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2007-07-30, 08:55 PM
Most burn their bridges after they cross them.


Hit Die

To qualify to become an anarcgus, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Any Chaotic.

Spellcraft 8 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks.

Any metamagic feat.

Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.

Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation.

Class Skills
The anarcgus’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level
2 + Int modifier.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells per Day

+2|Spell Flux|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+3|Anarchic Magic|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+3||+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+4|Metasurge|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+4||+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+5|Overflow|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+5||+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+6|Critical Mana|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+6||+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+7|Blaze of Glory|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class [/table]

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the anarcgus prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Anarcgi gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day/Spells Known
When a new anarcgus level is gained, the character gains new spells per day and spells known as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast 3rd-level spells before he added the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast 3rd-level spells before he became an anarcgus, he must decide to which class he adds each level of anarcgus for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Orcish siege weapons are more predictable than an anarcgus's spells.
Spell Flux (Su)
At 1st level, when casting a spell an anarcgus can attempt to alter the level of the spell slot used, albeit with unpredictable results. The player rolls 1d4 – 2 and subtracts the result to the spells level for the sole purpose of spending a spell slot. If there is no available spell slot at that level, the next highest is used. If no higher spell slots are available, the spell fails, the highest spell slot available is used, and the anarcgus takes Con damage equal to the value of the die roll.

If the spell level is less than zero, then no spell slot is used. An additional spell may be added to the casting with level up to the absolute value of the spell’s level after applying the dice roll. The additional spell uses a spell slot accordingly; metamagic can not be applied to this additional spell.

At 3rd level the anarcgus rolls 1d6 – 3; at 5th 1d8 – 4; at 7th 1d10 – 5; at 9th 1d12 – 6.

"Hey, you can't do th" ~ Last words of Michal Fordain, Paladin of Hāleghćfen
Anarchic Magic
An anarcgus’s spells become chaos-aligned; he may not cast spells with the Law subtype. Also, for each level of anarcgus, the spell resistance of lawful-aligned creatures is reduced by 1 against his spells.. In addition, the DC to counter an anarcgus’s spells for lawful spell casters is +5.

Do not blink, lest you miss your last glimpse of life.
Metasurge (Su)
Beginning at 4th level, an anarcgus can apply metamagic to his spells without increasing the casting time. A spell thus affected uses a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level. The metamagic feat Quicken Spell may also be used through this ability.

If something's worth doing, it's worth doing now.
Overflow (Su)
At 6th level, an anarcgus can push himself beyond his limits and cast an additional spell without the aid of metamagic with a successful concentration check. The anarcgus may not cast magic for the next 3 rounds The DC is 20 + the spell level.

...and there wasn't even enough left to make an urn for his ashes.
Critical Mana (Su)
At 8th level, an anarcgus can alter his spells to allow for critical successes and failures. When casting a spell, he may make a concentration check. If a 20 is rolled, it is counted as a critical success: The spell ignores spell resistance and spell immunity; the counterspell DC is +20; and all saves against the spell automatically fail. If a 1 is rolled, it is counted as a critical failure: the spell fails; he can not cast spells of that school for 1 minute/spell level; and he takes wisdom damage equal to 1/2 spell level rounded down.

The DC starts at 10, and increases by 5 for each use that day. If a concentration check has to be made for another reason while using this ability, its DC is increased by the current DC for Critical Mana.

An anarcgus who leaves enemies behind has failed at life; an anarcgus who leaves a body behind has failed at death.
Blaze of Glory (Su)
At 10th level, an anarcgus can risk the ultimate sacrifice for incredible power. This ability is a full round action. When used, all casting times of 1 round or less become instantaneous. An anarcgus may cast as many spells as he wishes for that round. For each spell he casts he must make a concentration check. The DC is 15 + 5 for each spell after the first. He may ignore any concentration check that is not caused by a spell or special ability. The ability ends when he releases it or when he fails a concentration check.

Immediately after the ability ends, he takes 1d6 Con damage for each spell cast. If the ability ended due to a failed concentration check, he takes an additional 1d6 damage. If an anarcgus dies as a result from this Con damage, his bodies disintegrates into ash and he can not be resurrected by any means. If he survives, the damage heals at a rate of 1 point a week. If he uses Blaze of Glory again before the Con damage heals, the starting DC is 25, each additional spell increases the DC by 10, and he dies immediately after the ability ends. He can not be resurrected by any means.

I'm trying to give the sorc an interesting and fairly powerful prc. The bard wasn't really focused on for this prc, but if the class benefits decently, cool. Comments for either is of course cool, but please focus on the Sorc side.

Forgot to complete the table. opps.

Previous creations:

Acolyte of the Pure Eye (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50748)

Zeta Kai
2007-07-30, 09:08 PM
Wow. I love the flavor of this guy. His Blaze of Glory ability reminds me of the capstone ability for the Bio-Mage (see signature): Bio-Bomb.

Good job. I dunno about the name, though; it's a little clunky. How about Anarcanum? Or Chaomancer? Just a thought.

2007-07-30, 09:32 PM
How about giving it this name, Mage of the changing ways? seems to fit. for a nature themed sorc taking this class, Mage of the everchanging river. for an urban sorc, mage of the uncertain flow.

good Prc anyways

2007-07-30, 10:24 PM
No love for the name eh? It was a pun name anyway: Anarcgus = anarchist; anarcgi = anarchy. It kinda works :smalltongue:. I'm definitely open to changing it, though I'll sleep and work on it.

I took a quick glance at the char Z. Looks pretty cool, and yea, the capstones are similar, but I wanted mine to have a chance at being reusable, and a PrC capstone shouldn't be absolute suicidal vs. a base class i feel. Though if you drop to even 5 Con, thats -3 per level. with d4 hit die, odds are that's death anyway. Also, thanks for the praise on the flavor :smallbiggrin: For me that usually matters the most.

Thanks for the comments. Good night.

2007-08-01, 06:00 PM
It would be nice to have some more fluff for this, as well.