View Full Version : the End of Days -- 3.5e UberEpic IC

2017-04-27, 06:28 PM
Somewhere in the Cosmos, Something happens. It's not immediately clear what the Something is, and it in fact takes a while before anything notices the Something. The Something grows and moves.

Destruction. Complete and utter destruction is what befalls the victims of the Something. Destruction so complete that not even memories can remain on the Something's victims.

Peeking into the future, a remote and hidden creature known as the Simurgh sees the first hint of the Something; thousands of years ahead, barring extenuating actions, the Cosmos has under a thousand years -- perhaps nine, perhaps nine hundred -- before... grey. Grey is all that the Simurgh perceives. She ponders.

The Something grows and moves.

2017-04-27, 10:57 PM
The Simurgh pondered the grey, this somthing, although it was more of a nothing.

Like the heat death of the universe it had been preparing for, the nothing was flat and stable. No residule waves to infer from as what little energy was left was spread thinly and perfectly across everything.

But this wasnt that heat death. It was to soon and was spreading from a central point rather than from everywhere at once. More oddly it was removing any memory of what was before they greyness from all beings, a defence mechanism?

Hmm possibly sentient localized, but growing, total entropy. Was there energy there before the nothingness grew? If so where had that gone? Was somthing consuming this universe? how? WHY?

The Simurgh wasn't ready for this, The Simurgh wasn't ready for the heat death of the universe and that was its prime motivator. The Simurgh definitely want ready for a sentient manifestation of that, especially so soon. It was going to need help, and by help It meant unwitting pawns that could survive viewing the something long enough for the Simurgh to understand it.

The Simurgh cast its senses to a relatively small planet in a universe known to its inhabitants, unironically, as the prime material plane. There was nothing particularly special about the world or even most of it inhabitants but for some reason or another a number of beings had grown fond of the green blue ball and protected it viciously.

The beings were unpredictable in the extreme, trying to predict their actions over anything more than a few minutes left the Simurgh in a loop that took it decades to resolve. They were powerful to go with it too when the Simurgh first encountered them It thought them entities, but no they had all died out eons ago. Usually powerful and unpredictable was a combination to avoid but, the beings were resilient beyond reason. If anything could provide The Simurgh eyes on the nothing for long enough, it was them.

The Simurgh built her beacon, a device that would cover the planet in a subtle song delivering deep and terrifying nightmare to all who heard it. They would see everything they knew dissolve into grayness starting with buildings and ending with the one they loved most then they would wake. It was a cruel message but it would get someones attention.

2017-04-28, 06:37 PM
Unwitting pawn #1, but a pawn of who's game?

Jones Harken stood at the helm of World's Ruin, his own personal battleship which he actually didn't own in the slightest, at the head of a fleet of star-ships which he also didn't own or even have much affiliation with aside from leading them. As he stood on the deck, staring out into the vast swirling nothingness of the astral plane he allowed his mind to wander. He had cursed at first, cursed enough to even satisfy the quota of bloodstained bearded pirates for a few years, but ultimately it didn't change anything. Jones Harken was originally made by the robot city, and after lifetimes of adventure away from it, it had finally reclaimed him, binding his soul to its whims. It was while thus daydreaming to avoid thinking of his troubles that he heard a hushed hummed melody carried to him across an astral swirl from some distant plane. He saw the whole of his life before his enslavement slowly fade into darkness before jolting back awake.

Pondering the vision, Jones Harken discovered... absolutely nothing. There was no real warning or message to the dream, ultimately someone was just screwing with him and trying to make him feel more miserable and pissed off about his situation then he already was. Perhaps had the sender of said dream thought to at least provide contact details he could have given them a piece of his mind, or had they included some hint of what they meant he might have been able to decipher something. All the same, perhaps they too lacked details, lacked facts, and perhaps they too had remained oblivious as to the message they might have meant to send. In any case, Jones Harken decided to head back to the material plane to drink booze, lots and lots of booze, and try to drown out this pointless nonsense, and with him a fleet of starships followed, though they may have been somewhat more joyous at the prospect of booze, thinking more along the lines of celebration and living then drowning misery in pint after pint...

The Glyphstone
2017-04-28, 10:36 PM
Amalgam dreamed. Or rather, he was Dream, and the two states were one and the same. He was a mind in his own right, an independent sapience with thoughts and desires. But he was also the smallest fragment of something immeasurably greater, a consciousness too vast and fluid to truly be called self-aware. He was the latest of Dream's manifest avatars, not the first and not the last, but the latest in an endless succession since the dawn of time.

As had those who had come before him, and those who would come after, it was his duty to safeguard the health of his greater whole. He watched over the dreams of uncountable mortal minds that collectively fed life and power to Dream, as if it were a beautiful and endless garden of ephemeral thought. Where he could, he sought out those with potential and nurtured the dreams they held most dearly, subtly guiding them to make those dreams into reality. And where he needed to, he pruned his garden as well. Amalgam cared little for the subtle nuances between the dreams of selfless heroes or merciless tyrants. But he cared a great deal for dreams that threatened the integrity of the dreamscape itself, nightmares that could grow out of control and infect other dreams if allowed to run rampant.

One such canker now drew his attention, a patch of rot festering like a cancerous echo. Part of Dream's nigh-infinite power flowed from its nearly infinite diversity, a composite of uncountable numbers of slumbering minds and desires. Where too many shared a dream, it threatened that free-flowing chaos. Millions of minds dreaming the same dream were still the tiniest of droplets in Dream's ocean, but more than enough to draw Amalgam's potential. They shared a nightmare of creeping grey oblivion, and the very nature of its uniformity across their thoughts belied the artificial nature of its origins. This was deliberate, an intentional action on the part of someone. Amalgam did not know who, but Dream would.

He reached out, tapping into the full unbound potential of the plane he embodied. Across the universe, seers and prophets dreamed, and in their dreams tiny scraps of truth lay hidden. No one mortal could see the whole truth, or even be aware that such a truth waited to be found. Viewing all of those scraps simultaneously told Amalgam what he sought - the who, the how, and most of the why. Only one entity knew the last, and so he went to it.

He needed no crude power of planar shifting or teleportation, not when the latent energies of a plane fueled his power. He simply willed himself to be somewhere, and he was, rewriting the terms of reality defining his spatial coordinates as desired.

"Simurgh. There are many simpler ways by which you could have gotten my attention, and less destructive ones as well. What calamity lies beyond the curve of time perceptible to me, such that you would weigh it drastic enough to create such extra work for me in the process of calling me to speak with you?"

2017-04-28, 11:48 PM
A creature, appearing to all forms of observation to be a mundane raven has an incredibly complex dream. More minds than exist on all the stars in the nights sky clash and squirm inside the birds tiny head, an incomprehensible babbling cacophony that crescendos in a trillion screamed conclusions.
The raven turns its head and looks at the Simurgh, peering across all of space and all dimensions.
It continues to watch.

2017-05-01, 06:15 PM
The Simurgh confronted by the coalesced dreams of all living beings and unknowingly witnessed by a raven whos eyes hide the incomprehensible hoard of eldritch minds within responds in the only way she knows how.

The Simurgh Sings

At first is a wordless song of angelic hymns that wash over the cosmic audience imparting the promise that The Simurgh intends no harm towards the audience, an apology to The Dream for the discomfort caused by her beacon.

A theme of Trust echos throughout this first hymn that to the simurgh and the dream seems to last an age, though to the unannounced observer only minutes have passed.

Once this Trust is accepted by the audience the song unfolds elements that had always been there become obvious as they wash over the listener.

The echos of cosmos ring out implanting in the minds of all who hear the vastness of the universe. Lesser beings would go insane being subjected to such shear scale. The dream remains unimpressed viewing what It sees at all times.

A wave of fear rises in the song as a static hiss starts to over lap various choruses in the repeating cyclic song of creation. With each verse it grows stronger, the listener is instilled with a sense of loss with the static.

The Simurgh turns an a slow graceful bow pointing to far off star as it is consumed as she does the static overwhelms the song tugging at the minds of the listener hinting at the nothingness they can expect for themselves.

A wave of uncertainty rises with any thought of when what or even why the static is present in the song.

As the uncertainty reaches its peak the static suddenly recedes and the song switches to a confident tune radiating anticipation and purpose.

A plan is proposed.

A fleet of galactic explorers are known. Infected by the beacon. They are hardy. They are tenacious. They could server as our eyes to determine the source of the nothing.

Permission is requested as the song stalls on a nervous note begging response.

2017-05-06, 10:09 AM
The song continues into the dream, but as it begins to turn to trust, to ensnaring the will rather then conveying the request... The song is interrupted, the dream shatters into a million fragmented pieces rudely startling everyone effected from their trance. Everyone effecting by this cosmic anomaly suddenly wakes up wondering why they'd ever believe such a suspicious voice in the first place.

No, I don't actually get to wake everyone up, bug I get to end the effect, and ending a dream thematically sounds like folks should wake up, right? :smalltongue:

It's not nice to try to mind rape the world you know... :smallwink: I mean it makes it hard to even blame folks for stopping you from saving the world ya know?

Jonas Harken was even more depress now. To be thought of as some lowly pawn not only by the one already using him as such, but by another now too? He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but even so he was a captain so he should at least retain some dignity, right? Rather, leaving some entity that can puppet a world or two alone after having just interrupted its puppeting sounded like a bad idea, so he tried thinking to himself rather loudly in his mind. "Hello there? Do you have something to say, or are you just trying to meaninglessly harass me for fun? I mean if you just go around harassing people some day someone will fight back, so I certainly hope it's the former..."

2017-05-08, 03:14 AM
The raven moves faster than should be possible without magic and with a single flap of its wings is within 30ft of wherever Simurgh is.
"What?" it caws.

2017-05-17, 10:36 PM
As the raven caws out its question the Simurgh turns slightly, positioning itself as though ready to great someone, smiling with a platinum porcelain face at the impossible bird as it does.

After a brief pause the flagship of the previously indicated fleet arrives; the strange assembled party of the beings known as Amalgam, the Simurgh and a raven slip through the walls of the ship traveling at light speed and, from the perspective of the occupant come to a rest arranged in front of a desk at which a man stood, the end of his sentence trailing off into nothing.

A single note utters from the Simurgh, it perfectly simulates what beings, that didn't know any better, would consider a warm welcome.

The Simurgh remains floating gently to the left of the desk.

2017-05-20, 01:01 PM
Jonas Harken was... surprised to say the least. He just sorta froze there for a moment. On the one hand he supposed it was good that he wasn't outright ignored, but... he still couldn't tell... Did they want to say something to him, or did he have more rotten luck then even the most pathetic soul in this multiverse... It was a little depressing when he came to think about it. ...and with them just sitting there staring at him it wouldn't really be the right sort of situation to start shooting at them, and it could be argued that he's invited them in some roundabout way, so he couldn't really kick them out... Sighing in a crestfallen manner Jonas Harken finds the answer. Sitting down heavily in his chair with several cosmic entities lounging on the desk before him, he hollers at the top of his voice. "COLLIN, ROGGERS! BRING ME RUM! THE STRONGEST WE'VE GOT!" After a moment's pause he adds. "BRING ALLOT!"

2017-05-22, 05:49 PM
"I don't know you, I don't remember you" The bird says with a glaze eyed look to the room in general "You don't know me, you don't remember me"

Suddenly it seems far less distracted and much more cheerful and directs response to Simurgh "But you have a measure of power my angelic cherub, to whistle and for us all to come running at a whim. Such a gift of attraction you are so blessed with must give you great responsibility to beckon any to do your bidding, or so you seem to presume at least" it gives a chuckle "But we are here now, no matter the draw..." with a swift and wet cracking sound the bird rapidly grows into a humanoid man of such generic and bland appearance that he defies description. A smile forms on his lips and he offers a hand to Jonas "..I do enjoy making friends.
"I'm Ythol, and pleased to meet any man generous with his rum"

2017-05-22, 06:51 PM
Jonas readily shakes the offered hand, shoving his lamentations of rum loss to the back of his mind. After all, it'd disappear in no time anyways... :smallsigh: Thieving crew... Maybe that's what he gets for using a ship that isn't really his... "Ythol..." Jonas says as if trying to remember it. "I'm Jonas, and the rest of you are...?" Shortly afterwards, two burly men, presumably Collin and Roggers enter with an armload of bottles each, quickly setting htem down and leaving as they catch their captain's eye.

2017-05-25, 10:13 PM
Ythols simple statement of his... Of it's name conveyed the complexity of what it might be in an insidiously subtly manner. Searching eons of recollections for the name returned nothing for the strange thing that loomed out of sight puppeting the human marionette asking for rum in front of the simurgh. However much like the strange being did lurk behind the man, its grotesque massive true form just momentarily and barely detectable as an outline of missing sensory data across the many universes, its story did lurk behind the name. Stories thought time spoke of beings outside of mortal space and reasoning, non spoke of this Ythol directly, almost seeming to fear putting the name in writing. Throughout all of these fictions a discerning eye could find the things unsaid, the gaps unfilled, it was there that Ythol's history did lurk.

The simurgh did not believe the seemingly innocent slip of body and name an accident, it seemed a taunt or possibly a warning. Still its attentions were required, the stakes were to high to ignore such raw power regardless of the dangers in invoking them.

As Ythol had offered a name with meaning hidden in tales ancient the simurgh did inversely, offering a tale containing the name it would adopt.

The Simurgh sang out wordlessly, telepathically offering the (Iranian) legend of The Simurgh. An ancient mythical bird that served as a messenger between the sky and the earth and acted to purify the world. The story was told with a bemused tone overlaying the pure motivations of the bird, none would believe the Simurgh in front of them to be innocent and such a concept was mocked. However the metaphor of the coming something was highlighted as the disease the Simurgh was to purify a concept reinforced with images of tree-rot slowing decaying to grayness.

The song lasted only an instant for those that accepted but its meaning was conveyed. This is the Simurgh, a messenger who brings news of rot that needs purifying.

The Glyphstone
2017-06-03, 07:29 PM
Amalgam turns his black eyes on Jonas, brief flickers of Jonas's own dreams crossing over them as the echoes resonate with their origin. "And I am Amalgam. The matter is simple, Jonas Harken, and yet complex beyond description. A doom approaches this world, one that will swallow all things and bring existence itself to an end. Only by finding the source of this calamity before it becomes irreversible can the end of days be averted. We are great in power, but limited in other ways; you possess many eyes that answer to you and can be in many places at once, and we would turn those eyes into our scouts."

Silently, he speaks into Jonas's mind telepathically.

And there is more, Jonas Harken, for you and I are alike in a singular way. Both of us are beings of ourselves, and yet also but the tiniest fragments of a far greater and mightier whole. Your fleets may suffice to find our goal, but we will need phenomenal power to hope at resolving it. We may need all the City has to offer to this end, and you must persuade it of the importance.

The Blade Wolf
2017-06-06, 09:57 AM
Capacitance was a little... busy when the call came in,

“Utinu en’huan!” She swore in Elvish as the blow sent her flying backwards... and when time and space was bending around you into ways in which there was little meaning anymore, where a single step could transport you a mile, yet you could run onwards forever and ever without moving at all, you did not want to be knocked flying backwards. Luckily the temporal stabilities installed in her suit flared to life as the warping of space-time threatened to consume her in a never-ending loop of falling and landing on nothing.

“Si nishka shirr wux bouv de bouv vur gribkoan shafaer dout iejir!” Capacitancesaid next in draconic, only to pause, think over what she said and follow it up with “El su fliap su dragon eam!” Now talking in Celestial as set her feet on a surface that might be described as the ground. Even with the temporal stabilisers, getting back in sight of the beasts would be difficult, especially as light itself was struggling to reach.

But Capacitance was faster than light. In a mere blink of her eye, she was back in the battle Jamming a Typhoon Blaster underneath the beast’s head and vaporising it in a single shot. Not exactly easy to do when the monster was in a state of constant temporal flux.

“Capacitance! Astahii re kiri kiarf! Yth zklaen qe qeelak trelk wer krikvlic ghoros astahii unmake wer driik vur coi nurti tangis existed!” Nova yelled on seeing her, even as several of the shifting beasts were incinerated by his constant and rapidly spinning ring of fire, the four temporal stabilisers across his back glowing brightly. Even as her words brought Capacitance to a temporary halt. The ship? The Black Pearl was getting overwhelmed? That... was not good, at all. It wasn’t just Capacitance’s pride and joy, it was also the temporal anchor that the entire operation was relying on! If went down, then the stabilisers would fail. Without the stabilisers the temporal fluctuations would swallow them whole, and none a single one of them would have ever existed!

“Well botofix.” Capacitance said bluntly as she swept her blasters over Nova’s head, the crackling bolts obliterating sections of the creatures that were slipping past the revolving ring. “Has Malicious got any closer tracking the source off all this?”

“Jaci naktaic shafaer picking ehis! Coi tiric ti selgtarn jaci tiric, coi confnic svern natorki. Tangis thirkuir wer input di wer quantum warp scanners majakic udoka ehis! Coi ui hefoc svabol rinov yth re ehaismir tiric ti tangis exist!”

“Well, first time for everything.” Capacitance said, a little perturbed about this information. But what she DID know was that her ship was getting overwhelmed and the Puissance Elementals was all size and little substance. So she needed to get breach closed... and in order to do THAT. She needed breathing room. Knowing the Kalashtar’s thoughts, Nova ducked her head.

Twisting on the spot, Capacitance filled the space around her with crackling energy. Or more specifically, she filled the space of a sphere 31 miles in diameter with crackling energy. Needless to say, anything that was not Nova within that area was completely disintegrated. Including a Puissance Elemental that had someone actually made it to them. Knowing that this would only bring her several seconds at best, Capacitance swiftly turned to the rift.

Technically, you should not be able to grasp a trans-dimensional rift in the universe that led directly to pure entropy and was in a state of quantum temporal flux. But as Capacitance called on the unending power of The Stellarator and began feeding its overwhelming power into her hands as well as the temporal stabilises attached to the suit... she was very much able to do so. Admittedly, some of her precious few seconds were lost as she was left breathless as the power of The Stellarator flowed through her. The miniature Dyson-Sphere filling her was so much blazing energy that it felt like every cell, nay every atom of her being had turned into nothing more than pure plasma that was blazing with the heat of the greatest stars! But Capacitance was used to the experience by now and gritted her teeth. Shaking off the mixture of breathless power and excruciating agony in order to step forwards and grasped the rift.

Instantly the world around her began to shift and warp. Up becoming down and down becoming in and in becoming left. Time started to run backwards and stalled and jumped forwards all at the same time. Her stabilises seemed to constantly flicker from shining brighter than a thousand suns to be as dead and black as a dark hole. As she was still able to think in a slight coherent manner, however, Capacitance knew that they were working as slowly. Every so slowly she began to bring the edges of the rift together. The electricity flowing through her body sparked outwards, circling around the rift in order to create a whole circuit that was stabilising it. Working to ensure that it would not spread out any further as inch by inch the edges came together...

Until finally, they touched.

In an instant, the rift vanished. Capacitance staggering forwards as reality corrected itself sharply, the monsters that had been swarming Nova and the Black Pearl - which she could actually see again - were gone, like they had never existed... and for more, it likely WAS like they never existed at all. Gravity returned to normal, and as they had actually been in the orbit of a planetary body Capacitance felt in begin to pull her in. That wasn’t an issue, all she needed to do was fire up her thrusters and-


Her suit was dead.

There was a brief moment of panic before a pair of red wings appeared in her visions. Nova’s claw wrapping firmly around her, the red dragon’s powerful wings pulling them back, out of the gravity’s grasp in order to fly back to the ship. No, Capacitance did not know how Nova could fly in the midst of space without anything to push against with her wings... she was just very glad she did as they landed on the deck. Capacitance collapsing down onto one leg as the lights of her suit slowly began to flicker back on.

“Status report!”

“No residue of the quantum temporal fluctuations detected, it seems that closing the rift with brute force did the job perfectly. The scanners are currently busy sweeping the nearby star-systems for any signs of the creatures as we speak. Sadly the stabilisation wave didn’t just knock out the temporal anchor and all the stabilisers, but the quantum warp scanners as well.”


“Oh and our agent on Earth is reporting that a significant portion of people seems to be having nightmares, through these nightmares have no rhyme or reason and exist simply to make people uncomfortable. He’s tracked the source to a Gramaritic device placed in orbit, and is awaiting your orders.”

“Om mydd la.” Capacitance growled, low and savage as her hands sparked in fury, the lights of her suit swiftly flickering back to life as she forced it to reboot faster. “No one messes with our home. Malicious, Nova. Get the Black Pearl to full capacity against as soon as possible. In the meantime, I’m going to see whoever thought it was a good idea to screw over an entire planet.” Before the two could even nod, Capacitance vanished.

Even before the two could even finish nodding, Capacitance was in the chambers of a ship, a ship that was part of an entire fleet of ships. Chambers which was currently the meeting place of many strange and unique individuals whose power rivalled gods. An a particular being that currently had a blaster jammed under their chin by Capacitance, and they might also notice the device had been destroyed.

“Give me one good reason not to blow your nurh head off for that pothoc trick you pulled in giving an entire world sleep deprivation for several days!”

2017-06-11, 01:10 PM
Amalgam turns his black eyes on Jonas, brief flickers of Jonas's own dreams crossing over them as the echoes resonate with their origin. "And I am Amalgam. The matter is simple, Jonas Harken, and yet complex beyond description. A doom approaches this world, one that will swallow all things and bring existence itself to an end. Only by finding the source of this calamity before it becomes irreversible can the end of days be averted. We are great in power, but limited in other ways; you possess many eyes that answer to you and can be in many places at once, and we would turn those eyes into our scouts."

Silently, he speaks into Jonas's mind telepathically.

And there is more, Jonas Harken, for you and I are alike in a singular way. Both of us are beings of ourselves, and yet also but the tiniest fragments of a far greater and mightier whole. Your fleets may suffice to find our goal, but we will need phenomenal power to hope at resolving it. We may need all the City has to offer to this end, and you must persuade it of the importance.
"So there's a giant monster eating all the planes, but you can't find it, so you want me to split my fleet?" Jonas replies, dumbfounded, growing only more so at the follow up telepathic comment. He seemed to have taken Amalgam literally, be it for better or worse.

"Sorry about that, but there's a bit of a problem with your plan...?" Jonas replies somewhat hopelessly as he begins to recover from the shock. "You see, long distance communication in such circumstances is a bit... well 'hard' might be an understatement, but I suppose if you can manage that I could scatter some ships. As for seeking out stronger help, I can only suggest we avoid triggering world ending events if we want to save the world..."

2017-06-16, 08:05 AM
“Give me one good reason not to blow your nurh head off for that pothoc trick you pulled in giving an entire world sleep deprivation for several days!”

Capacitance feels a slight force pushing the blaster out from under the Simurghs chin. Not wanting to do another round of interpretive emotion blasting the Simirgh simply gestures to the questioning Jonas and the others hoping that the new comer would be able to infer most of the situation.

With the arrival of the tinker the room contained the most unpredictable individuals that should could percive in this universe, in any universe. The mere presence of these agents of chaos clouded her usually immense foresight down to mere seconds and even then the direct actions of the individuals were probabilties in the single digits.

But when you saw an inescapable conclusion you would rather not come to pass that margin of chaos and uncertainty broke down the absolute determinism and gave just the smallest amounts of wiggle room to maneuver in.

"So there's a giant monster eating all the planes, but you can't find it, so you want me to split my fleet?" Jonas replies, dumbfounded, growing only more so at the follow up telepathic comment. He seemed to have taken Amalgam literally, be it for better or worse.

"Sorry about that, but there's a bit of a problem with your plan...?" Jonas replies somewhat hopelessly as he begins to recover from the shock. "You see, long distance communication in such circumstances is a bit... well 'hard' might be an understatement, but I suppose if you can manage that I could scatter some ships. As for seeking out stronger help, I can only suggest we avoid triggering world ending events if we want to save the world..."

The Master's comments were founded, long range communication was hard the light barrier almost impossible to surpass. The Tinker's presence fed the Simurgh new ideas and equations, the speed of light was impossible to change, the distance travelled was simply hard to change.

The Simurghes hand raises once more and a dozen tiny portals open, seemingly random debris fly out and start assembling into 5 small badges in the shape of a golden scarab. onto these badges she fashioned small inch wide portals to a intermediary demiplane some 5 ft across. From this point on no matter how far from each other they were they were essentially 5ft apart, effectively bypassing however many light years were involved. Relative velocities would still cause issues.

The Simurgh floats a scarab badge to each member of the room, affixing her own to her chest where it stayed seemingly glued

If anyone objects i can put up the full blueprint of how these work. its pretty simple gramarie. It the next magic item thats probably gonna get questioned.

With the badges floating ready to be taken the Simurgh starts work on a second project in a similar manner to the first.

This time a large checker board forms some 6ft to an edge, all of the rooms occupants are aware of the large quantities of magical energy pour into the board. Almost feature perfect statutes of the rooms occupants are ejected from the portals and settle onto the board, they are quickly followed by a set of models representing Harkneses fleet.
As the models settle the checker board turns black projecting up a map of the local star systems. The models scale to their correct size and position themselves.

With another wave of her hand the view zooms out showing the local super cluster. and continues to zoom out until a portion of the board suddenly disappears. A hole in reality. Nothingness. This was the best image of it she could manage.

She looked at Harkness as she highlighted the fleet and the party assembled and drew a line from them to the solar system nearest to the hole.

A note resonated, it was an uncertain one, a new sensation for the angelic construct.

2017-06-18, 12:12 PM
Having received mgitech transponders, Jonas once more calls in lackeys, sending them off to disseminate the transponders throughout the fleet before dispersing into the vastness of the astral and material planes as they sweep for anomalies. At present only a mere 700 ships remain in the fleet to help if need be in entertaining their guests.

I have a class ability that gives me as starship, but gives me no details. FTL and instantaneous transit's pretty standard for starships, right? :smalltongue:

2017-08-15, 07:29 AM
Two effects instantly occur

The temperature rises by 18821800° F
An entire observable universe worth of atomic particles swirl around the room and everyone takes 7.94742E+12130 d6 slashing damage.

2017-08-15, 03:44 PM
Fair enough this is very dead.

I would be half wiling to figure out if that actually killed me but half the classes i have are, for better or worse, no longer available as the boards that hosted them are no longer with us.

Is the damage in one hit or lots of smaller hits?

2017-08-15, 07:48 PM
its swarm damage

2017-08-15, 08:08 PM
the hell is swarm damage?

2017-08-15, 08:46 PM
the damage that a swarm of creatures deals when it enters your square