View Full Version : Characters from other fiction universes. How would they get along?

Duke Malagigi
2007-07-31, 03:58 PM
This isn't a fight thread, this is a "how they would get along thread." So for my submissions I give you...

Non-evil characters
Death, Carrot Ironforgeredson, Patrician Vetineri, Granny Weatherwax, Susan Sto Helit, Mustrum Ridcully, Duke Samuel Vimes and the rest of the Night Watch, Reg Shoes and the rest of the Fresh Start Club.
Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Hagrid (I can't spell his first name), Kingsley Shacklebolt and the rest of the surviving Order of the Phoenix.
(Harry Potter)

Evil characters
The Carcer, Jonathan Teatime and the Auditors of Reality.
Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Peter Petigrew, Rudolphus Lestrange and Dolores Umbrage.
(Harry Potter)

I wonder how any of these characters would react if they met a character from the other universe, like Ridcully meeting Harry and his friends. What are your ideas on the matter?

2007-07-31, 05:56 PM
Well, I can't stand Harry Potter so I can't really comment, but isn't it just 'Carcer', sans the 'The'? :tongue:

2007-07-31, 06:19 PM
Well, I can't stand Harry Potter so I can't really comment, but isn't it just 'Carcer', sans the 'The'? :tongue:

Can't stand Harry Potter? GASP!

EDIT: I decided this need real content, but no clue what Discworld is so..

2007-07-31, 06:29 PM
Can't stand Harry Potter? GASP!

EDIT: I decided this need real content, but no clue what Discworld is so..

Don't know what Discworld is? GASP!

Anyway, I don't think that they'd get along all that well.

Good Characters: I think most of the Discies would consider the Pottite kids as self-important little brats, which they kind of are, if you take away their plot importance. Carrot and Ridcully probably wouldn't mind them, though, but...well, I just can't really see Vimes, Vetinari, and especially not Granny Weatherwax taking a bunch of wand-toting kids very seriously. The older Pottites might fare a bit better, though.

As for the evil guys...well, Teh-Ah-Tim-Eh and Carcer are really just psychopathic criminals, so they're not quite on the same level as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and Bellatrix Lestrange and the rest of the Death Eaters. If only because they can't use magic. And I don't think Delores Umbridge would fit in with them either. She's not as evil as the other Potter villains, and without her authority, I doubt she'd be that happy in a gritty city like Ankh-Morpork. As for the Auditors of Reality, I didn't read the books featuring them, so I really can't comment much.

Duke Malagigi
2007-07-31, 07:16 PM
Reaper Man was the book in which the Auditors of Reality briefly replaced Death with a darker, much crueler, more ruthless and more "dramatic" reaper. This was due to the fact that Death had developed too much concern and empathy for the living to be "efficient".

2007-07-31, 09:59 PM
They also show up as bad guys in most of the other Death books, particularly Hogfather and Thief of Time. And maybe one I forgot.

Anyway, the villains you listed...

The Auditors hate all of them. Probably especially Voldemort. Human immortality and self-fulfilling prophecies would likely annoy Them to no end. Teatime would probably try to kill Voldemort just to see if he could, once he heard he was immortal. He'd probably be pretty chummy with the others. Except maybe Umbridge, since schoolteachers like her would possibly creep him out. As for Carcer, who the hell knows.

Kurald Galain
2007-08-01, 06:03 AM
I disagree with the simplistic classification of these as "good" or "evil".

But to avoid turning this into Yet Another Alignment Debate,

there are several characters on your list that get along with everybody (e.g. Carrot) and several that don't get along with anybody (e.g. Death, Granny, Teatime, and even Voldemort's gang doesn't really get along all that well with its own members).

I can imagine Rubeus Hagrid fitting in with the Fresh Start Club, not because he's undead but because he's sort-of outcast in a clumsy way.
Susan'd probably get along with the Potter gang.
Ridcully would be a better teacher than several Hogwarts teachers in the book, although I think he'd drive Hermione nuts with his quirkyness.
Vimes doesn't appear to like wizards much, or at all. Nobby would get along, mostly.
Vetinari has better things to do than hang out with a bunch of kids, although he'd keep an eye on them.

Character-wise, Carcer and Teatime are probably worse than most of the death eaters, save Bellatrix, and kind of fit in there except that they don't do magic. Which is to say, they don't fit at all considering Voldy is big on purebloods. But then the DEs do have a bunch of infighting going on anyway.

Auditors don't get along with anything, because getting along would be an indication of individuality. Poof!

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-01, 06:42 AM
Actaully Vimes doesn't like MAGIC. He was stated that he does in fact like wizards, because wizards are NO TROUBLE.

The Death Eaters and the UU wizards would come to blows fairly quickly. Why? By definition all UU wizards are muggle borns.

Manga Shoggoth
2007-08-01, 08:38 AM
The Death Eaters and the UU wizards would come to blows fairly quickly. Why? By definition all UU wizards are muggle borns.

Not necessarly true: DW magic is known to run in families.

In addition, there is the problem with Soucery*: The eighth son of an eighth son is a wizard, his sons will all be wizards, and his eighth son will be a sourcerer*. Sourcerers* are bad news.

*and no, these are not spelling mistakes...

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-01, 08:49 AM
Yes I know all that. Wizards are not suposed to get married however (or if they do they are not suposed to do magic anymore). Young wizards get taught about "damadge to magical fluances" or some other rubish. In fact it is to prevent Sourcery. As such all Wizards in the UU are ment to be muggle born by Death Eater standards, ie neither parent is a magic.

Well OK then there is an outside chance of a Which mother. For the most part however mundane perants.

Now whiches can have which parents, but they are NOT allowed to teach their daughters for some reason.

Chaos Perfected
2007-08-01, 11:21 AM
Well, if it was a Wizard and a muggle that had a kid, they'd just be Half Blood, which Death Eaters don't mind too much.

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-01, 11:40 AM
Wizards are celebate. End of really.

2007-08-03, 02:47 AM
I think that Vetinery would end up the Minister of Magic even though he isn't a wizard.

Aside from that I don't know.

Kurald Galain
2007-08-03, 04:05 AM
I think that Vetinery would end up the Minister of Magic even though he isn't a wizard.

No, he'd end up controlling the minister :smallbiggrin:

2007-08-03, 08:45 AM
Can't stand Harry Potter? GASP!

EDIT: I decided this need real content,but no clue what Discworld is so..

I almost had a heart attack when i read that, Discworld just happens to be in my opinion the best set of novels to have been written (i hope the novel i am writing will one day be better but i doubt it as Terry Pratchett is a total Genius).

2007-08-03, 03:51 PM
I think all the discworld wizards would get pissed off at the potter wizards for having such a lame system of magic.

Oh, and Death would certainly be having words with :xykon: THESE SILLY PEOPLE WHO SAY THEY EAT ME:smallamused:

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-03, 04:01 PM

---------- =

Do yourself a favour, get onto discworld!

2007-08-03, 06:27 PM
Not necessarly true: DW magic is known to run in families.

In addition, there is the problem with Soucery*: The eighth son of an eighth son is a wizard, his sons will all be wizards, and his eighth son will be a sourcerer*. Sourcerers* are bad news.

*and no, these are not spelling mistakes...

...Actually, its Sourcery, not Soucery...

I get the feeling that Death, being Death, would generally get along well with most of the people in the Harry Potter universe. I have trouble seeing Death not getting along with someone, unless we consider the Auditors. Death's rather relaxed about this whole 'good vs evil' thing--there's no justice, there's just him, and in the end, that's what you get. Although he might be a little annoyed at Voldemort's various attempts at cheating him.

Other things:

Ridcully would eventually get annoyed at the whole 'Harry Potter Universe' wand-based magic system, and (probably accidentally) end up fireballing Voldemort. I don't think the witches or wizards of Discworld would end up appreciating HP's magic system--its not quite pretentious or reality-damaging enough to fit with the wizards, who would probably end up causing another Dungeon Dimension incident while showing the HP wizards "how real wizards cast spells", and its not quite as subtle as Granny Weatherwax would prefer.

Captain Carrot would probably get along splendidly with Harry Potter, as they are both stuck in their respective world's "leading hero" niche; however, Harry Potter would probably at some point end up sacrificing himself in a Heroic Fashion to protect his friends, as has happened to at least one other "leading hero" character when Carrot is around. Carrot, by fate or guile, seems determined to become the top hero of whatever story he's in. All other big heros [Vimes and co. don't count, as they don't have Carrot's leadership skills or insane charisma, and somewhat rely on him to keep going] end up dead.

Evil DM Mark3
2007-08-04, 04:01 AM
I think Weatherwax and McGonnigal might get on well. I allways imagine Granny played by the actress who plays Minerva.

Scott Haley
2007-08-05, 01:34 PM
I can't see Mr. Teatime being friends with anyone. The other professional assassins are creeped out by him. The Auditors hate all living beings, but they might want to exploit the Harry Potter characters for their own ends.

Duke Malagigi
2007-08-07, 01:16 AM
Why not throw in the elves (Harry Potter and Discworld types), the Silver Horde and Dark Lord Evil Harry Dread, just for good measure?