View Full Version : Optimization Halfling knifthrower/fighter

2017-04-29, 08:05 AM
Hello im working on a character that is going to be a stronghearted halfling.

I want the character to be a nimble fighter that focus his fighting on knife and mainly throwing

Books i can use is all the complete ones, and most of the stuff in races of books. some of the faerun campaign books is also ok in some case.

what im looking for is some extra tips/ideas in case i have overlooked something

This is an backup character so when i start him he will be at the same level as my previous character was when he died (the party is now at level 2) and wour dm have enough to play us through to level 20.

what i had in mind is rogue swashbuckler and master thrower as classes (1 rogue, 1 swashbuckler, 3 rogue, 1 swasbuckler, 5 masterthrower)
for feats i thought to take pointblankshoot and precision shot at level 1, weapon focus dagger at 3 and daring outlaw at 6. at nine and aboe im not sure, maybe farshot or two weapon fightning.

and for other classes im not sure either, have looked abit at whisperknife from races of the wild.

does it look doable? we arent min max group even if some of us wants to have decently strong builds we are more looking for fun builds.

i know its alot of text but wanted to give as much info as possible.

2017-04-29, 05:12 PM
In the spoiler is a dagger throwing build I've used before, however it might be a little much for your group going off of your descriptions.

Strongheart Halfling or Human
1. Rogue - Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Craven, Far Shot, 2x Flaws
2. Swashbuckler - B: Weapon Finesse
3. Rogue - Two Weapon Fighting
4. Rogue - Penetrating Strike ACF (DS)
5. Swashbuckler
6. Swordsage - B: Weapon Focus: Shadow Hand weapons, Shadowblade
7. Swashbuckler
8. Fighter - Hit-and-Run Tactics ACF (DotU - if your DM is lenient), Targeteer ACF (DragMag 310)- Vital Aim
9. Fighter - Targeteer ACF - Rapid Shot, Improved Two Weapon Fighting
10. Swordsage (for Assassins Stance)
11. Master Thrower - B: Quick Draw
12. Master Thrower - Dead Eye (DragMag 304)
13. Master Thrower
14. Master Thrower - B: Snatch Arrows
15. Master Thrower - B: Improved Critical, Greater Two Weapon Fighting
16. Invisible Blade
17. Invisible Blade
18. Invisible Blade - Improved Precise Shot
19. Invisible Blade
20. Invisible Blade

For throwing builds you need to look into ways to either carry enough daggers (not so good option) or magically generate an infinite supply of daggers (better option). There are three items that can work well for dagger throwing builds with some minor DM tweaking. The first is the Gloves of Endless Javelins (MIC). The main change being changing the javelins to daggers (with maybe a corresponding change in damage from d6 to d4). The second item is the Gauntlet of Infinite Blades (MIC). It can produce daggers, but only 1 per round because of its Swift action activation. The change here would be changing Swift action to Free action. The third item is the Quiver of Anariel, posted in the spoiler below. The change here would be "quiver" to "bandoleer" and "arrow(s)" to "dagger(s)".

Quiver of Anariel

Quiver of Anariel:Quivers of Anariel appear to be typical arrow containers capable of holding a score of arrows. However, the quivers automatically replenish themselves with standard or magical arrows, such that they are always full. Some quivers also create arrows made of special materials, such as adamantine, cold iron, or alchemical silver.

Once an arrow it taken from the quiver, it must be used within 1 round or it vanishes.

Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon, minor creation; Price 28,000 gp (standard arrows), 29,000 gp (masterwork arrows), 32,000 gp (+1 arrows), 44,000 gp (+2 arrows), 64,000 gp (+3 arrows), 92,000 gp (+4 arrows), 128,000 gp (+5 arrows); Add an additional +6,000 gp for adamantine arrows, +4,005 gp for cold iron arrows, or +200 gp for alchemical silver arrows; Weight 1 lb.
Thankfully someone saved this article here (http://web.archive.org/web/20070401150041/http:/ww2.wizards.com/Books/Wizards/?doc=fr_lonedrowstats) since WOTC decided to delete the original posting.

Other magic items you may want to look into:
Rogue's Vest (MIC)
Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis (ToM)
Bracers of the Hunter (SoX)

Non-magic items to consider (you can never have too many daggers)
Masterwork Bandoleer (FRCS)
Knife Vest (A&EG)
Boot Sheath (A&EG)
Wrist Sheath (A&EG)
Smuggler's Boots (A&EG)

Here is some light reading that may help you with the more Rogue based parts of your build.
The Rogue Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?156350-3-5-The-Rogue-Handbook-A-Fistful-of-d6)

Whisperknife is a good finisher after Master Thrower if you don't go Invisible Blade. Defensive Throw and Ranged Flank are the abilities that really stand out.

2017-05-03, 09:51 AM
Tanks alot for thhe tips, will check out swordsage but dont think that one is available but the rest sounds good, and close to What i had in mind.