View Full Version : Cool dungeon idea?

2017-04-26, 09:14 AM
This is for my heavily modified modron march campaign.

A city carved out of an iceberg located in the elemental plane of ice (a mix between the water/air Elemental plane). There a group of evil knights are kidnapping people and modrons from all over the planes and experimenting by fusing modron parts to them (not making that part up, there are evil knights making modron cyborgs in the original adventure).

The way the knights kidnap people is through various agents (like a barber shop in Silverymoon, gith slavers in the astral sea, elemental cults in a town of Hommlet, a squadron of giants rampaging around the sword coast, various chattel from abyssal planes, etc).

The ice city is extremely dangerous for the unprepared giving status problems if you stay to long without protection. At the same time multiple people the party screwed over will have been turning into these modron cyborgs and will attack them.

As the party delves deeper they will be various monsters and places like

1). A still living aboleth frozen solid but still aware.

2). A group of non-hostile ice Devils looking to use the cyborgs for the blood war.

3). Ice elementals (earth elementals with a weakness to fire).

4). The multiverse's worst succubus looking for resources to free her friend from Graz'zt.

5). A mirror of ice that can once per person, once per day let them scry.

6). A Bheur hag that delights in screams of pain which reverberate constantly in a magical room of ice that she won't leave.

7). A rogue modron (who is still lawful) who wants to free his trapped brethren and figure out how he can be both rogue but still lawful.

8). Yissa, a scientist who builds the cyborgs

9). Sethis and Kr'kickl, an evil priest and cambion who were roommates during evil college. They serve as Yissa's bodyguards/escape route.

10). The evil knights and their yeth hounds.