View Full Version : Geistwold 5e IC

Elder Inheritor
2017-04-24, 12:21 AM
Malmortius looked over a bridge, staring at the Hellwall some indeterminable distance away. A few people passed near him, mostly workers moving about their daily tasks, but there was a definite open space, whether out of disgust for his appearance or out of a desire to avoid startling something they thought was a monster lost in thought.
Over three dozen adventurers and none have taken curious to the offer yet... What to do, what to do.
He'd put the word out. Every sponsor had put out flyers. All he had to do was wait here, and eventually someone would show, but it had already been a week. Adventurers were supposed to spend no longer than a month outside the Hellwall. If another week passed without at least one person showing up for details on getting a guaranteed retirement in this ludicrous human economy, he'd end up yanking his tentacles off!
"Maybe they just see me before I see them, and just leave. It's nicer than trying to stab me, I suppose." His thoughts were broadcast around him due to rooted habits that he couldn't make himself abolish. A few people muttered around him, and the open space near him got a little larger.

Use "" quotation marks for speech, italics for thoughts, and put meta stuff like actions and rolls in spoilers. Fun note, italics with "" quotation marks means "psychic communication" to the person being talked to. If you can talk to multiple people telepathically at once, for whatever reason, try to find a way to designate who you send each message to. Here's a link to the OoC thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?522818-Geistwold-5e-OoC&p=21945739#post21945739)

2017-04-24, 08:35 AM
Akio steps out from the sparse crowd and into Malmortius' sight. "I suppose you're not the person I expected, but adventurers need the ability to adjust to the unexpected. I'm taking you up on your offer of teamwork." A passerby quietly gasps, but Akio ignores them. "Since your success will help others, I want to help bring it about."

An invisible, yet luminous fist-sized orb has been tailing Akio the entire time.

Leren is in a small room, only illuminated by the bright red-yellow dotted Meteorological Staff he took from Akio that fateful day. "Why does he insist on helping people that I'm certain won't help him back?" Through his scrying sensor placed upon Akio, he could see and hear his actions, but that didn't explain them. "No matter, I'll still be able to convince him to join me in bringing the splendor of nature back here."

Leren doesn't believe the party will stick together, but that's just him.

EDIT: Reword for better consistency with earlier post.

Elder Inheritor
2017-04-25, 09:00 AM
"Ah! Lovely to meet you, sirrah! To which nobility do I owe the pleasure? Or are you a traveler of your own direction?"
Malmortius's voice is gurgling and slow to get out, but it's understandable enough, in a conversational tone.

2017-04-26, 12:07 AM
Akio creates a small, magical gust around himself, both as a minor demonstration of his abilities and to cool off from the the sweltering heat normally found in the Giestwold. "I'm here on my own travels; I doubt a noble would have seriously funded my previous magical item search expeditions."

Cast Gust on self.

2017-04-26, 11:57 AM
"There are a few of them: you just have to know how to get their attention." Theodore steps forward as well, quickly removing his hand from a pouch hanging at his side.

"At least there were. Not sure anymore; it's been a while since I messed up. There's no work for me here anymore. I'll hear you out." The treasure-hunter looks sharply at Malmortius.

Elder Inheritor
2017-04-27, 12:02 AM
"Excellent. You don't mind if I talk in your head, I hope? It's somewhat difficult for me to indulge in physical conversation. Well, there are two goals I have in mind. First, to slay a great many beasts that look like me, except bluish and greenish instead of purplish, and with a temperament not unlike that of lady trolls. Second, to not die in the process. The second is of higher importance than the first, for now. It will take some time, since the foe is impeccible at strategy. Any direct assaults will be deflected with ease, and attrition or seiges won't work either. Therein lies the reason why I require aid in the first place."

After he finishes his rambling, he ceases his communication but allows you to reply through the telepathic connection if you want.

The strange alien language was translated on the parchment next to it, in the tongue shared by the creatures of the underground: "The reconfiguration of the device is proving difficult. Reversing its intended effects are far more difficult than simply twisting the original design. Perhaps grafting the device into a biollurgical structure would suffice. Looking into alternative methods..."

2017-04-27, 05:35 PM
"I don't mind the change to telepathic communication. It's actually more convenient for me, since a former friend has decided to start chasing me up." Akio replies, Akio glances at the rest of the city, and asks "Why do the beasts you speak of need slain? What would the people here have to gain from their demise?

Leren makes a confused look. One of them says "I'll hear you out" and is answered with silence? That makes no sense! I can hear other noises, so it can't be the spell itself acting up...

Elder Inheritor
2017-04-28, 01:33 PM
"They destroyed a water treatment facility. I was tasked with destroying them before they decide to do something worse, and was given leave to hire adventurers for the sorties that will surely ensue. We will also have some minor access to military quarters, for sleeping at the border of the barrier."

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/49BYV1R2lXvSvGzfuN760HZY29-BHvcRx7mMBQgrtewfvy1FQcyVVQND9TLMr46tklzdi4ZTi0544 8nuyNEjC-DIj-cxuoVv6wc-YuCbKf0uCvUs9GiUt4g6FMTsTtnMeYg1OLVw
Credit -- ArtStation, Happy Illithid, Lloyd Hoshide

2017-04-29, 12:03 AM
"Lack of water has always been a problem here, and getting more of it would be extremely helpful. I'll work with you to defeat these vile foes, as they're denying a vital resource to the city. Do you have a plan on how we can these beasts down?"

Elder Inheritor
2017-04-29, 12:40 AM
"I'm hiring you as much for your ideas as for your skills. The overseer of the creatures can sense intelligent life, and is smart enough to know what we'll do before we do. My idea would be to brute force our way in, but that would require more disposable resources than I could ever hope to accrue here, even if the city wasn't being stomped into the dirt.​"

2017-04-29, 05:36 PM
Theodore stood considering for a moment. "I'll join with you as well. Two questions, though: How powerful are they? And how much am I getting paid?"

2017-04-29, 06:29 PM
"Is it possible for us to prevent this overseer from predicting our actions, so that we could oppose it easier?", Akio added. This opponent sounds stronger than anything I've heard of before, but it can't be invincible. Nothing is.

Elder Inheritor
2017-04-30, 12:17 AM
Malmortius mulled the questions over for a moment.
"The mind flayers are individually not as powerful as myself, but four or five would perhaps be a real threat to me. The colony has a few dozen of them, and then several hundred slaves. Most of the slaves have had their minds completely and utterly broken, and consist of orcs, quaggoth, goblin-related creatures, and giant species native to the deep caves.
You'll be crowned a Slayer after the mission is over, which I'm sure you know means you'll practically be nobility at that point. Wealthy with a leash - like most high ranked personnel. You'll never have to worry about making ends meet, though.
The overseer is able to predict our actions, but it's not necessarily going to be able to counteract them; the only reasons it will counteract most of my ideal operations is because of the mind flayers and slaves under its command, not due to any intrinsic overwhelming power."

2017-04-30, 08:59 PM
"Got it. Whatever our plan to fight the mind flayers is, we should keep it simple to minimize the number of countermeasures their leader can employ. If we're letting our opponent predict our actions, we need to be sure that our tactics are airtight to win."

"I think I could use a slayer's clout would bring to help others." A glint of rage enters Akio's eyes as he starts to form his next sentence. "At the very least, it'll get me harassed for running of in search of something comparable to the Meteorological Staff less.

Malmortimus, do you have any questions for us?" Akio pauses for a bit, then gestures to Theodore.
"Whoops, I forgot to ask your name, and to give mine. I'm Akio."

2017-05-03, 04:37 PM
"A Slayer... Certainly a rich offer. And thanks for the heads-up. I'll try to be unpredictable." Theodore smirked as he instinctively turned towards Akio. "I'm Theodore Ferny, adventuring treasure-hunter. Good to meet you."

2017-05-03, 09:40 PM
"Likewise, Theodore." Akio makes another remembering glance from the bridge to the wild lands, then asks "What was the most significant find you've made while treasure hunting?."

Elder Inheritor
2017-05-03, 09:57 PM
"Akio, your question is my question to both of you.​"

2017-05-04, 03:35 PM
"Well, mine was the Cornucopia. Ancient artifact, forgotten civilization, etc., etc. The thing could create anything I asked it to if I did so correctly - even food. But - " The thoughts each of the others is hearing turn to static for the briefest of instants, before Theodore's voice returns. " - stole it. Should be pretty clear why no one wants to hire me anymore.

"How about you two?"

"No. You may not inform them of this." The magical glow slowly faded from the Knight's eyes.

2017-05-04, 05:32 PM
"Mine was the Meteorological Staff, which has magic that could end the stagnant, oppressive climate here. I found it while adventuring with Leren, who was once a lifelong friend of mine. That friendship ended the same day, when he forcibly took the staff from me so he could use its powers to help the beasts of the wild lands and destroy the Geistwold, out of a misguided idea that people deserve to suffer thirst.

To this day we've been in a long term violent argument over the fate of the staff, and Leren will probably chase me down on this trip, as he has the last few excursions I've tried to go on. If he does, could you help me get the Meteorological Staff back from him?"

Elder Inheritor
2017-05-05, 03:38 PM
"I knew adventurers were a colorful sort, but I'm quite intrigued by the both of you. I'd be happy to assist the both of you if you see this mission to its utter completion. Let's call it a day and meet up in the third quarter tomorrow morning, near that one breach those umber hulks came through a couple years ago. We can travel together to the guard station right outside; you can see it if you stand in the breach and look out over the Bridgeways. Gather your belongings, and be prepared for haste; I tend not to dawdle, once I get on the road, though I doubt that'll be an issue with you two."

2017-05-05, 09:26 PM
"I'll be ready to move the moment I arrive there." Leren then leaves in order to prepare for the journey.

Leren's just walking off like some important decision was made despite them standing around silent for a few minutes‽ I know he's good at persuading people, but this is ridiculous.

2017-05-06, 10:32 AM
"Certainly not. I don't think I've ever dawdled in my life." Theodore waves goodbye and follows Akio away.

2017-05-08, 11:31 AM
Leren dismisses the scrying spell. I can figure out what's going on there later, no need to waste time continuing to watch something I don't understand. He then proceeds from his private scrying room to the top of his makeshift fortress' primary tower.

Said fortress is made up of a few buildings that had suffered significant damage due to a sinkhole they fell into, the largest one of which had been a monastery similar to Glideleaf. The repairs made often turned what was roof into walls for the rooms that were undamaged enough to be worth repairing, making much of the area open air. A few rooms were even just outright moved to make the area defendable.

The only time outside resources were used was the repair and extension of the monastery's central tower, which was made high enough to peek out of the sinkhole and past the portion of the adamantine barrier revealed by it. The tower is used as a primary outlook for defense, and to look towards the wild lands in reminder of their goals.

Leren scanned the area for anybody that might interfere, but found nobody. I've probably scared off whatever gang was trying to take my territory. Good. He then left the tower, and called for his allies to gather in the courtyard.

"I'll be leaving here for a bit to bring powerful creature to my side with this staff, then return and let it unleash havoc. This wretched city will know the power of nature yet." The crowd Leren had gathered cheered.

After returning the Glideleaf Monastery, Akio quickly and excitedly gathered his equipment and prepared for travel. Now that I've got teammates again, we can adventure even father than before. I'm ready to face whatever foes stand before us to help this starved city.

Elder Inheritor
2017-05-15, 12:19 AM
Malmortius lounged with a few noblefolk, exchanging names and discreetly finding details about things they all wanted done.
There's something... Off.
"Perhaps it is just a feeling, but I believe I've forgotten something that I must attend to. Goodnight, friends!"
As he leaves the manor party, Malmortius peers through busy lanes and takes note of cleaners removing trash from side passages. He goes aboveground, to his favorite bridge, to give his longing look at the Hellwall, curious as ever about the strange gaseous fog. To end the night, he travels to the major inclinator of this portion of the city, riding with the regular night crew, below the surface. He sleeps at his small, broken stone shanty, restless for the coming morning.

2017-05-16, 06:50 PM
Leren sits in his modest bedroom. I'm already about to rest and recharge, might as well take a peek at Akio and see if I can glean any knowledge. Leren casts Scrying and names Akio, letting him see the area around him.

Akio sleeps calmly in the Glideleaf Monastery, already prepared for adventuring tomorrow.

Ready for another naive trip, as usual. Probably going to have to scry more to understand, but I've got the power for that. Akio should've taken me up my offer to power him up with my ritual. Crying about the lack of your weakest spells should mean nothing when you can use your strongest ones repeatedly, and make up the difference with magic items.

2017-05-18, 03:59 PM
Theodore spends the night at home, tossing and turning restlessly. What little sleep he can get is plagued with nightmares.

The skeletal creature walked slowly along the line of lesser creatures, inspecting each minute detail of their armor and weapons. "Perfect. The last leak shall soon be plugged..."

Elder Inheritor
2017-05-20, 01:30 AM
Malmortius wakes up a little late... but he planned for that, having come all the way out to this barracks the previous night.
"Right on schedule. Sergeant Colms, would you mind letting in a few friends of mine when they come round about?"
He relays images of his new companions to the sergeant gate keeper.
The sergeant gives an affirmative nod, then as Malmortius moves away, he shakes his head in disgruntlement at the mental contact.
And now, to see how fast they get here. Though, they might both be here already. I did just wake up...

2017-05-20, 10:43 AM
Akio almost immediately after, completely prepared to set out the moment Theodore arrives. He walks in a brisk pace, with a determined look in his eyes. "Sorry I'm a little late, had a little trouble finding the place."

2017-05-20, 11:13 AM
Theodore arrives a little over five minutes later. He is already clad in faintly-glowing studded leather armor, and openly wears a longsword in its sheath at his side. After he is let in, he scans the room quickly, then turns to Malmortius and Akio.

"Looks like we're all here. Ready to go?"

Theodore's demeanor leaves no doubt that his answer is "yes".

2017-05-22, 11:53 PM
Akio answers Theodore by silently nodding, then performs a final check of his equipment. Wearing my Glamoured Studded Leather Armor, Goggles of Night around my neck, dungeoneering pack on my back, Cube of Force on my leftmost belt loop, and various potions along the rest. It's all here.

He turns to face Malmortius. "You lead the way."