View Full Version : Player Help Best Prestige class for a lvl 5/6 Necromancer

2017-04-30, 02:43 AM
Hi All

This is my first post so I'm sorry if I haven't posted in quite the right place, I'm playing a Drow lvl6 Necromancer the party have ended up doing a deal with Vecna and the campaign has become very undead orientated , I'm looking at going for a prestige class but nothing is really rocking my world I had a look at Pale Master but it just feels a bit meh to me in most places.

Can anyone suggest a appropriate prestige class that is just plane good for a wizard to go for or if possible also is evil/undeady or just evil in it's nature, or should I just stay first class wizard

Oh and we are playing D&D 3.5 in the forgotten realms

Thanks :D

2017-04-30, 03:37 AM
Can you post your build here?

The Viscount
2017-05-02, 12:33 PM
This is the right place for your post. Welcome to the boards!

If you can find something full casting it's nearly always worth it to leave wizard considering the small amount of class features wizard has.

Master Specialist from Complete Mage offers a nice number of goodies for a wizard who specializes. Red Wizard from DMG offers some all-around bonuses and they're certainly not nice guys. Mage-Killer from Magic of Faerun offers some all around benefits as well.

2017-05-02, 01:37 PM
Pale Master has two big points: free Animate Dead makes raising a horde cheap, and Deathless Master's Touch lets you blow way past the normal limit on zombies. Control Undead is also useful for an undead-heavy game, especially if you can then order them to fail the save against the spell version.

2017-05-02, 03:12 PM
I saw this post, and originally though "Drow, Necromancer? Screw it, bite the bullet and go Yathrinshee". Which, in general, is a pretty terrible class, with pretty terrible requirements. In a nutshell, you'd have to be a female Drow Cleric (of Kiaransalee) 5/Wizard 3 to get into it, and it only advances spellcasting (granted, for both Arcane and Divine simultaneously) 6/10 levels. Assuming your group uses level adjustment, that'd max you out for a CL20 character. There should be other ways to get in, and it's pretty much gonna blow anyway you slice it, but it's thematically amazing.

That being said though, realistically, I'd say go Wizard 5/Ur-Priest 2/True Necromancer 13. You end up with divine casting as a 13th level Ur-Priest, which gives you 9th level spells (you get those 9th level spells by level 16, actually) and arcane casting as a 16th level wizard, which is 8th level spells.

2017-05-02, 03:34 PM
Master specialist is usually easy to get into. I have a soft spot for pale master. Wearer of purple can be nice too.