View Full Version : TotYP: White Plume Mountain Disk Room

2017-04-26, 03:15 PM
So the Room in White Plume mountain has a series of 9 disks on chains over a pit of boiling mud. The players are supposed to cross this section, avoiding falling from the disks into the mud, as well as the geyser plumes that erupt around them.

The description in the text only says that there is a DC 15 Dexterity Check that must be completed to avoid falling in the mud.

My question is this:

Is this supposed to be a one time check (if they make it they get all the way across)? Or are they supposed to make it every time they leap from disk to disk?

If the latter, then there is no way anyone can get across all 9 without falling. Is that the point? I know its an old school dungeon that specifically promotes ingenius solutions to otherwise deadly traps, but this seems a bit harsh even for this dungeon.

How have you guys run this dungeon?

2017-04-26, 08:47 PM
I don't have the module, but having read the original, I suspect it's per each jump.

First, I'd say that Acrobatics and/or Athletic skills both apply to these jumps, which should help making all nine jumps. Some smart rope use will help as well, in case someone flubs a roll. The guidance cantrip and a bard would be really handy.

It's not impossible, but it is a serious challenge. The ability to fly would be really nice. I could see how a perfectly viable group could stall out here, if they lack the mobility to get past the disks.