View Full Version : 3rd Ed Help me optimize a winter werewolf

2017-04-26, 08:29 PM
Hi playground!

Winter wolves are among my favorite monsters and I've recently discovered the winter werewolf template in Dungeon 84, so I've decided to play a melee character who's a winter werewolf.

The DM waved the LA (I'll be a natural lycanthrope) but I'll have to take the 6 winter wolf hit dice (the good news being, those are magical beast hit dice).

For those of you who don't own Dungeon 84, the template is just like lycanthrope with a handful of minor abilities (that can be used in wolf or hybrid form). The more relevant of those are:

- Improved bull rush

- the winter wolve's trip attack

- the ww's breath attack

- blind-fight and improved initiative as bonus feats (plus a couple of others that don't really matter)

- some decent bonuses to hide, listen, move silent and spot.

Any way to optimize around that? I'm not very experienced with melee builds, and I'm open to suggestions (trip specialist, ubercharger, etc). The only thing that I know is that I'll be fighting in hybrid form.

Here are my parameters: the character has to be a silverbrow human (for rp reasons), he will start with a single class level in addition to the racial hit dice, I can't stack anymore templates on top of winter werewolf and the game will go up to level 20 (so he should end up with 6 racial hit dice and 14 class levels). All first party books and official magazines are ok, but no PF and no homebrew.


2017-04-26, 08:32 PM
The dragonfire adept handbook has a few nice tricks for taking advantage of a breath weapon. You may find something you can use in it.

2017-04-26, 09:21 PM
I don't believe the breath weapon you get via that template scales at all (except maybe the Save DC) so I wouldn't invest alot of resources in it, maybe take the entangling exhalation just for some form of CC.

I think Disciple of Thyrm would be a nice way to continue to advance your physical combat abilities while giving you some spells to give you something to do when you can't just melee attack. As its capstone it even makes you immune to fire which will offset your weakness to fire from the cold-subtype rather nicely.