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2017-04-24, 09:13 PM
Hear Ye, Hear Ye: A Listen Skill Reference


Listen (Wis)

SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/listen.htm): Check: Your Listen check is either made against a DC that reflects how quiet the noise is that you might hear, or it is opposed by your target’s Move Silently check. In the case of people trying to be quiet, the DCs given on the table could be replaced by Move Silently checks, in which case the indicated DC would be their average check result.
Rules compendium p.114 A successful Listen check allows you to tell the general location of or direction to the sound. If understanding the actual content of a sound is important, beating the DC by 10 allows you to do so, assuming you can otherwise understand that content. Beating the DC by 20 allows you to pinpoint where a sound is coming from.
Stormwrack p.88: Water is a better conductor of sound than air; sound waves propagate faster and attenuate less over distance. However, land creatures don’t necessarily hear well underwater, because it’s very difficult to establish direction and discriminate the components of a sound if your ears are intended for hearing through air, not water.
Background Noise:Adventurers in or around water often have to contend with significant background noise—the sound of the surf, the slap of water on a boat’s hull, the rush and break of wavelets even in calm waters, or the rushing of a river or stream. If either the listener or the origin of a sound is in an area of background noise, the DC of any Listen checks increases as shown below. Sounds that pass over or through such conditions are also affected.
Check Modifiers: Sound carries through water extremely well; penalize the listener’s Listen check by –1 per 30 feet instead of –1 per 10 feet for sounds transmitted through water. Sound also carries well over water (for example, a person on shore shouting to someone on a boat); penalize the Listen check by –1 per 20 feet instead of the normal increment of –1 per 10 feet.

Listen DC/Modifier

The sound of an erupting Volcano (Bottled Eruption item)
Web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031227a)

A Battle

Small rumble of thunder (Thunderstroke spell)
CoV p.59

People Talking, If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you can make out what’s being said, assuming that you understand the language

A person in medium armor walking at a slow pace (10 ft./round) trying not to make any noise.

Detect a Sonorous Hum spell
Spell Compendium, p. 196

Hear people talking on the other side of a door
DMG p.31

An unarmored person walking at a slow pace (15 ft./round) trying not to make any noise, Hear an approaching guard
SRD/PHB p.64

Hear the horrific sounds of tearing and ripping come from the ten shadow ghouls feasting on a political prisoner in a long tunnel from the other side of a door.
ToM p.181

A 1st-level rogue using Move Silently to sneak past the listener

People Whispering, If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you can make out what’s being said, assuming that you understand the language

The message spell is ideal for maintaining communication between a commander and her officers prior to a battle, but once battle is joined, targets of a message spell must succeed on a DC 15 Listen check to hear the whispered message over the din of battle.
Heroes of Battle p.121

The sound of someone picking a lock
Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk p.62

A cat stalking

The sound of something burrowing underground
Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk p.178

The sound of a creature casting a silent spell
Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk p.79

The sound of something moving using earth glide
Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk p.54

An owl gliding in for a kill

Coffins: These stone coffins have heavy lids. A PC within a coffin who screams loudly gives companions a chance to hear: DC 35 Listen check to hear the faint screams coming from somewhere to the north.
Expedition to ravenloft p.190:

Defeat Illusion with auditory component
Epic SRD

Notice the presence of an invisible creature (generally opposed by a Move Silently check). If the character beats the DC by 20 or more, he or she can pinpoint the location of the invisible creature, though it still maintains total concealment from the character (50% miss chance).
Epic SRD

Through a door

Through a stone wall

Per 10 feet of distance over land/ per 20 feet over water/ per 30 feet underwater
SRD & Rules compendium p.114

Listener Distracted

Listener Asleep

Land Creature underwater (no native swim skill or aquatic subtype)
Rules compendium p.114

Ambient Noise: Listener or sound in light sea or moderate river
Rules compendium p.114 & Stormwrack p.88

Loud ambient Noise: Listener or sound in light surf, moderate sea, or loud river
Rules compendium p.114 & Stormwrack p.88

Extremely Loud Ambient Noise: Listener or sound in heavy surf or thundering river
Rules compendium p.114 & Stormwrack p.88

Epic Usage of Listen (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#listen):The character can pinpoint the location of an invisible creature, or detect an illusion with an auditory component.
Defeat Illusion The character can automatically detect any illusion with an auditory component for what it truly is. No Will save is required, and the character doesn’t have to interact with the illusion (but he or she must be able to hear its auditory component).

DMG p.296 Listen Check DCs to Detect Invisible Creatures: A creature can use hearing to find an invisible creature. A character can make a Listen check for this purpose as a free action each round. A Listen check result at least equal to the invisible creature’s Move Silently check result reveals its presence. (A creature with no ranks in Move Silently makes a Move Silently check as a Dexterity check to which an armor check penalty applies.) A successful check lets a character hear an invisible creature “over there somewhere.” It’s practically impossible to pinpoint the location of an invisible creature. A Listen check that beats the DC by 20 pinpoints the invisible creature’s location.

Invisible Creature Is

In combat or speaking

Moving at half speed
Move Silently check result

Moving at full speed
Move Silently check result –4

Running or charging
Move Silently check result –20

Some distance away
+1 per 10 feet (assuming normal terrain/environment

Behind an obstacle (door)

Behind an obstacle (stone wall)

DMG p.303 A creature in Darkness Effects: A creature blinded by darkness can make a Listen check as a free action each round in order to locate foes (DC equal to opponents’ Move Silently checks). A successful check lets a blinded character hear an unseen creature “over there somewhere.” It’s almost impossible to pinpoint the location of an unseen creature. A Listen check that beats the DC by 20 reveals the unseen creature’s square (but the unseen creature still has total concealment from the blinded creature).

Action Varies. Every time you have a chance to hear something in a reactive manner (such as when someone makes a noise or you move into a new area), you can make a Listen check without using an action. Trying to hear something you failed to hear previously is a move action.

Try Again Yes. You can try to hear something that you failed to hear previously with no penalty.

Races of Stone p.132: Underground Echo - location
Sound doesn’t behave underground the way it does on the surface. Water and stone carry it in ways that open air doesn’t. Words and noises sometimes travel far from the individuals who made them to the ears of unfriendly creatures who would otherwise have remained unaware of the intruder's’ presence. To those who have learned the ways of sound in the earth’s heart, an echo from the sound of an enemy’s misstep can be sweet music to their ears. Years of training have taught many underground explorers how to tell an enemy’s location and distance from the echoes they hear.

Check: With a successful DC 25 Listen check, you can listen to echoing sounds and determine how far away the individuals making them are, within 10% of the distance between you and those individuals.

Action: Each check takes 1 full round of listening.

Try Again: No.

Races of Destiny p.149: Listening in populous settings
Sometimes you want to hear a whispered conversation across the room or make out what two people are talking about in a loud, crowded room.

Check: You can use this skill to clarify overheard conversations. The DCs given in the Player’s Handbook are based simply on hearing someone moving or talking. To understand any conversation that is being spoken near to you (but not directly at you), your Listen check must exceed the DC by 10.

DC Modifier

Next to booth in a Tavern

Bustling city street corner

Busy Tavern

Crowded Market Place


Action: Each check takes a full round of listening.

Try Again:No.

When several characters are listening to the same thing, a single 1d20 roll can be used for all the individuals’ Listen checks.
A fascinated creature takes a -4 penalty on Listen checks made as reactions.
Favored enemy class feature and similar but slightly tweaked derivations of it advance the Listen skill against a single type or subtype of creature by +2 and by another +2 every 5 levels thereafter.
XPH p.58: Auditory Displays of psionics yielda bass-pitched hum issues from the manifester’s vicinity or in the vicinity of the power’s subject (manifester’s choice), eerily akin to many deep-pitched voices. The sound grows in a second from hardly noticeable to as loud as a shout strident enough to be heard within 100 feet. At the manifester’s option, the instantaneous sound can be so soft that it can be heard only within 15 feet with a successful DC 10 Listen check. Some powers describe unique auditory displays.
A sleeping character may make Listen checks at a -10 penalty. A successful check awakens the sleeper.
A character can use Listen to notice the presence of an invisible creature (generally opposed by a Move Silently check). If the character beats the DC by 20 or more, he or she can pinpoint the location of the invisible creature, though it still maintains total concealment from the character (50% miss chance).
Listen checks can be modified by the weather and environment; see below
Unearthed Arcana p.84: Listen Since one Listen check represents one attempt to hear something, using the skill does not lend itself to complex skill checks. Situations that call for multiple Listen checks always require multiple simple checks, not one complex check.
Dungeonscape p.156: Remember that loud sounds drown out quieter noises. You can use circumstance modifiers to simulate this situation. For example, a PC standing near a waterfall (Listen DC –5) could take a penalty of –2 or more on Listen checks to hear a quieter sound, such as creatures talking in a cave behind the cataract.
Libris mortis p.142: As the Dungeon Master’s Guide indicates, an incorporeal creature hiding inside a solid object gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Listen checks because solid objects carry sound well.
PHB p.307: Deafened: Unable to hear. A deafened character takes a –4 penalty on initiative checks, automatically fails Listen checks, and has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components. But what if you are missing only one ear?
DMG p.27 Variant: Damage to body parts: Damaged Ear: -2 penalty to Listen checks; initiative checks. Severe damage to both ears causes a character to become deafened.
SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#blindsense): Blindsense and Blindsight: The creature usually does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to pinpoint the location of a creature within range of its blindsense ability, provided that it has line of effect to that creature.
SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#incorporealSubtype): Incorporeal creatures: An incorporeal creature moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn’t wish to be.
DMG2:p.49: Find a caughing survivor in a burning house: A successful DC 15 Listen check reduces the number of rounds spent searching by 1, as coughing citizens inadvertently lead the characters to their location.
Expedition to the Demonweb pits p.20: Heavy curtains shield the conversations from eavesdroppers (increasing Listen DCs by 5).
Expedition to the Demonweb pits p.97: The doors are stuffed with felt around the edges to avoid disturbing the guests (this also imposes a –5 circumstance penalty on any Listen check made within the inn).

Weather and Environmental Factors

Rules compendium p.158: STORMS
Storms last for 2d4–1 hours, and wind speeds are severe (30 to 50 mph). The combined effects of precipitation (or dust) and wind that accompany all storms reduce visibility ranges by three quarters, imposing a –8 penalty on Spot, Search, and Listen checks. Storms make ranged weapon attacks impossible, except for those using siege weapons, which take a –4 penalty on attack rolls.
DMG p.94 Powerful Storms: Very high winds and torrential precipitation reduce visibility to zero, making Spot, Search, and Listen checks and all ranged weapon attacks impossible.

DUSTSTORM: A duststorm blows fine grains of sand that obscure vision, smother unprotected flames, and can even choke protected flames. It leaves behind a deposit of 1d6 inches of fine dust and sand.
SANDSTORM: A sandstorm reduces visibility to 1d10X5 feet and imposes a –4 penalty on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
SNOWSTORM: In addition to the wind, snowstorms leave 1d6 inches of snow on the ground.
THUNDERSTORM: In addition to wind, rain, and sometimes hail, lightning accompanies thunderstorms. One lightning bolt strikes per minute for a 1-hour period. A tornado accompanies one in ten thunderstorms.
WINDSTORM: DMG p.95: Listen checks are at a –8 penalty due to the howling of the wind.
FLAMESTORMS: Sandstorm p.21: Flamestorms are presaged by the formation of dark clouds in the sky, which the uninitiated might mistake for rain clouds (DC 15 Survival check to determine that they are not). A DC 15 Spot check reveals that the flashes of light in the clouds are more reddish-orange than ordinary lightning, or a DC 5 Spot check reveals that the darkness under an approaching storm cloud is pierced by streaks of ruddy light. The constant crackle and low roar of the falling fire provides a –4 penalty on Listen checks.
CACKLESTORM Fiendish codex 1 p.112: The first sign of an impending cacklestorm is a soft giggling that seems to come from a dozen wicked voices. Hearing the faint tittering requires a successful DC 10 Listen check. Those who succeed can plug their ears to protect themselves, for in the next round the dozen voices become a hundred and then a thousand, until the landscape echoes with a chorus of insane laughter. Anyone able to hear the cacklestorm must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or fall under the effect of a permanent Tasha’s hideous laughter spell that can only be broken by the ingestion of ten vials of holy water and the completion of an atonement spell administered by a 9th-level caster (or higher).

Wind and Non-Storm Precipitation
RAIN DMG p.94: Rain reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a –4 penalty on Spot and Search checks. It has the same effect on flames, ranged weapon attacks, and Listen checks as severe wind (-4 penalty)
HAIL DMG p.94: Hail does not reduce visibility, but the sound of falling hail makes Listen checks more difficult (–4 penalty).
SLEET Rules compendium p.158: Essentially frozen rain, sleet reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a –4 penalty on Spot and Search checks. It has the same effect on flames, ranged weapon attacks, and Listen checks as severe wind (-4 penalty)
SNOW Rules compendium p.157: Falling snow reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a –4 penalty on Spot and Search checks. It has the same effect on ranged weapon attacks and Listen checks as severe wind (-4 penalty)
CLOUD CATS Fiendish codex 2 p.72: Hellcats will hide in snow storms. Only a character who makes a successful DC 25 Spot check or DC 35 Listen check can detect the presence of these creatures inside a column of howling, whirling snow.
STRONG WIND DMG p.95: Gusts impose a –2 penalty on ranged attack rolls and on Listen checks.
SEVERE WIND DMG p.95: Ranged weapon attacks and Listen checks are at a –4 penalty. This is the velocity of wind produced by a gust of wind spell.
WINDSTORM: DMG p.95: Listen checks are at a –8 penalty due to the howling of the wind.
HURRICANE-FORCE WIND DMG p.95: Listen checks are impossible:
TORNADO DMG p.95: All ranged attacks are impossible (even with siege weapons), as are Listen checks.
MEMORY FOG Fiendish codex 1 p.112: Memory fog appears just like regular fog, except that those walking through it can sometimes hear (Listen DC 10) faint whispers that seem to be snippets from long-forgotten conversations between strangers. Those who hear these whispers must make a successful DC 15 Will save to resist becoming obsessed and infused with them, to the point that the victim believes the memories to be his own. Those who fail the save begin to hallucinate events that did not—indeed could not—have happened.
Howl of the North: Frostburn p.14:
In addition to the wind effects (see Table 3–24, page 95 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide), the Howl of the North causes the additional effects listed in the table below. A typical occurrence of the Howl of the North lasts for 4d4 rounds.
The penalties on Listen checks supersede those normally imposed by a particular level of wind force.

Wind Force


-4 penalty on listen checks

-8 penalty on listen checks

-12 penalty on listen checks, 1d6 sonic damage

Natural and Planar
FOREST DMG p.87: The background noise in the forest makes Listen checks more difficult, increasing the DC of the check by 2 per 10 feet, not 1 (but note that Move Silently is also more difficult in undergrowth).
Frostburn p.200: A party taking mounts or pack animals through thick undergrowth grants their opponents a +5 bonus to their Listen check under these conditions.
MOUNTAINS DMG p.90: It’s easier to hear faraway sounds in the mountains. The DC of Listen checks increases by 1 per 20 feet between listener and source, not per 10 feet.
AVALANCHE DMG p.90: It’s possible to hear an avalanche coming even if you can’t see it. Under optimum conditions (no other loud noises occurring), a character who makes a DC 15 Listen check can hear the avalanche or landslide when it is 1d6X500 feet away. This check might have a DC of 20, 25, or higher in conditions where hearing is difficult (such as in the middle of a thunderstorm).
BADLANDS Sandstrom p.27: Because sound echoes so much in badlands, the DC of Listen checks increases by 2.
TEMPORAL ENERGY PLANE MOP p.209: The howling of the wind imposes a –8 penalty on Listen checks.
ETHEREAL PLANE MoP p.55: Creatures on the Ethereal Plane cannot talk to those on the Material Plane, even if they want to be heard. Ethereal listeners only hear Material Plane sounds that originate up to 60 feet away, but their hearing is otherwise unaffected. Touch, smell, and taste do not reach between the planes.
NIFLHEIM MoP p.110: Vision (including darkvision) is limited to 100 feet in Niflheim, and Listen checks suffer a –4 circumstance penalty due to the muffling nature of the fog.
TINTIBULUS MoP p.126: The constant ringing on Tintibulus causes characters to suffer a –4 circumstance penalty on Listen checks.
ELEMENTAL PLANE OF FIRE: ELH p.275: The continual crackle of flames imposes a –2 circumstance penalty on Listen checks in most locations on the plane.

Specific Environments
THE BONES OF VALIN Forge of War p.101: These burned-out husks and timbers are all that remain of the once-proud town of Valin. Characters within the ruins can still hear the weeping and screaming of the town’s citizens, a cacophony that bestows a –10 penalty on Listen checks and a –4 penalty on Concentration checks.
OLD GROWTH FOREST Secrets of xendric p.42: In an old-growth forest, the thick vegetation makes Listen checks more difficult, increasing the DC by 2 per 10 feet instead of 1. Move Silently checks receive penalties in areas of undergrowth (DMG 87).
WHISPER ROCK Five Nations p.33: Even in winter, the leaves and branches of the Whisper Woods rustle ceaselessly, imposing a –5 penalty on Listen checks within the forest.
CRYING FIELDS Five Nations p.33: During the day, a DC 20 Listen check is suffi cient to hear the sounds of past battles; on ordinary nights the DC drops to 15. On the night of the full moon, hearing the battle is automatic—it’s a real battle at that point, not just the distant echo of past clashes.
PLANAR ORRERY Dragons of Eberron p.137 The eerie silence of this place deadens sound, imposing a –10 penalty on all Listen checks.
STREAM Silver marches p.146: The stream is quite shallow, averaging 1 foot deep. The sound of the constant flow of the stream causes a –2 penalty on all Listen checks that are made within 40 feet of it.
SEWER OF WATERDEEP City of Splendor waterdeep p.122: The echoing water flow produces lots of noise, providing a –4 circumstance penalty on all Listen checks in the network.
SEWER MM5 p.140: Due to the sounds of dripping and running water, characters take a –2 penalty on Listen checks when in these sewer tunnels.
GLACIER RUNOFF MM3 p.162: A trail of shallowly buried treasure leads through the snow to an ice cave in the side of a glacier, where a mated pair of whitespawn iceskidders feed on their latest kill. Runoff from the glacier roars through the cave in a rushing stream, covering the sounds of intruders (Listen check DCs increase by 5).
WALLS OF BONE Du p.142:These unnerving walls can have other magical effects upon them. Some spells are relatively benign but increase the sense of spookiness such a wall evokes; examples include lurid continual flame spells or skulls filled with chattering teeth (imposing a –2 penalty on Listen checks).
TOLSTOFF KEEP Exemplars of Evil p.55: Tolstoff Keep: Sounds: Whenever a character’s Listen check result is 25 or higher, she hears a disturbing noise that sounds like something moist writhing around. The first time she hears it, she must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or be shaken for 1 round. Archer Platforms: The platforms are enclosed, but careful listeners can hear the scurrying of rats beneath their feet (Listen DC 10).
ELEVATOR SHAFT Expedition to Castle Ravenloft p.163: If either group intentionally yells at the top of their lungs up or down the shaft, the PCs on the opposite end need only succeed on a DC 15 Listen check to hear the message.

Rule Variants
DMG p.32: Degrees of success:
When determining how much information a skill check or ability check gives a character, the degree of success is important to the task. For example, an invisible assassin sneaks up on a cleric. The cleric makes a Listen check opposed by the assassin’s Move Silently check, and the cleric is successful. You could describe this success to the player of the cleric in many different ways, including these.

• “You heard a noise and you know something’s out there, but you don’t see anything.”
• “You heard a noise. It sounded like a person moving, and it came from ‘over there.’ ”
• “You heard a noise. You know there’s an invisible creature about 15 feet northeast of you, and you can target that creature’s location with an attack.”

To determine how much information to give out, compare the opposed check results (or for a nonopposed check, the check result and the DC). In the example above, you give the first answer if the check merely succeeds on the check. If the cleric beats the assassin’s check result by 10 or more, he has achieved a greater success, and he gets the second answer. If he exceeds the assassin’s check result by 20 or more, he has achieved a perfect success, and he gets all the information—the third answer.
Degrees of success usually only apply when the amount of information you have to give out can be different depending on how well the character succeeds. Most of the time, the only outcome that matters is whether the character succeeds or fails.

Miniatures handbook p.172: Listening: If a character at a closed door succeeds on a Listen check (DC 20 + dungeon level), the DM shows the characters what creatures are in the room before the door is opened. Each attempt is a standard action, and you can listen at a door only if you’re directly in front of it. DMs who hunger for a touch of realism can adjust the Listen DC depending on what’s actually in the room.

Do you need listen as a class skill? Check out this amazing piece of group effort: Alternative ways to get class skills (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?491181-Alternative-ways-to-get-new-Class-skills&p=20885236#post20885236)

Looking for a different skill guide?

Disable Device (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?520223-Saboteur-s-Cookbook-Masterwork-Disable-Device-tools&p=21901660#post21901660)
Knowledge (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?514547-The-Library-of-Knowledge-Getting-the-most-out-of-your-studies&p=21809006#post21809006)
Bluff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?504559-Stop-Flubbing-Your-Bluffs-The-reference-guide-to-successful-truthtelling&p=21372480#post21372480)
Survival (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?500214-Survival-Skill-Survival-Guide&p=21901674)

2017-04-24, 09:14 PM

Racial Bonus
+1 racial bonus: Duergar MM1 p.92, Half elf MM1 p.103, winter wolf MM1 p.256, worg MM1 p.257, Durzagon MM2 p.124, warbeast template MM2 p.219, Mivilorn Warmount MM3 p.107, Mongrelfolk (RoD p.100), Gray Dwarf FRCS p.14

+2 Racial Bonus: Chimera MM1 p.34, Aranea MM1 p.16, Tyrannosaurus MM1 p.62, dire wolf MM1 p.66, Elf MM1 p.102, ethereal marauder MM1 p.105, ettin MM1 p.107, gargoyle MM1 p.114, gnome MM1 p.130, Halfling MM1 p.149, aasimar MM1 p.209, shadow MM1 p.222, shocker lizard MM1 p.225, Grig MM1 p.235, Nixie MM1 p.235, Pixie MM1 p.235, Spinosaurus MM2 p.74, legendary wolf MM2 p.136, chimeric creature template MM2 p.206, Swindlespitter MM3 p.41, shrieking terror MM3 p.155, Vasuthant MM3 p.183, Rishi (OA web p.2), buomman PlHB p.9, Hooded pupil LM p.109, Half Vampire LM p.108, Vampire Spawn LM p.39, Bog imp (HoH p.143), Catfolk (Mini HB p.56), Jerrin (BOVD p.15), Neanderthals FB p.37, aquatic elf SW p.40, Bauriar BOED p.167, Legendary Wolf (MoW p.42), Lupin (DrComp p.21), Drow (Dotu p.36), Shunned (Dotu p.141), Underfolk (RoD p.110), Choas gnome (RoS p.88), whisper gnomes (RoS p.96), Dragonborn (mind aspect) (RotD p.9) Killoren (hunter aspect) (RoW p.103), Brixashulty (RoW p.187), Elven Hound (RoW p.190), Horned beast ToM p.84, Baphitaur Und p.84, semphari horse CoV p.157, fey’ri MoF p.73, Aaracroka RoF p.131, Nagahydra sk p.79, Wingwyrds 5N p.157, Dark Dwarves Dragonlance Campaign Setting p.15, +2 brownie: Web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041006a),

+4 Racial Bonus: Hellcat MM1 (p.55), Darkmantle MM1 p.38, Dire bat MM1 p.63, Dragonne MM1 p.89, ethereal filcher MM1 p.105, harpy MM1 p.150, Marut MM1 p.160, Minotaur MM1 p.189, pegasus MM1 p.206, remorhaz MM1 p.215, sahuagin (underwater only) MM1 p.217, satyr MM1 p.220, shambling mound MM1 p.223, skum (underwater only) MM1 p.228, spider eater MM1 p.234, Vampire spawn MM1 p.254, yrthak MM1 p.262, Bat MM1 p.269, porpoise MM1 p.278, snake MM1 p.279, whale MM1 p.282, War bat MM2 p.66, fire bat MM2 p.103, desmodu MM2 p.64, Gulgar MM3 p.79, Lesser knell beatle MM3 p.89, Nycter MM3 p.112, Protean Scourge MM3 p.126, ragedrake MM3 p.130, summoning ooze MM3 p.169, Greathorn minotaur MM4 p.100, sailsnake MM4 p.124, tomb spider MM4 p.164, tomb spider broodswarm MM4 p.165, voor MM4 p.193, Rylkar Harridans MM5 p.136, Rylkar Madclaw MM5 p.137, Rylkar tormenter MM5 p.138, Rylkspawn swarms MM5 p.139, serpentir MM5 p.158, Hounds of the Hunt MM5 p.202, Tundra Shambler (MoP p.196), Kigrid (LoM p.155), Zeuglodon FB p.121, Spirit animal FB p.156, Marrusspawn SanSt p.169, Canisphinx SanSt p.186, Giant Antlions SanSt p.197, Musteval BOED p.174, Death Dog FF p.42, Viper swarm FF p.172, Hoard Scarab (Drac p.168), Dire toad (MoW p.38), Dire snake (MoW p.39), Chordevoc (RoW p.188), Astral Deva SSp p.155, Roving Mauler ToM p.87. Shade FRCS p.316, beast of malar MoF p.21, lycanthropes MoF p.91, shade RoF p.150, cavvekan, deathfang RoF p.176, osquip RoF p.177, flying snake RoF p.178, Deathcoil SK p.65, Jaculi sk p.68, mlarrun sk p.72, snakes SK p.84, nilshae UE p.68, Shadow people DLCS p.228, spectral minion template DLCS p.231, Mantimera Shining South p.69, Dread LEOF p.169, giant velvet worm LEOF p.192

+5 Racial Bonus: Shadow Asp +5 FF p.153

+6 Racial Bonus: Guardian Monster +6(Du p.114)

+8 Racial Bonus: Succubbi MM1 p.48, Vrock MM1 p.48, Nalfeshnee MM1 p.46, Blabrezu MM1 p.44, Hezrou MM1 p. 44, Marilith MM1 p.45, Balor MM1 p.41, Babau MM1 p.40, Megaraptor MM1 p.61, ghost template MM1 p.118, lich template MM1 p.167, Giant Owl MM1 p.205, tarrasque MM1 p.241, Vampire MM1 p.253, owl MM1 p.277, Chelicera MM3 p.27, Knell beatle MM3 p.89, Hunting bat MM2 p.66 Guard bat MM2 p.66, Legendary snake MM2 p.137, Pennagolan (OA p.190), Elsewhale plHB p.118, Cerebreliths (XPH p.193), Intellect Devourers (XPH p.203), Savage vampire LM p.170, Ghost brute LM p.103, Dry Lich (SandSt p.157), Serval SandSt p.195, Warden Archon BOED p.164, Sacred Watcher BOED p.184, Blood fiend FF p.48, ironmaw FF p. 105, Shedim FF p.154, Deinonychus FF p.178, Spectral Savant (ComPsi p.137), Ghostly Dragon (Drac p.163), Vampiric Dragon (Drac p.197), Ghost Brute (SSp p.118), spectral Cloaker SSp p.130, Toothbeast ToM p.89, Amphisbaena SK p.64, Clawfoot dinosaur ECS p.280, assassin jelly web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040916a), restless prey template web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20030531a)

+10 Racial Bonus: Destrachan MM1 p.50, Cyclonic ravager MM4 p.10, Spellscale meditation on chonepsis (bonus =½ character level) (RotD p.25)

+20 Racial Bonus: Demilich (ELH p.176), Worm that walks (EE p.131 ELH p.230),

+50 Racial Bonus: Hecatoncheires +50 (ELH p.163)

Creature Abilities

Shyft, Fiend Folio p.138: Excellent spies, since they can listen in on conversations from the safety of the Ethereal Plane and sell any information they hear to the highest bidder.

Sepulchral Thief, Cityscape p.134: Obscuring Aura (Su): Sepulchral thieves are shrouded in a mind- and senses-clouding aura of negative energy. Living creatures in a 30-foot radius must succeed on a Will save or be affected by the aura. Creatures with fewer than one-half the sepulchral thief’s Hit Dice are blinded and deafened. All other creatures take a –2 penalty on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same thief’s aura for 24 hours.

Lost, MoI p. 181: A lost is created when a passing strand of uncontrolled soul energy strikes a creature that happens to share its negative emotional state at that moment. The incarnum permanently bonds the wrath to the man’s soul and amplifies it until it becomes blind rage. This bonding process fiercely intensifies the creature’s heartbeat, making it audible at a distance of 5 feet with a DC 20 Listen check

Death Giant MM3 p.54: Guardian Souls (Su): A death giant’s victims become its guardians in death. Each death giant is surrounded by a constantly swirling cloud of intangible spirits. These spirits provide the death giant with warnings and protection, granting the creature a bonus on initiative rolls, saves, Listen checks, and Spot checks equal to its Charisma modifier.

Gulgar, MM3 p.78: Subsonic Speech (Ex): A creature must have the tremorsense ability, or the blindsight or blindsense ability based on a keen sense of hearing or sensitivity to vibrations, to hear the subsonic speech of gulgars. Such creatures can hear the subsonic speech of gulgars using the normal Listen check rules; they do not need to have the speaking gulgar within the range of their tremorsense, blindsense, or blindsight ability. A gulgar’s subsonic speech carries five times as well and as far as normal speech. This means that to hear a gulgar talking, a creature who can hear the subsonic speech takes a –1 penalty on Listen checks per 50 feet of distance from the speaker. A door increases the Listen DC by just 1, and a stone wall increases it by 3. These modifiers replace those given on page 78 of the Player’s Handbook.

Tirbana Eyewing, Drowser, Slayer, & Spawner, MM5 p.172-174: Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 13-19 or take a –5 penalty on Listen and Spot checks and a –2 penalty on Will saves against sleep effects for 5 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Marruspawn, Sandstorm p.168: Discriminating Hearing (Ex): A marruspawn can hear across great distances with ease, gaining a +4 racial bonus on Listen checks. A marruspawn’s hearing is so sensitive that it can sense the presence of most creatures merely by the sound of their breathing, their heartbeat, or their movement if they are within 30 feet. When a marruspawn detects a noise, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. A marruspawn can take a move action to note the direction of the sound. Whenever a marruspawn comes within 5 feet of the source, it can pinpoint the sound’s location. Undead, constructs, and other creatures that have no metabolism are not subject to being detected by discriminating hearing unless they move—in any round when they move, they are detectable by the sound they make while moving through the air or shuffling along the ground. Only incorporeal creatures are completely undetectable, unless they wish to be detected.

Multi headed template, Savage Species p.125: Skills: Each additional head a creature has gives it a cumulative +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks. The creature gains additional skill points for its extra Hit Dice as normal for its type.

Nyth, Monster of faerun p.68: Silence (Ex): Nyths make no sound unless they speak. They cannot be heard with Listen checks unless they want to be.

Quori, Secrets of Sarlona p.153 & Magic of Eberron p.148: When a quori possesses a human host, it combines its skill ranks with those of the host. A typical quori has a bunch of ranks in a number of skills: All Quori has at least some ranks in the listen skill.



Base Classes

Savant, Dragon Compendium p. 48: Skill Assistance: The savant can choose to replace an ally's skill attempt with his own efforts. Rather than make a skill check, the ally can use the result of a special check made with a bonus equal to the savant's skill ranks + the ally's ability score modifier, armor check penalty (if any), and other modifiers.
Dragon Shaman, PHB p. 12: Dragon Aura (Senses) Bonus on Listen and Spot checks, as well as on initiative checks, equal to your aura bonus. Max=+5.
Marshal, Miniature's Handbook p.11: Minor Aura (Motivate Wisdom) Bonus = Charisma modifier.
Divine Mind, Complete Psionic p.9: Psychic Aura (Perception) You and all allies within your aura gain a +2 morale bonus on Initiative, Listen, and Spot checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every five class levels you have. extends in cumulative 5' radius every odd level beginning at 5'.

ACFs and Substitution Levels
Spiritual guide ranger ACF, complete champion p.50: Divine bonus equal to one-quarter your ranger level (rounded down) on Listen.

Invisible Eye Monk, Unearthed Arcana p.52: Monks of the Invisible Eye rely on their senses, particularly hearing, to aid them in combat. 1st-Level Skill Bonus: +2 untyped bonus to Listen.

Diviner ACF, Unearthed Arcana p.60: Bonus Feat List: Lose the option of selecting a metamagic feat as a wizard bonus feat Add the following feats to the item creation bonus feats available to wizards: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Skill Focus (Spot, Listen, or Sense Motive only).

Wayward Warden Paladin Substitution Level CoV web extra: Distracting Presence (Su): When confronting evil, a Wayward Warden can focus the attention of her foes on herself, causing each of them to take a –4 penalty on Spot and Listen checks while she is present. This benefit replaces the aura of courage class feature gained by a standard paladin at 3rd level.

Prestige Classes
Orc Scout, Silver marches p.115: Fieldcraft (Ex): At 1st, 3rd, and 5th level, an orc scout gains a bonus on a number of skill checks due to his intensive training in these capabilities. When engaged in a scouting mission, the orc scout gains a +1 (+3 at 5th level) bonus on Climb, Heal, Hide, Intuit Direction, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks whenever he is engaged in a scouting mission.

Ardent Dilettante, Planar Handbook p. 55: Heightened Senses (Su): An ardent dilettante gains a competence bonus on Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks equal to 1 + one-half her class level.

Luiren March warden, Shining south p.36: Favored march: Morale bonus starts at +2 and improves by +1 with every odd marchwarden level, until it reaches +4 at 5th level.

Beloved of Valarian, Book of Exalted Deeds p. 53: Forest Dweller (Ex): At 3rd level, She gains a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival checks.

Bloodhound, Complete Adventurer p. 28: Mark (Ex): To mark an individual humanoid or monstrous humanoid, the bloodhound must focus on a foe who is present and visible, or on the depiction or description of one who is not, for 10 minutes. Any interruption ruins the attempt and forces the bloodhound to start the process again. Once this study is complete, that target is called a mark. A bloodhound adds his bloodhound level as an insight bonus on all Gather Information, Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival checks made to determine the whereabouts of a mark.

Cavestalker & Cavelord Cavelord, Underdark p. 30 & Drow of the Underdark, p. 68 Lesser Cavesense (Ex): At 2nd level, gains a +4 competence bonus on any Listen checks made in a subterranean setting.

Henshin Mystic, Oriental Adventures p. 39: Riddle of Awareness (Sp): A 1st-level henshin mystic gains a +4 insight bonus on all Listen, Scry, Search, and Spot checks.

Dragonstalker Draconomicon p. 128: Hunting Bonus (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a dragonstalker gains a bonus equal to her class level on Bluff, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks when using these skills against dragons.

Eye of Lolth, Drow of the Underdark p.80: Team Sense (Ex): At 6th level, you gain a +2 insight bonus on initiative checks and Listen, Search, and Spot checks. All allies within 30 feet of you also gain this bonus.

Horizon Walker, Dungeon Master's Guide p. 189: Terrain Mastery (Hills): The faintest echoes find their way to your ears, granting you a +4 competence bonus on Listen checks.

Nightsong Enforcer Complete Adventurer p. 60: Teamwork (Ex): Nightsong enforcers are trained to keep a close eye on teammates on a joint mission. A nightsong enforcer gains a +20 circumstance bonus on Listen and Spot checks to hear and see allies. Skill Teamwork (Ex): At 3rd level and higher, a nightsong enforcer can use her training to improve the skill of those around her. All allies within 30 feet of the nightsong enforcer gain a +2 competence bonus on Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. Allies must be able to see the nightsong enforcer to gain this bonus. At 7th level, this bonus increases to +4.

Psibond Agent, Complete Scoundrel p. 60: Forced Sense Link: At 1st level, you can use a swift action to perceive what the subject perceives using its sight, hearing, taste, or smell. This sense link lasts until you take another swift action to end it, or until the psibond's duration ends. Only one sense is linked, and you cannot switch between senses with the same psibond. You make any skill checks involving senses, such as Spot or Listen, as if you were the subject (using that individual's skill modifiers), and as if you were in the subject's location. This ability otherwise works like the forced sense link power (Expanded Psionics Handbook 131).

Reachrunner, Races of Eberron p. 153: Wild Senses (Ex): Every scout knows the importance of remaining alert and ready for battle, and reachrunners work diligently to sharpen their already keen senses. Starting at 1st level, you add your reachrunner level as a bonus on all Spot and Listen checks.

Ruathar, Races of the Wild p. 122: Elfwise (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain the uncanny visual acuity and senses of the elves. You gain a +2 bonus on Search, Spot, and Listen checks. (These bonuses stack with an elf's racial bonuses.)

Scorpion Wraith, Secrets of Xen'drik p. 130: Perfect Sight (Su): From 4th level on, 1/day as a free action, you can grant yourself the blindsight ability out to 60 feet. You also gain a +10 insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks while your blindsight is active. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier.

Seeker of the Misty Isle, Complete Divine p. 61: Corellon's Perception (Ex): A 5th-level seeker of the Misty Isles gains a +5 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Furthermore, she can attempt to spot or hear something she failed to notice previously once per round per skill as a free action (such attempts are ordinarily move actions).

Skylord, Book of Exalted Deeds p. 71 Ride the Wind (Ex): At 2nd level, Neither the skylord nor his mount take penalties on Listen checks in windstorms and hurricanes.

Stormcaster, Stormwrack p. 72: Eye of the Storm (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, you ignore the penalties associated with ranged attack rolls and Listen checks due to high winds. Actions that are impossible in high winds are still impossible. At 8th level, you gain the ability to share this protection with any number of allies within 30 feet. Granting (or removing) this benefit from any number of allies is a free action.

Watch Detective, Masters of the Wild p. 75: City Watch Training: At 1st level, the watch detective gains a +2 insight bonus on all Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Skill Synergy: At 4th level, the watch detective may choose one of the following skill combinations: Listen-Read Lips, Listen-Spot: If he has at least 5 ranks in both of the selected skills, he gains a +2 synergy bonus on checks involving both.

2017-04-24, 09:16 PM
Feats & Skill Tricks


Quick Reconnoiter, Complete Adventurer p.112: You can make one Spot check and one Listen check each round as a free action. You also gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks.
Listen to This, Complete Scoundrel, p. 87 [Mental, Skill Trick] You can perfectly repeat to others what you hear. Whenever you make a successful Listen check to hear a noise, you can describe that sound any time up to 1 hour later with such clarity that any individuals hearing the description are treated as if they had heard the sound themselves.
Keen-Eared Scout, Player's Handbook II, p. 80 [General] When you make a Listen check, you might learn more than normal about a source of noise. If you beat the Listen DC by 5 or more, you determine the size, speed, and direction of the source of noise.
If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you determine the precise, current position of the creature or object that caused the sound.
If you beat the DC by 15 or more, you determine the type of armor the creature wears and what it carries, if anything.
If you beat the DC by 20 or more, you learn the creature's type and subtypes.
The information you learn is cumulative. Also, you gain a +5 bonus on Listen checks to pinpoint invisible creatures.
Initiate of Anhur, Champions of Valor, p. 30: You take no penalty on Listen checks for being distracted or asleep.
Hear The Unseen, Complete Adventurer, p.110: [General] As a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you can attempt a DC 25 Listen check. If successful, you can pinpoint the location of all foes within 30 feet, as long as you have line of effect to them. This benefit does not eliminate the normal miss chance for fighting foes with concealment, but it ensures that you can target the correct square with your attacks. If you are deafened or within an area of silence, you can't use this feat. If an invisible or hidden opponent is attempting to move silently, your Listen check is opposed by your opponent's Move Silently check, but your opponent gains a +15 bonus on this check. This feat does not work against perfectly silent opponents, such as incorporeal creatures.

[I]Bonus Moifier/Add skill to class list
Whispered Secrets, RoD p.155: Add listen and spot to your list of cleric skills
Spirit Sense, HoH p.124: +4 circumstance bonus on Listen or Spot checks made to detect incorporeal creatures. Dafrig?
Seer, Dragon Compendium p.106: You gain a +1 luck bonus on Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.
Skill Focus (Listen), SRD: +3 to listen checks
Hunters Mark, Dragonmarked, p. 141: [General] Your dragonmark grants you an additional +1 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against favored enemies.
Guerilla Scout, Heroes of Battle, p. 97: [General] You gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks. Listen and Spot ranks cost 1 skill point, even if these skills are cross-class for you. The maximum number of ranks you can purchase in a cross-class skill remains the same.
Forester, Player's Guide to Faerun, p. 39: [Regional] You gain a +1 bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. When you are in forest terrain, this bonus increases to +3.
Fell Conspiracy, Exemplars of Evil, p. 24: [Ceremony] Conspiratorial Bond (8 ranks): All participants gain a +2 bonus on Listen checks and Spot checks for every other participant in range. In addition, all participants within 100 feet can communicate telepathically. This ceremony requires rare herbs worth 50 gp.
Dragontouched, Dragon Magic, p. 18: [General] You gain 1 hit point, a +1 bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks and other fringe benefits
Draconic Senses, Dragon Magic, p. 17: [Heritage] You gain low-light vision and a bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks equal to the number of draconic feats you have.
Dinosaur Hunter, Races of Eberron, p. 108: [General] Halflings gain a +2 bonus on Listen, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against dinosaurs.
Deep Denizen, Savage Species, p. 32: [General] You gain a +2 competence bonus on Listen checks and a +4 competence bonus when tracking by scent.
Azure Enmity, Magic of Incarnum, p. 34: Once per day, you can invest essentia into this feat. You gain an insight bonus equal to the invested essentia on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks made against all of your favored enemies. Once the amount of essentia invested is chosen, it cannot be altered and remains invested for 24 hours. You gain 1 point of essentia.
Alertness, SRD [General] You get a +2 bonus on all Listen and Spot checks. Special The master of a familiar (see page 51) gains the Alertness feat whenever the familiar is within arm's reach.
Obtain familiar, complete arcane p.81: Grants familiar and Alertness feat.
Shifter Instincts, Races of Eberron, p. 115: [Shifter] You gain a +1 bonus on Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks, and a +2 bonus on initiative checks.
Draconic Aura, Dragon Magic, p. 16: [Heritage] Choose a draconic aura (Dragon Magic 86). You can project this aura as a swift action. Its benefit applies to you and to all allies within 30 feet. The bonus of your draconic aura is +1. If you are of the dragonblood subtype, the bonus of your draconic aura improves with your class level. The aura grants a +2 bonus at 7th level, a +3 bonus at 14th level, and a +4 bonus at 20th level. Senses: This aura grants you a bonus on Listen checks, Spot checks, and initiative checks.
Elfblood, Ghostwalk web enhancement p.5: [GENERAL] Non-drow half elf’s racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks increases to +2. You gain an elf’s ability to notice secret doors just by passing them.
Draconic Heritage, RotD p.103: Brown Dragon, pyroclastic dragon Fang Dragon: add listen to class skills.
Shape soulmeld, MOI p.??

[I]Penalties to listen
Primitive Caster, Frostburn p.49: The verbal component you add consists of animalistic shouts, screams, and growls. The DC of Listen checks to hear you cast a spell is -5 (before modifying for distance).
Master Manipulator, PHB2 p.80: Captivating Speech: With a successful Diplomacy check opposed by the target's own Diplomacy check or Will save, you can impose a -4 penalty on the target's Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks so long as you continue speaking. You can affect a number of targets equal to 1 + your Cha bonus (if any), as long as they are all within 20 feet.
Inattentive, Unearthed Arcana, p. 91: [Flaw] You take a -4 penalty on Listen checks and Spot checks.
Hard of Hearing, Unearthed Arcana, p. 88: [Trait] You take a -2 penalty on Listen checks.
Focused, Unearthed Arcana, p. 88: [Trait] You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks and Listen checks.
Absent-minded, Unearthed Arcana, p. 87: [Trait] You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks and Listen checks.
Darkstalker, Lords of Madness, p. 179: [General] When you hide, creatures with blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense must make a Listen check or a Spot check (whichever DC is higher) to notice you, just as sighted creatures would make Spot checks to detect you.
Art of Fascination, Oriental Adventures, p. 61: [Ancestor] You can fascinate a single creature with your music or poetics . You make a Perform check, and the target can negate the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than your check result. If the saving throw succeeds, you cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If the saving throw fails, the creature is fascinated for up to 1/round per character level. Any obvious threat automatically breaks the effect. You must concentrate, as if casting or maintaining a spell. This is a spell-like, mind-affecting charm ability.


Listening Coin, Spell Compendium, p. 133: Divination (Scrying) Level: Bard 3;1 hour/level:You turn two ordinary coins into magic listening devices—one a sensor and the other a receiver. After casting the spell, you simply give the sensor coin away, either surreptitiously or overtly. By holding the receiver coin up to your ear, you can hear whatever transpires near the sensor as if you were there (much like a clairaudience effect). If the sensor coin is in a pocket, pouch, or sack, the DC of the Listen check increases by 5. The coins continue to function no matter how far apart they are, although they fall silent if they're on different planes.
Scry Location, Complete Scoundrel: Divination (Scrying) Level: Bard 5, Sorcerer 6, Wizard 6, Cleric 7, Druid 7; 1 min/level: Through this sensor you can both see and hear, your vantage and range of vision being the same as if you were actually at that place, allowing you to make Spot and Listen checks as normal
Share animals mind DLCS p.111: Cleric 3, Druid 3, Target: One animal of Medium size or smaller Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D) You take control of the target animal's body. For as long as you maintain concentration, you see through the animal's eyes and control over the animal's actions. You receive the input of the animal's senses and can make use of all its special attacks and qualities. You can undertake any action the animal can physically accomplish, even if the animal would normally lack the intelligence to perform the action in question. You can control the animal at a distance of up to 1 mile. Spell's range only applies when you first establish control of the animal.

Crown of Clarity, Player's Handbook II: Divination Level: Ranger 2, Druid 3, Sorcerer 3, Wizard 3; 1 hour/level (D) or until discharged: You create an arcane crown that grants the wearer a +2 competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks. As an immediate action, the creature wearing a crown of clarity can discharge its magic to gain a +8 bonus on a single Spot or Listen check.
Embrace the Wild, Spell Compendium, p. 79: Transmutation Level: Ranger 1, Druid 2; 10 Minutes/level (D): You also gain a +2 bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
Essence of the Raptor, Spell Compendium, p. 84: Transmutation Level: Druid 4, Duration: 10 minutes/level (D): Your speed increases to 60 feet (if it is already 60 feet or faster, it does not change), and you gain a +8 bonus on Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Survival checks.
Expose the Dead, Spell Compendium, p. 96: Divination Level: Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2; 1 min/level: you gain an insight bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +10) on Listen and Spot checks made against undead creatures.
Linked Perception, Player's Handbook II: Divination Level: Ranger 1, Druid 2; 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on you; 1 minute/level (D): Each ally in the area (including yourself ) gains a +2 bonus on Spot and Listen checks per each ally in the area.
Listening Lorecall, Spell Compendium, p. 133 Divination Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2; 10 min/level: You gain a +4 insight bonus on Listen checks.
Nightstalker's Transformation, Spell Compendium, p. 148: Transmutation Level: Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5; round/level: +5 competence bonus on Spot, Listen, Hide, and Move Silently checks
One Mind, Lesser, Spell Compendium, p. 149: Divination Level: Paladin 1;hour/level: When you are mounted on your special mount, the link with your mount sharpens your senses, giving you a +4 insight bonus on Spot and Listen checks and the scent ability for the duration of the spell. If your mount ever moves more than 10 feet from you, the spell ends.
Primal Senses, Dragon Magic: Transmutation Level: Ranger 3, Druid 4, Sorcerer 4; 24 hours: You gain low-light vision and a +5 competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
Share Husk, Spell Compendium, p. 187: Divination Level: Druid 2; 1 min/level: You sense through an animal's senses, seeing through its eyes and hearing through its ears. While doing so, you use either your Listen or Spot modifiers or the animal's, whichever is better. This spell gives you no special ability to understand what you sense. You can switch your perceptions between the animal's and your own on your turn as a free action. You and the animal must be on the same plane for the spell to function.
That Art Thou, Oriental Adventures: Divination Level: Brahmin 3; 1 round/level: The onrush of sensory information gives you a +20 bonus on your Search, Spot, and Listen checks for the duration of the spell.
Warning, Player's Guide to Faerun: Divination Level: Initiate of helm 2, Guardian 2, Sha 2, Soh 2;10 min/level: The subject gains a +4 insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks and gains uncanny dodge for the duration of the spell
Wild Instincts, Races of Eberron, p. 191: Divination [Mindset] Level: Druid 2, Ranger 3:min/level: While the spell is in effect, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC even if flat-footed or attacked by an unseen opponent, and you gain a +10 insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Mindset: The energies you manipulate while preparing this spell enhance your senses, granting you a +1 insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks (or a +2 bonus on Listen and Spot checks if you are a shifter). This bonus is replaced by the bonus granted when the spell is cast.

Dispel Silence, Champions of Valor: Abjuration Level: Initiate of milil 2, While you have this spell prepared, you gain a +2 competence bonus on Listen checks.
Phantasmal Thief, Spell Compendium, p. 155: Conjuration (Creation) Level: Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5, Greed 8; round/level: A thief cannot take an item if it is detected by the creature it's trying to steal from (with a Listen or Spot check).
Thunderstroke, Champions of Valor: Evocation [Electricity] Level: Initiate of anhur 2: A small rumble of thunder accompanies the bolt, which is as loud as a battle (Listen DC -10 to hear it).
Stormvoice, Champions of Valor: Evocation [Sonic] Level: Initiate of horus-re 2: Your voice is amplified greatly. Subtract 10 from the DC of Listen checks made to hear you talking (even whispering)

Creaking Cacophony, Spell Compendium, p. 55 Level: Bard 3, Druid 3: All creatures within the spell's area take a -4 penalty on Listen checks.
Anarchic Storm, Spell Compendium, p. 11: Level: Cleric 3: The storm reduces hearing and visibility, resulting in a —4 penalty on Listen, Spot, and Search checks.
Axiomatic Storm Spell Compendium, p. 22: Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 3: The storm reduces hearing and visibility, resulting in a —4 penalty on Listen, Spot, and Search checks.
Blizzard, Frostburn: Transmutation [Cold] Level: Druid 5, Winter 5: Visibility is reduced to zero, making Spot, Search, and Listen checks and all ranged attacks impossible.
Cloudburst, Complete Divine, p. 158: Evocation [Water] Level: Druid 2: Listen checks suffer a -4 penalty.
Distract, Spell Compendium, p. 69: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Bard 1, Sorcerer 1, Wizard 1: Will Save Failure indicates the creatures take a —4 penalty on all Concentration, Listen, Search, and Spot checks
Favorable Wind, Stormwrack: Evocation [Air] Level: Druid 3, Sorcerer 3, Wizard 3;10 min/level:Any creature, regardless of size, takes a -2 penalty on ranged attacks and on Listen checks in the area of a favorable wind.
Gust of Wind, PHB p. 238: Evocation [Air] Level: Druid 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2, Nentyar Hunter 2, Sha'ir 2, Warmage 3, Storm 2; 1 round: Any creature, regardless of size, takes a -4 penalty on ranged attacks and Listen checks in the area of a gust of wind.
Holy Storm, Spell Compendium, p. 115: Conjuration (Creation) [Good, Water] Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 3;round/level:The storm reduces hearing and visibility, resulting in a -4 penalty on Listen, Spot, and Search checks.
Howling Chain, Player's Guide to Faerun: Evocation [Force] Level: Sorcerer 6, Wizard 6;round/level: The noise is so loud that each creature within 100 feet of the chain takes a -2 penalty on Listen checks.
Ice Storm, PHB p. 243: Evocation [Cold] Level: Warmage 3, Druid 4, Sorcerer 4, Wizard 4, Wu Jen 4 (Water), Sha'ir 4, Death Master 4, Savant 4 (Arcane), Disciple of Thrym 5, Cold 4, Winter 4, Windstorm 4, Water 5, Storm 5; 1 full round: A -4 penalty applies to each Listen check made within the ice storm's effect, and all land movement within its area is at half speed.
Interminable Echo, Complete Mage: Illusion (Phantasm) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] Level: Bard 4; 5 rounds: The subject takes a -10 penalty on Listen checks and 2d6 points of sonic damage each round.
Love's Lament, Champions of Ruin: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Bard 3; Cone burst Will negates: All creatures in the area take a -4 penalty on Listen checks for 1 round.
Lullaby, PHB p. 249: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Bard 0; 10ft burst; will negates: Any creature within the area that fails a Will save becomes drowsy and inattentive, taking a -5 penalty on Listen and Spot checks and a -2 penalty on Will saves against sleep effects while the lullaby is in effect. Lullaby lasts for as long as the caster concentrates, plus up to 1 round per caster level thereafter.
Pall of Twilight, Complete Mage: Illusion (Pattern) [Darkness, Mind-Affecting] Level: Assassin 3, Sorcerer 3, Wizard 3;20' radius spread; round/level: All creatures in the area take a -10 penalty on Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.
Sonic Orb, Tome and Blood: Evocation [Sonic] Level: Sorcerer 4, Wizard 4: As acid orb, except sonic orb deals sonic damage. A creature struck directly takes the orb's damage and is deafened for 1 round. A deafened creature cannot hear, suffers a -4 penalty to initiative checks, and has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components. The creature cannot make Listen checks.
Stone Storm, Secrets of Sarlona, p. 129: Evocation Level: Cleric 5, Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5: A -4 penalty applies to Listen checks made within the stone storm's effect, and all land movement within its area is at one-quarter speed.
Storm of Fire and Ice, Complete Mage: Evocation [Cold, Fire] Level: Druid 6, Sorcerer 6, Wizard 6, Wu Jen 6 (Fire and Water): The cylinder provides concealment similar to fog cloud and also applies a -4 penalty on Listen checks made within the area.
Storm Tower, Spell Compendium, p. 210: Abjuration [Air] Level: Druid 7: The howling winds of a storm tower also apply a -10 penalty on Listen checks made within 50 feet of it (including all those made inside the tower).
Unholy Storm, Spell Compendium, p. 227: Conjuration (Creation) Level: Blackguard 3, Cleric 3;round/level: The storm reduces hearing and visibility, resulting in a -4 penalty on Listen, Spot, and Search checks.
Whirlwind, Greater, Spell Compendium, p. 239: Evocation [Air] Level: Druid 9, Windstorm 9: round/level:Listen checks are impossible within a greater whirlwind.

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fhumanityhealing.omtimes.netdna-cdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F02%2FClairaudience_Thyr oid_Humanity-Healing.jpg

Control Sounds XPH, 88: Psion/Wilder 2, Psychic Rogue 1, Psychic Rogue 2, Concentration, up to 1 min./level: You can entirely muffle a noise or magnify a sound to such loudness that it drowns out all other conversation in the immediate area. In this way, you can provide yourself or any with a +4 circumstance bonus on Move Silently and Listen checks.
Distract XPH, 96 Lurk 1, Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Rogue 1, Psychic Warrior 1; Concentration, up to 1 min./level; Subjects under the effect of distract make all Listen, Spot, Search, and Sense Motive checks at a -4 penalty.
Sense Link, XPH p.131: Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Rogue 1; Concentration, up to 1 min./level: You perceive what the subject creature perceives using its sight, hearing, taste, or smell. Only one sense is linked, and you cannot switch between senses with the same manifestation. You make any skill checks involving senses, such as Spot or Listen, as the subject, and only within the subject's field of view. You lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while directly sensing what the subject senses. Once sense link is manifested, the link persists even if the subject moves out of the range of the original manifestation (but the link does not work across planes). You do not control the subject, nor can you communicate with it by means of this power. If you spend 2 additional power points, you can have the subject perceive one of your senses instead of the other way around. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can link to a second sense of the same subject.
Forced Sense Link XPH p.131: Psion/Wilder 2: Concentration, up to 1 min./level: As sense link, except you can use this power on any creature (willing or unwilling), and this power can't be augmented.
Synesthete XPH p.134: Lurk 1, Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 1; 10 min./level; If you are feeling sound by absorbing sound onto your skin and your ears are working normally, the expanded audio input provides you with a +4 circumstance bonus on Listen checks.
Zone of Alertness com psi p.104: Lurk 2, Psion/Wilder 2; You and all allies within 10 ft.; 1 min/level; If you or any ally within 10 feet of you is aware of a particular danger, you all are. If one person included in this power is not flat-footed, none of you are. You and the allies you select gain a bonus on Spot and Listen checks equal to the number of linked allies in range. As long as your allies stay within 10 feet of your position, they continue to gain the benefits of this power. As soon as they move more than 10 feet away from you, the effect ends for them and can be regained only if the power is manifested on them again. Augment You can augment this power in one or more of the following ways. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can increase the duration of this power to 10 minutes per level. If you spend 6 additional power points, you can specify that no one in the range of this power is considered flanked unless you all are. If you spend 6 additional power points, you can manifest this power as a swift action. For every 2 additional power points you spend, you can extend the range by 5 feet. For each additional power point you spend, you can increase the bonus on Spot and Listen checks by 1.
Clairsentience XPH p.83 Level: Seer 2, Fate 2: Psionic sensor Duration: 1 min./level (D) You can see and hear a distant location almost as if you were there. You don’t need line of sight or line of effect, but the locale must be known—a place familiar to you or an obvious one, such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of trees. Unlike other scrying powers, this power does not allow psionically or supernaturally enhanced senses to work through it. If the chosen locale is magically or psionically dark, you see nothing.
Remote Viewing XPH p.129 :Fate 4, Psychic Rogue 5, Seer 4, Like clairsentience but better and worse.

Other Modular Class abilities (Maneuvers, Incarnum, Domains, etc.)

Hearing the Air, TOB p. 63: Diamond Mind (Stance) Level: Swordsage 5 Warblade 5 While you are in this stance, you gain blindsense out to 30 feet and a +5 insight bonus on Listen checks.
Madness Prestige Domain, Defenders of the Faith p.80: You gain an "Insanity score" equal to half your class level, 1/day add this score to a wisdom based skill check. The rest of the time, subtract this value from Wisdom skillchecks.
Trap Triggers (Sound), Song and Silence p.26:This magic trigger springs the trap when it detects any sound. A sound trigger functions like an ear and has a +15 bonus on listen checks. Silent movement,magical silence, and other effects that would negate hearing defeat it. To build a sound trigger, add clairaudience to the trap you’re building.
Yrthak Mask, MoI p.94: You gain a +4 competence bonus on Listen checks. Essentia: Every point of essentia that you invest in your yrthak mask increases the competence bonus on Listen checks by 2.
Shadow Mantle, MoI p.85: gain a +4 competence bonus on Listen checks. Essentia: Every point of essentia you invest in your shadow mantle increases the competence bonus on Listen checks by 2.
Brow Magic Item Chakra Bind, MoI p.110 magic item chakra bind (brow): +2 insight bonus on Disguise, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, or Survival checks
Familiar: PHB p.52: Familiar: Bat- Master gains a +3 bonus on Listen checks, grants the alertness feat.
Improved Familiar, RoF p.161: Osquip [neutral] 5 Master gains a +2 bonus on Hide and Listen checks, grants the alertness feat.
Birds eye viewing, Malphas Vestige, ToM p.40: At will, you can summon a dove or a raven to aid your powers of observation. (Use the statistics for a raven regardless of the creature’s form.) The bird appears perched on your shoulder. You have complete control over its actions, and you can see what it sees and hear what it hears. Use the bird’s skill checks to determine the results of its actions and observations (for example, Bluff, Search, Spot, Listen), but use your skill bonuses to derive information from its observations (for example, Knowledge, Sense Motive, or Spellcraft to identify a spell). If you have the trapfinding ability, you can use the bird to find traps so long as doing so doesn’t require it to manipulate an object. The bird cannot talk. You can have only one bird summoned at a time. It remains until you summon another dove or raven, mentally dismiss it (a standard action), or stop binding with Malphas.

2017-04-24, 09:18 PM

Drill, Dungeonscape p.30: As a standard action, you can use the drill to create a hole in an object if the drill can ignore the object’s hardness. The hole is 1 inch deep and 1 inch in diameter. Any Search checks or Spot checks through the hole are made at a –5 penalty. Listen checks through the hole are made at a –2 penalty. There are three types of drills. A wood drill ignores up to 5 points of hardness when drilling. An iron drill, commonly used on metal or stone, ignores up to 10 points of hardness. An adamantine drill, used on only the most difficult surfaces, ignores up to 20 points of hardness. A drill that does not ignore enough hardness of an object cannot bore a hole in that object. Standard drills become dull after 20 rounds of use; masterwork drills last for 100 rounds. New bits can be purchased for 10% of the cost of the drill.
Thieving Helmet, A&EG p.26: This specially designed helmet has metal funnels around the ears, which grant a +1 circumstance bonus on Listen checks.
Listening Cone, A&EG p.36 & Complete adv p.123:This device is made for listening through doors and other solid surfaces. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Listen checks made through a door or other relatively thin, solid obstacle.
Listening Cone, Dungeonscape. p.32: Listening Cone: This iron cone can be placed against a surface, such as a door, to aid in Listen checks made through the surface. The DC for listening through a door when using a cone increases by 2 (rather than 5), and the DC for listening through stone walls increases by 5 (rather than 15). Listening cones have no effect if not used against a surface.
Keenear Powder, Complete adv p.118: +1 alchemical bonus on Listen checks for 1 minute. One dose of keenear powder is enough to affect the hearing of a creature of any size, but the creature must have ears to gain any benefit from the powder. Applying keenear powder is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Earplugs, A&EG p.22: +1 circumstance bonus on saves against sonic attacks, but they also impose a –4 penalty on Listen checks when worn.
Glass Cutter A&EG p.23: This special device lets you cut through glass panes without cracking or shattering them in the process. The glass cutter makes a circular hole anywhere from 3 inches to 16 inches in diameter. To use it quietly, make a Dexterity check (DC 15). If the check fails, the glass shatters with a loud crash (+2 circumstance bonus on Listen checks to hear it). You can make an Open Lock check instead if you are trained in that skill.
Shriek Rock, A&EG p.24: These flat stones have carefully drilled holes that cause a loud, high-pitched “shriek” when thrown hard. This sound is as loud as a human screaming in a shrill voice. Listen checks to hear shriek rocks in flight are at DC –5, modified as normal by distance and intervening obstacles. A shriek rock has a 50% chance to be destroyed or lost when thrown.
Jabberweed: Complete scoundrel p.119: Sprouts of jabberweed are sold wrapped in moist cloth. While wrapped, the plant creates no noise. Once unwrapped and exposed to air, it begins whispering, creating a low hissing audible out to 100 feet. Creatures that succeed on a DC 15 Listen check notice the sound of the jabberweed as well as the direction of its source. Regardless of whether any creatures notice the sound, all creatures within 100 feet of the plant take a –4 penalty on other Listen checks, since the noise disguises and muffles many minor sounds.
Shriek Paste, Dragon comp. P.119: When the paste is exposed to a light source equivalent to torchlight or greater, it rapidly crystallizes. During this process, the paste emits a high-pitched screeching noise, making it a useful signaling device. The shriek is loud and easy to hear (Listen DC -10) This sound lasts for 1 round before the paste dries up entirely and is rendered inert. Underdark p.68: Shriek paste can be created with a DC 20 Craft (alchemy)


Eavesdropping Spy Weaponry, web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.a.../re/20040301a) Eavesdropping: A weapon with this property has a corresponding fetish tuned to the weapon. When the fetish is held, the holder can listen to the vicinity of the weapon's wielder as a free action as if the holder had cast the clairaudience/clairvoyance spell. Price +27,000 gp
Potion of Animal Senses, A&EG p.123: When imbibed, it grants low-light vision, scent, and +2 circumstance bonus on all Listen checks for 1 hour. Market Price: 380 gp.
Pelt of Animal Senses, A&EG p.135: When worn, it grants low-light vision, scent, and a +2 circumstance bonus on Listen checks. Animals react poorly to the wearer while it is worn; herbivores in general become nervous and try to flee, while carnivores generally become Aggressive. Price: 30,080 gp
Fiendish Ear, Fiend Folio p.210: A creature with a fiendish ear receives a +4 racial bonus on Listen checks and gains the benefit of the Blind-Fight feat. Any time the grafted creature rolls a natural 1 on a Listen check, the ear transmits sound from the Windswept Depths of Pandemonium.The grafted creature is deafened for 1d4+1 rounds and suffers the effects of a confusion spell for the same duration. While deafened,it loses the benefit of the Blind-Fight feat. Price: 2,500 gp.
Crystal Anchor of Alertness, Comp psi p.114: Effect: When activated, a crystal anchor of alertness radiates a field of alertness such that all creatures within 30 feet of the anchor gain a +5 bonus on their Spot and Listen checks. Price: 10,000 gp.
Crystal Anchor of Alertness MIC p.155: 2,500 gp This lightweight shaft of transparent crystal is 4 feet long and tapers to a point on both ends. Your allies gain a +5 bonus on Listen and Spot checks as long as they remain within 30 feet of the anchor. This effect lasts for 1 hour, and the anchor functions three times per day.
Ring of Anticipation, DOTU p.100: 6,000 gp While wearing a ring of anticipation, you gain a +2 competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks. When making initiative checks, you can roll twice and take the better result.
Restful Armor, Dungeonscape p.39: Sleeping in restful armor does not cause you to become fatigued, even if the armor is medium or heavy. Further, you can make Listen checks with a penalty of only –5 while sleeping in the armor. If you make a successful Listen check while sleeping, you can choose to wake up or to remain asleep, depending on the noise you hear. Price: 500 gp.
Spider Masks, Dragon comp p.141: Found only in the possession of highranking clerics of Lolth, these masks grant great power, but they extract a terrible price upon the wearer. Once donned, the mask fuses itself to the wearer's face and cannot be removed short of use of a limited wish, miracle, or wish. Even if the mask is successfully removed in this manner, the wearer must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or be instantly killed by the fury of Lolth. Seeing such a mask, most drow immediately treat the wearer with a great deal of respect. There are three known types of masks:
Black Widow: Unlike the other masks listed here, the wearer's mouth is visible & the wearer gains the following abilities: +4 profane bonus on Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks.
Brown Recluse: +4 profane bonus on Spot and Listen checks, Jump and spider climb at will.
Phase Spider: +2 profane bonus on Spot, Search, and Listen checks, and other stuff.Owlfeather Armor, MIC p.20: 8,160 gp While wearing this +1 leather, you gain a +2 competence bonus on Listen and Move Silently checks. In addition, the armor has three other special abilities. One of them is 1/day you can activate the armor to gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom for 9 minutes.
Owlfeather armor, RoW p.172: This +1 leather armor is popular with wearers that want to use owl’s wisdom on themself once a day. The wearer receives a +4 competence bonus on Listen and Move Silently checks. For up to 10 rounds a day, the wearer can sprout wings and fly at a speed of 40 feet (good), provided she carries no more than a light load. Activating this effect is a free action; the rounds in which this effect is in use need not be continuous. Price 20,175 gp;
Chronocharm of the Celestial Wanderer, MIC p.85: 500 gp, 1/day, When you activate this chronocharm, you can immediately reroll a single Listen or Spot check that you just attempted. The result of the second roll replaces the first result.
Farspeaking Amulet, MIC p.99: 6,000 gp. Greenstone amulet with 4 removable red walky talky stones. To use a farspeaking amulet, one character wears the central crystal, while up to four others carry the four removable, red crystals. Charms can be removed or replaced as a standard action. The wearer can, with a standard (mental) action, return a single charm to the amulet from any distance, as long as it is on the same plane. When you activate the amulet, you create a link between yourself and any or all of the characters carrying red charms, enabling all affected characters to converse as if standing together. This effect lasts for up to 10 minutes, and the amulet can be activated 3/day. If you also wear a magic item that grants you a competence bonus on Listen checks when you activate the amulet, you can choose to also listen to the environment of any or all of the characters in the conversation as if you were present. The magic of the amulet allows you to differentiate between the various locations without undue confusion.Esheen’s Harp, Magic of faerun p.157: This masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform checks) can be played so that it causes
all glass and metal items within 30 feet to resonate with the harp’s tones. This does not harm the items but provides an interesting accompaniment to the harp itself. Anyone attempting to locate a creature in the area gets a +5 circumstance bonus on Listen checks against targets carrying metal or glass items. Use of this item requires at least 1 rank in Perform (harp). 6,800 gp.
Moonstone Mask: Magic of Faerun p.163: Gives the wearer darkvision and a +5 circumstance bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Lens slot. 12,000 gp.
Moonstone Mask, MIC p.118: 15,000 gp: Grants you a +5 competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks, & darkvision 30' out.
Diadem of Sharpened Senses, Eberron campaign setting p.261: This circlet focuses the powers of the Mark of Detection. If the wearer possesses the mark, he gains the following benefits: He can use any least mark spell-like abilities at will, If he has the lesser Mark of Detection, he can use any
lesser mark spell-like abilities three times per day, He gains a +2 insight bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks. 10,000 gp.
Talent Shard, Eberron campaign setting p.264: Talent: A talent shard is attuned to one of the following skills: Balance, Concentration, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, or Tumble. While active, it provides a +5 competence bonus on checks involving this skill. Once the shard has been attuned, the skill cannot be changed. Price 5,000 gp.
Ring of the Stalker, Magic of Eberron p.119: 15,000 gp: You can designate one creature as your prey, gaining a +5 competence bonus on Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival checks made to locate or find that creature.
Warforged component: Essence of the Guard (embedded component):Races of Eberron p.176: When embedded in a warforged, it occupies space on the body as an amulet, granting the character a +5 competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Price 6,250 gp.
Essence of the Guard, Improved (embedded component): As essence of the guard, except that it grants a +10 competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Price 25,000 gp.
Essence of the Guard, Greater (embedded component): As essence of the guard, except that it grants a +15 competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Price 56,250 gp.
Rod of Mountain Mastery, web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040612a): As long as this rod of basalt is held in one hand, it grants a +2 insight bonus on Initiative checks & on saving throws against natural hazards like avalanches & grants a +5 competence bonus on Listen & Spot checks.
Elixir of Treasure Finding, web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20041231a): When imbibed, the drinker is stunned for 1d4 rounds, afterwards it grants the character a +5 competence bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
Silverhelm of the Guardian, web (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mc/mc20020130a) This visored helmet that resembles the headgear of a suit of full plate is considered a minor relic by the followers of Helm, and gives its wearer darkvision, improved initiative feat, & a +5 sacred bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Moreover, it grants its wearer darkvision and the Improved Initiative feat. Market Price: 20,000; Weight: 3 lb.

Sonorous Scale, Dragon Magic p.104: When activated, Emits a high-pitched keening sound that Can be heard with a DC-20 Listen check (making it clearly audible up to 300 feet away. Price: 2,500gp
Robe of Thunder, MIC p.206: When activated, a robe of thunder surrounds you in an invisible, faintly rumbling aura of thunder that lasts for 5 rounds (Listen DC 10 to hear the aura). This aura deals 2d6 points of sonic damage to any creature striking you with a natural attack or nonreach melee weapon. This ability functions three times per day.
Blindsighted weapon enhancement, Underdark p.69: A blindsighted weapon constantly emits a susurrus of whispered notes (Listen DC 10). A wielder actively grasping the weapon gains blindsight to a range of 30 feet. Price 30,000 gp more than the weapon’s normal price.
Blindsighted, MIC p.29: Price: +2 bonus Property: When activated, a blindsighted weapon emits a susurrus of whispered notes (Listen DC 10). While wielding the activated weapon, you gain blindsight out to 30 feet.
magic effects of xendric, Secrets of xendric p.157: Speaking the item’s command word results in an earsplitting boom of thunder. Enemies within 30 feet of the speaker take a –2 penalty on Listen checks for 1 minute. (+50 gp)
Bottled Eruption, web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031227a): The bottle contains the magically captured sounds of a volcanic eruption. The sound released by a bottled eruption when it is opened or smashed is thunderously loud (DC -*40 to hear with a Listen Check;; thus, at a range of 400 feet the Listen check to hear the explosion is DC 0), only those in the cone or burst area suffer the full effects.
SpellClock, web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.a...d/cw/20070312a) When operating, a spell clock always produces a loud ticking noise. It can be heard in the same room without requiring a Listen check, with DC 5 Listen check through a door, and with DC 15 Listen check in neighboring rooms. Some claim to hear the sound of a spell clock's ticking even when it is muffled and hidden. This is its one weakness when used as a timer for offensive spells, as even when kept in a soundproofed trunk full of wool or blankets, it can be heard with a DC 20 Listen check.

Ritual of Watchfulness, Faiths of Eberron p.101: This ritual can only be performed by a druid of the Gatekeeper sect. You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (the planes), Listen, and Spot checks. If you voluntarily cast a spell that creates poison, disease, or confusion, this benefit ends immediately. Special: If you are an initiate of the Gatekeepers, all divination spells you cast are extended (as the Extend Spell feat). This does not alter the spell slot used to prepare or cast them.
Blade Communion of Sentinel, Faiths of Eberron p.113: You gain a +2 benefit on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
Lens Companion spirits DMG2 p.199: 1st-Tier Benefit: Each Day, use bonus pool on Spot checks equal to the number of team members. A team member can claim all or part of the Spot bonus by taking a free action to do so prior to making a Spot check. Once part of the bonus pool is claimed, the size of the bonus pool shrinks accordingly for the rest of the day. 2nd-Tier Benefit: This benefit replaces the 1st-tier benefit. It is identical to that benefit except that the bonus pool can also be spent on Listen and Search checks.


Elves of high forest, Phb2 p.173: Affiliation Rank 2: Guardian of the Branch: +4 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Rank 4: Guardian of the Root: +8 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks,

Restenford Sewerworkers Guild, Phb2 p.178: Rank 5: Guild Father: Reroll a failed Spot or Listen check 3/day.

Guardians of Rusheme, City of stormreach p.111: Rank 3: Ordinas: +2 bonus on Listen and Spot checks made in Xen’drik.

Red Sashes, City of Splendor Waterdeep p. 75: Favored in guild: Choose one ward; while in that ward, you gain a +2 bonus on Gather Information, Search, Spot, Listen, and Sense Motive checks.

Teamwork Benefits

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y46/AzarKing/Linked%20Pics/Demotivators%20and%20Motivators/motivator1f5e152bc104c703b6223620af8debf7266fa0e1_ zpsf0ffe5ff.jpg

Awareness, PHB2: p.158: Every member of the team gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Listen and Spot checks if any other team member is within 30 feet.

Camp Routine, PHB2 p.159: The team member onwatch gains a +2 bonus on Spot and Listen checks, and each sleeping team member gains a +4 bonus on Listen checks to hear any sounds within 30 feet.

Door Procedures, DMG2 p.191: When listening at or searching a door or similar portal, the task leader gains a +1 circumstance bonus on his Listen and Search checks for each team member within 10 feet of the door. If the task leader chooses to take 20 on a Listen or Search check made at a door, he can do so in half the normal time (as if he had made ten attempts, rather than twenty).

Invisibility Sweep, DMG2 p.192: Each team member can check for the presence of an invisible enemy by groping into four adjacent 5-foot squares within reach, making touch attacks into those squares as described on page 295 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Doing so is a standard action. If one team member pinpoints the location of an invisible enemy (whether through groping, Spot and Listen checks, or other means), every other team member within earshot also has that enemy pinpointed until that enemy moves into a different square. (Pinpointed invisible enemies still gain the benefit of total concealment; see page 152 of the Player’s Handbook.)

Scouting, Heroes of Battle p.120: The team as a whole can make a free Spot check and a free Listen check at the end of each round, regardless of whether any members of the team have already made such checks that round. Use the lowest check modifier of any member of the team present, with a +1 bonus for every team member beyond the first.

Magical Locations

Watchpost of vigilance, DMG2 p.250: Special Ability (Su): The creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus on initiative rolls and on Spot and Listen checks as long as it remains within the watchpost and for 24 hours after leaving it.

Queen’s Suite, Explorer’s Handbook p.80: Queen Aurala of Aundair is known to meet with House Lyrandar matriarch Esravash in this sumptuous chamber. Any member can rent the suite for 10 gp per night (provided the queen isn’t in residence). The room can accommodate four people and only one need be a Wayfinder. Anyone sleeping 8 hours here wakes especially refreshed and alert. Such a character gains 1 temporary hit point and enjoys a +1 competency bonus to Spot and Listen checks for the day.

Wayfinder Foundation travel-lodge, Explorers handbook p.84: Arcane locked (caster level 8) private rooms. Access to the room is keyed to a keycharm that is given to every Wayfinder Foundation member upon induction. The room itself features four enchanted beds. Anyone who spends eight hours in one awakens especially refreshed and alert, gaining 1 temporary hit point and a +1 competency bonus to Spot and Listen checks for the next 24 hours. Only full members have access; no guests allowed.

Xendric travel curses, Secrets of Xendric p.96: A ghostly choir constantly follows the character, imposing a –10 penalty on Move Silently checks and a –5 penalty on Listen checks.

The unseen path, planar handbook p.157: Base Ability: You gain a +1 bonus on Listen checks.
The red pit, planar handbook p.177: Higher-Order Ability: (Uses=5) Once per day, for a number of minutes equal to your character level, you gain a +5 bonus on Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Listen, and grapple checks.

2017-04-24, 09:19 PM
reserved for just in case situations

Remaining Sources to sift through
Dragonlance Campaign setting
Shining south
power of faerun
Lost empires of faerun
faiths and pantheons
Dragons of faerun
dieties and demigods
Stronghold builders guide
Book of challenges
All web content
All adventures with less than 100 pages

2017-04-25, 12:10 AM
Are you planning on making one of these for each skill? It seems pretty handy to have around.

2017-04-25, 01:19 AM
I never understood the "owl gliding" part. Owl has Move Silently +17. So it's 13+17? Should that tell me something? I never understood (magical) flight and move silently.

2017-04-25, 07:00 AM
Are you planning on making one of these for each skill? It seems pretty handy to have around.

I'm doing use rope after I finish this. But any further skills will have to chill for a bit. I cut and copy these things into Google docs, which works fine for my own uses, but rendering them in a way that probably doesn't invoke copyright issues for the board takes a lot more synthesis.

Plus, on each go around the 100+ sources I find something I missed. Further, some of my books are unsearchable and thus must be hand perused. Plus Shuri the dragmag guru posted on a few of the guides so those need to be updated.

So, after use rope I'm taking a break. And if another skill peaks my interest, I'll start up again.

2017-04-25, 07:13 AM
I never understood the "owl gliding" part. Owl has Move Silently +17. So it's 13+17? Should that tell me something? I never understood (magical) flight and move silently.
The DCs given are presumably based on 10+modifiers, but I'm quite sure it's the exact same table from the 3.0 book, and the 3.0 MM has owls at +20.

2017-04-25, 09:23 AM
The DCs given are presumably based on 10+modifiers, but I'm quite sure it's the exact same table from the 3.0 book, and the 3.0 MM has owls at +20.

So presumably flying while attempting to move silently gives one a -14 penalty?

2017-04-25, 09:41 AM
Just added weather and environmental modifiers.

Tonight we add racial bonuses for critters.
Psionic powers
Other Stuff
Teamwork benefits
Magical Locations

2017-04-26, 08:42 AM
So presumably flying while attempting to move silently gives one a -14 penalty?

The table says owl gliding in for the kill is DC 30. The table came from 3.0, where owls had +20 move silently. Average d20 roll 10+20 move silently equals DC 30. Where is the question?

2017-04-26, 08:54 PM
Feats are done.

2017-04-26, 10:17 PM
Got some other printed DCs you might be intereste in adding.

DC -40: The sound of an errupting Volcano (Bottled Eruption item web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031227a))
DC -10: Small rumble of thunder (Thunderstroke spell, CoV)
DC 15: The sound of someone picking a lock (EttRoG p. 62)
DC 20: The sound of something burrowing underground (EttU p. 178)
DC 25: The sound of a creature casting a silent spell (EttRoG p. 79)
DC 28: The sound of something moving using earth glide (EttRoG p. 54)

2017-04-28, 12:21 PM
Got some other printed DCs you might be intereste in adding.

DC -40: The sound of an errupting Volcano (Bottled Eruption item web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031227a))
DC -10: Small rumble of thunder (Thunderstroke spell, CoV)
DC 15: The sound of someone picking a lock (EttRoG p. 62)
DC 20: The sound of something burrowing underground (EttU p. 178)
DC 25: The sound of a creature casting a silent spell (EttRoG p. 79)
DC 28: The sound of something moving using earth glide (EttRoG p. 54)

I'll add them when I'm done splicing in the rest of the content.
All that is left is Magic Locations, Teamwork Benefits, and Affiliations. the last of the unchecked sources.

http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040301a: spy weaponry: Spy Item
Below, we've calculated the cost to add the clairaudience/clairvoyance effect to any item as a weapon special ability. Then, we follow up with a
sample item ready to use on unsuspecting PCs.
Eavesdropping: A weapon with this property has a corresponding fetish tuned to the weapon. When the fetish is held, the holder can listen to
the vicinity of the weapon's wielder as a free action as if the holder had cast the clairaudience/clairvoyance spell.
No aura; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Price +27,000 gp; Cost +13,500 gp and 1,080 XP.

http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070312a When operating, a spell clock always produces a loud ticking noise. It can be heard in the same room without
requiring a Listen check, with DC 5 Listen check through a door, and with DC 15 Listen check in neighboring
rooms. Some claim to hear the sound of a spell clock's ticking even when it is muffled and hidden. This is its one
weakness when used as a timer for offensive spells, as even when kept in a soundproofed trunk full of wool or
blankets, it can be heard with a DC 20 Listen check.

2017-05-05, 12:18 AM
With the exception of whatever web content I missed and a handful of adventures, this guide is about done.

Thank you Jowgen, for your contributions.

If you find anything, be kind enough to share. If you have drag mag inclusions, I'll do my best to fit them in.

How deep into the earth do you think we can get by listening at the ground (no magic/psionic clairaudience effects)?

2017-05-08, 01:39 AM
Thank you again for compiling this!

This guide seemed like a lot of work! (I'm looking forward to your Spellcraft and UMD guides!) Still, why do such a comprehensive guide?

And will you have a hub post where all your guides mingle with links from each guide leading to the hub? If so, that would help! Thankee!

2017-05-08, 10:01 AM
Thank you again for compiling this!

This guide seemed like a lot of work! (I'm looking forward to your Spellcraft and UMD guides!) Still, why do such a comprehensive guide?

And will you have a hub post where all your guides mingle with links from each guide leading to the hub? If so, that would help! Thankee!


You can find the skill guides there.

The knowledge guide took the most work. But, by then I was searching for multiple skills per book, so during the creation of that as of yet unfinished opus, I just cut and pasted all references to the listen/use rope skill.

The next guide to come is use rope. Then I'm taking a break to focus on the optimize this feat threads for a bit. I missed the errata for the last one which took all of the wind out of my sails.

After the upcoming villainous comp, I plan on trying to work out a listen build to see how far a character with their ear to the ground can detect stuff underground and or how to make a chain of characters using the listen to this skill trick can be used as a mundane radio system.

2017-05-20, 10:03 AM
quick question, how many medium sized creatures can you fit in 20' radius? What if you can fly?

I'm working on a build to maximize the listen skill: Here is what I have so far
lesser aasimar wereowl
+4 wis +2 cha RHD: 1; LA: +2
Assume 22 wis and at least a 12 int

Total Mod


Skill focus: listen
+8 racial Listen
thieving helmet, listening cone

Psion 1 (Seer)
Focused Skill User (ComPsi p.54)
Listen to This Skill trick (CS p.87)
synesthete, Sense Link
synesthete=+4 circumstance
Keenear powder: +1 alchemical

Psion 2 (Seer)
Keen Eared Scout


Psion 3 (Seer)

Zone of Alertness, Clairvoyant Sense
ZoA: +2 per ally in 10' you can have up to 14 allies just on the ground, including self, and shaving diagonals and up to at least 10 more flying above. Handle animal will supply us with bats next level.

Urban Companion
Druid 1 (CityScape Web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a))
Bat Urban Companion +3, Scouting Teamwork Benefit, Climbing tree
Scouting: free action listen 1/round team member with lowest modifier is used, +1 per team member, max 8 members

Druid 2
Fell Conspiracy

Fell conspiracy no limit on number of participants. +2 to listen checks per ally present. Assume same number of allies as ZoA and later linked perception

Druid 3

Linked perception, Wild Instincts
Linked perception 20’ radius at +2 per ally: just allies standing on the ground =40 with flying or burrowing allies this can be much higher +80

Savant 1

skill assistance
44+ZoA +FC+LP
Lend assistance to your teamwork benefit team

Marshal 1
quick reconnoiter
Motivate Wisdom, Awareness teamwork Benefit

Back of the Envelope calculation: Use Handle animal to rear 40 owls. Being tiny allows them to share squares. Cram them into squares around you. Use climbing tree if necessary. Linked perception, Zone of Alertness, and Fell conspiracy gives you, and every ally +6 per ally in volume of effect. That's +240 to your listen check. The scouting teamwork benefit allows for a free check. That means that you can hear a whisper and decipher its contents from a half mile away, and if you roll higher than a 15, you can hear that whisper through a brick wall.

Over water you can hear a conversation on a boat a mile away. With your head submerged, you can hear a sahuagin fart in a cave, a mile and a half away.

2017-05-20, 12:19 PM
quick question, how many medium sized creatures can you fit in 20' radius? What if you can fly?

I'm working on a build to maximize the listen skill

I had a character like this once. I suggest getting a Fiendish Ear graft for 2500 gp to get another +4 racial bonus to listen (also Blindfight), and (after getting Iron Will via Otyugh Hole) Hardned Criminal (SoSt) so you can always take 10 on Listen checks (incidentally avoiding the draw-back of the graft).

For getting more people to aid with the listen I personally got a bunch of Spider Thiefs (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20061009a). Being diminutive a lot of them (arguably 25) can share the space of a medium creature, so that was sufficient for me. I also toyed with the idea with placing some within a perpetually open Enveloping Pit placed in my backpack.