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View Full Version : Roleplaying Reading the PHB while holding scared dog in thunderstorm

2017-04-30, 04:22 PM
Rescue Coton shakes with heavy rain much less thunder and lightning...

Anyway, trying to stay awake to comfort dog when I move from designing NPC party with no humans for fun when a really wacky design comes to mind. Only it looks like a playable alternative to my usual over the years OD&D mix of:

Human Cleric, Dwarf Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Dwarf Fighter/Thief, Human Mage...

Gnome Cleric, Tempest Domain. "Revenge of the slighted slight ones." Tricks with a bite without being a Trickster. The whole first, second proficiencies, the Tempest domain spells through fifth level, martial weapons, heavy armor.... Not sure how it would play out (pun intended) past sixth level but it sounds like lower level barrel of monkeys with rabies level of fun.

Maybe I just need a meal and some sleep. Or would this be fun to play in a campaign?

Honest Tiefling
2017-04-30, 04:51 PM
Only problem I could see with the concept is that gnomes in 5th edition are sometimes forgotten, but not really slighted. Sure, they might not get as much credit as other races according to the SCAG, but I do think that getting upset because your race isn't getting enough credit for gem-cutting might not be taken seriously when you have orc raids, drow invasions, and tieflings/half-orcs having issues with people wielding pitch forks.

Since it is unlikely you are going to be in an all-gnome party, I suggest shifting the focus to helping forgotten people and outcasts. Beggars, homeless, thieves stealing for sustenance, orphans, etc. You would probably have plenty of hooks in a neutral/goodish party and to help them out. They're probably all orphans anyway! And it gives plenty of hooks for the DM to use if he's a champion of the little people.

2017-04-30, 06:48 PM
Only problem I could see with the concept is that gnomes in 5th edition are sometimes forgotten, but not really slighted. Sure, they might not get as much credit as other races according to the SCAG, but I do think that getting upset because your race isn't getting enough credit for gem-cutting might not be taken seriously when you have orc raids, drow invasions, and tieflings/half-orcs having issues with people wielding pitch forks.

Since it is unlikely you are going to be in an all-gnome party, I suggest shifting the focus to helping forgotten people and outcasts. Beggars, homeless, thieves stealing for sustenance, orphans, etc. You would probably have plenty of hooks in a neutral/goodish party and to help them out. They're probably all orphans anyway! And it gives plenty of hooks for the DM to use if he's a champion of the little people.

Only slightly... tongue in cheek. I like the adjustment you suggest.