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View Full Version : DM Help Questions on Curse of Strahd (spoilers)

2017-04-25, 04:54 PM
On page 15 of the book, under the section "Strahd's Enemy" it states the enemy "gains the following action: inspire. While within sight of Strahd, the character grants inspiration to one player character he or she can see."

So I have some questions on this. Is than an inspiration point? Or the bardic inspiration power? How many times can they use it? Is it continuous? If the PC uses the inspiration advantage, can Strahd's Enemy grant it again next turn? Do they need to rest to use the ability again? If Strahd is in sight and then flees, does the inspiration go away?


2017-04-25, 05:42 PM
Yep, as long as they see Strahd, they can use their action for it as many times as they want. It goes away like normal inspiration does. For most of those allies it's not worth it, though.

Kurt Kurageous
2017-04-25, 09:02 PM
The powerful allies are actually much rarer, its just that most DMs want their players to have them as allies. I know I do! But my first time through they drew Tatyana...and she used inspire more than anything in the Strahd meetings.

Giving any character a chance to reroll a d20 is the near equivalent of the luck feat. In the right time and place, it's a battle-changer. But against Strahd (when played right), who generally picks the time, place, and circumstances, a d20 roll isn't going to undo him.

Give the party every break under the (dimmed Barovian) sun. They will still lose, more than likely, if you are worthy to play the evil that is SvZ.