View Full Version : Full Metal Alchemist styled alchemist class?

2017-04-30, 03:53 PM
So there's an alchemist class coming soon I guess bet from what I can tell, is your traditional alchemist, not some fancy magic user.

FMA was one of my favourite anime, and I'd kinda like to plan a campaign around a similar idea. Id probably have to design some new things like how transmutation spells work or at least how an alchemist uses them; probably a chimera race. And I imagine actually two types of alchemists with the amestrians alchemy and the xingese alchemy. And id have to balance out "those who have seen the door of truth" from regular alchemists.

Then there's the idea all they need is material components (which FMA state alchemists specialize to use what they find on the battlefield such as Roy mustang) a transmutation circle that can be worn on a glove or hand tattoo, making casting spells easier. I imagine it'd be like preparing spells that way.

What are your guys thoughts? Has this been done before? Is it possible? Can it be used in conjunction with the normal d&d world or would it be too broken?

2017-04-30, 07:30 PM
I wouldn't use dnd for this. There doesn't seem to be an upper limit to what can be done with alchemy. In dnd, the spell most like transmutation in fma is fabricate, and fabricate doesn't do enough. You need a different system methinks. Although it may be possible to make certain characters from fma. The chimera are basically just shifters.

2017-04-30, 07:55 PM
I wouldn't use dnd for this. There doesn't seem to be an upper limit to what can be done with alchemy. In dnd, the spell most like transmutation in fma is fabricate, and fabricate doesn't do enough. You need a different system methinks. Although it may be possible to make certain characters from fma. The chimera are basically just shifters.

I don't know, I was kinda thinking something like a warlock build. Remove casting at full level for the ability to treat one spell as a cantrip (due to the gloves), and again, the elements would need to be present. Spell casting would require more thinking. Maybe give the ability to cast any known spell by drawing the circle, probably treating it like a ritual right?

There's a fair amount of transmutations that are decent. Some could be modified to be more effective, and some spells could be treated as transmutations. Roy mustangs fire acts more like an envocation I think, just more limitations with the wet glove thing.

And you're right, shifters would best represent the chimera, just have to give them more range, and I believe transmutation is impossible for them, but that could just be because they always used some normal lackeys.

The homonculous would get a change too, and be quite hard to make a playable race. Best off staying NPCs I think.