View Full Version : Teran's Shocking Quest (In Character)

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2017-04-30, 09:03 PM
The small village of Mistvail is situated upon a series of small hills and an open plane. To its west is the Taliesin sea. To the south, and much of the south east, is a fast rushing river, while the Mistwood Forest eventually encompasses the village on all landed sides.

The are several farms which provide a good staple of food, and fishing compounds that. The wild beasts within the Mistwood are often considered dangerous, and hunting is not overly common. Though, when times are tough hunting groups will form. And, of course, there are those who find satisfaction in testing themselves against the perceived monsters of the forest.

A small, somewhat mismatched construction of wood serves as a wall around the village, meant to keep out any wandering animals. At the center of the town was a well, and a wooden post which important notices were nailed too. One such notice described a tall, thick necked man who had passed through Mistvail just under a week ago. He stole a horse and a purse of silver, and fled into the Mistwood. Another such notice was calling attention to the recent increase in the population of strange, sparking lizards nearly the size of dogs- directions to the poster were provided for those who wished to help in arcane research related to these little monsters.

2017-04-30, 09:11 PM
Sarissa is currently examining the wall, making note of the strange lizards. Strapped to her back is greatsword made of gears, with a faint, flickering field around it. She Hrms... as she reads the sign.

So that's where Teran lives... I should go meet him, she says to no one in particular.

2017-04-30, 09:39 PM
A man walks up to the well and draws up a bucket of cool refreshment. When he gets the bucket set stable on the edge of the well he pulls his hood back to reveal... a human.

Or... maybe... dwarf.

Try not to think on it too hard. Save yourself the headache.

"You thirsty, ma'am?" he's holding out a cup of the water to Sarissa.

2017-04-30, 09:41 PM
A man walks up to the well and draws up a bucket of cool refreshment. When he gets the bucket set stable on the edge of the well he pulls his hood back to reveal... a human.

Or... maybe... dwarf.

Try not to think on it too hard. Save yourself the headache.

"You thirsty, ma'am?" he's holding out a cup of the water to Sarissa.

Excellent! Thank you, young... Um... Sarissa says, looking at the mongrelfolk. You know what? I'll just go with young man.

2017-05-01, 12:32 AM
"Heh, yeah, that's about as kind as it commonly gets for me. May I ask what brings you out this way?"
It's hard to tell if he's being polite or actually interested in Serissa's story.

2017-05-01, 01:55 AM
Also intently staring at the notice is a young dwarf with an axe on his hip, he nods and mutters about good secure work.He then sets off to the location mentioned where he could inquire about the details of such a task.

2017-05-01, 07:01 AM
"Heh, yeah, that's about as kind as it commonly gets for me. May I ask what brings you out this way?"
It's hard to tell if he's being polite or actually interested in Serissa's story.

Well, see, I was travelling with my mentor, Bigg. But he, ah, had an accident, and everything got set on fire, and... Well, point is, he ended up heading home to his family, but he told me there was someone he'd worked with once or twice here-a wizard called Teran. So, Sarissa says, I figured I'd come out here, meet the mage, and see what's up. Always a good time to talk to someone else of an intellectual bent,
after all.

Oh, and I'm Sarissa, by the way. Your name? she asks, holding her hand out to shake.

2017-05-01, 08:03 AM
The mostly clean man takes Sarissa's hand to shake quickly before letting it go. "Phideaux, the Small. Though I've answered to a great many less polite names as well."
Phideaux takes a long pull from the bucket.
"I left home looking for a place to master my craft. They didn't appreciate it much back there, heh. May I offer you an escort to Teran? Not much talking alone on an empty road and I can use a reprieve from that solitude."

2017-05-01, 08:05 AM
The mostly clean man takes Sarissa's hand to shake quickly before letting it go. "Phideaux, the Small. Though I've answered to a great many less polite names as well."
Phideaux takes a long pull from the bucket.
"I left home looking for a place to master my craft. They didn't appreciate it much back there, heh. May I offer you an escort to Teran? Not much talking alone on an empty road and I can use a reprieve from that solitude."

Sure thing, Phideaux! Glad to have company, Sarissa responds, smiling down at him. Lead the way.

2017-05-01, 08:36 AM
With a brief grimace, "Well, I don't actually know the way. I figured you could lead and I'd come along to make sure you didn't stumble across anything that needed more than two hands." the grimace turns into a meek smile and a shrug.

When they begin walking, Phideaux takes a moment to visually study the humming gear sword Sarissa is carrying. "That's some weapon! What's, uh... What's it do?"

2017-05-01, 08:41 AM
With a brief grimace, "Well, I don't actually know the way. I figured you could lead and I'd come along to make sure you didn't stumble across anything that needed more than two hands." the grimace turns into a meek smile and a shrug.

When they begin walking, Phideaux takes a moment to visually study the humming gear sword Sarissa is carrying. "That's some weapon! What's, uh... What's it do?"

Good thing the sign had directions, ay? Sarissa says with a chuckle, and starts walking where the sign indicated.

My gearblade? It kills stuff dead. I've run the numbers, and this baby hits as hard as a giant's greatsword-and not one of those wimpy little ogre-sized giants, either. I'm talking the big ones! she says. But don't worry-I only use it for stuff that deserves it. Like this one time Bigg and I were attacked by some zombies in the night-no problem hacking them to itty-bitty bits. But I'd never use it on a person, no. That'd just be cruel!

Although, hey, if you like, I can modify anything you wield to be a bit better too. See, this thing has a built-in powerfield that makes it hit harder, and while I don't quite have the resources to make second gearblade quite yet, I can work the powerfield into anything you like.

2017-05-01, 08:53 AM
Phideaux makes a show of pulling back his cloak. He adds a bit of a walking twirl. By the time he's done it's really quite clear that he has no weapon on his person in any fashion.

"That's a lovely offer and I would accept it... If I owned a weapon it could work with."

2017-05-01, 09:03 AM
Phideaux makes a show of pulling back his cloak. He adds a bit of a walking twirl. By the time he's done it's really quite clear that he has no weapon on his person in any fashion.

"That's a lovely offer and I would accept it... If I owned a weapon it could work with."

Fair enough. Must be a pretty safe town, if you can just walk around without any weapons.

2017-05-01, 09:14 AM
"Whoa! I'm not from around here, my friend! That well was my first stop, had to wash the road from my throat. And I'm hardly without weapon, just no weapon you could modify."

With that said, stretches one hand out ahead of him...

"Name a weapon!" he says with a wink.

2017-05-01, 09:16 AM
Any weapon? Hm... An Iuak (http://www.realmshelps.net/stores/weapons/Iuak).

2017-05-01, 09:33 AM
"An iuak? I've never even heard of that..." Just as it begins to sound like he's complaining, a faint violet glow appears in his hand.

In the time it takes for a mind to interpret the information gathered to it by the eyes, the glow has solidified: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/3/3d/Iuak2e.png/revision/latest?cb=20160326164552

2017-05-01, 09:51 AM
"An iuak? I've never even heard of that..." Just as it begins to sound like he's complaining, a faint violet glow appears in his hand.

In the time it takes for a mind to interpret the information gathered to it by the eyes, the glow has solidified: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/3/3d/Iuak2e.png/revision/latest?cb=20160326164552

Well, color me impressed. How do you do that? Sarissa asks.

2017-05-01, 10:03 AM
The iuak flickers and is replaced by a crescent knife and then a short sword.

"I don't. And I kinda do. See, I harness the raw stuff of souls. I filter it. I shape it. And I use it. I empower it with my own soulstuff. In the case of my weapon, I recalled it's form and function from the souls of those who have used or crafted it."

2017-05-01, 10:06 AM
The iuak flickers and is replaced by a crescent knife and then a short sword.

"I don't. And I kinda do. See, I harness the raw stuff of souls. I filter it. I shape it. And I use it. I empower it with my own soulstuff. In the case of my weapon, I recalled it's form and function from the souls of those who have used or crafted it."

Hrm... That's transubstantiation of ectoplasm powered by memories? But in order to do that... Hrm... Sarissa says, mostly to herself. You're an interesting fellow, Phid. I like you!

2017-05-01, 10:24 AM
"And I'm glad for it! My folk don't commonly hear that phrase. Tolerated is the better word, ha!" Phideaux slaps Sarissa on the back, "It's good to have a friend!"

2017-05-01, 10:27 AM
"And I'm glad for it! My folk don't commonly hear that phrase. Tolerated is the better word, ha!" Phideaux slaps Sarissa on the back, "It's good to have a friend!"

Sarissa smiles back, and punches Phideaux lightly on the shoulder. Please. If I got upset just because someone's a bit of an odd duck, I wouldn't be nearly the woman I am today.

2017-05-01, 10:36 AM
"Yeah, well..." Phideaux throws his head back and let's loose with some of the stranger squawking that you've ever heard, "BUHKWAK! KAKWEE! TUQEE-TUQEE!"

2017-05-01, 10:40 AM
"Yeah, well..." Phideaux throws his head back and let's loose with some of the stranger squawking that you've ever heard, "BUHKWAK! KAKWEE! TUQEE-TUQEE!"

Sarissa looks at him, then starts laughing out loud. We are going to get along just fine!

We're getting a lot of awkward stares, aren't we? :P

2017-05-01, 10:50 AM
A dwarf in Heavy armour strode beside them giving them a confused and awkward stare.

2017-05-01, 11:14 AM
Phideaux is mildly startled when he sees the steel-played dwarf staring at them, "She, ah, said I'm an odd, uh, duck... So I quacked, um, like and odd duck might quack..."

Ah, hell. Phideaux has my sense of humor. I'll go ahead and apologize right now for it.

2017-05-01, 11:32 AM
Phideaux is mildly startled when he sees the steel-played dwarf staring at them, "She, ah, said I'm an odd, uh, duck... So I quacked, um, like and odd duck might quack..."

Ah, hell. Phideaux has my sense of humor. I'll go ahead and apologize right now for it.

That's fine although I cannot say I am entirely understanding of the inherent humour. Though may I ask just what was that weapon you were displaying but a few minutes ago?

2017-05-01, 11:33 AM
An Iuak. It's like an ice machete.

2017-05-01, 11:37 AM
"And then a crescent knife followed by a short sword."

2017-05-01, 11:43 AM
An Iuak. It's like an ice machete.

I had gathered that, they're rare but one or two blacksmiths I've met have worked on them, I was more curious as to it's nature. It appeared very ephemeral or phantasmal.

2017-05-01, 11:54 AM
"Oh! Yeah, get what you mean. Here," Phideaux is holding a deep violet dwarven axe-buckler, "test the edge. Give it a whack. You'll find it's solid enough."

2017-05-01, 11:56 AM
The towns people are milling about, the village going about its daily business with a usual vigor. The township is rather small, and you find yourself reaching the wall. Based upon the directions in the notice, you are aware that Teran's home is a cottage just outside the wall.

There is no gate, simply an opening in the wall. A guard, in less then glamours armor, stands watch. Two ox driven carts are making their way into the village, blocking the opening for a moment.

I assume you've been talking and walking the entire time. Right now, you're about 60 feet from the wall. You know how to get to Teran's home. Feel free to continue your conversation as long as you'd like.

2017-05-01, 11:59 AM
Morning, Sarissa says to the guard as they pass by.

So you heading to Teran's too, um... Name?

2017-05-01, 12:09 PM
Morning, Sarissa says to the guard as they pass by.

So you heading to Teran's too, um... Name?

Yes, I understood that there was work to be done retrieving some specimen. And my name is Elmador Oldorsson.

2017-05-01, 12:11 PM
Yes, I understood that there was work to be done retrieving some specimen. And my name is Elmador Oldorsson.

Pleasure to meet you! I'm Sarissa, she says, sticking her hand out to shake.

2017-05-01, 12:15 PM
"I am Phideaux, the Small."

2017-05-01, 12:16 PM
Pleasure to meet you! I'm Sarissa, she says, sticking her hand out to shake.

The pleasure is all mine dear, may I inquire as to the nature of your blade? It is quite odd, I had spent several months thinking I was something of an expert on blades only to now find two strange varieties on the same day.

2017-05-01, 12:20 PM
The pleasure is all mine dear, may I inquire as to the nature of your blade? It is quite odd, I had spent several months thinking I was something of an expert on blades only to now find two strange varieties on the same day.

Ah, my gearblade? Its base is a greatsword, but it's made of interlocking gears designed to gnash and tear, making it significantly more effective. Then, I added a power field into it, which uses basic harmonics to increase the energy of the swing. I told Phid earlier, according to my physics, it swings as hard as a giant's blade.

Speaking of the power field, actually, Sarissa says, I could do that to your axe as well. It'll only take around ten minutes to get it up and running-and it's removable without harm to the weapon, so even if it's your typical been in the family for a hundred years weapon, you can return it right as rain!

2017-05-01, 12:42 PM
Ah, my gearblade? Its base is a greatsword, but it's made of interlocking gears designed to gnash and tear, making it significantly more effective. Then, I added a power field into it, which uses basic harmonics to increase the energy of the swing. I told Phid earlier, according to my physics, it swings as hard as a giant's blade.

Speaking of the power field, actually, Sarissa says, I could do that to your axe as well. It'll only take around ten minutes to get it up and running-and it's removable without harm to the weapon, so even if it's your typical been in the family for a hundred years weapon, you can return it right as rain!

If you could that would be most welcome, I am quite skilled with it but any greater punch is welcome, and no, this axe is quite new forged for me by my mother with some of my own help. My shield on the other hand was carried by my great-grandfather.

However any alteration should perhaps wait until we have spoken with this Teran.

2017-05-01, 12:43 PM
If you could that would be most welcome, I am quite skilled with it but any greater punch is welcome, and no this axe is quite new forged for me by my mother with some of my own help. My shield on the other hand was carried by my great-grandfather.

However any alteration should perhaps wait until we have spoken with this Teran.

Right you are. I think that's his house there, Sarissa says, approaching the door and knocking. Teran? Mr. Teran, Wizard Extraordinaire? I'm Sarissa-Bigg's new apprentice! He told me you two had worked together before, and said good things about you!

2017-05-01, 12:55 PM
Phideaux hangs back just a bit from the others. After all, they both appear to have solid business with Teran and Phideaux is rather enjoying being along for the ride with at least one new friend, possibly two.

He let's the axe-buckler vanish.

2017-05-01, 01:11 PM
Nuzzled right up against the wall, between the village and the Mistwood Forest, was a squat and aging building covered in ivy and moss. Lavender, mint, and various other herbs grew around in sporadic patches. A thick oak door separated the outside world from the wonders within. A faded block of wood rested nearby, with barely legible symbols indicating that this was Teran's home.

As you approach, you catch sight of an adolescent girl sitting on the ground just next to the cottage door. She's staring intently at an oversized book, mouthing the words as she reads them. As you draw closer, you glances up, smiles, and closes the book with a thud.

"Hello there. Such a large group of unknown people. You must be here to see Teran?" She rests the book gently on the ground as she stands, smiling brightly at Elmador and Sarissa.She glances at Phideaux, slightly unsure, but her smile doesn't falter too much. As she returns her attention to the two infront of her, she asks "Would you care to come in?"

2017-05-01, 01:16 PM
Nuzzled right up against the wall, between the village and the Mistwood Forest, was a squat and aging building covered in ivy and moss. Lavender, mint, and various other herbs grew around in sporadic patches. A thick oak door separated the outside world from the wonders within. A faded block of wood rested nearby, with barely legible symbols indicating that this was Teran's home.

As you approach, you catch sight of an adolescent girl sitting on the ground just next to the cottage door. She's staring intently at an oversized book, mouthing the words as she reads them. As you draw closer, you glances up, smiles, and closes the book with a thud.

"Hello there. Such a large group of unknown people. You must be here to see Teran?" She rests the book gently on the ground as she stands, smiling brightly at Elmador and Sarissa.She glances at Phideaux, slightly unsure, but her smile doesn't falter too much. As she returns her attention to the two infront of her, she asks "Would you care to come in?"

Yes, that'd be excellent.

2017-05-01, 01:24 PM
Phideaux speaks up just before girl turns back inside, "Begging your pardon, ma'am. Where might I find a bite to eat around here? I'm sure I have the coin for it."

2017-05-01, 01:24 PM
Looking to Phideaux, she taps her chin in though for a moment. There's the Flailing Koi tavern. Tends to have lots of the fishing foke frequent it. Or you can always buy from a market vendor and take it somewhere. If you're here to talk business with Teran, I'd probably have enough time to whip something up.

The girl spins around, opens the door, "Teran. We have guest"

The door opened into a large room. A fireplace supplied light, yet only radiated no heat . Shelves and cabinets lined the walls, stuffed full of books, parchments, and arcane objects. A sturdy table rested in the center of the room, atop a plush fur rug. Though a comfy looking chair was next to this table, the only person in the room was standing, looking down at a series of diagrams, finger absentmindedly tracing along the words he read.

He was thin, shoulders sunken with age, hair white and receding. It took a few moments, but eventually the man turned around to look at his apprentice standing at his door. He gives a slight smile, and begins to hobble forward, every step slow, with a pronounced limp in his left leg. “Semblance? Guests, you say? Please, bring them in.”

The girl, which you now know to be named Semblance, gestures to you to come in.

2017-05-01, 01:51 PM
Phideaux perks up at the possibility of being invited in.
"Why, I think I'll come along inside!"
He spits into his hands and slicks his hair back.
"And, if possible, a simple loaf of bread will do wonders..." as he walks inside.

2017-05-01, 01:51 PM
After striding into the office Elmador says So I read that you had a job, to bring you some parts from the lizards that have emerged in the area, that's what I'm here for.

2017-05-01, 02:34 PM
The young girl gives a nod, and disappears through a side door. Teran looks at Phideaux as he walks in, seemingly unphased by the oddly unspecific appearance. Though, perhaps it was simply that his face was too old to convey confusion or shock anymore.

As Elmador speaks, the old wizard looks to the Dwarf, before responding, "Ah, yes. In recent months the Mistwood has become overrun with Shocker Lizards. They're blue reptilians that grow to be the size of common dogs. They've got a nasty bite, and a nastier jolt. Zap anything that gets too close." He gives a hearty chuckle.

Noticing the young elf, he calls out "I apologize for starting before you had a chance to enter.
Please, make yourself at home. That goes for you as well, master Dwarf. And for you." The last line directed at Phideaux as Teran looks makes eye contact.

"Now, where was I? They're omnivorous. They eat the same animals we hunt, and the same plants we gather from. If their population is continues to expand, eventually they'll run out of food in the forest, and either have to trek deeper into the Mistwood, or start attacking our crops.

"I feel it's important to deal with this now. Mistvail is my home, and I have a duty to help it prosper. So, if you could help thin out the population, I'm sure all parties affected would be grateful. And if you would bring me potential material components from these beasts, I can do my duty in expanding arcane knowledge."

2017-05-01, 02:54 PM
Phideaux takes an offered seat. He listens carefully to the old man.

"So, kill the zappy blue lizards, bring you corpses? I can do that. Rumor has it that my greatgrandfather might have been a hunting dog."

2017-05-01, 03:19 PM
"Rumor has it that my greatgrandfather might have been a hunting dog."

Teran looks at you for a long moment. Time seems to dilate to a standstill, before to old man lets out a small giggle. Smiling, he says "I like you. It's been a long time since someone has gifted me with laughter. Please, forgive me for not asking sooner, but what is your name?"

2017-05-01, 03:20 PM
So we get some fighting plus whatever's in the cave, the innocent get's saved and you are given a chance to continue your good duty? Buy me a beer when I get back and I'm up for it if these guys are.

2017-05-01, 03:22 PM
"I'm Phideaux, the Small. Happy to be of service."

2017-05-01, 05:59 PM
Returning with a small tray, the you girl named Semblance stepped back into the room. The tray contained a loaf of sliced bread, some chunks of cheese, and some thinly sliced meat of some kind. She offered it first to Phideaux, with a shy smile.

Looking at Elmador, Teran replies, "I must apologies, master Dwarf, but I haven't drank in quite a long time. However, I would be happy to provide you with a little extra coin to cover the cost of a beer. Now then,
where did I put that parchment?

The old man began to rummage through a pile of papers, before pulling one out and handing it to whoever decided to take it. In neat, blocky handwriting was a list:

Teeth, 5 silver each.
Eyes, 1 gold each.
Scales, 3 silver each.
Claws, 3 Silver each.
Blood (non-congealed), 4 gold per vial.
Tongue (Good condition), 8 silver.

To start with, I am looking for these components. And, if you happen to find anything you think may be of interest, feel free to bring it back as well. Do any of you have any experience harvesting from beasts?
Do you have any storage equipment? Teran asks politely

2017-05-01, 06:40 PM
Phideaux stops paying proper attention to Teran when Semblance returns with the tray of food.
"Why don't you take care of the others first and then bring that tray back this way? I'd welcome you to sit at my side."

2017-05-01, 08:43 PM
Sarissa, who's been staring at the various alchemical knick-knacks around the room, finally draws her attention back to the present situation. Sorry, just impressed by your collection. But yes! Ah, killing the Shock Lizards, bring back their body parts, and profit, both monetarily and in knowledge AND in keeping a town safe. Win-win-win.

What can you tell us about how these beasties fight? I assume by the name they have some manner of electric attack, or is that simply a fancy title?

2017-05-01, 10:16 PM
Teran looks to the Fire Elf, and gives her a kindly smile. "My collection? Why yes, it is rather impressive. Do you see that small, yellowish crystal. Yes, that's the one. If you look closely, you can see a faint liquid. I discovered that if you mix Dire Wolf saliva with Moonshine Yolk, and leave it until it freezes-" The ageing wizard catches himself, realizing he'd started getting off track.

Yes, the lizards. They are about the size of a terrier. They have a bullet-shaped head sporting a large pair of horns- ah. yes, the horns. If you wouldn't mind bringing me some of those too. Anyways, they have horns that sweep back from the sides like spiky ears. A similar structure appears on the tip of the tail.

Now, the can do a nasty jolt if you get too close. However, the real problem is if there are a number of them near to one another. They can work together to create a lethal shock. So try to avoid that, if you can." He pauses, tapping his chin as he tried to recall anything else which might help you. "Ah, yes. They are very strong swimmers, and very excellent at climbing"

"Sir?" The young girl asked, having finished offering the tray of food to everyone in the room. She moves back over to Phideaux as he asked."You still haven't told them where the lizards actually are."

"Ah, yes. Right you are. I can impart to you a map, which should lead you to the cave where the lizards are presumed to be nesting. Or, if you would prefer, I'm sure Semblance wouldn't mind showing you the way. It's your choice, of course. I wouldn't want my apprentice to get in your way."

2017-05-01, 10:22 PM
How old are you, Semblance? Sarissa asks.

2017-05-01, 10:54 PM
Why, ma'am, I'm 15. I came of age just three months ago. Though I don't quite feel like an adult yet. And I have quite a long way left in my apprenticeship." She says, giving everyone in the room a shy smile.

2017-05-01, 10:59 PM
Why, ma'am, I'm 15. I came of age just three months ago. Though I don't quite feel like an adult yet. And I have quite a long way left in my apprenticeship." She says, giving everyone in the room a shy smile.

Pheh. When I was your age, my family still treated me like a kid! Or, well, would've, if I hadn't already left with Bigg. You humans grow up so fast... Sarissa says. Anyway, I'd rather you not come with. I'm sure you're a fair hand at the art, but these lizards seem pretty dangerous, and you don't seem like the rough and tumble type. Learn your spells, though, pick your battles carefully, and you'll be ready to adventure someday!


I mean, assuming you even want to. No one in my home wanted to but me.

2017-05-01, 11:06 PM
Pheh. When I was your age, my family still treated me like a kid! Or, well, would've, if I hadn't already left with Bigg. You humans grow up so fast... Sarissa says. Anyway, I'd rather you not come with. I'm sure you're a fair hand at the art, but these lizards seem pretty dangerous, and you don't seem like the rough and tumble type. Learn your spells, though, pick your battles carefully, and you'll be ready to adventure someday!


I mean, assuming you even want to. No one in my home wanted to but me.

"Oh, no, no I don't... well, I haven't given it much thought. I don't really want to decide what I want to do after my apprenticeship is over, until I have a better idea of what I can actually do." She stuttered slightly, blushing.

Teran gave a nod, and pulled out a map from what looked to be a pile of maps. He marked off the general location in the forest where the lizards were nesting, and handed it to whomever would like take it.

2017-05-01, 11:09 PM
"Oh, no, no I don't... well, I haven't given it much thought. I don't really want to decide what I want to do after my apprenticeship is over, until I have a better idea of what I can actually do." She stuttered slightly, blushing.

Teran gave a nod, and pulled out a map from what looked to be a pile of maps. He marked off the general location in the forest where the lizards were nesting, and handed it to whomever would like take it.

Sarissa snags the map, holding it for everyone to see. She studies it as she talks to Semblance, saying You've got time. If you want my advice, see your apprenticeship through, then take a second apprenticeship on a sailing vessel or something. See a bit more of the world-meet cute people, get drunk in unsanitary places, throw your shirt off in front of a crowd to distract them from the explosions your master accidentally sets off...

Okay, maybe not the last bit, she says with a bit of a blush, but the point is, go explore the world a little! See what's out there before you decide what you want.

2017-05-02, 08:36 AM
Elmador leans over th Phideaux and quietly says "Phideaux, could you use your abilities to make some sort of net?"

2017-05-02, 09:23 AM
"Net? Yes. In fact, I can make two. I'd just be left with nothing to fight with, heh." Phideaux says between bites of food from the tray. Now that everyone has taken their share, he doesn't have to worry that he'll eat too much.

2017-05-02, 12:35 PM
Having no further business with Teran, this newly antiquated band of intrepid adventures sets out in search of their quarry. It's just prior to noon when you leave the cottage, and you make it to the edge of the forest both quickly and safely.

Sarissa, being the one holding the map, leads the way unofficially. After around two hours of traveling deeper into the forest, the well used path you've treading curves around and starts heading away from your destination. With Sarissa's guidance, you leave the path.

Not long after that, you encounter the corpse of a tall, thick necked man. His clothing and skin are torn and shredded, his bag and equipment rest against a tree nearby.

I'm going to need spot checks from everyone. If you would like to make any other checks, such as Knowledge (Nature) or some such, please do that at the same time.

You're all roughly 60 ft away from the corpse as of now, just so you know.

2017-05-02, 02:10 PM
Elmador takes his shield and his axe off his hip as he surveys the surrounding area for threats.

2017-05-02, 02:20 PM
Spot: [roll0]

Watch me roll a 20.

Knowledge (Nature): [roll1]

Sarissa looks around, stowing the map and putting both hands on her sword.

2017-05-02, 03:09 PM
A trident and net combination form in Phideaux's hands as he studies the deceased man intently. The attendant flies seem far too attracted to him for his pleasure...

Archer the Cat
2017-05-02, 04:25 PM
Vegagal Muthalakume, know as Lowlander to his tribe, was wandering through the woods on a most strange day; having recently visited a village to trade some furs, he heard that one of the locals was looking to hunt creatures, this was not odd, as most people hunt, but learning they were left by Goblins some time ago sparked an interest in Lowlander.

After he looked about and saw a notice regarding these lizards, he felt a sudden whimsy to look into it and visit this Teran, but he did not know the way and so wandered until he was very much in the woods. When he truly decided that this was a strange day was when he saw the small band of people (one with glowing weapons!) around a corpse....

Lowlander then felt a lump in his throat, were they poachers? Misguided hunters? Murderers? Thieves? He had only a few simple tools to defend himself, but he gripped his walking stick and stepped forward, "You folk! What have you done to this person?"

The group would see a very tall figure accosting them, wearing heavy furs and leather armor, with mottled skin that looks like it is made from rock, wielding a staff the size of a small tree with a quartet of massive throwing axes at his belt.

2017-05-02, 05:28 PM
Vegagal Muthalakume, know as Lowlander to his tribe, was wandering through the woods on a most strange day; having recently visited a village to trade some furs, he heard that one of the locals was looking to hunt creatures, this was not odd, as most people hunt, but learning they were left by Goblins some time ago sparked an interest in Lowlander.

After he looked about and saw a notice regarding these lizards, he felt a sudden whimsy to look into it and visit this Teran, but he did not know the way and so wandered until he was very much in the woods. When he truly decided that this was a strange day was when he saw the small band of people (one with glowing weapons!) around a corpse....

Lowlander then felt a lump in his throat, were they poachers? Misguided hunters? Murderers? Thieves? He had only a few simple tools to defend himself, but he gripped his walking stick and stepped forward, "You folk! What have you done to this person?"

The group would see a very tall figure accosting them, wearing heavy furs and leather armor, with mottled skin that looks like it is made from rock, wielding a staff the size of a small tree with a quartet of massive throwing axes at his belt.
I'll have you know this man was in this sorry state long before WE ever got here! I am a guardsman of honour not some foul bandit. You look like a Wildman, how do we know you didm't do him in and leave him lying there, your axes would have cut him into a sorry state.

OOC: Remeber that I'm yelling threateningly at you despite not even being 5ft tall

2017-05-02, 05:58 PM
Phideaux backs away slightly from the large man, "I don't like throwing blame around. But I can assure you from growing up in the gutters, flies like this don't show up this soon after a kill. This corpse is too old and none of our weapons have blood on them."

2017-05-02, 07:48 PM
Vegagal takes a moment, while the strange almost human spoke, to examine the body. The gears turning in his head, trying to think, trying to remember. It was clear that the rips in the skin, the rendingof flesh, was clearly what lead to the man's death.

From his encounters, from the stories he'd heard from travelers and other farmers, Vegagal knew there were many foul beasts in this forest. Large beasts. Clawed beasts. But aside from that general knowledge, and the insight that conventional weapons would be hard pressed to make the same wounds which were viable on the body, the hulking Golaith knew nothing on the subject.

Though, perhaps the strange mongrel standing with a strange, wispy looking trident was the type of person who would sink his teeth into another man?

An 11 gives you the impression that the man probably wasn't killed by weapons.
You know there are quite a few nasty beasts around here who are capable doing the kind of damage you've seen.

A sudden shifting catches Elmador's attention, and the Dwarf's gaze darted up into the tree. This catches Vegagal attention, and he whips his head around, following Elmador's gaze. The two strangers saw, standing upon a tree branch, a feral looking ape with wipe black eyes. It was about the size of an ogre, but even more muscular. It is barrel-chested, with thick black fur caked in muck and blood.

It seems well equipped with claws and teeth, and those teeth give the eerie impression that this beast is smiling at you.

Everyone, roll initiative. Elmador, Vegagal, and the Beast will have a surprise round.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-02, 08:06 PM
Whipping his head about, Vegagal sees this large beast in the tree, "Oh, that might have done it."

Drop staff as a free action, draw throwing axe.

2017-05-03, 10:49 AM
Sarissa, hands still on her blade, calls out to the beast. Are you responsible for killing this man? Speak now!

2017-05-03, 12:36 PM
The creature looks at Sarissa as she speaks, but her words seems to go completely over the beat's head. Snarling, the nine foot tall mass of muscles and fur leaps forward, jumping from his tree branch onto the forest floor. It lands 30 feet from Vegagal.

1) It used it's surprise round to take a move action, and leaped out of the tree.
2) Vegagal has used his surprise round to take a move action, and draw his weapon. We can retcon that you also moved, if you'd like.
3) Elmador has a Surprise round. Go ahead and take a standard action or a move action.

4)After Vegagal's (if he also wanted to move) and Elmador's surprise rounds are resolved, initiative order is:

Phideaux [20]
Beast [18]
Vegagal [8]
And Sarissa wherever her roll places her.

5) Each map square is 5 ft.
6)Good luck <3

2017-05-03, 12:51 PM
Elmador yells "Everyone behind me!

He then advances 20ft towards the beast, and shifts his stance to help deflects blows. He then begins pounding on his shield with his axe trying to make it focus on him.

(Dodge and Combat expertise boost his AC to 23)

2017-05-03, 01:13 PM

Seeing what my roll gives me before I take actions.

Actions posted in the OOC thread-assuming I can charge.

Sarissa barrels forward, gearblade at the ready, and drives her blade towards the beast in a (hopefully) fatal blow.

2017-05-03, 02:04 PM
As Elmador moves forward, he feels a rush of air next to him, and sees his elven companion barrels forward at top speed. As she reaches the beast, she swings her gearblade down, carving into the ape's chest. The soft whirling sound the gears make is drowned out by the beast's cries of agony.

The ape definitely looks worse for wear.

1) It is Phideaux turn.

2017-05-03, 02:27 PM
With a wince, Phideaux Runs to Sarissa's side. It's hard not to admire the work of her blade...

Run to I6

2017-05-03, 08:01 PM
The beast ignores the strange humanoid that's suddenly next to it, focusing fully upon the young elven girl who just mutilated it. With a guttural growl, it swipes one claw across your chest, leaving a shallow gash. Its second claw streaks out, missing your face and instead latching onto your shoulder.

There's an intense pain, as you feel your flesh and tendons are ripped. Your vision turns white, your body feels hot as the pain seems to become all encompassing. Then, your consciousness fades to black.

Elmador watched as the elven lass drops. Phideaux was close enough to hear the 'thud' as her body hit the floor. Vegagal, having seen the style of attacks this beast makes, is now fully aware that his earlier "Oh, that might have done it." was an accurate assessment.


1) It is Vegagal's turn. Now, because you had a surprise round action, and you can draw your weapon as part of a move action, if you want to start in a different square you can. If not, go ahead and take your turn like normal. No pressure.

2) Sarissa is at -9 HP. On each of her turns, until she is stabilized, she'll need to roll Constitution check (DC 15 because of her current situation). If she fails, she loses 1 HP. Because of house rules, she dies at -12

3) Initative order is-
Sarissa [22]
Phideaux [20]
Beast [18]
Vegagal [8]

Archer the Cat
2017-05-04, 07:24 AM
On the surprise round, Vegagal will have moved to F6. Then, in his turn, 10' to D6 to trigger Skirmish against the beast and draw another throwing axe into his off hand.

Then he will throw the axe in his main hand at said beast.

2017-05-04, 07:38 AM
Elmador cries out "You idiot! I said behind me" upon seeing Sarissa go down he then charges towards the beast and covers Sarissa behind his body. Striking at the beast as he does so.

2017-05-04, 10:48 AM
Sarissa mumbles something in response as she bleeds heavily, dipping in and out of consciousness.

So it's a Constitution check, not a Fortitude save? That really stinks.


2017-05-04, 10:51 AM
Vegagal's axe flew forth, cutting first through the air, then through flesh. The large beast let out a garbled cry of pain as the axe sliced into its throat. A moment later, it crumpled to the ground.

Combat is over. Would someone make a heal check on Sarissa, please? And let me know anything else you'd like to do.

2017-05-04, 11:09 AM
Phideaux drops to Sarissa's side and fumbles around trying to perform first aid on her. "No! No! Don't you die on us!"

Heal [roll0]

2017-05-04, 11:19 AM
Sarissa lays on the ground, bleeding temporarily stopped.

2017-05-04, 02:50 PM
Phideaux reaches over to the discarded belongings of the corpse and drags it near. He dumps it across the forest floor next to him so that he can search through it.

"Someone give me a hand looking for something that could help her?"

Search [roll0]

2017-05-04, 03:10 PM
Should we just go back to town? Maybe we could find some sort of healer there.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-04, 05:36 PM
Vegagal sheaths his weapon and bounds to the group, kneeling low to the fallen Elf, he looks to the others; "I apologize for my mistrust earlier, if you need, I can carry this one to any healer nearby. Unless either of you are healers, we must act quickly."

2017-05-04, 05:42 PM
The net appears in Phideaux's hands again. "We can make a carry harness. I'll help carry her if you want a hand."

2017-05-04, 09:30 PM
Phideaux is quick to search through the body and his equipment. He finds a small cloth bag filled with copper and silver coins, a stout bottle filled with a redish liquid on the body. Taking these items, and picking up the dead man's backpack, Phideaux is ready to set out.

Vegagal does a quick double check of the body. He discovers, hidden in the folds of ripped cloth, a long twig. Striped of its bark, a flowing pattern was engraved, making it quite pretty to look at. No other items seemed to be upon the body, so Vegagal turned his attention to the unconscious fire elf.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-04, 10:12 PM
Vegagal will thank Phideaux for the offer, but will respond, "As one hunts and another gathers, I shall carry this one while you stay free to keep us safe from any other beasts, at least one of us should be ready for another fight."

As for the twig, he shall slip it into his pack for the time being; its beauty is not lost on him, but there are more pressing matters.

2017-05-04, 10:19 PM
"As you say, friend."
Phideaux turns to Elmador, "Can you cover his left while I cover his right?"

2017-05-04, 11:29 PM
Sarissa comes to, groggy but awake. Did we-ow, hurts to talk-did we win?

And... Sarissa says, wincing, why didn't it run away? Every-cuss that hurts-animal I've fought before either died or ran away when I damn near killed it in one blow.

[roll0] Nature Check to see if I think it was odd how it didn't run.

Also, forgot to use Knowledge Devotion in this fight. Wouldn't've mattered, really, but I'll have to remember for the future.

2017-05-05, 02:51 AM
"As you say, friend."
Phideaux turns to Elmador, "Can you cover his left while I cover his right?"
Of course I'll be willing to do so, but if speed is truly of the essence it may be best to go ahead of me.

2017-05-05, 09:23 AM
Of course I'll be willing to do so, but if speed is truly of the essence it may be best to go ahead of me.

I've got-ow, still hurts-leggings that increase how quick you are. They're pretty simple to take off-just a few locks that keep them in place. Considering I have trouble talking, pain, ouch, let alone walking, you can borrow them for now.

2017-05-05, 10:53 AM
I've got-ow, still hurts-leggings that increase how quick you are. They're pretty simple to take off-just a few locks that keep them in place. Considering I have trouble talking, pain, ouch, let alone walking, you can borrow them for now.

Thank you dearly, now I just hope we can find a healer in town. With this he takes and equips them, then sets off with back towards the town.

OOC: Unless anyone has anything else they want to do here?

2017-05-05, 11:25 AM
Sarissa seems relatively unconcerned being without pants, but that may simply be because she is passing out again.

Good to go!

Archer the Cat
2017-05-05, 11:31 AM
"I do not know why the animals in this forest are so fierce, let us leave with new found speed!"

Lets a go!

2017-05-05, 11:34 AM
Phideaux equips a trident and net once more.

Good to go!

2017-05-05, 11:49 AM
It's a strange, hushed experience. The journey back to town isn't especially, though an unconscious elf does slow you a bit. Everyone is a bit on edge at first, worried that there may be more beasts milling about, and Phideaux and Elmador flank the Goliath protectively.

Your journey into the forest had taken roughly two hours, and it took around that much time to return to the edge of the Mistwood Forest. You can The wooden walls of Mistvail, as well as Teran's cottage, in the distance. Neither are too far. Talking among yourselves, you collectively recall seeing three small temples dedicated to Ehlonna, Obad-Hai, and Pelor respectively. Any of theses should be able to offer magical healing for Sarissa.

Of course, there is also the Flailing Koi, a tavern where you could no doubt rest, eat and allow the young Fire Elf to recover naturally. And there is always the kindly old wizard, Teran, who may or may not be able to offer some help.

2017-05-05, 11:56 AM
Sarissa, who's been in and out of waking while being carried, murmurs a Thank the gods we're safe... And thanks for bringing me back. Glad to know you all have my back.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-05, 11:59 AM
Keeping a firm hand to support the Elf's neck and skull, the Lowlander wished he knew more about these people's gods as his tribe's name for him suggested. Much like with his tribe, he relies on the wisdom of others for matters of spirituality.

2017-05-05, 12:57 PM
Pelor is the truest master of healing, and I'm not sure that those deities of the unaffected worlds would take kindly to your technology, I say we should go to Pelor.

2017-05-05, 01:02 PM
"I don't have much history with the gods. I say we follow Elmador's opinion." Upon entering the town, Phideaux disappears his weapons.

2017-05-05, 01:31 PM
It's a quick trip to the Temple of Pelor. The building is made of stone, its overly wide wooden doors left open. The inside is a large, open room were several clerics are milling about. One sees you, takes note of your injured companion, and approaches.

"Is everything alright? What happened to her?" He asked, clearly more concerned for her well being. He begins muttering a strange, soothing string of syllables, and rests his hand gently upon Sarissa's brow. A soft, blue light flashes for a moment.

Upon fading, Sarissa is filled with a sudden surge of vitality. Her rent flesh sealing shut and scarring over- natural healing would take over, and with the residual magic augmenting it those scars would almost certainly not be permanent.

"Well, now. With that out of the way, and you certainly no longer looking to be on death's door, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Brandon, cleric in service to the Lord of Light. May I ask what happened to you?"

It's at this moment he notices Phideaux. He gives Phideaux a not so pleasant look, no doubt giving the non-human a once-over, before turning his full attention back to the Fire Elf, and her two much more reputable escorts.

Sarissa heals [roll0]

2017-05-05, 05:06 PM
We were travelling through the forest when we came across the body of some poor soul who had been utterly torn to shreds, when we attempted to find what had done this foul deed an enormous black furred ape leapt out at us. Sarissa here was the first to respond, attempting to wound the creature and force it to flee but it was unusually brave and tore into her before we could dispatch it

2017-05-05, 06:19 PM
We were travelling through the forest when we came across the body of some poor soul who had been utterly torn to shreds, when we attempted to find what had done this foul deed an enormous black furred ape leapt out at us. Sarissa here was the first to respond, attempting to wound the creature and force it to flee but it was unusually brave and tore into her before we could dispatch it

"I see. Sounds like you encountered a Dire Ape. Nasty buggers. There aren't many left in the forest. Normally they attack on sight, but from what I've heard they normally get scared off after a few solid hits.
It's been a few years since any of the town hunters have even mentioned encountering them." The cleric looks conserned as he speaks with Elmador.

"This church stands as a bastion of protection, a safe-haven kept strong by Pelor's light. Of course, you are always welcome to seek healing here. But if something like this happens again, you may not be able to make it back here next time. The church does offer curatives to those who make a decent donation."

2017-05-05, 08:56 PM
Sarissa gets to her feet. She sees the look the cleric gives Phidaeux, and says Thank you for the healing. Is there a problem with my companions?

2017-05-05, 09:45 PM
"A problem? No madam. The Guatha herd have always been on good terms with us. For several generations in fact, from what I'm given to understand. That Goliath tribe mostly keeps to themselves, but our church has always offered them shelter when they pass through Mistvail and the Inn is full. I've..." Cleric Brandon pauses for a moment, and turns his attention away from Sarissa. He looks Vegagal straight in the eyes.

"I am truly sorry if I have offended you in some manner. I have heard tales of the great warriors your herd have produced, and if I have done something to make you uncomfortable while within the walls of Pelor's church..." His face and voice were full of remorse. Clasping his hands together in front of him, he gave a slight bow to the hulking Goliath before him.

Taking a breath, he returns his attention to Sarissa. "I am truly glad to have been some help. However, I do have duties which I must attend to. While we offer healing to all in need, if you would like to make a donation for having received Pelor's blessing, please see one of the acolytes. And, as I mentioned, our temple dose have a small stock of curatives available to those who happen to be generous with their pockets."

As he walks away, he does indicate a small group of men and women dressed in far more common robes then he. Presumably, anyone of these would be an acolytes which he so recently mentioned.

1) If you would like to donate anything for Sarissa having been healed, they will accept coin, or they will accept food to use as charity for the hungry.

2) If you are interested in acquiring a healing potion, 50 gp and and indication that you would like one are needed. If you want more then two potions, you'll need a diplomacy check to get the acolytes to bend the rules.

3) If you would like to do anything in this temple, feel free to. Feel free to interact and roleplay with the acolytes. Feel free to split the party and explore the town, go talk to Teran, find or make a spear. Basically, we'll count the rest of "Today" as downtime until you've all rest, or deiced to head back into the Mistwood.

2017-05-05, 09:51 PM
Sarissa sighs as he walks away, and looks over to Phideaux. Jackass. Don't worry-we're here for you, buddy.

2017-05-05, 09:55 PM
Phideaux leaps into action!

He throws himself between his friends and the holy man!

He raises his arms to block access from either side!

"Calm down, everyone!"

To the cleric, he says, "Many thanks for healing our friend."

To his cohorts, he says, "Don't worry about things like that. That's rather common and familiar. My people, we are all of you and none of you. Getting treated like that is part and parcel to who I am. By existing I challenge their beliefs and prejudices. I am their greatest fear, all the races in harmony. HA! I am his fear! How funny is that? Come, let us quit this place, yes?"

2017-05-05, 10:38 PM
Phideaux leaps into action!

He throws himself between his friends and the holy man!

He raises his arms to block access from either side!

"Calm down, everyone!"

To the cleric, he says, "Many thanks for healing our friend."

To his cohorts, he says, "Don't worry about things like that. That's rather common and familiar. My people, we are all of you and none of you. Getting treated like that is part and parcel to who I am. By existing I challenge their beliefs and prejudices. I am their greatest fear, all the races in harmony. HA! I am his fear! How funny is that? Come, let us quit this place, yes?"

Cleric Brandon stopped in his tracks, the hand he used to motion at the acolytes falling to his side. Without turning around, he nods in acknowledgment at your thanks. He stays still as you begin to talk to your compatriots, and you hear a mild scoff as you're about halfway through your speech and he continues to walk away.

After a moment, on of the younger acolytes scurries over to you, Phideaux. He seems young, your guess placing him at perhaps around 12. He looks at you, he looks at your party. His mouth drops opens in awe upon seeing Vegagal up close. He gives Elmador his best attempt at a salute, seeming smitten with your armor and weapons- no doubt he's imagining the dwarf in awesome battles and thinks him the coolest person he's met.

He blushes slightly, and quickly looks away from Sarissa, and looks again to you. He tilts his head to the side."Excuse me mister. Is everything alright? You seem upset. Are you hurt?" He reached out his hand, and pauses before touching you. "I've only just started my training. But I now a bit of minor healing magic. If you need it, it's yours."

2017-05-05, 10:45 PM
Sarissa smiles at the young man as he blushes, but lets Phidaeux answer for himself.

2017-05-05, 10:51 PM
Phideaux pats the child on the shoulder, "No, boy, I'm not upset. Just realistic. I've accepted his reaction. Let me tell you something, limit yourself on who you accept based on something as silly as blood and you'll lose access to very powerful friends. It's an ugly tradeoff. I've not seen the worth of it."

2017-05-05, 11:06 PM
The young boy looks at Phideaux, and nods slowly. But it's clear that the weight of the Mongrelfolk's words don't fully register. The boy lowers his hand, looks Phideaux straight in the eye, and with a rambunctious grin says "Pelor's blessing be with you."

2017-05-06, 12:58 AM
Elmador cringes at the awkwardness of it all, then goes to buy a healing potion.
Maybe we should offer them some amount of the coin found on the deceased, it was what we gained from this fight and they supplied what we had lost, they may also then be persuaded to identify the vial we had found on the man.

2017-05-06, 01:19 AM
The young boy turned his full attention to Elmador. "The church always accepts donations.
Though most the time, we only get them from travelers who want a potion or two. But if you want to donate just to donate?" And the boy's face transforms into an expression of pure wonderment.

"Have you seen many battles? Does your axe have a name like all of the swords do in the stories? What about your armor, did you make that yourself? Was it past down from your family? What's it like being out adventuring and exploring?" The boy suddenly no longer seems like an acolyte, but simply like an excited you boy. He asks the dwarf as many questions as he can, all in rapid fire succession.

2017-05-06, 05:55 AM
A few, It hasn't earned one yet,No it was a gift for when I left but I made my axe, My shield Heartgaurd is three generations old, and I've only adventured long enough to to tell you it involves a lot of being hit and running around.

2017-05-06, 01:02 PM
The young boy turned his full attention to Elmador. "The church always accepts donations.
Though most the time, we only get them from travelers who want a potion or two. But if you want to donate just to donate?" And the boy's face transforms into an expression of pure wonderment.

"Have you seen many battles? Does your axe have a name like all of the swords do in the stories? What about your armor, did you make that yourself? Was it past down from your family? What's it like being out adventuring and exploring?" The boy suddenly no longer seems like an acolyte, but simply like an excited you boy. He asks the dwarf as many questions as he can, all in rapid fire succession.

Dangerous. Get good armor if you decide to do that, and learn how to wear it right. I never did, and, well, you saw what happened when they dragged me in.

2017-05-06, 01:59 PM
The boy nods, doing his best to take all the information in. Then, remembering what Elmador said, "Mister Dwarf, sir? We don't really do identification here. I mean, I'm sure someone here would be happy to take a look at whatever you need, but unless it's a healing potion like this, we probably wont know it by sight." The boy pulls a stout bottle filled with a redish liquid out from the folds of his robes. Elmador recognizes the liquid is the same hue and the glass is a perfect match for the potion that Phideaux had found. "If you're looking for magical identification, there's a local wizard who is pretty go at that."

2017-05-06, 02:11 PM
Hey, we found one of those on... Oh, by the way, did someone who looked like this, Sarissa says, describing the man as best she could, live in this village? We, ah... We found him dead. And if he did live here, we should probably return the items on him to his next-of-kin.

Also, she adds, digging into her pockets, I'd like to make a small donation, in recompense for the healing I've received. Seems fair to me, she says as she takes five gold pieces from her pocket and gives them to the young man.

2017-05-06, 02:24 PM
"Not that I know of. But if somebody is missing there's bound to be a notice up about it on the bored in the center of town. And just 'cause I don't know him doesn't mean you wont find find anything from gathering information"

He gingerly accepts the five gold coins. He cups them in his hands, mutters a blessing over the coins, and then slips them into a pouch embroidered with the symbol of Pelor.

2017-05-06, 02:28 PM
Just because I use technology rather than magic doesn't mean everything I use is cursed, Sarissa says jokingly.

2017-05-06, 04:25 PM
"Oh, no madam. We have to bless all donations before they can be used by the church." The boy says, finally looking Sarissa in the eye, before looking away with a slight blush. "Is there anything else I can help you or your friends with?"

2017-05-06, 08:18 PM
"Oh, no madam. We have to bless all donations before they can be used by the church." The boy says, finally looking Sarissa in the eye, before looking away with a slight blush. "Is there anything else I can help you or your friends with?"

I think we're good here. We should probably report back to Teran, Sarissa says to her compatriots, and then... I dunno. Get me a spear, for sure, but not sure what else to do in this town.

2017-05-07, 02:56 AM
Well, Sarissa if you're feeling up for it already I'm ready to talk to him.
I shall of course accompany you, Vegegal do you wish break off on your own path? If not I'm sure we could use your aid tomorrow

2017-05-07, 11:06 AM
Well, Sarissa if you're feeling up for it already I'm ready to talk to him.
I shall of course accompany you, Vegegal do you wish break off on your own path? If not I'm sure we could use your aid tomorrow

Sarissa nods, and sets off for Teran's. On the way, she makes a brief detour to the blacksmith's, to pick up a spear, and when she returns to rejoin the group, comments Well, nice to know the local blacksmith is charming. Bit homely, but hey, he's got personality in spades.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-07, 03:12 PM
In response to the Dwarf, Vegagal says that he will be more than happy to accompany their group, after all he still had to meet Teran, and after accusing the trio of murder he feels that aiding them in any tasks in the near future is a good idea to clear his conscience.

2017-05-07, 04:03 PM
It's gotten late in the afternoon by the time the group has reached Teran's cottage for the second time. The garden of herbs swayed gently in a breeze, and the smells of cooking meat reached your nose. The thick oak door was shut, and light streamed out from the windows. You can't hear anything from the inside as you approach the door.

2017-05-07, 04:06 PM
Sarissa knocks on the door. Teran, we're back! And, uh, I got my ass kicked! But we also found a dead guy-do you know the people of this town well?

2017-05-07, 04:27 PM
There's a bet of a pause, before the old human man opened his door. He looks at Sarissa in concern when she informs him she got her "ass kicked". He moved aside, and motioned for the party to come inside as Sarissa asks her question.

"Please, make yourself at home. I would like to think I know the people of this town well.
I've lived here for almost 20 year. Well, I've lived here my entire life, but 20 years ago was when I settled down. Most of the townsfolk have come to me for advice or assistance." He moved to one of his bookshelves, and began rummaging through it. Calling back to you, over his shoulder, "Did you manage to collect any components before you were injured? Was it their electric jolts or their claws and teeth that gave you the most trouble?"

2017-05-07, 04:50 PM
There's a bet of a pause, before the old human man opened his door. He looks at Sarissa in concern when she informs him she got her "ass kicked". He moved aside, and motioned for the party to come inside as Sarissa asks her question.

"Please, make yourself at home. I would like to think I know the people of this town well.
I've lived here for almost 20 year. Well, I've lived here my entire life, but 20 years ago was when I settled down. Most of the townsfolk have come to me for advice or assistance." He moved to one of his bookshelves, and began rummaging through it. Calling back to you, over his shoulder, "Did you manage to collect any components before you were injured? Was it their electric jolts or their claws and teeth that gave you the most trouble?"
What my friend hasn't mentioned sir, is that while we were prepared to engage these 'shocker lizards' we came across a large beast, apparently a dire ape, it had already slain one victim and while we succeeded in ending the threat it posed, Sarissa was injured to such a degree we though it best to delay any further expeditions until tomorrow, we came to you first to apologise for the delay and second to ask for your knowledge unfortunate victim of the beast.

2017-05-07, 06:04 PM
"A dire ape, you say? Those are rather rare these day. Exceptionally territorial, to be sure. It would make sense it would attack a villager. What did he look like?" Teran listened intently as the scene was described to him. After a moment, Teran responds. "No, I can't say that I know of any man who looks like that. However, when I put up my notice in the village center, I recall there being another post. It spoke of a tall, thick necked man who had passed through Mistvail just under a week ago. He stole a horse and a purse of silver, and fled into the Mistwood. If I recall correctly. This could have been your man."

He continued rummaging through his collection of things for a moment, before a resounding "Aha" could be heard. Turning back to the group, he held a wooden box in his hands. He shifted over to his desk, and set the box upon it. Opening the lid, the party could see resting within on a bet of purple silk, was a 5 inch long whitewood wand, etched with a deep azure colored pattern.

"Perhaps this would be of use? It's a rather powerful piece of magic, but I'd be willing to allow you to borrow it. It allows the user to cast the Mage Armor spell twice per day. I made it myself, back when I used to take a more active role in the world. Return it when you bring me the components, and well call it even."

Whomever, if anyone, accepts the offer can add 1 "Eternal Wand of Mage Armor, CL 4" to their inventory. 2 charges per day.

2017-05-07, 06:09 PM
Yes please! Sarissa says. At least until I develop my own armor tech. THank you, Teran, she says, giving the old man a hug before snagging the wand. Not dying will be much appreciated.

2017-05-07, 09:59 PM
Teran accepts the hug awkwardly. Sarissa realize that his body seems distinctively frail, and in that moment of her arms around him she's reminded of her great grandfather. The recollection lasts for but a fleeting moment, however, and is lost as Sarissa managed to snag the wand.

"I apologize that I don't have much else to offer you. Most of the items I craft are things I need for my research. Or are sent to the capital. But if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know. After all,
you are all..." Suddenly, Teran focused on Vegagal. "Forgive me, new friend. I do not recall meeting you previously. Are you also looking to assist me? If so, I am happy to meet you."

2017-05-07, 10:03 PM
Teran accepts the hug awkwardly. Sarissa realize that his body seems distinctively frail, and in that moment of her arms around him she's reminded of her great grandfather. The recollection lasts for but a fleeting moment, however, and is lost as Sarissa managed to snag the wand.

"I apologize that I don't have much else to offer you. Most of the items I craft are things I need for my research. Or are sent to the capital. But if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know. After all,
you are all..." Suddenly, Teran focused on Vegagal. "Forgive me, new friend. I do not recall meeting you previously. Are you also looking to assist me? If so, I am happy to meet you."

Sarissa smiles at the old man, and says No apologies needed-the wand is far more than we could've asked for. And I'll let our new friend introduce himself-for now, though, I'll be making my leave. I'd like to spend a little time on the town.

As she turns to leave, though, she pauses a moment. You know, I'll leave the wand here, and pick it up on the way back. Don't need any pickpocket getting ideas! she adds, putting the wand back in its box. I'll see you guys later, then, she finishes, leaving.

Once outside, she takes a deep breath of the fresh air, and strides back to the village, musing about what to do with her time.

If you don't throw anything my way, I'll probably head to the tavern and have a good time there. But that being said, feel free to add character to the town!

2017-05-08, 08:54 AM
Tired after several hours march in heavy armour, Elmador finds a room at the inn, buys a beer and a hot meal, then goes to sleep.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-08, 12:59 PM
Suddenly, Teran focused on Vegagal. "Forgive me, new friend. I do not recall meeting you previously. Are you also looking to assist me? If so, I am happy to meet you."

"Yes, I am Vegagal, a trader and scout; I have come since I heard about your issue with creatures left behind by Goblins; I have my personal reasons for interesr, but after meeting the first three and helping them, I find that we work quite well together and wish to help them help you."

2017-05-08, 01:16 PM
"Very good. And much appreciated. I'll make sure to remember the name Vegagal. Is there anything I can do to assist you tonight, Vegagal? If so, please feel free to ask. If not, well, it is getting late. Two of your companions have already retired."

Archer the Cat
2017-05-15, 06:25 AM
"Thank you for your time, I suppose I should join them, at least to ensure their relative safety until we can finish this task of yours. They are small, and I would not enjoy seeing them come to more harm."

I don't remember if Vegagal was going to ask him anything else, so we'll go with moving forward.

2017-05-15, 10:23 PM
The transition into night is a gradual affair. As the light faded, Phideaux concluded his tryst along the edge of the forest. He had been left alone to his thoughts, the aroma of the local flora having a soothing effect. As the landscape began growing darker, Phideaux heard a long, haunting "ARRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" in the distance depths of the Mistwood Forest. It was around this time that he deiced to return to the village and find a tavern.

Sarissa walked leisurely from the cottage back into Mistvail village. Elmador followed, and soon they both found themselves in the Flailing Koi tavern, were they relaxed and drank, killing time. Eventually they were joined by both Phideaux and Vegagal.

The group eventually payed for their rooms, and retired for the night. Sleep and rest was much needed.

Sarissa finished her trance first, becoming active 4 hours before the rest. One by one, the rest of the group wakes up, and one by one each of you make your way to the main tavern room. Together, you set out and head towards the forest, reaching the edge of the Mistwood Forest.

1)You each spent 5 Silver for your room, food, and drinks, and such.
2)Sarissa Heals another 3 HP (Your total is now 15)
3)You are at the edge of the Forest.

2017-05-15, 10:40 PM
Okay-take two. Let's try to avoid me almost dying again.

2017-05-16, 07:19 AM
Phideaux pats Sarissa on the shoulder, "I'm actually hoping we don't gain anymore hurts today."

"But don't worry, if one of us drops the rest will bring them back in, right?" he asks in a perky and playful tone.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-16, 08:06 AM
The Lowlander examines the map provided, "Hmmm," he looks back and forth between the map and the forest in front of him a few times. " Yes, I belive that this will be the bestway to our destination." and begins leading the group.

2017-05-16, 08:27 AM
The Lowlander examines the map provided, "Hmmm," he looks back and forth between the map and the forest in front of him a few times. " Yes, I belive that this will be the bestway to our destination." and begins leading the group.

You lead the group deeper into the forest. You've made a trek through the Miswood Forest many times in your life, thanks to your desire to trade with the village, and this has thankfully lead to you having a decent grasp of what dangers could await you in this timberland.

You recall several simi-landmarks that you saw on your way out of the forest yesterday. Those, combined with the map, allow you to successfully navigate a large swath of the Forest in what feels like a short time. When you come across a shallow stream cutting swiftly through your path, you begin following it south.

The air is fresh, the trees tall and green, and the sunshine surrounds you. An occasional fish swims in the stream, the movement catching your attention from the corner of your eye. Birds chirp and chatter, sitting high in the trees or flying freely through the sky.

As it nears the fourth hour since you left Mistvail, come upon a cave. At the mouth, a gray wolf lies. It lies on it's side, eyes open but unseeing. Its mouth was slightly open, a fat purple tongue hanging out. Flies buzzed around its corpse. It lies at an unnatural angle, legs splayed out and it's back painfully arched.

Nearby, a strip of raw flesh in its mouth, is a lizard about the size of a terrier. The lizard is utterly still at first, its deep blue hue the only thing giving it away. No doubt it was warming itself while it feasted in its prey.

2017-05-16, 10:30 AM
Okay, Sarissa whispers. Whoever's feeling brave today, go in and charge it. Once it responds, assuming you don't get it good, I'll come in and clean up with my gearblade.

Can we assume we stopped by Teran's house to pick up the Eternal Wand and I've cast it on myself to have at least SOME armor? Probably should've mentioned this last post, but it slipped my mind.

2017-05-16, 10:40 AM
Okay, Sarissa whispers. Whoever's feeling brave today, go in and charge it. Once it responds, assuming you don't get it good, I'll come in and clean up with my gearblade.

Can we assume we stopped by Teran's house to pick up the Eternal Wand and I've cast it on myself to have at least SOME armor? Probably should've mentioned this last post, but it slipped my mind.
Well that will be me then I suppose


2017-05-16, 10:44 AM
Good luck! Sarissa says.

Readying an action: Charge in with Gearblade to mess some lizard up once it retaliates (and has therefore used its action).

2017-05-16, 11:38 AM
Well that will be me then I suppose


You move forward, ready to draw your handaxe at a moment's notice. You move slowly at first, until you've covered a decent amount of the distance. Then, suddenly, you rush forward and draw your weapon.

Though you startle the lizard, it doesn't have enough time to scramble away. You strike true, and find that Sarissa's augmentation to your handaxe seems to have been particularity effective. With a single, strong strike, you cleave the lizard's head clean off, killing it in an instance.

2017-05-16, 12:33 PM
"Good job, Elmador! Keep your eyes open, though. There might be more of them." Phideaux's hands hold a ripper between them.


2017-05-16, 12:38 PM
Well, glad to see I was needed, Sarissa says with a chuckle, casting her eyes around.


I have good eyes, I swear!

2017-05-16, 12:43 PM
Elmador puts the head into a bag and waits for any movement.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-16, 08:30 PM
Vegagal was quite surprised to see this small creature feasting on a wolf; but the expediency with with his Dwarven comrade dispatched the lizard had a novelty of its own.

"Well, that was a bit of an exciting break from our walk. It appears that we are on the right path to acquiring these creatures for Teran,", he looks around and lays a hand on his staff, "Should we see if more reside in the cave?"

2017-05-16, 09:35 PM
Well, glad to see I was needed, Sarissa says with a chuckle, casting her eyes around.


I have good eyes, I swear!

Looking around, you see lush grass flowing in a genital breeze, you see water splash upward as the stream slams into a series of rocks. You see that the cave is dark, and though your Elven eyes allow you to see further than a human, pure black eventually blocks your sight.

You do notice a large amount of paw tracks going into and out of the cave. There doesn't appear to be anything of special not in your field of vision.

2017-05-16, 09:55 PM
Looking around, you see lush grass flowing in a genital breeze, you see water splash upward as the stream slams into a series of rocks. You see that the cave is dark, and though your Elven eyes allow you to see further than a human, pure black eventually blocks your sight.

You do notice a large amount of paw tracks going into and out of the cave. There doesn't appear to be anything of special not in your field of vision.

I think this cave might be a wolf den. Anyone here good with animals?

2017-05-16, 10:32 PM
Combat finished before it even started lol rolling initiative just in case


And a spot/listen check for good measure -
Spot (1d20+6)[7]
Listen (1d20+6)[23]

From within the cave you can hear the faint sound of splashing water, and an ever so slight "Zap" sound. You aren't quite sure what it is, but you know for sure that there is water in the cave, and some sort of electrical humming.

2017-05-17, 09:34 AM
I think this cave might be a wolf den. Anyone here good with animals?

I'm not the greatest at taming these things, it I'm ready to engage them in combat if need be.

2017-05-17, 09:55 AM
I'm not the greatest at taming these things, it I'm ready to engage them in combat if need be.

I think I can do a decent job of it, Sarissa says, approaching the lizard and drawing a small knife.

After a few minutes, she's managed to hack off a few square inches of scales, and absolutely COAT herself in the thing's blood. She looks at the mess she's made, and stows her knife (after wiping it clean), and then looks at her blood covered self. I may have been wrong.

2017-05-17, 10:34 AM
I think I can do a decent job of it, Sarissa says, approaching the lizard and drawing a small knife.

After a few minutes, she's managed to hack off a few square inches of scales, and absolutely COAT herself in the thing's blood. She looks at the mess she's made, and stows her knife (after wiping it clean), and then looks at her blood covered self. I may have been wrong.

From your endeavor, you manage to gain 5 intact scales, and 2 claws. You are now covered in Shocker Lizard blood, and are treated as having a "Strong scent (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#scent)", if such a thing should be relevant.

The remainder of the body is left unsaleable.

2017-05-17, 11:27 AM
Well then let us advance.
I shall take the driving point, Sarissa use your longspear,to cover the left disk. Vegegal, you're to cover us with axe shots, Phideux, 5ft behind me on the right, your call to take a reach weapon or keep it how you've got it.
Taking a military tone for the later half of the address.

2017-05-17, 11:30 AM
Yes sir! Sarissa says, with a touch of humour in her voice, before taking position.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-17, 11:15 PM
Vegagal will nod in agreement and draw a throwing axe.

2017-05-18, 12:22 AM
"As you say, brother." The ripper dissolves and reshapes as a partisan.

2017-05-18, 12:50 AM
The four of you approach the cave, forming ranks as Elmador commanded. The mouth of the cave is roughly 8 ft wide. Before you is a circular cavern, around 10ft high, and 30 feet at it's widest point. Along the back wall, which is roughly 20ft away, is a large crack of broken earth, forming a tunnel that goes further in at an incline.

No doubt this cave is the entrance to a series of tunnels and subterranean caverns. Elmador, being used to such conditions that arise from living under ground, is perfectly prepared to continue this adventure. The rest of you, however, recognize that such underground places are likely to be dark, and the daylight filtering into the cave will only provide light for a short distance.

I apologize for the low quality of the map. When you guys get a chance, would you mind linking me to a picture that you're cool with using as your representation? Also, this is just a test run. If you end up not liking this kind of map, I can go back to using the Excel sheet.

Feel free to call out any repositioning you want. I wasn't sure if you wanted Elmador to be in front, Sarissa to his left, Phideux behind Sarissa, and Vegegal behind Elmador. That's how I read it, but if I misinterpreted something, let me know.


2017-05-18, 11:07 AM
Phideaux steps just inside the mouth of the cave and raises his partisan above his head.

"Well, at least we'll be able to see a bit!"

2017-05-18, 11:08 AM
Neat. I do have some sunrods in my pack, if we need them, though.

2017-05-19, 09:41 AM
The four of the move cautiously to the tunnel in the back of the cave. Elmador takes point, his Dwarven bravery steadfast and apparent. A light purple glow gives off enough illumination for the rest of you to see as you follow.

The tunnel is rather tight, and eventually you find yourself needing to form a single file line, much to the annoyance of those more military minded. Eventually, the tunnel starts to widen.

The white squares are out of your range of sight. I need spot checks from everyone, please.

2017-05-19, 02:17 PM
While you take a moment to collect your thoughts, your attention is suddenly cough. From the shadows cascading across the ceiling you hear a low tussling sound. As your attention focuses on the spot, you see a little lizard about the size of a terrier drop down from the ceiling, landing on the ground 20ft in front of you.

It stares at Elmador for a moment, slight sparks of electricity arcing around its body defensively. It seams to be watching in the group in general, with tensed muscles.

It has the Surprise round, and is using it's round to Ready an Action.

Initiative order is:
4)Lizard 1 (It has a higher initiative modifier, which is how I'm choosing to brake ties)


2017-05-19, 02:23 PM
On my turn, assuming the more armored among us charge in first, I'll charge in with my spear, staying 10' back.


If the situation changes unexpectedly, I'll figure something else out.

2017-05-19, 03:14 PM
A long bolt of violet sails over the group toward the lizard. Anyone looking back at Phideaux would see a javelin in his hand.

To Hit: [roll0]
To Hurt: [roll1]
30' range increment

2017-05-19, 03:59 PM
The impact of the violet bolt is silent, and very painful for the lizard. You hear a series of rapid clicks emanating from the lizard. These clicks give of the impression of being a warning, though from your past encounter you all are fairly sure you have nothing to worry about from one lizard.

If fact, given how injured this current lizard is, and how easily the last shocker lizard was dispatched, you start to wonder why you're being paid so much to deal with these beasts. They're straight up easy to kill.

Initiative order is:
1)Phideaux Taken his action
2)Vegagal Currently his turn
4)Lizard 1 (It has a higher initiative modifier, which is how I'm choosing to brake ties)


2017-05-20, 07:52 PM
Sarissa begins (quietly) relaying the information she's recalled (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22014603&postcount=226).

Archer the Cat
2017-05-22, 05:30 PM
Vegagal is grateful that he has a bit of room above his companions to throw an axe, with a heave he lets one loose, but is unsure if he over corrected for the people in front of him.

2017-05-22, 05:53 PM
Vegagal is grateful that he has a bit of room above his companions to throw an axe, with a heave he lets one loose, but is unsure if he over corrected for the people in front of him.

You take aim, your trusty throwing axe gripped tightly. You bring your arm back, lock eyes with the little electrical beast, and... are distracted for a brief moment by the soothing, pretty voice of Sarissa, as she begins regaling you and the others of your group with what she recalls.

For just a moment, your eyes dart over to her, and your aim institutionally shifts with it. And a fraction of a second later, you snap your focus back to the shocker lizard, readjusting your aim. You let your axe lose. It impacts with the wall, just missing your target.

Initiative order is:
1)Phideaux Taken his action
2)Vegagal Taken his action
3)Sarissa Currently her turn
4)Lizard 1 (It has a higher initiative modifier, which is how I'm choosing to brake ties)


2017-05-22, 08:01 PM
Sarissa glances back, whispering Sorry-didn't mean to knock your aim off. Anyway, that's all I remember, for now.

Readying my action to stab anything hostile that draws near.

2017-05-22, 09:28 PM
The little blue lizard darts northward, heading from I4 into I3, disappearing from sight. The clicking sounds it had been producing grew dim, but each of you can still hear it. The wall of the tunnel of obscures your vision at the moment, but you're sure the beast is still here.

Initiative order is:
1)Phideaux Taken his action
2)Vegagal Taken his action
3)Sarissa Currently her turn
4)Lizard 1
5)Elmador It's his turn.

You'll have to spend at least 10ft of movement to see into this cavern, at which point Elmador will be able to see all 4 shocker lizards. You see them instantly, and can adjust your destination accordingly, once you've spent that movement.

Anyone else needs to be conscious that Phideaux is currently the only source of light. It's clear that the Lizard in E3 is the one you've damaged thus far.

2017-05-23, 03:10 AM
Elmador moves forward, takes out and then hurls a javelin at the wounded lizard, he then moves 5ft back to gain cover from the surrounding lizards.

There's some fair number of the little blighters ahead of us, if what Sarissa said is right we're in danger of a nasty shock.


2017-05-23, 07:27 AM
Elmador moves forward, takes out and then hurls a javelin at the wounded lizard, he then moves 5ft back to gain cover from the surrounding lizards.

There's some fair number of the little blighters ahead of us, if what Sarissa said is right we're in danger of a nasty shock.


As you move forward, you notice three new shocker lizards. As you call out to the others, you rush into the corner of the cavern you're currently in, and hurl a javelin forward, missing. The sound of the javelin clattering to the ground draws the attention of the nearby lizards.

Initiative order is:
1)Phideaux It is his turn
2)Lizard 3
3)Lizard 2
6)Lizard 4
4)Lizard 1


Squares with a brown floor are squares you can move too. Squares with a green floor are mostly solid rock, and you can't fit into. Just an FYI.

2017-05-23, 01:29 PM
Phideaux jogs into the room to get a better view and lobs a javelin at the nearest threat.

Move to J5
Thrown Attack on Lizard 3
To Hit: [roll0]
To Hurt: [roll1]
30' range increment

2017-05-23, 03:41 PM
Phideaux jogs into the room to get a better view and lobs a javelin at the nearest threat.

Move to J5
Thrown Attack on Lizard 3
To Hit: [roll0]
To Hurt: [roll1]
30' range increment

Your javelin sails forward, adding a violet glow briefly to the area before impacting with Lizard 3. The lizard looks from Elmador, whose recent attack missed, to you Phideaux. Its muscles tense, and it dashes forward until it's nearly next to you.

Up to this point, the arcs of electricity across it's scales and skin had been subdued. Something that, while disconcerting at first, you had quickly grown accustom to as a natural think for this creature. Now, that arching energy faded for the briefest moments, before returning brighter then ever before. The bluish energy crackled about the shocker lizard menacingly, and both you and Elmador feel the electrical current tickling your skins and scalps.

Then the energy coalesces, striking out at you. You're muscles start to seize, but you manage to shift your wight and pull your body out of the shock, significantly less damage then you would have otherwise.

Lizard 2 darts forward, into the tunnel. It follows suit, and even though Elmador is partially distracted by his companion being attacked, the dwarf still manages to see his own assailant approach. While the bolt of shocking energy is too erratic to full dodge, Elmador is able to avoid the brunt of the attack.

Phideaux takes 8 points (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22024041&postcount=33) of non-lethal damage

Elmador takes 6 points (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22024066&postcount=34) of non-lethal damage. I'm not sure if non-lethal damage is in 5th and/or 4th edition, so let me know if you need me to go over this damage type.

Initiative order is:
2)Lizard 3
3)Lizard 2
4)Vegagal It is his turn
6)Lizard 4
4)Lizard 1


Quick note: Even though their pictures are rather large, the shocker lizards are small creatures. I just can't shrink the pictures any more.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-24, 01:25 PM
Vegagal will move to K4, dropping his throwing axe and drawing his staff. Using it as a two-handed weapon, he shall hit the blue creature with a skirmish strike (+1d6 damage, and +1 AC for moving over 10')

2017-05-24, 01:52 PM
Vegagal will move to K4, dropping his throwing axe and drawing his staff. Using it as a two-handed weapon, he shall hit the blue creature with a skirmish strike (+1d6 damage, and +1 AC for moving over 10')

As you bring your staff down. It has plenty of force, but it's not quick enough to hit the beast. The lizard twists out of the way. Being in such close proximity, you find that a static current has started tickling the exposed skin on your arms and legs.

Initiative order is:
2)Lizard 3
3)Lizard 2
5)Sarissa It is Her turn
6)Lizard 4
4)Lizard 1


2017-05-24, 02:30 PM
Sarissa charges ahead, jabbing her spear past her allies and into her enemies, but in her care to avoid striking her friends, her blow goes wide, missing the lizards entirely.


-2 AC for a turn, since I performed a charge action.

Edit: Well poop. That is a miss.

2017-05-24, 02:58 PM
Sarissa charges ahead, jabbing her spear past her allies and into her enemies, but in her care to avoid striking her friends, her blow goes wide, missing the lizards entirely.


-2 AC for a turn, since I performed a charge action.

Edit: Well poop. That is a miss.

You barrel forward, covering the distance between yourself and Vegagal. But it seems you've misjudged the distance. You stumble slightly, the uneven dirt and rock beneath you feet getting the better of you. You are able stop yourself from falling, you're able to stop yourself from actually running into Goliath. But when you plunge your spear forward, it finds empty air.

Lizard 4 darts into K3, biting at Vegagal.

Lizard 4 passes through a square Sarissa threatens. She can take an attack of opportunity if she's like.

Lizard 4 Attack vs Vegagal [roll0]
Damage, if applicable [roll1]

Initiative order is:
2)Lizard 3
3)Lizard 2
6)Lizard 4
4)Lizard 1 It is Her turn
5)Elmador http://i.imgur.com/9ILBeiH.jpg

2017-05-24, 03:27 PM
Sarissa, even though she missed her attack against Lizard 3, sees an opportunity and takes it. She sweeps about with her spear at the shocker lizard currently moving. The fire elf has enough time to stab at Lizard 4. Her aim is good, but the spear merely scrapes across the shiny blue scales, doing no damage.

Lizard 4 bite at the Goliath, its teeth sinking harmlessly into the excellently crafted leathers used by Vegagal

Sarissa's AoO missed, and Lizard 4's attack missed. Lizard 1 has moved- none of you have line of sight on it, so you don't know where it is, or what it did.

Lizard 1 is Unknown. Taken 8 damage.
Lizard 2 is on I4. Undamaged.
Lizard 3 is on J4. Taken 5 damage.
Lizard 4 is on K3. Undamaged.

Initiative order is:
2)Lizard 3
3)Lizard 2
6)Lizard 4
4)Lizard 1
5)Elmador It's His turn


2017-05-24, 03:45 PM
Elmador goes to his axe again smashing it down at the lizard.


If it dies he moves to I4.

2017-05-24, 04:10 PM
Elmador goes to his axe again smashing it down at the lizard.


If it dies he moves to E4.

Your axe smashes down, slicing into the shocker lizard. The little blue beast goes limp, dead. You move forward, standing over it.

Initiative order is:
1)Phideaux It's His turn
2)Lizard 3
3)Dead lizard Is dead
6)Lizard 4
4)Lizard 1

2017-05-25, 08:52 AM
Phideaux does his best to shake off the tingling of that confounded lizard's shock and strikes back with the ripper in his hands.

To Hit: [roll0]
To Hurt: [roll1]

2017-05-25, 09:22 AM
Phideaux does his best to shake off the tingling of that confounded lizard's shock and strikes back with the ripper in his hands.

To Hit: [roll0]
To Hurt: [roll1]

Your Soul Weapon lances forward, having been melded into the shape if a Rapier. The blade finds empty space, however, and the lizard you just attacked stares at you oddly, as though with a spark of malice in it's eyes. The electrical arcs cascading across its body begin to grow brighter, more erratic.

The air around you becomes ripe with static electricity, and you, Elmador, and Vegagal all begin smelling ozone.

Nothing has seemed to happen, though this is Lizard 3's turn. Having never actually encountered these beasts in real life, you're unsure what it's doing, though it certainly seems dangerous.

Initiative order is:
2)Lizard 3
3)Dead lizard Is dead
4)Vegagal It's His turn
6)Lizard 4
4)Lizard 1

Archer the Cat
2017-05-25, 10:58 AM
Vegagal takes a mighty whack at the lizard to his side, with a loud grunt.

Attacking Lizard 4 to help Sarissa and leaving 3 available for Elmador to keep a flanking bonus

2017-05-25, 12:59 PM
Vegagal takes a mighty whack at the lizard to his side, with a loud grunt.

Attacking Lizard 4 to help Sarissa and leaving 3 available for Elmador to keep a flanking bonus

You slam your quarterstaff down, crashing it into Lizard 4's back with a solid sounding "Whack!" The Lizard is very clearly unhappy with you, his scales sparking with more force. Small tendrils of electricity struck the ground repetitively, rapidly. Little scorch marks started proliferating the dirt floor of the tunnel.

Initiative order is:
2)Lizard 3
3)Dead lizard Is dead
5)Sarissa It's Her turn
6)Lizard 4
4)Lizard 1

2017-05-25, 02:47 PM
Sarissa gamely jabs out again, hoping to handle the situation.



2017-05-25, 04:00 PM
Sarissa gamely jabs out again, hoping to handle the situation.



You stab into the hide of Lizard 3, piercing through scales, and drawing blood. Blood that is immediately struck by the erratic electricity flowing across the shocker lizard's scales. The sent of scorched blood mixes in with the smell of ozone permeating the air.

Then suddenly Lizard 3 released the energy it had been building, a powerful bolt of electricity, comparable to a bolt of lightning. The electricity struck Lizard 4, and everything went quite. The series of rapid clicks which you'd been hearing up to this point were gone. The arcs of electricity flowing across the shocker lizard's scales were gone.

A second latter, as you reflexively pull your spear out of Lizard 3's hide, there is a blinding flash, and a ripple of electrical energy radiated out from Lizard 4, painfully clinging to every creature within 20 ft.

You all were hit by the Lethal Shock (Su) ability from the Shocker lizard. Lizard 3 used a readied action, which means his initiative has dropped, to contribute to the shock.

You all take [roll0] points of electricity damage.
A dc 12 reflex save reduces damage by half:

Elmador: [roll1]

Phideaux: [roll2]

Sarissa: [roll3]

Vegagal: [roll4]

Please note that:

Lizard 1 is Unknown. Taken 8 damage.
Lizard 2 is Dead.
Lizard 3 is on J4. Taken 10 damage.
Lizard 4 is on K3. Taken 9 damage.

Initiative order is:
2)Dead lizard Is dead
6)Lizard 4
Lizard 3
4)Lizard 1
5)ElmadorIt's His turn

2017-05-25, 04:06 PM
"Wow! Yowzah! Zowie! That hurt!"

2017-05-25, 04:44 PM
Die, you little bugger!! curses Elmador, smashing his axe into the lizard on front of him.

2017-05-25, 04:55 PM
DIe, you little bugger!!

You slam your handaxe down, slicing cleanly into the shocker lizard's neck. This little beast falls limp, adding to your kill streak.

You hit it, and your minimum damage was more then the number of hit points it had left, so you dan't even have to roll for damage. You still have a move action, if you'd like it. :smallsmile:

Initiative order is:
1)Phideaux It's His turn
2)Dead lizard Is dead
5)Lizard 4
6)Dead lizard Is dead


2017-05-25, 05:06 PM
A step forward (J5 -> J4), and a stabbing motion in an attempt to end this creature...

To Hit: [roll0]
To Hurt: [roll1]

I've been forgetting to add my essentia to my soul weapon!

2017-05-25, 05:13 PM
A step forward (J5 -> J4), and a stabbing motion in an attempt to end this creature...

To Hit: [roll0]
To Hurt: [roll1]

I've been forgetting to add my essentia to my soul weapon!

You expertly stab this monster which has caused you and your compatriots quite a bit of inconveniences. This final shocker lizard slumps to the ground, dead. You are unsure if there are anymore in the area, though you do make a mental note that the only other one you've seen, Lizard 1, ran after being injured.

Combat is broken, feel free to act out of initiative order, loot, butcher, and/or talk amongst yourselves.


2017-05-25, 05:17 PM
We better pile up these blighter somewhere, maybe just inside the cave, or does anyone want to butcher them now?

2017-05-25, 05:20 PM
"Forgive me, but I'm still worried for our safety. How would you feel if I went a bit further in to look around first?"

2017-05-25, 05:35 PM
"Forgive me, but I'm still worried for our safety. How would you feel if I went a bit further in to look around first?"

Well enough, be sure when you check you do include the ceilings as we've learnt about their tendency to ambush from that position.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-25, 06:02 PM
"Shout if you require assistance, we shall ready the creatures for Teran."

2017-05-25, 06:49 PM
Phideaux creeps forward down into the cave system. He clumsily throws dwarven axe-bucklers ahead like glowing frisbees to light his way.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2017-05-25, 07:07 PM
Phideaux creeps forward down into the cave system. He clumsily throws dwarven axe-bucklers ahead like glowing frisbees to light his way.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

Before you, in the constantly fluctuating light, is a relatively wide space. You search around, moving quietly, and eventually find another tunnel leading out of this cavern. At the end of this second tunnel, you find a large hole in the ground.


2017-05-25, 07:25 PM
"hey, guys! I'm going to stay here watching over this big hole, okay?"

2017-05-26, 09:19 AM
"hey, guys! I'm going to stay here watching over this big hole, okay?"

A hole? It seems we must continue further into this cave,
Elmador then strides over to the edge of the pit, and checks how far underground the party is now.

2017-05-26, 09:51 AM
A hole? It seems we must continue further into this cave,
Elmador then strides over to the edge of the pit, and checks how far underground the party is now.

You move forward, following after Phideaux, and then passing him as you head up the new tunnel. Eventually, you reach a large hole in the floor. Looking down, you estimate it to be about a 10ft drop, into a lower cavern which you can't make too much out of due to angling.

You're fairly sure you're around 20-30 ft underground.


When you look down, you see the brown areas of the map:


2017-05-26, 09:55 AM
Sarissa pants heavily, dropping her spear and holding her knees. Ouch... That hurt...

She recovers, though, picking up her spear and stowing it over her back, and says Well, I vote we gather up the bastards and bring them back to Teran. I don't know about you, but I don't want to run into anything more after that shock.

XP and such?

2017-05-26, 07:20 PM
Well we said we would clean out the cave, while I am fine putting it off another few nights I gave my word I would deal with the problem as there might be more than enough down there to swiftly repopulate the area.

2017-05-27, 06:55 PM
"I am happy to go along with your choices. Yes, these things are a menace and, yes,
we are hurting. Now that we have a better idea of how these coming fights will go, we can be better prepared for them."

2017-05-27, 07:27 PM
Perhaps we should gain some idea of what lies at the bottom of this pit first with this he looks with his dark vision down into the pit,

Phideux, maybe one of your javelins could leave it better lit for all of us.

2017-05-27, 08:04 PM
Perhaps we should gain some idea of what lies at the bottom of this pit first with this he looks with his dark vision down into the pit,

Phideux, maybe one of your javelins could leave it better lit for all of us.

Looking down, you can see an area of the lower lever roughly 10ft by 10ft. The rocky wall of the cave to your left extended straight down, so you're fairly sure that there's nothing in that direction. However, the cavern below does seem to continue in the other four directions, including directly under where you're standing.

Roughly 5ft of solid ground blocks your vantage point, obscuring your vision further into the cavern below except when you look straight down. You get the impression that, using the wall to your left, you would have an easy time climbing down and back up if you took some time. And the ground underneath you is fairly think, so mounting something with which to tie a rope to would also be safe.

In the moment of silence that trails behind your decision to focus upon the lower level, you also notice a steady "Drip...drip...drip" and a very slow Sloooooooooosh" of water. Aside from that, you haven't picked up any movement down below, visual or otherwise.

You can make out the dark brown area easily. The rest is difficult to see due to a large amount of earth blocking your vision.


2017-05-27, 08:12 PM
I'm... I'm just a little nervous. I almost got killed before we even got to the caves, and I don't want to see any of you guys hurt-or myself, come to think of it. They aren't going to repopulate it in a day, and who knows-maybe if we bring these specimens back to Teran, he'll be able to whip up something to help handle them.

2017-05-27, 11:15 PM
"I have an idea... We need iron chains and pitons... As much as we can carry..."

Archer the Cat
2017-05-27, 11:47 PM
"Well I certainly believe I can help with carrying.", Vegagal gives a soft chuckle.

2017-05-27, 11:51 PM
"I have an idea... We need iron chains and pitons... As much as we can carry..."

Dare I ask why? Sarissa says with a chuckle.

2017-05-27, 11:59 PM
"We make a net with the chain.
A ground chain leading to the water down there and the rest of the chain hanging about to catch their shocks. If we disarm them like that they should be easy to clear out. Shall we head back to town? Discuss on the easy?"

2017-05-28, 12:01 AM
"We make a net with the chain.
A ground chain leading to the water down there and the rest of the chain hanging about to catch their shocks. If we disarm them like that they should be easy to clear out. Shall we head back to town? Discuss on the easy?"

Sounds good! Reminds me of the time Bigg and I tried to harness lightning from a storm. It all started after the third day of raining, and we... Sarissa begins as the group walks back.

Anyway, I was seizuring on the ground from the lightning, his beard was on fire, and if it wasn't for a wandering faerie, we'd probably both be dead. Good times!

2017-05-28, 03:53 PM
Very well let's head back, I do however want to mark the area first

After this Elmador pours uncollectable blood and organs into a ring round the edge of the pit, so we can see I shockers leave or enter.

He then packs up the rest of the lizards bodies and takes them back to town, intending to find a professional butcher there.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-28, 04:28 PM
"The remains of these creatures should hopefully provide Teran with what he needs." As Vegagal gathers up any of the axes he threw, he pulls out the map so that they may return without (hopefully) further issue.

2017-05-28, 05:17 PM
The four of you make your way to the mouth of the cave, and from there you back track your way through the forest. You travel steadily, and with relative ease. There are a few moments where one or two of you hears a rustling in the trees or underbrush, but it never amounts to anything.

Eventually, you reach the edge of the forest. In the distance, you can see Teran's cottage nestled up against the outside of the wall. It's been nearly 8 hours since you left Mistwood this morning. Elmador heads towards Mistvail itself, intent upon finding a butcher to skin the lizard's bodies, and turn it from merely a dead carcass into the components Teran had requested.

From the severed head, and the 4 intact bodies you gain:
35 teeth.
5 tongues
7 eyes

From the four intact bodies, you also gain:
14 claws
300 scales
and 1 intact hide.
The butcher also manages to collect 4 vials of non-congealed blood.

I'm assuming you want to have the butcher work on the Shocker Lizard head, as well as the four bodies you managed to collect. If not, let me know. While Elmador was doing this, what/were was everyone else doing/going?

2017-05-28, 05:32 PM
Blacksmith! For iron chains and pitons!

2017-05-28, 05:57 PM
Blacksmith! For iron chains and pitons!

You make your way towards Kevin, a rather well know, well liked blacksmith. Although, he is "a bit horse-faced". He greats you jollily. You do notice that he seems uncomfortable with your appearance when he first gets a look at you, though it's in a manner you've grown accustom to.

Good evening to you, sir. What can I help you with today?"

2017-05-28, 08:22 PM
Sarissa, back at town, first drops off the wand at Teran's and lets him know what they accomplished, as well the basics of their plan.

Then... To the bar! Nothing to make a little science go well than some alcohol.

2017-05-28, 08:51 PM
Sarissa, back at town, first drops off the wand at Teran's and lets him know what they accomplished, as well the basics of their plan.

Then... To the bar! Nothing to make a little science go well than some alcohol.

Teran welcomes you into his home, and accepts the wand with gratitude. He double checks it, to insure the enchantment is still functioning. He asks you a few quick questions, revealing that the "eternal" aspect of the wand is a bit of an experiment on his part.

"My dear, I'm glad to hear that you were harmed far less during this outing. However, if you still need use of this on your next outing, please feel free to pick it up again." He pauses as you briefly outline your plan to him, nodding along, and polity asking for clarification on a few bits of information he didn't quite comprehend.

"You know, this work out rather wonderfully. Once the components are delivered,
I was going to suggest that you all take a few days to relax and recover, while I work on a few designs for some more experimental items. However, it seems you already have a task that'll take some time to complete" He smiles happily, and wishes you a good evening.

Assuming you don't have anything you want to RP with Teran, or anyone else,
you and your 5hp head to the bar!

2017-05-29, 08:40 AM
Meanwhile, back at the smithy...

"Sir, I need chains. Well, one chain.
Iron and long. About 40 feet of it. And pitons. A healthy supply of pitons. Can you supply them? And how much would that run me?"

2017-05-29, 04:54 PM
Meanwhile, back at the smithy...

"Sir, I need chains. Well, one chain.
Iron and long. About 40 feet of it. And pitons. A healthy supply of pitons. Can you supply them? And how much would that run me?"

He taps his chin for a moment, before answering "40 feet of chain? That would be about 130 gold, for product and time, if you need it all as one connected segment. If multiple chains, whose total length equals 4o feet is all that you need, however, then I could sell you four individual 10 foot long chains for 30 gold each. As for pitons... I'm pretty sure I have some laying around. How about 100 for 10 gold?"

2017-05-29, 05:00 PM
"4 lengths at 10 feet each for 30 gold plus 100 pitons for 10 gold? 130 total? You have a sale,
sir. Can we pick it up in the morning?" Phideaux digs out the appropriate gold sum.

2017-05-29, 05:12 PM
Elmador thanks the butcher before drinking a beer then turning in for the night.

2017-05-29, 05:26 PM
Sarissa smiles at Teran, saying I'm just worried about it getting stolen in town. Not that I think anyone here is bad news, more just being cautious. I'd hate something so valuable, that you worked so hard on, getting lost. Anyway, you enjoy your night, Teran! Imma go get ready for SCIENCE!

She then heads to the bar, entering with her head held high, and says Barkeep! Something strong and esoteric, if you please!

2017-05-29, 05:38 PM
"4 lengths at 10 feet each for 30 gold plus 100 pitons for 10 gold? 130 total? You have a sale,
sir. Can we pick it up in the morning?" Phideaux digs out the appropriate gold sum.

"Sure thing, friend. I'll have them of to the side, ready for you in the morning."

Sarissa, in all her health, is at the Flailing Koi, drinking.

Elmador, with all his lizard parts, is at the Flailing Koi, having had a drink, and know in his room.

Phideaux, the small, is at the blacksmith, having payed for supplies.

Vegagal is doing Goliath things. At one point, when rummaging through his back, he stumbles across the engraved twig (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21982576&postcount=89) he had previously acquired.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-29, 06:29 PM
Vegagal will head to the tavern as well, for strong drink and a cozy bed (or two to push together), he has begun to appreciate the warm soft things the people in the flat lands have.

2017-05-29, 06:51 PM
Supplies paid for, Phideaux returns to the tavern for a drink and sleep.

2017-05-29, 07:32 PM
The evening slowly shifts into night, and one by one you each make your way bed. Sleep is easy, refreshing, and generally pleasant. Morning comes, and with it, more opportunities.

Sarissa regains 3 HP, putting her at 8

Elmador regains 3 HP, putting him at 16. Also, all non-lethal damage is removed.

Phideaux regains 3 HP, putting him at 22. Also, all non-lethal damage is removed.

Vegagal regains 2 HP, putting him at 10.

2017-05-29, 07:33 PM
Sarissa yawns loudly, stretches, and heads down for a morning meal. She nods to whoever's down in the mess area of the inn, but stays quiet, a bit hungover.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-29, 10:20 PM
Vegagal rises with the dawn, and greets it with a soft song in his native tongue, as is the way of his people. He shall make his way to the common area and have a hearty meal while waiting for his travelling companions.

2017-05-29, 10:22 PM
Vegagal rises with the dawn, and greets it with a soft song in his native tongue, as is the way of his people. He shall make his way to the common area and have a hearty meal while waiting for his travelling companions.

Seeing him come down, Sarissa smiles. Morning, Vegagal. Anything I can call you for short? Also, preferably answer quietly. Kinda have a headache.

2017-05-30, 12:48 PM
"Good Morning! Everyone sleep well?"
Phideaux is very obviously in a pretty great mood today.

2017-05-30, 02:49 PM
Elmador comes downstairs armed and armoured

Well what are we doing today then?

2017-05-30, 05:22 PM
Elmador comes downstairs armed and armoured

Well what are we doing today then?

Science! Sarissa declares happily.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-30, 06:42 PM
Vegagal addresses Sarissa, "If it pleases you, I am sometimes called 'Lowlander' by others in my tribe if a nickname feels more appropriate to you."

2017-05-31, 12:15 PM
Vegagal addresses Sarissa, "If it pleases you, I am sometimes called 'Lowlander' by others in my tribe if a nickname feels more appropriate to you."

Still a mouthful. Would Veg, or Gagal be okay? I don't mind going "Vegagal" all the time, if you want me to, just wondering, Sarissa says.

2017-05-31, 12:41 PM
"Allow me to say, I favor Vega,
Sari and Elma... Hrm. That last one didn't quite work.

2017-05-31, 01:02 PM
Elmador frowns dourly, at the attempt to give him a nickname.

Archer the Cat
2017-05-31, 07:15 PM
Vegagal looks puzzled at first, "Hmmm, I did not know that Gol-Kaa would prove difficult for you to speak, if calling me 'Vega' would be easier, than by all means call me that." He finishes with a smile, and listens to the others talk about their contraption for dealing with the lizards.

2017-06-01, 11:44 AM
Well, projects don't start themselves, are we working on the device of yours today?

2017-06-01, 12:12 PM
"Well, yes. I was hoping we might use the smithy's shop to do our work. The chains are there now."

2017-06-03, 03:07 PM
Very well, lets go there now. I'll put my mothers training to some use

2017-06-03, 08:37 PM
Sarissa, after nursing her head in her hands for a moment, gets up and joins the others. Outside, she shields her eyes from the sun, but is talking excitedly about the exact mechanics.

Once they get to the smithy, she takes off in a whirl of SCIENCE! putting pieces together, taking them apart, hooking some things together that seem to have no business together, and generally being the mad scientist she is. Although, never one for excessive pride, she accepts help from the others, making sure to craft the best protective material possible.

NAT 20 IN THE OOC! 32 total.

2017-06-04, 01:31 PM
In the forge as the fires rage, Elmador beats a length of chain in to place. Between hammer blows he explains the old age traditions of forging that were once explained to him.

My mother always told me. The slams the hammer down. That if you need some techie Gizmo wired, call a gnome. He pounds against the anvil again. And elves will make ornate stuff like no others. With a final blow he seals the chain, sparks flying off the glowing metal But if you need something tough, that wont break whether Giants or Dragons attack it. He holds up the finished chain linkature in a pair of tongs. Then, That Is When You Call A Dwarf.

Archer the Cat
2017-06-05, 01:32 PM
While the others begin working on the contraption, Vegagal will wander around the town a bit. He often comes to towns like these to trade, but he usually leaves shortly after, without much time to soak in the local culture.

He walks through markets, past houses, out past the town proper - closer to nature. His wanderlust is itching at the back of his mind, he was a scout because he needed to walk the path before his tribe did, he helped heard goats because he liked following them up the mountains. The seasonal migrations of his people drilled a sense of dread into his soul, unless he was out hunting or they had a lack of resources, the travel from the summer lands to the winter lands and back made him feel tied to a rock that was in his soul.

Vegagal was called Lowlander because he volunteered to trade goods so often that he practically lived on flat ground. These folks that he had encountered sparked something in him, he felt alive with adventure! However, this science they were using was beyond his experience, amd Lowlander hated if he didn't feel useful.

Deep in this reflective thought, he finds he is almost back into the woods when he pays attention next. Looking around he decides that an hour or two to make sure no animals were on the path would be an excellent use of his time. After all, at the very least he would be keeping the short people in town safe to continue trading with.