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2017-05-01, 10:32 PM
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2017-05-04, 12:23 AM
[roll0] Mithral chainshirt % chance. [Edit: Success!]

2017-05-04, 03:53 PM
[roll0] Mithral chainshirt % chance. [Edit: Success!]
Whoot! Awesome

I'm offically going to make Baldric's alignment Chaotic Good, and think Groanhull would be the most appropriate deity, though he isn't one to routinely offer prayer.

Let me know if you need anything else. :smallsmile:

2017-05-17, 03:24 AM
I'm starting this back at Baldric's trek from his hometown. Paraphrasing weeks or years at a time is to be expected to cover the ~5 years preceding the 'current date.' So some of this is just to help build up the world and relative perceptions to other lands. Other things I'll take as decision points for possible 'random' encounters, outside of what we've discussed previously.

With that in mind, if I write something that seems out of character for Baldric then please let me know. Likewise, if he would tackle a dilemma in a particular manner that may be helpful to know. As one chapter begins to solidify I'll write up more blurbs with leading questions--but nothing is truly 'locked in' until you have a chance to review it.

Castle Egilsstir is nestled in the heart of Essyelk-Efrean between the hills of the north, the forests of the east, and the desert lands of the south. It is seated toward the edge of a greater plateau that drops away along expansive cliffs to its south. The castle and surrounding town by the same name act as a waystation in peaceful times and a arms battery in times of war.

It is far smaller than the empire's many coastal fortifications or the capital city to the northwest. Similarly it carries less diplomatic weight. It is however highly regarded for its secondary role as an academy for the melee arts.

Egilsstir is well known for its hospitality to travelers. The surrounding towns often host festivals and plays, while their markets represent the bounty of the Essyelk empire. The highways and boundaries to adjacent wild lands are well patrolled.

The castle's formation predates the Essyelk empire by centuries. Much of its early history is lost to the ravages of war and generations of control by evil forces. With the central lands in relative peace for the past century a kernel of interest has sprouted forth among local scholars. A small council has emerged with a focus on uncovering mysteries long buried by the ages.

Soldiers and generals from all economic classes enroll in training within the castle's reach. Some enter to defend the towns or country estates as guards or militia members. Others are posted to regions of conflict to the western and northern extremes of Essyelk. Others still progress to advanced training in other cities, either within the empire or elsewhere among civilized lands. A select few are nominated to join the ranks of Vamildale.

There are well established highways by land and/or waterway from Castle Egilsstir in central Essyelk to the multitudes of port towns to the north. Either mode of travel is considered relatively safe in terms of bandits or other humanoid concerns. Neither are foolproof, with each having a chance of natural or less-natural disasters or wandering creatures. Both also offer stops within a day's journey for each interval. These range from hamlets or rustic hostiles to medium and larger cities.

By which means does Baldric travel? Travel via ship tends to cost more but I'll assume that he can earn his way for at least semi-rustic travel. What if anything would he be drawn to along the way?

2017-05-18, 03:39 AM
The golden light of summer mornings greets Baldric on each day of his journey. Parallel north and south highways weave through plains and rolling hills playfully. This is idyllic land with farms and lakes fragmenting untamed earth. The occasional patch of ruins or salted earth challenges the picturesque theme.
As Baldric chats with a stable attendant at a watering-hole inn a pair of half-giants wander in. They and their own heavy horses block out much of the light from the stable's wide doorway and each blinks to adjust to the now-dim light. They are dressed in the traditional gray, brown, and rust cloths of the southern desert peoples, of which half-giants are well represented. They share deep red-brown complexions but the rest of their features diverge.

One is a woman with light crystalline eyes nearing white. She wears a long braid of dark hair and sides and back cut short. She has a sharp nose and a pleasant face. She has tattoos of pale ink along an exposed arm with the other wrapped in bands of light leather armor and padding. She walks with a grace, or perhaps an aloofness, and wears a simple scimitar at her side. She wears tall boots of dark tanned leather and dark metal hardware.

The other is a man with deep brown eyes and fiery brows. He wears his straight black hair in a free mass shrouding his cheeks and he has a balding patch at the top of his head. He has a wide nose and a severe face,
but smiles kindly toward you and the others. He has a few dark and gem-toned tattoos at each wrist. He has studded leathers around his torso and a wide belt with pouches but the rest of his garb is loose and free flowing, much like layered robes. He wears heavy sandals of overlapping leather straps.

The half-giant man greets you with a nod and a deep voice with surprisingly musical tones. "Hmmm, What sorcery is this that our brother is reduced so? Yet a fine piece of steel remains on his back side!" The half-giant woman snorts and rolls her eyes at her companion while suppressing a smile, and nods her head to you in greeting with sparsely unblinking eyes.

2017-05-20, 01:59 AM
"By mar" Baldric exclaims, tilting his head back to stare at the face of the male, "You my friend are the tallest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and.." turning toward the woman "You my lady, are the second tallest I've ever met." Staring for a few moments Baldric gives a small jump. "Excuse me, but my manners seemed to have deserted me" Turning back to the stable attendant and speaking in a slight rush. "Pardon me, miss, but could you see that my horses get brushed & fed?" Reaching into the pouch next to his short-sword he extracted a two coins, one gold the other silver, and placed them in the attendants hands. Spinning back to the giants, "Now then allow me to introduce myself, Baldric Waren-Hatek, swordsman, smith, cook and just plain human, though I admit you two are some of the few who I actually have to look up at." Finishing his address with a smile, and extending his arm out to shake, Baldric took a cursory glance at their weapons trying to judge both quality and wear.

2017-05-20, 06:03 AM
Local: Half-giants are not unheard of in central Efrean. It is somewhat exceptional to see so few at once as they often travel in larger bands.

History: Half-giants to the south claim the barren lands as their birthplace. Legend suggests they were 'developed' as more compliant slave-labor for powerful evil sorcerers many ages ago. Most tribes have a gift for psionic power among them. Many are martially focused, augmenting their natural strength with psionic powers. Some are soulknives that wield weapons of pure energy. All are fiercely independent from outside influence and are leery of shackles and contracts. Despite being somewhat disengaged from the politics of Essyelk, their peoples have offered much toward the various war efforts.

The large man chuckles with chest heaving and a deep rumble, yet somehow restrained in amplitude. He elbows his companion and says to the room at large, "I am reminded of this by each lintel that bears my mark!" His smile broadens even wider as he too extends a hand, leaving you to do the actual shaking. "Slate Greenstone. I would see that blade in motion with your willing!"

The stable attendant accepts the coin graciously and moves briskly to escape from the tall figures now surrounding her.

The half-giant woman taps the stable hand on the shoulder and whispers a message while pointing to their horse's hooves, then passes her some coin. The animals currently wear over-sized shoes with layers of thick leather as befits desert travel.

The half-giant woman then bows to you and says in a rich penetrating voice, "Jade Aldwa. A pleasure, truly." She smiles kindly but does not extend a hand. Her scimitar is quite large but is otherwise unremarkable from what little is exposed out of its scabbard.

2017-05-22, 08:22 AM
Turning his gaze to glance at the grip and pommel of his spadone, Baldric's face broke into a broad grin as he firmly shook the half giant's hand "You want to spar with me?" Letting his eyes flit about the half-giant, Baldric took note of his posture, foot stance, noting his armor, but lack of a weapon. "I'm happy to oblige, but I think it would be quite unfair of me to use this," Withdrawing his right hand from the embrace to point to his spadone, "when you don't have a blade at all..." Letting his words hang for a second he then gestures towards his other swords with both hands, "I'd be happy to lend you one of these."

2017-05-22, 02:51 PM
Slate's eyes widen and glimmer with anticipation. He waves off your offer with a sly smile. "Mmm, You are kind. I prefer to test my might without if you are willing! There is a flat-top hill we passed yonder {{indicating southwest}} a minute's walk. Enough time to settle a wager?"

2017-05-22, 03:46 PM
"Really? Well I'm not one to back out of what I said, lead the way Slate."As he followed the half giant out of the stables Baldric raised and lowered his shoulders and stretched each arm across his chest, then behind his head. He was still a little sore from riding several days whilst wearing his full gear, & pack, true though his armor and weapons were relatively light he still wasn't used to carrying that much weight. "Better get used to it pal," he thought to himself, "you've already got one pack animal, anything else is going to get slow or expensive. As his mind ran through the mental conversation he reminded himself that Slate had mentioned a wager. He had a fair amount of coin with him, not that he was all that worried about winning or losing, he just didn't want extra attention for wagering a large amount, nor did he want to be cheap and suggest a miserly amount. "So Slate, about that wager how much were you thinking?"

2017-05-22, 05:28 PM
Slate nods approvingly and retrieves a light steel shield from a large section of his horse's packs without comment. He then beckons for you to join him toward the primary roadway. Jade trails behind, seemingly lost in thought.

The man scratches at his bald patch in consideration, taking some extra time to judge you. He replies, "Mmmmm..I have little coin to spare. I wager...dinner and drinks for the night, and..." He reaches under his collar and closes his eyes in concentration while managing not to stumble mid-step. As he draws two fingers upward a roiling pattern of 'ink' flows upward on his neck. The design settles into a geometric motif as he removes the digits. "..a magic of protection, a warding against attacks. Will you match this?"

2017-05-22, 06:12 PM
"...uh... well to be honest Slate, I haven't a clue what that protective magic is worth. What I mean is... I'll match the dinner & drinks for sure, but I don't want to cheat you out of anything magical, because I haven't anything of equivalent value, I do have a decent bit of coin." Baldric continued to stare at the geometric pattern, he had seen magic before, merchants & bards had always entertained crowds back at the castle, and while he had a good idea what magic might be worth in a weapon, he had not a clue about the strange tattoo the half giant now carried.

Despite being puzzled by the value of this warding, Baldric couldn't resist a growing sensation of anticipation, he could tell by Slate's posture and gait whilst he had with drawn the warding, he hadn't broken stride, meaning he could think & concentrate during a fight, he wasn't likely to charge in a brute rage, or endless hammer away like his old acquaintances used to do.

2017-05-22, 07:13 PM
He shrugs and replies nonchalant, "Then dinner, drinks, a shiny gold piece, and..a story from your people if I win? Agreed?" He grins and snorts then gestures to a clearing a short distance from the road. A radius of roughly a hundred feet is left bare, with only small patches of short turf as an exception. Perhaps it is a vestige of a fairground or an enormous tent, or some other large gathering. Jade takes a seat on a wide-beamed section of fencing that stands alone between the road and the clearing.

2017-05-22, 09:26 PM
"Agreed." Baldric breaks away from Slate, testing the ground as he walks across it. After feeling the stability of the ground, he drew his spadone from the sheathe on his back. His right hand a few inches below the hilt, his left an inch above the pommel, "Just like Sergeant Furnak taught me", he mutters to himself. He raised the blade till his hands were level with his shoulders, the blade extending far out to his right. The stance was one he favored, giving him leverage and manuverability for powerful swings, though he did admit it left him more open for his opponent. Almost subconsciously he shifted his feet, placing his right forward and left behind it, he now stood with his body perpendicular to the horizontal blade of his spadone. "Alright Slate, I'm ready when you are."

OOC: Mechanically
Draw weapon and position self 10-30 ft away from Slate, enter punishing stance (+1d6 damage, -2 AC), and combat expertise 2, (-2 to hit, and +2 AC).

2017-05-23, 05:05 PM
The half-giant stakes his shield into the earth and takes some time to loosen his joints, starting at the neck and working down from shoulders to hips to feet. He looks to you ((and waits to ensure he has your attention)), then extends his left arm away from his body slightly with open palm. At first a flicker, then a ghost image, and a few seconds later a solid object pulsating with a dull glow. He manifests a blade of green crystal into his open hand. As he retrieves and mounts his shield he announces, "May this rite end in peace. May you breath free on the morrow. Begin!"

Round 1.1 {start map (http://kahetch.twistedalchemy.com/baldric/map/map_ffb_spar0101.png)}
FYI: For simplicity's sake I'm splitting the difference here, and assuming both combatants are taking a -4 to attack, to hit with non-lethal damage. Combatants may break from this norm but that kind of 'holding back' would be typical without it being an outright duel, and without higher-level magical safeguards. I'll also include a Sense-Motive-like means of gauging relative power for strangers (though this would by no means be fool-proof).

Neither starts flat-footed in this scenario. Slate wins initiative. Your turn at the end of Round 1!

Slate charges forward, letting his crystalline blade point to the ground until the last moment! He cuts upward striking hard against your side with the flat of the blade, nearly toppling you with the force of the blow!
[[Slate charges, {natural 20}-> Baldric takes 13 non-lethal damage]]
Round 1.2 {map (http://kahetch.twistedalchemy.com/baldric/map/map_ffb_spar0102.png)}

2017-05-23, 09:20 PM
"Gahumpf..".letting his breath out in a unplanned gasp, Baldric's mind flash through the preceding seconds....he had conjured a blade of energy without muttering so much as a sound... and he was very well trained... and despite the secondary blow to his pride to admit it, had landed a remarkable blow on him. "I've got to hit him quickly or he'll have me out cold in another 2-3 hits." Moving to Slate's right he dropped all pretense of his guarding and began his counter attack. "Oh well, this will probably surprise the bugger, & it should give me a brief respite." His swung the blade from the shoulder level it had been resting at, raising it slightly, then arcing it down, twisting the great mass of metal so the flat of the blade would hit Slate's exposed side.

Mechanically move up and left 1 square to L9, stop combat expertise and initiate Stone Bones strike.
Attacking on +2, dealing 3d6+4 dmg if hit, and attack lands, gain DR 5/adamantine for 1 round.
(If you want me to leave off adding stuff life the second line in this spoiler for future, and just stick with the top line let me know, just trying to keep you from having to book dive for number.)

2017-05-24, 12:28 AM
Thanks--I appreciate the notes so long as they're not a nuisance for you. I keep cheat-sheet notes but I do miss things occasionally, particularly when I'm getting used to a new build.

..And rolled 7(+2=9), AC to 15 for round. Again, I'll not always disclose rolls but with your martial focus I'd like to give you a better sense of what the descriptions correspond to.

Also, I'm away from a means to update the map, but I have Baldric taking a 5 ft. step to L9.
Round 1.2 (continued):
The half-giant's eyes widen as you rebound. He beams a smile toward you before narrowing his eyes once again, focused on the task at hand. You misjudge your forceful chop and he strafes in preparation for another strike!
Round 2.1:
Slate dodges and weaves, then takes advantage of a parry to stomp a large foot to the ground. A supernatural wave of force makes the ground beneath you quake! Once again, you manage to stay upright! He exclaims, "You have spirit! I will uproot you yet!"
Your turn in Round 2!

2017-05-24, 08:19 AM
"Sorry mate, I don't plan on falling over just yet, thanks for the idea about using my foot though...." Dodging to the Slate's right again and trying to move around his guard, Baldric aimed a swift kick at his opponents torso. Though the intent to kill was still lacking, the move felt more fluid then using the flat of the blade, he was careful to aim the blow to hit with the bottom of his boot rather than the steel clad toe or heel.

Move to K10 I think? Map isn't opening right now, (I want to move down 1 and left 1 square as a 5' step (if possible) while still being within range.
Attack on a +5 with nonlethal UAS dealing 1d3+1d6+3 damage.

2017-05-24, 06:37 PM
Correct regarding the map locations. I'll post a fresh map at the start of next round if I don't manage sooner.
Round 2.2:
Your kick lands hard against the lower leg with a heavy thud and Slate gasps in pain! [[9 non-lethal damage]]
Round 3.1 {map (http://kahetch.twistedalchemy.com/baldric/map/map_ffb_spar0103.png)}:
Slate pivots in place to face you then grunts as he springs forward with his shield pressed against your body [[Bull Rush attempt]]! Again you mistime a swing of the blade as the large man moves faster than expected [[just missed AoO]]. The giant's strength launches you backward [[to I10]] several feet and your boots kick up a cloud of dust as they slide across the earth! Slate chuckles and tumbles along the ground to his left playfully [[tumble to K12 with remainder of movement]].
Round 3.2 {map (http://kahetch.twistedalchemy.com/baldric/map/map_ffb_spar0104.png)}
The bull rush is more a literal show of strength and him testing Baldric. But honestly I find the special attack rules odd and somewhat limiting. So FYI, I'll consider variations of those albeit likely with penalties if you're looking to achieve a certain result (i.e. to force a Dex check so as not to fall prone after a bull rush). If I rule that NPC's can do something without feat chains then so can you!

2017-05-24, 08:46 PM
"Heh heh.. alright I hear you, we aren't moving around enough, I agree mate, I agree." Recovering from Slate's bull rush as fast as he could muster Baldric let out a wry grin. The giant was easily his physical better... "So I'd better use my brain a bit more here...hmm how about a momentum swing...should I go right or left....Left. Okay Here we go..." The train of thought seemed ages for him, but he knew it wasn't but a moment to Slate, he moved forward elegantly but rapidly towards the giant's ride side. Twisting his body as he moved past his opponent he began swinging the blade so it would connect with Slate right at the end of his step, where the blow would have the most effect. Again he felt awkward as he tilted the blade so the edge over shot and the fuller lined flat slammed into Slate.

Tumbling Charge to end in L11, attacking with Greatsword

2017-05-25, 05:56 PM
Round 3.2 (continued):
You bound forward with practiced athleticism, throwing off the half-giant's next attack {{successful tumble, no AoO}}! You cut down but miss far wide, connecting only with air {{natural 1 :smallsigh:}}!
Round 4.1:
Slate begins to repeat a phrase under his breath and his eyes go dull. He steps back a few paces {{to J13}} and grunts in mild frustration. He shakes his head as if trying to clear a mote from his eyes. "You move about so, tall man!"
Round 4.2 {map (http://kahetch.twistedalchemy.com/baldric/map/map_ffb_spar0105.png)}:

2017-05-26, 09:26 PM
"You bet mate, mobility is your best weapon on the battlefield, here let me show you." Whirling his sword between his hands, Baldric adjusted his grip, and angled his arms so his spadone now rested with the blade pointing behind him on his left side, his hands holding the grip upside down, the hilt below his left & with the pommel resting above his right hand. Dashing forward he danced away from Slate's blow, and at the end of his stride he raised the blade and with a grunt rammed the point into the ground, jumped forward and using the blade now lodged in the ground swung around and landed a mighty kick on Slate's left side.

Tumbling Charge to I12, taking 10 on the jump and tumble check and hitting with charging UAS +7, 1d3+1d6+3.

2017-05-26, 11:48 PM
Round 4.2 (continued):
Once again you manage to avoid the large blade as it swings past during your movement! And again, your attack meets only air {{rolled 4}}.
Round 5.1:
Slate stomps his foot sending another shock wave toward you but you manage to avoid falling down! He speaks a poetic-sounding phrase of a different language {{sounding like giant}}.
Round 5.2 (map (http://kahetch.twistedalchemy.com/baldric/map/map_ffb_spar0106.png)):

2017-05-27, 07:34 PM
Keeping the momentum of his previous missed kick, Baldric firmly planted his foot and quickly spun the blade between his hands, he swung hard, raising the blade as he went, aiming for an upward slice into Slate's arm. He had to admit, the longer he kept twisting the blade, the more natural the attack seemed to be.

Attack with great sword non-lethally, +2, 3d6+4 if connects.

2017-05-27, 08:05 PM
Round 5.2:
Slate dodges the blade just in time {{Missed AC by 1. :smallfurious:}}
Round 6.1:
The giant strafes and spins, then attempts to unleash a flurry of blows with shield and blade! {{5 ft. to J12, Full Attack}} The blade whiffs past you and the shield clangs awkwardly against his own knee {{natural 1}}!
"May be I don't move like you! But try to wriggle free once I catch you!" His voice rumbles and he smiles at the sport, but you also sense a slight tremble--an attempt to cover a poorly executed attack.
Round 6.2 (map (http://kahetch.twistedalchemy.com/baldric/map/map_ffb_spar0107.png)):

2017-05-29, 07:07 PM
"Well I can't recommend catching me Slate, I may not be very good at sparring with a edged weapon, but I've been in plenty of brawls & tavern fights." He skipped back to the side, then continued moving in twisting his body and pivoting on his forward left leg, so that this time, instead of angling the broad side of the sword into his opponent with a swing, the whole blade moved as he turned away from the giant. ...and hitting with my fist or a foot is easier than making sure I don't slice you up.

OOC: Move to J11 then attack with greatsword non lethally, +2 to hit, 3d6+5 damage

2017-05-29, 07:22 PM
Can't remember if you said roll twice, if so I'll take the best, if not then I'll take the first.

2017-05-30, 04:49 AM
You catch the large man mid-pivot in the gut and the force makes him gasp and sputter with bulging eyes! He drops his sword which disappears before hitting the ground, and reaches forward to clutch you between his trunk limbs. A fluid swing on the return lands against his shoulder and he collapses to the ground!

A moment later, Jade springs forward with a potion and pours it down her companion's lax mouth. Slate bounces back up and creates another blade while assessing the scene around him before settling down. After an extended moment of confusion his eyes settle on you and he unleashes a bold laugh. "It seems you felled me before I could crush you like so!" He gestures with a crumpling of the hands. "Now what kind of drink will I be owing to you!?"
Nicely done! That second to last hit nearly flattened him then (you) landed the AoO. I know that could just amount to a bout of, 'I roll again', so it's nice to have the flavor text. That mentioned and as a FYI, I will not expect that degree of detail for all encounters. Of course there's also no combat in the IC thread yet for reference but perhaps that will change soon. :smallsmile:

He would transfer the tattoo to Baldric and explain how to use it.

Yep, it's roll twice keep the best, with an optional third roll that must be kept if utilized. I'll address the rest of your PM separately once I'm back to the rest of my notes.

2017-05-30, 11:31 AM
"Hmm, I think I'll try a nice dark dwarvish beer." Sheathing his spadone and walking towards the giants, baldric raised his right arm, offering it to the giant. "That was fun, I haven't had a sparring sessions like that in... well a long bloody time." Gesturing over his shoulder he pointed his thumb in the direction of the inn, "Do you need a minute or shall we head back?"

Alright, I'm all leveled up barring the questions I asked in my last pm. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Also I'm super glad I get rerolled health, that 4 vs a 15 was awesoe.