View Full Version : Strong teams for a pvp session

2017-04-29, 07:43 PM
My group is doing a pvp session tomorrow, where 4 teams of 2 explore a dungeon while trying to find and murder each other. Using just the standard player's handbook, what are some really good teams?

2017-04-29, 07:59 PM
My group is doing a pvp session tomorrow, where 4 teams of 2 explore a dungeon while trying to find and murder each other. Using just the standard player's handbook, what are some really good teams?

A little more information, like characters level and allowed material is required I think... If I give you level 5 options it's going to be less relevant if you play at level 10 for example.

2017-04-29, 08:08 PM
Right--a lot of good builds don't even kick in 'till later levels and won't be helpful before then, and conversely some options that are really effective at lower levels can become much less effective later on.

2017-04-29, 11:01 PM
I knew I was forgetting something. We are playing at level 6

2017-04-30, 01:41 AM
I would try twin half elf lore bards. Charisma 18, Con 16, Dex 16, 51hp, +4 initiave 15AC.
expertise in perception +6 and stealth +9. 4D8 inspiration

-cantrips- VM, thunderclap,
-1- dissonant whispers, healing word, heroism
-2- crown of madness, heat metal, hold person, invisibility, shatter
-3- hypnotic pattern, dispel magic, counterspell, conjure animals

Vs. casters: use counterspell vs. big damage spells, if the enemy is concentrating on spirit guardians or a buff, use dispel magic.
vs. melee: use heat metal dissonant whispers.

Your strategy would be to conjure 8 wolves each, and use your dissonant whispers to proc attacks of opportunity as they run away. Constrictor snakes, restrain enemies, Giant vultures if you need flying, in the MM elk are really good because if you want to nova you summon 8 with a +4 to hit and on a charge their damage is 3D6 +3 each. Become invisible and hide a few rounds to drain enemy hitpoints and resources. Avoid attacks and concentration checks by inspiring each other, and on important saves each can use cutting words for -2D8 from attack rolls.

2017-04-30, 05:36 AM
Somebody needs to have a very good wisdom save and the ability to cast lesser restoration, or a similar de-buff.

Fear/charm at lower levels can wreck a party, and take your tanks right out of commission.

2017-04-30, 10:11 AM
A sword and board paladin 6 with mounted combatant and a moon druid 6. Paladin rides the polar bear, bear's AC is irrelevant. They both have amazing saves, human paladin started w feat, boosted cha to 18. The paladin (and subsequently also the bear) is hard as **** to hit. Both can self heal.

A warlock 3/cleric 3, and a warlock 6. Blaster and tank/healer. Both spam darkness with devil's sight invocation.

A couple clerics. Just outlast.

A couple assassins. Go just far enough in that you expect other PCs to traffic the area, and set an ambush. Surprise attack for (8d6+dex)*2 should take out one of the two fairly easily, making it 2v1.

Just two solid characters. Paladin 6 seems like a strong one regardless, as save or suck spells in a 2v2 are hard to predict and can easily swing the tide of battle. Also NOVA potential becomes much more important in 2v2 pvp...

2017-04-30, 10:55 AM
I would try twin half elf lore bards. Charisma 18, Con 16, Dex 16, 51hp, +4 initiave 15AC.
expertise in perception +6 and stealth +9. 4D8 inspiration

-cantrips- VM, thunderclap,
-1- dissonant whispers, healing word, heroism
-2- crown of madness, heat metal, hold person, invisibility, shatter
-3- hypnotic pattern, dispel magic, counterspell, conjure animals

A sword and board paladin 6 with mounted combatant and a moon druid 6. Paladin rides the polar bear, bear's AC is irrelevant. They both have amazing saves, human paladin started w feat, boosted cha to 18. The paladin (and subsequently also the bear) is hard as **** to hit. Both can self heal.

Take one Lore Bard from Wilhelm. I'd go Fear over Hypnotic Pattern as it makes the targets drop whatever they're holding and run away - your enemies without shields and sword/focus is very handy for when they recover. Added bonus is they may flee enough to encounter another group. Plus Hypnotic ends to easy.

Then take Pete's Pally. Pally 6 will buff their own and Bard's saves and be available clean up once the enemies are seperated from Fear.

Also, interesting strategy: take Counterspell and Sanctuary as your Bard's Magic Secrets. Sanctuary is a Bonus Action non Concentration spell. If initiatives work out that the Bard goes after the Pally but before the enemies, let Pally attack then Bard can Sanctuary the Pally, VM the more likely enemy to pass one of their Wis saves (for Disadvantage on any successful attack), and sit back while the Pally is safe from attacks/spells for the round and your team effective negates the enemies round for the cost of a 1st level spell.

2017-04-30, 11:00 AM
For this I might consider a pair of rogue assassins. Keep your movement in stealth and use the assassin features to try for one round alpha strike battles against the other teams.