View Full Version : The Beginning(The Slaying Stone)

2017-04-29, 08:58 PM
A cold wind whips sleet at you and tears at your cloaks. The moon is shrouded behind a gray haze, and you hear wolves baying in the dark woods all around. Against the dusky sky, you can just make out the shadow of a low tower. A lantern burns in one of it’s windows and begins to sway, beckoning you. Your friends chase behind you as you race towards the tower from (your background here)

see title

2017-04-30, 11:05 AM
So do we know who/what is chasing us? Do you want me to make a perception check? It seems like we should have at least some idea.

2017-04-30, 02:34 PM
For a little girl, the cold wind and the travel did not bother her much. She had been travelling nearly half of her life on the road so she was used to it. She merely pulled her cloak close to herself and moved on. Though she tried to keep pace with the rest of the party, staying in the middle with her front and back protected, she for the most part did not rush into things. When the Tower came into view, unlike most anxious children, she approached slowly and carefully, especially when she heard the wolf calls. Her father always taught her to approach any uncertain situation with caution and a calm mind. She tried to surmise how far away were the wolf howls and from the sound of them, what she can surmise of them.

Nature: [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2017-04-30, 03:26 PM
The other party members=your friends

You see 5 ravenous wolves chasing behind you.

2017-04-30, 06:58 PM
Flying a few feet off the ground, Nettle dips and weaves as though it's second nature. He heads in the same direction as the rest of the party, but is also aware that they might not make it in time. The daggers in his hands are, incredibly small, but the moon clearly reflects that he's ready for action if they can't make it to the castle in time. He shouts out in a series of howls: "That is enough! You will leave us alone, or I'll have you skinned and mounted on the wall of the nearest inn!"

Acrobatics: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]

Note: Pixies can communicate with natural beasts (official language is:"You can communicate with naturalbeasts and fey beasts."

2017-04-30, 07:07 PM
Remarkably, Jessica manages to keep her cool. Her father always taught her that in a crisis, one must always stay calm. But she knows time is running out.

Guys! Ravenous woulves behind us!, Jessica yells pointing to the wolves chasing them.

2017-04-30, 07:38 PM
The lantern swinging in the window ahead reflects off several
sets of eyes in the forest around you. You hear low growling as
wolves emerge from between the gray tree trunks. Most of the
wolves look half-starved, and they charge toward you.

One of the wolves looks mildly scared, but is too hungry to care. As you turn to shout, you feel the soft touch of the earth beneath you, and the next thing you know, you're lying flat on the ground (You begin the encounter prone).


Use as you would a chess board. Start in the path, in rows O, N, or M (Nettle, you may start in the grass near the path, in those same rows).The wolves start in O18, K6, L4, C5, and O4. Please print this out or do similar things, as I do not have the skills to actually create these maps.

2017-04-30, 10:06 PM
Wait! Let me try something before you attack them. Devilia calls out before any combat begins, and throws 2 days of trail rations to the three clustered to the left of the trail, and one to the one on the right.

So for clarification, we were just running for funsies at first, and then wolves showed up. We weren't running from anything (like wolves) in the first place. Also, just for reference I'll start in square M10. Finally, I'm assuming that since I'm not really trying to hit anything accurately, just lightly tossing in a general direction, I don't need to make a roll.
But here's an Athletics roll anyways [roll0]

2017-04-30, 11:16 PM
Wait! Let me try something before you attack them. Devilia calls out before any combat begins, and throws 2 days of trail rations to the three clustered to the left of the trail, and one to the one on the right.

So for clarification, we were just running for funsies at first, and then wolves showed up. We weren't running from anything (like wolves) in the first place. Also, just for reference I'll start in square M10. Finally, I'm assuming that since I'm not really trying to hit anything accurately, just lightly tossing in a general direction, I don't need to make a roll.
But here's an Athletics roll anyways [roll0]

The wolves eagerly devour the meat and run towards you, not attacking but simply begging for more.The last wolf, who you didn't throw any to, looks young and strong, and he approaches cautiously

Not so much "for funsies", but to avoid having to camp in the middle of the woods. Remember,
you heard the wolf howls before you started running, and you certainly wouldn't want to camp in the wolf-infested woods.

The wolf that didn't get any orders them to let him have the next that the nice tall one tosses. The rest is basically a back and forth exchange about who gets more. The one who didn't get any is the leader, and his wife is at L4.Please Italic it when you use animal speech, and use color for things you are saying.

2017-04-30, 11:45 PM
Remarkably calm and brave for an 11 year old, even though she is scared to death inside, Jessica waits for the results of Devilia's actions. She herself decides to follow up throwing food towards the wolf who did not get any.

2017-05-01, 06:55 AM
Derg's jowls pulled back into a snarl as he faced the oncoming wolf pack. He and the aasimar Derian had traveled quite a ways to get here, and he wasn't about to let them be torn apart by wild beasts, especially not ones so closely related to dogs. Derg hated dogs.

The wolves would likely attack their smaller members first, so the child and the pixie were prime targets. They would need to be defended before they were pounced on. Surprisingly, Derian was the first to move as she shouted orders to the others and began tossing trail rations away. Derg moved to guard the cleric as she came closer to the pack, hands on his swords as he anticipated their attack.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be unnecessary. The pack was hungry, but not enough to pass up an easier meal rather than a larger one.

"They would've made good pelts." Derg remarked as he shook his head. The hackles of his fur settled down again as he watched the rest of them waste food they would need. If push came to shove, it looked like he would have to hunt down dinner for them.

Derg will start in N12, gonna go ahead and use this as his voice color (maroon, I think) with italics for thoughts, if necessary

2017-05-01, 08:14 AM
The leader barks loudly at the rest of his pack, telling them not to attack. He then yowls at you,"Thank you, friends, for the first meal we have had in months. The wolves of the Nentir Vale will always be your friend." They then yowl (while running off),"Do not attack (your group) for food!"

The wolves then run into the forest, yowling.

2017-05-01, 10:55 AM
Nettle picks himself up off the ground, muttering "I guess that'll show me to show off while flying."

He takes off, flying over towards Derg, talking to him towards head level. "That was well done. I don't think we'll have any further problems with that group- the leader said that you gave them what they wanted."

"Why do you think they were so desperate for food? We're in the middle of the woods; wolves shouldn't be attacking a large, armed group, especially not with someone as, err, muscled as yourself around."

2017-05-01, 11:54 AM
Sardonei Fellmaul hasn't... actually said a damn word thus far. She's been silent since she left with the party, silent when they entered the woods, silent as they began to run just to make it in time. She was silent as she unhooked her mace and stood protectively adjacent to Jessica - she's here to protect her, after all, not that she necessarily needs anything but a bit of muscle - and she was silent when the wolves ran off, mace reattached to her belt. She glances around, wary still, staying close and staying silent.

She's here to protect Jessica. She's here to prove herself. If no one talks to her, she'll talk to no one... however much she might want to.

2017-05-01, 12:11 PM
Uh, we should maybe make for that castle, I don't want to run into anything else out here... especially if they won't just be satiated with trail rations.

Perception roll for castle

2017-05-01, 03:43 PM
Jessica is relieved that the wolves are gone. But even though, she is still as alert as ever. The only way she feels safe is when she is inside the tower. So she heads there immediately, her wand out just in case.

2017-05-01, 04:10 PM
It was the strangest sensation to have another being flying around his head. Derg had never actually met a pixie before Nettle, so his...eccentricities were still entirely new to the gnoll. How could you speak to wolves? Then again, his own clan often spoke with the caged hyenas of Aslen. Maybe it wasn't so absurd.

"That was Derian's idea." Derg corrected, settling into pace behind the cleric as they made to follow the mage-child again. "You saw how readily they accepted our food; gift's taken from an enemy. They must be terrible hunters."

Well, that wasn't quite right. Even Derian had been an enemy at one point in time. Derg was still getting used to the idea of cooperation with those outside of the pack.

"Or maybe they had no other choice. There might be greater things than wolves in these woods."

Nature roll to see what Derg can figure out about this forest just before leaving it.

2017-05-01, 06:48 PM
oops just realized I messed up the dice roll for the perception check, here it is [roll0]

2017-05-01, 08:03 PM
onlie2005: Could I make it so that Johan was hired along with you, and that you were captured along with Sardonei, who you commissioned while stopping for gear.
Monolilith: see my note for onlie
Kirjath: You can discern that they’ve gone hungry for a long time, 2 days before Jessica started her quest with Johan.
Sid: The roll wasn’t necessary, as the castleTower is right in front of you.

2017-05-01, 09:37 PM
Oh it's a tower, got it, but can I see through any windows or notice anything suspicious. Does it show signs of habitation or is it abandoned... etc.

2017-05-01, 10:02 PM
Oh it's a tower, got it, but can I see through any windows or notice anything suspicious. Does it show signs of habitation or is it abandoned... etc.

You can see a movement in the only window of the tower, and the light is definitely on.

The window of the tower opens, and a woman's voice calls out, "Come in, heros, as you shall be safe in my tower."

2017-05-02, 10:48 AM
So we all agree that this 100% a trap right?

Oh, hey. Who are you...? Why should we trust you...?

2017-05-02, 02:08 PM
As the door opens, Jessica walks in quickly, as if used to being in the Tower. This had been her home for the last few months. After hugging Lady Treona and giving her the component she had attained from Winterfell she takes a seat in the living room.

2017-05-02, 02:34 PM
Well, if nothing else, this should be interesting. Could be warm, could be food, could be fun. Or could be fight, also fun. So I'll take flight!

Nettle flies towards the open door.

2017-05-02, 04:07 PM
Derg watched the child-mage make herself at home in the tower, apparently giving Derian a silent answer to her questions. All he could do was follow inside, though such large buildings still made him uncomfortable.

2017-05-02, 07:17 PM
Sighing, Devilia gives up and follows the rest of the party into the room.

2017-05-02, 08:46 PM
"Jessica, Sardonei, welcome back. Please have a seat. And...who are these three?!" she exclaims

2017-05-02, 11:35 PM
Oh they just happened to be travelling the same road we were. This is Derg, Nettle and Derian. I think they are adventurers., Jessica said.

2017-05-03, 11:25 AM
Nettle flies around the room. I am Nettle, gibbeter of goblins, defender of the desperate, attacker of orcs. Pleased to make your acquaintance, though I do have to admit, your tower here is awfully convenient.

2017-05-03, 11:52 AM
Devilia gives a short bow My name is Devilia of Fallcrest, a humble follower of Avandra. This is my traveling companion, Derg of Aslen. and gestures towards Derg.

2017-05-03, 03:57 PM
Derg did not move as the aasimar motioned towards him, staring intently about the room as he stood by. He did not know these people, but their tower certainly seemed secure enough. He was always more comfortable letting Derian be the civil one anyways; most people tended to shy away from him.

2017-05-04, 10:26 PM
A regal man in his mid forties descends the stairs to join you. Treona introduces him, "This is Kiris Alkirk. Now that jessica has gathered allies, we can begin our quest. There's an object that we must recover and we need your help doing so. Alkirk is the last heir in the Kiris line, the rulers of the fallen town of Kiris Dahn. I'm not sure if you're familiar with its history, but eight years ago, Alkirk, I and everyone were forced to abandon Kiris Dahn. In the face of an overwhelming goblin invasion, the populace scattered to other settlements or secluded lives. The goblins took over Kiris Dahn and live there still."

She takes a jug of water, picks up a cup from a tray and pours some for herself.

"Before the goblins came, the Kiris line had exhausted its supply of slaying stones, powerful items that used magic to kill the town's greatest enemies. The town had eight of them, and all had been spent to destroy various threats. The goblins came in great numbers, and there was no stone to frighten them off. While studying obscure historical texts, I found references indicating that there were originally nine slaying stones, not eight."

The man finally speaks in a cultured voice, "The stone must be destroyed, it cannot fall into the wrong hands. Treona has devised a ritual to destroy the stone but first it must be fetched. As I'm sure you realize, that task is easier said than done as Kiris Dahn is overrun with goblins. We need you to infiltrate the town, preferably without letting your presence known, and retrieve it for us. You will be justly recompensed. What say you? If you'll do this for us, we'll give you further information and help in any way we can."

2017-05-05, 12:11 AM
Devilia thinks a bit before replying. It sounds good, one less weapon of mass destruction in the world. But what's to say you actually destroy it and don't just turn around and use it to slaughter the goblins? That's something I want no part of, plus you might kill us in the process.

2017-05-05, 01:47 PM
Nettle, who is by this time lounging about on top of a bookcase: Goblins are dirty, filthy things. Coming up out of holes, smelling bad, yech. Worse than wet old food, worse than wet fur, he says, glancing at Derg. Besides, great fun to storm through goblin fortress, smash and grab, take and run, weave and trip, flit and dip.

2017-05-05, 07:47 PM
"The threat of the slaying stones is much more potent than its actual effects. While it is devastating when used against one creature, that's where its power ends. As soon as it is expended it breaks down and cannot be used again. Thus while it is useful to scare an army into running away when you utterly annihilate their commander, it wouldn't be as useful in the situation where the enemy already controls the town."

"Treona, tell them more about its origins."

Treona nods, "Very well, but to explain that we must start with the town of Kiris Dahn. When the town was at the pinnacle of its power, its wealth and prosperity made it a target for nearby settlements and thieves. To guard against any invasion by powerful forces, the then-ruler of Kiris Dahn sought out tiefling weaponsmiths known as the Architects of Victory, who were experts at deadly magic passed down from the last days of Bael Turath. For a hefty price, they created a set of magic weapons capable of slaying Kiris Dahn's enemies. They placed a limit on the weapons, though, to ensure that they would be used for their stated purpose and couldn't be used against the tieflings. The items worked only in and near the town of Kiris Dahn. The slaying stones were created many decades ago. The rulers of Kiris Dahn originally commissioned nine stones though Alkirk and his parents believed there were only eight. Seven of these were used to slay leaders of various invading forces, and one was stolen by a courtier and used in an aborted attempt at a coup." She takes a sip from her cup. "The Kiris family has always held the secret ritual that can destroy a stone. I mastered the ritual after I discovered there was still one stone left. I will not be teaching this ritual as we want proof of its destruction."

She falls into silence as if inviting any questions you may have.

2017-05-06, 08:31 PM
For now Jessica was remaining silent. Part of her was afraid of going back, of going through the same ordeal she barely survived months ago. She still had memories of what happened to her father and the nightmares that occasionally plagued her at night. But she knew how important it was to get the Slaying Stone. She understood that even though the Slaying Stone could only operate within Kiris Dahn but with magic anything was possible. Who is to say that whoever possessed the Stone, with enough arcane training would not be able to duplicate one only one that could be used anywhere?


Lady Treona, do you have any recent maps of Kiris Dahn? Or of Gorizbadd as it is known as now? Maybe using it we can plan ahead and find some way of entering the city without being noticed? Also we could also theoretically use it to map a plan to search for the Slaying Stone?

2017-05-06, 09:22 PM
"In the belongings I managed to bring with me I do have a map." He stands up and reaches for a scroll on a nearby cabinet. He returns and opens it up on a low table for all to see.


Treona takes over, "As for where you might find it, we have reason to believe it likely rests within the old library", and she points at the section of the map labeled 3, "one of the temples", pointing at section 4, "or the Kiris estate", pointing lastly at section 9. "The goblins live primarily on the northern sections of the town, so it should be easier for you to travel through the southeast. All those locations are outside the areas the goblins usually live in."

Alkirk takes over, "There's also a significant population of kobolds in the southern area", pointing at section 2, "which they converted into slums. In fact the whole town is quite run down as goblins just scavenge materials from everywhere. These kobolds are bullied by the stronger goblins, so some languishing rancor may be an exploitable option to drive a wedge in between them."

"As for how you can find it, I have three ritual scrolls that I can give you. These are attuned to the slaying stone, and shows a ghostly image of the item if it's nearby. It's best to use the ritual at the center of a building to search the whole area thoroughly. They require the use of some alchemical reagents, but I will provide those before you depart."

You can discern that it would take a spellcaster of Treona's power to create one of these stones.

2017-05-07, 04:07 PM
"The deal seems fine to me. Derg, do you have any input on the matter?"

2017-05-07, 11:34 PM
Jessica immediately looks over the map. While she is listening to Lady Treona's words, she is also formulating a plan to enter the town with as little exposure to the dangers of being spotted by goblins and even kobolds. She takes into account what she remembered from her experience in the city, especially any patterns in the goblin patrols. Also safe entrance to and from the city and possible escape routes once the stone was found or they needed to regroup.



2017-05-08, 08:37 AM
Derg watched the child pour over the map with...was it fascination, or trepidation? He thought he'd caught a whiff of fear from the small mage earlier, but human scents could still deceive him sometimes. He didn't have much experience with human children either, making it impossible to tell if it was normal to have one so young taking such a prominent role. Instead of speaking up, Derg simply turned back towards Devilia as the cleric sought his input. It was kind of her to do so, but Derg would have followed the aasimar into the Abyss if she thought it was important. She was his alpha.

"If you go, I will follow. We'll turn these creatures against each other and weaken them both; the hunt will be glorious!"

Even if he was sworn to follow the cleric, Derg still anticipated combat with excitement. Old habits.

Gonna make an insight check on Jessica, since Derg is trying to figure the mage out. What is her interest in this place, why is she taking such a prominent role here? Anything he could surmise from her behavior (depending on the roll).


2017-05-08, 09:05 PM
Treona stands up, "If you have no more questions for now, you may rest in the rooms upstairs. I hope they'll be adequate accommodation, though it is rare that I have guests." She smiles at Alkirk, "I don't consider Alkirk a guest anymore, we've been through much together."

You need to roll Streetwise with a +2 bounus.

onlie2005, please discribe this to him.

2017-05-14, 11:51 PM
Jessica continues to study the map more closely.

Jessica seems to be reluctant but in spite of this she is obviously dedicated to the mission at hand. There is definitely something personal about this mission that goes much deeper than duty. Something that seems very personal to her.


2017-05-17, 08:55 PM
Devilia walks towards the stairs, pausing briefly to say to Treona, "It's getting late and I could use some rest, so I will take you up on your offer of a comfy bed. Thank you for your hospitality." followed by a short bow. Turning to Derg, she asks him if he would prefer to retire now or remain downstairs, followed shortly by "Really, it's your decision, no need to rest early on my account."

2017-05-18, 08:08 PM
Nettle flies upstairs. He puts together some bedding in an unused wall sconce, creating a comfortable place so that no one can sneak up on him.

2017-05-20, 09:26 AM
You can't tell anything

Has it been what-two weeks? Sorry, life caught up to me. Once you all reply, we'll keep going. I'll PM people on Monday if they don't reply.

2017-05-21, 05:40 PM
Jessica decides to go to bed. She might be too tired to think of anything of use at the moment. All the travel and the encounter with the wolves can be very taxing to someone so young. So she heads up to her room and immediately goes to bed.

2017-05-22, 12:03 PM
"I will go with you." Derg said as Devilia turned to speak with him. "Comfort or not, I shall keep watch nearby."

Derg watched the others retire, but he was not so quick to sleep in such an uncomfortable and unfamiliar place. As he bid Devilia good night, he prepared to keep watch outside her room. Derg had never gotten used to the feel of a soft bed and found he couldn't sleep in them anyways. It felt like he was always sinking. Cold stone floors or the roots of trees suited him much better.

This was all unfamiliar territory for the gnoll. The group they were traveling with now seemed trusting, and not at all like the usual sort of miscreant he and the cleric would often run into. He wasn't sure what to make of them yet. A small pixie, a traveled dwarf warrior, and even a human child mage. Certainly not bandits, at least. Definitely not slavers. He would have to remain vigilant, and make himself useful to his aasimar companion. At least until sleep eventually snuck up on him.