View Full Version : Let's play Lords of magic!

2017-04-23, 09:34 PM
So Lords of magic is a sort of combination turn based, real time strategy game. Everyone takes turns in the overworld, but when they get into combat, it's real time with a pause feature. (Otherwise I wouldn't be doing this with print screen and paste to paint. :smalltongue: )

Oh also, there's elves, and dwarves, and magic. And dragons.

This game is really old. But it's on steam, and although it's super hard, it's really fun. So I'll Let's play it for you.

But first.

Who will I be?

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lords%20of%20magic%201_zpsve2dabgh.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lords%20of%20magic%201_zpsve2dabgh.png.html)

Like a blast from the past.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lords%20of%20magic%202_zpsmpnr61yj.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lords%20of%20magic%202_zpsmpnr61yj.png.html)

Now we can choose who we start as. As a lord, we are the most powerful unit (or one of the) most powerful units in the faction. We can go to a higher level, and we are even better then equivalent level "champions" of the same type.

We have three options. Warrior, Mage, and Thief.

Warrior is the standard, we have decent offense, decent defense. Take a sword, and murder people. However all warriors have a once a day Rally ability. This ability gives a slight attack buff, and maybe a slight defense buff to all your units in that battle.

Mage is the standard, we have crap for offense and defense, but we get magic. We start out weaker then the warrior, but become stronger later in the game. (When this happens depends on what faith we choose. That'll be down below.)

Thief is a bit different. We have ranged attacks, and offense and defense in the middle of warriors and mages. However, they have sneaky abilities. They can go invisible (although units have a chance to detect them) they can attempt to spy on other parties, they can attempt to steal from other parties, and in battle they can attempt to capture a champion. Where if you win the battle you'll keep the enemy as a prisoner. Where you can either try ransoming them for money, you can try interrogating them or torturing them for info (both have a chance of killing the unit.), and you can execute them. Prisoners have a chance of escaping you can knock them out to prevent this, but if you knock them out enough times prisoners auto die.

In my experience thieves make for the worst lords because if you actually use their stealth abilities, they are probably on their own and thus vulnerable to getting ganged up upon. If your lord dies, you lose. With two exceptions, one of which is slaying the final boss is the same battle.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lords%20of%20magic%203_zpsbc2d5ttr.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lords%20of%20magic%203_zpsbc2d5ttr.png.html)

And we have the eight faiths.

There's the Life faith. The faith of the elves. With the best ranged attacks in the game, and good mages however their melee is lacking.
There's the Earth faith. The faith of the dwarves and gnomes. Heavy infantry and Cavalry are their specialty. They have no fliers, and they are slow.
There's the chaos faith. Think Barbarians. Done.
There's the water faith. The faith of the amazons. Good cavalry, best navy. No real other strengths
There's the death faith. The faith of Balkoth. If we pick this faith, you don't get to pick if we go warrior, mage, or thief. We will be going mage for Balkoth. We will also have a different end game then other faiths.
There's the air faith. They can fly! They have the most flying units, and a bunch of lightening spells. Their basic infantry flies as well.
There's the order faith. We're knights. We have some Merlins, we have crossbowmen, we have rangers as our thieves.
Then their's fire. Think Barbarians. Now with fire. Done.

So. Which faith should I pick, and what should our lord be?

2017-04-24, 12:57 AM
What a blast from the past... be a Thief who likes birds~ By which I mean Air. Stay out of your enemies' range until the end of time. Bring all the arrows! :smallamused:
(I played this decades ago. Never understood what I was doing. Lesse if this changes now.)

2017-04-24, 01:04 AM
I remember being captivated by screenshots of this game in my magazines as a child. I never got to play it, so this is probably the next best thing.

Because I'm curious about the magic system, I'd vote Mage, but I'll second the vote for Air.

2017-04-24, 01:14 AM
Mark one for Mage and Chaos.

2017-04-24, 02:24 AM
I remember this game! I don't think I was very good at it, I don't remember ever getting near a final boss.
Most of the time I think I started with life, warrior. Which seemed to be an easy start. Not my suggestion though, why make something easy. :smalltongue:

Hmm maybe thief, chaos.

Also I think you will see the magic system anyways. You pick up additional heroes pretty quickly.

2017-04-24, 06:53 AM
oh man, this is a nostlagia trip!
I've spent so many hours losing this game as a kid...

chaos for sure, not sure which class...

2017-04-24, 02:08 PM
Wow, its really been a while since I played this game. I don't think I was old enough to really get the strategy at the time.

I'd pick a mage for lord type. Magic is more interesting than fighting, and thieves are annoying as lords. Not much preference on faith, though I did always like Death.

2017-04-28, 11:01 PM
I remember this game! I don't think I was very good at it, I don't remember ever getting near a final boss.

If I recall, typically when I play. You don't get near the final boss, the final boss gets near you.

I remember doing a video let's play of Lords of Magic. It was awful(on my end), but I was super surprised at how well it was received. There is a cult following to the game, it just isn't super massive.

Anyway, i've always been partial to the skills and abilities of the Amazons, so my vote's for Water and Thief.

There's the death faith. The faith of Balkoth. If we pick this faith, you don't get to pick if we go warrior, mage, or thief. We will be going mage for Balkoth. We will also have a different end game then other faiths.

It used to be that you could play as a Warrior or Thief of Death, but only if you did the weird custom/point-buy start. The game would play out normally, but it would always end up in "defeat" for "Balkoth" after the last faction fell, because Balkoth wasn't alive or something. I never knew if it was a bug or what, but I do like the alternate skins that the Lords have. So I indulged myself with it on occasion.

2017-04-29, 05:28 PM
I love this game!

I always went life warrior. Dunno, I was young. I think I branched out just a *little* bit, but eh.

So I'd vote... something other than life warrior :P

2017-04-29, 11:50 PM
Ooh, I remember liking this one a lot. I had my best luck as air, because their cavalry was bugged for a while and didn't require some resource to recruit. I vote chaos mage, because their spells get really fun near the end, IIRC.

2017-04-30, 05:31 PM
What a blast from the past... be a Thief who likes birds~ By which I mean Air. Stay out of your enemies' range until the end of time. Bring all the arrows! :smallamused:
(I played this decades ago. Never understood what I was doing. Lesse if this changes now.)

Well you're certainly older now.

I remember being captivated by screenshots of this game in my magazines as a child. I never got to play it, so this is probably the next best thing.

Because I'm curious about the magic system, I'd vote Mage, but I'll second the vote for Air.

The graphics are very distant, and even for a really old game, the graphics are pretty clear.

Mark one for Mage and Chaos.

Got it.

I remember this game! I don't think I was very good at it, I don't remember ever getting near a final boss.
Most of the time I think I started with life, warrior. Which seemed to be an easy start. Not my suggestion though, why make something easy. :smalltongue:

Hmm maybe thief, chaos.

Also I think you will see the magic system anyways. You pick up additional heroes pretty quickly.

Sure, but starting with the mages, means we start with a handful of spells. If we pick warrior and thief as far as I recall we don't.

oh man, this is a nostlagia trip!
I've spent so many hours losing this game as a kid...

chaos for sure, not sure which class...

I remember it took me years to figure out how to end my turn.

Wow, its really been a while since I played this game. I don't think I was old enough to really get the strategy at the time.

I'd pick a mage for lord type. Magic is more interesting than fighting, and thieves are annoying as lords. Not much preference on faith, though I did always like Death.

I know those feelings.

If I recall, typically when I play. You don't get near the final boss, the final boss gets near you.

I remember doing a video let's play of Lords of Magic. It was awful(on my end), but I was super surprised at how well it was received. There is a cult following to the game, it just isn't super massive.

Anyway, i've always been partial to the skills and abilities of the Amazons, so my vote's for Water and Thief.

It used to be that you could play as a Warrior or Thief of Death, but only if you did the weird custom/point-buy start. The game would play out normally, but it would always end up in "defeat" for "Balkoth" after the last faction fell, because Balkoth wasn't alive or something. I never knew if it was a bug or what, but I do like the alternate skins that the Lords have. So I indulged myself with it on occasion.

Really, I'm surprised, I thought once you killed the last lord, the game no longer cared if Balkoth died. The same for if you beat the last enemy lord with another faith and your lord dies in battle as well.

I love this game!

I always went life warrior. Dunno, I was young. I think I branched out just a *little* bit, but eh.

So I'd vote... something other than life warrior :P

I tended to go elven mage myself.

Ooh, I remember liking this one a lot. I had my best luck as air, because their cavalry was bugged for a while and didn't require some resource to recruit. I vote chaos mage, because their spells get really fun near the end, IIRC.

Right... Fun. :smalltongue:

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%201_zpskx3zgbr5.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%201_zpskx3zgbr5.png.html)

[So the majority of votes, were for chaos. And a majority of votes were for mages. I want you all to know that I hate you, and I regret starting this let's play. :smalltongue: ]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%202_zpst7ncxhpr.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%202_zpst7ncxhpr.png.html)

[I was stuck on the name.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%203_zpswmljaxr3.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%203_zpswmljaxr3.png.html)

"My name is Lucy. Of the people of freedom. Our people lack a leader. The great warhero chiefs of old are gone. Their spirits guide us, but their physical form left the material plane so long ago."

"But our people need a leader. They need someone who will lead our people. Our ways are great. But our people are dying. Infighting takes as many as disease does now a day. We need a new warhero chief."

"But none of the current generation have the charisma to lead. They are too focused on their petty squabbles, too focused on themselves. We need a warhero chief beyond any imagining. And yet.... I need to do something. Something to save my people. I shall have to hope that I will suffice."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%204_zpsespzkzrm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%204_zpsespzkzrm.png.html)

[As the chaos mage, we start with an amulet that'll give any mage that wears it +1 armor, and +2 mana.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%205_zpspntdr69q.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%205_zpspntdr69q.png.html)

"Right now, I only have a few friends that support me. But in time I hope to inspire my people."

[Along with our chaos mage, we have a berserker. The chaos base infantry, and a base cavalary, and base ranged unit. The base units come in groups of three. In addition, as long as one unit of the group remains alive, they can heal with time back up to three units.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%206_zpsmaumnryj.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%206_zpsmaumnryj.png.html)

"Some of my friends are better then others."

[Stickthrowers, are base ranged units. Kinda blow.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%207_zpsicvkfsju.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%207_zpsicvkfsju.png.html)

[We also start with an overland spell. Minor fate affects a party and gives a random increase or decrease to the parties stats. It's effect it based on level, and it's the reason I'm not the biggest fan of chaos mages. We start at a low level.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%208_zpsejef7g7b.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%208_zpsejef7g7b.png.html)

[Some more details on party management.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%209_zps9jjysn3h.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%209_zps9jjysn3h.png.html)

"We had heard reports about some thugs in some nearby caves, however scouting the caves made me feel they were unstable. We decided to go elsewhere to prove ourselves."

[Dungeons come in levels of 1 to 10, with 1 being the easiest, 10 the hardest. I'm not sure we'd survive a level 3 dungeon right now.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zpsacqjmw0f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zpsacqjmw0f.png.html)

"As it grew late in the day, I knew that we would need to camp in the wilderness, and search for our glory with the dawn."

[We ran out of movement points. This is where the turn based system comes in, we now need to hit end turn. (The dial with the number 1 on it.) Every other faith will take their turn, and then we go again.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpsjriu7xhc.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpsjriu7xhc.png.html)

[We now get informed about resources and costs in the game. Your lord never costs you any ale, gold or crystals, and your starting party won't cost anything till you liberate the great temple.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpskl0bcy3w.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpskl0bcy3w.png.html)

"Now this cave system seemed much more stable. And so we entered."

[Ah a level 1 cave seems much more reasonable.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsji1g5vth.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsji1g5vth.png.html)

[We get our combat tutorial. Note that with a button command you can give orders to one unit of a three man party.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpspmsshqpv.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpspmsshqpv.png.html)

"A group of centaur archers had taken over the cave. My friends and I decided to stay and fight."

[Of course because we're so out matched ranged wise and would take a ton of damage entering combat, we decide to press the little computer in the right of the screen. It auto-calculates combat for us.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zpss3rcadmr.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zpss3rcadmr.png.html)

[But first, our incombat spells. Hand of fate is what it says, it has a right now 69% chance to deal 6 damage to the target. There's a 31% chance we take the damage though.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zpsizurehch.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zpsizurehch.png.html)

[Crash cripples and damages our units for a temporary increase in combat power.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpsdo0qljpw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpsdo0qljpw.png.html)

[Having damaged them as much as possible we now turn to the autocalculate.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zps9ayfs8un.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zps9ayfs8un.png.html)

“And we were successful. Although I did not have many memories of the fight, when we were done the centaurs laid dead, and we had no casualities.”

[We are told some about the results of combat]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsmyko2lsv.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsmyko2lsv.png.html)

“However we did elect to rest a night or two to recover from our minor injuries”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2020_zpsinkactgt.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2020_zpsinkactgt.png.html)

“Having rested the night, everyone seemed in full health, so we left the hideout to continue proving my worth to the people.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2021_zpsvdhkjb1o.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2021_zpsvdhkjb1o.png.html)

“Old man Nergan taught me everything I know about shamaning. I will avenge his death!”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2022_zpsnon4j1g3.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2022_zpsnon4j1g3.png.html)

“This time it was a pack of spirtes along with a smaller group of centaurs. Reasoning that we can take them, we elected to stay and fight.”

[Since the foes have no ranged option, we choose to form a defensive line. Which means we'll wait for them to come to us, so that our stickthrowers can throw a few sticks at people.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2023_zpslzekytxg.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2023_zpslzekytxg.png.html)

“Unfortunately appartently the spirits considered vegence a selfish motive, and when I tried to call on their favor, they attacked me instead.”

[Yay, self damage. :smallsigh:]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2024_zpsyiomfgyr.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2024_zpsyiomfgyr.png.html)

“Thankfully my friends were able to handle the rest of the battle with no casualities.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2025_zpsdmucrhsl.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2025_zpsdmucrhsl.png.html)

“We waited. It had been a week since I had left home to save my people. But still I hadn't proved myself to them. I elected to continue removing wild hordes.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2026_zpsye8iufyi.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2026_zpsye8iufyi.png.html)

“We came apon another roaming horde in a hideout.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2027_zpsbjpoua10.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2027_zpsbjpoua10.png.html)

“But... uh we came apon a pegasus.... We wisely elected to run away.”

[So. For explanation. There are four tiers of summoned creatures. There's the base one at the mages tower, the second tier one at the mages tower, the strongest repeatable summon that is in the great temple of your faith, and the legendary creature that most faiths can only summon once per game.

The pegasus is the life's faith strongest repeatable summon. This is a monster fit for end game parties.... in a level [B]1 hideout.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2028_zpsp7ibfjhq.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2028_zpsp7ibfjhq.png.html)

“Most of us got out safely....”

[Oh wait. I should have 1v1'd the pegasus with my lord, and restarted with a decent lord :smalltongue:]

2017-04-30, 07:31 PM
[So the majority of votes, were for chaos. And a majority of votes were for mages. I want you all to know that I hate you, and I regret starting this let's play. :smalltongue: ]

I sympathize. Chaos is my least favorite faction above only the two that are directly connected by land to the Death region and tend to get subjugated rather quickly(Earth and Fire IIRC).

[Dungeons come in levels of 1 to 10, with 1 being the easiest, 10 the hardest. I'm not sure we'd survive a level 3 dungeon right now.]
In my experiences, (generally) Dungeons from Level 1-3 are fine for starting parties. There's a big jump in difficulty at Level 4. Anything above level 7, you should be well prepared for. Have Fun (http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/v0.34:Losing) with anything that's level 10+(Pretty sure the highest level dungeons are level 12, but they tend to be pretty rare/special dungeons).

“Unfortunately appartently the spirits considered vegence a selfish motive, and when I tried to call on their favor, they attacked me instead.”
...and this is why I dislike playing Chaos in general. Their mages are just too unreliable.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2027_zpsbjpoua10.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2027_zpsbjpoua10.png.html)

“But... uh we came apon a pegasus.... We wisely elected to run away.”

:smalleek: I....That's new.

I've never ever seen a high-tier unit like a pegasus in a level 1 dungeon. I think i've seen level 1 champions on the rare occasion, but a Pegasus...I don't even...

The worst part is that while the map dungeons are randomized at the start of the game(outside of a few choice dungeons). After the game starts, they're set in stone. That pegasus is going to be there until it's dealt with and that means that level 1 dungeon will be there until you deal with it and severely reducing your momentum. There's only so many low level dungeons in the game to get a few starting levels off of and not being able to access one for awhile is going to be painful.

2017-05-01, 10:52 AM
Man, this takes me back.

The good thing about being a Chaos Mage is that you can research Reincarnate and get some really unusual unique units (Elephants, Bears, Sprites , and so on). I think a few of them even have really cheap upkeep costs, though it takes a lot of doing to actually get them. If I recall correctly, using Goblin corpses is the best way to run that.

One other thing to point out is that your starting retinue actually [I]does cost resources; you simply get "hidden" followers in your capital to support them. Once you liberate your Great Temple, you'll notice that you have a couple of people assigned to ale and one to gold that you didn't put there.

I assume you know about Parrying (self-Defense option) and Berserking? Manipulating those helps a lot.

2017-05-01, 03:24 PM
The music was absolutely great.

2017-05-02, 12:56 AM
I was about to ask why Chaos provoked such a negative reaction, then I actually read the LP. Jeez.

Let the record show I voted for Air :smalltongue: (Yay for ducking blame!)

Also - is the Pegasus thing a bug? Or is the game really that random even in the starting dungeons? Because that was terrible - HOMM was nothing like that! :smalleek:
(I mean... maybe a bad week or month could cause some really nasty stuff to appear on the world map, but you generally got multiple turns of softballs unless the guy who designed your map was intentionally trolling.)

2017-05-02, 06:30 AM
lulz, loved your comment about the 1v1ing.

I was such a noob. Never learned how to play well. Maybe someday...

2017-05-02, 08:13 PM
I have always been more partial to Order. Their crossbowmen were broken as heck. They had good range, and they packed a huge punch that could bring down the biggest creatures in a single volley.

If I remember right, armor in this game acts as arithmetics Damage reduction. Which means 5 armor would soak the first 5 points of damage of every attack. A fast shooting elven archer could send 3x arrows of 6 damage while an Order Crossbowman only sent 1x bolt of 12 damage , but against anything with any reasonable armor, the Crossbowman will do large amount of damage while the Elf will tickle the enemy to death.

I remember sending an army of 3x3 lvl3 crossbowman mercenaries against Blackroth(?) When he came into my lands. The crossbowmen sniped him, and i won the game. Twas quite anticlimactic.

2017-05-03, 10:02 AM
Hey. Does anyone here ever managed to get a full geographical map of the world of Lords of Magic? I always wondered how everything interacted with each other.

2017-05-07, 01:34 PM
I sympathize. Chaos is my least favorite faction above only the two that are directly connected by land to the Death region and tend to get subjugated rather quickly(Earth and Fire IIRC).

In my experiences, (generally) Dungeons from Level 1-3 are fine for starting parties. There's a big jump in difficulty at Level 4. Anything above level 7, you should be well prepared for. Have Fun (http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/v0.34:Losing) with anything that's level 10+(Pretty sure the highest level dungeons are level 12, but they tend to be pretty rare/special dungeons).

...and this is why I dislike playing Chaos in general. Their mages are just too unreliable.

:smalleek: I....That's new.

I've never ever seen a high-tier unit like a pegasus in a level 1 dungeon. I think i've seen level 1 champions on the rare occasion, but a Pegasus...I don't even...

The worst part is that while the map dungeons are randomized at the start of the game(outside of a few choice dungeons). After the game starts, they're set in stone. That pegasus is going to be there until it's dealt with and that means that level 1 dungeon will be there until you deal with it and severely reducing your momentum. There's only so many low level dungeons in the game to get a few starting levels off of and not being able to access one for awhile is going to be painful.

I will say the one difference between a level 3, and a level 1 dungeon, is sometimes champions will appear in the three ones.

As far as my research states, I think the pegasus in a bug, it's supposed to be a brownie. (The life scout.)

Man, this takes me back.

The good thing about being a Chaos Mage is that you can research Reincarnate and get some really unusual unique units (Elephants, Bears, Sprites , and so on). I think a few of them even have really cheap upkeep costs, though it takes a lot of doing to actually get them. If I recall correctly, using Goblin corpses is the best way to run that.

One other thing to point out is that your starting retinue actually [I]does cost resources; you simply get "hidden" followers in your capital to support them. Once you liberate your Great Temple, you'll notice that you have a couple of people assigned to ale and one to gold that you didn't put there.

I assume you know about Parrying (self-Defense option) and Berserking? Manipulating those helps a lot.

I know that you can get sprites. But are the bears and elephants any good? What are their upkeep costs.

Also merc corpses would also be good most likely.

The music was absolutely great.

It was.

I was about to ask why Chaos provoked such a negative reaction, then I actually read the LP. Jeez.

Let the record show I voted for Air :smalltongue: (Yay for ducking blame!)

Also - is the Pegasus thing a bug? Or is the game really that random even in the starting dungeons? Because that was terrible - HOMM was nothing like that! :smalleek:
(I mean... maybe a bad week or month could cause some really nasty stuff to appear on the world map, but you generally got multiple turns of softballs unless the guy who designed your map was intentionally trolling.)

And now you are enlightened. :smalltongue:

And yeah, as far as I can tell, a bug.

lulz, loved your comment about the 1v1ing.

I was such a noob. Never learned how to play well. Maybe someday...

Unfortunately I have to give a good faith effort at playing.

However if maurding parties start spawning pegasi like they do on my personal playthroughs, well... I'll lose awfully quickly.

I have always been more partial to Order. Their crossbowmen were broken as heck. They had good range, and they packed a huge punch that could bring down the biggest creatures in a single volley.

If I remember right, armor in this game acts as arithmetics Damage reduction. Which means 5 armor would soak the first 5 points of damage of every attack. A fast shooting elven archer could send 3x arrows of 6 damage while an Order Crossbowman only sent 1x bolt of 12 damage , but against anything with any reasonable armor, the Crossbowman will do large amount of damage while the Elf will tickle the enemy to death.

I remember sending an army of 3x3 lvl3 crossbowman mercenaries against Blackroth(?) When he came into my lands. The crossbowmen sniped him, and i won the game. Twas quite anticlimactic.

In most cases it is arithmetic damage reduction. It's not a perfect fit but in most cases it works.

You're comparing a much higher level crossbowman to the elven archer. Crossbowman do have slightly higher ranged attack, but at the same level it's only a point or two. In exchange, they fire faster, and have more then half again as much range.

Hey. Does anyone here ever managed to get a full geographical map of the world of Lords of Magic? I always wondered how everything interacted with each other.

You can by clicking the smallest magnifying glass. The edges of the map link up with each other.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpsge1tfs7a.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpsge1tfs7a.png.html)

"It took most of a week for me and my allies to recover from the pegasus rider's deadly attacks. We had no choice but to avoid that hideout for now."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpsuydsb7vg.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpsuydsb7vg.png.html)

"Hopefully this one didn't have a pegasus in it."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpsgg73f1lx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpsgg73f1lx.png.html)

"Thankfully the only thing in the cave was a sprite pack and a gang of centaurs."

[Yay, a sane challenge.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsrnopmdxr.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsrnopmdxr.png.html)

"And so I sent the spirits at them."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsx14anhxm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsx14anhxm.png.html)

"Although some of them hated what I asked them to do, much of them attacked the sprites."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpsqklivxew.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpsqklivxew.png.html)

"Helping my friends to prevail."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zpsctcg87j3.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zpsctcg87j3.png.html)

"As my friends that threw sticks increased in strength, we discussed resting for the night."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpszdrqysmj.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpszdrqysmj.png.html)

"We waited to see what the next week would hold for us."

2017-05-07, 01:51 PM
I don't actually remember upkeep costs on the animals, and a quick Google search did not seem to enlighten.

Off the top of my head, I think Panthers and Bears are ~1 ale per unit, and Elephants are free (!).

2017-05-21, 04:19 PM
I don't actually remember upkeep costs on the animals, and a quick Google search did not seem to enlighten.

Off the top of my head, I think Panthers and Bears are ~1 ale per unit, and Elephants are free (!).

Huh, if that's the case, Elephants are damn good then.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpsp38ahrqx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpsp38ahrqx.png.html)

Finally recovering from our injuries.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpss9tedtr7.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpss9tedtr7.png.html)

We leave the hideout only to meet a roving band of enemies.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpsj9dbszxe.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpsj9dbszxe.png.html)

"Bring it!" I replied it, with a swagger.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsmstdc25g.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsmstdc25g.png.html)

A trio of orcs on wolves, backed up with goblins armed with crossbows.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsjfuatss0.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsjfuatss0.png.html)

My magic had mixed results again, but it helped my friends more then it hurt me!

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpspovdlvr8.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpspovdlvr8.png.html)

And we were victorious.

[Occasionally marauding parties will spawn. I'm not sure what causes it, but they will attempt to take over resources and buildings, demolishing the buildings if they get a chance. If you kill an enemy lord, any remaining units of the same faith become marauding parties that will only attempt to fight you.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zpsm4ar2aha.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zpsm4ar2aha.png.html)

[Oh hey, a resource building!]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpstnbed1aj.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpstnbed1aj.png.html)

"Listen I'm not much of a drinker. But my friends wanted to free the brewery. They helped me so much... So I felt like it was important you know."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpsnjpieir9.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpsnjpieir9.png.html)

"We were successful."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zpsd9ry1zlg.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zpsd9ry1zlg.png.html)

[As long as we possess this brewery, we will gain a free 2 ale per turn.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpsosmy1akk.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpsosmy1akk.png.html)

"After we healed and my friends got smashed. They agreed to help me take a building that produced crystals important to the spirits."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpsbxib5gzm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpsbxib5gzm.png.html)

"Another group of centaurs had made the mines their own. They refused to negoitiate so we had no choice but to the avenge the miners they killed in their initial take over."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsagu5rwfh.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsagu5rwfh.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsvb6ges8o.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsvb6ges8o.png.html)

"We were successful."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zps27riv7qx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zps27riv7qx.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zpsy8abbu8e.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zpsy8abbu8e.png.html)

"My mage friends weren't willing to fight for me. But they were willing to take my money, and summon goblin spirits into flesh made whole, for me to use in combat."

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zps4trolybx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zps4trolybx.png.html)

"I knew what must be done. I had to reclaim the great temple of my people. I didn't want to believe that such a task would be necessary. But I think. I knew in my heart that it was all along."

2017-05-21, 07:02 PM
Yaaasssss. I've been waiting for my fix of Lords of Magic.

[Occasionally marauding parties will spawn. I'm not sure what causes it, but they will attempt to take over resources and buildings, demolishing the buildings if they get a chance. If you kill an enemy lord, any remaining units of the same faith become marauding parties that will only attempt to fight you.]

A quick google search claims that marauding parties spawn from unconquered dungeons within the Fog of War, but I don't know how accurate that is. In my experiences, as the game goes on the marauding parties only become more numerous/powerful. Not weaker.

2017-05-22, 09:30 AM
When you say your magic had "mixed results again" - was that the same Hand of Fate spell that can hurt either side? Or something else?

2017-05-22, 10:36 AM
Why would animals want ale, do they have drinking problems? :smalltongue:

2017-05-23, 08:36 AM
A quick google search claims that marauding parties spawn from unconquered dungeons within the Fog of War, but I don't know how accurate that is. In my experiences, as the game goes on the marauding parties only become more numerous/powerful. Not weaker.

This is probably due to the fact that as dungeons are cleared out, the more powerful ones that are left behind spawn more powerful raiding parties. (The AI would naturally not kill these very easily, either.) Anecdotally, I think this is why the lich castle island usually has some powerful raiders on it by the time I get to it.

2017-05-23, 03:32 PM
This is probably due to the fact that as dungeons are cleared out, the more powerful ones that are left behind spawn more powerful raiding parties. (The AI would naturally not kill these very easily, either.) Anecdotally, I think this is why the lich castle island usually has some powerful raiders on it by the time I get to it.

But one would think that if that was the case, then there'd be a mix of very powerful raiding parties and fairly weak ones for the entirety of the game. The game actually does a decent job at scaling the marauding parties for the turn. So either there's other factors involved(like how many turns have passed) or there's a spawning range. Such as: Dungeons spawn marauding parties when they're within the Fog of War, but not in the undiscovered(black) areas.

2017-05-24, 12:19 PM
Just tried playing it both Air and Life.
Terrain and ranged really make a difference. When I can keep enemy downwind, easily pepper them.

When I tried all ranged, when terrain wasn't there, lost.
Game a lot harder than it looked.

Lord Torath
2017-05-25, 07:58 AM
I usually played Life (Mage Lord) with an archers-to-cavalry ratio of about 2:1. Line the cavalry up and tell each one to defend itself (Ctrl-Right Click to select individual members of a trio), which adds half its attack rating to its defense rating. Position the archers behind, and cast "Bless" as soon as the enemy is within arrow range. Usually works pretty well, unless the opposition includes a Fire or Chaos mage with the Vortex spell (or the Fire equivalent). So kill enemy mages as quickly as possible.

2017-05-28, 06:58 PM
Yaaasssss. I've been waiting for my fix of Lords of Magic.

A quick google search claims that marauding parties spawn from unconquered dungeons within the Fog of War, but I don't know how accurate that is. In my experiences, as the game goes on the marauding parties only become more numerous/powerful. Not weaker.

See below

This is probably due to the fact that as dungeons are cleared out, the more powerful ones that are left behind spawn more powerful raiding parties. (The AI would naturally not kill these very easily, either.) Anecdotally, I think this is why the lich castle island usually has some powerful raiders on it by the time I get to it.

See below

But one would think that if that was the case, then there'd be a mix of very powerful raiding parties and fairly weak ones for the entirety of the game. The game actually does a decent job at scaling the marauding parties for the turn. So either there's other factors involved(like how many turns have passed) or there's a spawning range. Such as: Dungeons spawn marauding parties when they're within the Fog of War, but not in the undiscovered(black) areas.

It could self select for weaker dungeons in the fog of war, so that while it's not impossible to get a level 11 dungeon to spawn a marauding party, it is far more likely that a level 1 hut to do so.

When you say your magic had "mixed results again" - was that the same Hand of Fate spell that can hurt either side? Or something else?

Yes. Although alot of chaos magic has somewhat random results.

Why would animals want ale, do they have drinking problems? :smalltongue:

Well they need water and it won't poison them like unsafe water.

Just tried playing it both Air and Life.
Terrain and ranged really make a difference. When I can keep enemy downwind, easily pepper them.

When I tried all ranged, when terrain wasn't there, lost.
Game a lot harder than it looked.

Air can be really nice in buildings with inaccessible terrain, you just keep your ranged units there, and let them pepper infantry to your heart's content.

I usually played Life (Mage Lord) with an archers-to-cavalry ratio of about 2:1. Line the cavalry up and tell each one to defend itself (Ctrl-Right Click to select individual members of a trio), which adds half its attack rating to its defense rating. Position the archers behind, and cast "Bless" as soon as the enemy is within arrow range. Usually works pretty well, unless the opposition includes a Fire or Chaos mage with the Vortex spell (or the Fire equivalent). So kill enemy mages as quickly as possible.

Yup, that's one of my favorite armies as well.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpsnolf7lak.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpsnolf7lak.png.html)

“As we spent time healing in the hut, we came upon cavalry from the lands of air. I thought about going out to meet them. But my friends needed rest. And I was no leader yet.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpshdlyscn6.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpshdlyscn6.png.html)

“As we emeraged from the hut. We also saw scouts from the lands of the elves. But now we were on a mission. A mission to save my people.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zps1ycur406.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zps1ycur406.png.html)

“At the great temple, I stopped to marvel the great pyramid like sctrucuture, I stopped to think what great lords of the past would have thought when they approached here. Was... Was I really worthy to join them.... Well. Someone had to, and I didn't see any other takers.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsw4yxzept.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsw4yxzept.png.html)

“Orcs. Backed by an army of the dead had taken over our great temple. This could not, and would not be allowed. I prayed to the spirits for strength.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsfpxvbnns.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsfpxvbnns.png.html)

“We pulled into formation, the stickthrowers and I on higher ground, the melee and summoned creatures in the valley below us.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpskawmitnc.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpskawmitnc.png.html)

“The spirits were with us tonight. Nearly killing their leader outright as I called on their might.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zps9zjbs3uq.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zps9zjbs3uq.png.html)

“The orcs had imprisoned two captives. They were probably planning to sacrifice them to their profane gods at the new moon. They pledged their loyalty to me, their savior.”

[When freeing your great temple, you'll gain two champions, each a type of champion your lord is not.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpschclwbhe.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpschclwbhe.png.html)

“We found a storage of magic crystals, and the barbarians great axe.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpszskyzw2c.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpszskyzw2c.png.html)

“The people proclaimed me their leader. Shaman Chief Lucy they call me now. A base of operations has been constructed for me at the stronghold. A base to fight the dark elf king Balkoth, and the terrible people have order. My people are saved. Now I must raise them to greatness.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zpsqxfddauk.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zpsqxfddauk.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpsdrd9cyut.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpsdrd9cyut.png.html)

“One of the people who pledged their loyalty to me, seemed to have favor with the spirits, I told him to go take a staff and go to the library. So as to research the great magics of old, to call upon today.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpsulcyxt4o.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpsulcyxt4o.png.html)

[Spells that you don't have, cost a certain amount of work days to learn. Work days, is a simple matter of what the caster(s) total level is doing the researching. Lucy has a level 4 shaman, researches four times as fast as this level 1 shaman.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpshmp4iqav.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpshmp4iqav.png.html)

“They started on the research of how shamans of old could send artificats anywhere they wanted in the world.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsexfahuia.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsexfahuia.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zpsgc6ligij.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zpsgc6ligij.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zpsxs5odmue.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zpsxs5odmue.png.html)

“We also set about hiring a guard force for the capital. After all we never knew when the next attack from the dark elves, of people of order would strike.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpsjcdcgarl.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpsjcdcgarl.png.html)

“Appartently stickthrowers although useful are not well liked for their tenedacy to fight at range.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpsqormdnje.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpsqormdnje.png.html)

“People all over the chaos lands have been hearing my name. The savor of the chaos people. They have traveled to my stronghold, to serve me as I wish.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsfxkz3lkc.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsfxkz3lkc.png.html)

“I'm told that the research may take abit.”

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2020_zpst3ivbn7w.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2020_zpst3ivbn7w.png.html)

“It's a new dawn for the people of Chaos. Anything is possible now, and we shall strive to end threats to our people.”

2017-05-28, 07:39 PM
around this point in time is when Air shows up and attempts to ruin Chaos' day. That tends to be the way my Chaos runs go.

Even if Air doesn't attack. Their proximity, the versatility of their ranged units, and power of their magic in comparison makes them a good early target.

2017-05-28, 07:49 PM
Illven you reminded me of one of the (relatively safe) ways to take care of enemy lords as a high level Balkoth, running by and infesting every dungeon you can find to whatever level you are. Also I think the spawning checks low level to high level dungeons and won't let a dungeon spawn within a radius of one that has spawned. Also the spawn chances seem inversely related to the level of the dungeon.

2017-05-29, 01:09 PM
May I ask why Teleport Artifact as your first researched spell? It seems like it might be useful but the reason why isn't immediately apparent to me. Or was that simply the only one you could research to start with?

Basically, for those of us unfamiliar with the game, if you could point out whenever you're making a choice and why so that we learn it a bit better that would be awesome. (IC or OOC, whichever you prefer.)

All hail Shaman Chief Lucy!

Lord Torath
2017-05-29, 02:19 PM
There are four books of spells, and you have to research the first spell in a particular book before you can research the next spell in that book. The books are: Offensive, Defensive, Overland, and... Miscellaneous? I think?

2017-05-29, 02:33 PM
There are four books of spells, and you have to research the first spell in a particular book before you can research the next spell in that book. The books are: Offensive, Defensive, Overland, and... Miscellaneous? I think?

There also are four menus into which spells are organized, two for combat and two for overworld. The menus correspond to the books. Also fire kinda loses a category there.

2017-05-29, 05:56 PM
I used to like this game a lot, but the balance issues really hurt it. Basically ranged units are godlike. I remember I beat the game with nothing but the basic archers from the life faction.

2017-05-29, 07:04 PM
Shaman Chief Lucy!

I used to like this game a lot, but the balance issues really hurt it. Basically ranged units are godlike. I remember I beat the game with nothing but the basic archers from the life faction.
I was hoping to collect information like this.

Also, what do you do when you take over like a level 2 gold mine or whatever? Just leave it vacant? Drop a guard in there so it doesn't get taken over?

2017-05-29, 08:27 PM
It's been a long time since I played, but I don't think I ever bothered guarding stuff. Then again, my playstyle was always to build a powerful army and hunt down the bad guy you have to kill to win. I never really played to consolidate power and slowly expand like you do in a lot of strategy games, although I'm sure that's a perfectly valid strategy.

I bet Ilven and the others can give way better advice about this game than I could at this point. I might try another playthrough soon though.

2017-05-29, 08:36 PM
May I ask why Teleport Artifact as your first researched spell? It seems like it might be useful but the reason why isn't immediately apparent to me. Or was that simply the only one you could research to start with?

Basically, for those of us unfamiliar with the game, if you could point out whenever you're making a choice and why so that we learn it a bit better that would be awesome. (IC or OOC, whichever you prefer.)

All hail Shaman Chief Lucy!

True, it would be useful if game explain artifacts and spells without flavor text when researching: what the effects are.

2017-05-29, 08:41 PM
There are four books of spells, and you have to research the first spell in a particular book before you can research the next spell in that book. The books are: Offensive, Defensive, Overland, and... Miscellaneous? I think?

I got that, but when the first spell being researched is clearly not offense or defense than I wonder what I'm missing. Is this spell inherently useful, or are we teching up to something better as fast as possible? Or both?

True, it would be useful if game explain artifacts and spells without flavor text when researching: what the effects are.

Yeah, games back then really expected you to either (a) keep the manual around, (b) call the help line, or (c) both.

At least, I'm hoping the manual explains what the various spells actually do before research...

2017-05-29, 09:24 PM
I got that, but when the first spell being researched is clearly not offense or defense than I wonder what I'm missing. Is this spell inherently useful, or are we teching up to something better as fast as possible? Or both?

According to the copy of the manual I looked up, the Other/General spells are Teleport Artifact, Dispel Magic, Heal Faster (with a faction-appropriate name), and Detect Opposite Faction (plus a fifth less-universal spell for some faiths.) For Chaos they're listed in that order, so I would guess Ilven's going for Dispel Magic.

2017-05-29, 10:04 PM
According to the copy of the manual I looked up, the Other/General spells are Teleport Artifact, Dispel Magic, Heal Faster (with a faction-appropriate name), and Detect Opposite Faction (plus a fifth less-universal spell for some faiths.) For Chaos they're listed in that order, so I would guess Ilven's going for Dispel Magic.

Sounds good and that's the kind of background I'd like, just more of that :smallsmile: is Teleport Artifact good by itself, or just a research tax? If Dispel Magic is the ASAP goal, what makes it good? (I assume in a game called "Lords of Magic" that it's going to see a lot of use, but judging from the foes he's been facing so far, I can't tell if enemy casters are an imminent threat or a more long-term problem - that kind of thing.)

2017-05-29, 10:12 PM
fun fact: I still have my original manual. It is enormous. It's still one of the largest manuals that I've seen. I think Starcraft had a huge manual too, but it was much much thinner.

I have read novels smaller than this book.
For comparison, I put it next to my Medieval 2 case and mousepad and you can also see some of the older square cases above it(and a bit of salt. Sorry I just ate).

Anyway, for the discussion at hand...Personally I prefer to research 1 or 2 offensive and defensive spells before delving into something like Teleport Artifact. That isn't really one that I deem necessary until much later...Which means that I mostly ignore the general school of magic.

With that said...Most of Chaos' are chance-based or have some kind of risk/drawback. Because of that, their attack spells aren't very useful except for their two most powerful ones(Vortex and Polymorph Other). Their defensive spells are pretty lacking too until its capstone(Polymorph Self) which is less of a good spell and more of just a fun spell. It turns the caster into...something else based on their level. Usually something stronger.

So with that in mind, going for general or overland spells makes a bit of sense. Personally I would have aimed for getting the Invoke Fate overland spell as that buffs your resource gain in your capital(albeit slightly).

Sounds good and that's the kind of background I'd like, just more of that :smallsmile: is Teleport Artifact good by itself, or just a research tax? If Dispel Magic is the ASAP goal, what makes it good? (I assume in a game called "Lords of Magic" that it's going to see a lot of use, but judging from the foes he's been facing so far, I can't tell if enemy casters are an imminent threat or a more long-term problem - that kind of thing.)

I wouldn't really say that enemy casters are currently an imminent threat, but there are some curses that you would do best to prepare yourself for.

Edit: Especially in the Death spellbook. Golgotha's Gift is a common spell even with marauding and dungeon-based necromancers. It costs six mana and infects a unit that's of a lower level than the caster. The infected unit recieves one point of damage plus three points of damage per turn outside of combat and I believe it spreads to the entire army and it's permanent unless dispelled or exorcised at a temple(which invokes a massive Crystal cost)

2017-05-29, 10:23 PM
Fantastic info, thanks! With that I'll sit back and wait to see what the OP had in mind.

And yeah, that manual is ginormous :smalleek:

2017-05-30, 01:54 AM
Oh I still have that manual too! never was able to read it while i was playing, mostly because i only learned english afterwards. probably the same reason i was never sure what to do in game.

most of the manuals back then were huge, with lots of fluff. diablos' a solid book,starcraft and brood war are also big. and although much much newer, Age of Wonders: Shadow magic also had a literal novel worth of game guide.

Lord Torath
2017-05-30, 01:17 PM
Also, what do you do when you take over like a level 2 gold mine or whatever? Just leave it vacant? Drop a guard in there so it doesn't get taken over?I usually leave a mobile force in the capitol to deal with the marauding parties. Initially a warrior and a trio of archers/footmen are enough, but as the game goes on (in my experience the marauding parties get tougher simply as a result of the number of games days that have elapsed, rather than anything else, spawning anywhere covered by the Fog of War) you'll need more powerful forces. I will leave a scout unit (occasionally archers) in each of my watch towers, though.

In general, you want to fight the marauding parties outdoors, on your favored terrain. Your troops will have a bonus to speed (move and attack), while some or all of the marauders will have a penalty to speed.

Teleport Artifact can be useful if you have adventuring parties out in different parts of the world. Generally more useful later on in the game, though. I'd classify it as a Research Tax.

On a related note, you can only see the names (let alone descriptions) of spells that are either researched or available for research. Your first time playing through, you have no way of knowing what spells lay behind that "Teleport Artifact" spell until after you research it. The flavor text gives you an idea of what the spell is supposed to do, but the actual description only becomes clear (bit by bit) as you progress through the research days.

2017-06-04, 04:33 PM
around this point in time is when Air shows up and attempts to ruin Chaos' day. That tends to be the way my Chaos runs go.

Even if Air doesn't attack. Their proximity, the versatility of their ranged units, and power of their magic in comparison makes them a good early target.

So far the people of air seem to be leaving me alone.

Illven you reminded me of one of the (relatively safe) ways to take care of enemy lords as a high level Balkoth, running by and infesting every dungeon you can find to whatever level you are. Also I think the spawning checks low level to high level dungeons and won't let a dungeon spawn within a radius of one that has spawned. Also the spawn chances seem inversely related to the level of the dungeon.

I tend to prefer spawn cave as a training ground.

May I ask why Teleport Artifact as your first researched spell? It seems like it might be useful but the reason why isn't immediately apparent to me. Or was that simply the only one you could research to start with?

Basically, for those of us unfamiliar with the game, if you could point out whenever you're making a choice and why so that we learn it a bit better that would be awesome. (IC or OOC, whichever you prefer.)

All hail Shaman Chief Lucy!

Long may she shaman.

Personally it's mostly when I get an artifact I can't use but another unit of mine of a different faith can, I want to get it to them as soon as possible. I do tend to research a damaging spell first, but I already have one. As bad as it is.

There are four books of spells, and you have to research the first spell in a particular book before you can research the next spell in that book. The books are: Offensive, Defensive, Overland, and... Miscellaneous? I think?

In fact you have to research in a line. Although I start off with hand of fate. I can't research the next spell, because I don't have all of the ones under it.

There also are four menus into which spells are organized, two for combat and two for overworld. The menus correspond to the books. Also fire kinda loses a category there.

Fire has all four? :smallconfused:

I used to like this game a lot, but the balance issues really hurt it. Basically ranged units are godlike. I remember I beat the game with nothing but the basic archers from the life faction.

Life archers are overpowered. :smalltongue:

But not all ranged units are godlike. Some of them are weak, like the stickthrowers.

Shaman Chief Lucy!

I was hoping to collect information like this.

Also, what do you do when you take over like a level 2 gold mine or whatever? Just leave it vacant? Drop a guard in there so it doesn't get taken over?

I tend to leave it vacant. My scouts can nab it back if they are taken.

It's been a long time since I played, but I don't think I ever bothered guarding stuff. Then again, my playstyle was always to build a powerful army and hunt down the bad guy you have to kill to win. I never really played to consolidate power and slowly expand like you do in a lot of strategy games, although I'm sure that's a perfectly valid strategy.

I bet Ilven and the others can give way better advice about this game than I could at this point. I might try another playthrough soon though.

You should. Try something other then life. :smalltongue:

True, it would be useful if game explain artifacts and spells without flavor text when researching: what the effects are.

Yeah. Sometimes it's annoying when I don't know who to target with an artifact spell.

I got that, but when the first spell being researched is clearly not offense or defense than I wonder what I'm missing. Is this spell inherently useful, or are we teching up to something better as fast as possible? Or both?

Yeah, games back then really expected you to either (a) keep the manual around, (b) call the help line, or (c) both.

At least, I'm hoping the manual explains what the various spells actually do before research...


According to the copy of the manual I looked up, the Other/General spells are Teleport Artifact, Dispel Magic, Heal Faster (with a faction-appropriate name), and Detect Opposite Faction (plus a fifth less-universal spell for some faiths.) For Chaos they're listed in that order, so I would guess Ilven's going for Dispel Magic.

Dispel magic is nice as well. **** Golgotha's gift.

Sounds good and that's the kind of background I'd like, just more of that :smallsmile: is Teleport Artifact good by itself, or just a research tax? If Dispel Magic is the ASAP goal, what makes it good? (I assume in a game called "Lords of Magic" that it's going to see a lot of use, but judging from the foes he's been facing so far, I can't tell if enemy casters are an imminent threat or a more long-term problem - that kind of thing.)

Enemy casters are more of a long term admittedly.

fun fact: I still have my original manual. It is enormous. It's still one of the largest manuals that I've seen. I think Starcraft had a huge manual too, but it was much much thinner.

I have read novels smaller than this book.
For comparison, I put it next to my Medieval 2 case and mousepad and you can also see some of the older square cases above it(and a bit of salt. Sorry I just ate).

Anyway, for the discussion at hand...Personally I prefer to research 1 or 2 offensive and defensive spells before delving into something like Teleport Artifact. That isn't really one that I deem necessary until much later...Which means that I mostly ignore the general school of magic.

With that said...Most of Chaos' are chance-based or have some kind of risk/drawback. Because of that, their attack spells aren't very useful except for their two most powerful ones(Vortex and Polymorph Other). Their defensive spells are pretty lacking too until its capstone(Polymorph Self) which is less of a good spell and more of just a fun spell. It turns the caster into...something else based on their level. Usually something stronger.

So with that in mind, going for general or overland spells makes a bit of sense. Personally I would have aimed for getting the Invoke Fate overland spell as that buffs your resource gain in your capital(albeit slightly).

I wouldn't really say that enemy casters are currently an imminent threat, but there are some curses that you would do best to prepare yourself for.

Edit: Especially in the Death spellbook. Golgotha's Gift is a common spell even with marauding and dungeon-based necromancers. It costs six mana and infects a unit that's of a lower level than the caster. The infected unit recieves one point of damage plus three points of damage per turn outside of combat and I believe it spreads to the entire army and it's permanent unless dispelled or exorcised at a temple(which invokes a massive Crystal cost)

It spreads to any lower level units in the army. Which usually means at least all non champions.

Fantastic info, thanks! With that I'll sit back and wait to see what the OP had in mind.

And yeah, that manual is ginormous :smalleek:

To be fair, there's alot of fluff in it.

Oh I still have that manual too! never was able to read it while i was playing, mostly because i only learned english afterwards. probably the same reason i was never sure what to do in game.

most of the manuals back then were huge, with lots of fluff. diablos' a solid book,starcraft and brood war are also big. and although much much newer, Age of Wonders: Shadow magic also had a literal novel worth of game guide.

Oh yeah, I can't imagine playing this game in another lanauage.

I usually leave a mobile force in the capitol to deal with the marauding parties. Initially a warrior and a trio of archers/footmen are enough, but as the game goes on (in my experience the marauding parties get tougher simply as a result of the number of games days that have elapsed, rather than anything else, spawning anywhere covered by the Fog of War) you'll need more powerful forces. I will leave a scout unit (occasionally archers) in each of my watch towers, though.

In general, you want to fight the marauding parties outdoors, on your favored terrain. Your troops will have a bonus to speed (move and attack), while some or all of the marauders will have a penalty to speed.

Teleport Artifact can be useful if you have adventuring parties out in different parts of the world. Generally more useful later on in the game, though. I'd classify it as a Research Tax.

On a related note, you can only see the names (let alone descriptions) of spells that are either researched or available for research. Your first time playing through, you have no way of knowing what spells lay behind that "Teleport Artifact" spell until after you research it. The flavor text gives you an idea of what the spell is supposed to do, but the actual description only becomes clear (bit by bit) as you progress through the research days.

Well you can click on the right page and get the future spells names at least.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpscrzh2vdj.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpscrzh2vdj.png.html)

We rested for a few days, protected by the spirits of the ancestors in our great temple, as we left we let the goblins stay to guard the temple against any future threats.

(OOC note. The great temple does not provide any enhanced healing over another building. The fluff was just cool.)

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zps0setommr.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zps0setommr.png.html)

We received word that the Dwarves of Earth have sworn fealty to the hated people of Order, for their liberation of their great temple. We expect dwarf intrusions into our tribal lands any day now.

(OOC note. Swearing fealty is something that happens, should a player liberate a great temple of someone at least neutral to you. When someone swears fealty, you get a small percentage of their troops, the amount determined partly by difficulty. Most importantly you get a second lord, so that if your first falls it is not a game over for you.)

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpszdxabknv.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpszdxabknv.png.html)

A deep cavern said to go far into the earth was inhabited by an unruly mob. As Shaman chief, it was my duty to have it cleared out.

(OOC note. Caverns are mutli level dungeons. There's the first level that you've seen in every dungeon so far, but after that you can choose to go to a deeper level. Deeper levels tend to be tougher then the surface level and start you closer. Good for good infantry and cavalry nations, bad for the life nation.)

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsdvjka433.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsdvjka433.png.html)

A band of centaur archers and their hunting dogs stood before us.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsrd6ckts6.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsrd6ckts6.png.html)

I... can't remember what happened. But I'm told our stickthrowers singlehandedly took the brunt of the arrows.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zps9xbhd70x.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zps9xbhd70x.png.html)

[OOC note. We're given a chance to cast spells and use artifacts before heading deeper into the dungeon, or retreating. We retreat.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zpsjtkfvdb6.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zpsjtkfvdb6.png.html)

And they grew stronger because of it.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpseodqxcih.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpseodqxcih.png.html)

We hired more of them to guard our capital city.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpsq662f9wt.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpsq662f9wt.png.html)

As we hire a scout to explore the lands.

[OOC. Scouts are creatures that are relatively cheap, and don't need champions for their movement to be increased. However they are weak, they are used to explore the world, and meet other nations.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zps1s3gw6bd.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zps1s3gw6bd.png.html)

We also saw an imp. A fire creature summoned for the purposes of scouting for the lesser fire giants. We elected to leave it alone, and heal up in the brewery.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpsb60dr3vo.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpsb60dr3vo.png.html)

However, we did send a delegation to the scout to greet the fire nation with our respect.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpscubzsadt.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpscubzsadt.png.html)

[OOC Information about other adventuring parties.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsfcsxck4f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsfcsxck4f.png.html)

[OOC Trust is far above neutral]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsvkeuqewv.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsvkeuqewv.png.html)

[OOC In addition to what's listed, the nature of your relationship with the other lord sets what trading options you have.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zpslg045gtu.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zpslg045gtu.png.html)

We trade them some of our magical lore, for a significant amount of gold. And a decent portion of ale.

[I trade them magical lore, because they need a chaos shaman to use it. You can't cast spells outside the unit's faith. So there's only a very low chance that this aids the enemy in any way. And they are still willing to pay for it.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zps0vrb3hh2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zps0vrb3hh2.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpskphmd0um.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpskphmd0um.png.html)

[It's an even trade.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpstv0hmnpy.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpstv0hmnpy.png.html)

The people of air, do not have positive relations with us however.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsp19k45qw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsp19k45qw.png.html)

As words of my exploits continued to spread across the land. All freedom loving people started to migrate to my capital.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2021_zpsodutcnv5.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2021_zpsodutcnv5.png.html)

Our cat continued to meet people of the land of air.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2022_zpsrzayzryg.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2022_zpsrzayzryg.png.html)

And take the gold mines taking over by marauding parties.

2017-06-04, 05:28 PM
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zps0setommr.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zps0setommr.png.html)

We received word that the Dwarves of Earth have sworn fealty to the hated people of Order, for their liberation of their great temple. We expect dwarf intrusions into our tribal lands any day now.

Hum...I didn't know Earth and Order had a high enough of an opinion of one another at the start of the game(and opinions tend to only deteriorate as a game progesses) for that to happen.

Well, that puts Order right on your doorstep to the North.

2017-06-04, 06:15 PM
I tend to prefer spawn cave as a training ground.

Oh I do too. Its just that a rather safe way to deal with other (life in particular because of all their hate for death magic) factions is to simply spawn in rating 10-12 caves and let them walk into them to their death.

Fire has all four? :smallconfused:

Yes but they are different. Given that fire's only really buffs are of the kill the enemy quicker kind.

Also when not playing Death I tend to play Air for the long game. Flights of Thunder Drakes are damn near lethal to EVERYTHING in the game. Including level 12 Balkoth, or would be if he didn't run.

2017-06-04, 07:53 PM
Life archers are overpowered. :smalltongue:

You should. Try something other then life. :smalltongue:

I actually tended to mostly play as Order with the rare exception. Young me thought Knights were much neater than hippy elves or homeless barbarians. Older me agrees and marvels at younger me's wisdom.

It's just that no matter where I start, I always tend to end up with a hodge podge of units from other races. Even if I start the game without intending to abuse a certain unit type, I'll probably have access to them eventually anyway.

I did try another playthrough though. The music makes me nostalgic for Lords of the Realm 2, and the gameplay/setting makes me nostalgic for Heroes of Might and Magic 2. :smallbiggrin:

Unfortunately for LoM itself, I keep getting frustrated by the UI and quitting after a short amount of time.

2017-06-04, 08:25 PM
I still have my manual, too. There's a lot of world-building in it that explains far more of Urak's history than anything ever should.

2017-06-05, 10:00 AM
A band of centaur archers and their hunting dogs stood before us.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsrd6ckts6.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsrd6ckts6.png.html)

I... can't remember what happened. But I'm told our stickthrowers singlehandedly took the brunt of the arrows.

While in most games I would say the ranged units getting shot instead of the tankier ones would have been a bad thing, given your disdain for stickthrowers I can't tell whether this was a favorable result or not :smallbiggrin:

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsfcsxck4f.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsfcsxck4f.png.html)

[OOC Trust is far above neutral]

Is Fire always that friendly with Chaos, or is it random? Seems like they would be but just wanted to be sure.

We trade them some of our magical lore, for a significant amount of gold. And a decent portion of ale.

[I trade them magical lore, because they need a chaos shaman to use it. You can't cast spells outside the unit's faith. So there's only a very low chance that this aids the enemy in any way. And they are still willing to pay for it.]

This is exactly the kind of gameplay commentary a noob like me was hoping for - thank you.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpstv0hmnpy.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpstv0hmnpy.png.html)

The people of air, do not have positive relations with us however.

Same question, are the attitudes random? This tepid reception surprised me, especially given that Earth threw their lot in with Order. You'd think Air would come to you, if not to be friendly, at least as an alliance of convenience against their most hated foe. Kinda dumb of them if you ask me. Not to mention that Air shouldn't be all that opposed to Chaos anyway.

Lord Torath
2017-06-05, 11:34 AM
I don't have the manual on hand, but yes, the faiths all start out with particular attitude toward each other. Life, Water, Order, and Air all start on decent terms with each other, and Chaos, Fire, and Earth start on decent terms with each other. Death is on bad terms with the Life "alliance", but I don't know how it relates to the other "alliance" if you are playing as a member of it.

Maybe Illven will give us a screenshot of the Spy/Intelligence screen. It's eye/smiling-guy-wearing-sunglasses button right above your Fame counter at the bottom right of the overland screen. It has tabs for each of the surviving faiths, and each tab shows how the other faiths feel about it (Loathing, Hatred, Annoyance, Indifference, Friendship, Trust, Kinship, Devotion and probably a few other steps in there as well).

2017-06-05, 12:40 PM
Death is on bad terms with the Life "alliance", but I don't know how it relates to the other "alliance" if you are playing as a member of it.

Death and life should be best freinds, that makes no sense.

2017-06-05, 01:14 PM
Death and life should be best freinds, that makes no sense.

The Death in this game is not the balanced "clear old growth away" sort of Death that is necessary for new life to arise. It's a crazy necromancer worshiping an evil god who simply wants to wipe out all life entirely. There's a reason all the other Lords noped hard and (with varying degrees of willingness) worked together to take him out.

2017-06-11, 04:54 PM
Hum...I didn't know Earth and Order had a high enough of an opinion of one another at the start of the game(and opinions tend to only deteriorate as a game progesses) for that to happen.

Well, that puts Order right on your doorstep to the North.

Typically in my experience you tend to have at least one cross over of relations from the good and the evil side. Guess Earth to Order is one of those.

Oh I do too. Its just that a rather safe way to deal with other (life in particular because of all their hate for death magic) factions is to simply spawn in rating 10-12 caves and let them walk into them to their death.

Yes but they are different. Given that fire's only really buffs are of the kill the enemy quicker kind.

Also when not playing Death I tend to play Air for the long game. Flights of Thunder Drakes are damn near lethal to EVERYTHING in the game. Including level 12 Balkoth, or would be if he didn't run.

Of course flights of thunder drakes are expensive. Much more so then Elven archers. :smalltongue:

I actually tended to mostly play as Order with the rare exception. Young me thought Knights were much neater than hippy elves or homeless barbarians. Older me agrees and marvels at younger me's wisdom.

It's just that no matter where I start, I always tend to end up with a hodge podge of units from other races. Even if I start the game without intending to abuse a certain unit type, I'll probably have access to them eventually anyway.

I did try another playthrough though. The music makes me nostalgic for Lords of the Realm 2, and the gameplay/setting makes me nostalgic for Heroes of Might and Magic 2. :smallbiggrin:

Unfortunately for LoM itself, I keep getting frustrated by the UI and quitting after a short amount of time.

Maybe try playing a game where you can't capture other capitals?

I still have my manual, too. There's a lot of world-building in it that explains far more of Urak's history than anything ever should.

Yeah, I remember reading it when I was a child.

While in most games I would say the ranged units getting shot instead of the tankier ones would have been a bad thing, given your disdain for stickthrowers I can't tell whether this was a favorable result or not :smallbiggrin:

Is Fire always that friendly with Chaos, or is it random? Seems like they would be but just wanted to be sure.

This is exactly the kind of gameplay commentary a noob like me was hoping for - thank you.

Same question, are the attitudes random? This tepid reception surprised me, especially given that Earth threw their lot in with Order. You'd think Air would come to you, if not to be friendly, at least as an alliance of convenience against their most hated foe. Kinda dumb of them if you ask me. Not to mention that Air shouldn't be all that opposed to Chaos anyway.

Stickthrowers being hit is definitely a favored result. Means the real units weren't. :smalltongue:

I don't have the manual on hand, but yes, the faiths all start out with particular attitude toward each other. Life, Water, Order, and Air all start on decent terms with each other, and Chaos, Fire, and Earth start on decent terms with each other. Death is on bad terms with the Life "alliance", but I don't know how it relates to the other "alliance" if you are playing as a member of it.

Maybe Illven will give us a screenshot of the Spy/Intelligence screen. It's eye/smiling-guy-wearing-sunglasses button right above your Fame counter at the bottom right of the overland screen. It has tabs for each of the surviving faiths, and each tab shows how the other faiths feel about it (Loathing, Hatred, Annoyance, Indifference, Friendship, Trust, Kinship, Devotion and probably a few other steps in there as well).

There's Aversion in there as well.

Death and life should be best freinds, that makes no sense.

They are opposing faiths in this game, about as well as Water and Fire, or Air and Earth, or Order and Chaos.

The Death in this game is not the balanced "clear old growth away" sort of Death that is necessary for new life to arise. It's a crazy necromancer worshiping an evil god who simply wants to wipe out all life entirely. There's a reason all the other Lords noped hard and (with varying degrees of willingness) worked together to take him out.

In fact. Unlike other faiths where you actually have to do something to damage diplomatic relations, all other nations dispositions to Death automatically fall over time.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpskye1b0nm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zpskye1b0nm.png.html)

Our scouting cat gives us reports that the great temple of the Air people still lied unclaimed..... If the people of order recruited the people of earth. Were we supposed to recruit the people of air?

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpseeetb8vn.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpseeetb8vn.png.html)

But the people of air apparently have some past grievances with the people of Chaos.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpsmhnnj2ug.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpsmhnnj2ug.png.html)

And we spotted a marauding party that seemed to contain a Pegasus. We were scared.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsxhr9h2uk.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsxhr9h2uk.png.html)

The Amazonian thief fled the scene leaving the Pegasus knight and their panther hunting creatures to zero in on us.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsjcd6wsp3.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsjcd6wsp3.png.html)

The spirits aided us in combat. Striking the knight with ghostly weapons and draining their life force.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpswh0uw7ll.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpswh0uw7ll.png.html)

The fighting was fierce and bloody, and there were fatalities on both sides. But we prevailed.

(Yay..... Pegasus marauding parties....)

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zpsixkpz6s3.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zpsixkpz6s3.png.html)

Our wild cats somehow started to engage in trade with the Air people.

I'm still not entirely sure how.

(You'd think parley would be limited to creatures that can speak, or at least intelligent creatures.)

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpsgpvxbg1p.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpsgpvxbg1p.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpsqvwachjd.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpsqvwachjd.png.html)

We offer them a very large gift to get them to be neutral to us.

[I really want to get an heir. Gift can provide quite a massive boost to relations.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zpsdhiklsgy.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zpsdhiklsgy.png.html)

I stood before the air great temple.... I suppose it was sacred to their people, but all I saw were two large tubes spiraling inwards to a great height. Sighing. Wishing I had the goblins. Wishing I had all of my friends. I entered the temple.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpszywilhle.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zpszywilhle.png.html)

A force of undead and goblins stood before us.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpsqhaluffd.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zpsqhaluffd.png.html)

Although I do not remember the battle I did see the results. Although some died, we managed to free the Air Great temple from it's transgressors and gained a blade usable by Storm giants.

[We do not however gain the two free champions that the Chaos great temple gave to us. That's only for your elements great temple. (Or perhaps your first one.)]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsxbxuv9bx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsxbxuv9bx.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zpsh0h3fpas.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zpsh0h3fpas.png.html)

The people of Air now bow down to me. We finally have an alliance to rival the Earth-Order alliance my people may yet be safe.

In the custom of the barbarians I adopted the faerie queen as my child, letting all the world know that should I fall, she will inherit rule over the united tribes.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsjrgracza.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsjrgracza.png.html)

Immediately, I set about a Storm giant sorcerer to learn the art of teleport artifact.

(Imagine what would happen if a Air party, found a really good artifact for a Chaos unit. I'd have to go turns out of my way to hand deliver it.)

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zps7kqwpgvm.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zps7kqwpgvm.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpsnrocpkdx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpsnrocpkdx.png.html)

Reports from the land of Chaos inform me that a group of squatters have invaded the chaos barracks. Praying that they were not yet another Pegasus knight, we sent the capital forces to deal with them.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpsaxv2gqjr.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpsaxv2gqjr.png.html)

Bear didn't have reports about how the battle went while he was in there, but he did send reports that while their were causalities on our side, the centaur skaters were removed from the barracks.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsq12esaup.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsq12esaup.png.html)

However, we were then intimidated by Elven forces.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2020_zpsqiqdjaxg.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2020_zpsqiqdjaxg.png.html)

They wanted one of our best spies, for a weak squad of elven cavalary. With some skillful negotiation we talked the lopsided trade to.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2024_zpsdw0oxjq5.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2024_zpsdw0oxjq5.png.html)


[Similiar reasons apply. We don't actually lose anything most likely by giving them spell knowledge, and they will still pay for it.

Note though, that while a gift usually will just improve the other nation's disposition, an unfair trade will cause the nation getting screwed's disposition to fall. Our people now have a loathing of the elven people after this.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2025_zpsbrbh2eth.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2025_zpsbrbh2eth.png.html)

Followers came to our two capitals. Inspired by tales of fame, and hatred of the Order people, and the elves.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2026_zpsuikyqysc.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2026_zpsuikyqysc.png.html)

One of our thieves, watches over this village for us. Where we may in the future make a tower, and another mages guild of the air people.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2027_zpsk41yoqat.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2027_zpsk41yoqat.png.html)

Our capital force is heavily wounded.

2017-06-11, 05:04 PM
Some of your pictures aren't working.

Maybe try playing a game where you can't capture other capitals?

Nah. I can see why people would do such things, but I've never been a big fan of send imposed challenges. I like to just play the game the way it was made.

2017-06-11, 05:36 PM
Some of your pictures aren't working.

Should be fixed. :smallsmile:

2017-06-15, 04:29 AM
Fun to see a Let's play of Lords of Magic! Played it too back in the day, so nice to see it pop up now. I have a request for a screenshot, if you are willing to take requests! Can you show the inside of the spell library (or libraries) where we see one of your followers busy researching the spell? I specifically remember the library for earth containing up to, I think, four pointy-hatted gnomes researching. I now I am curious what it looks like for Chaos! And Air, since you just have access to that! :smallsmile:

Lord Torath
2017-06-15, 08:07 AM
Fun to see a Let's play of Lords of Magic! Played it too back in the day, so nice to see it pop up now. I have a request for a screenshot, if you are willing to take requests! Can you show the inside of the spell library (or libraries) where we see one of your followers busy researching the spell? I specifically remember the library for earth containing up to, I think, four pointy-hatted gnomes researching. I now I am curious what it looks like for Chaos! And Air, since you just have access to that! :smallsmile:The libraries can each hold one researcher per level of the library, which can't be higher than the level of the capitol, which maxes out at Level 3. So anywhere from 1 to 3 researchers.

A level 1 capitol can have up to 8 followers working in each area (Fame, Money, Crystals, and Ale), level 2 can have 16 each, and level 3 can have 32 followers in each station. Also, a level 2 capitol gains city walls, and a level 3 capitol gains a gate and towers on the walls. Useful for when your capitol gets attacked.

You can also have experienced heroes transfer some of their XP to buildings (Warriors to Barracks, etc.). The highest-level hero in each building will add 1% of their XP per level of the building per day, up to a maximum of 10% of their XP per level of the building. All units generated from that building start with that amount of XP. Get that air thief to solo a few level 10 Troll caves, and ten days later, all your archers can start at level 5.

2017-06-15, 08:43 PM
Ayyooo main Lords of magic, pasti seruuu genk...

obat mata plus (http://obatmataminus.my.id/obat-mata-plus/)

2017-06-16, 02:32 PM
Ah, must have misremembered the maximum amount of mages researching. So it's three then! Thanks for the explanation about the other buildings. It's been a while since I played, so can't remember those details. Neat thing with the hero placement.
I personally just really like how you can see the mages placed in the library researching, hence why I want to see it again!

2017-06-18, 05:54 PM
Nah. I can see why people would do such things, but I've never been a big fan of send imposed challenges. I like to just play the game the way it was made.

That's fair and understandable.

Fun to see a Let's play of Lords of Magic! Played it too back in the day, so nice to see it pop up now. I have a request for a screenshot, if you are willing to take requests! Can you show the inside of the spell library (or libraries) where we see one of your followers busy researching the spell? I specifically remember the library for earth containing up to, I think, four pointy-hatted gnomes researching. I now I am curious what it looks like for Chaos! And Air, since you just have access to that! :smallsmile:

Sure, I'll take pictures.

The libraries can each hold one researcher per level of the library, which can't be higher than the level of the capitol, which maxes out at Level 3. So anywhere from 1 to 3 researchers.

A level 1 capitol can have up to 8 followers working in each area (Fame, Money, Crystals, and Ale), level 2 can have 16 each, and level 3 can have 32 followers in each station. Also, a level 2 capitol gains city walls, and a level 3 capitol gains a gate and towers on the walls. Useful for when your capitol gets attacked.

You can also have experienced heroes transfer some of their XP to buildings (Warriors to Barracks, etc.). The highest-level hero in each building will add 1% of their XP per level of the building per day, up to a maximum of 10% of their XP per level of the building. All units generated from that building start with that amount of XP. Get that air thief to solo a few level 10 Troll caves, and ten days later, all your archers can start at level 5.

A level 3 capital gets a gate. With 200 hp and 5 defense.

Ah, must have misremembered the maximum amount of mages researching. So it's three then! Thanks for the explanation about the other buildings. It's been a while since I played, so can't remember those details. Neat thing with the hero placement.
I personally just really like how you can see the mages placed in the library researching, hence why I want to see it again!

That is a nice little detail.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zps6yiuho6c.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2001_zps6yiuho6c.png.html)

Immediately we are told some bit of bad news. The elves of life have joined up with the forces of the detestable order. Elven exhortation is planned to take an increase in the near future.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpsui7lwkku.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2002_zpsui7lwkku.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpsmt5lfdzu.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2003_zpsmt5lfdzu.png.html)

Our researchers sent reports. The power of magic may yet save the people of chaos.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsqkvmen2l.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2004_zpsqkvmen2l.png.html)

We also went over reports, my champions and I. We found out that all information seemed to think that the Amazons had an unusually high opinion of us.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsu1otfujx.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2005_zpsu1otfujx.png.html)

Having spent a few days at the Air great temple healing. We left the will-o-wisp and started to head for the village that bordered our respective lands.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpszd734rq2.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2006_zpszd734rq2.png.html)

We also got reports from the homeland, that a brewery was taking over by a gang of marauding monsters.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zps0dc6adyi.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2007_zps0dc6adyi.png.html)

We started asking the people of air to send out dragonflies to explore the world.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpshlzas0w3.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2008_zpshlzas0w3.png.html)

As we get more bad news from the homeland.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpsddqdrtcy.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2009_zpsddqdrtcy.png.html)

The village was guarded by two pegasus knights. We decided that we should just go on to our homeland.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zps6qh5y0y1.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2010_zps6qh5y0y1.png.html)

Meanwhile. I got told from reports that one of our faerie thieves in a fit of overeagerness had decided to take to liberate the water great temple on their own. Before we could get word to try and get her some sense.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zps02w7xdhe.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2011_zps02w7xdhe.png.html)

[So. You'd think flying ranged units would be unstoppable to a horde of infantry outside. Just fly above their heads and pelt them endlessly. However that's not the case. Instead, it's inside. With unwalkable over terrain that flying ranged units shine.]

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zps5iugbzck.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2012_zps5iugbzck.png.html)

It was a complete and stunning slaughter.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsdhf33q4a.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2013_zpsdhf33q4a.png.html)

And somehow we also got the Earthen capital? I was confused as to how that happened...

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsl2huvtsw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2014_zpsl2huvtsw.png.html)

But we had to occupy the library?

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zps0gw6s5ya.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2015_zps0gw6s5ya.png.html)

We were unsure of why.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zpsqhn1lztc.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2016_zpsqhn1lztc.png.html)

The Amazon library didn't need us to take it over though.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpsknbw6pzw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2017_zpsknbw6pzw.png.html)

More bad news from the homeland.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpswnuay1rj.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2018_zpswnuay1rj.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsrpxckxpk.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2019_zpsrpxckxpk.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2020_zps2aqpgviz.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2020_zps2aqpgviz.png.html)

As our cat scout was hunted down and killed by a marauding party.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2021_zpsy2dg9din.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2021_zpsy2dg9din.png.html)

But even in light of that, our fame grows on and on.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2022_zpsy8zbj57n.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2022_zpsy8zbj57n.png.html)

We came back to protect our homeland.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2023_zpsiiyqopcj.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2023_zpsiiyqopcj.png.html)

Although I do not remember the battle, I know it was a slaughter upon the marauding party.

http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2024_zpspbhxytwu.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2024_zpspbhxytwu.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2025_zpschy0m0ez.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2025_zpschy0m0ez.png.html)
http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Draka393/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2027_zpsj87foeaw.png (http://s838.photobucket.com/user/Draka393/media/Lordsofmagicletsplay/Lords%20of%20magic%2027_zpsj87foeaw.png.html)

As we took over the Earthen great temple. We awaited what the next week would bring.

2017-06-18, 08:03 PM
Wow, that's a pretty game ruining bug. I'm not going to lie, I'd probably stop playing if that happened to me.

2017-06-18, 08:46 PM
The dual pegasi you mean?

2017-06-19, 01:04 AM
Stickthrowers being hit is definitely a favored result. Means the real units weren't. :smalltongue:

Ouch! Poor stickthrowers :smallbiggrin:

Our wild cats somehow started to engage in trade with the Air people.

I'm still not entirely sure how.

(You'd think parley would be limited to creatures that can speak, or at least intelligent creatures.)

Perhaps the cat was so cute that the rival diplomats simply gave all their possessions away to it immediately.

We offer them a very large gift to get them to be neutral to us.

[I really want to get an heir. Gift can provide quite a massive boost to relations.]

So if Lucy dies without an heir, game over?

As our cat scout was hunted down and killed by a marauding party.


2017-06-19, 06:05 AM
And yep thats why Air thieves/archers can be considered as good as life ones, the ability to hide completely out of range of foes. And for thieves stealth can break a chance and allow you to reposition. And of course Balkoth can do the same but just doesn't...

Lord Torath
2017-06-19, 08:30 AM
I thought the stairs up the city wall only came at Level 3 capitol. But it's been a while, and my capitol is not often attacked.

Didn't Earth already swear fealty to Water? When Water swears fealty to you, you get Earth, too.

Looks like you've got a marauding party in your Chaos Mage Tower. Better clear them out before they destroy it. All the work you've put into researching your spell will be lost, if I remember correctly....

I was under the impression that the better your relationship with the faith who's temple you liberate, the more of their units you get to keep when they swear fealty. I'd always trade away all my known spells, and all my generator buildings (gold mines, crystal mines, statues, etc.) right before liberating their temple. You get the mines and breweries back immediately, and the spells, of course, cost you nothing to give away.

So now there are only four factions left:

Chaos - Air - Water - Earth (You)
Life - Order

Things are not all looking bad for you! But those marauding parties are causing you all kinds of grief!

2017-06-19, 09:42 AM
Enjoyable read!

Didn't Earth already swear fealty to Water? When Water swears fealty to you, you get Earth, too.
Ahh I see.

I always played as Life on easy so I get every single other lord (except the BBEG of course). Anyone play on a difficulty higher? I'm tempted to fire it up.

2017-06-19, 10:38 AM
I always played as Life on easy so I get every single other lord (except the BBEG of course). Anyone play on a difficulty higher? I'm tempted to fire it up.

In my experiences, higher difficulty only really affects the starting challenge of the game. What units you start with, your starting level, and maybe the starting opinions of the other faiths etc. It may also affect how much the AI cheats in terms of resources or experience, but those are harder to quantify.

I did a video series as Chaos on medium and outside of a rough few starting turns where I died a couple of times...I beat Balkoth when he was still only like level 8 and not even with my lord's army(because I didn't know if he had that shadow spell that insta-kills people or not yet and didn't want to risk it).

2017-06-19, 11:27 AM
Thanks for the pictures of the libraries! Now I got to see four different ones in one go, even, so thanks for that! :smallbiggrin:

2017-06-19, 01:34 PM
In my experiences, higher difficulty only really affects the starting challenge of the game. What units you start with, your starting level, and maybe the starting opinions of the other faiths etc. It may also affect how much the AI cheats in terms of resources or experience, but those are harder to quantify.

I did a video series as Chaos on medium and outside of a rough few starting turns where I died a couple of times...I beat Balkoth when he was still only like level 8 and not even with my lord's army(because I didn't know if he had that shadow spell that insta-kills people or not yet and didn't want to risk it).
I remember just once I tried a higher difficulty, and other factions *started* with their great temples. So... no hope of getting their lords. I was pretty unhappy.

2017-06-19, 01:47 PM
Didn't Earth already swear fealty to Water? When Water swears fealty to you, you get Earth, too.

Earth was sworn to Order. I'm fairly certain that getting the city was a bug. I suppose it's possible that water had conquered it without him knowing though.

Lord Torath
2017-06-19, 03:12 PM
Earth was sworn to Order. I'm fairly certain that getting the city was a bug. I suppose it's possible that water had conquered it without him knowing though.That does make more sense. I knew Earth had sworn to someone, but I didn't go back to find out who. That also explains why he had to "reclaim" the mage tower.

2017-06-19, 04:09 PM
I remember just once I tried a higher difficulty, and other factions *started* with their great temples. So... no hope of getting their lords. I was pretty unhappy.

Maybe they do, I rarely aim for fealty anyway so I wouldn't know and to a certain extent other factions starting with their great temples liberated could help you as well. Especially if it's a faction on the opposing side of the alignment pool. Fewer people to swear fealty to Death or your rival.

2017-06-19, 07:13 PM
I suppose it's possible that water had conquered it without him knowing though.

Given that the library was owned by an enemy, this is almost certainly what happened.

2017-06-19, 08:05 PM
Given that the library was owned by an enemy, this is almost certainly what happened.

But they hadn't taken any other buildings in the area? And had no army down there either judging from Ilven's confusion. It's not impossible, but it just seems odd.

Aren't they also kinda far away from each other? I don't really remember the map.

Ok, so this thread inspired me to try another playthrough. Can anyone tell me why my artifacts aren't working? I have the correct race/class artifacts and they are giving the stat bonuses, but that's it. Things like exp/turn or heal after battle aren't working correctly.

2017-06-21, 10:14 AM
But they hadn't taken any other buildings in the area? And had no army down there either judging from Ilven's confusion. It's not impossible, but it just seems odd.

Aren't they also kinda far away from each other? I don't really remember the map.

Not sure which "they" you're talking about, but the AI does some things that make no sense for people and can throw everything into confusion. They're bad about how they guard things / what they attack, so it's fairly easy for one faith to lose even their capital to random things, especially if they're having income problems and have all of their units revolt. When you take over a faith, you also don't get all of their stuff, so there could've been a Water army that just didn't get converted.

A couple of other complicating things: when you conquer a capital, you also gain control of all of the capital's attached buildings, but the AI can still take over individual buildings and use them (though players can't). That's probably why the library was enemy controlled, as the AI decided it needed to research some things so it took just the one building.

Water and Earth are far-ish (assuming you aren't using boats), but nothing's too terribly far from each other. If you do use Water boats they're actually pretty close: there's a bay you can access near the Earth Great Temple.

Ok, so this thread inspired me to try another playthrough. Can anyone tell me why my artifacts aren't working? I have the correct race/class artifacts and they are giving the stat bonuses, but that's it. Things like exp/turn or heal after battle aren't working correctly.

I have no answers on that, however.

2017-06-21, 04:00 PM
Fair enough. It ended up eating my save game so I gave up on it again anyway.

2017-06-23, 06:01 PM
Double post I guess since no one else is posting. I did a few more playthroughs (I have had a lot of free time this week) Just some random thoughts.

When starting with the warrior Lord it's a waste to use a big army. My first few playthroughs I made the mistake of building a large army as quickly as possible. This splits the exp gain and only hurts you in the long run. You can actually solo most appropriately leveled dungeons with a warrior lord if have decent artifacts and tactics.

I also wasn't using mercenaries because of the long term cost. There's nothing wrong with buying a bunch of mercenaries for a difficult fight and dismissing them after though, and it's fairly cheap. Especially mages. If you ever get invaded you can basically just throw infinite mages at the enemy and whittle them down with spells.

The game is far too easy on even the hardest difficulties unless you intentionally hamstring yourself. It's too easy to take over other sides (either through combat or capturing their temple) and it's far too easy to make even the most hostile sides love you with a few gifts. You basically never have to fight anything except when you choose to do so. Even the "experts only" custom maps that came with the game are largely trivial once you understand the game rules. It would be fun on multiplayer, but obviously that's not really an option.

Marauders are a huge pain if you don't know how they work. My first game had me running all over the map chasing them down because I didn't know they would leave a building alone if it had a unit in it. Now I just plop a single scout in each of my important buildings and ignore them forever.

The funnest part of the game is exploring dungeons and wizard keeps for treasure. It's a shame that they're all so high level that you can't access them until you're strong enough to finish the game. You have to intentionally not finish in order to really explore.

Why is the ice drake more than twice as strong as every other legendary? It can solo anything in the game. All of the other legendaries are completely useless in comparison.

Auto calc makes no sense. It will give you wins when you couldn't possibly win, and will have you lose against enemies that can't even damage your lord.

Is there any way to select all of the units on a boat without individually clicking all 12 of them when you want to disembark?

2017-06-23, 09:21 PM
The game is far too easy on even the hardest difficulties unless you intentionally hamstring yourself. It's too easy to take over other sides (either through combat or capturing their temple) and it's far too easy to make even the most hostile sides love you with a few gifts. You basically never have to fight anything except when you choose to do so. Even the "experts only" custom maps that came with the game are largely trivial once you understand the game rules.
Yeah, the game is definitely pretty easy once you learn the mechanics. One of the most common comments I got when I did my recorded run a few years back was the recommendation of using a mod called Gs5(which can be found here (http://mantera.xorgate.com/website.html)). I've only recently installed it and haven't really gotten a chance to play it, but it's apparently a mod that overhauls the game and AI mechanics to make the AI a bit less stupid and challenging...among other things.

It would be fun on multiplayer, but obviously that's not really an option.

Another thing that was mentioned in the last video of my series was that GameRanger supports online Lords of Magic play...although obviously that would require willing participants to join in as I doubt there are too many people just randomly looking for a game.

The funnest part of the game is exploring dungeons and wizard keeps for treasure. It's a shame that they're all so high level that you can't access them until you're strong enough to finish the game. You have to intentionally not finish in order to really explore.
It is a shame and there's a lot of interesting stuff in the game that just doesn't see use due to it's late-game nature. I still find artifacts that i have never seen before.

Why is the ice drake more than twice as strong as every other legendary? It can solo anything in the game. All of the other legendaries are completely useless in comparison.
That's....debatable. The Ice Drake and Fafnir are so powerful but have the drawback of being unable to join an army. I would probably argue that Lancelot or The Lich(if leveled) would probably outperform either of those legendaries due to this arbitrary limit. With the right spells researched, The Lich might even be able to take on the Ice Drake solo...although I haven't been really done any testing. This is just guess work.

All of the Legendaries and even Balkoth become pretty trivial to deal with on their own when you realize that any single unit can just be dogpiled by random crap (https://youtu.be/h5DkecbWoYw?list=PL7crOt28rlsYXVBO1gjJPP4U6MMf7y8y _&t=1168).(apologies for the random jerk who has horrible audio quality. Some people just aren't good at making YouTube videos and shouldn't be doing it)

I remember one time I killed Balkoth with just a swarm of level 1 Eagles.

Auto calc makes no sense. It will give you wins when you couldn't possibly win, and will have you lose against enemies that can't even damage your lord.
To be fair to Lords of Magic....Even today, many games have garbage auto-calc.

Is there any way to select all of the units on a boat without individually clicking all 12 of them when you want to disembark?

I don't think so.

2017-06-23, 10:16 PM
Yeah, the game is definitely pretty easy once you learn the mechanics. One of the most common comments I got when I did my recorded run a few years back was the recommendation of using a mod called Gs5(which can be found here (http://mantera.xorgate.com/website.html)). I've only recently installed it and haven't really gotten a chance to play it, but it's apparently a mod that overhauls the game and AI mechanics to make the AI a bit less stupid and challenging...among other things.

Another thing that was mentioned in the last video of my series was that GameRanger supports online Lords of Magic play...although obviously that would require willing participants to join in as I doubt there are too many people just randomly looking for a game.

It is a shame and there's a lot of interesting stuff in the game that just doesn't see use due to it's late-game nature. I still find artifacts that i have never seen before.

That's....debatable. The Ice Drake and Fafnir are so powerful but have the drawback of being unable to join an army. I would probably argue that Lancelot or The Lich(if leveled) would probably outperform either of those legendaries due to this arbitrary limit. With the right spells researched, The Lich might even be able to take on the Ice Drake solo...although I haven't been really done any testing. This is just guess work.

All of the Legendaries and even Balkoth become pretty trivial to deal with on their own when you realize that any single unit can just be dogpiled by random crap (https://youtu.be/h5DkecbWoYw?list=PL7crOt28rlsYXVBO1gjJPP4U6MMf7y8y _&t=1168).(apologies for the random jerk who has horrible audio quality. Some people just aren't good at making YouTube videos and shouldn't be doing it)

I remember one time I killed Balkoth with just a swarm of level 1 Eagles.

To be fair to Lords of Magic....Even today, many games have garbage auto-calc.

I don't think so.

I've come across the site for that mod before, but they don't really tell you what it does. I might install it just to see, but there's not much point if I don't even know what it's supposed to be changing.

The reason I don't like Lancelot (I haven't tried the Lich, but I assume it has the same problem) is that they take a leader slot. I feel like by the time you get them, you already have other leaders who are more effective. Especially when you consider that they can't use artifacts. A level 10-12 Paladin with an amulet of order and another artifact outperforms Lancelot pretty hard. Of course that's because that artifact is completely broken...

The Ice Drake seems to have some weirdness where if you auto-calc it will never lose no matter what it fights. It's a little abusive, but usually by the time I get it I'm late enough in the game that I'm bored with micro managing the fights anyway and just want to clean up random dungeons I haven't visited yet.

Lord Torath
2017-06-24, 11:56 AM
I've come across the site for that mod before, but they don't really tell you what it does. I might install it just to see, but there's not much point if I don't even know what it's supposed to be changing.

The reason I don't like Lancelot (I haven't tried the Lich, but I assume it has the same problem) is that they take a leader slot. I feel like by the time you get them, you already have other leaders who are more effective. Especially when you consider that they can't use artifacts. A level 10-12 Paladin with an amulet of order and another artifact outperforms Lancelot pretty hard. Of course that's because that artifact is completely broken...I'm pretty sure Lancelot can use artifacts.

2017-06-24, 04:52 PM
I read about ways to use trading to get reputation with someone really high. Like, if you need gold and they need ale, you can trade all your gold for all their ale, both reputations go up, then repeat the process until you love each other.

And I wonder... anyone make alliances and *not* take their great temple?

2017-06-24, 04:59 PM
And I wonder... anyone make alliances and *not* take their great temple?

There wouldn't really be any point to it outside of keeping them off of your back while dealing with other issues. You can manage their resources far better than the AI can and leaving them alive only means that somebody else will conquer them.

Ultimately, all other factions will be rolled over by Balkoth sooner or later. So it's best for you to get them than him.

2017-06-24, 05:34 PM
I'm pretty sure Lancelot can use artifacts.

He doesn't get the full benefits. I guess he's not considered an Order warrior despite obviously being one, so he won't get those faction specific benefits. That's just a guess. It could also just be a bug.

I pretty much always have a warrior lord in my army to function as a tank, and Lancelot just can't fill the same role, so it's not worth it to swap them out. Especially when he doesn't even have better stats. For comparison he has like 1 higher attack and the same defense as the Order Lord warrior if they're both maxed out.

There wouldn't really be any point to it outside of keeping them off of your back while dealing with other issues. You can manage their resources far better than the AI can and leaving them alive only means that somebody else will conquer them.

Ultimately, all other factions will be rolled over by Balkoth sooner or later. So it's best for you to get them than him.

You could milk them for a specific resource you need if they have it stockpiled, or leave them alone if they're currently fighting an enemy since you won't get most of their armies if you take over. You're right that it's almost always better to just take them though.

It's actually a little refreshing how friendly the AI is in this game. The AI in most strategy games are completely unreasonable. It's just a shame it makes the game so easy.

By the way, does anyone know any other games similar to this type or maybe the Heroes of Might and Magic series? I've got 3 months off work since I graduated and I'm waiting to take my boards and I'm going stir crazy.

2017-07-15, 09:18 PM
So it might not be too much of a surprise to anyone, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel this LP.

Photobucket is holding my images hostage, and while Imgur is fine for my D&D game, it's much harder to use when taking multiple images at once. (They get out of order.)

So my apologies, and I hope that I brought at least a little nostalgia back with an old game.

2017-07-16, 06:29 AM
Aww bummer.

Better go fire my own up ;)

If I can find it...