View Full Version : Reflavoring the Bard for a child of Hell

2017-04-27, 12:43 PM
So I've got a player in one of my games who *hates* bards. Not the mechanics, this player actually loves those, just the flavor, the whole "magic from music" thing bothers him. In particular, he's trying to make a Tiefling Warlock that is a master manipulator, a true social paragon and party buffer. Beguiling influence is massively disappointing, btw. Oh and the party is all evil, so that makes this easier.

So, I decided to reflavor the bard for him and offer a 3 level bard dip (for college of lore) as an option. Here's what I did:

Instead of the intro text for the bard, I wrote this:
Somewhere in your lineage, you have an ancestor in the highest echelon of fiendish nobility. This connection to the paragons of evil power manifests itself in an innate ability to sense the weave of magic around you and bend the minds and hearts of others. It also gives you an instinctive knowledge of the Black Speech, the ancient tongue with which the gods wrought evil into the fabric of reality. Using this language, you can alter the destiny of those around you, and the very fabric of their reality.

Instead of the bardic inspiration text, I wrote this:
The Black Speech
The Black Speech was first spoken by evil gods, to weave darkness and suffering into the world at the dawn of creation. It erases itself from the minds of those who hear it, so it cannot be taught or learned. Instead, it is known instinctively only by those creatures of such dark power that the words simply come to them. By speaking a phrase in this language, you can subtly alter the fate of nearby creatures...

In place of jack-of-all-trades (and to explain the extra skill proficiencies and expertise), I wrote:
Insight of the Archfiend
Your mind makes connections that others do not see. You draw knowledge and skill from memories and instincts that are not yours, that are in fact much older than you. Your hands remember old tricks you never learned, and your mind recalls ancient stories and facts you never heard. You learn faster than any purely mortal creature can, and you are competent at everything you try...

The abilities still work the same way, just described differently.
For cantrips, he chose friends and minor illusion.
For 1st level spells, Charm Person, Detect Magic, Identify, and Speak with Animals (but he wrote "Beast Speech" on his character sheet).
For 2nd level spells, Detect Thoughts and Suggestion

So, what do you think?

2017-04-27, 12:55 PM
I like this a lot. More flavours of Bard are always good (I like that skalds are mentioned a bit in the PHB). Quick question though, what does the Hellbard use as a magical focus? Would you reflavour a musical instrument, or just waive the requirement?

Actually as I write this I realise that this might not be a requirement, as the voice is one instrument we all carry with us.

2017-04-27, 01:02 PM
Might steal this idea a bit for a character of mine actually, a half-elf Ancients paladin. I wanted to push the Fey Knight angle a bit so I thought a dip into Bard might be good to evoke something of the tradition of Celtic spellsongs - Irish warrior-poets seem quite fey to me. Wasn't sure how to make it gel flavourwise but I think rewriting parts of the intro text like you've done would be a fun way to do it. Thanks!

2017-04-27, 01:04 PM
I like this a lot.


Quick question though, what does the Hellbard use as a magical focus? Would you reflavour a musical instrument, or just waive the requirement

He's got a scepter as a magical focus for his warlock and sorcerer spells, actually, and I figure the requirement that it be a "musical instrument" isn't relevant to game balance, so basically I waived that. If it was important, I suppose the scepter could be considered a percussion instrument...

2017-04-27, 01:33 PM

You're welcome! Steal away!

2017-04-27, 02:19 PM
If it was important, I suppose the scepter could be considered a percussion instrument...

:smallsmile: I always pictured skalds banging their axes on their shields as the musical focus - percussion's usually easy enough to find too. But I think the Black Speech itself could count anyway (maybe with a ruling that it adds a Verbal component to the rare Bard spell that usually lacks them, if that ever came up, to show that he can't exert his dark influence over reality itself without being able to use it (unless he had the Material components handy, I suppose)).

2017-04-27, 02:49 PM
Instead of the intro text for the bard, I wrote this:
Somewhere in your lineage, you have an ancestor in the highest echelon of fiendish nobility. This connection to the paragons of evil power manifests itself in an innate ability to sense the weave of magic around you and bend the minds and hearts of others. It also gives you an instinctive knowledge of the Black Speech, the ancient tongue with which the gods wrought evil into the fabric of reality. Using this language, you can alter the destiny of those around you, and the very fabric of their reality.

Instead of the bardic inspiration text, I wrote this:
The Black Speech
The Black Speech was first spoken by evil gods, to weave darkness and suffering into the world at the dawn of creation. It erases itself from the minds of those who hear it, so it cannot be taught or learned. Instead, it is known instinctively only by those creatures of such dark power that the words simply come to them. By speaking a phrase in this language, you can subtly alter the fate of nearby creatures...

Bardic Inspiration is usually inferred as something positive being said in the tables I play at. Something along the lines of an "I believe in you," or "Watch out for that guys axe!"

I can imagine it coming in a gruffer way as well, but with the same end goal of the words providing some sort of encouragement to do better.

With how you've described the Black Speech, it doesn't sound like a language that would ever promote for a better outcome for the individual hearing the "inspiration." In your words, it was literally spoken to weave darkness and suffering into the world. I wouldn't see this language as bringing about a good outcome for anyone that it's spoken to.

Now on the other hand, it feels extremely fitting as flavor text for Cutting Words that Lore Bard receives. Causing a creature to do poorly or fail something most definitely feels in line with how you've described the Black Speech acting.

2017-04-27, 03:44 PM
With how you've described the Black Speech, it doesn't sound like a language that would ever promote for a better outcome for the individual hearing the "inspiration."

The entire party is evil, and routinely does evil things.

So when he buffs the deepstalker assassin with a use of The Black Speech, it's more like he's cursing the target that's about to be shot in the head from 200ft away. Or even more like he's simply altering the fate of nearby creatures to suit his whims.

It's being used to weave more darkness and suffering into the world, through the actions of his evil companions.

Really though, it's not about trying to make it "inferred as being something positive" to more closely line up with how bardic inspiration feels to read and describe; it's the exact opposite. It's the same effect, but a totally different feel.

You aren't inspiring your allies to make their attacks more accurate. You're reworking the fabric of destiny to suit your whims, making sure that innocent creature receives that damage, making sure that desperate attempt to pin down the evil barbarian with a spell fails, making sure that creature does, in fact, get shoved off of a cliff.

2017-04-27, 03:52 PM
:smallsmile: I always pictured skalds banging their axes on their shields as the musical focus - percussion's usually easy enough to find too. But I think the Black Speech itself could count anyway (maybe with a ruling that it adds a Verbal component to the rare Bard spell that usually lacks them, if that ever came up, to show that he can't exert his dark influence over reality itself without being able to use it (unless he had the Material components handy, I suppose)).

I had a dragonborn Valor Bard who was kind of a skald-type character. He had a hunting horn on a leather thong around his neck, and would use that. Low, deep tones for spells like Sleep, and loud, trumpeting blasts for Thunderwave.

I eventually took War Caster, making the instrument moot.

Also, OP, LOVE the idea! I'm a big fan of up-ended fluff for classes. I've seen bards that were more of an Investigator type than a minstrel. Had Perform:Oratory. And I built a pirate captain for a friend using Marshal and Bard as a base. He used Perform:Comedy, with the feat that made his music last for 10 rounds after he stopped "performing". So he would open up combat with a one-liner, and then fight alongside his men.

2017-04-27, 04:32 PM
It's been pointed out to me recently that the musical aspect of the Bard is not that integral to the class. All of the abilities that mention music also mention another way of describing the ability, like using the spoken word instead. Also they can us a component pouch instead of the musical instrument focus. This opens Bards up for being Chanters or True Namers, not just magical musicians.

That being said, I love your idea of a hellish bard. I wouldn't mind seeing a whole subclass.

2017-04-28, 12:14 PM
Personally I think the music instrument as a focus is just part of the standard bard's flavor. In fact, it's literally the only "mechanical" class feature that even borders on the "music as magic" concept.

Changing it won't break balance one bit.

2017-05-01, 01:02 AM
Besides, Bards can always use component pouches anyway.

Lvl 2 Expert
2017-05-01, 03:42 AM
I built a pirate captain for a friend using Marshal and Bard as a base. He used Perform:Comedy, with the feat that made his music last for 10 rounds after he stopped "performing". So he would open up combat with a one-liner, and then fight alongside his men.

"So, ship rations, what's the deal with those, right?" :smallcool: