View Full Version : New Snoke Theory

2017-04-30, 02:33 AM
Darth Plagueis might or might not be Snoke, but the truth is that Snoke, whomever he is, is the Sithari. The creators of the show said that Snoke and Kylo Ren aren't Sith, but they didn't say anything about the Sithari. Darth Bane DID destroy the Sith, but he left two of them alive, so that doesn't count as destroying the Sith. I postulate that there will be a return of The Emperor, Palpatine and Snoke will destroy him, taking over the reigns as the new master of the Dark Side, fulfilling the Prophecy of the Dark Side, thus starting a new order of Sith, the creators of the show didn't say anything about Snoke and Kylo Ren not being Sith at the END of the new trilogy, did they? Darth Vader was a master of the Dark Side, and is Kylo Ren's muse for turning to the Dark Side. Kylo Ren wants to be apart of the Light as well. What if the new Order of Sith simply consists of pragmatic individuals, instead of death crazed psychopaths? They could still be Sith, but if the Sith utilized both the Light Side of the Force AND the Dark Side of the Force, then they could be counted as true Sith.

2017-04-30, 03:34 AM
Then why use SKB to blow up Hosnian Prime?
Ultimately a pointless act of violence if it wasn't intended to let their New Republic Loyalist Senators assume control?

Would have made more sense to plant a tracker on the Falcon before letting them rescue Rey to lead them directly to Luke moving SKB away to prevent it being damaged so they can lead them to the true threat not waste their time being vindictive over something they did in the first place!

Disney ditched the EU going back to it is to be blunt insulting, the story works better if Snoke was the Grand Inquisitor and he knows he's hopelessly outclassed by Luke and whatever plans he has cannot be about being pointlessly nasty!

But who knows for sure?!

2017-04-30, 07:36 AM
First, the Sith'ari isn't canon anymore, so they'd have to re-introduce that, and it's not like it was widely known to begin with.

Second, the Sith'ari is a Sith prophecy. A Sith'ari that wasn't Sith would be a bit odd (not too mention confusing to the general audience, since "Sith" is very noticeably in the name - it'd be like having a Jedi prophecy about a Jedi-ken, but the person isn't a Jedi).

2017-05-01, 10:02 AM
<Dons his tin foil beanie with Rebel insignia.>

Snoke almost certainly isn't the titanic figure shown in TFA. At some point in the trilogy, there will need to be a dramatic confrontation between Snoke and ... probably Rey. Battles between giants and humans simply don't play out well.

What seems to work better is the notion that Snoke is a sort of Oz-like character, lurking behind a big, scary image. So, who is he, and why is he doing what he's doing?

The third arc is certainly repeating elements from the first two arcs. Rey's ascension as a Force-user is very much like Anakin's. Her lowly origin on a desert world, the Starkiller Base, the menace from Kylo -- all of these are clearly inspired from previous movies.

What if the inspiration isn't a meta thing? The destruction of a star system would greatly disturb the Force, much like Alderaan did in the original movie. Kylo Ren was trying very hard to be Darth Vader, but it just wasn't happening. Vader was the one who was meant to bring balance to the Force; Kylo is meant to be his successor. Is Snoke attempting to re-create some sort of cosmic perfect being?

As to Snoke's identity, my guess is Lor San Tekka. Max Von Sydow, the actor who plays this character, has got an incredible career playing big bads. He's played Ming the Merciless, Satan (many times), evil popes, Vigo in Ghostbusters II, and many others. Introducing Tekka in the first few minutes of the movie, only to kill him off, seems like a waste of talent. Tekka's entry in Wookieepedia lists him as a Force priest of some sort -- certainly the type of individual to do this sort of thing.

2017-05-01, 11:26 AM
<Dons his tin foil beanie with Rebel insignia.>

Snoke almost certainly isn't the titanic figure shown in TFA. At some point in the trilogy, there will need to be a dramatic confrontation between Snoke and ... probably Rey. Battles between giants and humans simply don't play out well.

Wait, did anyone actually believe that Snoke was massive? It seemed like a clear reference to Vader's talk with the Emperor, who similarly had a stupidly large hologram of himself.

Darth Credence
2017-05-01, 12:29 PM
As to Snoke's identity, my guess is Lor San Tekka. Max Von Sydow, the actor who plays this character, has got an incredible career playing big bads. He's played Ming the Merciless, Satan (many times), evil popes, Vigo in Ghostbusters II, and many others. Introducing Tekka in the first few minutes of the movie, only to kill him off, seems like a waste of talent. Tekka's entry in Wookieepedia lists him as a Force priest of some sort -- certainly the type of individual to do this sort of thing.

No comment on the rest of your theory, but Vigo the Carpathian was played by Wilhelm von Homburg, with the voice dubbed by von Sydow.

Giggling Ghast
2017-05-02, 12:11 PM
Wait, I thought Snoke was actually Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice.

Or maybe he's Luke, trying to bring about the end of the Jedi and the Sith.

Or maybe he's really Max Rebo, having been scarred horribly from the explosion of Jabba's sail barge.

Or maybe Snoke is really Snoke. What a twist!

2017-05-02, 12:21 PM
I think that, deep down in our hearts, we are all Snoke.

2017-05-02, 01:31 PM
I think that, deep down in our hearts, we are all Snoke.
You are at best like 70% Snoke. Rest is 30% Old Coke.

2017-05-02, 01:35 PM
You are at best like 70% Snoke. Rest is 30% Old Coke.

Your Snokelorian count is over 9,000!
My Snokelorian count is 27,000.

Giggling Ghast
2017-05-02, 01:36 PM
Do you guys want to get #WeAreSnoke trending on Twitter to show our solidarity for the brave soldiers of the First Order who died at Starkiller Base? :smalltongue:

2017-05-02, 02:22 PM
Do you guys want to get #WeAreSnoke trending on Twitter to show our solidarity for the brave soldiers of the First Order who died at Starkiller Base? :smalltongue:

Make it so.

2017-05-02, 02:32 PM
Make it so.
You now 80% Snoke :smallbiggrin:

Your Snokelorian count is over 9,000!
My Snokelorian count is 27,000.
A true Snoke doesn't not deal in not absolutes.