View Full Version : DM Help Trial of Sacrifice/Friendship Help

2017-04-26, 11:11 AM
Hello Everyone! I am designing a one session adventure for a sort of an "initiation" into an organization. Part of the initiation tests the caracters on how willing they are to sacrifice themselves for the good of the other party members; a trait that is important to the organization. My plan is to have a series of "encounters" where players gradually either have to or choose to sacrifice themselves. I am designing for a 6 player partty and this is what I have so far:

1) The first room is located right after the party must take a dive down a waterfall from which there is no way back (thus commiting the players to the trial). There is a spin wheel in the room that as soon as its touched activates massive amounts of water to be deposited into the room, gradually filling it up. The wheel also opens a door at the far end of the room. One to two players have to keep the wheel rotated to keep the door open and thus must sacrifice themselves for the others to survive.

2) The second room is located right after a long hallway on each side of which there are iron bars past which there are thousands of red eyes visible in shadows. The room after this hallway has a deep drop. There is a bridge at the bottom of the drop that must be raised via one or two chains which also raise the bars in the previous room, releasing the creatures. The bridge must be held up to let the players accross, thus one or two characters must sacrifice themeselves.

3) This is where I need help to narrow the party down to one member (required for the last part). I need some suggestions for more sacrifices that arent repetative and are interesting for the party.

4) Whene there is only one person left, they will be offered a choice to sacrifice themself to resurect the other party members. If they decline, the party fails (or maybe that player fails). If they take it, the whole party awakens safe and sound in the next part of the dungeon.

What do you guys think about this? I look forward to hearing your oppinions/suggestions!

2017-04-26, 11:24 AM
Would you accept alternate solutions? Problem 1 can easily be avoided by a mage hand, unseen servant, a familiar, a bar to hold the door open and more.

2: rope. Rope to keep bridge up and help people up

2017-04-26, 11:27 AM
Yeah, seconding the "Be prepared for alternate solutions" advice.

2017-04-26, 11:29 AM
Would you accept alternate solutions? Problem 1 can easily be avoided by a mage hand, unseen servant, a familiar, a bar to hold the door open and more.

2: rope. Rope to keep bridge up and help people up

Yah, so I already ran this once before with a smaller campaign of 3 players thats why the two rooms worked well. The door at the end is too heavy to be held up by a bar (which there really isnt any in the room). And a sword would break under stress or would just wedge into the ground. I was also thinking about magic proofing the room. Stuff like that really forces their hand but I'm open to other alternatives.

Rope for the waterfall wouldnt work because there wouldnt be anythign to attach the rope to.

2017-04-26, 11:34 AM
Yah, so I already ran this once before with a smaller campaign of 3 players thats why the two rooms worked well. The door at the end is too heavy to be held up by a bar (which there really isnt any in the room). And a sword would break under stress or would just wedge into the ground. I was also thinking about magic proofing the room. Stuff like that really forces their hand but I'm open to other alternatives.

Rope for the waterfall wouldnt work because there wouldnt be anythign to attach the rope to.

That's... Look, you know your players better than we do, but were I to be playing under you, I'd much rather have my ingenuity be rewarded than have you say "Nope, doesn't work, have to do it my way."

2017-04-26, 11:36 AM
That's... Look, you know your players better than we do, but were I to be playing under you, I'd much rather have my ingenuity be rewarded than have you say "Nope, doesn't work, have to do it my way."

And I get that, I hate reailroding players as much as anyone, thats why I posted here to get a solution to this because I know its a bit of a proble. It doesnt have to be a wheel but I would like to have the players go through the process somehow.

Lord Ruby34
2017-04-26, 12:11 PM
There are a lot of ways through, and your players will likely find one of them before even considering leaving someone behind. Just for example, water breathing or summons can accomplish quite a bit in these trials.

2017-04-26, 12:20 PM
There are a lot of ways through, and your players will likely find one of them before even considering leaving someone behind. Just for example, water breathing or summons can accomplish quite a bit in these trials.

Thats what my first party did, the person who stayed behind, used a potion of water breathing but when the players continued on and it was down to one player they saw his unconcious body in the last room and they were given the choice to trade.

If yall have any suggestions at specific rooms, shout them out! :)

2017-04-26, 12:23 PM
I'm not sure what those trials are supposed to prove? That the person in question has no self-preservation?

I mean, friendship is a thing, but being left alone in a dungeon/agreeing to die for someone else is pretty different. The organization setting up the test might have to reconsider it, especially if they fail *everyone*, even those who sacrified themselves, if the last choice is "wrong". Keep in mind that bringing a PC back to life can be done without killing yourself, so the other PCs might simply prefer to do that.

What are the incentives for the group to go through this trial? What does the organization do/offer?

Also, an aside that's not really relevant, but not even joking, I've seen something pretty similar in a NSFW webcomic.

2017-04-26, 12:26 PM
I'm not sure what those trials are supposed to prove? That the person in question has no self-preservation?

I mean, friendship is a thing, but being left alone in a dungeon/agreeing to die for someone else is pretty different.

What are the incentives for the group to go through this trial?

Also, an aside that's not really relevant, but not even joking, I've seen something pretty similar in a NSFW webcomic.

Its a way for them to prove that they are not afraid of death and are willing to sacrifice themeslves for fellow party memebers and for the organization which is the part of teh stroyline. To join the order they have to go through the trial. They dont have to do it if they dont want to join.

What issue did you see it in?

2017-04-26, 12:29 PM
Its a way for them to prove that they are not afraid of death and are willing to sacrifice themeslves for fellow party memebers and for the organization which is the part of teh stroyline. To join the order they have to go through the trial. They dont have to do it if they dont want to join.

What issue did you see it in?

Edited my post to make my questions clearer.

Still, seems this trial would result less in people sacrificing themselves and more them cutting the chase when it turns out they're not prepared to face this deadly dungeon.

2017-04-26, 12:37 PM
Edited my post to make my questions clearer.

Still, seems this trial would result less in people sacrificing themselves and more them cutting the chase when it turns out they're not prepared to face this deadly dungeon.

Ok so maybe I should divuldge the whole dungeon because I dont think people are getting it fully. The party is attempting to join this order in question and know that this is a test. They will be initially met with a "gatekeeper" celestial who will greet them and explain the trial and that it is a series of tests to see if they are worthy of reaching their goal. The trial I plan are that of intelligence (the celestial will give a riddle), charisma (also through the talking with the celestial), stregth (through a final boss battle), and also that of a personal sacrifice and loyaalty to the goal. All of these are pillars taht the order believes and requires its members to have.

The next room after the gatekeeper will be a puzzle room which will require the party to leave their weapons, focuses, etc. in a magical box which seals itself but unlocks the next room.

The next room is a cave in which a waterfall plunges into a fissure. The gatekeeper will again appear and say that this is the last point where they can return safely. If they plunge into the water they will have to complete the dungeon.

This is followed by the series of rooms I have described earlier where the players have no access to weapons or spells eliminating the solutions proposed in this thread.

Finally the party awakens in a room with a chest where all their weapons are safe and sound and has to defeat the final boss.

Hope that makes it a bit clearer.

2017-04-26, 12:51 PM
Well, in this case it doesn't really creates any tension. Celestials are too benevolent to just kill people for an optional test.

2017-04-26, 12:59 PM
Well, in this case it doesn't really creates any tension. Celestials are too benevolent to just kill people for an optional test.

I say celestial, but the party wouldnt actually know that. They would just see a ghostly tipe figure who claims ot be the creator of this place. But yes, the tension problem is a thing. I was trying to see if people here have solutions. Thanks for all your input!

2017-04-26, 01:54 PM
Is entering this organization worth risking your life for it? Why do the PCs want to join?

2017-04-26, 04:21 PM
The sorc/Moon druid/anyone with a familiar still can get away using spells, animal abilities you taking away thier things does not nessicarly mean they can't do anything, especially if they have a rogue to sneak in items for them. And if a sword does not work then a crowbar might.

Seems contrived to make players to do what gou want them to do, and seems like they will be forced to ride the railroad if they come that far in the dungeon.

2017-04-27, 02:20 PM
Is entering this organization worth risking your life for it? Why do the PCs want to join?

Is any organization or goal in D&D really worth the risk? The organization gives resources and information for the party to use against the villain and also is a central part of the story, but they still dont have to join if they dont want to.

The sorc/Moon druid/anyone with a familiar still can get away using spells, animal abilities you taking away thier things does not nessicarly mean they can't do anything, especially if they have a rogue to sneak in items for them. And if a sword does not work then a crowbar might.

Seems contrived to make players to do what gou want them to do, and seems like they will be forced to ride the railroad if they come that far in the dungeon.

All spells have components, so if the druid doesnt have components it will be limited to the spells they can cast. Also they dont really have any spells to help with that. The unseen servant spell helps with simple tasks which holding a very heavy wheel and chain are not part of. The whole room with the chest is magical and will not allow the players through untill the box has the weapons and materials. And there is no crowbar in the room with the water.

2017-04-27, 02:56 PM
Moon druid + badger form = no flood or digging underneath the iron door. You never said below itcwas iron as well. That is why I put moon druid as a potential canidate to break the senerio. And since a druid focus can be a tiny sprig/twig, they can hide it on thier person easily. Or does Mr Celestrial want the party to be completely nude? Even if he did I'm sure they can hide it on thier person one way or another. I was wrong about sorc (but they can still hide thier focus, just more obvious than druid) but familiars can do the tasks needed for the 'sacrifice'.

2017-04-27, 03:50 PM
Moon druid + badger form = no flood or digging underneath the iron door. You never said below itcwas iron as well. That is why I put moon druid as a potential canidate to break the senerio. And since a druid focus can be a tiny sprig/twig, they can hide it on thier person easily. Or does Mr Celestrial want the party to be completely nude? Even if he did I'm sure they can hide it on thier person one way or another. I was wrong about sorc (but they can still hide thier focus, just more obvious than druid) but familiars can do the tasks needed for the 'sacrifice'.

Well then its a good thing there are no sorcerers or druids in our party...