View Full Version : Ritual scribing costs

2017-04-30, 01:53 PM
These have almost certainly been asked here before, but have there been any rulings on

The cost of adding a ritual from a scroll or book to a ritual book or a book of shadows. Same as Wizard? Free? Something else? - answered in the phb, whoops!
Can you scribe a known/memorized spell to a ritual book, such as a cleric with ritual caster: wizard? Or would they have to scribe the scroll first, adding to the overall cost?

If there isn't any written rule (or even if there are but you disagree), how would you people rule it?

2017-04-30, 03:51 PM
There is a written rule, in the Warlock sections by the book of shadows it says, and the exacts may be off, but I believe it is 50 gp and 2 hours per spell level. Which is the same as for a wizard to write something into a spellbook (also in the PHB). The exact cost and times may be off as I am away from the book, but it is in there.

2017-04-30, 05:00 PM
There is a written rule, in the Warlock sections by the book of shadows it says, and the exacts may be off, but I believe it is 50 gp and 2 hours per spell level. Which is the same as for a wizard to write something into a spellbook (also in the PHB). The exact cost and times may be off as I am away from the book, but it is in there.

Oh, you're right! I totally missed that somehow, despite reading the book several times. Whoops! It even says that in the feat, too.

Weeeeell, I feel dumb. The second question still doesn't have an answer in the book, as far as I know.

Ritual caster says it must be in "written form," but could you just write the spell down and then copy it over if you knew it from another class, similar to how it shows up in a page in a spellbook? Would seem somewhat paradoxical to have to scribe it once in order to scribe it again. Or would you have to make a magically-charged scroll, such as with the downtime ua?
The book of shadows and the wizard entry says you just have to find the spell, but it does seem like the intent is that they are functionally the same.