more tries.
"Let's slow the pace, my nerves are showing."

2017-05-04, 09:05 AM
Grab yourselves your prize, while it's still available. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?522951-(3-5e)-The-Silver-Caravan/page2&p=21975156#post21975156)

2017-05-06, 01:53 AM
Jon Marker was taking a 16 on those heal checks so he gently removed them without waking you. You naturally waken after about an hour for the sleeping potion on the arrows wears off naturally.

The drivers split the good berries among them and eat up, returning to their posts. Some of the party members are there but seem scarred from the recent battle and have withdrawn from being talkative. (Inactive players)

Please talk among yourselves for future plans, battle strategies, and so on. Next posting is Monday at 2 am, sorry for the lateness of this one, wasn't feeling well yesterday.

2017-05-06, 09:25 AM
Ooc: 18 if the equipment I've listed is approved, plus my alchemist checks will also move +2 after the approval.:smallbiggrin:

"Science is a sticky subject, mix at all the right stuff and you get apple pie, mix something off and then you hope to have enough scraps to make fritters. That is basically alchemy."

2017-05-06, 10:20 AM
"Ungh... damned goblins." Damian groaned as he rolled onto his side, opening his eyes to see that he no longer was in the middle of the bushes. A spark of worry shook the drowsiness off of him, doing a quick check that none of his belongings had been stolen, letting out a relieved sigh. 'Well, that's a relief,' he thought to himself before taking a look around, noticing the large number of people that were being treated to their wounds. "So... is this kind of thing like, common to these parts? I mean goblins smart enough to set up such a large ambushing force." he asked to no one in particular while he grabbed an apple, giving it a quick cleaning before taking a bite.

2017-05-06, 05:01 PM
Speaking to those awoken:
"I may not be a surgeon or healer, more like a make-of-all trades! so things may have been further hurt...currently there are a f-e-w concoctions that will have you all up and running down those goblins. However pain and stories always goes better with coffee. Do you three want to be my Guinea--guest in my care? Still an organized attack usually means a ringleader type. Did you see or hear anything before the attack?"
Breaths and continues
"I've got some sample arrows and it would help me identify what to use if you could tell me about what happened when you were hit with them. Lucid dreams, sensations, were you think you hit yourselves...if you landed hard, where you think the arrows landed versus were they were. Details add to the apple pie, like cinnamon."

Instead of turning my attention fully to my guests, I check my arrows and brewing potions. Only showing my ear to them to let them all know I'm still willing to listen.

2017-05-06, 08:38 PM
"Oh! Dreams?" Damian asked, hiding his face behind the apple he was eating. "I uh, hardly remember any details." he lied, badly, busying himself with eating the apple. "I heard the warning about goblins before the first volley of arrows hit. I was on top of one of the carts when one got me in the leg. I tried to get off the cart to get all up on those goblins' business, but after I landed, I blacked out." he explained, this time truthfully. "I'm just glad it wasn't goblin refuse mixed into a paste." he told the healer, grabbing his waterskin and taking a hearty swig.

Roll for Bluff: [roll0]

2017-05-08, 01:18 AM
OOC: Jon Marker rolled his stats correctly. I'll check your equipment after this post. At 18, your surgeries are giving back 1 hit point. It's up to you if you want to roll sense motive, roleplay it out.

Alex, your equipment to your relief is not broken, all of it says, Made in the U.S.A. One of them says Radio Shack on it, at your discretion.

A driver responds to Damian's question, "The goblin tribes are assembling for their national talks, that's what those drums are about, and it's why we hired extra security, the different lower tribes are banding together trying to prove themselves. Only the most successful goblin clans have the greatest voice and decision making power on their council. Likely their trying to overturn a vote. At the Capitol City we have goblin representatives, if you want to talk to one." He shrugs, "Their cunning little devils, your more likely to lose your shirt talking to them, nobody died so The Caravaners League doesn't have any petitioning strength against them. We are more lucky that none of them care about a few low status goblins dying."

2017-05-08, 08:38 AM
Waits for driver to finish up his chat.
[roll0] (bluff back) faking disbelief in what his patients are saying and redoubling efforts in the potions brewing front. Feeling and showing a little off put by stiffly shrugging my shoulders. Since there is a small lull in the conversation, I finally get a moment to pour myself a mug off coffee, letting the temperature and aroma sharpen my senses. A few moments pass before a long desired decisive long sip tacks on a small, but friendly smile.
To the driver after considering the coffee's taste and in a steady voice: "Would you happen to have a cup for coffee? There are others with us that know how to brew potions and can help me in this caravan, right? We wouldn't make way with just one healer?"
Ooc: how many more potions do I need / can make as we start traveling? Will roll rest when told.

2017-05-08, 03:56 PM
5 final alchemist checks:

:smallsmile: see reason.

2017-05-15, 07:05 AM
"Why not wait for the negotiations to pass and let them scatter before making the trip?" Damian asked the driver, finishing his apple and putting his waterskin back into his bag before following up with a second question. "I mean, sure, delayed cargo isn't ideal, but it's better than losing it to some goblin wannabe bandits. The roads would be safer after this family reunion of theirs is through, would they not?" he finished. 'Unless of course, the cargo's too urgent to be delayed.' he thought to himself.

2017-05-27, 12:24 PM
The caravan master chuckles, No we don't have critical supplies or medical potions on us, just a regular food delivery, but some of it's perishable. Don't want to deliver rotten fruit and spoiled milk to the city we have a delivery contract with wouldn't be good for business. Now if your security team is ready, I'd like to pack up and get moving while their's still light in the sky.

2017-05-27, 09:10 PM
Chokehold, pantry, shanty? This caravan driver has been driven. The thought pattern adorned my face, like true sour green apple.
Finally it felt like it was time to check the results of melting the arrows' goo off. Glee entered my heart as a better distraction took over my train of thoughts.
(Ooc: can you roll me up an amount of goo, I need better than 1/8" amount to be able to call it a potion. Then I give you a alchemist check to know what it is.)

2017-05-29, 07:36 AM
"Let's get going then." Damian said as he stood up, grabbing his bag and heading towards the carts. "Last thing we need is give the goblins more prep time for a better ambush."

2017-06-07, 05:01 PM
I am sorry, but due to receiving a very personal card from an old friend. I've decided not to run games any more and pursue a different path in life. Have fun, and game well.

2017-06-19, 10:20 AM
Everyone was a bit scuffed up, there was no choice but to send a runner and call in for a few heals. By the time the healers joined with the original caravan, it was a little past half day and the goblins' drums were not within earshot or quick patrol distance.
Each wagon driver eyed the paths in front and back toward the town suspiciously. The alchemist eyed his now emptied wallet, two different colored sticks, and where the head driver was walking towards; while like a cow; he slowly to approached.

The head driver approached the middle of the camp and gave the hand signal to gather on him, but even sitting on the outskirts of the camp could hear his voice rage on about how they will have to head out tonight and no one will leave 50' of the main caravan wagons, unless attached to the lighting wagon. It is then their job to get the drivers to the main caravan safety and fend off the attacks.

The easiest part of heading out was sending the lighter wagons in front to light the way ahead and then having everyone catch up, this was about the norm until about the 3rd wagon was about nothing, but 2 dim burning lights in the night.

Apparently a large bump in the road made one of the 2 drivers fall off, torch in hand, landing fire first into a solution that extinguished the flames.

Just as predicted: A perfect time for a hit and run arrow attack, a small volley at a high arch launch, whistle, and scatter into the complete caravan not caring about hitting anything or anyone else. Still a sickeningly sweet seems to settle over the caravan quickly and whatever the arrows stuck on. Oddly no war drums this time.

(Ooc: in this shot anyone with range can make 5 attempts to attack the "whistle bowers" goblins, those without can chase up to 50' and attack 1 or 25' and 2)

Once attempts are made to scare/fend/attack off the goblin threat. Hard tak rations are handed out, the majority of the caravan decided to plow through.


Uneventful, boring, near useless time (unless helping the alchemist turn and burn potions and even that seems tedious at best). The almost even gentleness of the party's wagon's sway would be enough to put the hardest of midnight party-er to a rock-a-byes sound in a cradle sleep. This is how most of day two was spent.

At midnight an alarm is sounded. The drums! The drums! The Drums are back! It is so faint and far off (Dc:15 listen) to hear you are left to wonder if the attacking party went for another easier target, but no steel clashes, no oddball arrow sounds, and no stomping around. However something seems amidst.

(Appraisal/perception/insight Dc: 17)

Sometime around 3am the third day: everyone slows to a halt. Shifts are assigned for guard duty, you all are coming upon a smaller clearing, almost just like the one left behind. 3 different features mark this has a new location.
1) Felled rotting logs in a ring with ancient runes running along them, but no magic or anything can be felt from them
2) A His/her privy shanty (not well taken care of.)
3) Possibly a small vegetables garden, overgrown and trodden on by small wood and wetlands' feet. Complete with small stream running to it.

In the distance you can catch a small aromatic wafting of swap flowers. Much closer to your own assigned wagon you can smell the smell of those that worked all night, coffee, brewing and brewed potions (health and 1 antidote potion). All but 1 current brewing potion is marked with a number, the last is marked with an X. Times are given out as to when the mixture is to be moved off the freshly lit campfire.
However there is a problem within the main campfire area...
No one can use regular fire lighting techniques to get a fire going, birch, excellently dried tinder, regular tinderboxes, and the like aren't starting any fires.

2017-06-19, 10:51 AM
Chasing off a couple gobbos:
Gobbo 1:
Bastard Sword:

Short Sword:

Gobbo 2:
Bastard Sword:

Short Sword:

After chasing off the goblins, Damian went back to the wagon where his pack was located, trying to get some rest.

Second day:

Rolling Listen to try to hear anything regarding THE DRUMS:

Third day:

"Anyone got a light?" Damian asked as he unsheathed his swords, the grim atmosphere putting him on edge.

Rolling Spot to try to spot movement surrounding the wagons:

2017-06-23, 08:56 AM
The gobbos have have the same bows as before (between the 2 you could make a better functional bow), 3 of those sleep arrows, 3 arrows with strange heads, 2 empty greasy purse sacks, and 4 discoloration of hands and feet. Your team easily drags them back.

The drums are "close-ish" however when some are crescendoing a loud crack of a whip can be heard mixed in causing the drums to do a diminuendo. They are either chasing other prey and problems or schemes are happening.

(End summary)

You near the fire pit and kneel, gently a breeze washes over you. A calming, up lifting feeling, almost a hug starts across your back. The breeze guided your head. There is something made out of the local rock had gotten smashed to bits and charred.

Your friends start cooking the potions on smaller cooking fires, disturbing the breakfast cooking for others.

With no time to think, wetland creatures get louder, birds quickly fly past. While you are looking around for movement, you see the guardsmen looking over the wetland area completely fall over. No drums, no whistles, no arrows, no gobbos or other goblins. Just small rustling in the high wet grass. All you can wish for is that was about exhaustion and twitching.

2017-06-25, 08:48 PM
What's the other people in the camp doing. I'm talking about the other caravan guards that didn't drop, or the caravan master and laborers, cooks, etc and the Alchemist.

Damian steels himself in the direction where the two guards have seemingly dropped dead, readying his weapons to fight whatever attacker might step out of the darkness.

Rolling Initiative:

2017-06-30, 10:04 AM
Your attention doesn't go unnoticed. Your main group of friends are at your 6.

Passing the 2 downed guardsmen, you can easily see the fact that not only are they fatigued, but their clothing is ripped up. Close to a new "round-ish" tear is a wet trail.
In the wet path in front You can see 2 tiny brightly colored animals leaving a slightly damp and slimy trail. Near the direction of the trail are 4 small scraps of torn and scorched parchments. On the wind a familiar sickly sweet smell trickles into your nostrils.
A loud slap followed by some splashing, then the sound of a oar pushing something in water and finally a crunch come echoing out of the wetlands. Your eyes try to penetrate the source/surrounding area, but you feel eyes glare their own violations back at you.
Behind you, the alchemist pops out of the wagon with a quizzical look. Holding his coffee cup like a begging dog.

(Treating the guards?)

A little later in the day, when the tide shifted and from the same area the guards fell a chewed up corpse that isn't a goblin..."maybe?" has been washed ashore. On it a bloodstained stinky pouch is leaking small insects. Oddly it is not the insects that stink.

You feel as if you are foggy and very sleepy, and forgetting a lot of things, many of your caravan area trying to sleep.
What fruit/veg market stuff could survive such slow transfer? Other thoughts bog your mind, but a little voice wisps in your ear... The wheels and pits...

2017-07-14, 11:22 AM
All are suffering from fatigue, to lighten up the mood one of the older caravaners gathered up those not on duty. Away from the downed guards. (Each of which had gotten a 1/2 dose of the antidote that was pre-mixed) Each of them have a decent chance to make it through.

"Gather round, this use to be hollowed ground, a strange sacredness that spread to all... A simple rock up jutting which when a symbol of great power was pressed to it... An amazing blessing was bestowed upon the person pressing the the symbol. However during the bestow, some were kicked out of the large circle; some were eaten like the kobold that washed up; others had a peace set upon themselves. Now this place is going to the goblins and other riff raff. Tariffs would have to be raised to triple the amount, in a way that would cut up the caravan route... We would have to go through the cliffs near Orc and giant dens."

A loud pop noise, followed by a gush of fire, then a scream. An inhumanly colored arm flies pretty close to the food wagons, time to save the cargo is crucial.

2017-07-17, 12:10 PM
Damian moves towards the exposed arm, trying to catch a glimpse of their mysterious attacker.


2017-07-21, 06:30 PM
The arm is about the same length as the other chewed kobold's. The arm is "well done" (1st to 2nd degree burns and char), containing only hints of the juiciness being wrapped in what must have been padded leather. Given how good and long the flying body part is STAYING :smallmad::smallmad: on fire.

The un-attached attention attended attempting attacks seems to a heap of small fires pouring out of a larger fireball, reflecting upon your alchemy's brand glass shards and a bent metal symbol, it is too badly damaged to figure out what it was originally. The balls are also dancing, like the old "stop, drop, roll tv commercials, but finding out its too much.

More pops, more screams...(if you want to roll 3d6;insert number here up to 9) more places catching on fire, MORE flakes of tiny fires chasing a bigger ball with glass shards stuck to their "bodies" with melted metal mettle.

Then straight to your noses, the stench of burning metal and a small puff of pre-laid sorcery.
All the balls start slowly wandering to the central fire pit.

This is truly a WTF moment.

2017-07-21, 07:14 PM
What's the other people in the camp doing. I'm talking about the other caravan guards that didn't drop, or the caravan master and laborers, cooks, etc and the Alchemist.

Damian steels himself in the direction where the two guards have seemingly dropped dead, readying his weapons to fight whatever attacker might step out of the darkness.

Rolling Initiative:

Didn't see the first part, sorry.
Most are cooking, trying to get a better nap in (those not on watch). Those on guard, were set up in a rose compass, 2 deep, 1 spare (within 25+ feet of the vanguard) acting as relief. In a very wide circle area, where some of the "day laborers" slowly mill around.
The drivers that weren't so weary, were gathered to listen to the eldest caravan's story, to stop everyone from worrying.
And even though it would displease the "modern" team with you, there's a que at the lurched leu. Some are trying to wash the stinks off the wagons. The alchemist begged for coffee and not seeing any, tried to get some more sleep, he got worked raggedy and now it is going up in blazes of fire. (He'll be out probably by the first few fireballs get to the central fire pit)

And a lot are talking about "strange" croaking sounds made by brightly colored frogs and the horrible smells that have been following around everything, since the last volley of arrows "laughed and stunk" directly to the caravans' themselves.

To nerf the confusion on your team, I've had them act like your personal parry dog entourage (you go, they go).

I know a lot of it doesn't clear the confusion over what is going on, but I think you'll LOVE this villainous action!

2017-07-21, 08:07 PM
Just read the OOC thread.

"****! Everyone, put the caravaneers to safety. Those who can, try to put out the fires. Everyone with a bow fire at the carriage! We might hit one of the bastards." he said, sheathing his weapons and drawing his bow as he took a step back in one fluid motion, watching the group spread out.

Rolling spot to try and see an available target:
[roll0]-1 from fatigue.

2017-07-28, 02:57 PM
The alchemist (now woke) is running ASAP to one of the closet un-blown up health potions (3). The caravans that are not on fire are circling closer together to make a final fall back point. The day laborers are either swatting out the cooking fires, lining up from the swampy area to form a bucket brigade for those caravans caught in the blasting and shuffling(5). Your team puts out the closest fire in front of them, by kicking dirt on top, then readies for battle. Those that finished moving the safe wagons are brandishing makeshift clobbering weapons and stuff to throw.

{your check} You Damian think or feel really moved to believe that the shining fire disco tore gore entourage is a handful of freshly dead kid sized humanoid beings (you see a good sized shadow).

A random "stinky pouch" falls from the safety of a pocket in the highly flammable padded armor.

Someone screams: "I can bashed right in half and both are moving, this Is still both moving!"
Another screamer: "THEY'RE All MOVING TO THE CENTER!"

2 of the flaming wagons' wheels fall off from 2 different wagons in a manner that doesn't seem related to fire. (This is happening JUST in your pherpial [sp, sry] vision).

Terry, Matt, and Mayomi Managed to pin one of the disco balls to the ground using up a lot of arrows, still with the amount of damages generated on it, the ball still limitedly limps around.

2017-08-04, 08:20 AM
Alchemist gets 1 potion back from the closest fire.
Then it looks like he got kicked HARD to the ground.

The caravaners take down 2 more "flamers" pinning those to the already burning wagons

Guards from the front away from the water (towards the way you want to go): start hacking into 2 padded armor kid sized attackers, while the rear guard draws his range weapon (haven't decided what it is)

(4 + the croaking more eniemies to go out of 7 & 1/2 + the 1/2 the screaming guy got)

Your crew notice that the guards from the lake boundaries area are retreating from arrows, sweet smelling whistling arrows and brightly colored small croaking objects. All of this is happening in the area of the last fire and health potion. All heading towards your healer.

One of the more gutsy caravaners is dashing to the central fire pit with a scythe and a banded shield. Drawing in some aggression towards him.

[i know it's late for a initiative rolls, but now is the time to set you all up. I'll have your associates go after your roll to save time, screamers, then guards, next gutsy, finally weaponized caravaners; and I think the surprise round should start wrapping up]

2017-08-10, 04:06 PM
The gusty caravaner is getting slowly surrounded by flames, there is a chance he may suffer smoke inhalation with lasting reprocutions (sp, nice job autocorrectness).
2 ladies and 2 guys at the lurched lue are caught with their pants down. The bright croaking crowd can move!

Hey, looking for your guys input here! The fog of war is lifting and now is the time to shine!

2017-08-17, 02:08 PM
Guess this is the end. Does anyone know how to get rid of the posts?