View Full Version : Pathfinder Build Ideas...

2017-04-25, 10:25 PM
When the current campaign finishes (we're 7th, and it goes to 20th, so a ways off), one of my players has decided to run a game that will go for 22 sessions of play, so a little over 5 months. This is to give me time to read the next campaign, which comes out some time this summer.

The basic premise of his campaign, is that we are divine champions of a god or gods, who are in a battle against demons.
We will be restricted to Lawful Good or Neutral Good alignment.

We will be playing Gestalt characters (fractional BAB, fractional Saves, best possible Progression... for something like Sneak attack), who are also Mythic.

We start with 10,000 gold, level 1, and Mythic Rank 1.
We are using Mythic Hero's Handbook (by Legendary Games), including the chapter on fixing things that are broken in the Paizo Mythic Book.

We get a 25 point buy.
We need to use 1 HD races, but just about anything that is an actual character race will be okay... so Dwarf, Elf, Half-Orc... Blue, Elan, Half-Giant, Ophiduan... Aasimar, Dromite, Goblin, Orc... Drow Noble, Ghoran, Kitsune, Reptoid, Stix, Vanara... etc.
Basically nothing that would have racial hit dice or a level adjustment.

The magic system is Spheres of Power, so we can play a (Sphere) Arcanist, a (Sphere) Oracle, a (Sphere) Wizard or the like.
Plus the sphere specific caster classes such as Elementalist, Hedgewitch, Incanter or Symbiat (plus the others).
By this time, Spheres of Might should be out, and those classes will be on the table.
Path of War (the main book entirely) and Path of War: Expanded (some of this book) are on the table, as is Ultimate Psionics (Dreamscarred Press).

The limitation is that the builds need to be Hero Lab legal.
Not everything for PoW: Expanded is within HL as of now.
Also while the Mythic Hero's Handbook has a chapter on Mythic Psionics, that is currently not implemented into Hero Lab (it is being worked on), so that's not available yet either.

We will level up, every session, until we hit 20th.
At 20th, we get 2-3 sessions for the ultimate goal, which we're not sure of, but which should be Demon focused.
I'm told that Mythic ranks will progress at whatever rate they're supposed to, until we're Mythic Rank 10 at about the point we hit level 20.
So chances are, a Mythic Rank advancement at odd levels, give or take.

Also, based on how well we played as a cooperative team, we will get a powerful magic item (each) every session.
So good teamwork and cooperative play, results in a strong item (choose from three that are presented), with poorer choices for less of a team effort.
He said the 10k starting wealth, at level 1, would basically result in gear that gets replaced quickly.


I'd like to test out the Spheres of Might system... but am looking at something along these lines.
Improvement or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

I'd like to play the invincible tank, who can take just about any kind of a beating, and continue to stand there.
And to Gestalt that with a high DPS caster type, who cannot be ignored.
So that I can deal the damage, so I'm the threat you want to take out if you're smart, combined with I can last a long time and protect those near me.

I'm leaning towards:
01. Incanter 01 | Sentinel 01
02. Incanter 02 | Soulknife 01
03. Incanter 03 | Soulknife 02
04. Incanter 04 | Soulknife 03
05. Incanter 05 | Soulknife 04
06. Incanter 06 | Sentinel 02
07. Incanter 07 | Sentinel 03
08. Incanter 08 | Sentinel 04
09. Incanter 09 | Stalker 01
10. Incanter 10 | Stalker 02
11. Incanter 11 | Stalker 03
12. Incanter 12 | Sentinel 05
13. Incanter 13 | Sentinel 06
14. Incanter 14 | Sentinel 07
15. Incanter 15 | Sentinel 08
16. Incanter 16 | Sentinel 09
17. Incanter 17 | Sentinel 10
18. Incanter 18 | Sentinel 11
19. Incanter 19 | Sentinel 12
20. Incanter 20 | Sentinel 13

Soulknife provides WIS mod for attack rolls, damage rolls (Focused Offense) and as a Dodge bonus to AC, while using Combat Expertise (Focused Defense).
It adds the feat Two-Weapon Fighting.

The build would be primarily Dex & Wis, using Wis as the casting modifier for the Incanter.
Incanter would be Divination specialist, for the +Initiative boost (same as a Divination spec Wizard), although the powers are extremely flexible.

Stalker nets me two Arts, likely Combat Precognition (for defense... all opponent attacks directed at me are rolled twice, and they use the worse roll) and Murderous Insight (the same, except I use the better of two rolls on the attack).
Stalker also gives Dex + Wis to initiative and reflex saves.

I'm thinking:
Alteration (Agile, Avian, Plant, Undead)
Destruction (Stone Blast, Force Blast, Greater Blast x4, Energy Sphere (Snake feat), Explosive Orb, Walls... Energy Blade maybe, to make Opportunity attacks hurt)
Divination (Battlefield Sense, Blindsight, Foreshadow, Divine Knowledge)
Life (Mass Healing, Ranged Healing, Greater Healing x4, Status effect removal, Ressurrection)
Light (Revealing Light, Encompassing Light (Reach), Guiding Light, Searing Light)
Protection (Greater Barrier, Damage Reduction, Unplottable)
Time (Haste, Improved Haste, Shift Time, Steal Time, Retry)
Warp (Distant, Unseeing, Group, Ranged, (for Chessmaster rearrangment), Unwilling, Beacon (or three), True Teleport, Flawless Teleport, Plane Shift).

The Stalker levels are delayed, since Initiator level is calculated as (0.50 x Other Levels) + Stalker Levels, so I could take level 3 stances immediately.
These would likely be: Battle Dragon's Stance & Formless Dance.

For maneuvers, a mix of boosts and strikes.
Chances are, with Armor Class optimization, if I'm hit by an attack my skill based counter isn't likely to be high enough to counter their attack roll...

Soulknife would be Warsoul; something like:
Warsoul 1: Ghost Hunting Blw, Inner Sense, Swift Claws, Inner Sphere Stance
Warsoul 2: Dimension Strike
Warsoul 3: Disturbing Blow
Warsoul 4: (Retrain Disturbing Blow to Counter Step), Spirit Sensing Dance

Stalker 1: Altered Penumbra, Flat Iron Riposte, Half-Gone, Sun Dips Low, Fading Strike, Fangs Strike Low, Battle Dragon's Stance.
Stalker 2: Brilliant Moon, Formless Dance (stance).
Stalker 3: Fading Leap, (Retrain Sun Dips Low to Flicker Strike).

Martial Training (Feat) for Riven Hourglass's 'Clockwatcher' (PoW: Exp disciplines available through Martial training in Hero Lab, but not as a discipline that any class has access to yet).
Clockwatcher lets me act in the surprise round, even if I would have been surprised...
And stacking Initiative, I'm likely to go first or early, and not be flat-footed long.


The idea is Dex & Wis heavy, with both of those stats to Initiative, along with half of my Incanter level, and an Initiative trait plus Improved Initiative and mythic for that too.

The Sentinel (still in Playtesting)...
LV 01: Defender's Soul (Guardian Sphere, with Challenge Package)
LV 01: Guardian's Challenge (Bonus to attacks vs Challenged Enemies)
LV 01: Sentinel's Reserve (Reserve Pool, 1/2 LV + WIS)
LV 01: Wise Reflexes (Can use WIS instead of DEX, for Init/Ref) ... until I use both from Stalker.

LV 02: Armor Knight (Heavy Armor Proficiency, or a bonus talent if I have that already)
LV 02: Armored Evasion (Evasion in Medium/Heavy Armor, OR with a Shield)
LV 02: Dedicated Defense (DR 1/-, stacks with other sources of DR)

LV 03: Second Wind (As Paladin Lay On Hands, but cannot take myself above 50% health)

LV 04: Sentinel's Imposition (OA, if a challenged enemy within reach attacks anyone other than me)

LV 05: Opportunistic Off. (OA counts as attack action 1/round... so could Vital Strike on OA)

LV 06: Dedicated Defense (DR 2/-)
LV 06: Improved Challenge (Doesn't expend Focus to challenge)

LV 07: Defender's Determination (Ignore several conditions, when I Second Wind)

LV 08: Deathless Challenge (Harder to kill me, while I have a challenge going; don't die until I reach negative WIS + CON hit points)

LV 09: Armored Stalwart (Stalwart, is Evasion for Fort/Will saves, in Armor or with a Shield)

LV 10: Dedicated Defense (DR 3/-)

LV 11: Empowering Challenge (Temp HPs when I kill a challenged foe)

LV 12: Sentinel's Wrath (Roll damage vs Challenged Enemies twice, use either roll)

LV 13: Sentinels Poise (Second Wind ignores more conditions)


Might Sphere focus would be on defenses...

Adding the Shield bonus to Touch AC and Reflex Saves.
Reflecting their ranged attack, at someone else, if they miss my Touch AC.

Using the Shield to Two-Weapon Fight (probably a Mithral Light Shield) as a Mythic Legendary item, so it will scale with me as I progress.


Likely as a Guardian.

Additional Traits, for 4 points worth of 'Race Builder' features from Advanced Race Guide... likely Greater Defensive Training, for +2 dodge AC bonus.
Improved Initiative, for my full Mythic Rank (extra) to Initiative
Mythic Ki, for more a larger Ki-Pool, to power the Stalker's Arts.

Armor Master, for unlimited DEX mod, in armor.
Impossible Speed, for lots of mobility.
Precision twice, so my first three attacks (and off-hand strikes) are at my highest bonus.

2017-04-25, 10:53 PM
d6 HD, 0.50 BAB, strong Will, 2+INT skills.

d12 HD, 1.00 BAB, strong Fort & Will, 4+INT skills.

d8 HD, 0.75 BAB, strong Will, 6+INT skills.

d10 HD, 1.00 BAB, strong Ref & Will, 4+INT skills.

01. Incanter 01 | Sentinel 01. = .1.00 BAB, Fort .2.50, Ref 0.33, Will .2.50, d12
02. Incanter 02 | Soulknife 01 = .2.00 BAB, Fort .2.83, Ref 0.83, Will .3.00, d10
03. Incanter 03 | Soulknife 02 = .3.00 BAB, Fort .3.17, Ref 1.33, Will .3.50, d10
04. Incanter 04 | Soulknife 03 = .4.00 BAB, Fort .3.50, Ref 1.83, Will .4.00, d10
05. Incanter 05 | Soulknife 04 = .5.00 BAB, Fort .3.83, Ref 2.33, Will .4.50, d10
06. Incanter 06 | Sentinel 02.. = .6.00 BAB, Fort .4.33, Ref 2.67, Will .5.00, d12
07. Incanter 07 | Sentinel 03.. = .7.00 BAB, Fort .4.83, Ref 3.00, Will .5.50, d12
08. Incanter 08 | Sentinel 04.. = .8.00 BAB, Fort .5.33, Ref 3.33, Will .6.00, d12
09. Incanter 09 | Stalker 01... = .8.75 BAB, Fort .5.67, Ref 3.67, Will .6.50, d8
10. Incanter 10 | Stalker 02... = .9.50 BAB, Fort .6.00, Ref 4.00, Will .7.00, d8
11. Incanter 11 | Stalker 03... = 10.25 BAB, Fort .6.33, Ref 4.33, Will .7.50, d8
12. Incanter 12 | Sentinel 05. = 11.25 BAB, Fort .6.83, Ref 4.67, Will .8.00, d12
13. Incanter 13 | Sentinel 06. = 12.25 BAB, Fort .7.33, Ref 5.00, Will .8.50, d12
14. Incanter 14 | Sentinel 07. = 13.25 BAB, Fort .7.83, Ref 5.33, Will .9.00, d12
15. Incanter 15 | Sentinel 08. = 14.25 BAB, Fort .8.33, Ref 5.67, Will .9.50, d12
16. Incanter 16 | Sentinel 09. = 15.25 BAB, Fort .8.83, Ref 6.00, Will 10.00, d12
17. Incanter 17 | Sentinel 10. = 16.25 BAB, Fort .9.33, Ref 6.33, Will 10.50, d12
18. Incanter 18 | Sentinel 11. = 17.25 BAB, Fort .9.83, Ref, 6.67, Will 11.00, d12
19. Incanter 19 | Sentinel 12. = 18.25 BAB, Fort 10.33, Ref 7.00, Will 11.50, d12
20. Incanter 20 | Sentinel 13. = 19.25 BAB, Fort 10.83, Ref 7.33, Will 12.00, d12

BAB is one off of maximum.
Fort is 2 off of maximum.
Ref is slightly above poor progression, but both Dex & Wis (primary stats) to Reflex saves
Will is maximum.