View Full Version : Phrenic Template+Inspire Greatness

2017-04-25, 09:08 PM
Does Inspire Greatness allow you to (temporarily) access the next "tier" of PLAs from the Phrenic template (or SLAs from the Half-Fey, Half-Celestial, Half-Fiend, etc. templates)? Do the temporary HD increase the Phrenic template's ML (and thus the effectiveness of its powers)?

If so, I could see a neat character gimmick being that they use Perform (Scream) at the start of battle to (with some refluffing) enter some kind of super-saiyan form or something. Maybe you could play a Changeling so that you can change your appearance while doing so (I forget whether or not their racial ability to change forms costs an action or not; if it's an SLA, you might be able to use Quicken SLA on it or something)? I think that the Heartfire Fanner class might also be fitting, since you can scream for a round to power up your spells when you run out of PLA uses.

2017-04-25, 09:43 PM
Expect table variation. Inspire Greatness is weird.