View Full Version : Non edgy warlock patrons

2017-05-02, 10:21 AM
The Light in the Void: a bright star located in the darkest part of the universe, the star seeks out those afraid of the dark and sends its light to comfort and strengthen them (wether they want the light or not). The warlocks of this patron are often optimistic in the worst times and radiate starlight to protect people from the horrors of the night.

The Bored Devil: this devil is stuck at a desk job in the 9 hells so he gave a charismatic young adventurer some power in order to vicariously live through them, the devil often sends you to new and exciting places and encourages you to enjoy life and have fun.

The Embodiment of Partying: this fey being loves only one thing, throwing parties. They command their warlocks to always be welcoming, make sure everyone has a good time and make sure parties never turn bad or contain evil actions.

2017-05-02, 11:12 AM
The Fey Patron is already the "Non Edge" patron.

Titania, Queen of Faeries, Oberon the Lord, any number of Dryads, Nymphs, or unique Fey entities that are benevolent or at least not antagonistic towards those who mean no harm to the Fey Lands. Puck if you wanna be mischievous without being evil... Just change up the names to conform to your particular setting's powerful fey entities and pow.

Or you can play with the Queen of Air and Darkness and other "Unseelie" fey who tend to be more edgelord-ish even if they're not actually evil in alignment by nature, but merely oppositional to the Seelie Court.

For Devils, you could do the Bored Devil. Or a Redeemed Devil. Or a Devil empowering the PC explicitly to participate in the Eternal Blood War against Demons, rather than giving them power to go do evil stuff. Could have Levistus grant power to a Warlock not to tempt them to fall to evil, but explicitly to carve his frozen butt out of the ice that Asmodeus imprisoned him in. Could also refluff the Fiend into a warlike Celestial granting you fire and violence to use in battle as a pseudo-nephilim, throwing people through Hell not because you're evil edgelord darkity darkness, but because you're showing them where their path will lead.

As to the Old One: Stealing Power is the cleanest. Having a benevolent Old One seems... awkward, to be honest, since they're not supposed to be truly aware of any of us since we're irrelevantly small compared to them in both stature but also relevance on a cosmic scale. Still, you could refluff it into an aberration or something similar empowering a person to do certain Orange Morality tasks. Or, like I did for a Yuan-Ti Old One Warlock in a Storm King's Thunder game: Use an oppositional aberration backwards. In the Forgotten Realms there's an entity called Bolothamogg who wishes to keep the Far Realm "Safe" from the taint of sanity and euclidean physics that rule our world. So he empowered the Yuan-Ti specifically to hunt down aberrations and stop them from returning to the Far Realm tainted with our reality.

There's lots of options, really.

2017-05-02, 11:47 AM
The Light in the Void: a bright star located in the darkest part of the universe, the star seeks out those afraid of the dark and sends its light to comfort and strengthen them (wether they want the light or not). The warlocks of this patron are often optimistic in the worst times and radiate starlight to protect people from the horrors of the night.

The Bored Devil: this devil is stuck at a desk job in the 9 hells so he gave a charismatic young adventurer some power in order to vicariously live through them, the devil often sends you to new and exciting places and encourages you to enjoy life and have fun.

The Embodiment of Partying: this fey being loves only one thing, throwing parties. They command their warlocks to always be welcoming, make sure everyone has a good time and make sure parties never turn bad or contain evil actions.

Hah these are great. The Bored Devil patron's "Hurl Through Hell" would be the target spends one round living an entire lifetime of rat-race desk job beauracracy.

2017-05-02, 12:15 PM
Theres the undying light patron which pretty much is your light in the void. There the star one i think.... Both of these are UA but non edgy. Oh and Fey is already non-edge as was mentioned. Honestly why play a warlock if you don't want edge? just go play a sorcerer. (i know there are other reasons to play warlock but I'd rather go full edge than half edge you know?)

2017-05-02, 05:53 PM
Renthkun, the Demon King of Insecurity

Renthkun has an interesting niche among the princes of evil, and is known for having a small but powerful group of servants, those who call upon the evil powers to gain strength unmatched by any. These are his demon captains, those willing to trade their souls to exert power over others. These are never his Warlocks.

His Warlocks seek out these predators of the earthly world, seeking to empower their victims by helping them work through their insecurities. These victims are not the ones who turn to dark powers for revenge, and the predators who exert power over them become content. By sending out these envoys of the light, counselors of the weak, those with both evil and insecurities are left to become continually stronger while pledging their souls to Renthkun.

2017-05-02, 06:23 PM
Still, you could refluff it into an aberration or something similar empowering a person to do certain Orange Morality tasks. Or, like I did for a Yuan-Ti Old One Warlock in a Storm King's Thunder game: Use an oppositional aberration backwards. In the Forgotten Realms there's an entity called Bolothamogg who wishes to keep the Far Realm "Safe" from the taint of sanity and euclidean physics that rule our world. So he empowered the Yuan-Ti specifically to hunt down aberrations and stop them from returning to the Far Realm tainted with our reality.

There's lots of options, really.

Somewhere, at the moment you posted this, a flumph started crying.

2017-05-02, 07:40 PM
Here's a few for you.

Convert any of the standard options to leak power rather than granting it. This leaves your warlock siphoning off their power perhaps working with other warlocks hoping to mitigate the damage of this magical overload. Alternatively, this option could be changed so that the power is being siphoned from a greater power in order to prevent its return to power.
Covens are a personal favorite for me. Rather than receiving power from an outsider, the warlock receives their power from a cabal of followers that pool their power to make their greatest member more powerful.
Marriage to a powerful outsider is also an option. The contract is in the marriage vows and the patron empowers their spouse in order to protect them. Why or how that would happen would vary from game to game.
Possession of a powerful relic could also leave the character reasonably empowered in a way very similar to a warlock. The warlock gains power as they unlock the secrets of the object.

2017-05-03, 01:01 AM
I've always been rather taken with using Sparkleflower the Pixie Queen as a Fey warlock patron. She'd be petty, immature, self-obsessed, and appearance oriented, but simultaneously innocent, friendly (sometimes), and playful.

2017-05-03, 09:31 AM

Possession of a powerful relic could also leave the character reasonably empowered in a way very similar to a warlock. The warlock gains power as they unlock the secrets of the object.

Not wishing to hijack the thread, but that is a very interesting idea.

I was planning to have my GOO/Paladin (although now I've discovered The Undying Light he may become a TUL/Paladin) stumble across an unnatural ray of light.

But a relic or artifact that he can keep and use makes a lot more sense.

And the first thing that came into my mind when you mentioned this was "The One Ring (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Ring)", which gradually corrupted is wearer the more they used it.

Deities/Patrons (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?523119-Deities-Patrons)
MC Paladin/Warlock before level 5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?523177-MC-Paladin-Warlock-before-level-5)

2017-05-03, 09:44 AM
I was planning to have my GOO/Paladin (although now I've discovered The Undying Light he may become a TUL/Paladin) stumble across an unnatural ray of light.

But a relic or artifact that he can keep and use makes a lot more sense.

And the first thing that came into my mind when you mentioned this was "The One Ring (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Ring)", which gradually corrupted is wearer the more they used it.At this point, you might want to have a look at all the UA patrons, one of which is the Hexblade, a sentient weapon that calls the warlock.

2017-05-03, 11:23 AM
Somewhere, at the moment you posted this, a flumph started crying.


2017-05-03, 04:14 PM
At this point, you might want to have a look at all the UA patrons, one of which is the Hexblade, a sentient weapon that calls the warlock.
True, but a couple of issues.

1, it's playtest material and not currently included in the game in playing.

2, it goes against the RP aspect I'm aiming for due to the nature of the patron.

Anyway, we're in danger of swerving this thread.

2017-05-03, 09:40 PM
Here's an idea
A Schrodinger's Cat Great Old One patron
It's a cat that simultaneously exists everywhere and nowhere. How to make pact? Just pet it if you see one of its incarnations or something, maybe feed it. Done, you just brushed your hand against an entity from the eldritch far realms, you got spooky brain powers.
You could also have it so that as soon as you see it, you get your powers, as it's entire infinite existence is immediately shifted into a tangible form for as long as you observe it. Idk, your call, have fun :)

2017-05-04, 12:04 AM
I've often thought of Yig as a less edgy GOO. He's the Father of Serpents - for the most part, he doesn't really care much either way so long as you're not messing with his people. If you're worshipping him, he seems to not mind doling out some power. And he seems utterly apropos for a yuan-ti .

Dr. Cliché
2017-05-04, 05:37 AM
How about a Fey Pact with Anoia, the Goddess of Things That Get Stuck in Drawers? :smallbiggrin:


Here's an idea
A Schrodinger's Cat Great Old One patron
It's a cat that simultaneously exists everywhere and nowhere. How to make pact? Just pet it if you see one of its incarnations or something, maybe feed it. Done, you just brushed your hand against an entity from the eldritch far realms, you got spooky brain powers.
You could also have it so that as soon as you see it, you get your powers, as it's entire infinite existence is immediately shifted into a tangible form for as long as you observe it. Idk, your call, have fun :)

This is quite wonderful, actually. Seems like you could do quite a lot with this idea. Your Pact of the Chain could be with a qusi-real cat (maybe refluff the sprite or imp, if your DM allows it). Your telepathy could actually be you reliving conversations that will happen. Unfortunately, you could also end up hearing conversations that could have happened or would have happened or almost happened, but never actually did.

I don't know, just seems like there's an awful lot of fun to be had.

Would you mind if I used this idea sometime?

2017-05-04, 09:05 PM
Hastur the unspeakable (the king in yellow)


2017-05-08, 10:02 PM
This is quite wonderful, actually. Seems like you could do quite a lot with this idea. Your Pact of the Chain could be with a qusi-real cat (maybe refluff the sprite or imp, if your DM allows it). Your telepathy could actually be you reliving conversations that will happen. Unfortunately, you could also end up hearing conversations that could have happened or would have happened or almost happened, but never actually did.

I don't know, just seems like there's an awful lot of fun to be had.

Would you mind if I used this idea sometime?

Not at all, like I said, have fun! And I do like the path you take with the telepathy idea, but I think the bit about hearing things that could have been would be better suited for the read thoughts spell. Awakened Mind would be more like the reverse, where you let someone else hear those could-have-been conversations, given that it doesn't let them reply.

It also works well with the clairvoyance spell (just fluff the spherical sensor to be an invisible incarnation of the Cat instead).

If you've ever seen Hellsing Ultimate (anime about vampires, pretty fun, nice Abridged out there) you could also work it to be like Schrodinger from that. Essentially, in addition to being everywhere physically, he could also appear anywhere in the mind of others. This opens up alot of fluff for the other spells, like sending, dissonant whispers, dominate beast/dominate person, and other mind-affecting spells (including Awakened Mind too, if you prefer).

Another thought that I've had since my first post is that you could also take on aspects of the Cat yourself, rather than just seemingly conjuring up the Cat with spells. Could remove the need for a cat motif very effectively for those who would like that, and make for fun RP besides. Plus, you could argue it makes more sense than calling up an incarnation of your patron with a first-level spell. Or you could blend the options. Whatever you and your DM are cool with. Either way, enjoy yourselves, hope you like it!

raygun goth
2017-05-15, 01:36 AM
One of these days I'm going to make a Pact of the Chain warlock whose familiar is their patron. That'll be fun. The familiar will be the worst demon ever.

2017-05-15, 01:57 AM
I'm not certain any Warlock Patron needs to be edgy, or at least the character's tied to them don't have to be.

2017-05-15, 06:43 AM
The Grand Flumph. The progenitor/deity of the flumph species, the Grand Flumph is a Great Old One sometimes mistaken for a Discworld-like flat "planet" inexplicably floating in the chaos of the Far Realm. You could land your Spelljammer ship on it and walk on its surface without ever realizing it's a living creature. Until an eyestalk as tall as Mount Everest raises up, spots you, and leans over to get a better look, whereupon a mouth bigger than the Grand Canyon opens upon its surface and the Lord of All Flumphkind starts talking to you. It loves getting visitors who aren't gibbering abominations or malicious outsiders. And it would be happy to grant you power to protect your world (and the flumphs that reside on your world) from such monstrosities.

Dr. Cliché
2017-05-16, 06:08 AM
Not at all, like I said, have fun! And I do like the path you take with the telepathy idea, but I think the bit about hearing things that could have been would be better suited for the read thoughts spell. Awakened Mind would be more like the reverse, where you let someone else hear those could-have-been conversations, given that it doesn't let them reply.

I was thinking that you'd just hear those conversations in general (not when using a specific ability).

Telepathy is just you managing to concentrate long enough to do something useful with the power. :smallwink:

It also works well with the clairvoyance spell (just fluff the spherical sensor to be an invisible incarnation of the Cat instead).

Good point.

If you've ever seen Hellsing Ultimate (anime about vampires, pretty fun, nice Abridged out there) you could also work it to be like Schrodinger from that. Essentially, in addition to being everywhere physically, he could also appear anywhere in the mind of others. This opens up alot of fluff for the other spells, like sending, dissonant whispers, dominate beast/dominate person, and other mind-affecting spells (including Awakened Mind too, if you prefer).

I have seen Hellsing, and that's a wonderful idea.

Another thought that I've had since my first post is that you could also take on aspects of the Cat yourself, rather than just seemingly conjuring up the Cat with spells. Could remove the need for a cat motif very effectively for those who would like that, and make for fun RP besides. Plus, you could argue it makes more sense than calling up an incarnation of your patron with a first-level spell. Or you could blend the options. Whatever you and your DM are cool with. Either way, enjoy yourselves, hope you like it!

When you say 'take on aspects of the cat', are you thinking stuff like cat-ears (like Schrodinger had in Hellsing)? Or did you mean something else?

It's a fair point about being able to call up an incarnation of your patron with a first level spell. On the other hand, it could fit right in to it being everywhere and nowhere. :smallbiggrin:

2017-05-16, 04:01 PM
When you say 'take on aspects of the cat', are you thinking stuff like cat-ears (like Schrodinger had in Hellsing)? Or did you mean something else?

I meant that you might become like that Cat in that you have powers similar to its own, which would be represented by your spells but if you like the ears, go for it :P

Dr. Cliché
2017-05-16, 04:02 PM
I meant that you might become like that Cat in that you have powers similar to its own, which would be represented by your spells but if you like the ears, go for it :P

Ah, I get you.

2017-05-16, 04:10 PM
For the Archfiend Patron I would say someone like Sparda from Devil May Cry, he was a demon that got tired of the fiendish bull**** and went to the bright side of the Force.

For the Archfey... I got nothing other than what was said already.

For the Great Old One... well, anything alien, really... Why should all aliens be evil?

For the Edgelord Patron in SCAG, he could be an anti-undead undead like Blade, and who is sealed somewhere and needs you to get his job done.

2017-05-16, 10:21 PM
I happen to be enjoying the Raven Queen patron.

While a little edgy by being the guide of the dead, she's really not all that edgy in that as long as you don't try to become sentient undead, sentient construct, brain-swap with some poor shmuck, or some other way of 'cheating death', she pretty much doesn't give a toss. It used to be that Modrons would hunt you down for doing this, now it's her.

I remember one game, I had a Paladin of Ellastree or whatever her name is that is the goddess of the forest and nature. He went Paladin rather than Ranger because while he had a head for tactics, he had all the subtly of the Kool-Aid Man. And hey, there's nothing wrong with that. After all, every good ambush needs bait, right? And self-healing bait that hits like a truck is pretty darn good bait.

So when he picked up Warlock, he had made contact with a Unicorn, an aspect of his deity, and gained certain abilities which he professes comes directly from his patron deity. Because the only thing better than being able to dish out a truckload of damage in melee and keeping all the mooks well away from any of the squishier people in the party ( PAM + Sentinel) is to do this while also being able to hit like a truck at range thanks to his 20 Charisma and Agonizing Blast. Had to pick up War Caster to do it, but hey... that was kind of inevitable anyway since he's a gish who gets into melee a lot. Being a Human, I was able to do this by level 10. Although I delayed entry into Warlock until level 12-13 for fairly obvious reasons.

Sicarius Victis
2017-05-16, 10:56 PM
It'd be possible to use something based off of Alice in Wonderland for an Archfey pact. The spells and effects fot the "insanity" theme of Wonderland quite well, as would most Eldritch Invocations. You could even have a Cheshire Cat familiar, as a refluffed Imp for flight and invisibility.

2017-05-17, 05:43 PM
I had a variant of the Great Old One patron who was an ancient female goblin thief who claimed to be a soothsayer. People believed her because she always would fortell bad things happening to them, and then she would do said bad things to them at a later date, making it real. As a result she became a Great Old One and gives power to people who she thinks would be fun to mess with. She also hates the pantheon of gods and works to seal them away.

Scots Dragon
2017-05-17, 05:46 PM
How about a Fey Pact with Anoia, the Goddess of Things That Get Stuck in Drawers? :smallbiggrin:


With goddesses, I believe the standard is clerics, and she'd grant the trickery domain.

2017-05-17, 08:41 PM
My warlock is a fiend pact warlock of Graz'zt who is now canonically the demon prince of epic parties.

2017-05-17, 09:48 PM
With goddesses, I believe the standard is clerics, and she'd grant the trickery domain.

See, I would say a warlock fits with the acknowledgement that the dynamic is different. A cleric is an envoy of the deity. When someone goes away from the cleric, they should know they were met by a representative of the entity. A warlock enacts the deity's will but can do so in a way that may seem antithetical to their beliefs. A warlock of Eldath is the one who is sent to wage a guerilla campaign against a polluting structure on a river. A warlock of Correlon Larethion is sent to crush a traitorous band of wood elves who prey on other elves while his clerics and Paladins act as his public face.

Warlocks are the black ops agents, sent direct messages by deities or by their angels to do the jobs that need doing, but that the god would rather not be associated with him publically.

Sicarius Victis
2017-05-17, 10:21 PM
Except, RickAllison, that's not actually true. First, Warlocks aren't related to gods at all, and almost always gain power from beings entirely opposed to most or all gods, whether in interests or even alignment. Second, many Warlocks rarely ever directly serve their Patron's interests, and more than a few don't get any attention from the Patron whatsoever. Third, a lot of Clerics and even more than a few Paladins actually do perform tasks like that. And fourth, a Paladin's magic doesn't even come from a god. I know that last part's not that important to this topic, but it's still related.

raygun goth
2017-05-17, 11:16 PM
Warlocks aren't related to gods at all

The difference between god, demon, fey, and undead is practically nonexistent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy#Origin) in cultures that had them. That's shooting three out of four.

2017-05-17, 11:18 PM
Except, RickAllison, that's not actually true. First, Warlocks aren't related to gods at all, and almost always gain power from beings entirely opposed to most or all gods, whether in interests or even alignment. Wrong. Flat wrong, actually. They don't have to be related to gods, and most aren't, but nothing prevents a warlock from being related to a god. We have a UA patron that is specifically a god (the Raven Queen). Then the various officially released patrons have numerous examples that are deities. For the Archfey, we have Titania, Oberon, and the Queen of Air and Darkness are all archfey and also deities, as are Asmodeus of the Fiends, Zargon of the GOOs, and Vecna of the Undying. Nothing prevents a warlock from being related to a god, and so my suggestion of a god as a patron stands. Second, many Warlocks rarely ever directly serve their Patron's interests, and more than a few don't get any attention from the Patron whatsoever. That is a choice of the warlock, not a requirement. The lore in the book actually seems to oppose this: "More often, though, the arrangement is similar to that between a master and an apprentice. The warlock learns and grows in power, at the cost of occasional services performed on the patron’s behalf." Having a patron have a direct interest in the warlock is far from required, but having them send the warlock on a mission is commonplace. Third, a lot of Clerics and even more than a few Paladins actually do perform tasks like that. No denying that. My point was that warlocks can have a relationship with a deity, not that they have a monopoly on this particular type.
It is a reaction to the statement:
With goddesses, I believe the standard is clerics, and she'd grant the trickery domain. I see no point in restricting someone to a particular class just because they want to serve a goddess rather than an archfey.And fourth, a Paladin's magic doesn't even come from a god. I know that last part's not that important to this topic, but it's still related. Agreed that it does not come from a god, but that actually reinforces the point about a paladin not being able to do the dirty work for someone like Eldath. Their power for such an oath comes from their faith in the tenets of their god rather than from the god,
and so being told to violate those beliefs for the greater good would actually make them break their oath.

Responses in bold. Basically, my point is that it is very much possible to have a deity as a patron and be directly tasked by them. Not only is it possible, but it is actually supported by the text. Every released patron option has featured deities as options and the fluff describes most warlocks as performing tasks for their patrons regardless of personal feelings.

2017-05-18, 12:48 AM
Ugh...so many of these go in the opposite direction. At this rate, why not just be a Warlock of Oolong? :smalltongue:

To go for non-edgy without being just as weird in an opposite way, why not focus on the knowledge part instead of the "Demon who is actually a good guy" part?

You find a living book containing the secret writings of an ancient kingdom who wielded strange powers of Transmutation. It just needs you to complete it.
You can hear the strangely perfect voice of Primus, master of Mechanus who writes the laws of reality. Caught in an eddy of his power, you must fulfil your destiny or be purged as a malfunctioning gear.
A dragon who plays Xorvintaal (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Xorvintaal) will spill secrets to you, provided you do his bidding.
An ancient and dying star needs a replacement in the night sky. If you master the secrets he shares, you will take his place in the heavens after your mortal life passes.

Sicarius Victis
2017-05-18, 01:38 AM
The difference between god, demon, fey, and undead is practically nonexistent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy#Origin) in cultures that had them. That's shooting three out of four.

I mean, I was talking about cultures in D&D, rather than IRL, so while that is a good point, it's not exactly applicable here.

Responses in bold. Basically, my point is that it is very much possible to have a deity as a patron and be directly tasked by them. Not only is it possible, but it is actually supported by the text. Every released patron option has featured deities as options and the fluff describes most warlocks as performing tasks for their patrons regardless of personal feelings.

Point by point:
1. That's really not my point. Yes, a Warlock's Patron can be a deity. However, their Pact isn't about their Patron's divinity, or lack thereof, it's about their other aspect, that being the Fae/Fiend/GOO/other aspect.
Whether or not they're a god has literally no importance in relation to a Warlock's Pact. Whether your Patron is Titania of the Summer Court, or that one sprite Gerald that lives in the forest over there, you're still a Fae Warlock, and what you can do is not related to whether or not your Patron is a deity. Due to this, Warlock-ness isn't related to the gods, and by extension Warlocks aren't related to gods, because you being a Warlock of something is entirely unrelated to the divinity of that something. Except for the Raven Queen, which you are entirely correct about.
2. Well, we were both kind of off there. While a Warlock may be sent on a few missions by their Patron, the Warlock will rarely spend any time directly serving the interests of their Patron unless under specific orders from their Patron to do so. Even if the Patron is taking a direct interest in the Warlock, and educating them in magic, that doesn't mean the Warlock is directly or deliberately assisting their Patron. So a Warlock could be sent on a mission like that, it's just not too common.
3: If it's a god that's just a god, then Cleric. If the god actually is Fae, and doesn't just share similarities with the Fae, then Warlock also works.
4. What about Vengeance Paladins? Treachery Paladins? Tyranny Paladins? And while we're at it, a Devotion Paladin that feels particularly devoted to a deity can be just as fanatic about serving both the good and bad interests of that deity than any of the best or worst cultists you could find. As long as as they don't betray their tenets, they're perfectly fine. And while we're at it, since a Paladin's power comes entirely from themselves, their Oaths, and their faith, it could be easily justified that whether a Paladin breaks a tenet is dependent on their own perception on whether or not their actions go against their tenets, thus allowing them to do a lot worse if they can rationalize it.

raygun goth
2017-05-19, 07:57 PM
I mean, I was talking about cultures in D&D, rather than IRL, so while that is a good point, it's not exactly applicable here.

Sure it is, why wouldn't it be? This is a game that often lists real-world deities on its deity lists and real world cultures as its inspiration, it even has Hell, so why the hell would inspiration from real world cultures suddenly not be applicable here?

Cultures can be wrong about things just as often as they could be right. Cultures can equate Corellon with Oberon if they wanted to. What's stopping, say, a D&D god from even making a warlock pact? What's stopping a fae creature from pretending to be a god, a ghost, a demon, or any of those things from pretending to be any of those other things?

2017-05-19, 08:07 PM
What's stopping, say, a D&D god from even making a warlock pact? What's stopping a fae creature from pretending to be a god, a ghost, a demon, or any of those things from pretending to be any of those other things?

Only the ability or desire of the story teller and the table's ability or desire to buy into it. But that IS a pretty hefty barrier sometimes.