View Full Version : DM Help Fallen Aasimar Warlock; what to do as a DM?

2017-05-02, 02:06 AM
So I've got a fallen Aasimar warlock of the great old as a PC in my campaign. We're starting soon and realized I haven't thought much about this.

His character is a former Holy soldier who sought to bring newer, more efficient ways to achieve the same goals. He took up a pact with an ancient being long forgotten, he has picked nyarlethothep(sp), and his intentions are to use his pact to one day destroy the old gods.

Sooooo, I'm going with the idea his pact is what caused him to become fallen. And it's like the great old one is distorting his connection to his guide. And his guide is patient and loving, so it still try's to reach out to him, but with no success.

So, what are some fun things to do here? He could essentially change into one of the good aligned aasimar if his pact is somehow suspended or something. And maybe revert when conditions are no longer met. But then he'd be kinda weak sauce. What if I modified his good aligned aasimar traits to make him a bit more powerful?

some guy
2017-05-02, 02:41 AM
Nyarlathotep, huh? Nyarlathotep is one of the few (maybe the only?) outer gods who actively and directly deals with humans. He is also manipulative and can take on pretty much any guise. Let him masquarade as the pc's guide, maybe? Maybe he can give out a few seemingly harmless quests.

Maybe if the guide could convince the pc to switch, the pc can become a warlock of the undying light (UA, I don't know how balanced it is).

2017-05-02, 04:01 AM
After briefly flying over who Nyarlathotep is ..

He's toast.

I mean at some point he's either going to notice the con (and then lose his patron and his warlock levels) or give in to the madness (at which point he should be removed from the group; he's a danger to himself and others).

I think the "why" of his fallen asimaarness needs to come from the player. If you, without being asked, start fudging around in a PCs backstory they'll likely take offence. Work together with him/her to come to something you can use in your campaign!

also, the aasimar subraces arent alignment bound afaik. Question is, who's interpreting this char as a bad guy? you or the player...

2017-05-02, 10:22 AM
After briefly flying over who Nyarlathotep is ..

He's toast.

I mean at some point he's either going to notice the con (and then lose his patron and his warlock levels) or give in to the madness (at which point he should be removed from the group; he's a danger to himself and others).

I think the "why" of his fallen asimaarness needs to come from the player. If you, without being asked, start fudging around in a PCs backstory they'll likely take offence. Work together with him/her to come to something you can use in your campaign!

also, the aasimar subraces arent alignment bound afaik. Question is, who's interpreting this char as a bad guy? you or the player...

He and I discussed his backstory so we're ok there. And yeah I know they're not alignment bound, but he's been touched by darkness essentially. It's possible for them to bounce between the different sub races with DM consent. I just imagine he'd have to lose his warloc abilities at least temporarily.

2017-05-02, 10:39 AM
I don't think much needs to come from you.
Your player has picked a patron that will slowly turn him mad.
Your player needs to rp this; the other players should pick up on it.

If they don't then it's sadly going to go to waste but doesn't really need to be touched upon anymore; his backstory becomes ornamental.

But ok, let's say they do that, and they're slowly approaching a crossroads: either stay powerful but lose it at some point or cut the connection, retaining sanity but losing power.
You, as the DM (in colaboration with your player ofc ;) ), can now weave in an interesting side adventure where your warlock either:

a) sets out to prove himself worthy of a different patron! Mortal Kombat with equally levelled NPC warlocks!
b) replaces his warlock levels with those of another class; the magic that coursed through his body left it's mark, the warlock is now a wild magic sorcerer!
c) have your friend's warlock sabotage the group at a pivotal moment but in such a way that they can still recover (however costly enough that the warlock's character is no longer wanted; introduction of a new character!)

Again, there's alot to play with there but I'd wait to see if your players can actually be bothered to RP it before investing any energy.

2017-05-02, 10:44 AM
Yeah turning your class features into something that can be 'fixed' by RP is a headache. Who is his guide? Old Ones scoff at gods and redemption. They are beyond reckoning and don't adhere to any rules we can fathom. I like the idea of your patron using your character as a conduit to corrupt your guide. Spreading madness like an infection through your PC's heaven and you made it all possible. That's what I would do anyway if you are are set on trying to get out of your Pact. Silly mortal.

2017-05-02, 11:00 AM
I don't think much needs to come from you.
Your player has picked a patron that will slowly turn him mad.
Your player needs to rp this; the other players should pick up on it.

If they don't then it's sadly going to go to waste but doesn't really need to be touched upon anymore; his backstory becomes ornamental.

But ok, let's say they do that, and they're slowly approaching a crossroads: either stay powerful but lose it at some point or cut the connection, retaining sanity but losing power.
You, as the DM (in colaboration with your player ofc ;) ), can now weave in an interesting side adventure where your warlock either:

a) sets out to prove himself worthy of a different patron! Mortal Kombat with equally levelled NPC warlocks!
b) replaces his warlock levels with those of another class; the magic that coursed through his body left it's mark, the warlock is now a wild magic sorcerer!
c) have your friend's warlock sabotage the group at a pivotal moment but in such a way that they can still recover (however costly enough that the warlock's character is no longer wanted; introduction of a new character!)

Again, there's alot to play with there but I'd wait to see if your players can actually be bothered to RP it before investing any energy.

These are some awesome ideas actually! (Un)holy crap! Lol

Yeah turning your class features into something that can be 'fixed' by RP is a headache. Who is his guide? Old Ones scoff at gods and redemption. They are beyond reckoning and don't adhere to any rules we can fathom. I like the idea of your patron using your character as a conduit to corrupt your guide. Spreading madness like an infection through your PC's heaven and you made it all possible. That's what I would do anyway if you are are set on trying to get out of your Pact. Silly mortal.

DUDE!! That actually kinda really fits because, not sure if you saw my other threads about my campaign, one NPC is trying to unwittingly destroy mechanus, and the true villain was Demogorgon. Either, I can flat out replace demogorgon with nyarlathothep, or just leave him as some unseen/sorta seen conductor. If he's corrupting the good deities, that could explain the lack of intervention. Imagine their faces when they see a deva brought to madness, committing acts a demon would be repulsed by.

2017-05-02, 12:01 PM
So the way I'd do it is not to make him switch Aasimar types, but to switch class if he somehow becomes redeemed (which will only happen if the PC wants it, I suppose). The most obvious option would be for him to become a paladin, sorceror, or some kind of weird UA good guy warlock if all else fails.

Or you could have him switch Aasimar types but not have his physical stats change - because that's stupid anyway.

2017-05-02, 01:06 PM
These are some awesome ideas actually! (Un)holy crap! Lol

DUDE!! That actually kinda really fits because, not sure if you saw my other threads about my campaign, one NPC is trying to unwittingly destroy mechanus, and the true villain was Demogorgon. Either, I can flat out replace demogorgon with nyarlathothep, or just leave him as some unseen/sorta seen conductor. If he's corrupting the good deities, that could explain the lack of intervention. Imagine their faces when they see a deva brought to madness, committing acts a demon would be repulsed by.

Or Demogorgon is a pawn as well. He/She/It is a great target for machinations. A theme in his appearances is trying to fix his split personality at all costs. You have an unhinged Demon Lord misinformed about how to fix it's broken brain as a target for increasingly sadistic agents of order. Each side escalating a conflict to all out cosmic war. Lines are drawn, alliances formed, armies battle across the multiverse. The precarious balance that holds Existence together is shattered as the Ultimate Cold War turns hot. The multiverse destroys itself leaving only that which has always existed left...the Far Realm. Dun, Dun, Dunnn!

Or something like that. Hmm yes I like that. Been looking for a way to work some Aberration/Far Realm/Eldrazi style shenanigans into a campaign.

Anyway glad I could help & thanks! You just helped me out too.

Honest Tiefling
2017-05-02, 01:14 PM
So, what are some fun things to do here? He could essentially change into one of the good aligned aasimar if his pact is somehow suspended or something. And maybe revert when conditions are no longer met. But then he'd be kinda weak sauce. What if I modified his good aligned aasimar traits to make him a bit more powerful?

I would say that his path of redemption is a harsh one. Even if he were to lose his warlock powers, it was his choice to reach out to a dark and unholy power that is anathema to what he is as an aasimar. He could be redeemed, but he would have to suffer and sacrifice much to get there.

Basically, even if the warlock powers get turned off for a bit, it's not changing his subrace just yet, just in case this is a thing that could potentially happen. If he does want to be redeemed, I'd give him a slightly buffed 'good' aasimar as an RP reward, with the idea of starting to think of some for the other characters.