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View Full Version : D&D 5e Sci-Fi Board Design

2017-04-26, 09:28 PM
Greetings fellow role players. I have been thinking about running a Sci-Fi themed campaign. I've found D&D 5e rules edited into sci fi themed ideas, but I want to build a game board to play on. I was thinking about making a sweet space station out of cardboard and paints. What do you guys think would work best? How should I build things? I was thinking about creating a whole campaign based around this space station. I know it's kind of a vague topic, but if I could get some input that'd be awesome.

2017-04-26, 09:42 PM
If you get a JPEG - you can get https://www.bannersonthecheap.com/ to print out a map of it for... cheap. $20ish including shipping.

Try this one - I made it for the starter adventure for Space Dogs - the space western RPG I'm working on. I got one - it's pretty durable, and supposedly you can write on it with dry erase markers - but I haven't risked it. (Tangent: I just got pawns with the artwork I've commissioned thus far. I'm going to run it at a con next month. Woot!)
