View Full Version : 3.5: Auto-Resizing Saddle?

2017-05-02, 02:52 PM
So some time ago I got myself a familiar late in the game; playing a wizard/barbarian of 14th level wherein my GM made a house rule despite only having one level of wizard to let me use the "wild cohort" feat to get myself an animal companion as per the Druid list based on my character level but treated as a familiar with the usual bonuses and perks.

Of course this came with a catch involving a percentile roll (the usual risk involved with making a deal with the devil AKA my GM) and I ended up with a huge size class dire boar. I picked up a shrinking collar to bring him down to medium sized but I was just wondering...

Is there an item anywhere that's like a saddle wherein the straps and belts that are affixed to the mount can resize as it does? Creating one with the enlarge/reduce spell permanency and labor would cost be about $10,000 gold so I wanted to know if this already existed somewhere at possibly a cheaper price.

My hopes of spiked barding armor to use in battle as a mount (I'm a gnome) isn't really possible anymore (unless I save up and do the spell permanency thing on that as well) so this at least would be something...

2017-05-02, 03:24 PM
Is there an item anywhere that's like a saddle wherein the straps and belts that are affixed to the mount can resize as it does? Creating one with the enlarge/reduce spell permanency and labor would cost be about $10,000 gold so I wanted to know if this already existed somewhere at possibly a cheaper price.

My hopes of spiked barding armor to use in battle as a mount (I'm a gnome) isn't really possible anymore (unless I save up and do the spell permanency thing on that as well) so this at least would be something...

You are focused on just the straps, correct? The saddle itself needs to stay the same size so the PC can use it, but needs to be able to fit a changing animal?

If so, I rather think that there are mundane ways to do this if you can take the time to manipulate quick-release buckles, or simpler magic items. I do not know of any magic items that fit (my knowledge is limited) but I'm trying to find a simpler puzzle to solve.

2017-05-04, 02:01 PM
You are focused on just the straps, correct? The saddle itself needs to stay the same size so the PC can use it, but needs to be able to fit a changing animal?

If so, I rather think that there are mundane ways to do this if you can take the time to manipulate quick-release buckles, or simpler magic items. I do not know of any magic items that fit (my knowledge is limited) but I'm trying to find a simpler puzzle to solve.

Yeah I mean I've been searching around for some kind of magical themed elastic or just stretchy material that could lengthen naturally rather than needing to double pay for enlarge and reduce on something so minimal in scope but I've been coming up short.

But yeah your suggestion of a system of buckles that can be adjusted quickly does have merit. Would probably have to find a masterwork level leathersmith/tailor to make it happen though.

2017-05-04, 02:15 PM
Well, according the magic items section, most magic items that aren't armor or weapons automagically re-size themselves to their wearers. So it seems like any magic saddle would do this by default.