View Full Version : Reincarnation Wars : Beyond Is Now

2017-04-27, 09:56 PM
Reincarnation Wars
India : Three Thousand Years Ago
The Temple is thick with the air of the jungle. Snakes slither through the wilderness, but none dare to enter the Temple. It's too holy. A magical well of green energy is within the center of the massive temple, with strange robed men looking after the grounds. Similar to the temple of Angkor Watt, this place has been watched over for two thousand years. Circling the Well Of Souls are the robed figures, worshiping the Well as some kind of mystical god. The Well of Souls is prophecied to speak to the priesthood for the first time in two thousand years. Many of these individuals are clothed in meager robes, while others have the dress of peasants or commoners.

Yet outside the Temple is a great city. To the north there is a habitat for the Priests, to the West there is the city, the city of Krong. The High Priest takes a deep breath of air, then grows feint. Suddenly, he collapses, as he breathes in the green mist flowing from the Well Of Souls.

Present Day
No city. No Temple. In this exact same spot lie mere vegetation and one of the much smaller mystical rivers of India. A solitary hermit lives in a hut on a hill. This man knows great magical secrets, and as he sleeps in his bed, he sees the Awakened being taken from their sleep, their work and their lives in general. It came. It came with silence, an invisible force, rippling in the air like disturbed water. Suddenly, you were there. In the Temple. Three thousand years ago.

2017-04-27, 10:24 PM
Ashley woke from her sleep and couldnt remember where she was. It didn't look familiar. Her head felt,groggy and she felt a little dizzy. Then suddenly she gasps. "Oh my... Was last night the church retreat... Did I get... Oh no I need to get out of here."

2017-04-27, 10:39 PM
Vivian lay dozing on the ground, dressed in a Aeorsmith T-Shirt that was just starting to pass the line between well-worn and worn-out, along with some cherry-print flannel pajama bottoms. She'd called out of work this particular day, taking some personal time to catch up on her sleep schedule, and it appeared not even getting yanked out of time and space had been enough to interrupt her rest.

2017-04-27, 10:54 PM
The shock of the sudden change in local jolted John dislodging the shotgun from under his chin as he pulled the trigger firing loudly, but harmlessly, into the air.

The noise shocked the voices and for a brief moment all John could hear was the ringing of tinnitus.

The feminine voice that had identified itself as domino was the first to break the blissful silence, "And I was expecting a simple misfire.."

The voice that had been egging him on to pull the trigger interjected "Physical and temporal teleportati-buuuurp-. P-points for style on the dodge but massive deductions for messing up the follow through."

"Listen, just breath, ignore them, everythings going to be fine" John recognized the voice of international singer-writer david bowie, his words failed to calm him somehow.

The whimpering voice continued to moan "oh god if only you all knew".

John opened his eyes, dropping the now spent shotgun to the floor as he saw the robed men circling the well, "Great Old One! Im in hell!"

2017-04-28, 05:42 AM
YAAAWWWN... that's not good. IS THIS A DREAM? I WANT OUT, PLEASE!? yells Stephen wearing nothing but his pj bottoms that look like jeans, and a shirt that has aquaman yelling "Marco?" and then in the background is the original Jaws yelling "Pollo!"

2017-04-28, 06:17 AM
After having a tiring day at work he slept in his work clothes. Waking up groggy he felt that something was off. Then it hit him. He wasn't in his apartment. He was in some strange temple looking place. Muttering to himself Must of gotten myself drunk without me realizing it need to hurry to get to work. He gets up and tries to find a phone in the middle of the temple.

2017-04-28, 08:38 AM
The priests bow to the well, all speaking in English, which, if you had any idea where you were, would be your second clue that something extremely wrong is happening here. All of you also discover you are in normal every day clothing instead of your night wear. The souls within you, you sensed them stirring within you.

"Oh Well Of Souls, you speak to us in grace."

"Hail The Well Of Souls".

2017-04-28, 08:45 AM
What the Well of Souls? Now I know they are crazy. Wait what's that stirring please tell me I'm not going to puke. He decides to try to find a bathroom just to be safe if there isn't one in the temple he'll go outside.

2017-04-28, 08:58 AM
Huh. I'm a god or something? Cultists and the like? Meh says Stephen.
He's eighteen. I think pjs are his normal clothing.

2017-04-28, 09:12 AM
Vi's forhead scrunched into a wrinkled frown as she stirred slightly, letting out a very dissatisfied groan. "Seriously?" She mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes and the bridge of her nose with her index finger and thumb, trying to physically push back the oncoming headache she felt forming. She opened her eyes finally, and immediately regretted the decision, the bright light hitting her hard and sending another jab of pain through her tamples. "Sonofa...who left the high-beams on?". A few seconds passed before she tentatively tried peeking out through a gap in her fingers, letting her eyesight adjust to the lighting. Disoriented and groggy, she managed to get to her feet without to much effort, and waved a dismissive hand at priest "Yeah whatever buddy, I'm not listening to your cult's little recruitment packet without a cup of coffee in me".

Vivian stretched a little, yawning widely as she did, before running a finger through her hair. it was only as she dislodged a few lose twigs and branches that her bed-head had snagged from the layer of fallen foliage that carpeted the jungle floor that the gears started turning in her head. "Oh boy...really hope this is a dream."

2017-04-28, 09:57 AM

"Are you the gods? Varuna? Indra? Hanuman?" The priests asked them. These were not the gods of Hinduism as the locals would later come to know, but gods whom took the names of the local deities. The local city believed that these gods were their own, yet they were not. For two thousand years, the priests had been waiting for the gods Varuna, Indra, Hanuman and Ganesha to teach the city of Krong to become the City of Gods. Krong it'self was worshiped as a living god, as was the Well Of Souls.

2017-04-28, 10:12 AM
Robert replies I am the deity Shiva now what purpose did you summon me for? Robert figured if they considered them to be deities he could use that to his advantage. He called himself Vishnu because that is the only deity he knew about and didn't want to blunder his impersonation.

2017-04-28, 10:16 AM
The question was unexpected, but the wise words of Winston Zeddemore had long ago prepared Vi for this exact moment. "Yes, I am definitely a god. Your god demands coffee, and a fresh doughnut with white frosting and sprinkles"

2017-04-28, 12:28 PM
Make that two coffees! Your god has an important computer science project that needed to be done by a week ago, and I don't think this dream is gonna last much longer. says Stephen as he starts to lie back down.

2017-04-28, 01:30 PM
"Shiva! And who are the others?" They asked about the other five men and women there. "What is coffee? What are doughnuts?' The priests asked. The elderly among them, one who looked like he was in his eighties stepped forward. "Enough. These are our guests." He sighed. "Look, I know what you're trying to do, and it isn't going to work. This is a Temple, not a Starbucks."

2017-04-28, 01:50 PM
Robert replies Well fellow deities do you want to introduce yourselves or shall I? He is loving the fact he chose the deity of dance maybe he'll be able to show some of his moves to them maybe even do some tango he took some lessons on it it would be fun to show them off. He however wants to be vague so that if they seriously believe he is a deity he can not anger them by revealing he isn't. He would of loved to go along with the joke but he didn't know how circumstances and so couldn't risk it.

2017-04-28, 02:05 PM
Vi gave a smile and nod to her fellow coffee-craving companion, in the universal sign of 'this guy gets it'. By comparison, Mr.Shiva seemed way to into this weirdness. Thankfully, Vi was happy to see one of the old-guys had evidentaly gotten irked enough to break character and drop the LARP act enough to give her a scolding. Not that it actually disuaded her or anything, really it was a point of pride. "Wow, barely been here two minutes and gramps already has my number. Since your so on the ball, mind filling me in on my plan? It'd be way easier than me having to make this up as I go". Her words were meant as a slight barb, since Vi still had no clue what was going on, and wasn't even sure this wasn't some dream, so she had no intention of taking it seriously until at least one of those factors changed.

2017-04-28, 02:23 PM
Roj Avarya
"None of you know what's going on. These people don't either. I'm Roj Avarya. I've lived in India, the modern one, on again and off again for fifty years." He sighed. "This is the time of my ancestors, three thousand years ago." A woman stepped forward. "Look, this is not the time to play God just because these people think you're one. This is the Well Of Souls. India, Japan and the Celts discovered Their own Well of Souls around this time. The truth is that you are the recipients of powerful magic and other blessings from past lives. Within another minute or two, you will begin to know for sure what's happening to you is utterly genuine."

2017-04-28, 02:25 PM
After a chuckle, Stephen proclaims: I am Nim-nahareth! Lord shadow! Now that that's over with this dream can end.

Stephen then starts to pinch himself to no avail.

((Sorry, posted right as Arleamon did, making my post-eamon speech now))

The past? I'm a man of science, and if my smart phone can't last five hours, I think we're pretty far away from time travel. Okay Jared, is this a prank? Come on now!

2017-04-28, 02:43 PM
Roj Avarya
"None of you know what's going on. These people don't either. I'm Roj Avarya. I've lived in India, the modern one, on again and off again for fifty years."

He sighed. "This is the time of my ancestors, three thousand years ago." A woman stepped forward. "Look, this is not the time to play God just because these people think you're one.”

Vi crossed her arms, feigning disappointment “I don’t know, sure sounds like the right time to play god.”

This is the Well Of Souls. India, Japan and the Celts discovered Their own Well of Souls around this time. The truth is that you are the recipients of powerful magic and other blessings from past lives. Within another minute or two, you will begin to know for sure what's happening to you is utterly genuine."
“Do any of the other Well’s have Starbucks?”

After a chuckle, Stephen proclaims: I am Nim-nahareth! Lord shadow! Now that that's over with this dream can end.

“That’s a heck of a mouthful. I hope you have a nickname or something, or I’m just going to start calling you Ned”

Stephen then starts to pinch himself to no avail.
The past? I'm a man of science, and if my smart phone can't last five hours, I think we're pretty far away from time travel. Okay Jared, is this a prank? Come on now!

“If it is a prank, I’m going to make Ashton eat his camera” Vivian commented, looking around again. “Name’s Geralt” Vivian said, before freezing up “No, that’s wrong…sorry, Names Harry. Er…Wait…Vivian?” Despite a moment ago having total certainty in her identity, Vivian suddenly found her memories getting cluttered. That wouldn’t be a huge problem, if most of said memories weren’t men. That…that was certainly a new sensation. "I think I need to sit down..."

2017-04-28, 02:48 PM
Ashley looks around at the strangers claiming to be gods... "So then what is going on Mr.Avarya.
My name is Ashley Grimm, Head Cheerleader, Leader of my Youth Group at Church, and Class Valedictorian.

2017-04-28, 02:52 PM
Yeah right and I'll have a watch stuck to my wrist wait no that's not right I don't have a watch where did this come from? Anyways It's been shown that time travel can't exist from scientists a whole lot smarter than me grandfather's paradox and all that. Man does that hurt.I'll stick with the name Shiva as it looks like people who try to say their own name get it confused for fictional characters. without realizing it he starts gliding around the room instead of walking. He is suffering a deep headache as four different sets of memories are pumped into his head. so that i an omnitrix huh

2017-04-28, 02:53 PM
Name is Howard the Duck... wait no it's Stephen. Where did I get Howard the Duck from?
That movie was awful.

2017-04-28, 04:19 PM
Robert wanted to text this out and a voice was telling him to do so. So he created a hallucination and used it upon everyone in the temple.

Everyone saw the god Shiva and saw him in a meditating position and felt immense hope joy and reverence. The god said All who see my form know it is I Shiva and I am here to show that this mortal has my soul within him I only show myself to those I deem worthy and will refrain from using my power for the most part. All I ask is for you to help pursue his goals.

You see Robert playing with his omnitrix while standing in the middle of the room.

2017-04-28, 04:38 PM
Roj Avarya
"Look, that's not going to work here. All of them are extremely powerful illusionists. The only reason they don't know you're spouting bull about being gods is they haven't actively thought of a reason to find out for themselves." Roj laughed. "There's a problem in the space time continuim, in which I can see through. You have to earn your way out of the temple and I'll protect the priests. There's a powerful threat to the city of Krong."
A visionary cloud was formed in the air with a wave of Roj'es hand. The city was under assault by hundreds of thousands of Orcs, Goblins and Trolls. It wasn't just any army of Orcs and trolls, however, it was Sauron's. A lidless eye, yes wreathed in flame loomed over the horizon.

2017-04-28, 04:43 PM
Robert replied Well so we need to escape is what your telling us. So what's blocking me from just running out of here? And if that's impossible how do we earn our way out?

2017-04-28, 04:54 PM
"No Robert, you must save the city. I must protect the priests and you all must go. There is a greater threat even still to the temple coming from the wicked skies." A wicked scream was heard from the skies. It wasn't the Nazgul. It wasn't the Witchking or Sauron. It was. . . Lucifer. The energy grew around the area, no one could feel it but the priests. They could all sense what was happening. The destruction of Krong. Suddenly, Roj simply gestured, and all the heroes and protagonists were outside the Temple, on the bridge between the Temple and the City of Krong. The Rajputs were slaying scores of Orcs before even taking a scratch. The soldiers were firing their arrows, elephants were smashing little goblins like grapes. The Easterlings were closing in, however.

2017-04-28, 05:03 PM
Robert was taken aback about the recent development but he tried to stabilize himself with the help of Nathan Bliss and relied Crap even with my powers I can't think of a way to defeat someone like sauron or lucifer. It's clear with the advantage of the skies Lucifer will be able to take out more men so the first one to be eliminated shojld be lucifer however Sauron has great sight so will be able to warn lucifer about our plans if we are too open about it. the minds of Nathan Bliss and Farbian Cortez were working inside him trying to come up with a plan to defeat either of them but not being able to without knowing the means to destroy them.

2017-04-28, 05:15 PM
Mister Lancaster
He turned to them. "I can sense through the Force that the only one we are capable of even threatening is Sauron. We must defeat Sauron, Roj will deal with Lucifer." He sighed as Plageuis. "I, Merlin have the power to defeat Sauron, despite technically being one of the weaker of us. Keep me alive until I can use my incantation for you. Now Sauron is approaching the city in the form of a Great Eye. Once he is near, he will no longer be a Great Eye, but a man."

2017-04-28, 05:19 PM
Stephen laughs for a good ten seconds.
Sau... Sau- bwa hahahahahaha! He was a squatting shirtless guy, and now we have to defeat- HHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, but- HAHHAHAHA

2017-04-28, 05:20 PM
"If that's the case, I'll keep Ol' Scratch off our backs" Vi said. She then looked around for a moment, before realizing the words had come out of her mouth. Now, she didn't want to do it, but at the same time, she couldn't just stand by and do nothing either. "But there better be coffee afterwards"

2017-04-28, 05:26 PM
Merlin sighed. "Are none of you listening. Sauron is the concern here. We can't do anything about Lucifer." No one had managed to breach the city walls yet, however. This massive city, stricken from all records of history, including religious history, had as many people as ancient Babylon. It's walls were just as impressive. Fellbeasts soared through the air breathing down green colored fire on the defenders, as arrows flung at their feathery wings.

2017-04-28, 05:32 PM
Okay, only because this is the most crazy and bada** dream I've ever had, I'll take this seriously. Now, does anyone have a rapier? For some weird reason I think I know how to use it. says Stephen.

2017-04-28, 05:33 PM
Merlin sighed. "Are none of you listening. Sauron is the concern here. We can't do anything about Lucifer." No one had managed to breach the city walls yet, however. This massive city, stricken from all records of history, including religious history, had as many people as ancient Babylon. It's walls were just as impressive. Fellbeasts soared through the air breathing down green colored fire on the defenders, as arrows flung at their feathery wings.

"Yeah, I hear you. But if they are on a team or anything I don't much expect Louie to just sit there and watch either" Vi pointed out. "Don't have to beat him, just need to keep him off everyone else's back." She clenched her fist and cracked a wide smile "Being a hero means putting your life on the line"

2017-04-28, 05:34 PM
Ashley blinked confused. "Sauran. Sounds like a bad thing. Ill help if I can."


"How did the likes of us become this prissy muggle..."

"Ah this should work."

"Watch yourself little one. These are some powers at be and I am not waiting to be awakened again."

The sound of voices in her head sent Ashley shooting her face around. She felt some things on her that she didn't remember. Examing them... A metal rod... A wand?.. And a fancy staff...

She shook her head and put them down on the ground.

"So what do I do?"

2017-04-28, 06:54 PM

"Listen, we need to get to the city and challenge Sauron. He's nearing the city moment by moment, still in his giant fire eye ball form, and we need to get to the gates soon. Do I know why they all speak English? No."

2017-04-28, 07:21 PM
Ben: I thought it was the omnitrix translating from indian to English
The other voices were hard to understand

If we need to go why don't we go the sooner the sooner we can prepare after all Sharon won't be sped up by us going to the city. Right!?

2017-04-28, 07:33 PM
Vivian voiced in " Yeah, agreed, this is no time to take it slow". More memories came rushing up, years of training condensed into an instant. "I...I think I can get us there through the Never Never. Its not instantaneous, but it should be fast enough from here"

2017-04-28, 07:39 PM
Sounds good we just need to hurry I don't care what means we have to use.

2017-04-28, 07:57 PM
Ashley looked at the others and smiles kindly. "Well how do we get there?"

"Use the staff"

2017-04-28, 07:57 PM
Alright! Let's be heroes! Sauron... crazy dream. laughs Stephen

2017-04-28, 08:00 PM
By the time the heroes were at the walls, the Witch King and the other eight Nazgul had made their presence made on the ground, and. . . Smaug. Smaug, Destroyer of Moria. It was none other than Smaug. The great dragon soared through the sky and breathed fire on the city walls. Was it too late? The Easterlings and Orcs pressed the siege, with catapaults firing the rudimentary stones, and the trolls throwing their rocks against the walls. From within the distance, more terrors could be seen, larger than Elephants, bearing the same resemblance came the Oliphants.

2017-04-28, 08:09 PM
Huh. Vivid dream. Well, all we have to do is find a chink in the armor for Smaug. For the wraiths... a woman killed em' in the books and movie, so maybe one of you fine young ladies could take care of that. For Sauron, all we got do is cut off his ring finger.. you know if he had a finger at this stage. We could try and trick him into coming into a fleshy form.

Stephen then looks kind of astonished.

How did I remember that? And why do i still associate myself with Howard the Duck?

2017-04-28, 08:17 PM
Having heard the bizzare voice again, Ashley picked up the stuff she had laid down as they headed out.

Upon seeing Smaug, the voices went attwiter.

"We have a plan."
"We will make that itty bitty lizard pay."
Several urgences.

Ashley could feel the bloodlust and thrill for battle and fear rose in her.

"So what's the plan?... Somebody said we have one?

2017-04-28, 08:32 PM
Co frowned " Uh, hello? Lady, right here" she said, offended.

2017-04-28, 08:40 PM
Merlin saw that Smaug's breath was already headed towards the young Awakened. "Watch out!" He stated, as the flames engulfed dozens of men around them. The Rajput already flung their chakrams at Smaug's unprotected bellow, and blood dripped from the sky, but the chakrams cuts were only flesh deep. The heart of the creature had not yet been severed.

2017-04-28, 08:52 PM
The voices inside Ashley's head snap at her. "You had your chance. Our turn."

Ashley begins running towards the fire breath and suddenly morphs into a flying dragon herself. From there she snaps at Smaug to goad him and then flies straight up.

2017-04-28, 08:53 PM
Robert felt frightened and like a doe stood in place thankfully he was made of carbon dioxide an imflammable gas which did not burn when Smaug breathed on him. After th breath was completed. Robert said I was afraid of you now you shall be afraid of me.
With his monitors he turns into Toepick and lifts his mask right so Smaug could see. Sounds of terrified screams, agonized wailing, roaring, unholy groans and wails, hissing, and deep demonic laughter can be heard as soon as it was opened.


2017-04-28, 09:32 PM
Vi pulled back her fist at the sight of the oncoming firestorm. Raw power roiled inside her. "TEXAS...." she growled, before throwing a monstrous punch "SMASH!". The punch launched a massive pressurewave of force, pushing back the dragonflies.

2017-04-28, 10:19 PM
Utterly bewildered by the insane scene before him john falters, looking upon lucifer himself he realises that this is indeed hell and on further reflection decides that he probably deserves it.

Both Rick and bowie take advantage of Johns distraction. Rick instinctively reach's for his portal gun. seeing the dragons breath rush toward his current vessel rick shots a portal into the floor dropping himself into it. Bowie takes the chance to morph john into the much more familiar form of ziggy stardust.

The portal opens up above the witch kings flying steed, John, now in the form of Ziggy Stardust, numbly drops out of the portal to land on the back of the steed, narrowly avoiding the gout of dragon fire behind him. He balances behind the witch king who angrly slash at John. The slash jolted john out of his daze as he narrowly leaned out of the range of the witch kings slash.

As the witch king swung back Johns foot lashed out at his hand. Against all odds the sword was ejected from the witch kings hand and sailed in a arc toward john who, stinned with the turn of events deftly plucked it from the air and in one swift movement rammed it through the witch kings face.

Im relying pretty heavily on dominoes luck to carry the hand to hand combat with the witch king and the fact that ziggy is not a man but a bisexual alien to count as not a man to kill the witch king. Through out all this John is very confused and basically working on reflex from his souls.

2017-04-28, 11:50 PM
Huh. Crazy dream... this isn't a dream. S**t growls Stephen. He picks up a sword lying on the ground, then the Dread Pirate Roberts takes control and starts to slash at the nearby orcs.

2017-04-29, 10:14 AM
Witch King
The Portal Gun missed, hitting the fell beast the Witch King rode. Inadvertently a stray arrow from a goblin struck the Portal Gun, causing it to spin in the air and fire at the Witch King and the ground, causing it to fall in an endless loop. Jacob, as Quan Chi, conjured a flaming skull at the Witch King, which, while causing no harm finally knocked the Witch King out of the repeating loop. Jacob transformed into Darth Plagueis, and, taking his light saber, he lept into the battle field, towards this Witch King. He immediately defeated several of the Trolls who found the form of Darth Plagueis to be disconcerting.

Ironically, Toepick managed to frighten Smaug. Smaug's fear was as weak as a kitten. . . it wasn't the fear that caused him to hesitate and land on the ground below. It was the fact that he was afraid at all. The surprise of the attack took Smaug completely off guard. However, Smaug's wound was almost organ deep. He needed to land anyway. All around him massive trolls gathered. An army of Uruk-Hai arrived, and before that many Easterlings arrived, not yet within bow shot. Ashley's fangs landed on Smaug's neck, ripping off scales and puncturing his flesh. Smaug screamed in a massive dragon's roar, and he retaliated with his own bite.

2017-04-29, 10:42 AM
Using bliss's powers he keeps an image of toepick right where he was and changed into Big Chill. He turns invisible and intangible and heads straight through smaug and the moment he was at snail's back he tries to use his frost breath to encase Smaug in ice.


2017-04-29, 03:20 PM
Ashley, after snapping at Smaug would shift back to her normal form and attempt to get under him. Drawing her lightsaber to strike at any point that appears to be vulnerable or scaleless.

If he takes off again, she will morph back into a dragon to pursue him.

2017-04-29, 04:31 PM
Still playing swordplay with orcs. This day has just been inconceivable.

2017-04-29, 04:47 PM
Scores of Orcs and Goblins were slain, along with their Troll guardians from Mister Lancaster's lightsaber blows. Darth Zannah directly drove her lightsaber blow right into Smaug's heart, killing Smaug instantly. The people were lucky, however, the Balrogs were the last unit of the enemy left behind. At that moment of Smaug's death however, the most important threat to the people arrived. Sauron, in all his darkness was there. More powerful than any of our protagonists. Jacob fled the scene and suddenly was gone. An incantation could be heard somewhere behind the walls. "Ah nal nathrack, uthe bebethutte, doth el envay." He was casting the spell, the Dragon Charm, necessary to cause Sauron's magical protection to be taken away.

2017-04-29, 04:57 PM
Finishing off what he was going to do. He turns his eyes to Sauron and transforms into humongasaur with a size of 60'. Figuring a big body like this would be hard to miss. He also tried to make Sauron deaf with boss's powers. He roars and crushes smaug's frozen corpse.


2017-04-29, 05:31 PM
You're doing it all wrong! You got to cut off his ring finger! That's how they did it in the movies AND the books! says Stephen as he charges forward.

2017-04-29, 06:18 PM
Oh thanks for that got a form that can do just that. Franklin says in a whisper but still booming voice. He transforms into kickin hawk still really impressed with the power but feeling like he should probably stop revealing so many forms.


2017-04-29, 06:54 PM
Sauron whipped out with a tangible darkness capable of ripping through the walls of Krong with ease. Countless arrows bounced off harmlessly against his armor, and the Black Hand and Mouth of Sauron arrived on to the field of battle. Merlin's spell was cast, and the Darkness of Sauron fled away. Suddenly, the battle field was silent, and all stared at Sauron for what seemed like an eternity within the span of three minutes. The walls and the rocks of Krong glowed a mysteriously potent green energy. As the energy glowed stronger, Sauron smirked. The Temple was under siege, and then. . . Roj fought with the power of gods, which gods no one knew, but still, he fought with the power of gods. Lucifer was covered in the blood of the priests and his own priests. A curved sword was stuck inside of him, and daggers covered his chest and back.

Roj dodged Lucifer's punches, which tore through dozens of Priests and ripped out scores of innards. Suddenly, the High Priest and Roj were all that was left. Suddenly, the High Priest transformed into a many handed god of war, and unknown war god with the entire city chanting his name for protection gave him great power. Roj slashed through Lucifer's head, unable to cleave his head in half, and finally, Lucifer unleashed a magical blast of energy, causing Roj to drop dead. The many handed god of ripped out the swords and daggers from out of Lucifer, intent on tearing the rest of him apart, but Lucifer screamed with a great roar, resting the god of war's sword from his hand, then cleaving off the head. The High Priest slumped dead onto the stone floor, his Human head in tact, no longer a god, but suddenly the chanting grew into screams.

Darkness fell on the city, the heroes felt the same mysterious presence. The gods from above looked with concern from above. The day began again. Each time you almost succeed, each time you fail. Sometimes you defend the Temple, sometimes you defend the City. Sometimes you kill Sauron, sometimes you stop Lucifer. You never save the city. You all remember this as if it was all a dream, and you awaken.

Each of you find yourselves standing in crowded room with two men that have concerned looks on their faces. "You've all been standing their with strange looks on your faces for several minutes."

2017-04-29, 07:05 PM
HAH! I knew it was a dream! I called it! I'm the greatest DUCKtective that ever lived
Shut up you quack, the protagonists are watching!

2017-04-29, 07:46 PM
Ashley blinks some tears away in stunned silence. "What? None of that was real?"

2017-04-29, 08:01 PM
Ashley blinks some tears away in stunned silence. "What? None of that was real?"

Yep the past few hours was a complete lie. I was right! Why is Deadpool speaking through my mouth?

2017-04-29, 08:15 PM
John starts backing toward a wall scanning for exits,

"Lucifer? Sauron? Who are you all?! Where are we? somebody better start making sense soon!"

Domino: "how did we miss the floor below us?"
Rick:"Oh great how many levels deep in simulation are we."

2017-04-29, 08:23 PM
"Folks. You are the Awakened. It is I, Roj Avarya. Don't you recognize me?" The man looked decades younger than he was, but you could tell the resemblance. A man of middle age, perhaps between forty and fifty looked at you, he had the same mannerisms and appeared as if he could be exactly the same man if he were man years older." He thought for a moment. "The city took you from your lives to save it. It has attempted to keep you all as prisoner for over three days. I was taken prisoner as well, but I am much more experienced and veteran than any of you. I could escape within hours."
"Within three days, you have made one hundred tries to save the City Of Krong. This is the last surviving Priest of Krong. In the 1960's Krong had began to be worshiped again, but in the past sixteen years, out of one hundred priests, only I have survived." said Divit.

2017-04-29, 08:45 PM
Ashley sits down and begins to cry. "All of yhose people..." she mutters. She was stunned by the brutal conflict she kept having to endure. And on top of it, she had plenty of blood on her hands herself. Not only that of the countless attackers she slaughtered or ate but also the number of innocents whose deaths she caused in her recklessness. The voices that took over her are ruthless. They didn't care if they crushed or burned or sliced through dozens of civilians if it had defeated Smaug or the army or the witch king. And the worst part was, in the moment, neither did she.

2017-04-29, 10:19 PM
None of his being liked fighting those men not even the souls that he had awakened with. They only fought since he felt it was the right thing to do with ben encouraging him. Knowing that the fight was meaningless kind of put a damper on his mood. He didn't want it too. The thing is he was stubborn enough even through all those failures he didn't know how many times he would have to go through that for him to stop trying to protect those people in some form. Since he began that fight. So wait can we still use our powers?or can it only be used when we are in that groundhog day situation? He looks at his wrist to be sure.

2017-04-30, 12:41 PM
"You can always use your powers. Not just in Krong."
"Now that Krong is gone, I am afraid that we must fight back. The only way we can stop what happened to Krong happening again is if we gain more power. Right now we're in the United States of America." He takes a deep breath. "Krong has given it's life for you since it's gone now. It understands it can't undo what happened to it. So it needs you to avenge it."
"Off the coast of Maine there is a city I have been investigating that is a micro nation, ruled by an eccentric man of seventy four years of age. He claims to be the reincarnation of powerful fictional characters.

2017-04-30, 12:48 PM
Do we know who some of those fictional characters are? And is the teleportation we were using earlier able to transport is there? Do we know anything about that micronation like intent or even the reincarnated's intent? he asks. Knowing that the answers to those questions could be invaluable in the future.

2017-04-30, 03:11 PM
John: Suposing I accept with the insanity of all this.. Im with the young man over there. What has this septuagenarian done? Or is this going to be a recruitment drive?

2017-04-30, 03:14 PM
"He claims to be part of a group of people who suspiciously sound like the Awakened. There are five known groups of these, but I have never heard of this man before until several weeks ago in the News. If he's really Gandalf, maybe he can tell us what Sauron is doing, he claims Sauron is walking around causing trouble in the back ground."

2017-04-30, 03:24 PM
"I am thou... Thou art I... From the sea of thy soul, I come... Ruler of the radiant moon and dark skies, Nox..." Franklin says Fantastic, Anyone else get another soul? Yeah let's investigate Gandalaf could be really useful.

2017-04-30, 06:24 PM
Well, this is crazy, but I've just been through the most craziest times of my life, so I'm in a believing mood. I'm in.

2017-04-30, 10:50 PM
Rydia (FFIV):
"Don't worry Ashley." Suddenly flashes of flames... A city burning... Her mother dead... Then suddenly seeing fire... Using it to melt ice blocking their way... A thousand other times it comes in handy "Don't worry. When used for the right reasons, evil devices like,combat and fire can be put to good use. It doesn't make you a bad person to fight in the defense of others."

Ashley listens and begins to wipe,her tears. She stands and nods. "Let's check this out."

2017-05-01, 12:02 PM
"It's time to go then. Blackwell is off the Coast of Maine, you can find it on a map here." He points to the map and hands the protagonists a map each. Blackwell is eccentric. Be warned, he can be annoying and weird, but I never thought he would be dangerous."

2017-05-01, 02:45 PM
"You know what. If im stuck in hell I may as well have some fun. Did you want this guy dead or roughed up and brought in for questioning?" asks John as he takes the map.

Rick "Some nutter claiming to be Gandalf? this should be good for a laugh" a mental image of an lanky older man with grey blue hair wearing a lab-coat materializes unbidden in johns mind. Quickly the man is surrounded by an arbies and he drops into a booth. The man, who claims to be called rick conjures popcorn from no where and start munching. "Also get us some booze, Im parched"

Domino "Ignore the old man, we should certainly do reconnaissance, who knows if he in league with Lucifer. At the very least i would expect a balrog there if i remember my Tolkien." Domino slips in next to rick in the booth and breaks out a deck of cards. "up for some Texas hold-em old man?"

Tattletale "They obviously want him questioned, were you not you listening? The dalmatian is right though, event the slightest shred of recon will pay off immensely" Tattletale says as she slips into the booth " Ill play, pokers not all luck, there skill involved as well"

David Bowie/The Sovereign sits on the back of the booth chair in the form of an eagle ,"We should be careful to ensure the others feel useful though, this mission sounds simple enough but there is certain to be instances in the future where we need their mystical talents."

Riot, A new man walks into ricks imaginary arbies, his face is badly disfigured as though burnt horrifically, you can see most of his skull. Then he walks in again, and agian, and again, untill every seat in the arbies is full with him. One copy walks up to the counter and orders 56 number 3 combos and then walks over to the table with the rest of the souls. "Hey guys, Whats up?"

In response to an internal voice john pulls out the portal gun, almost subconsciously, and shoots it at the wall next to him, he reaches into the the portal and the noise of bottles rattling can be heard. when he withdraws his hand he is holding a bottle of Glenfiddich Single Malt which he opens and starts drinking. He looks to the others "Should we do reconnaissance or just drop in shock and awe like?"

2017-05-01, 02:51 PM
YOU SHALL NOT GLRCH! That'll be the sound we make when we strangle him
Be calm! We must find some way to resaon with this fool
I've had mush experience with fools. Reminds me of the time with the little one and his "grand intellect" quite a good story.
Least' I'm away from the walkin man.

Huh. Voices. Weird. Jury's still out if this is just another dream, I'm crazy, or both. In the meantime, we'll track this guy down.

2017-05-01, 05:50 PM
YOU SHALL NOT GLRCH! That'll be the sound we make when we strangle him
Be calm! We must find some way to resaon with this fool
I've had mush experience with fools. Reminds me of the time with the little one and his "grand intellect" quite a good story.
Least' I'm away from the walkin man.

Huh. Voices. Weird. Jury's still out if this is just another dream, I'm crazy, or both. In the meantime, we'll track this guy down.

"Thats the spirit embrace the madness. Were all dead and in hell so it doesnt matter if we die right? Now I recon if this is going to be an ongoing thing we will need some resources, and in the short term we need to send scouts to blackwell to make sure were not walking into a trap..."

"I have an idea for getting us some start up cash quickly. But one of the voices in my head is practically begging to go on the recon mission. If only i could be in two places at once..."

as john trails off there is a quite *pop* as an identical copy of him materializes next to him.

"OH! Thats useful! well then john beta can go with the recon group while john A goes.. on a resource acquisition mission" A broad smile spreads across johns face as he says the second bit.

Grin fixed in place John asks the room, "Who else wants to partake in the recon mission?"

Domino after winning many many rounds of poker "what were our stakes again pretty girl"

2017-05-01, 06:16 PM
Nathan Bliss
Farbian Cortez
Madeline Berry
Ben tennyson

With my powers we can roll the people that notice is and gain valuable power and resources

You should help the man aquire the money needed to supply your group and betray him while his back is turned.

I think you should get what you need to do done so we can get rid of the powers before I kill you.

Being in a team is always smart and a variety of my aliens can help you deal with any problem that comes up.

Night has a reason why it is considered the time of thieves after all. With my powers and a little bloodshed we can deal with this easily.

I think I would be a useful addition to the recon team. So I'll join you. Robert says as he is finally able to hear the voices within him more clearly.

2017-05-01, 07:15 PM
"I'm down for recon." Ashley tries to fake a smile.

Suddenly a white dragon appears and wraps itself around her in a hug type of gesture before fading again.

Morgana is the only one that seems to take kindly to the newest soul. The others seem resistant to the kind and positive presence.

2017-05-02, 11:02 AM
Vi sighed. She could help with the recon, apparently. Yesterday, she'd been a receptionist, highly paid for her expertise in sitting behind a desk and being friendly when people stepped out of the elevator, and then telling them to take a seat. Now, apparently, she was packing the skill set of a ninja, a wizard-detective, and fantasy batman. Her thoughts were a buzz with potential spying options, from scrying to infiltration, summoning oracle spirits or downing psudo-invisability potions (With a mental note that those don't work well on werewolves). Having your own brain supply you with mental notes on it's own was disorienting. But Vi ultimately shrugged "I'm going to go chat with him" she said, hands in her pocket, referring to the eccentric septuagenarian.

2017-05-02, 01:51 PM
The Kingdom Of Blackwell
Entering Blackwell, a small island slightly less in size than the nation of San Marino. The eccentric King James Blackwell possesses an authentic Mansion estate in the center of the Kingdom, several square miles in totality. The Kingdom has Barons, Viscounts, Counts and Dukes, as well as the King. Fortunately for you, practically the entire country is at a feast day, enjoying free food and delicacies when you arrive. He is enjoying a few moments of quiet time by himself near a hedgemaze when you arrive.

2017-05-02, 01:59 PM
Immediately Robert heads towards the hedge maze to talk to blackwell he grabs some food and 2 glasses of wine.

2017-05-02, 02:05 PM
Vivian strolled along as well, intent to locate the King. Her range of senses expanded as she walked. Every bent blade of grass, every faint sent on the air, the distant sound of breathing, became not only amplified but focused. Even amid the crowd, with the cheering commoners and banquet tables, it all faded away into background noise. Even within the maze itself, she found pursuing the King to be no more difficult than walking down a hallway.

2017-05-02, 02:21 PM
((Nothing in there. The King is just outside the Maze)).

King James Blackwell saw the protagonists there, with a smile on his face. "I can sense many of you are strong in The Force. Listen, I've been expecting you, or something like you, at least. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

2017-05-02, 02:40 PM
"Buddy, the stuff you're saying is about the only thing I've been able to understand since I woke up three thousand years ago this morning" Vi answerd. She jabbed a thumb behind her, at the festival "Nice shindig, you celebrating Life Day?"

2017-05-02, 02:42 PM
Phew, fighting orcs all night really leaves one starved! Any eel sushi or calamari?


2017-05-02, 03:01 PM
"We've got plenty of Calamari, no sushi I'm afraid." He states. "I take it you've been visited by Krong? Krong, the god-city of India, 3,000 years ago. No one knows of the City of Krong, save for a few initiated, and that's it. I'm surprised that Krong chose inexperienced souls to fight for it."

2017-05-02, 03:06 PM
Nathan Bliss
Farbian Cortez
Madeline Berry
Ben tennyson

With my powers we can role over these people and gain valuable power and resources

Gain his trust then backstab him.

I think you should get what you need to do done so we can get rid of the powers before my powers kill you.

Tough to tell what language he is speaking in with my translator.

This meeting doesn't concern me.

I understand you just fine. There isn't much I can't understand with a universal translator. Care for some wine? Robert says cautiously waiting to see the side this man belonged to.

2017-05-02, 03:07 PM
Sensing the light side in the man, Ashley felt a hesitance to trust him. She put her hands on her hips where her lightsaber and wand now are holstered on each side. Her staff hangs off her back. I need more discreet ways to hide these. she thinks to herself. Maybe ill get lucky with my next soul that they will have a pocket dimension.

2017-05-02, 05:28 PM
"We've got plenty of Calamari, no sushi I'm afraid." He states. "I take it you've been visited by Krong? Krong, the god-city of India, 3,000 years ago. No one knows of the City of Krong, save for a few initiated, and that's it. I'm surprised that Krong chose inexperienced souls to fight for it."

I understand you just fine. There isn't much I can't understand with a universal translator. Care for some wine? Robert says cautiously waiting to see the side this man belonged to.

Ricks voice slips out of John's* mouth "In-in-inexperianced vessels buddy. The souls are willing the flesh bag is new."

John* regains control of his mouth "Oh god what is he on about... Wine.. much wine..."

John doesnt drink any wine that is offered. It could be posioned. Tattletale was saying it wasnt.. but would her powers work on people with souls? Internally john thought that this was supposed to be recon, not direct contact, most of the souls agreed.

"So Roj told us that you thought lucifer was running around causiing issues" John lied waiting to see if Blackwells reaction leant any insight to the situation for tattletale.

*this is John 1

2017-05-02, 06:36 PM
Stephen is practicing catching calamari in the air with his rapier, then using the momentum to fling it to other guests. It is strangely successful.

2017-05-02, 07:06 PM
"He is, although my purview is Sauron, not Lucifer. I have a guest here who is an expert on that particular utterance of Lucifer. Rather than another Lucifer, he's the professional on the Lucifer your looking for. I am James Blackwell, welcome to the fifth smallest nation on Earth." He beckoned for someone to come to where he and the guests were asking questions."
"This is a not an Awakened, but it is a denizen of the world Lucifer is from, he claims to be an angel."

2017-05-02, 07:25 PM
Nathan Bliss
Farbian Cortez
Madeline Berry
Ben tennyson

Since we obviously are stuck together. Why don't we talk about our goals and make it so we can work together to accomplish them. My goal is to rule the world and kill green arrow or the person who has that soul.

Fair enough. Mine is simple Kill all the awakened.

Might as well. My goal is to Get rid of the threat my powers possess to the wielder.

Yeah that's fair. My goal is to save the innocent and take the wrongdoers to justice.

There is no reason for me to hide this from you. My biggest desire is for unending night.

Robert goes to the angel cautious but willing. He knew the angels were talking inside him and they were trying to work together to accomplish their goals. He liked that but also knew he couldn't let them succeed.

2017-05-03, 05:13 AM
"He is, although my purview is Sauron, not Lucifer. I have a guest here who is an expert on that particular utterance of Lucifer. Rather than another Lucifer, he's the professional on the Lucifer your looking for. I am James Blackwell, welcome to the fifth smallest nation on Earth." He beckoned for someone to come to where he and the guests were asking questions."
"This is a not an Awakened, but it is a denizen of the world Lucifer is from, he claims to be an angel."

An angel?john narrows his eyes. In hell? Also if your actualing telling the truth that would mean that non humans actually live in this world. not just awakened. Can the angles become awakened?

2017-05-03, 08:21 AM
"No, the angel is from his universe, where Lucifer is the Lucifer from the television show, Supernatural." James Blackwell stated. "That's what I mean." He took a bite out of his pastry, a blue berry filled, sugar covered pastry. On his plate, lay some form of delicacy or at least something that was very rich. James smiled for a moment before returning to his meal. The angel turned to the group. "Angels can be Awakened. Yes."

2017-05-03, 09:11 AM
"Maybe this is a dumb question" Vi interjected "But if Ol' Scratch is from TV Land-Verse, can't we just check our-verses wiki page on the show?" She had her phone out, and was in the process of trying to open up the Supernatural Wiki page, when the device made a high-pitched whirring noise, before the screen flickered, and went black, accompanied by letting out a thin tendril of white smoke "Sonofa..." She grumbled, the Dresden-part of her explaining that Magic and Technology didn't mix.

2017-05-04, 09:09 AM
"No. Because the show doesn't have episodes with your reincarnations or you in them, it's fictional. You just know what happened in their universes, respectively. You have no idea what they'll do in this one."

2017-05-04, 09:37 AM
Nathan Bliss
Farbian Cortez
Madeline Berry
Ben tennyson

These goals seem to not conflict. We can order them in the difficulty of the objective and account for misc factors. Like We should deal with Madeline's first since that may aid all our objectives not by reducing our power but separation of the host.

That works beautifully. With that we can work too get her to kill the green arrow and flash soul you want dead.

Finally people are listening to me. I love the plan but I also don't want to die.

Yeah that's fair. We should find a way to remove Maddox or so she doesn't die after we split.

You are very persuasive with our powers separated might be even more powerful than together.

Yes but wouldn't it help to know the powers of those you are fighting and how they have been defeated in their universes? Robert replies slightly happy that his souls are working together.

2017-05-04, 12:49 PM
As a person who has never watched supernatural, I have nothing to add to this conversation, but check this out! says Stephen as he throws a calamari that looks like the tentacle part of the squid, then before it falls cuts in half and catches both pieces in his mouth.

2017-05-05, 06:04 PM

James Blackwell explains the powers of Lucifer in summary, but giving an obvious allusion to the protagonists themselves. "None of us stands any chance against Lucifer." He paused. "Though I might, because Gouken and Shujinko are among the most powerful characters in their respective universes, and possibly a match for Lucifer when combined with the rest of my past lives."
"I have a lot of faith many of you can match him soon, perhaps in several months, a year or two, or even earlier. I don't know when but I know it's soon."

2017-05-05, 07:46 PM
Ashley thinks about all of this and suddenly decides
"Well how do we get stronger? Unlock more power?"

2017-05-05, 08:49 PM
James Blackwell

"There are many ways to grow stronger. Krong has given up living and therefore has given you the last of it's powers to make you grow. You can look for the Wells of Eternity, these Wells possess the souls of your past lives. I can teach you to grow in your powers as well, and that should take a long time, but it can be done. Roj, the man who sent you can teach you such things as well."

2017-05-05, 08:54 PM

"Wait... How did you become awakened if Krong awoke us?"

2017-05-05, 08:56 PM
"Krong did not waken you, it took you to India to save it. The Universe chose you to Awaken, you did however, Awaken just at the moment Krong found you. You Awoke because your past lives found you first, the Universe agreed to Awaken you, and you awoke. There are ways to . . .artificially create an Awakened, however."

2017-05-05, 08:59 PM
Ashley shook her head, still trying to grasp the magnitude. "So there are others? Others that could help us?.... Or others that could be against us? And what do you mean artificially?"

2017-05-05, 09:03 PM
"The truth is it's unknown whether all of these are past lives of yours, some probably are, or if some are the past lives of others who have chosen to move on by choosing you as their champions. You can become more powerful through "artificial" Awakening, meaning someone Awakens you, rather than the Universe agreeing on your chosen times to become one with yourselves. Now, I hate to sound mystical, despite all of my inner wizards agreeing with this."

"Anyway, you grow in power through being taught, or somehow the Universe choosing you to perform some certain task. What Roj doesn't know is that it's not just Krong that tasked you to save it. The Universe has chosen you to save it."

2017-05-05, 09:17 PM
Nathan Bliss
Farbian Cortez
Madeline Berry
Ben tennyson

Now anyone have any ideas to complete the first step?

Well if we get a soul like alucard from helping we might be able go use his powers to get us out of him.

That's a bit chance why don't we just create a serum using a smart alien as a means of getting the knowledge necessary.

Speaking of aliens echo echo might work with his duplication powers.

The others might be an excellent source to aid in that goal.

I have heard of some fictional character's getting souls of their victims if we got one of those souls is that another way of getting more souls? Wow I said the word souls a lot just now. Robert replies slightly happy that his souls are working together.

2017-05-06, 08:25 PM
"Just because you possess souls that aren't yours does not make you an Awakened. There is a certain invisible mystery that must happen in order for you to achieve Awakening."

2017-05-06, 08:32 PM
Ashley nodds... "So what would you recommend we do?"

2017-05-07, 01:51 PM
Nathan Bliss
Farbian Cortez
Madeline Berry
Ben tennyson

Now we wait and try to convince Robert to use the powers that might help us achieve our goals.




... The world shall see eternal night!

Right now the more pressing issue is where is everyone? There is 4 people who just disappeared on our way here. Robert questions the group.

2017-05-07, 03:09 PM
Right here. syas Stephen as he listens to the conversation unfold.

2017-05-07, 08:27 PM
"Im here and there" says John while meddling with a small tube in his hands.

"If we cant deal with lucifer right now then maybe we can help with your sauron issues in the mean time?"

2017-05-08, 06:55 PM
"Yes. . .Sauron has the One Ring. This is why he was so powerful, one of the few reasons you could never free Krong from it's prison of defeat."
"Sauron has the One Ring. We must somehow take it from him."

2017-05-17, 10:50 PM
John looks up from the tube he is crewing together.

"If I were in the habit of asking too many questions I would ask why we need to stop Sauron from doing.... what ever he is doing...."

John pauses to let tattletales powers make what they could of Blackwell's body language before forging on.

"However im not sure that I care, he was the antagonist in his world and I suppose as protagonists in this hell we should oppose him on principle. So the question is, where is sauron?"

As John finishes talking he motions to Stephen pointing into his own mouth.

2017-05-19, 10:58 PM
George Huskisson:

Here. George was listening to the conversation an paying attention but more than that he was confuring with his think tank about what he could do. Especially now that he had an extra mind in there.

"So lets double check this... Barry and Link, good variety of powers, but not that useful to me at the moment. But Tony Stark... Azmuth.... Leo Valdez... Lets see what we can throw together.

He has been fiddling with his toolbelt but finally begins pulling out a number of things and fiddling with them.

2017-05-20, 01:11 PM
"None of you have the power to face Sauron through sheer force. Not yet, you must all grow in power and strength, or you stand no chance."

2017-05-22, 05:46 PM
"Well we are quite new to this being awakened business.. I assume you have a plan in mind to gain more power. Or possibly a description of the mechanics of doing so?"

2017-05-23, 11:04 PM
"I will teach you. i will teach you how to grow in power. Then, you may still need greater power".