View Full Version : Barbarian /fighter multi-class help

2017-04-25, 10:46 AM
So we have started 5th and we are well on our way. I have a level 5 fighter champion path, level 3 barbarian with the bear totem. I have the dueling style. My stats are 16, 16, 18, 8, 8, 8. My gear is a +2 Shield a ring of protection and a scimitar of speed. So i have a ac of 22, 118 hit points and I I make 3 attacks a round at 1d6+8 or +9 when raging and have resistance to most thing in rage. And I crit on 19+
So soon we will be level 9 and I am wondering where is a good place to take the rest of this build?
o and I'm a half orc so when I crit it's 3d6 :-)
Hope someone out they can help

2017-04-25, 11:29 AM
Since you've got a feat coming your way at level 9, I say you need to reinforce your mental defenses, with either Resilient (Wisdom) or Lucky. 8 in Wisdom is asking to get into trouble in that department.

2017-04-25, 11:42 AM
I second Lucky.

Build should be fighter 11/ Barbarian 9 in the end.

2017-04-25, 11:47 AM
I'm seconding resiliant wisdom. I feel like with lucky there's versatility to use it on other things but with a character like yours I think something dedicated to his mental defense is best.

Also, I'm probably my missing something obvious but how are you attacking three times per turn?
EDIT: Just re-read, I missed the scimitar of speed in your items. Nice find :) still slightly confused on the +8 to damage. +3 from mod, +2 from dueling, +2 from being +2 weapon? So +6

2017-04-25, 12:03 PM
Well your next two levels should probably be in barbarian and then fighter for two more ASIs/feats.

Specter is right that you are asking to be hit with a wisdom save effect. I kind of enjoy having a weakness, especially when it means I end up attacking the other PCs due to some charm/dominate effect. :smalltongue:

I'd probably use both of those ASIs on str, putting it to 20 and cap it out, but that is a bit more of a win more strategy. Mage slayer can be a bit of a fun alternative, advantage on saves against casters in melee. The obvious limitation is the having to be in melee bit, but if you pick up level 7 in champion you get half your prof bonus to str, dex, and con checks. That includes initiative! So at level 11, Champion 7/Totem Barb 4, you'll have +5 to initiative, so getting into melee before getting locked out by some spell might not be so hard.

Overall your character is definitely on the right path to face roll most things. You should avoid barbarian 5, as extra attack is redundant. Taking fighter to level 11 for 3 attacks seems the obvious choice, and you may even want to do it before barbarian 4.

The only other option you have as far as classes go is rogue, which would work with the scimitar, but overall is not worth the opportunity cost of the higher level fighter goodies.

If plan to go to 20, you'll end up champion 16/Barb 4 with plenty of ASIs to take resilient later if you find it necessary.

As a side note, you seem pretty stacked on magic items. If your group is new to 5e your DM might not realize it's balanced around much less magic items than 3.5/pathfinder. Of course you are free to play however you like. If you are this far, he either knows this, or has adjusted to keep it challenging regardless.

I'm seconding resiliant wisdom. I feel like with lucky there's versatility to use it on other things but with a character like yours I think something dedicated to his mental defense is best.

Also, I'm probably my missing something obvious but how are you attacking three times per turn?
EDIT: Just re-read, I missed the scimitar of speed in your items. Nice find :) still slightly confused on the +8 to damage. +3 from mod, +2 from dueling, +2 from being +2 weapon? So +6

I think he is including rage bonus to damage... ?

2017-04-25, 12:17 PM
Whoops worked damp out its +7. 3 mod 2 style 2 wep. I will have to look into the feats as ye my mental state is not good. But character wise I'm playing the mindless wrecking ball that will charge into anything so maybe the lucky one to keep the fluff. As it is our 1St game of 5th ed I think the dm has been kind in the way of items but he likes alot of combat so he has been toughening or increasing the monsters to compensate. He is a very experienced dm unlike me as a player.

2017-04-25, 12:53 PM
So we have started 5th and we are well on our way. I have a level 5 fighter champion path, level 3 barbarian with the bear totem. I have the dueling style. My stats are 16, 16, 18, 8, 8, 8. My gear is a +2 Shield a ring of protection and a scimitar of speed. So i have a ac of 22, 118 hit points and I I make 3 attacks a round at 1d6+8 or +9 when raging and have resistance to most thing in rage. And I crit on 19+
So soon we will be level 9 and I am wondering where is a good place to take the rest of this build?
o and I'm a half orc so when I crit it's 3d6 :-)
Hope someone out they can help

I'd strongly suggest Resilient Wisdom as other said. Lucky is another good one but when you progress the chances you face several enemies that have Wisdom save or suck spells target you will be too much to rely on just "three additional chances" per day.
Still, considering you get Indomitable, it could be a good choice, to give a "Merry-go-Lucky", "Playing with Death" feeling.

As for end build, the things you want the most are...
Brutal Critical (Barbarian, 9/13)
Extra Attack 3rd (Fighter, 11)
Improved Critical (Fighter, 15).
Totem (Wolf, Elk, Tiger) (Barbarian, 14)

The "safest" build is Fighter 11 / Barbarian 9: you get 3 attacks per round and one extra die on critical.

The "max crit damage" would be Barbarian 14 / Fighter 6, which nets you less attacks but instead a good bonus action to get advantage on attacks (Elk is one of the best imo but Tiger great also) and much better damage on each attack (extra die on critical + better rage damage). Even better with Lucky. Of course, if you have a consistent bonus action already (TWF, Polearm Master) it may not be the best bet.

The "max crit chance" would be Champion 16 / Barbarian 4: 3 attacks with 18-20 crit range.

Choose depending on whether you are using GWM feat (then more attacks is better) and your character feel (Barbarian or Fighter?)

2017-04-25, 01:11 PM
I'd strongly suggest Resilient Wisdom as other said. Lucky is another good one but when you progress the chances you face several enemies that have Wisdom save or suck spells target you will be too much to rely on just "three additional chances" per day.
Still, considering you get Indomitable, it could be a good choice, to give a "Merry-go-Lucky", "Playing with Death" feeling.

As for end build, the things you want the most are...
Brutal Critical (Barbarian, 9/13)
Extra Attack 3rd (Fighter, 11)
Improved Critical (Fighter, 15).
Totem (Wolf, Elk, Tiger) (Barbarian, 14)

The "safest" build is Fighter 11 / Barbarian 9: you get 3 attacks per round and one extra die on critical.

The "max crit damage" would be Barbarian 14 / Fighter 6, which nets you less attacks but instead a good bonus action to get advantage on attacks (Elk is one of the best imo but Tiger great also) and much better damage on each attack (extra die on critical + better rage damage). Even better with Lucky. Of course, if you have a consistent bonus action already (TWF, Polearm Master) it may not be the best bet.

The "max crit chance" would be Champion 16 / Barbarian 4: 3 attacks with 18-20 crit range.

Choose depending on whether you are using GWM feat (then more attacks is better) and your character feel (Barbarian or Fighter?)

The crit chance thing is pretty simple math. For the OP's situation assuming advantage via reckless attack, Barb 9/Fighter 11 gets 19.1% chance to do an extra 3d6 for an increase of 2 damage per hit, fighter 15 gives a 27.8% chance to do another 2d6 for 1.95 increased damage per hit.

That's really too close to care, although the increased consistency of fighter makes it probably a better option IMO. So comparing other things, barbarian gives advantage on initiative, surprise immunity, another rage per day and another rage damage when raging. Fighter gets another use of Indomitable and TWO MORE ASIs. Fighter also has the advantage of less dead levels (5 barb is just 10ft movement speed, 6 totem barb is weak too), and comes online sooner with 18-20 crit range two levels sooner than the barbarian would have his extra crit die, becoming the character's capstone at level 20.

Fighter 16/Barb 4 > Fighter 11/Barb 9 IMO

2017-04-25, 01:22 PM
The trouble with taking more than 4 Barbarian levels is that horrible level 5, where you only get Fast Movement. I wouldn't.

2017-04-25, 02:15 PM
I have just read up fully on the feats and I'm liking the lucky option to keep the role-playing aspect and the other front line fighter is a Ancients paladin so of things get tight I will just make sure to follow him into battle. Thanks for all the help