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2017-04-26, 12:27 AM
Worm Werewolf

Narrators: Ramsus & AvatarVecna

The Narrators would like to issue a general spoiler warning. While we will try to avoid spoilers for Worm (https://parahumans.wordpress.com/) as much as possible, we will be providing links to character wiki pages that do contain spoilers. If you haven't read Worm, we strong advise doing so for a variety of reasons. If you haven't and think you may ever wish to do so, we advice being cautious when perusing any wiki links we provide.

Fitful dreams of a red fog sweeping over your beloved city plague your mind as a soft voice gently pulls you back to consciousness You awaken slowly, weary and sore from...a fight? No, a chase. Vague memories of being stalked through Bonesaw (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Bonesaw)'s miasma reach the surface of your mind, jolting you into a tense wakefulness as you realize the danger you might very well still be in. As your senses come into focus, you take note of the room you've found yourself in: these concrete walls with no windows, the threadbare cot that was the only piece of furniture, the thick metal door that seemed to be locked up tight...all of it gives you the distinct impression of a prison cell, but you've no idea how you got here, who's holding you here, or why they've locked you up.

Time passes; you think it's been a few hours, but without a clock or a window, it's impossible to really tell. You're pretty sure you can feel yourself slowly going insane, and you could've swore you heard voices just a little while ago, but whenever you listen for them, they seem to go quiet. As time goes on, you notice the air has a reddish tint it didn't have before...and that's all you manage to remember before a wave of drowsiness overtakes you, and you slip into unconsciousness once more.


The raucous, screeching sound of audio feedback echoes through your cell, jolting you awake once more. As you search for the source of the awful noise, a bubbly, almost sickly sweet voice seems to come from all around you. "Would all contestants please make their way to the lobby? Please and thank you~" The door to your cell swings open silently, your first real opportunity to leave this place. "Please comply with your instructions! If you do not wish to participate, you will need to be confined to your room for the duration of the game, to prevent you from influencing anything." Rising to your feet with a grimace, you briefly note that your body feels different than normal, before making your way down the hall outside your cell. Signs on the walls point you towards various locations, including the lobby...which is helpful since without them, this place is a veritable maze, nearly impossible to navigate.

Arriving at what seems to be the lobby, you take note of the individuals already gathered in the room: despite feeling a brief spurt of recognition of the various costumes present, you can't seem to match names with faces at the moment - the miasma still clouding your memories, no doubt. You notice them all wearing large nametags, but you've never even heard of some of these weird cape names. You dismiss them as probably misnomers and take in the room itself. The room is rather large around with a high ceiling, multiple exits, plenty of waist-high furniture, and a large clock on the southern wall just over a massive pair of double doors. The jagged grooves and scorch marks that cover nearly ever surface of this place make its purpose clear: whatever else this may be called, this 'lobby' is an arena of some kind.

The speakers come on once more, still with no apparent source: "Oh good, everybody's here! Ladies and gentlement, boys and girls, capes of all ages, genders, and affiliations! Welcome...to Werewolf!" the voice says excitedly. The double doors open up, and two people walk through: the first, a bouncing, cutesy little girl with a wide smile holding a microphone, and a woman covered head to toe in black and white stripes who's holding her hand. The child gives a happy giggle at the sight of you all, and speaks once more. "My apologies for all the theatrics, but I wanted to do this just right! Introductions are in order, I think: I'm Bonesaw, and this is the Siberian!" she says, with a gesture to the woman. Something in the girl's voice triggers your memory, and you're finally able to connect their faces with their names...and their deeds. You itch for a chance to take down these walking threats to humanity, and to potentially collect the bounty on their heads, but you know you're no match for The Siberian (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/The_Siberian), and taking out Bonesaw while she's present would be similarly impossible.

The girl giggles again. "Now, I know what you're all thinking. You're wanting to murder us and get out of here, aren't you? Well...maybe you'll have your chance after we've played our little game. After all, with how much effort we've put into setting this up, it would be rude not to take part. You see, Jack found out about this interesting little game, this...social experiment, I suppose you could call it, where a group of people who don't know who to trust are being picked off one by one from a splinter cell conspiring against the rest. The goal of the game, put simply, is to take out the splinter cell members before they manage to take out everybody that isn't one of their own. So we rounded up a couple dozen capes from around Brockton Bay, set up this little staging ground, and...well, here you all are~"

"Now at first, we were just going to have you playing against each other - maybe the Empire 88 members would be the splinter cell, or maybe we'd reverse the normal dynamic and makes the wards the enemies of the rest of you - but Jack thought that wasn't really in the spirit of the game. Instead, the splinter cell will be...us! Well, not us us--" she gestured to herself and and the woman once more, "--but the rest of the Slaughterhouse Nine, or at least some of them. Every person in here, save for myself and Sibbie, has been dosed with a certain amount of my special miasma; most of you have no idea who anybody else is, although there's a few exceptions. For instance, all of the Slaughterhouse Nine members know who each other are, although they don't know who the rest of you are. Jack even insisted on playing in the game himself! Speaking of which, I should probably explain the rules~"

"During the day, the lot of you can talk things out among yourselves...or you know, just squabble and fight, either way works for our purposes. At the end of the day, the person wanted dead by the most people, or the person the most beat up, will be put out of their misery and taken out of your hair, courtesy of us! Once they're dead, I'll check the list and inform the lot of you of who really died, and then...well, then it's bedtime! You'll all be ushered back to your rooms for the night. Some doors will be locked, some doors won't be, some may as well not be locked...the point is that some of you will be able to roam the halls at night, and some of you won't be. Be warned though, Sibbie might be quite cross if she catches you up past your bedtime, so do try to behave...or at least not get caught!" She giggles at her own joke, but you don't find the idea of the Siberian catching and eviscerating you particularly funny. "The next morning, you'll start the cycle all over again, and continue until either the Nine have all been eliminated, or only the Nine remain. Regardless of when they die, all of the dead will be present here in the lobby following their demise, with their true identities known to the lot of you for the rest of the game. If the Nine are all dead by the end of the game, whoever's still alive can go free, and even lay collective claim to the bounty on those member's heads. You could also try and fight the two of us if you like...but I recommend against that option~"

"Now, it's nearly bedtime, so let's all get back to our rooms and prepare for the game to start in the morning. We've got some last-minute preparations to make for the game, but don't you worry: we're consulting a pair of precognitives to make sure everything will be quite entertaining. That's all for now, off with you!" She shoos you away, and you begrudgingly return to a cell - you're not even really sure it's the one you previously spent the night in - and await whatever horrors will come in the morning.

There is a Day phase and a Night phase. Both phases are ~72 hours long. There will be a phase has ended post between each phase as we determine the results of that phase.

Lynch votes are done in red during the Day phase. The person with the most valid votes gets lynched. Ties result in first person to reach the tied total gets lynched.

Ties result in first person to reach the tied total gets lynched.

Helgraf's scry interference rules are in play.

Auto-lynches occur after 2 day phases in a row of not voting.

When PMing other players, please send the PMs to the narrators as well. It's more enjoyable for us if we know what's going on.

-Aegis (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Aegis)
-Browbeat (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Browbeat)
-Clockblocker (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Clockblocker)
-Flechette (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Flechette)
-Gallant (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Gallant)
-Kid Win (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Kid_Win)
-Shadow Stalker (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Stalker)
-Vista (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Vista)
-Weld (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Weld)

New Wave
-Glory Girl (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Glory_Girl)
-Laserdream (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Laserdream)
-Panacea (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Panacea)
-Shielder (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Shielder)

-Ballistic (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Ballistic)
-Genesis (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Genesis)
-Sundancer (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Sundancer)
-Trickster (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Trickster)

Empire 88
-Cricket (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Cricket)
-Hookwolf (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Hookwolf)
-Othala (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Othala)
-Purity (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Purity)
-Victor (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Victor)

-Grue (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Grue)
-Hellhound (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Bitch)
-Parian (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Parian)
-Regent (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Regent)
-Skitter (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Taylor_Hebert)
-Tattletale (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Tattletale)

Slaughterhouse Nine
-Burnscar (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Burnscar)
-Cherish (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Cherish)
-Crawler (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Crawler)
-Jack Slash (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Jack_Slash)
-Mannequin (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Mannequin)
-King (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/King)
-Shatterbird (http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Shatterbird)

We are looking for a maximum of 26 players, so as to maintain some mystery about which roles are in play.


Jack Slash

Lynched Day 6

Tom the Mime





Killed Night 1



Nice Guy
Lynched Day 2


Killed Day 6

Killed Night 4





Autolynched Day 6

Forum Explorer
Shadow Stalker
Killed Night 2

Killed Night 5

Glory Girl




Lynched Day 5

Lynched Day 1

Lynched Day 4

Lynched Day 3


Autloynched Day 6




Killed Night 3

None. :smalleek:

2017-04-26, 05:17 AM
So in. Also more letters.

Tom the Mime
2017-04-26, 05:23 AM
In. I'm guessing the truce is probably in effect.

2017-04-26, 05:39 AM
I'll play.

2017-04-26, 10:24 AM
I have no idea what's going on, but i like it!


2017-04-26, 12:06 PM
I'm looking forward to watching most of you die!:smallsmile:

2017-04-26, 12:44 PM
The Narrators would like to issue a general spoiler warning. While we will try to avoid spoilers for Worm as much as possible, we will be providing links to character wiki pages that do contain spoilers. If you haven't read Worm, we strong advise doing so for a variety of reasons. If you haven't and think you may ever wish to do so, we advice being cautious when perusing any wiki links we provide.

Click link
See how long Worm is and consider just reading the spoilers and character list
Read the first chapter for the heck of it
Read the second chapter
Read the third chapter
Silently curse AV and Ramsus
Read the fourth chapter

I didn't have much time as it is, but this story already has me hooked! :smallfurious:

2017-04-26, 01:11 PM
Click link
See how long Worm is and consider just reading the spoilers and character list
Read the first chapter for the heck of it
Read the second chapter
Read the third chapter
Silently curse AV and Ramsus
Read the fourth chapter

I didn't have much time as it is, but this story already has me hooked! :smallfurious:

1.68 million words, and all of them totally worth it. Have fun! :smallbiggrin:

2017-04-28, 12:39 AM

Yeah Worm is long. Very long. It took me all of winter break to get through it, although I'm glad I did.

2017-04-28, 02:38 AM
Sensible voice: No
Voice that knows what's going to happen: Yes
Better judgement: No
Part of me that doesn't care: Yes
Every sensible part of me: NO
The bit of me that's in control: Sign me up, please.

2017-04-28, 06:26 AM
Can't miss this.

2017-04-28, 12:51 PM
I know nothing about this.

Lady Serpentine
2017-04-29, 05:16 PM
In with sin. (Not that that needs saying in a Worm game.)

2017-04-29, 07:00 PM
I am down like a CLOWN for this :D

Forum Explorer
2017-05-03, 01:38 PM
Sure, I'll give it a shot. I'm curious how you're going to handle everyone's abilities.

2017-05-03, 04:12 PM
Forum Explorer if you know more people interested in Worm stuff that might be interested in playing, it'd be great if you let them know. New people to this section of the forum would always be great.

aberratio ictus
2017-05-04, 03:36 PM
Sounds interesting, even though I don't really know worm. I'm in. :smallsmile:

2017-05-05, 05:01 PM
It's been a hot minute since I've done a mafia/WW game, and never on a forum like this, but I would be remiss to pass up this opportunity. Count me in.

2017-05-05, 06:49 PM
Always great to see new faces! :smallsmile:

2017-05-06, 12:49 PM
Long time fan of worm but I've never played werewolf. I'll throw my hat in the ring.

2017-05-06, 10:51 PM
Joining based on conditions I have notified a narrator of.

2017-05-07, 04:32 AM
Looks cool. Do you have an ETA for kick-off?

2017-05-07, 12:35 PM
The 13th give or take a few days depending on how recruiting goes.

2017-05-07, 01:29 PM
Not in though, can't commit to any of these time thieves right now, unfortunately. But expect me around soonish. Mebbes I can sub in then.

2017-05-08, 05:42 PM
Long time fan of worm but I've never played werewolf. I'll throw my hat in the ring.

You know what? Same. I'm on the forums at least once everyday, if not more; let's give this a shot.

2017-05-15, 12:17 AM
I'm going to assume the kick off date for the game has been shifted by the forum going down. What sort of timeline are we looking at now?

2017-05-15, 01:45 AM
Probably about a week? Depends how things go. We'll try to give a more specific answer in the next few days.

It'd be great if we could get everyone signed up so far to check in and confirm they're still interested.

2017-05-15, 02:18 AM
Can confirm, am still interested.

2017-05-15, 05:54 AM
Still here

2017-05-15, 08:58 AM
A+, been itching for the forums to return at least partially for this.

2017-05-15, 09:32 AM
Present. (10 character minimum)

2017-05-15, 11:13 AM
Present and accounted for.

Funnily enough, I've yet to read the OP at all to avoid any spoilers. :smallbiggrin:

2017-05-15, 11:19 AM
Still alive~

2017-05-15, 12:16 PM
/confirm . . .

2017-05-15, 03:08 PM
Agent SI still active and ready for duty.

2017-05-15, 04:32 PM
In case it wasn't apparent I'm still waiting.

Tom the Mime
2017-05-15, 05:27 PM
Still here

2017-05-16, 05:14 AM
Yes, let's do this worm thing!

2017-05-16, 04:59 PM
As a fan of both Worm and Mafia/Werewolf, I am definitely signing up for this.
Minor complaint: One of the listed characters does not fit in the timeframe. Also, could someone please teach me how to do a spoiler-tag on mobile?

2017-05-16, 05:10 PM
As a fan of both Worm and Mafia/Werewolf, I am definitely signing up for this.

Nice to see you made it over here fine. Welcome to the Playground! :smallsmile:

Minor complaint: One of the listed characters does not fit in the timeframe.

Ahh, it's an AU anyway. Besides, I think there's a couple others like that (I'd have to check, but I'm pretty sure at least one of those Wards shouldn't be there because Levi). The anachronicity's are mostly in service to the game.

Also, could someone please teach me how to do a spoiler-tag on mobile?

Spoiler'd Text


Spoiler'd Text

2017-05-16, 07:08 PM
spoiler'd text


spoiler'd text

[spoile r][/spoile r]

2017-05-16, 07:21 PM
Nice to see you made it over here fine. Welcome to the Playground! :smallsmile:

Ahh, it's an AU anyway. Besides, I think there's a couple others like that (I'd have to check, but I'm pretty sure at least one of those Wards shouldn't be there because Levi). The anachronicity's are mostly in service to the game.

Spoiler'd Text


Spoiler'd Text
A pretty extreme AU, in that case.
King has been dead for 24 years in canon, and Jack was only in charge because he killed King.
Hatchet Face, on the other hand, is in exactly the right timeframe to be the ninth member of the Nine here.

2017-05-16, 07:38 PM
A pretty extreme AU, in that case.
King has been dead for 24 years in canon, and Jack was only in charge because he killed King.
Hatchet Face, on the other hand, is in exactly the right timeframe to be the ninth member of the Nine here.
Unfortunately that doesn't work either, It's probably best to just handwave it to support the game.
You can't have Hatchet Face and Cherish on the Nine at the same time as Cherish killed him to join.

2017-05-19, 05:44 AM
Still room for a furry animal with too much time on his paws?

2017-05-19, 05:54 AM
Still room for a furry animal with too much time on his paws?

Definitely! The more the merrier, and all that. :smallsmile:

2017-05-19, 06:09 AM
Well this will be my second game in the last 6 years so we'll see how it goes.

2017-05-19, 12:21 PM
Posting interest. Saw it from another worm game.

2017-05-19, 12:51 PM
Yay more people!

Anyone have any idea where we might be able to pick up a few more? It'd be really nice to run this as close to full as possible.

2017-05-19, 12:52 PM
Well i guess you could pm people to raise knowledge just look at the people in the player recruitment that like worm or wrote heavy rp games. or put it into currently recruiting players or put a notice thread in the main finding players(recruitment) thread which more people know about and active on.That's all i can think of. Course you might see some more people pop in from the game you put notice in

Edit: How will are characters be determined?
what does Helgraf's scry interference rules are in effect mean?

2017-05-19, 04:18 PM
Who has what role will be determined randomly.

Helgraf's scry interference means that if two people with scrying powers target the same target on the same night, they will get a result of Interference, instead of whatever information they would otherwise normally get.

2017-05-19, 05:16 PM
I have never played a werewolf game before so please do not give me a vital role.

Every role is vital, and every player is important. From the looks of it you should have a team with you to assist.

If all else fails, though, vote for Murska.

2017-05-19, 06:27 PM
So what are the roles in a werewolf game? and why the death of the character is so bad for that team?

2017-05-19, 07:37 PM
So what are the roles in a werewolf game? and why the death of the character is so bad for that team?

In a normal game of Werewolf, there are three roles: villagers, wolves, and the seer (singular). The basic idea of the game is pitting the informed minority (the wolves, who start out knowing each other) against the uninformed majority (the villagers and seer) to see which side can win. During the Day Phase, everybody votes on who to lynch, and during the night the seer scries someone to learn their role while the wolves collectively select one player to kill in the night. We...don't really play with just those roles here very much, for multiple reasons. There's other roles that show up with varying frequency around here, but it's worth mentioning that between Ramsus (who likes screwing with expectations) and me (who likes odd roles), it's debatable whether any of these will even be present or not, so...who knows?

Losing a townie is bad for town because it puts them one step closer to losing, and is one less person they have they could work with to try and figure things out. Losing a wolf is bad for wolves because they start out with so few members that losing one is a significant loss for them.

Alpha: A wolf that can pick which players are on their team, and/or is immune to scrying/scries as townie, and/or can sacrifice another wolf to die in their place, in some combination of those three abilities.
Devil: A wolf that can scry.
Beast: A wolf that kills a townie when they die.
Serial Killer: A neutral with a night-kill.
Fool: A player who is told they are the seer, but whose scries are unreliable, be it from them receiving random, false, or confusing scry results (like indicating that somebody is a wolf or townie by a scry reporting a berry fruit or a citrus fruit, instead of a role name, for instance).
Masons: A small group of townies that start out in contact with each other and knowing the others aren't wolves.
Lovers: Two townies that start out in contact and knowing the other isn't a wolf, but who dies if their partner dies.
Baner: A player who selects a player in the night to make them immune to night-kills that night.
Day-Baner: A player who selects a player in the night to make them immune to the lynch the next day.
Watcher: A player who selects a player in the night and learns either what powers their target used and/or who their target targeted that night.
Voider: A player who selects a player in the night and prevents them from using their powers.
Vortexer: A player who selects two players in the night and causes powers targeting one of them to switch to target the other (and vice versa).
Vigilante: A townie with a night-kill.

I am neither confirming nor denying that any of these are or aren't present in this particular game, only that these are roles I see with some degree of frequency in games on this site. There's always weird crap though: Xihirli ran a game a little while back where the Narrator was an actual role, and their win condition was to make sure that the game lasted at least a certain amount of time, or something. That was a weird game in a lot of ways, though, starting with how everybody was told that they were the Disconnected Drowlbearwolf (a wolf that doesn't start the game in contact with the other wolves).

2017-05-19, 07:52 PM
So out of the game and more into the site how do i put a link like you did for the Worm WW thing?
So i can help spread the word as well.

2017-05-19, 08:02 PM
So out of the game and more into the site how do i put a link like you did for the Worm WW thing?
So i can help spread the word as well.

Text that serves as link (www.examplewebsite.com)

That said, I think we were looking at only recruiting for one more day, which would be a week after we were supposed to stop (since recruitment got interrupted by the forum crash).

2017-05-19, 08:31 PM
it's still invaluable regardless after all he wanted it to be promoted more. We still need like 7 more players for the goal of 26.

2017-05-19, 10:59 PM
If we're posting the link places I'm fine with extending recruiting a few more days. At least until Lex tells us to get on with it already or she's not giving us any cake.

2017-05-19, 11:35 PM
I'm sorry who is Lex? Also why did a silver updated line appear?

2017-05-19, 11:51 PM
Lex is in charge of the Werewolf schedule in Werewolf Central Thread.
The updated bar tells us that someone posted twice in a row and the forum automatically combined the two posts.

2017-05-20, 01:08 AM
Lex is the ultimate pixie and mistress of cakes, dispenser of smiles and owner of your soul.
The updated bar is in keeping with the ancient cult of Kohlo'kwi'um, which stipulated that every seventh post by the narrator of a game must contain an updated bar in the center of it. This bar wards off evil spirits and turns destructive energy into muffins.

aberratio ictus
2017-05-20, 08:31 AM
I'm still present and willing, by the way. :smallsmile:

2017-05-20, 03:11 PM
Lex is the ultimate pixie and mistress of cakes, dispenser of smiles and owner of your soul.
The updated bar is in keeping with the ancient cult of Kohlo'kwi'um, which stipulated that every seventh post by the narrator of a game must contain an updated bar in the center of it. This bar wards off evil spirits and turns destructive energy into muffins.

*gently whaps Xihirli with a rolled up newspaper*

No. Bad Xihirli. No unnecessarily confusing the new people. We want them to stay, not run away.

2017-05-20, 07:23 PM
I really wanted what Xihirli said to be true though. It would make this world so much more interesting.

Grand Arbiter
2017-05-20, 10:21 PM
Place me on an if-needed list. I'm not at all familiar with Worm (and lack the time to get to know it), but I think I can step in to bring the player count to what is needed.

*gently whaps Xihirli with a rolled up newspaper*

*Whacks Silent_Interim with a giant wooden mallet*
Don't use a newspaper on Xihirli, newspapers are for dogs, have a little decorum.

At a minimum use a frying pan, they make an interesting sound on impact and sometimes take a facial impression. :smallwink::smalltongue:

2017-05-21, 02:05 AM
Great! The more players are the less painfully sad we have to be at each role that winds up getting cut when we determine which roles are in.

2017-05-21, 03:27 AM
If recruitment is still open I'd like to join too.

2017-05-21, 03:49 AM
It is, glad to have you. :smallsmile:

2017-05-21, 02:25 PM
*Whacks Silent_Interim with a giant wooden mallet*
Don't use a newspaper on Xihirli, newspapers are for dogs, have a little decorum.

At a minimum use a frying pan, they make an interesting sound on impact and sometimes take a facial impression. :smallwink::smalltongue:

Well that just shows a lack of imagination for the potential uses of newspaper. Besides which, that leaves less room for escalation. Way better to go newspaper-frying pan-mallet-etc. than to just start at the frying pan level.

2017-05-22, 01:28 PM
So the newspapers are the wolves and the frying pans the masons?
Confusing game...

2017-05-23, 01:09 AM
Recruiting is now closed and we will be assigning roles and sending out PMs with QTs shortly.

For the benefit of our new players, please don't share your narrator given QTs (or the PM we give you the link for it) with others. Also when PMing other players, please include us. We like to know what's going on in the game so we can enjoy it as well.

For everyone, please say something in your QTs when you get them so we can tell you received them properly.

Also please make sure to tell us your actions in bold in your QTs. For example "I use my power of sending fruit to Ramsus." Bolding in QTs is done by <b>words you wish to bold</b>. You can cross out your actions with <s>action you wish to change/cancel</s>. Please do this instead of editing the action as we'll almost certainly miss it if you do.

Feel free to ask any questions in your QTs. Or even just talk with us about stuff.

We're always looking for auto-lynch replacements, so if you're reading this and didn't make it in time for recruitment, please let us know if you'd be interested in replacing anyone who vanishes or drops out.

We hope you'll enjoy this game of gruesome murder. :smallbiggrin:

2017-05-24, 01:02 AM
For everyone, please say something in your QTs when you get them so we can tell you received them properly.

Restating this in case it got missed, since we're still waiting on some replies: if you have received your QT PM, please post there so that we know you're still with us, and we can get this show on the road. If somehow you haven't received a PM with a QuickTopic link, please PM either myself or Ramsus and we'll get that sent to you posthaste.

2017-05-25, 06:57 PM
Everyone has checking in now, so that game will start sometime tomorrow. Tomorrow for the reasons of not suddenly springing it on people with no warning and so I'm not having to update two games on the same day until A Typical Werewolf ends.

2017-05-26, 12:20 PM
Ah, saw it too late. Fiddleshticks.

If at any time you need a Joker for your WWW (heh, get it?) Game, feel free to ping me though. :)

2017-05-26, 12:44 PM
Ah, saw it too late. Fiddleshticks.

If at any time you need a Joker for your WWW (heh, get it?) Game, feel free to ping me though. :)

You can probably still volunteer to be a sub. I think the narrators would appreciate that.

2017-05-26, 02:15 PM
A night spent tossing and turning results in restless sleep plagued by unsettling nightmares, but before too long morning has arrived. The door to your cell opens once more, and Bonesaw's voice echoes through the air: "Would all players please report to the lobby, the game is about to begin!" Grimacing, you make your way through the twisting maze of hallways to the lobby, your fellow players entering around the same time. It seems everybody is eager for this whole mess to be over and done with, or at least to try and get some revenge on their captors.

Entering the lobby, you see that Bonesaw and the Siberian are waiting for you: the young Tinker is sitting on her ally's shoulders, while the Brute's hands are casually wrapped around the necks of a pair of strangers you don't recall seeing yesterday. Both of them look incredibly nervous, but they're not trying to escape - they know that they can't escape, and that their lives are literally in the hands of a psychotic murderer.

"Welcome one and all!" Bonesaw exclaimed. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm quite excited to get started! First, though, there's been some interesting developments in the night. You see, these two here..." she indicated the strangers with a casual wave of her hand, "...are the precogs I mentioned. We've just finished up a very long and very informative discussion about the game that's about to happen, trying to make sure that between powers and player thought processes, things aren't too heavily stacked one way or the other. Now, we don't want to make things unfair for the local capes - that would ruin the point of this whole game, after all - but having the game be too one-sided makes it so boring to watch! I hope you can all understand that this is all in the name of sportsmanship."

She gives you all a beaming smile and pats the Siberian on the head. The brute's smile is far more sinister, and her hands slowly contract around her victims' throats until they're caved in by the irresistible force. Before their bodies have even hit the ground, she rushes through the crowd of players, occasionally picking up somebody and ripping them to unrecognizable shreds. By the time her carnage is over, five players lie dead on the ground, bits and pieces of them strewn about the room. "The first day of the game begins now. You have until the end of the day to democratically select who's going to get murdered next. Have fun!" With a cheery farewell, the two psychos enter their private elevator and leave the lobby behind. With the doors locked and the bodies staining the floor a grim reminder of what your fate could be, you get ready

AvatarVecna was Thomas Calvert.

Ramsus was Dinah Alcott.

The five dead players are the people who would've been players 22 through 26, but since those people clearly aren't willing to play along with this game, they got murdered. :smalltongue:

The goal of the Local Capes is to kill every member of the Slaughterhouse Nine before the Slaughterhouse Nine kill all of them.

Everybody has a secret secondary goal they can fulfill for bonus points at the end of the game. Nobody actually knows what their secret goal is. These are just for fun and maybe bragging rights, fulfilling them doesn't result in a win if you lost the game (though maybe it will make you feel better about losing).

Day One begins now, and will end in ~72 hours.



Tom the Mime









Forum Explorer

aberratio ictus










Day 1

2017-05-26, 02:52 PM
I vote for Ramsus.

2017-05-26, 03:06 PM
Your votes need to be in red. Also votes for dead people or people not in the game don't do anything. Nice try though.

2017-05-26, 03:15 PM
I didn't understand the voting mechanic so decided to type in someone who I knew wasn't a villager. Wouldn't voting best be done not in this though?

2017-05-26, 03:39 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I like Duck999 myself.

Forum Explorer
2017-05-26, 04:28 PM
Murska because I remember how scary he can be.

Tom the Mime
2017-05-26, 04:38 PM
flat_footed sounds like someone to vote for.

2017-05-26, 04:45 PM
thematthew is a nice pick.

2017-05-26, 04:58 PM
Forum Explorer because targeting a player because they're skilled is really mean, and more importantly provides a disincentive against players actually improving themselves...

2017-05-26, 05:01 PM
Libro, to bring some BALANCE to the votes.

2017-05-26, 05:01 PM
Forum Explorer because targeting a player because they're skilled is really mean, and more importantly provides a disincentive against players actually improving themselves...

It's Murska. Being afraid of Murska is totally valid. :smalltongue:

2017-05-26, 05:01 PM
First vote I'll throw at C'nor purely due to theoretical similarities in our nametags

Tom the Mime
2017-05-26, 05:10 PM
First vote I'll throw at C'nor purely due to theoretical similarities in our nametags

So if C'nor is good, does that mean you're evil by mirror universe rules? :smallbiggrin:

2017-05-26, 05:12 PM
So if C'nor is good, does that mean you're evil by mirror universe rules? :smallbiggrin:

*Hastily puts paper bag over my face* I don't know what you're talking about. I definetely don't have a goatee.

2017-05-26, 06:02 PM
The woman frowns, glaring at the faces visible amidst the red mist. Confusion, paranoia. Aggression. A glimpse of psychotic glee on a face quickly lost amidst the crowd. These are not her people. Except some of them probably are, it's just her that can't tell. To be alone in the middle of all these people, the fear clouding up like a stink. But there are more important things to take care of now, this... game of theirs is beyond what training she has been able to impart.

"Just back off." She snarls at the ones pointing at her. "Or I'll make you hurt."

Tom the Mime
2017-05-26, 06:20 PM
Did... did Murska just roleplay as a member of S9? You know, the bad(der) guys?

*Hastily puts paper bag over my face* I don't know what you're talking about. I definetely don't have a goatee.

Goatee checklist:
Burnscar, Cherish, Shatterbird - ladies
Mannequin - basically a robot with squishy bits hidden in torso
King - ?
Crawler - as amusing as the image would be, probably not
Jack Slash - big yes

Unless Bonesaw operated and gave them all goatees. And now I'm imagining them all walking down the street in a Groucho Marx disguise. Especially Crawler.

2017-05-26, 06:24 PM
((It's pretty difficult not to have a ridiculously obvious character right from the start. Though I'm not necessarily roleplaying my role, to begin with. But no, I'm not Cherish.))

2017-05-26, 06:25 PM
Did... did Murska just roleplay as a member of S9? You know, the bad(der) guys?

Could've been any number of characters, really. Weird, but not immediately indicative of anything.

2017-05-26, 06:28 PM
Unless Bonesaw operated and gave them all goatees. And now I'm imagining them all walking down the street in a Groucho Marx disguise. Especially Crawler.

No joke, my original idea for how to have nobody know who to trust was for Bonesaw to disguise everybody as Jack Slash. Ramsus, rather sensibly I think, lead us down a less silly path of using the canon miasma to obscure memories and identities.

2017-05-26, 06:43 PM
Did... did Murska just roleplay as a member of S9? You know, the bad(der) guys?

Goatee checklist:
Burnscar, Cherish, Shatterbird - ladies
Mannequin - basically a robot with squishy bits hidden in torso
King - ?
Crawler - as amusing as the image would be, probably not
Jack Slash - big yes

Unless Bonesaw operated and gave them all goatees. And now I'm imagining them all walking down the street in a Groucho Marx disguise. Especially Crawler.

That was actually an ill considered reference to my irl facial hair. As for Mursaka that sounded a lot more like Hellhound than anyone else.

At the snarl of hostility I backed away from the guy...girl? The miasma made the details of appearance slip from my mind as quickly I could notice them. "I'm not looking to start a fight, I say apologetically to the figure I'd marked earlier, "but the nine know who else is in their group. If we don't do something we don't learn anything and they pick us off one by one."

2017-05-26, 06:48 PM
As for Mursaka that sounded a lot more like Hellhound than anyone else.

Could've been Hellhound, Jack, Cherish, King, Aegis, Victor, Hookwolf, or Trickster, or even someone else considering they mentioned they weren't EXACTLY playing their role. Can't make any assumptions yet. :smalltongue:

2017-05-26, 07:43 PM
At the snarl of hostility I backed away from the guy...girl? The miasma made the details of appearance slip from my mind as quickly I could notice them. "I'm not looking to start a fight, I say apologetically to the figure I'd marked earlier, "but the nine know who else is in their group. If we don't do something we don't learn anything and they pick us off one by one."

She paces back and forth a few steps, craning her head around in a futile attempt to keep an eye on everyone. "Then find them and we'll kill the bastards. Who are you even? How do I know you're not one of them? Just laughing at us? Huh?"

((Aside from roleplaying, giving single votes to random people is not really going to help us here. I like Tom the Mime for now, he's doing work.

Forum Explorer for voting for me (OMGUS), not providing any good reason for his vote and for having a vote on him already and so being one of a very narrow list of targets.))

Forum Explorer
2017-05-26, 08:03 PM
She paces back and forth a few steps, craning her head around in a futile attempt to keep an eye on everyone. "Then find them and we'll kill the bastards. Who are you even? How do I know you're not one of them? Just laughing at us? Huh?"

((Aside from roleplaying, giving single votes to random people is not really going to help us here. I like Tom the Mime for now, he's doing work.

Forum Explorer for voting for me (OMGUS), not providing any good reason for his vote and for having a vote on him already and so being one of a very narrow list of targets.))

I don't have a good reason. I just lack the dice to select someone randomly.

2017-05-26, 08:20 PM
I don't have a good reason. I just lack the dice to select someone randomly.

((Okay, well, can you go over the thread quickly and pick a player or two who seem either more likely to be town than average or more likely to be wolf than average? Also, any good reason why you specifically shouldn't be lynched today?))

Forum Explorer
2017-05-26, 08:30 PM
Because I've got an awesome Night power? Not the Seer or anything that great, but it's pretty nice ability for a townie.

As for people who are actually suspicious? Iceseer's confusion seems false to me, and Technitium's vote to deliberately spread out the votes seems wolfy slashy to me.

2017-05-26, 08:36 PM
Because I've got an awesome Night power? Not the Seer or anything that great, but it's pretty nice ability for a townie.

As for people who are actually suspicious? Iceseer's confusion seems false to me, and Technitium's vote to deliberately spread out the votes seems wolfy slashy to me.

((That's nice. I dunno about Iceseer, but I can drop a vote on Technetium. Join me?

Also, hopefully a few more people will roleplay. :) ))

2017-05-26, 08:41 PM
As for people who are actually suspicious? Iceseer's confusion seems false to me, and Technitium's vote to deliberately spread out the votes seems wolfy slashy to me.

Actually I just picked him so I could make a pun off of his name. I have no particular desire to try to manipulate the outcome of voting. :smalltongue:

2017-05-26, 08:42 PM
I think Tech might have been trying to breadcrumb their role. If you think about who is supposed to be here, it would make sense.

Forum Explorer
2017-05-26, 08:45 PM
((That's nice. I dunno about Iceseer, but I can drop a vote on Technetium. Join me?

Also, hopefully a few more people will roleplay. :) ))

I suspect I've doomed myself by speaking so much(if not for today, then tonight), but I'll try my best to survive. Technetium

2017-05-26, 08:46 PM
I think Tech might have been trying to breadcrumb their role. If you think about who is supposed to be here, it would make sense.

((This is exactly the sort of thing you don't say even if you think of it, matthew.

Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep now.))

2017-05-26, 08:56 PM
I literally have never played a werewolf game before the very concept is new to me. If you really want to vote for me vote for me. I also don't know much about the worm game so don't expect much roleplaying on my part besides the fact that could alert my presence to my opponents. Though i do think that voting for one of the people who imprisoned us is something a person would try to do.

2017-05-26, 10:24 PM
I literally have never played a werewolf game before the very concept is new to me. If you really want to vote for me vote for me. I also don't know much about the worm game so don't expect much roleplaying on my part besides the fact that could alert my presence to my opponents. Though i do think that voting for one of the people who imprisoned us is something a person would try to do.

It is an unwritten and unofficial (though by no means unspoken) rule around these parts that we try not to lynch people early on if they're new. If it's the strategically obvious move, sure. But all other things being equal, we find the game is more fun for people if they get to engage with it. You aren't likely to come back if you get lynched on the first day.

Lots of people don't RP. Some moderators encourage and prefer it, some don't care. But nobody can force you to role play. Some people find it engaging and fun, other people... don't. Do whatever level of RP you are comfortable with.

A slightly rotund- unless they were thin- man- unless they weren't- raised his hands in the air, seemingly gesturing for peace."Come on, lets all keep level heads. We can work this out reasonably. Right? Come on."

2017-05-26, 10:35 PM
It is an unwritten and unofficial (though by no means unspoken) rule around these parts that we try not to lynch people early on if they're new. If it's the strategically obvious move, sure. But all other things being equal, we find the game is more fun for people if they get to engage with it. You aren't likely to come back if you get lynched on the first day.

Okay this is actually something I didn't know. This is my first time playing on this forum, so are there any other like, specific quirks I should know about? I didn't assume there would be anything super notable, but I would rather not make an awkward faux pas and get lynched for it. :smalltongue:

EDIT: In case you're curious, I have played before, but only mafia, and only in more 'impermanent' settings, like IRC or ToS or the like. I'm not exactly familiar with how things are done in a forum setting, but I figured I would like it more because my usual problem is not having enough time and panicking in 'real time' games that tend to move very quickly.

2017-05-26, 11:06 PM
Are we allowed to abstain from voting? I'm not sure who to vote for and I'd really rather not risk lynching someone with a useful power.

2017-05-26, 11:07 PM
Now I'm going to roleplay but I am not in any way familiar with the subject matter.
So I'm going to have to make a few asdsumptions to build my character.

(Heavy Belarusian accent)
"Now, ImperatorV, it has been too long! Please, tell me just how many fights you've been in. Oh? That few? I'm sorry. Have you stopped feeding orphans to that crocodile yet? Oh? Maybe next year."
A woman made out of toffee and lint takes a heavy seat at the nearest barstool, slapping ImperatorV on the back.
"Water, miss?" the waiter asks.
"No thanks, I'm trying to quit," she waves him away.

Tom the Mime
2017-05-26, 11:11 PM
Except in some situations near the end game, you don't want a no lynch as town. Lynches aren't just for lynching someone, they're also a big source of information that builds up. A no lynch basically gives the wolves a free night kill.

2017-05-26, 11:20 PM
Okay this is actually something I didn't know. This is my first time playing on this forum, so are there any other like, specific quirks I should know about? I didn't assume there would be anything super notable, but I would rather not make an awkward faux pas and get lynched for it. :smalltongue:

EDIT: In case you're curious, I have played before, but only mafia, and only in more 'impermanent' settings, like IRC or ToS or the like. I'm not exactly familiar with how things are done in a forum setting, but I figured I would like it more because my usual problem is not having enough time and panicking in 'real time' games that tend to move very quickly.

Be prepared for walls of text, mostly later in the game. When everything is permanent, people do some deep, deep analysis. Other than that... I don't think so? Anyone else have anything they'd like to advise new folks on?

Are we allowed to abstain from voting? I'm not sure who to vote for and I'd really rather not risk lynching someone with a useful power.

Yes, but. It's not recommended. Some people find it suspicious, for one. Further, lynches are town's only tool to kill wolves with. Even further, that's a good way for the game to stagnate. If nobody lynches anyone... eh. The game just isn't interesting.

So, yes, and I understand the impulse to, but I wouldn't.

2017-05-27, 01:00 AM
Tom the Mime because a mime is always suspicious and Tom sounds like a fake name

2017-05-27, 01:01 AM
Are we allowed to abstain from voting? I'm not sure who to vote for and I'd really rather not risk lynching someone with a useful power.

You can abstain if you wish, but put it in red like a vote please. It makes our notation easier (which is important for noting who might need to be autolynched or replaced). It will have the same effect as not placing a vote. However if abstaining would result in no lynch at all (such as if everyone just abstained), a random person will be lynched.

2017-05-27, 03:20 AM
Abstaining is wolfy, don't be wolfy.

aberratio ictus
2017-05-27, 05:01 AM
"Rakkoon has a point." someone said. "Mimes are suspicious. And creepy. So Tom the Mime."

2017-05-27, 08:05 AM
I tell you to vote and you vote for me? Ironic

2017-05-27, 08:34 AM
((For new players, all you have to do to be an asset to whatever team you're on is to be active. Read what people post, comment on anything you find interesting and provide your viewpoint every day via lynchvote or just listing who you think is suspicious and who isn't.))

2017-05-27, 08:54 AM
I don't want anyone to die yet so I'll change my vote to rakkoon since a raccoon is close enough to a wolf in species anyways. So what happens if people tie?

OP has been updated with the tie rules: if two people are tied for most votes, the person lynched will be the first person to reach that total.

2017-05-27, 09:14 AM
At this point I'm very suspicious of Iceseer. I'm not going to switch my vote yet because we're both new but he just had it explained why the town wants a lynch and then switched his vote so no one will die yet. He also says he isn't familiar with "the worm game" but in the ooc thread in his sig he seems pretty familiar with the prt designations and discusses cauldron.

2017-05-27, 09:56 AM
Wait what? Have any of you seen me play a werewolf game before. Yes I don't want anyone to die we do not have enough information to know who is and Isn't on which side. I do not want to send a potential ally to their death. Especially since I do not have enough information. I have ever even mentioned cauldron. So please point out what in my Sig seems to look that way.
I am playing a worm game sure. I have never read the story. So hey if you want to see that go to the finding player's recruitment thing. My power was generated by the dm. Which never even mentioned cauldron.

Then Chuck is for another game I'd playing.

The other thing is a genuine request due to circumstances.

But due to you wanting to put suspicion on me with no real evidence back what you are saying seems to me that you are acting really wolfish.
So changing my vote to flat_footed not like it matters as I'll find out soon enough.

2017-05-27, 10:11 AM
((Major town points for Ronnoc for the accusation, even if I'm not sold on Iceseer yet.))

2017-05-27, 10:18 AM
His point still stands you have the unique position of giving and replicating powers uncapped besides the limit on yourself.

However she might know the your cape will have access to someone and be able to gain the powers of someone that she couldn't get to join with Cauldron.

It's possible you just were guessing off of other posters in thread or that you went on a wiki walk but it looks suspicious to me.

2017-05-27, 10:19 AM
Really being sceptical on everyone you do not know already know who they are seems to be the best strategy. From someone who's never played this before.

2017-05-27, 11:02 AM
Wait what? Have any of you seen me play a werewolf game before. Yes I don't want anyone to die we do not have enough information to know who is and Isn't on which side. I do not want to send a potential ally to their death. Especially since I do not have enough information. I have ever even mentioned cauldron. So please point out what in my Sig seems to look that way.
I am playing a worm game sure. I have never read the story. So hey if you want to see that go to the finding player's recruitment thing. My power was generated by the dm. Which never even mentioned cauldron.

Then Chuck is for another game I'd playing.

The other thing is a genuine request due to circumstances.

But due to you wanting to put suspicion on me with no real evidence back what you are saying seems to me that you are acting really wolfish.
So changing my vote to Ronnoc not like it matters as I'll find out soon enough.

Okay, this would be really, really suspicious if you weren't new.

First, as I mentioned earlier, though it wasn't directed at you, standard practice around these parts is to lynch someone D1. Yes, you're right, there's not much to go on, and you may not like it. But if nobody ever lynches anyone, the only evidence we have is claims and night kills. Which aren't good evidence for the most part. We have to lynch people every day just for there to be enough evidence for town to function.

And I believe that Ronnoc was looking at the table you have set up for "Daniel Flannigan." Which, uh. Does make use of the PRT ratings system. Now, I see that's to do with something unrelated to this game, which is fine. But that, I think, was Ronnoc's point.

Really being sceptical on everyone you do not know already know who they are seems to be the best strategy. From someone who's never played this before.

Absolutely! Everyone is a potential enemy. Unless there's really, really good reason to suppose otherwise, everyone is a potential wolf.

Except Murska, who is definitely a wolf, and always a wolf. (Before you ask, it's a meme around these parts. If you've not been to the Werewolf Central thread and checked out the selection of memes, I advise you do so.)

2017-05-27, 11:18 AM
So if murska is always a wolf wouldn't that mean it's a good idea to vote for him? :smallbiggrin:

Well Silent interum you seem to be the most useful one here.

2017-05-27, 12:06 PM
Except in some situations near the end game, you don't want a no lynch as town. Lynches aren't just for lynching someone, they're also a big source of information that builds up. A no lynch basically gives the wolves a free night kill.

Okay then I'll vote for Technetium because Forum Explorer's logic seems sound.

2017-05-27, 12:42 PM
So is there a certain number of people who have to vote for one person or is it just the highest number of votes is lynched?

2017-05-27, 12:45 PM
So is there a certain number of people who have to vote for one person or is it just the highest number of votes is lynched?

Highest number of votes, regardless of quantity. If nobody has a positive number of votes, nobody gets lynched.

2017-05-27, 12:49 PM
Okay then I'll vote for Technetium because Forum Explorer's logic seems sound.

Like I said, that was just to make a pun off of his name (Libro = Libra = Balance), because no one had done anything suspicious yet. However, given that I have more information at this point, I'd like to switch my vote to Murska, not for the purpose of OMGUS, but because just saying someone is getting 'town points' for making an observation and accusing someone seems very suspicious to me. This might just be another board quirk, but just from what I know it definitely seems like Murska has a bit too much information. Pointing out that people are doing good work seems more like they're attempting to manipulate how people are voting.

Do you have anything to say in response to this?

2017-05-27, 01:03 PM
Like I said, that was just to make a pun off of his name (Libro = Libra = Balance), because no one had done anything suspicious yet. However, given that I have more information at this point, I'd like to switch my vote to Murska, not for the purpose of OMGUS, but because just saying someone is getting 'town points' for making an observation and accusing someone seems very suspicious to me. This might just be another board quirk, but just from what I know it definitely seems like Murska has a bit too much information. Pointing out that people are doing good work seems more like they're attempting to manipulate how people are voting.

Do you have anything to say in response to this?

((I don't think giving town reads is suspicious, because it's extremely beneficial to the Town. Likewise, I don't believe attempts to get the town to actively hunt the wolves and encouraging people who are doing so are signs of a wolf, because again, that's exactly what we should be doing if we're Town.

Of course, given that I tend to do that regardless of my role, it should read as null on my part and people should be suspicious of me if I appear to be allowing the Town to not play effectively instead. But whether or not I am a wolf, I'm currently one of the only people in the thread who is actively pushing Town to find the wolves, to pressure people and to be active, and that is unquestionably good for us so lynching me would be a poor move. The S9 are going to have to nightkill me sooner rather than later anyway, or I'll find them and kill them all.

As an aside, I'd like Tom the Mime to respond on the pressure on him.

EDIT: Are you really going to ask me for a response and then not be around ten minutes later to read it?))

2017-05-27, 01:41 PM
Highest number of votes, regardless of quantity. If nobody has a positive number of votes, nobody gets lynched.

Clarifying on this from earlier, since I missed a memo: somebody gets lynched every day regardless of vote counts. So, first part is right, second part is wrong.

2017-05-27, 01:58 PM
Duck999 1 - Thematthew
flat_footed 1 - Tom the Mime
Thematthew 1 - Silent_Interim
Forum Explorer 1 - Eternis
Tom the Mime 3 - Iceseer, rakkoon, aberattio ictus
C'Nor 1 - Ronnoc
Technetium 3 - Murska, Forum Explorer, Kartoffelbrein
ImperatorV 1 - Xihirli
rakkoon 1 - Iceseer
Ronnoc 1 - Iceseer

@Iceseer: Make sure to either strikethrough or remove the color tags for old/changed votes. Depending on Ramsus and AV's read, your vote may go to one you didn't intend to keep your vote on. As it stands, Tom the Mime was your first vote so that is likely your current lynch target despite your later posts.

As for myself, I'll keep the pressure on Tom the Mime.

There are 35 possible roles and 21 players. I'm trying to figure out which people would get which WW powers. Trickster would be easily seen as a Vortexer, Crawler could be the Beast, though I think it's in town's interest to figure out what our and their likely capabilities are.

2017-05-27, 02:06 PM
I don't suppose Bonesaw is a valid vote? No, that'd be too easy. A young woman muses to herself. Turning her focus outwards again, she speaks up. It's to our advantage to make people talk as much as possible. I'll add to the pressure on Tom the Mime in the hopes that he'll provide some information.

2017-05-27, 02:16 PM
((I don't think giving town reads is suspicious, because it's extremely beneficial to the Town. Likewise, I don't believe attempts to get the town to actively hunt the wolves and encouraging people who are doing so are signs of a wolf, because again, that's exactly what we should be doing if we're Town.

Of course, given that I tend to do that regardless of my role, it should read as null on my part and people should be suspicious of me if I appear to be allowing the Town to not play effectively instead. But whether or not I am a wolf, I'm currently one of the only people in the thread who is actively pushing Town to find the wolves, to pressure people and to be active, and that is unquestionably good for us so lynching me would be a poor move. The S9 are going to have to nightkill me sooner rather than later anyway, or I'll find them and kill them all.

As an aside, I'd like Tom the Mime to respond on the pressure on him.

EDIT: Are you really going to ask me for a response and then not be around ten minutes later to read it?))

Very sorry about the late response, was helping someone IRL with character creation. And now that I'm taking a step back, I sorta get where you're coming from. I can understand the desire to move things along, and providing that sort of pressure is a good way to get people to start incriminating themselves. I'll go ahead and withdraw my vote, and add it to the Tom the Mime pile for the time being, as anything to help kickstart the flow of information is a good idea.

2017-05-27, 02:26 PM
((That is a large wagon. Let's let Tom reply before more of us leap on.

Edit: @^
Uh-huh. How do you know that? Masons, Lovers or S9?))

aberratio ictus
2017-05-27, 02:27 PM
I really think we need to keep Tom the Mime. He is extremely useful. I changed my votes to counteract that. And look I will literally take some his votes if people want to give them to me. I will delete my previous earlier votes.

Okay, now THAT is suspicious.

2017-05-27, 02:29 PM
I cancel all my prior votes and vote for flat_footed so let's go on that train please. Or mine I am suspicious after all. It would be a short introduction but hey I could play again.

2017-05-27, 02:48 PM
I really think we need to keep Tom the Mime. He is extremely useful. I changed my votes to counteract that. And look I will literally take some his votes if people want to give them to me. I will delete my previous earlier votes.

Are... you trying to get lynched? Like actively encouraging people to vote for you when we're this early on is absolutely not how you want to do things. It can be a useful tool somewhat later in the vein of 'hey if you lynch me then you'll know that my story was correct meaning we can solve out who's scum or not', but there's literally no use to trying to get yourself lynched day 1 unless you're a Beast or a Joker. Not to mention throwing people who've talked to you in confidence under the bus is a rather unclassy move, especially if they're 'extremely useful'. At this point you're basically putting the burden of innocence on Tom the Mime rather than yourself.

2017-05-27, 02:48 PM
((Being new makes you less likely to die.

So, Tom contacted you privately, claimed a team alignment and provided help? What kind of help, and did he have any proof he isn't S9? Also why Technetium, just because he is nearest wagon?))

2017-05-27, 02:50 PM
I really am a screwup. Go ahead and lynch me i'm not that useful anyways. It's blunder after blunder from me. can you please forget about it.

2017-05-27, 02:51 PM
I don't understand this whole "adding pressure to Tom the Mime thing," since the reason for voting Tom the Mime was only because mime's are creepy. Is there any reason Tom the Mime, who has been more active than others deserves pressure over someone like me, who hasn't done anything yet? I'll vote flat_footed for (as far as I can see) starting this whole adding pressure thing when he should know better.

Tom the Mime
2017-05-27, 04:14 PM
Okay, I was originally planning to be more circumspect about this but Iceseer's post (which they seem to have deleted) means that doesn't really matter. I started off in contact with Iceseer as, in character, they're my sister (and not Cherish). Their role is actually reasonably useful but I don't think they understand the relative usefulness of different roles yet.

Is this enough to go with for now?

Edit: as a note about day one lynch votes because of being a mime, that joke is so old it had whiskers. It gets annoying when it happens too much though.

2017-05-27, 04:19 PM
((Okay. No reason to be circumspect. We have a Panacea/Glory Girl claim here. GG is probably immune to NKs to some extent, Panacea is probably not and is also rather important story-wise. I would like our Baner on Tom, I'll see if I can't keep Iceseer alive myself. And counterclaim if you're one of the two named roles but not Tom or Iceseer.

flat_footed ))

Tom the Mime
2017-05-27, 04:27 PM
I'm not claiming GG or Panacea

2017-05-27, 04:29 PM
I'm not claiming GG or Panacea

((I stand corrected. Hm... Why would Laserdream and Shielder start in contact? Their powers don't counteract the mist.))

Tom the Mime
2017-05-27, 04:50 PM
Iceseer, please stop trying to help and take a step back and look at things and how they might seem to both town and wolves. I'm pretty sure you're trying to help but it's really, really not helping.

2017-05-27, 05:06 PM
Okay, I'm going to go ahead and take the plunge here, and change my vote to Iceseer. And here's why. See, if they are in fact masons with eachother, and we lynch Iceseer day one, well, oops. BUT, we then have a CONFIRMED town, meaning we can have the baner block him tonight, all claim to him, making it much easier to figure out who the scum are. And if Iceseer is scum... then we know that Tom is also scum. Two for the price of one, grandma! I'm leaning towards the latter however, as just looking at the role list, it's HIGHLY unlikely to me that Shielder and Laserdream are 1. in the game at all, and 2. masons.

EDIT: Also, for what it's worth, mimes and Worm in the same context has positive connotations to me, given Silencio. :smalltongue:

2017-05-27, 05:29 PM
Ok there are three sets of possible siblings: Laserdream and Shielder, Regent and Cherish, and finally Panacea and Glory Girl.

Shielder and Lazerdream have purely physical powers, generation of forcefields, flight and projecting lasers. I can't see how this set would allow them to recogize eachother and it doesn't really fit Iceseer's deleted post.

Regent and Cherish have variations on mind control. Regent controls bodies and Cherish has emotional sense/control. Both of them could potentially bypass the miasma with Cherish being more likely. It'd be an interesting twist for them to start aware of eachother though given that they're on opposite teams.

Panacea is a potential game ender as she can reverse the miasma. Presumably giving full awareness of who's in play to whoever she uses her power on.

Now that I think about it though there is one other possibility. Ramsus and Avatar Vecna could have gone meta and assigned someone to be imp without adding them to the list of possible characters. Given Imp's power screws heavily with perception I'm not sure how it would interact with the miasma.

2017-05-27, 05:37 PM
Now that I think about it though there is one other possibility. Ramsus and Avatar Vecna could have gone meta and assigned someone to be imp without adding them to the list of possible characters. Given Imp's power screws heavily with perception I'm not sure how it would interact with the miasma.

I'm writing an actual post, but god damn do I love that theory. Bravo.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't understand this whole "adding pressure to Tom the Mime thing," since the reason for voting Tom the Mime was only because mime's are creepy. Is there any reason Tom the Mime, who has been more active than others deserves pressure over someone like me, who hasn't done anything yet? I'll vote flat_footed for (as far as I can see) starting this whole adding pressure thing when he should know better.

A few points:

Murska broached the subject of bringing pressure on Tom, not me.
When I voted, it brought Tom the Mime even with Technetium (assuming Iceseer's vote counted for Ronnoc), not pushed the pressure over the top. Bringing Tom to an even vote count is hardly overdoing the pressure.
ImperatorV and Technetium both voted after me, actively pushing the pressure to the red line. for a 5-3 majority

That being said, I'll withdraw my vote for now since Tom and Iceseer have been claiming as linked. Whether or not it's as sisters is another story. I'll continue a review of the thread to see whom my vote will go towards.

Possible Pairs:

GG and Panacea
Flechette and Parian
Othala and Victor
Laserdream and Shielder
((Grue and Imp)) - Just cause I love that theory.

No way would Regent and Cherish be connected, I would think

2017-05-27, 06:05 PM
GG and Panacea would make a lot of sense since Panacea is immune to the miasma, but Tom said they're not claiming GG or Panacea... The Grue and Imp theory could work - Imp cannonically could not be detected by Bonesaw, so she could be in the game without the S9 knowing she is in the game and putting her on the list.

Taken my vote off Tom the Mime for now. I'm not really sure who to vote for next, I'm not seeing a lot of reason to lynch flat_footed, although there's rarely much reason for first day lynches.

2017-05-27, 06:24 PM
How do I do the red color?

2017-05-27, 06:26 PM
How do I do the red color?

The toolbox has font coloring, but the actual code input would be:

Text to be colored

Edit: Demonstration

2017-05-27, 06:28 PM
Iceseer, I said coldly.

Huh. Apparently I was in a pun phase today.

Forum Explorer
2017-05-27, 06:43 PM
Ok there are three sets of possible siblings: Laserdream and Shielder, Regent and Cherish, and finally Panacea and Glory Girl.

Shielder and Lazerdream have purely physical powers, generation of forcefields, flight and projecting lasers. I can't see how this set would allow them to recogize eachother and it doesn't really fit Iceseer's deleted post.

Regent and Cherish have variations on mind control. Regent controls bodies and Cherish has emotional sense/control. Both of them could potentially bypass the miasma with Cherish being more likely. It'd be an interesting twist for them to start aware of eachother though given that they're on opposite teams.

Panacea is a potential game ender as she can reverse the miasma. Presumably giving full awareness of who's in play to whoever she uses her power on.

Now that I think about it though there is one other possibility. Ramsus and Avatar Vecna could have gone meta and assigned someone to be imp without adding them to the list of possible characters. Given Imp's power screws heavily with perception I'm not sure how it would interact with the miasma.

Regent and Cherish seeing each other would be too good for the Town. We'd basically get a free kill on a wolf, and we lose a Town who isn't the Seer or Baner or, well what would Regent even do?

2017-05-27, 06:47 PM
((Stop voting for Iceseer or Tom people. Just read their posts - do they really seem like they're lying? This is what we want with pressure, I can now say they're probably not S9 and so we can push others in the lead to get more data.))

- - - Updated - - -

((My current suspect list contains Forum Explorer and Silent Interim for mostly tone and in the latter case posts that appear helpful but don't contribute to Town. Any takers?))

2017-05-27, 07:08 PM
((Stop voting for Iceseer or Tom people. Just read their posts - do they really seem like they're lying? This is what we want with pressure, I can now say they're probably not S9 and so we can push others in the lead to get more data.))

- - - Updated - - -

((My current suspect list contains Forum Explorer and Silent Interim for mostly tone and in the latter case posts that appear helpful but don't contribute to Town. Any takers?))

Voting for one of either a confirmed mason team or scum is pretty much a win-win. Looking at the likely roles, we probably have Panacea, and/or Shielder, and/or Othala as some variety of Baners, to save the other one. If they're a mason team, scum's not going to kill them because that would reveal that the other one is telling the truth, and obviously they're not going to be killed if they're scum. Now, I admit, there are a few more options than I thought we had before. For example, if someone got Shadow Stalker that makes it pretty likely that she's a Vigilante of some stripe, meaning she can take out one of the two of them, and we get our answer that way. There are also possibly more unique abilities that could solve this situation, but I don't exactly know any of the specifics of peoples abilities, so they would need to claim if they want to change my mind. Additionally, I definitely agree with you that switching focus to get more information out is a good idea, I'm just worry that that will be so distracting that it could muddy the waters. If we can trick someone into confirming they're scum, then obviously that's the ideal, but with the information we have right now, I believe voting for Iceseer to be the safest option. My vote still stands for now.

Forum Explorer
2017-05-27, 07:16 PM
Actually on reading through Iceseer posts, the come off as an incompetent wolf to me.

2017-05-27, 07:25 PM
Actually on reading through Iceseer posts, the come off as an incompetent wolf to me.

I don't agree. If Iceseer was a wolf, with multiple allies, I think their posts would be far fewer and not as rapid fire as they were since it would be a group to bounce things off of. We have a "tentative" claim that Tom and Iceseer are connected by default, which seems more believable to me.

Forum Explorer.

2017-05-27, 07:33 PM
I don't agree. If Iceseer was a wolf, with multiple allies, I think their posts would be far fewer and not as rapid fire as they were since it would be a group to bounce things off of. We have a "tentative" claim that Tom and Iceseer are connected by default, which seems more believable to me.

Forum Explorer.

Your reasoning here makes sense except for the fact that Tom explicitly mentioned a sister. The only sibling pair in the list of possible characters that would make sense to know each other (Panacea&Glory Girl) is the one that he explicitly does not claim.

It's possible I failed a wisdom check in analyzing their posts. Mursaka, flat_footed, did something stick out as being exceptionally plausible?

2017-05-27, 07:40 PM
The fact that there were pairs in contact with each other, which wasn't public knowledge and had been accepted almost immediately. I'm assuming the sister portion was a lie to try and conceal exactly which pair they are, which is both understandable and good playing.

It's pretty obvious that Iceseer has failed at keeping a low profile. Stating such as wolfy is more wolfy to me.

2017-05-27, 07:57 PM
I suppose that makes sense,

I backed away from the pair, Iceseer seemed even more confused then the rest of us. I had to admit I felt a bit guilty about that but there wasn't much I could do now. "Forum Explorer do you think you could shed some more light on the situation?"

Changing my vote to Forum Explorer

2017-05-27, 08:27 PM
Voting for one of either a confirmed mason team or scum is pretty much a win-win. Looking at the likely roles, we probably have Panacea, and/or Shielder, and/or Othala as some variety of Baners, to save the other one. If they're a mason team, scum's not going to kill them because that would reveal that the other one is telling the truth, and obviously they're not going to be killed if they're scum. Now, I admit, there are a few more options than I thought we had before. For example, if someone got Shadow Stalker that makes it pretty likely that she's a Vigilante of some stripe, meaning she can take out one of the two of them, and we get our answer that way. There are also possibly more unique abilities that could solve this situation, but I don't exactly know any of the specifics of peoples abilities, so they would need to claim if they want to change my mind. Additionally, I definitely agree with you that switching focus to get more information out is a good idea, I'm just worry that that will be so distracting that it could muddy the waters. If we can trick someone into confirming they're scum, then obviously that's the ideal, but with the information we have right now, I believe voting for Iceseer to be the safest option. My vote still stands for now.

((They're two people. Why would you assume Masons and not Lovers

Also we have Seers. Plural.))

2017-05-27, 08:43 PM
((They're two people. Why would you assume Masons and not Lovers

Also we have Seers. Plural.))

Actually, it's straight up because I did not know Lovers existed. They've never shown up in a game of mafia that I've played, so I wasn't aware of the role. However, unless I REALLY missed something, there is a minimum of brother-sister incest in Worm. If Tom wants to recant that statement, I will concede that Lovers is a possibility and retract my vote. And yes, we COULD have multiple Seers (considering that only 21 of the 35 potential roles are available, and some number of those are scum, there's no way to guarantee multiple Seers), but that requires it's OWN set of checks and balances, as if they are scum, one of the other scum could easily claim Seer to try to get them out of trouble. And the potential of multiple Seers mean that we can't even have someone counterclaim. That's even more unreliable than normal.

2017-05-27, 08:48 PM
Lovers isn't mean to be taken quite that literally. Suffice to say it means two roles are connected to each other.

Unless I'm off base, Murska?

2017-05-27, 08:52 PM
Lovers isn't mean to be taken quite that literally. Suffice to say it means two roles are connected to each other.

Unless I'm off base, Murska?

Hmm. I still find it very unlikely due to roles apparently being quite linked to their powers (or at least, mine are, and a couple others are so obvious that I would be quite surprised if they WEREN'T), but I definitely don't want to take that risk. Until we can make sure we aren't going to shoot ourselves in the foot, I'm going to switch to Forum Explorer, as more information is always good.

2017-05-27, 08:57 PM
((Lovers just means both die if one does.

Anyway, if a Seer claims one of them is mafia and a Seer counterclaims, we get 3 baddies for the price of one.))

2017-05-27, 09:30 PM
((My current suspect list contains Forum Explorer and Silent Interim for mostly tone and in the latter case posts that appear helpful but don't contribute to Town. Any takers?))

Silent_Interim seems to mostly be making meta comments. Is that what you're referring to? They do kind of look like low-risk flag-waving for town, but I'm not convinced that means he's a wolf 9ner.

The fact that there were pairs in contact with each other, which wasn't public knowledge and had been accepted almost immediately. I'm assuming the sister portion was a lie to try and conceal exactly which pair they are, which is both understandable and good playing.

It's pretty obvious that Iceseer has failed at keeping a low profile. Stating such as wolfy is more wolfy to me.

I do like your logic here. Forum Explorer is my next vote then.

Forum Explorer
2017-05-27, 09:39 PM
I'm more referring to how he apparently sent a message to save Tom the Mime by claiming a role for him. Also he reminds me a lot of how Igor was behaving in the Time WW

2017-05-27, 09:42 PM
Could I trouble someone for a votecount?

FE, you're under major lynch threat atm. You should keep an eye on that.

2017-05-27, 10:14 PM
Duck999: 1 (Thematthew)
flat_footed: 5 (4) (Tom the Mime, Iceseer, Duck999, Iceseer, Murska)
Thematthew: 1 (Silent_Interim)
Forum Explorer: 5 (Eternis, flat_footed, Ronnoc, Technetium43, ImperatorV)
ImperatorV: 1 (Xihirli)
Tom the Mime: 3 (rakkoon, aberratio ictus, Technetium43)
Technetium: 1 (Kartoffelbrein)
Iceseer: 2 (RoTWS, Forum Explorer)

Iceseer, Technetium43, you should probably cross out one each of your votes.

Forum Explorer
2017-05-27, 10:19 PM
Could I trouble someone for a votecount?

FE, you're under major lynch threat atm. You should keep an eye on that.

Meh, if the town wants to screw themselves over by killing me, I'm fine with that.

Tom the Mime
2017-05-28, 12:28 AM
I'm more referring to how he apparently sent a message to save Tom the Mime by claiming a role for him. Also he reminds me a lot of how Igor was behaving in the Time WW

Could you clarify this? When did Iceseer send a message claiming a role for me? I had pressure on me, Iceseer was blindingly obvious trying to get pressure off. I claimed Iceseer was my sister, I made some clarifications in response to a guess, people come up with theories.

Also, your response to pressure isn't exactly helpful. If you're worried about it being a useful role then if anyone was planning to bane me tonight, if FE has a useful and believable role, bane him. If you don't say anything, I see no reason to move this vote, Forum Explorer

2017-05-28, 02:13 AM
Hey, I think I started the Tom The Mime train but it was not just for the mime part, the Tom part was important too ;P
Forum explorer sounds good too

2017-05-28, 08:32 AM
Meh, if the town wants to screw themselves over by killing me, I'm fine with that.

((This is definitely anti-Town behaviour, but I'm not sure a wolf would say this either. It seems designed to get himself lynched, which should be against most people's win condition.))

2017-05-28, 09:42 AM
Iceseer is new and clearly needs some training, so for now, they're safe. The pseudo claim of a Lovers-sequel sibling pair is odd this early in the game, but eh, self-defense is weird sometimes. I'm going to throw my lot in with Forum Explorer and hope we called it right this first round...Wouldn't it be funny if Skitter died first?

2017-05-28, 09:44 AM
Mmh. I feel bad about this lynch right now.

2017-05-28, 10:03 AM
A cursory ctrl +f of the thread indicates that Libro, Logic, and C'nor haven't voted or posted since the start of the game. Should we direct some pressure their way?

2017-05-28, 10:05 AM
Worth killing them, if only because there's no way someone who doesn't post is going to be useful for Town. Though they will get autolynched if they do nothing at all.

2017-05-28, 10:57 AM
Worth killing them, if only because there's no way someone who doesn't post is going to be useful for Town. Though they will get autolynched if they do nothing at all.

Mmmmm. This old chestnut of a debate.

OTOH, killing them is a waste of a kill, precisely because they do nothing at all. Inactive players tend not to be wolves. That means any time spent killing them is time spent not wolf-hunting. Something I'm sure you're aware of, Murska. If someone fails to participate, they are essentially a non-entity to the game. Let them AL. If nothing else, it means anyone who wants to step in as an AL replacement gets a chance.

Also, it's D1, and people have lives. If they haven't posted by the next day phase, sure, I'll call a spade a spade and agree they're probably not worth spending time on. But speaking as somebody who is, ah, known for periods of absence, I'm slightly uncomfortable saying that now.

Grand Arbiter
2017-05-28, 11:52 AM
((Been busy IRL, family housecleaning/gardening. I love flowers and fresh veggies, but they are a pain to get started. :smallsigh:))

Let's see what's going on...

Meh, if the town wants to screw themselves over by killing me, I'm fine with that.
This ^ reads as either dissatisfied townie or wolf that wouldn't mind being lynched. I don't think a beast-type would throw themselves out D1 unless there was a lot to gain from it. Similarly I don't think one of the more crucial roles (seer,baner,etc.) would give up easily, so probably not one of those... Maybe a fool or a role that needs to find someone else?... Whichever the case may be, Forum Explorer seems like a bad choice to me.

flat_footed for a counter wagon for now, I'll try to investigate more later today.

2017-05-28, 01:52 PM
Mmmmm. This old chestnut of a debate.

OTOH, killing them is a waste of a kill, precisely because they do nothing at all. Inactive players tend not to be wolves. That means any time spent killing them is time spent not wolf-hunting. Something I'm sure you're aware of, Murska. If someone fails to participate, they are essentially a non-entity to the game. Let them AL. If nothing else, it means anyone who wants to step in as an AL replacement gets a chance.

Also, it's D1, and people have lives. If they haven't posted by the next day phase, sure, I'll call a spade a spade and agree they're probably not worth spending time on. But speaking as somebody who is, ah, known for periods of absence, I'm slightly uncomfortable saying that now.

Everyone in this game has a power, so inactives are just as likely to be wolves as anyone else. But yeah, if they're going to AL let them AL. If they post once per day to vote and do nothing else, that's when we should kill them. Probably not lynch, but rather Vig, because there's no info to be gained from the lynch.

Forum Explorer
2017-05-28, 08:42 PM
Well I'm pretty doomed, so I might as well claim:

I'm Shadow Stalker. My abilities are to Stalk one player, I see whatever action they take, and if they take an action against me, it's negated.

Or Hunt, a 50% chance of killing my target.

As for why I don't care, well I started volunteering as a reptile field technitian and quite frankly, it's exhausting. I simply don't have the energy to care about this game. If I die on day 1 (and someone must), so be it.

The other reason I don't care is I knew I messed up when I started talking so much. That is a sure death sentence for me without fail (This will be the third time I've talked people into killing me, where remaining silent would've kept me alive). So you might as well get it over with.

2017-05-28, 08:55 PM
Shadow Stalker sounds like she would be good to keep around, honestly. I'll go for flat_footed for now, to help provide some pressure.

2017-05-28, 09:39 PM
Am I going to have to claim as well? :smallyuk:

2017-05-28, 09:58 PM
Well I was hoping to avoid doing this this early, but I suppose it'll add a fair bit of information. flat_footed and I are Glory Girl and Panacea. Panacea is obviously a Baner, and Glory Girl doesn't have an active to speak of, but we are masons with eachother. We're avoiding claiming which of us is which because, well, duh. Point is, it's pretty important that we stick around. While normally I'd be down with sacrificing one of us to have a guaranteed Townie to speed things along, lynching one of us will either whack Panacea, who is LIKELY our only Baner, or Glory Girl, which reveals that the other is Panacea, taking out two town at once. Other potential Baners could be Shielder or Othala, but since we're in I wouldn't expect the rest of the New Wave kids to be in considering the amount of people playing compared to roles available, and I doubt Othala is actually a Baner, more likely something more weird.

2017-05-28, 10:06 PM
Well today has been an absolute mess. Silent_Interim as he is the only remaining person I have suspicions towards.

2017-05-28, 10:22 PM
Well I was hoping to avoid doing this this early, but I suppose it'll add a fair bit of information. flat_footed and I are Glory Girl and Panacea. Panacea is obviously a Baner, and Glory Girl doesn't have an active to speak of, but we are masons with eachother. We're avoiding claiming which of us is which because, well, duh. Point is, it's pretty important that we stick around. While normally I'd be down with sacrificing one of us to have a guaranteed Townie to speed things along, lynching one of us will either whack Panacea, who is LIKELY our only Baner, or Glory Girl, which reveals that the other is Panacea, taking out two town at once. Other potential Baners could be Shielder or Othala, but since we're in I wouldn't expect the rest of the New Wave kids to be in considering the amount of people playing compared to roles available, and I doubt Othala is actually a Baner, more likely something more weird.

Confirmed. Vote elsewhere!

2017-05-29, 12:53 AM
Well today has been an absolute mess. Silent_Interim as he is the only remaining person I have suspicions towards.

Remind me why Silent is suspicious? I see Murska's "vote because they're not helping," but come on now, it's day one! What could someone possibly do this early except over-analyze a townie to death? I'll leave my vote where it is and see where this ends up; I have my suspicions someone's not telling us the full truth.

Oh! Also, if Forum's going to AL later anyway, I feel like it's rather merciful to take them out now so they're not feeling guilty about not paying this thread any attention. That feeling sucks, believe me.

And last but not least...who's our other sibling pair?

2017-05-29, 01:08 AM
Remind me why Silent is suspicious? I see Murska's "vote because they're not helping," but come on now, it's day one! What could someone possibly do this early except over-analyze a townie to death? I'll leave my vote where it is and see where this ends up; I have my suspicions someone's not telling us the full truth.

Oh! Also, if Forum's going to AL later anyway, I feel like it's rather merciful to take them out now so they're not feeling guilty about not paying this thread any attention. That feeling sucks, believe me.

And last but not least...who's our other sibling pair?

Um isn't it better that Forum Explorer get autolynched rather than mudered by vote if he's going to have to drop (which sucks by the way I remember having to pull owl shifts for research. It kills your energy for anything else)? That way we get a town replacement rather than just murdering a townie.

2017-05-29, 02:26 AM
((Interesting that Panacea is a Baner and not some type of Seer. Oh well.


There is plenty of more important targets in the air now, so I'd just like to ask the other Undersiders to get in contact with me at some point. I'm Rachel.))

Lady Serpentine
2017-05-29, 03:08 AM
Okay. I am going to temporarily throw a vote at Ronnoc while I read through things up to here again, just in the interests of not going on an AL timer; I know from experience that if I let that happen it will be perpetual. (I'll post suspicions then too.)

2017-05-29, 05:07 AM
There is plenty of more important targets in the air now, so I'd just like to ask the other Undersiders to get in contact with me at some point. I'm Rachel.))

A green eye appears in the sky. A malevolent energy permeates your skin. A voice booms out of the evil incarnate: "Hi, my name is Rachel":biggrin::smallbiggrin::biggrin:

2017-05-29, 05:14 AM
Ooh, we just had our first *counter-claim*!

I think...
Eh. I haven't really been paying attention, and this one is suitably flashy and dramatic for my tastes :P

2017-05-29, 07:00 AM
((I'm pretty sure he's just dramatizing my claim. I'm a green eye by avatar, after all.

Also, vote for Silent_Interim and away from Forum Explorer. His claim is almost definitely genuine and there's no point lynching allies. Definitely do not vote for flat_footed, they've got a high likelihood of being very important.))

- - - Updated - - -

Okay. I am going to temporarily throw a vote at Ronnoc while I read through things up to here again, just in the interests of not going on an AL timer; I know from experience that if I let that happen it will be perpetual. (I'll post suspicions then too.)

((It's been four hours. Where you at?))

2017-05-29, 07:24 AM
Drat. Oh well, it was flashy and dramatic nonetheless, so my...
Wait, I forgot to do it? Now it's not going to be nearly as cool...
Oh well.


THAT. Still that.

Also, since the person who was the target of the action that made me vote for Forum Explorer is supporting Forum Explorer, I will follower Murska's lead and vote for (dot dot dot)

2017-05-29, 07:52 AM
I'm not claiming. I'm not a big green eye called rachel. I'm a raccoon called [beeep].
Also...not liking either train so JBPuffin

2017-05-29, 08:13 AM

2017-05-29, 09:02 AM
Ahhhhhhhh why am I suddenly on the chopping block ahhhhhhhh.

Okay, look. The prime reason I'm up for lynch here is, essentially, I was trying to be helpful to new players while not contributing specifically to this game. I'm not okay with this. I didn't have much to say, because it's D1, and I was trying to be helpful to people new to the game and new to the forum. If that makes me a wolf, fine, lynch me. I'd do that regardless of my role.

I'm internally debating claiming. If I do decide to, you'll see why this is a matter of internal debate.

2017-05-29, 09:09 AM
Well I'm going to go ahead and follow my above reasoning to not vote for Forum Explorer. I honestly don't have any idea what team Silent_Interim is on but if it resolves internal debates, Silent_Interim.

Lady Serpentine
2017-05-29, 10:06 AM
((It's been four hours. Where you at?))

Girlfriends made claims on my time.

The Iceseer/Tom thing is. A mess. But it reminds me of the crap that started in Wind-Waker, and that was a misguided townie - one in contact with the wolves, but that does not apply here; they're role-connected. Weak town read on both Tom the Mime and Iceseer for now, but it's plausible that Iceseer got convinced to lie about things and go along with The Plan; in that case, Tom would have a strong wolf read. I would also urge Iceseer to come forward if this is the case.

I don't like Forum Explorer's claim. I really, really, don't. If you don't have time to play, then the thing to do is say that and bow out of the game so you can be replaced, not give up and try to have us kill you, then finally claim late in the day. But it's not really a strong read either way. I just don't like it. If I had to guess, I would say it's a weak town read, but I'm really not sold that it's not a wolf trying to sell apathetic townie with a fakeclaim.

JBPuffin has a strong wolf read for this post:

*Link for convenience*

I'm going to break it down section by section, since there are a few reasons why, and also having the reasoning laid out clearly and distinctly helps people respond to each point as they feel it warrants whether or not they agree with the argument as a whole.

Remind me why Silent is suspicious? I see Murska's "vote because they're not helping," but come on now, it's day one! What could someone possibly do this early except over-analyze a townie to death? I'll leave my vote where it is and see where this ends up; I have my suspicions someone's not telling us the full truth.

I'm not hugely sold on Silent_Interim either way, but the fact remains that we are not getting a better lynch this late in the day, and I think most people recognize that. However, what makes JBPuffin suspicious to me here is that multiple people, on both sides of that wagon, have explained why there are things you can do Day 1 other than 'over-analyze a townie to death', and how to do them. They've posted once since the game started; a point at Forum Explorer and a comment on the Iceseer/Tom thing. That they commented specifically on that shows they're following along, so they have to have seen them.

This, combined with trying to cast suspicion on everyone talking at the end, smacks of attempting to shut down town discussion and keep people out of the lynch.

Oh! Also, if Forum's going to AL later anyway, I feel like it's rather merciful to take them out now so they're not feeling guilty about not paying this thread any attention. That feeling sucks, believe me.

Autolynches can be replaced. This was noted too, earlier on the same page even. This also seems like trying to get us to waste our lynches; if they are Shadow Stalker, then we learn nothing, and either way, we'll learn it when they AL.

And last but not least...who's our other sibling pair?

And finally, this reads like trying to get more of town's power roles to claim. It's particularly egregious in this case because it potentially nets the wolves two for the price of one, and removes the hidden power in having even a tiny network if they get even one of them. We don't want to be speculating about the masons are publicly.

As for my actual vote - as I said, we're not liable to get another one this late in the day, so I'll throw my lot in with the Silent_Interim wagon.

2017-05-29, 10:25 AM
Hey, does anyone have a reference sheet for all the roles in werewolf? I'm a tad confused about what each of the roles actually does and it would be a nice thing to have for future reference. Lynch-wise I don't think that Silent_Interim is guilty but that may be because of inexperience. Seems like JBPuffin is arousing suspicion so I'll vote for them for now.

2017-05-29, 10:33 AM
Silent_Interim to save flat_footed and technetium43.

2017-05-29, 10:37 AM
NameVote TotalClaimed Roll

Thematthew1(Silent Interim)None

Tom the Mime1(Aberatio Ictus)Paired with Iceseer

flat_footed3(Iceseer,Libro,Thematthew)Either Glory Girl or Panacea


Silent_Interim7(ImperatorV,Murska,Eternis,flat_foo ted,C'nor,Duck999,Ronnoc)none


Forum Explorer3(Tom the Mime, JBPuffin, technetium)Shadow Stalker

Technetium43noneGG or Panacea


Iceseer2(RoTWS,Forum Explorer)paired with Tom.

Final Vote Count 20/21)

This is my current vote count.
*edit* and two more have posted since I started, updating is now complete

2017-05-29, 11:03 AM
Hey, does anyone have a reference sheet for all the roles in werewolf? I'm a tad confused about what each of the roles actually does and it would be a nice thing to have for future reference. Lynch-wise I don't think that Silent_Interim is guilty but that may be because of inexperience. Seems like JBPuffin is arousing suspicion so I'll vote for them for now.

In a normal game of Werewolf, there are three roles: villagers, wolves, and the seer (singular). The basic idea of the game is pitting the informed minority (the wolves, who start out knowing each other) against the uninformed majority (the villagers and seer) to see which side can win. During the Day Phase, everybody votes on who to lynch, and during the night the seer scries someone to learn their role while the wolves collectively select one player to kill in the night. We...don't really play with just those roles here very much, for multiple reasons. There's other roles that show up with varying frequency around here, but it's worth mentioning that between Ramsus (who likes screwing with expectations) and me (who likes odd roles), it's debatable whether any of these will even be present or not, so...who knows?

Losing a townie is bad for town because it puts them one step closer to losing, and is one less person they have they could work with to try and figure things out. Losing a wolf is bad for wolves because they start out with so few members that losing one is a significant loss for them.

Alpha: A wolf that can pick which players are on their team, and/or is immune to scrying/scries as townie, and/or can sacrifice another wolf to die in their place, in some combination of those three abilities.
Devil: A wolf that can scry.
Beast: A wolf that kills a townie when they die.
Serial Killer: A neutral with a night-kill.
Fool: A player who is told they are the seer, but whose scries are unreliable, be it from them receiving random, false, or confusing scry results (like indicating that somebody is a wolf or townie by a scry reporting a berry fruit or a citrus fruit, instead of a role name, for instance).
Masons: A small group of townies that start out in contact with each other and knowing the others aren't wolves.
Lovers: Two townies that start out in contact and knowing the other isn't a wolf, but who dies if their partner dies.
Baner: A player who selects a player in the night to make them immune to night-kills that night.
Day-Baner: A player who selects a player in the night to make them immune to the lynch the next day.
Watcher: A player who selects a player in the night and learns either what powers their target used and/or who their target targeted that night.
Voider: A player who selects a player in the night and prevents them from using their powers.
Vortexer: A player who selects two players in the night and causes powers targeting one of them to switch to target the other (and vice versa).
Vigilante: A townie with a night-kill.

I am neither confirming nor denying that any of these are or aren't present in this particular game, only that these are roles I see with some degree of frequency in games on this site. There's always weird crap though: Xihirli ran a game a little while back where the Narrator was an actual role, and their win condition was to make sure that the game lasted at least a certain amount of time, or something. That was a weird game in a lot of ways, though, starting with how everybody was told that they were the Disconnected Drowlbearwolf (a wolf that doesn't start the game in contact with the other wolves).

Here's something I posted earlier in the thread for Iceseer. Once again, no guarantee either way on these rolls being included/excluded in this game, they're just roles I see with varying frequency around here.

Lady Serpentine
2017-05-29, 11:27 AM
Actually, you know what? I'm going to go with my actual suspicion, and vote for JBPuffin; flat_footed is still voting for Forum Explorer, because of an unstruck vote, and I think I'd rather actually pile on the person with more evidence against them.

2017-05-29, 11:27 AM
JBPuffin has a strong wolf read for this post:

I'm going to break it down section by section, since there are a few reasons why, and also having the reasoning laid out clearly and distinctly helps people respond to each point as they feel it warrants whether or not they agree with the argument as a whole.

I'm not hugely sold on Silent_Interim either way, but the fact remains that we are not getting a better lynch this late in the day, and I think most people recognize that. However, what makes JBPuffin suspicious to me here is that multiple people, on both sides of that wagon, have explained why there are things you can do Day 1 other than 'over-analyze a townie to death', and how to do them. They've posted once since the game started; a point at Forum Explorer and a comment on the Iceseer/Tom thing. That they commented specifically on that shows they're following along, so they have to have seen them.

This, combined with trying to cast suspicion on everyone talking at the end, smacks of attempting to shut down town discussion and keep people out of the lynch.

Autolynches can be replaced. This was noted too, earlier on the same page even. This also seems like trying to get us to waste our lynches; if they are Shadow Stalker, then we learn nothing, and either way, we'll learn it when they AL.

And finally, this reads like trying to get more of town's power roles to claim. It's particularly egregious in this case because it potentially nets the wolves two for the price of one, and removes the hidden power in having even a tiny network if they get even one of them. We don't want to be speculating about the masons are publicly.

I like this logic. :smallbiggrin:

It's unlikely to save me, but. JBPuffin.

As for my actual vote - as I said, we're not liable to get another one this late in the day, so I'll throw my lot in with the Silent_Interim wagon.

This logic, I like less. :smalltongue:

2017-05-29, 01:36 PM
Fair call on JBPuffin.

- - - Updated - - -

One useful thing we could do is speculate on Wolf powers.

Seems rather straightforwardly offensive. Fire manipulation. Voider, perhaps.

Emotional manipulation. Could be some form of Seer or other investigative power, or could be vote manipulation.

The epitome of a Beast, really. Adaptive, though, so could be something that gains powers from being attacked(voted at? being targeted by powers?).

-Jack Slash
The big bad. Manipulative, hard to lynch - perhaps negates votes on himself or has other vote manipulation abilities. Possibly a Jack of All Trades, pun intended. Very possibly even a Devil, able to ferret our secrets. Even a disguiser is possible.

Tinker/Robot. Self-contained systems. Very hard to place, powers could be almost anything. Another candidate for a Jack of All Trades type power.

Touch someone, make them take your wounds? Sounds like a redirector to me, probably of either votes or night abilities or even just nightkills.

Silicon manipulator. Hard to place her powers in a WW context. Could be specifically anti-Tinker in some way, making specific powers not function, but that depends a lot on the general setup.

2017-05-29, 02:00 PM
JBPuffin to save S_I.

2017-05-29, 02:10 PM
The JBPuffin wagon seems legitimate.

Tom the Mime
2017-05-29, 03:05 PM
I'll go with JBPuffin. C'nor makes some good points. Ironic how fishing may kill the puffin. Not sold on SI one way or another yet but there's better targets for now.

2017-05-29, 03:11 PM
C'nor's arguement makes sense for JBPuffin

2017-05-29, 03:46 PM
Day 1 Over

"What a day this has been!" Bonesaw declared, skipping forward with an energy and happiness that didn't really match her expression. "I can't say I'm particularly happy with how things have gone today, but I'm sure this has laid the groundwork for some fascinating scenes later on. Anyway...Sibbie, you know what to do!"

Lightning-fast, the Siberian shot into the crowd of capes, pushing aside lesser supers in search of her target. Stopping as abruptly as she had started, she lifts the cape called "JBPuffin" off the ground. Even as the cape in question begins cursing and trying to escape, drawing a small cloud of glass towards her captor in some attempt to damage the invulnerable villain, the Siberian begins methodically tearing them limb from limb, consuming their helpless victim until nothing remained.

"Alas, poor Shatterbird," Bonesaw said, pretending to wipe a tear from her eye. "Still, plenty of game left! I hope the rest of my team can turn things around, or they'll be next on the menu...but that's for later. For now, it's time for all of you to go to sleep! Off to bed with you, shoo!"

JBPuffin was lynched, they were Shatterbird



Tom the Mime









Forum Explorer

aberratio ictus





Lynched Day 1






Night 1

2017-05-29, 05:10 PM
And this is why D1 voting is important. Every once in awhile, you do get a wolf.

- - - Updated - - -

Or bird. Or whatever.

2017-05-29, 05:35 PM
How long does the night phase last?

2017-05-29, 05:58 PM
How long does the night phase last?

Both phases are ~72 hours long.

There you go.

2017-05-29, 06:23 PM
The next person to tell me D1 is useless, I will direct here. It's a textbook day one wolf lynch, perfectly executed.

Forum Explorer
2017-05-29, 06:45 PM
I'm not dead! How heartening. :smallsmile:

2017-05-29, 06:52 PM
By the way. C'nor is probably a high priority target for wolves. Town PRs keep that in mind.

Lady Serpentine
2017-05-29, 07:32 PM
Considering this makes me two for two on day one wolf lynches (at least, I think that that was my last game), yes, I imagine they'll be none too keen on keeping me alive. :smalltongue:

Grand Arbiter
2017-05-29, 07:45 PM
Well, it's good that we got a wolf. Bad that I missed most of the day, though.

2017-05-29, 08:13 PM
The muscular woman spat towards the remains of Shatterbird. "It's what you get. Think it's just a game? We're going to find you, and rip you to pieces, just like her."

She whistles, and leaps on top of a huge truck-sized monster of flesh and bone that runs at her from behind. "Tattletale. Skitter. Point me at them, I'll punch them out. Any of you Nine, or Eight I guess, want to take a shot? Bring it. You know where to find me."

The creature carries her off into the mist.

2017-05-29, 11:43 PM
The weird taffy-lint monster lady-golem-thing stood atop the bar and declared for all to hear,
"The bird is dead! The worms are free! Free to squirm! Free to crawl along the sidewalk and die in the sunlight! The oppression of the feathered glass shattery bird thingie is done! This ushers in a new era! An era of peace! An era of long-outdated dance crazes only ever done by children and sports mascots! An era of shoving our faces into dirt and eating it! An era of worms! Join me, brothers. Sisters. Worms, if you have siblings and/or divergent genders (is it worms or snails that are both male and female?). Will you join me?
The bird is done, but there is more that is a threat to the worm! The ant. The mole. The living dirt angered at the generations of worms eating its cousins. We must fight this. We must end this. The worms must triumph. The worms shall be free!"

2017-05-30, 04:55 PM
The weird taffy-lint monster lady-golem-thing stood atop the bar and declared for all to hear,
"The bird is dead! The worms are free! Free to squirm! Free to crawl along the sidewalk and die in the sunlight! The oppression of the feathered glass shattery bird thingie is done! This ushers in a new era! An era of peace! An era of long-outdated dance crazes only ever done by children and sports mascots! An era of shoving our faces into dirt and eating it! An era of worms! Join me, brothers. Sisters. Worms, if you have siblings and/or divergent genders (is it worms or snails that are both male and female?). Will you join me?
The bird is done, but there is more that is a threat to the worm! The ant. The mole. The living dirt angered at the generations of worms eating its cousins. We must fight this. We must end this. The worms must triumph. The worms shall be free!"
Last I checked, it was indeed worms that were hermaphroditic.

2017-05-30, 06:03 PM
The taffylintem seized the commentator by the shoulders and shook him back and forth.
"But what's happened since then!?"

2017-05-30, 06:08 PM
The taffylintem seized the commentator by the shoulders and shook him back and forth.
"But what's happened since then!?"


2017-05-30, 06:19 PM
That is probably the funniest thing I have read in a long time.

2017-05-30, 06:36 PM

....okay, well done.

2017-05-30, 06:40 PM
i wish i was smarter in what i reveal.

2017-05-30, 07:41 PM
Last I checked, it was indeed worms that were hermaphroditic.

Actually both worms and snails are hermaphroditic. Although it's more exciting in snails as they stab each other with love darts first.

2017-05-31, 03:29 AM
Last I checked, it was indeed worms that were hermaphroditic.

I'm still wondering how you check that....

2017-05-31, 06:21 AM
I'm still wondering how you check that....
Dissected a worm in biology class.

2017-05-31, 06:38 AM
Sample size too small. Need to dissect more Biology classes.

2017-05-31, 07:02 AM
Sorry about missing the day. Going to catch up today, and give some reads.

2017-05-31, 09:57 AM
Okay, now I'm googling whether a worm is asexual or bisexual....I should really get back to work.

2017-05-31, 10:16 AM
New to this kind of game, have to ask. Does the conversation go off in directions like this every night, or even most nights?

2017-05-31, 10:21 AM
I am new too. But I believe it is to simply show you are still here while the pm's are sent to the game rulers.

2017-05-31, 10:53 AM
New to this kind of game, have to ask. Does the conversation go off in directions like this every night, or even most nights?

That depends on how pedantic we want to get. Me personally, I love to argue semantics.

2017-05-31, 10:58 AM
Actually, this feels more off topic than our typical night phases. It's mostly due to Xihirli's first post; I could refer you to her previous posts to see just how chaotic they can get, but we haven't heard from the last person who tread down that path. That was six months ago. :smalleek:

2017-05-31, 11:13 AM
That depends on how pedantic we want to get. Me personally, I love to argue semantics.

I think you mean Semitics.

- - - Updated - - -

Actually, this feels more off topic than our typical night phases. It's mostly due to Xihirli's first post; I could refer you to her previous posts to see just how chaotic they can get, but we haven't heard from the last person who tread down that path. That was six months ago. :smalleek:

I have a helpful guide to some of the greatest moments of me-ness in my signature. The context is generally better than the quotes themselves.

2017-05-31, 11:32 AM
I think you mean Semitics.

NO. :smalleek: I most certainly do mean semantics.

We've been down this path before, I think. :smalltongue:

2017-05-31, 12:00 PM
Has there ever been a dc or marvel ww?

2017-05-31, 12:03 PM
Has there ever been a dc or marvel ww?

You can check here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?397127-Werewolf-Central-X-Important-WW-information-goes-here-READ-OPENING-POSTS!), as well as check the schedule and view past games.

From my own cursory check, there has not been either.

2017-05-31, 01:30 PM
As we approach the 48 hour mark, I would like to take this time to remind everybody to check their QT to make sure that they have used (or have decided to abstain from using) any Night Powers they might have. This warning will go out at the ~48 hour mark every Night Phase we have holdouts, and we won't be waiting beyond the ~72 hours if people are dragging their feet.

2017-05-31, 03:38 PM
It's partly my fault as well, I think. I like confirming facts even if they're not necessarily relevant.

2017-05-31, 04:36 PM
The first country to have indoor plumbing was Cambodia.
Fly, my fact checker! Fly!

2017-05-31, 04:38 PM
Nice try, Xihirli. You're not distracting me quite that easily.

2017-05-31, 05:36 PM
That is not correct. Indus valley civilization was the first one to have toilets in all homes. Then britain was the first one to have it modern. In what way do you classify cambodia to have it first?

2017-05-31, 05:58 PM
That is not correct. Indus valley civilization was the first one to have toilets in all homes. Then britain was the first one to have it modern. In what way do you classify cambodia to have it first?

It's an alternative fact.

2017-05-31, 06:19 PM
An alternative fact is bull and we all know it. Sure it's the only way trump could be classified as telling the truth but really he is as much bull as that term.

2017-05-31, 06:48 PM
I'm pretty sure this conversation has ventured too close to real world politics.

I recommend a course correction, and never speak of this again.