View Full Version : Tempest cleric/storm sorcerer wrecking ball

2017-04-30, 09:45 PM
Hey all,

I just had an idea and wanted to get some feedback on it. I know the storm sorcerer and tempest cleric multiclass is pretty MAD but has some cool synergy.

The feature that got me thinking was storm sorcerer's tempestuous magic. I know most storm sorcerers are gonna use this to get away from baddies without incurring OAs. My thoughts ran in completely the opposite direction....A dwarven bowling ball battering ram driven by storm magic.

Optimally, this would start as a tempest cleric outfitted in full heavy armor. Using the bonus action movement to launch into an enemy less than 10 feet away. Of course, there's nothing in RAW about this but I would think this should result in some amount of bludgeoning damage or pushing the bad guy away or knocking them prone. Sounds like a tactic a dwarf would love (esp with a spiked helmet :-p ) but I would think that strength based builds of human, half-elf or -orc, or goliaths would excel at it too.

Of course, BBEG of large or higher size categories wouldn't be affected in such a way, but I thought it might be a fun tactic to play with.

Thanks for your input!

The Ship's dog
2017-04-30, 11:24 PM
I am in fact playing this very build at the moment (currently at Sorcerer 6/Cleric 1) and here are a few tips.
1. If you are playing more of a Sorcerer like me (only planning on Cleric being a 2 level dip), then play a Half-Elf. Not only are the ability score increases good, but they make the combo a lot less MAD. Also if you are playing with the SCAG then you can get some cool Variant Half-Elf abilities (I chose Drow for fluff reasons).

2. If you hate to dump intelligence like me, then I highly suggest dumping strength instead of dexterity. You only end up with 2 less AC in the end with the array of
Str: 8
Dex: 12
Con: 18
Wis: 14
Int: 10
Cha: 20
Half-Elf +1 ability scores going into Wis and Con, 2 ASIs going into Cha and 1 into Con, 1 into the Elelmental Adept (Lightning) feat. This is using the standard array.

Currently at the level I am at, I have my Cha at 18 and my Con at 16. I have an AC of 18 with a shield and the best medium armour available. If I wanted to get Heavy armour, I would sacrifice 10 feet of movement (and this whole build is about mobility so why would I do that?) or have to dump dexterity, which I'm not a fan of.

If you are fine with dumping dexterity or more focusing on strength with GFB and things like that, then ignore everything I just said.

2017-04-30, 11:41 PM
I totally understand that is the more "traditional" build for this type of character. I was just thinking of different options of the use of tempestuous magic.

This is just an idea I had, thought it might be a fun house rule to turn your get out of jail free card into a battering ram or closing technique with a bonus knock back/prone. The bonus bludgeoning damage (something small like d4 + spell casting mod) is just icing on the cake. Might be a bit overpowered, kinda why I wanted feedback on it.

Thanks for the response though. :)

The Ship's dog
2017-05-01, 01:42 AM
I totally understand that is the more "traditional" build for this type of character. I was just thinking of different options of the use of tempestuous magic.

This is just an idea I had, thought it might be a fun house rule to turn your get out of jail free card into a battering ram or closing technique with a bonus knock back/prone. The bonus bludgeoning damage (something small like d4 + spell casting mod) is just icing on the cake. Might be a bit overpowered, kinda why I wanted feedback on it.

Thanks for the response though. :)

Oh sorry, my bad. In that case, then I highly suggest that you bring this up with your DM as it is a really cool idea! Perhaps if you went a Hill Dwarf and got proficiency with Spiked Armour somehow, then it would be even better.

Personally, I would allow this as I don't think it seems overpowered, and it is creative! Both really great things.

2017-05-01, 08:51 AM
Thanks again! Tempest is def my favorite domain but I've never MC'd it with storm sorcerer. I think this is something a more melee centric tempest with a sorcerer dip could could make good use of, but I can see it is potentially abusable since it has just about unlimited uses.

Thanks for the idea of battlerager armor! I don't think you'd have to pick up a special profeciency since spiked armor is just medium armor which the character should already have, especially if a dwarf. Might have missed something in the SCAG about the armor requiring some sort of special prof, though. Would just need to find some since it isn't in starting gear list.

2017-05-01, 09:39 AM
Can spiked armor be used as a weapon only by battleragers? Can you make a primary attack with it or just a bonus attack?

In the Forgotten Realms, only battleragers are trained to use spiked armor effectively as a weapon, and only via their class features.

So, Sage Advice says no. Not sure what RAW really is, but that's apparently RAI ...

2017-05-01, 12:04 PM
Thanks for pointing that out. I don't follow sage advice much. Probably should start doing that lol. Maybe have to talk about appropriate training during downtime in a dwarven kingdom or if adventuring with a battlerager.

2017-05-01, 12:06 PM
Thanks for pointing that out. I don't follow sage advice much. Probably should start doing that lol. Maybe have to talk about appropriate training during downtime in a dwarven kingdom or if adventuring with a battlerager.

Talk to your DM. Many, mine included, ignore the restrictions on that and Bladesinger being elf-only.

Of course, if you're playing AL... You're SOL.