View Full Version : Acronym guide?

2017-04-24, 02:46 PM


MAD? Mutually Assured Destruction? (Showing my age)

And so on...

Coming from OD&DAD&D 1edition to 5th with a multi decade break is not helping... I know.

2017-04-24, 02:49 PM
This one looks pretty decent


Although it is missing ASI

ASI - Ability Stat Increase - The levels where you can either get 2 ability stats or get a feat.

2017-04-24, 02:49 PM
ASI: Ability Score Increase
SAD: Single Attribute Dependent (where pretty much everything keys off of one stat, like a Rogue)
MAD: Multiple Attribute Dependent (where multiple stats are needed to perform well, like a Paladin or Monk)

2017-04-24, 03:10 PM
I've made one for 3e (https://docs.google.com/document/d/14D5o2dCyDVgni91iuVFrs2RDRDaCD7O-dUkcO5CCIcE/edit?usp=sharing); a lot of the terminology is shared between editions. I've included some 5e (and older edition) terms there as well.

2017-04-24, 03:15 PM
Old school eh? AFAIK & IIRC, MAD & SAD originated in TETSNBN, but OTOH they're applicable to any PB or other NRA, which go back to OUA, or even AD&DPH. So it's probably fairer to call them OIMGC.

2017-04-24, 03:37 PM
Old school eh? AFAIK & IIRC, MAD & SAD originated in TETSNBN, but OTOH they're applicable to any PB or other NRA, which go back to OUA, or even AD&DPH. So it's probably fairer to call them OIMGC.


Not overtly helpful but funny!

2017-04-24, 03:39 PM
This one looks pretty decent


Although it is missing ASI

ASI - Ability Stat Increase - The levels where you can either get 2 ability stats or get a feat.

Thanks! Very helpful!

2017-04-24, 04:54 PM
For the younger crowd here:

OD&D: Original Dungeons and Dragons (the stuff the Grognards are talking about all the time)
AD&D: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (what D&D was in the 20th Century)

2017-04-24, 08:24 PM
For the younger crowd here:

OD&D: Original Dungeons and Dragons (the stuff the Grognards are talking about all the time)
AD&D: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (what D&D was in the 20th Century)

Might be senior moments in this chronology but for me it went-

White Box OD&D, followed by Greyhawk booklet (thieves, druids?) followed by Blackmoor ( D4 hit die Monks?) and two other booklets.

Then Advanced D&D 1st Edition, then the abomination of Basic D&D, then AD&D second (bought and read books, may not have played.)

Then days of horror and increasing kludgy mechanics of 3.0, 3.5, and the Edition I shall not name... I mean number...

I read the PHBs for each of those during my time away from FROGs... I mean FRPGs...

Now I read 5th Edition, discuss the game with friends and am planning my McArthur moment...

And I don't like MacArthur!


2017-04-24, 08:33 PM
Now I read 5th Edition, discuss the game with friends and am planning my McArthur moment...

And I don't like MacArthur!


While we're explaining, what's a McArthur moment?

2017-04-24, 08:39 PM
While we're explaining, what's a McArthur moment?

I shall return! WW2 General MacArthur.

Not to be equated with I am running away.


I have returned!