View Full Version : Roleplaying Everything is connected?

2017-04-30, 01:00 PM
Hi. I am trying to make a character concept that resembles Dirk Gently from the Holistic detective series (Douglas Adams stuff. if you haven't read it or seen the series, it's totally worth it). The basic idea is that he is a detective who uses eclectic/eccentric ideas to solve cases. I want to make that character in an Eberron setting, as a Diviner Wizard. What would be an appropriate prestige class? What feats would you recommend?

I am thinking Fatespinner as the level 7 class and the investigate feat. The fate spinner class is connected to the idea that there is chaos and still it is connected. Wild mage slightly fits the bill, but it's about pure chaos, which I would claim is the antithesis of DG character. Feel free to debate that point :). The investigate feat makes him a detective. The divination specialisation also adds to the idea that he is 'investigating' stuff. I plan on taking Collegiate Wizard and Apprentice at level 1 to get him an all round education and then start the detective agency at level 5 mentor with an apprentice to help him along. The problem is at level 6. What PrC should I take there to fill in?

I would appreciate all help!!

(He's not a Psychic BTW in the books as the serial tries to indicate, and I would want to stay closer to the book concept).

The constraints:

1. Divination specialist Wizard
2. Books allowed: Eberron stuff, Core 3.5 and Complete: Warrior, Arcane, Divine, Adventurer
3. the character should be optimised though despite roleplay feat tax. So a loss of CL would be a negative.

Current build: Human Wizard

1. Collegiate wizard, Apprentice, Raven Familiar
3. Investigate
5. ?
6. ? PrC?
7. Fate-spinner?
8. Fate-spinner?
9. Fate-spinner? (Feat? Mastery of Chaos and Order?)
10. Fate-spinner?

Thanks in advance!!

2017-04-30, 01:09 PM
Maybe he have divine oracle too(access to a bunch of extra divination spells and no caster level loss)

2017-04-30, 01:20 PM
Maybe he have divine oracle too(access to a bunch of extra divination spells and no caster level loss)

yeah! It's a good idea, but there is a Knowledge(religion) skill focus tax. I was hoping to avoid that! But I agree that it fits quite nicely mechanically if not in the theme (why would the detective have the divine favour?). if you argue in its favour, I promise I will consider it :).

2017-04-30, 01:22 PM
The religion can be the belief in the interconnection of everything(it make sense for that religion to give the oracle domain)
Alternatively instead you can put loremaster levels(however I do not think it is miraculously fitting either)

2017-04-30, 01:23 PM
The religion can be the interconnection of everything(it make sense for that religion to give the oracle domain)
Hmm. You got me. Is there a way to get around the Skill focus?

2017-04-30, 01:26 PM
The skill focus is hard to get rid off indeed(Unless you use major cheese or use a custom 11800 gp item who gives skill focus religion(custom magic item pricing))

2017-04-30, 01:29 PM
The skill focus is hard to get rid off indeed(Unless you use major cheese or use a custom 11800 gp item who gives skill focus religion(custom magic item pricing))

Ah well. I guess the class it too good to give up. I will replace the level 3 Investigate with SF (religion) then. Thanks! Any more advice?

2017-04-30, 01:40 PM
Alternatively you might just take more wizard levels and instead of spending feats you win feats.
Taking the five first levels of wizard is often not a bad idea.(Unless you are in builds about murdering everything with superior firepower and superior cheese)

2017-04-30, 02:47 PM
First five levels are wizard only.

2017-04-30, 05:50 PM
Have you looked at the Specialist Variant rule for Diviner in Unearthed Arcana? It also appears on the SRD if you want to Google it. It has a few boosts you might like, though you aren't obligated to take them all.
-In exchange for losing your familiar you gain: Sense Motive as a class skill, Identifying a magic item takes 10 minutes rather than an hour, Arcane Eye moves at 20ft rather than 10ft, +1 DC for Divination spells (stacks with Spell Focus).
- In exchange for losing Bonus Metamagic Feats you instead can select Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Skill Focus (Spot, Listen, or Sense Motive).
- In exchange for losing bonus spells for being a Diviner, once per day as a free action you can add your Intelligence modifier as an insight bonus to one attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or level check. You get an extra use every 5 levels.

2017-04-30, 06:09 PM
Can you use stuff from Unearthed Arcana?

There's an ACF in there for Diviners that trades your 5th level bonus metamagic feat for the ability to spontaneously cast Divination spells (kind of like how a Cleric can spontaneously cast Cure spells).

You might want to take the Ordered Chaos feat and/or the Mastery of Chaos and Order feat if you can sneak them in, if only for flavor reasons.

2017-04-30, 06:15 PM
Unfortunately, UA is not in. Also, neither is Fiendish codex. Mastery of Order and Chaos I already mentioned as a possibility. It is a good feat both RP wise and overall benefit wise (-2 to 4 increase in DC is a positive benefit if used non-stop).