View Full Version : Lore Wizard: What are your amazing possibilities?

2017-05-01, 09:23 AM
Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster! I'm going to be playing a Lore Wizard (from the recent UA) in an upcoming campaign and I wanted to see if you fine folks had some interesting ideas. And yes I know the Lore Wizard has a bit of a reputation for being OP, but the DM encouraged me to try it out since he thought it was a good fit for my personality, high-level character concept, and his world. And while part of the appeal of the character is in the creativity and RP potential in re-flavouring spells to feature other elements and saving throws (per the little ribbon sidebar in the UA article), part of the appeal is doing crazy stuff with the class features!

So without further ado, my questions are:

What spells become amazing (powerful or just plain fun) when cast with a 1 mile range?
What spells become especially potent when changing the saving throw? (Beyond the obvious of just trying to target an enemy's weak save)
Are there any spells that become particularly interesting when you change their damage type? (Beyond just avoid resistances and immunities and hitting vulnerabilities)

Some possibilities I've thought of thus far:

For casting 1 mile away:

Arcane Gate. 500 feet is decent, but 1 mile is crazy! Teleport your party into a very unsuspecting group of enemies and wreak havoc! For added fun, place the destination gate up against a wall and then once everyone passes through it use a bonus action to flip the active side so it faces the wall. That way no enemies will enter without you knowing and ambush you on the other side! When you're done with the fighting (or need to beat a hasty retreat) hop on back through it and arrive safely 1 mile away!
Finger of Death. One by one convert the enemy base into zombies under your control without any fear of reprisal!
Witch Bolt. Assuming you can maintain line of sight over a mile, this spell finally gets interesting. Spot a pesky dragon flying high overhead? Witch Bolt! Let's see the dragon break line of sight on a clear day in an open sky!
Imprisonment. Yes it's already a powerful spell. But when you can do it at 1 mile instead of 30 feet? That's pretty fun.
Cloudkill. Dungeon full of baddies causing problems? Cloudkill it from a mile away, letting the heavier-than-air vapours sink into it and choke out all of the threats.
Crown of Madness. Force the monsters to kill each other from the safety of your encampment. Let the other party members catch up on their beauty sleep.

Changing saving throw:

Hold Person/Hold Monster. Change the saving throw to Strength or Dex (whatever you think the target is likely poorer at) and then because they're paralyzed they fail all subsequent saving throws! (Assuming the saving throw remains Strength or Dex and doesn't revert to Wisdom on subsequent turns. Not 100% sure of the RAW here)
Slow. Change the saving throw to Dex and all subsequent saving throws have a -2 to end the effects.
Planar Binding. First, inflict one of Paralysis, Stun, or Unconscious on the target so they automatically fail Strength and Dex saving throws. Then change the saving throw of Planar Binding to Strength or Dex and you've got yourself a guaranteed planar ally! Granted this one takes a bit more setup, but it's nice to ensure you're not going to lose the 1000gp material component if the target makes their save.

Change spell damage type:

Actually I can't think of anything for this one that's particularly special. A lot of fun coming up with re-themed spells! But nothing jumps out at me that's particularly noteworthy.

Ok, I'll stop there for now. I've got a few more ideas percolating but I'm curious to see what you all have in mind too! Thanks for reading and for your thoughts!

2017-05-01, 09:32 AM
Some possibilities I've thought of thus far:

For casting 1 mile away:

Arcane Gate. 500 feet is decent, but 1 mile is crazy! Teleport your party into a very unsuspecting group of enemies and wreak havoc! For added fun, place the destination gate up against a wall and then once everyone passes through it use a bonus action to flip the active side so it faces the wall. That way no enemies will enter without you knowing and ambush you on the other side! When you're done with the fighting (or need to beat a hasty retreat) hop on back through it and arrive safely 1 mile away!
Finger of Death. One by one convert the enemy base into zombies under your control without any fear of reprisal!
Witch Bolt. Assuming you can maintain line of sight over a mile, this spell finally gets interesting. Spot a pesky dragon flying high overhead? Witch Bolt! Let's see the dragon break line of sight on a clear day in an open sky!
Imprisonment. Yes it's already a powerful spell. But when you can do it at 1 mile instead of 30 feet? That's pretty fun.
Cloudkill. Dungeon full of baddies causing problems? Cloudkill it from a mile away, letting the heavier-than-air vapours sink into it and choke out all of the threats.
Crown of Madness. Force the monsters to kill each other from the safety of your encampment. Let the other party members catch up on their beauty sleep.

Don't all these spells require sight to the casting location? How do you see 1 mile away?

2017-05-01, 09:35 AM
Don't all these spells require sight to the casting location? How do you see 1 mile away?

I figure at the very least, buying the spyglass from the PHB will help. Aside from that, if you can go up to slightly higher ground you can see pretty far assuming the view isn't horribly obstructed. So while it's definitely the case that you couldn't do these tricks if you're trying to see through an obscured swamp with mist and trees all around, there are lots of cases where that's not the case. And with some proper planning and preperation could definitely see that far.

2017-05-01, 09:45 AM
How about Earthbind on something flying through the air a long ways off. If it slams into the ground hard enough to kill it - Bam free XP

And Yes Sage Advice said that fly creatures take falling damage with this spell.

2017-05-01, 09:47 AM
How about Earthbind on something flying through the air a long ways off. If it slams into the ground hard enough to kill it - Bam free XO

And Yes Sage Advice said that fly creatures take falling damage with this spell.

Good one! A great alternative to using Witch Bolt like I mentioned. Suddenly that airborne dragon way overhead is in for a rude awakening :smallsmile: (Legendary Resistances not withstanding)

2017-05-01, 10:07 AM
You could take enough levels of eagle totem barbarian to see a mile away!

2017-05-01, 10:09 AM
You could take enough levels of eagle totem barbarian to see a mile away!

haha yeah I thought of that! Too bad it takes 6 levels, that's quite an investment!

2017-05-01, 10:17 AM
As a DM, I have banned the Lore Master Wizard and all my players completely agree. In the gameshop I go to a fellow DM of mine allowed a Lore Master Wizard to join the group, he regretted it almost immediately.

Changing Elemental types exploits the vulnerabilities of creatures a ton. Killing their challenge entirely. "Oh thats a nice hoard of Red Dragonborn Bandits. Shame if someone decides to make fireball to Lightning damage instead to rectify the Half damage on fail."

Adding 2d10 force damage is overkill. "If you roll damage for the spell when you cast it, increase the damage against every target by 2d10 force damage. If the spell can deal damage on more than one turn, it deals this extra force damage only on the turn you cast the spell."
This makes small spells such as eldritch blast and magic missile completely overpowered. And Eldrich blast was already overpowered. It only specifies spells, so even cantrips count. And a level 4 magic missile empowered does 7 darts of 1d4 2d10 +1 Damage.

And you've already gave one example to changing range effects. Banishment 1 mile away.

The spell save isn't as bad, but for many encounters that are meticulously crafted to properly suit the groups CR it throws it out of whack if the Wizard uses it or not.

Lore Master steps on what sorcerors wish they could do. And in most cases better than what sorcerors can do. and thats a no-go in my books.

I'm ranting here just as a precaution. Lore Wizard is too good and it's not even remotely balanced and when multiclassed it completely breaks the game.

2017-05-01, 10:25 AM
As a DM, I have banned the Lore Master Wizard and all my players completely agree. In the gameshop I go to a fellow DM of mine allowed a Lore Master Wizard to join the group, he regretted it almost immediately.

I'm ranting here just as a precaution. Lore Wizard is too good and it's not even remotely balanced and when multiclassed it completely breaks the game.

I appreciate your comment, though I (and the DM) are aware that the Lore Master Wizard is powerful. But he thinks the flavour is great for his world, and I'm looking forward to a lot of fun ways to change spells on the fly and describe the unique effects to the group.

In addition, you're at least incorrect in your point that it affects cantrips, since the article specifies that it's only when "you cast a spell with a spell slot".

Moreover, I'd like to respectfully point out that this thread is not about whether the Lore Master Wizard should or should not be allowed in games (which in my group is a foregone conclusion at this point) but the interesting things that can be done with it. If you're so inclined, I invite you to let your imagination run wild with the fun and spectacular things it can do :smallsmile:

2017-05-01, 12:41 PM
To make the most of the 1 mile range, invest in Scrying. It'll help you get around the sight limitation for spells that have just one target. For the mile-long spells:

Pyrotechnics – Imagine just messing with an enemy encampment from afar by making all their fires explode like fireworks.
Lightning Bolt – Now I'm not sure if this would work, because the wording gives it a 100ft range but also says that the bolt is 100ft long. But if it works with Alchemical Casting, I think it'd be hysterical to stand atop a mountain and just blast thunderbolts at people you hate like a vengeful god. Also works for Chain Lightning.
Arcane Eye – Long-range spying.
Telekinesis – Convince your enemies that there's a poltergeist.
Disintegrate – Long-range middle finger.
Power Word Kill – Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the king died.

Changing the saving throw:

Fireball – You thought your great reflexes would save you? Too bad it's an Intelligence save! Honestly, I think my most common use for this feature would be changing things to Intelligence saves. It's an uncommon save, and tons of monsters have fairly low Intelligence.
Hold Person/Monster – This is a brilliant idea. I'm writing this down.
Flesh to Stone – Change to a Dexterity save so they have disadvantage while they fight the spell. You'll have a brand new statue in no time. Any spell that restrains a target should be switched to Dexterity, really.

Changing damage:
Honestly, this is my favorite feature. I figure that changing everything to force damage is the simplest way to optimize your spells, but there's a lot of fun to be had here.

Arcane Hand – Usually it's just a shimmering, translucent hand of magical energy. But imagine if it were instead a huge fist made of fire? Or perhaps a swirling mass of darkness that inflicts necrotic damage.
Flame Arrows – Not usually a great spell, but it could be fun to give the archer in your party elemental damage of their choice whenever it's needed.
Meteor Swarm – Fire can be so cliche. Why not bombard a city with icy comets, or globules of acid?

The sub-class is a little broken right now, but I really love the idea behind it. I'd love to see it balanced a little more and come into full play.

2017-05-01, 01:15 PM
Lightning Bolt – Now I'm not sure if this would work, because the wording gives it a 100ft range but also says that the bolt is 100ft long. But if it works with Alchemical Casting, I think it'd be hysterical to stand atop a mountain and just blast thunderbolts at people you hate like a vengeful god. Also works for Chain Lightning.

As amazing as that would be, the range of Lightning Bolt is self and the wording requires spells to have a range of at least 30 feet. So I think that won't work. Chain Lightning would do the trick though! And yeah that is an awesome visual of standing atop a mountain and raining down lightning bolts of judgement! You can even change the element type to have fun. Fire = torrents of fire and brimstone? Radiant = divine judgement? All good stuff.

Arcane Eye – Long-range spying.

That's a good one. Actually upon re-reading the spell I'm surprised the original range is only 30 feet. I know you can move it around and it lasts for an hour, but giving it an initial range of a mile sure adds some fun.

Telekinesis – Convince your enemies that there's a poltergeist.

Potentially a very deadly poltergeist if, for a whole 10 minutes, you can lift enemies into the air, fling them off cliffs, and slam 1000-pound objects into them! Depending on the circumstances, this could be a hilarious and devestating spell!

Power Word Kill – Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the king died.

That's pretty interesting. The perfect assassin!

Changing the saving throw:
Flesh to Stone – Change to a Dexterity save so they have disadvantage while they fight the spell. You'll have a brand new statue in no time. Any spell that restrains a target should be switched to Dexterity, really.

Good one! You're basically a medusa with this! So much great stuff to be had by switching the saving throws for these kinds of spells.

Changing damage:
Honestly, this is my favorite feature. I figure that changing everything to force damage is the simplest way to optimize your spells, but there's a lot of fun to be had here.

Arcane Hand – Usually it's just a shimmering, translucent hand of magical energy. But imagine if it were instead a huge fist made of fire? Or perhaps a swirling mass of darkness that inflicts necrotic damage.

Do you mean Mage Hand? If so, that doesn't work unfortunately since that's a cantrip and also explicitly can't do damage. Or are you referring to a different spell?

The sub-class is a little broken right now, but I really love the idea behind it. I'd love to see it balanced a little more and come into full play.
Agree on all points!

2017-05-01, 01:28 PM
Both Compulsion and Divine Word can affect all creatures within range, and don't have that pesky "self" clause, meaning they're truly hilarious when extended to 1 mile. Unfortunately neither are Wizard spells IIRC, but there are ways round that limitation at higher levels.

Edit: On closer inspection, Enthrall, Find Traps and Seeming all affect unlimited targets within range, though they are limited to line of sight, so you'll want a good vantage point. Wild Cunning from the Starter Spells Arcana also gets a lot better with a 1 mile range.

2017-05-01, 01:31 PM
Both Compulsion and Divine Word can affect all creatures within range, and don't have that pesky "self" clause, meaning they're truly hilarious when extended to 1 mile. Unfortunately neither are Wizard spells IIRC, but there are ways round that limitation at higher levels.

The problem with both of those though (aside from not being Wizard spells) is that both require the creatures to hear you. I couldn't find any RAW way to make your voice audible for a mile, but othewise that'd be crazy!

2017-05-01, 01:41 PM
The problem with both of those though (aside from not being Wizard spells) is that both require the creatures to hear you. I couldn't find any RAW way to make your voice audible for a mile, but othewise that'd be crazy!

Certainly, but a loud voice and a megaphone will get you a long way. Thaumaturgy would also help.

Edit: According to Guinness (http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/farthest-distance-travelled-by-a-human-voice), The normal intelligible outdoor range of the male human voice in still air is 180 m (590 ft). So with thaumaturgy, and decent acoustics... it could be downright deplorable (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deplorable_Word).

2017-05-01, 02:06 PM
Certainly, but a loud voice and a megaphone will get you a long way. Thaumaturgy would also help.

Good point about Thaumaturgy. I had looked at it before but missed the fact that it lasted a full minute (for some reason I was thinking it only amplified what you said while you were casting it or something...which doesn't make a lot of sense). I was thinking of a 1 level Cleric dip for my Wizard anyway, so that would be pretty interesting. Might be hard to get a full mile of audibility, but maybe if the DM allows me a megaphone magic item (hey he's already allowing Lore Wizard, he must be pretty permissive!) we could maybe get some real shenanigans happening!

2017-05-01, 02:14 PM
Good point about Thaumaturgy. I had looked at it before but missed the fact that it lasted a full minute (for some reason I was thinking it only amplified what you said while you were casting it or something...which doesn't make a lot of sense). I was thinking of a 1 level Cleric dip for my Wizard anyway, so that would be pretty interesting. Might be hard to get a full mile of audibility, but maybe if the DM allows me a megaphone magic item (hey he's already allowing Lore Wizard, he must be pretty permissive!) we could maybe get some real shenanigans happening!

I mean, you wouldn't need magic for a basic (non-electric) megaphone, it's basically just a properly-shaped conical tube. You've got documented experimentation with them as early as 1655, and there's some evidence of megaphone-like structures in some pre-columbian ruins.

2017-05-01, 02:20 PM
I mean, you wouldn't need magic for a basic (non-electric) megaphone, it's basically just a properly-shaped conical tube. You've got documented experimentation with them as early as 1655, and there's some evidence of megaphone-like structures in some pre-columbian ruins.

That's true, I was more thinking that if a mundane megaphone weren't up to the task of projecting a voice for a full mile (granted, even something like a 1/2 mile would be pretty awesome) or if it could have trouble with bad acoustics, a magic item would solve both of those. But yeah mundane megaphone plus Thaumaturgy would still work quite well!

The Ship's dog
2017-05-01, 11:38 PM
So one thing that I saw on an Eldritch Knight guide (I think it was called Bellator Arcana), was that someone suggested this combo:
Lore Wizard 13/EK 7
You take 7 levels in EK for the War Magic feature, which allows you to make a weapon attack as a bonus action if you use the attack action to cast a cantrip. You pick up the Poison Spray cantrip and a polearm, then proceed to change the damage type on Poison Spray to whatever you choose. Next you proceed to kill things from range with cantrips and spells as well as polearm attacks, have great AC and generally be a badass. Of course, it does take a lot of levels, but the bonus ASI will help to alleviate the growing pains.

2017-05-02, 12:45 AM
Do you mean Mage Hand? If so, that doesn't work unfortunately since that's a cantrip and also explicitly can't do damage. Or are you referring to a different spell?

It's called Bigby's Hand in the Player's Handbook. I've been using the spell list over at D&D Beyond recently, and there they have renamed it Arcane Hand. It's like Mage Hand's older, angrier brother. It actually has a surprising amount of utility.

2017-05-02, 10:05 AM
It's called Bigby's Hand in the Player's Handbook. I've been using the spell list over at D&D Beyond recently, and there they have renamed it Arcane Hand. It's like Mage Hand's older, angrier brother. It actually has a surprising amount of utility.

Ah gotcha, that is very cool! Also it seems odd that D&D Beyond would have a different name for the spell than what exists in the PHB. Just seems plain confusing!

Another good one I thought of last night to cast a mile away is Flaming Sphere. Sure a 1-mile Fireball is fun, but casting Flaming Sphere from a mile away and having it chase down enemies (even jumping over barriers and pits) is pretty hilarious!

2017-05-02, 07:01 PM
Don't all these spells require sight to the casting location? How do you see 1 mile away?

Depending on the circumstances, Fly or Levitate could be used to get a line of sight over treetops and such, although that might not be viable if we're looking at concentration spells. Magic Carpet perhaps?

Another problem is that some spells have a range that only determines the point of origin for the spell. i.e. Arcane Gate doesn't actually link the range (500 feet) with either of the gate points. So, technically extending the range on that spell does nothing.

2017-05-02, 07:05 PM
Another problem is that some spells have a range that only determines the point of origin for the spell. i.e. Arcane Gate doesn't actually link the range (500 feet) with either of the gate points. So, technically extending the range on that spell does nothing.

That's true if we assume that the 500 feet in the spell description was intended to be a hard-wired limitation of the spell regardless of how its range changes.

So if we look at Flaming Sphere for example:
"A 5-foot-diameter sphere of fire appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within range."

So this spell just references the range, without re-iterating that it's 60 feet.

So the question is: is the 500 feet listed in the description of Arcane Gate a hard-wired, RAW and RAI limitation on the spell, or an inconsistent way to refer to the range of the spell? (The other way of course being just to put "in range" or similar as in the description of Flaming Sphere)

2017-05-02, 07:18 PM
I posted a silly build a month or so ago abusing the energy type change in conjunction with MC into two other broken UA class. One level in Phoenix sorc and undying light lock allow you to add 2x cha to fire damage, making magic missile 1d4+11 per bolt.

2017-05-02, 07:20 PM
I posted a silly build a month or so ago abusing the energy type change in conjunction with MC into two other broken UA class. One level in Phoenix sorc and undying light lock allow you to add 2x cha to fire damage, making magic missile 1d4+11 per bolt.
Do you have a link? I'd be curious to check it out! For the character I'm planning I don't think I'd MC into those for RP reasons, but I'd still be interested to see what you came up with!

2017-05-02, 07:21 PM
I mean, Flaming Hands doing 3d6+2d10 force damage with an intelligence save, for two level-1 spell slots? Not bad

A 8d6+2d10 force damage fireball with an intelligence save, for a 3rd and 1st level spell slot? Amazing

2017-05-02, 08:18 PM
I posted a silly build a month or so ago abusing the energy type change in conjunction with MC into two other broken UA class. One level in Phoenix sorc and undying light lock allow you to add 2x cha to fire damage, making magic missile 1d4+11 per bolt.

UA isn't meant to be used for multiclassing. It's balanced with only one class in mind.

With that said, I find the physical effects of changing the save to be perpetually amusing.

Let's use fireball as an example.

Int save? A flaming math problem occurs in front of you. Think fast!
Wis save? A slower fireball, but it's just so darn pretty. You just want to sit and stare at it and let it consume you.
Cha save? Unlike normal fireballs, this one is willing to negotiate.
Str save? Flaming vacuum!
Con save? Just plain fire.

2017-05-02, 08:22 PM
UA isn't meant to be used for multiclassing. It's balanced with only one class in mind.

With that said, I find the physical effects of changing the save to be perpetually amusing.

Let's use fireball as an example.

Int save? A flaming math problem occurs in front of you. Think fast!
Wis save? A slower fireball, but it's just so darn pretty. You just want to sit and stare at it and let it consume you.
Cha save? Unlike normal fireballs, this one is willing to negotiate.
Str save? Flaming vacuum!
Con save? Just plain fire.

haha I love the image of a fireball willing to negotiate. So everytime I cast a spell and change the saving throw to Cha I'll have to RP as the personified spell, bartering with the target to take damage or not :smallsmile:

2017-05-02, 08:29 PM
Do you have a link? I'd be curious to check it out! For the character I'm planning I don't think I'd MC into those for RP reasons, but I'd still be interested to see what you came up with!


2017-05-04, 09:00 AM
Wouldn't the find familiar spell fix the 1 mile sight problem? Cause you can use use the sense as if they were your own, so just make it some kind of high vision bird like an eagle (think i remember some breeds can see up to two miles away, crazy) and have it sit on your shoulder, that would fix that problem would it not? (Legit not sure, I'm afb and have never actually played a wizard before)

2017-05-04, 10:06 AM
Wouldn't the find familiar spell fix the 1 mile sight problem? Cause you can use use the sense as if they were your own, so just make it some kind of high vision bird like an eagle (think i remember some breeds can see up to two miles away, crazy) and have it sit on your shoulder, that would fix that problem would it not? (Legit not sure, I'm afb and have never actually played a wizard before)

That's an interesting question. I did a bit of digging, and found this reponse by Jeremy Crawford on Twitter:

https://twitter.com/JeremyECrawford/status/704489177388191745?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sageadvice.eu%2F2016%2F04 %2F09%2Ftargeting-spellsclear-path-can-i-target-across-wall-of-force%2F

So I guess your idea works! I suppose still needs DM approval since RAW could probably be argued here, though it seems like RAI has been clarified for us!

Now that opens up a ton of interesting possibilities...

2017-05-04, 03:45 PM
How about Earthbind on something flying through the air a long ways off. If it slams into the ground hard enough to kill it - Bam free XP

And Yes Sage Advice said that fly creatures take falling damage with this spell.

I don't get how the earthbind spell can cause falling damage when the rate of fall it causes 60ft/round is the exact same falling rate of featherfall, which specifically results in zero fall damage.

Being bound it may not be able to land as smoothly I suppose, as DM I wouldn't have it take more than 1d6 damage due to landing wrong where a character under featherfall having a little more control of the landing.

2017-05-04, 03:52 PM
That's an interesting question. I did a bit of digging, and found this reponse by Jeremy Crawford on Twitter:

https://twitter.com/JeremyECrawford/status/704489177388191745?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sageadvice.eu%2F2016%2F04 %2F09%2Ftargeting-spellsclear-path-can-i-target-across-wall-of-force%2F

So I guess your idea works! I suppose still needs DM approval since RAW could probably be argued here, though it seems like RAI has been clarified for us!

Now that opens up a ton of interesting possibilities...

you're going to need something to compensate for the fact that looking through your familiar's eyes is an action, unfortunately. quicken metamagic, fighter action surge, or a spell that uses a bonus action or reaction could work...

2017-05-04, 04:03 PM
I don't get how the earthbind spell can cause falling damage when the rate of fall it causes 60ft/round is the exact same falling rate of featherfall, which specifically results in zero fall damage.

Being bound it may not be able to land as smoothly I suppose, as DM I wouldn't have it take more than 1d6 damage due to landing wrong where a character under featherfall having a little more control of the landing.

Yeah I see what you mean. Though RAI does seem to imply that falling damage is intended with the spell. But yeah I guess DM discretion as always!

you're going to need something to compensate for the fact that looking through your familiar's eyes is an action, unfortunately. quicken metamagic, fighter action surge, or a spell that uses a bonus action or reaction could work...

Darn! Always a wrinkle...I guess the Voice of the Chain Master invocation might also do the trick, since it doesn't specify the same limitation. But I'm not sure.

2017-05-04, 06:03 PM
Darn! Always a wrinkle...I guess the Voice of the Chain Master invocation might also do the trick, since it doesn't specify the same limitation. But I'm not sure.

it doesn't need to. it references the same ability and only changes the range, so it still takes an action to see through the eyes of your familiar for one round.

2017-05-04, 08:05 PM
A person at a mile's distance is something about a hundredth of an inch tall on a monitor a foot away(ie - 1 pixel on a 1920*1080 monitor). Still visible, just hard to make out details.

2017-05-04, 08:08 PM
Lore master change save work better with party help.
Monk for stunning strike, auto fail dex save and cast anything.
Or mystic with they AoE stun.

2017-05-05, 08:26 AM
A person at a mile's distance is something about a hundredth of an inch tall on a monitor a foot away(ie - 1 pixel on a 1920*1080 monitor). Still visible, just hard to make out details.

And a whopping two-hundredths of an inch tall when using the spyglass from the PHB! :smallsmile:

Lore master change save work better with party help.
Monk for stunning strike, auto fail dex save and cast anything.
Or mystic with they AoE stun.

That's a good point! Now I wish our upcoming campaign had a monk in it...

2017-05-05, 08:53 AM
Yeah I see what you mean. Though RAI does seem to imply that falling damage is intended with the spell. But yeah I guess DM discretion as always!

I'm a bit of a math guy, so I check to see how fast is that 60/ft per round falling speed. And at 60/ft per round, you'll hit the ground as hard as jumping off of a two foot step stool. Hence why I don't have it do damage in games I'm DMing. That's one where I really think that Sage Advice really got it wrong.

2017-05-05, 09:22 AM
I'm a bit of a math guy, so I check to see how fast is that 60/ft per round falling speed. And at 60/ft per round, you'll hit the ground as hard as jumping off of a two foot step stool. Hence why I don't have it do damage in games I'm DMing. That's one where I really think that Sage Advice really got it wrong.

Yeah I'm quite a math guy too, my university degree is a Bachelor of Mathematics after all! So I totally see where you're coming from. I allow it in games I DM just to add a bit more of a mechanical interest to falling and to the Earthbind spell, but I can't blame you for ruling otherwise.

2017-05-06, 09:12 AM
Perhaps this magic item in the DMG will help us:

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
These crystal lenses fit over the eyes. While wearing
them, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight. In conditions of clear visibility,
you can make out details of even extremely distant
creatures and objects as small as 2 feet across.

They're not that rare, which is great. And although they require attunement, it's probably not too crazy to think that there'll be a day before attempting any mile-long shenanigans during which an attunement slot could be swapped over to them if necessary.