View Full Version : Throne of Unearthly Wonders (Group 2) IC

Aardvark 001
2017-05-02, 05:20 PM
The Emir of the Pearl cities had a daughter whose beauty surpassed that of any woman in those fair lands. Her eyes were like those of a wondrous gazelle, her lips like blood red anemone and when she spoke the poets of the state beat their breasts in despair at the loveliness of her voice. The Sultan of Shayar, when he met her in her father’s house, was so smitten by her that he proposed marriage to her then and there. She too was much struck by him and accepted his offer immediately.

The marriage was the cause of much rejoicing but it met with a bitter end when she died a few weeks ago of some strange affliction which puzzled even the greatest of physicians. Yet there was something about the manner of her death which made her father the Emir most anxious. He tells you this as you ride alongside him on the road to Shayar.

You were hired by the Emir to protect his caravan as you traversed the endless desert. Impressed by your abilities and your bearing, he relates to you the story of his daughter that you may know the true reason for his visit. Under the pretext of visiting the Sultan after his momentous announcement, he wishes to investigate the death of his daughter and know what befell her. He entreats you to help him in his quest and promises you great rewards if you do.

As the Emir tells you this story, there is a sudden commotion from the caravan. With a piercing cry, two large shapes fall from the sky and snatch away two of the wondrous cattle you lead behind you as a gift for the Sultan. As the herd stampedes, three more shapes descend onto the caravan, circling your group. Desert gryphons, their beaks glinting wickedly in the noonday sun.


Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)
Wizard (Bladesinger)

Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Mystic (Order of the Avatar)

Dhulanar al-Yateem (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194209)

Kom Ombos (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194654)
Desert Prophet

Nazla Parisa Hakim (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1195885)
Sorcerer (Sahr, wind)

Normal D&D rules.
If you want to do anything specific like attack or look around or try to figure out if a character is lying, roll the appropriate check in a spoiler. If you don't roll but I think a roll would apply in that situation, I'll roll myself to save time and post the outcome.

Also, please put your character name in bold at the beginning of every post.

2017-05-02, 08:13 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)

Waning Crescent waits just until one of the gryphons is close enough and then attempts to knock it out of the air with a grasping motion of her hand.

You didn't say anything but I still assume we're rolling Initiative?: [roll0]

Using Mind Slam on a gryphon when it gets within 60 feet. It has to make a Constitution save or take [roll1] force damage and be knocked prone. Being knocked prone should cause it to fall out of the air and take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet. So that'd be 60 feet and thus 6d6 damage.

Using Bonus action to change Psychic Focus to Psionic Restoration.

2017-05-03, 12:44 AM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

The spry boy rolls over the cart and stands up on its back looking at the griffons circling, keeping an eye out for any who dip down to grab another of the cattle. He is humming a camel drivers tune to himself as he watches those magnificent and free beasts soar in the air. As splendid as they were he readied himself to strike should one dip down.

Take the Ready Action to use Fangs of the Fire Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21976633&postcount=17) if one of the Griffons dives within 15' of the cattle near me.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-03, 01:40 AM
Even as the gryphons descend, a cry rings through the desert. A woman appears on the dune to your left. Her clothes are of rich silks and finely dyed and her hair seems to fame in the wind though only the slightest breeze cools the desert air.

The gryphons are afeared at her cry and rise a bit higher but descend once more. The woman approaches you group.

That's you Jalase

2017-05-03, 02:06 AM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She looks over what is happening, and, seeing that a few cattle are already lost, decides to prevent more loss rather than attempt any reclamation, she runs as close as the cattle as she's able and prepares to cast color spray when one of the griffins approaches within range of her spell.

She also prepares initiative, [roll0], if she's able to cast her spell, she's using a second level spell slot and she does the following: She pulls out a multitude of strangely colored sand, shouts, Registaan ret tum andha!, and throws it before her effecting up to [roll1] hp of creatures. Regardless of its effect, this will end up being a great flash of color that will most likely distract the griffins, and probably paint her a target.

2017-05-03, 07:19 AM
Kom Ombos

The Lizard prophet stays close by the Emir, surveying the scene with apparent calm. He grips his quarterstaff tightly and hisses a few words of prayer, preparing to call down sacred flame upon any of the beasts that dares to approach.

Rolling initiative - [roll0] - and preparing to cast Sacred Flame against any of the gryphons that approaches within 60 feet, which will inflict [roll1] radiant damage on a failed Dexterity saving throw

2017-05-03, 09:05 AM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

Saiph eyes the creatures circling the caravan. He wasn't expecting this. Bandits maybe but Gryphons? What could have attracted these creatures?
As he jumps of the cart, he hears a piercing cry, which not only shocks him, but the creatures as well.

"Who is that person? Did she attract them here? Or is she coming to our aid?"

He reaches for his rapiers, but then remembers he tucked them away earlier as they were not the ideal weapons to fight with in the closed confinements of a cart. They would have been perfect for these creatures though. Their longer reach being very helpful against these flying beasts.

"Why is it that every time disaster strikes I find myself without a proper blade?" he yells, grabbing the two short swords.

Saiph puts his back to the cart, and keeps a close eye on the creatures and the woman coming towards them. He tries to slow his breathing, calming his mind, bringing him into focus. As he does so he starts to flow slowly through different fighting stances, muttering words of power under his breath. He goes from 'the flowing leaves', through 'cat on hot sand' to 'the moon rises over the desert'. Multiple sword forms pass, each one flowing into the next as if Saiph was performing a dance. His body starts to shimmer and his eyes start to glow while he prepares himself for battle...

Bonus Action: start Bladesong
Action: cast Mage Armor

Combat stats: 40ft movement, 15 hp, 18ac, Iniative [roll0]

Aardvark 001
2017-05-03, 01:46 PM
The gryphons circle the caravan, looking for an easy target. A stray cow breaks from the herd. A gryphon swoops. With a lightning-fast movement, Dhulanar strikes his hand out. The hand flares as it moves, a tongue of flame issuing forth and hitting the creature in its chest. It screeches in agony and flies up slightly, glaring at Dhulanar with a venomous rage. It swoops down again, this time aiming for the boy. Before either of them can attack, a blast of energy emanates from Waning Crescent. The gryphon screeches again as it is sent tumbling away by the blast. It slams into the desert sand as Saiph starts his elven bladesong, casting protective wards to protect him in the coming fray.

The larger of the remaining gryphons cries out at its companion’s plight. It flies straight for Waning Crescent, striking with its beak. It scratches the tiefling in her arm but her armour takes most of the damage. She rolls under the oncoming attack and dodges the gryphon’s talons. With a sharp guttural word, Kom raises his reptilian hand and a bolt of sacred flame flies towards the Gryphon. It lets out another shrill cry and rises into the air once more.

The gryphon which was knocked to the ground stirs. Getting to its feet, it stumbles slightly and spreads its wings, preparing to take flight. A bright flash of light comes from its side as the mysterious half-elf woman throws a spell at it. It doesn’t seem to do much damage, but she’s certainly got its attention now.
The last gryphon makes a dash for Dhulanar but the boy easily ducks under its blows, still whistling his song.

Waning Crescent takes 8 damage
Your initiative rolls were modified by +2 to account for Waning Crescent's Avatar of Battle.

2017-05-03, 04:31 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)

Waning Crescent winces at the claw but slashes out with her dagger at it moves away and takes a moment to try and pull another one of the griffon's out of the air.

Thanks for remembering my Avatar feature! :smallsmile:
Sorry for forgetting about it myself. >_<

I'm not 100% sure if I get an opportunity attack or not. Maybe the griffon's have flyby attack or such or maybe they don't. If not, just ignore the opportunity attack I'm rolling.

Opportunity attack:
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll]1d4[/roll

Mind Slam on whichever Griffon is the highest up, but within 60 feet. DC 14 Con save or take [roll]1d6 force damage and knocked prone.

2017-05-04, 04:02 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She looks at the griffin, holding her staff before her defensively, awaiting just the right moment to strike with a second spell.

When the giffin approaches 15 feet away from her, she shouts, Pavan kee gadagadaahat, meree aavaaz sun! casting Thunderwave with a first level spell slot, dealing [roll0] damage and pushing it back 10 feet. DC13 Constitution saving throw halves the damage and negates the push.

2017-05-04, 04:59 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

"Laysh?!" he says looking up at the circling predators, Placing both hands at the ready should they dive again. He watches the women display impressive abilities.

As before:
Take the Ready Action: Use Fangs of the Fire Snake if one of the Griffons dives within 15' of the cattle near me.

Attack Action:

Bonus Action:

So if the Griffon comes into range I should be able to hit it twice. In the same round.

The Critical Damage and extra Damage From Fangs of teh Fire Snake are here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21981851&postcount=22) for 28 Total Damage on the first attack.

2017-05-05, 10:00 AM
Kom Ombos

Seeing the gryphons press their attack, apparently unfazed by the magical attacks going off all around them, Ombos raises a claw to the sky and implores his god to bless his companions in their struggle.

Kom Ombos uses a 1st-level spell slot to cast Bless, giving Dhulanar, Saiph and Waning Crescent +d4 to their attack and saving rolls for the spell's duration (1 minute or concentration). This is assuming they're within 30 feet, he might move up to 15 feet if it helps him get more of them but is otherwise sticking near the Emir.

2017-05-05, 10:41 AM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

Saiph, starts to hum a soft melody as he goes through the forms ever moving closer to the Gryphons. His swords start to vibrate in the same pulses as his songs hauntful melody. As soon as a Gryphon comes into range he lashes out with his sword transfering the booming energy to the creature...

Cast Booming Blade: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] + when it moves away [roll2](Thunder)

Aardvark 001
2017-05-05, 01:39 PM
As he ducks under the gryphon’s classes, Dhulanar readies himself. His hands glow with fiery power. With a swift movement he strikes the creature with blows so fast that they appear as mere glowing arcs in the air. The flames strike the gryphon in the chest and it staggers back in pain. With a panicked flap of its wings, it takes to the air and races away, disappearing into the cloudless heavens.

Waning crescent regards the gryphon which struck her as it rises into the air. She stretches out a hand. The gryphon cries out in surprise but it manages to keep control. Now enraged, it dives down once more onto the tiefling but this time she’s ready, dodging both blows with ease. The gryphon screams its disappointment and takes to the air once more.

Meanwhile, as the last gryphon advances on your unknown half elf ally, Saiph uses his bladesong. With the graceful fluid movements of a dancer he swings his sword at the creature. It strikes true, and where it strikes the air vibrates with a powerful energy.

The woman uses this time to cast her own magics. With a thunderous noise the gryphon is sent tumbling through the sands. With a slow movement it spreads its wings and attempts to escape the combat. As it does so, the vibrations of the elven bladesong wrack its body. It falls to the ground unmoving.

If the gryphon attacking Waning crescent is not killed in the next round, it will attempt to escape without using an Attack action

If the downed gryphon is not stabilised, it will die in the next round

2017-05-05, 04:23 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)

Waning Crescent again tries to slash at the griffon as it moves away from her and then pull it to the ground. As she does so, she speaks to the others in general (though her focus is still on the griffon) and asks, "Does anyone have particular skill with beasts? If they could be tamed, these griffons would make excellent mounts perhaps?"

Didn't get a response on if I get an opportunity attack or not last round so just doing this again in case I do. If not, just ignore the opportunity attack I'm rolling.

Opportunity attack: [roll0] + 3 from bless = 15
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

Mind Slam on the Griffon that's moving. DC 14 Con save or take [roll3] force damage and knocked prone.

If someone says yes to the ability to maybe keep a griffon under control somehow, Waning Crescent will run over and stabilize the dying griffon as a bonus action.

2017-05-05, 05:39 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She looks over and sees the Waning Crescent attempting to pull down a griffin, and she decides to help, running for the griffin while pulling out a grasshopper's leg before hesitatingly eating it, she chants, Havaen mujhe letee hain!

I am casting "jump" which will triple my jump height of 5 feet to 15 feet (meaning she can reach around 22 feet up with her hands). If possible, I would like to run, jump, and try to grab on to the griffin or, if at all possible, jump onto its back. I assume acrobatics or athletics [roll0] if acrobatics, add 1 to the roll; if athletics, add 4 to the roll.

2017-05-06, 09:38 AM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

When he sees the Gryphon falling to the ground, Saiph quickly scans the battlefield for the other Gryphons. He sees Waning Crescent trying to pull one down not far from where the other Gryphon went down. He increases his pace and jumps towards the dying gryphon, twisting in the air aiming to plant his hand on the creatures back to launch him completely over it. As he is running Saiph begins to chant....

Rista imya i' heart, ringwe ar' , pelekta ten' mela ar', pelekta ten' gorga
elea i' vanim maeg ar'

....small bits of frost starts to collect on his arm, moving down, encasing his hand, forming a blade of ice...
The moment he is about to hit the dying Gryphon he vanishes in midair, appearing on top of the other Gryphon plunging his blade of ice in and out of the creatures back before his momentum tumbles him over it. He hits the sand, breaking most of the fall with a roll, then turns around still in a crouch to see the result of his attack.

Move towards the dying Gryphon
Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step as I close in on the other Gryphon
Action: Cast Ice Knife [roll0], Damage: [roll1] (piercing damage). All creatures within 5ft of the creatures then need to pass Dexterity test (hit or no hit), on a fail they take an additional [roll2] (cold damage)

Rolling for Bless: (1d4)[3]

Fall damage from my jump and tumble (1d6)[1]

2017-05-06, 04:06 PM
Kom Ombos

As the feathered beasts begin to break and flee, Kom Ombos bares his teeth in a reptilian grin.

"How quickly the hunter becomes our prey! But there is no respite beneath the Sun. Sacred flame embrace you!"

Casting Sacred Flame on the fleeing gryphon, causing [roll0] radiant damage on a failed DEX save.
Messed up my damage roll, hopefully this is it instead: (1d8)[3].

2017-05-08, 02:51 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

The griffons no longer a threat to the cattle, Dhulanar sits cross-legged on the cart. And watches the others and the newcomer. Such a waste he thinks to himself as these beautiful, wild and free beasts are slain. Yet that is the desert. Both majestic and merciless. He continues humming the camel driver's song as he waits for their caravan to set out again.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-08, 04:03 PM
Waning crescent strikes at the gryphon as it flies up, then reaches out with her mind, casting a psionic blow so that it too falls to the ground.

As she does this, both Saiph and Kom attempt to attack the gryphon. The bladesinger uses his magic to strike at the creature with a deadly blade while the cleric uses his radiant powers. When the gryphon drops, however, both misjudge is position and miss their mark.

The gryphon stands wearily. The fight has left its eyes. Spreading its wings, it takes to the skies, weaving past the mysterious woman as she leaps at it with arms outstretched. Soon it is but a dark shape against the heavens.

The woman lands easily on the hot sand, then stands to look at your group.

The escaping gryphon is now 40 feet in the air. You can still take a shot at it if you want. In the sand nearby, the third gryphon draws its last breath and is still.

2017-05-08, 09:46 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

The boy rolls off of the cart and onto the ground. He saunters over into the direction of the slain griffon while keeping an eye and the new woman who had appeared from the vast emptiness of the desert.

"Should we take the carcass? It might make a splendid curio for some amir in the city, and fetch a fair amount of gold, even while dead. Barring that it could feed a family or two."

The wayward monk keeps his eyes on how the others interact with the new comer walking around the fallen beasst so as to put it between him and her.

2017-05-14, 07:00 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

I look up at the boy standing behind a dead griffin and say, Might I ask what you are doing? I did not intend harm upon you; if one of my spells went awry, I apologize greatly. I bow, bending at the waist and keeping my arms to my side, At any rate, if we wish to butcher the corpses, I can assist with this, or lead it if none here are skilled in the arts of survival. She looks over the people, resting lightly on her staff.

2017-05-15, 03:18 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

The boy smiles a big toothy grin, "Who me? Just examining this fine specimen. Perhaps it could be presented to the Emir as a gift, even dead it would make a splendid trophy if properly preserved."

"How did you come to be all along in the desert? Are you the scout for your people’s caravan? Is there maybe a camp nearby?"

2017-05-15, 06:26 PM
Waning Crescent just keeps her gaze fixed on the woman, watching to see what she'll do.

((Unless someone speaks directly to her. I'm not 100% sure if Dhulanar was addressing the entire group or not.))

2017-05-15, 09:26 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She looks at the boy, now a bit confused, Scout? Caravan? I... Er... Unfortunately, I do not know. I awoke on the sands, the winds whispering my name; and found I had powers. She looks at the tiefling nearby up and down, smiling a bit before returning her attention to the boy, I show you! She looks down at her hand, extends it before her, and says, Aakaash ka prakaash, meree kol sunen. and allows the sparks of her shocking grasp spell to dance across her hands, their light shining in her eyes as she smiles.

She looks once more at the tiefling and says, Your skin is beautiful, by the way.

2017-05-15, 10:10 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent looks over to the woman addressing her and replies somewhat stiffly, "Thank.... you." She looks the woman up and down, unsure on the custom but guessing that the appropriate response is responding with a compliment of her own. She settles on, "Your attire compliments your appearance." She completely forgets to say this with a smile as her attention is still half on the fleeing griffin. After a moment she realizes she forgot and attempts to make a point of smiling at Nazla.

2017-05-15, 11:19 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She smiles back, entertained by the response, You cast spells too, no? I am happy to meet someone who I may learn from, as... Mine are an instinct, though I'd like to develop them into an art.

2017-05-16, 01:15 AM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent shakes her head in the negative in response and replies, "No. What I do is not magic. Or if it is it is some kind very different from what you do. It requires an.... awakening of the mind. I am not sure if it is something I could teach. To me what I do is about as opposite of instinct as it could be. It is careful, deliberate, thought made into forms that effect the world and people around me."

2017-05-16, 06:51 AM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She wrinkles her face in disappointment and thinks a moment, sighing, This is fine, I suppose. I will develop it in time, with practice. She looks around a bit before continuing with, I hate to be a bother, but, might I travel with you? I know not where you go, or why, though I also do not know why I am out here, or how, either. If you need ask more about me, to help yourselves be comfortable, please do. She looks up, putting on a friendly smile for the last part.

2017-05-16, 09:54 AM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

Dhulanar looks back and forth between the two women before finally strolling back towards the cart, whistling the tune of the camel driver once again as he climbs back on top, looking around to see if there are any other mysterious women lost in desert.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-16, 05:11 PM
The Emir steps forward and addresses Nazla. 'May the Lords of the desert be forever kind to you, fair maiden. We appreciate the assistance you have shown us this day. I would be honoured if you were to...'

Attack roll with disadvantage:

He stops abruptly as an arrow shoots past him, mere inches from his head, and buries itself in the desert sands. The Emir ducks back behind Kom as the cleric raises his shield defensively.

As you whip around to where the arrow came from, you can see a tiny speck flying away into the distance, at least 200 feet from where you stand.

2017-05-16, 11:26 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

"The desert is full of surprises today!" the boy says with laughter in his voice as he leaps from the cart in the direction of the retreating form. As soon as he hits the ground he takes off running, he was used to be the one chased, let's see how this one faired.

Taking Dash action to move double normal speed, so 80'.

2017-05-17, 08:52 AM
Kom Ombos

The lizard priest hisses as the arrow whistles past. "Beware! They may be more of them!" he calls to his companions, moving to keep himself between the Emir and the distant archer. Staring at the speck on the horizon, Ombos mutters a prayer for guidance. "Lord Sun, reveal my enemy!"

Ombos prays for Guidance, and attempts to discern the identity of the would-be assassin. Rolling what I think is a Perception check - [roll0] - with Guidance, so an extra [roll1]. And a +6 if it is Perception. Will just cast Guidance if that's too much for one action!

Aardvark 001
2017-05-17, 09:05 AM

You run towards the disappearing figure but as spry as you are, you still cannot catch up to it as it disappears into the hazy desert horizon.


Your keen eyes penetrate through the haze of the desert, allowing you to make out a lone figure astride a gryphon, similar to the ones you slew. Even as you watch, the gryphon flaps is wings and disappears into the sky.

2017-05-17, 09:32 AM
"Hahh... a figure on gryphonback." Ombos addresses the Emir, but speaks loudly enough that the others nearby can hear. "No simple wild beasts, then. There was some intelligence behind this attack."

2017-05-19, 10:11 AM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

The orphan returns to the rest of the group this time sitting on one of the dead Griffins as he looks to the Emir.

"Any idea what that was all about? And what do you want us to do with her?" he nods to the mysterious women who appeared out of the desert. "Is she to come with us? We can't really just leave her here -- right?"

2017-05-19, 12:34 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)

"I also came 'mysteriously out of the desert', so I see no reason to not let her travel with us. She did help us. She could have stayed out of sight just as easily." Waning Crescent replies.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-19, 12:39 PM
The Emir shakes his head.
Truly I know not. Who would try to attack me in such a way? And why? He turns to Kom If you were not by my side, no doubt he would have attempted to strike at me sooner. You have my thanks.

Turning to the woman, he smiles. It seems fate has brought you to us. We would be happy indeed if you agree to accompany us on our journey.

2017-05-19, 12:46 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She bows before the Emir and smiles thankfully to her new Tiefling ally. I thank you for your trusting words, and hope that we can become close allies. She says shooting a bit of a disapproving look at the young boy. Ah! she starts, It occurs to me that I have not introduced myself, my apologies, this was rude of me. I am Nazla Parisa Hakim.

2017-05-19, 07:12 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)

"My name is Waning Crescent." she simply replies.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-20, 05:55 AM
The Emir addresses you. Let us journey ahead while we speak.The desert sun grows treacherous and we know not when our attacker may return. He turns to Dhulanar, perched atop the gryphon. If you wish, you may put the gryphon on one of the carts and work on it while we travel. I agree that it is a must find specimen. Certainly you will find a buyer in the markets of Shayar.

You spend some time gathering together the stray cattle. The cows are skittish after seeing two of their number carried away so suddenly but you eventually manage to calm them with the aid of the Emir's retinue.

The desert does indeed grow more dangerous as the sun ascends, but you reach the city before the noonday heat. As you enter the wide, ornate gates of Shayar, the Emir turns to you.

I intend to call on the sultan's vizier. He is a cousin of mine and a good and noble friend. I hope he will aid me in discovering what happened to my daughter. You may accompany me to meet him or you may wander the city and make arrangements for your stay.

This counts as a short rest.
You can roll a DC 15 survival check to do something with the gryphon. Anyone proficient with leatherworking tools gets an advantage. Alternatively Kom could do it using his cunning artisan feat.

2017-05-20, 12:57 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent acts as an assistant to anyone doing anything with the gryphon.

As they approach the city, she silently marvels at it's size more and more the closer they get. Once they get inside she is equally astounded by the amount of people. Softly, basically to herself she says, "I had not imagined there would be so many."

"I would accompany you. I have little in the way of coin and less knowledge about such places. I am certain I would get lost within moments." she simply replies.

Using the Help action on whoever works on the gryphon. This should give them advantage on the roll.

2017-05-20, 02:55 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

"I lack real knowledge in this field, but I think it would make a great tribute to a Sultan or Emir." Dhulanar helps load the beast on the cart and would watch with interest any skilled in dealing with as they work. He takes some time to meditate as they make their way through the desert. Once inside the city he pays special attention for any groups of performers, especially dancers and volunteers to accompany the Emir on his rendezvous.

2017-05-21, 12:36 AM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She accompanies Waning Creasant and the young boy to turn the griffin into a cloak for a tribute to the Sultan.

She rolls survival with advantage 2d20b1+1 to work the creature's hide.

2017-05-21, 05:48 AM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

Saiph had never been strong in the field of crafting and thus leaves the mutilating of the Gryphon coprse to the rest of the party. Instead he adresses the Emir.

If you would allow me, I would like to accompany you to the Vizier. I have heard of him before and seems like an interesting man to meet.

2017-05-22, 11:45 AM
Kom Ombos

Ombos declines to involve himself with the gryphon carcass, choosing instead to spend the rest of the journey alternately gazing at the sun through a small brass instrument and taking down notes on a weathered scroll of paper.

He seems unmoved by the splendour of Shayar, but responds quickly to the Emir's proposal."I am with you, Emir. I would see this vizier myself, and you will desire my continued insight and protection."

Aardvark 001
2017-05-22, 05:17 PM
The Emir smiles. Very well. We shall go together. He calls his servant and tells him to make arrangements to have the cattle and his staff taken care of. Then you set off for the vizier's abode.

He leads you down streets both side and narrow, past minarets that seem to reach to the sun itself and the through markets that are full of treasures you have never even dreamt of.

The Emir assures Dhulanar that he does not require any entertainers to accompany him. Yet he cannot help but watch the street performers dancing in the marketplace. The sight brings back many memories, some good and some truly heartbreaking. He sees a girl standing in the crowd watching the dancers. She looks very familiar. Almost as though... but no, it can't be her. That would be too great a coincidence. He shakes his head and carries on with the others.

The vizier's house is a grand building in the northern quarter, a beautiful structure that stands out even here among the richest parts of Shayar.

A janni slave leads you inside, to a richly decorated room with divans lining three of the walls. On one of them is a man who stands as you enter.

You have all heard of Bedreddin Hassan, vizier to the throne of Unearthly Wonders. There is scarcely a soul in all of Zakhara who hasn't. And here he stands before you in the flesh.

He is a tall man, no older than thirty years. Yet his eyes shine with the wisdom of a hundred ages. His robes are of brought blue silk and his head is shaved bald like a wizard of the endless sands.

He greets the Emir with a fond embrace. There is much rejoicing as the cousins recount the events that have befallen them adobe they last met.

Bedreddin then listens as the Emir introduces you. 'You have my thanks, good friends,' he says, looking at each of you in turn. 'For the service you have done me and my family.' He turns back to the Emir. 'But surely you have not braved the desert sands merely to partake of my humble coffee, cousin?'

The Emir's face darkens. No indeed, Bedreddin. I have a different motive. He tells the vizier his suspicions about his daughter. The vizier listens attentively, motioning for his jann to serve coffee. They place a steaming bowl of thick, black liquid in front of each of you.

Once the Emir has finished speaking, the vizier sighs. 'It is a sad story indeed. Poor Farida.' He shakes his head. 'But I am afraid you are mistaken cousin. She was taken to the gods most suddenly, but her death was not suspicious, I assure you. I saw her body myself. I am afraid you have come here on a fruitless errand.'

Nazla manages to produce a good quality gryphon pelt. However, it'll need more work before you're ready to make anything with it

2017-05-22, 08:30 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent thanks the janni in Primodrial and accepts the coffee, one of many many things she has read of but never experienced for herself. As she looks down in it, she sees a wavering reflection of herself, like one might see the moon's reflection in the lake of an oasis. She smiles at this thought and sips the drink. It is hot and has a strong flavor, but she thinks she could grow to like it fairly quickly. While pondering the coffee, she also ponders the vizier and his words.

History check to know more about Bedreddin Hassan: [roll0]

Insight check to determine if Bedreddin Hassan is lying or not telling the whole truth or otherwise being misleading: [roll1]

2017-05-22, 10:34 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

Nazla, after hearing Waning Crescent speak Primordial, appears as though she's listening for a moment, responding with a thanks to the Janni in the primordial language, turning to her companion and saying in primordial, You speak the language of wind? Otherwise, she sits back, merely content to listen to what's going on, looking a bit confused on who this Vizier is.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-23, 12:57 AM
Waning Crescent

There are few in Zakhara who have not heard of Bedreddin Hassan. Even you, though you have spent little time in civilised company, have heard tell of his exploits.

It is said he first came to the sultan's attention at the tender age of ten, when he saved the Leader of the faithful from an enraged lion. It is said he turned himself into a giant and slew the lion with a single blow, so great was his magic even then. In fact, he had saved the sultan's life on several such occasions, making him one of the most trusted men of the royal household.

As a vizier too he has been something of a prodigy. He has invested heavily in schools and hospitals for the poor, and set up trace links with several nobles of the elemental planes, including the notoriously mercurial Sultan of the Efreet. In short, there are not many who are more loved and respected than he in the city of Shayar.

You try to discover if the vizier is deceiving you in some way but at least to you he appears to be in earnest

2017-05-23, 04:14 AM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent nods and replies in Primordial, <"Yes. And the earth, waters, and fire as well. I was taught it by the jaan Khashaih the Enlightened since I was a child. Do you know who your teacher was?">

She can tell that her new friend is clearly confused about the situation and considers informing her, perhaps telepathically so as not to be talking over important matters, but she doesn't know how Nazla will react and doesn't wish to cause a scene. She determines she will simply inform her about Bedreddin Hassan later. Though perhaps she will leave out the comedic poem "Bedridden Hassan".

2017-05-23, 10:50 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

Teacher? she says, looking rather confused about the question, I am guided by the wind in its own language. I am taught by the winds themselves. She speaks the words of magic once more Havaen meree pahunch ka vistaar karatee hain. and her cup floats on a small cushion of wind to her mouth, allowing her to sip from it.

Nazla casts mage hand.

2017-05-24, 04:45 AM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

<"Ah."> Waning Crescent nods responds (still in Primordial). <"Interesting."> she ends, thoughtfully, not really sure what to make of that.

2017-05-25, 03:40 PM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

Saiph accepts the cup from the Janni and takes in the room they find themselves in. He takes a small sip and immediately remembers why he didn't like the drink. He was more of a chilled wine kind of man. Why people would drink a thick,hot and bitter drink in this climat is beyond him.

2017-05-25, 04:33 PM
Kom Ombos

The lizard cleric accepts a cup of coffee and grips it in his claws, not drinking but enjoying the warmth it brings.

He sits very still, staring at the vizier, and hears him speak apparently without emotion. When he speaks, however, it is not without sympathy. "The loss of a young life is always a tragedy. Forgive me, my Emir, for the presumption, but perhaps it would help you to hear the story in full? If the good vizier will oblige us?"

Ombos remains utterly focused on Bedreddin, his red eyes unblinking, as he waits for the vizier to reply.

Insight check to see if there is anything incongruous about the vizier's immediate response: [roll0]

Aardvark 001
2017-05-26, 02:36 AM
The vizier sighs. It is indeed a tragedy, good cleric, but not one of any length. He shakes his head. However if my cousin does not find the subject too painful, I shall recount it in its entirety. The Emir motions as if to tell him to proceed.

Very well Bedreddin says. Then know, O friends,
that Farida was a kind and noble woman, and one of my master's most trusted advisors.

She was married to the Sultan when she was but nineteen. She was his second wife, having married him some few months after he had wed the sultana Maneira. Unlike Maneira, she had no magical ability but her wisdom and grace was a match for the hakima's and the two were fast companions.

Now, although their union was not blessed with a child, Farida remained a close companion of the sultan's. About a month ago, a mere eight years after their marriage, she was struck down by some strange malady.

She would not regain consciousness, but remained in a delirious state, burning up with a terrible fever. We tried all manner of remedies. When the sultan's physicians had no success, we sent for physics and clerics from all across the city. I myself attempted to use my magics to heal her. But it was to no avail. She died within hours of being struck down by the illness and no power I possessed would revive her.

The vizier stops and drinks of his coffee. There is little else to recount. The Sultan was stricken with grief. It was then that he declared his intention to adopt an heir.

Now, while Farida's death was sudden and tragic,
there was nothing suspicious about it. Not one physic, cleric or magician could detect any ill-doing. Even after she had died, the sultan's chief physician examined her but could find nothing worth reporting.

2017-05-26, 11:58 AM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

Dhulanar sips the coffee, thrice then finishes the cup placing wobbling the glass to let the servant know he is satisfied, he places it on the saucer touching his fingertips to his chest he says "Shukran". His mouth still alight with the tang of the cardamom steep brew. He listens to others as well as the vizer. So this is the Emir's cousin. Death, it seems know no distinction and enters all homes, the question though is did he enter invited and aided or alone an of his own agency...

The boy's eyes focus upon the bald advisor as he think about his words and remembers the many hucksters and charlatans he has know throughout his life. Was this truly I man to be taken at his word? Did he speak the truth? The truth he knew, although perhaps limited in scope or was there something he was holding back?


Aardvark 001
2017-05-26, 05:47 PM

Even as you listen to his words, you can tell that the vizier is no charlatan or huckster. As far as you can tell, his manner is of one who is truly sorrowful about what befell the sultana. Even so, you have a feeling that he is not being very open. His words ring true enough, but you sense that there is some part of this story which he is omitting in his account of it.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-27, 01:48 AM
Even as the vizier finishes his story, a janni slave enters the room. She approaches him and whispers in his ear. He looks at her questioningly, then sighs.

You must excuse my rudeness, he says, rising. My work beckons. With the Sultan unavailable, it seems I must attend to the mamluks myself. Please, have some more coffee. I shall return presently.

He follows the janni out through the door whence you entered.

2017-05-27, 02:58 AM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She simply sits, having her coffee sipped to her by using her recently acquired magic, watching and listening to what is happening, unsure of what she's been roped into.

2017-05-27, 03:02 AM

The boy watches the vizer leave. A few seconds later he turns to the Emir. "He seems to be telling the truth. Yet perhaps not all of the truth. Just as with the garb of some of the dancers, it isn't what is revealed but what is concealed that keeps the people under sway..."

He looks to the door again, then leans closer to the Emir, "He is your cousin, you would know maybe how best to coax the whole truth from him."

Aardvark 001
2017-05-30, 12:59 AM
You remain silent while Bedreddin is out of the room, only stopping from your coffee in silence. Soon enough, he returns. His expression when he enters is somewhat worried but he smiles on seeing you.

I apologise most profusely my friends. There was some little disturbance in the market. It seems I must attend to every scrap that the mamluks resolve. He sits and motions for your coffee to be refilled. Now, you shall surely all dine with me tonight. And we shall speak of merrier things.

The Emir clears his throat. Cousin, are you certain that there is no more you can tell me that will help me to find out what befell my daughter?

The vizier hesitates. Nothing, O Emir But Dhulanar is certain that there is something he is hiding.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-30, 06:57 AM
When you have all finished your coffee, the vizier rises. Very well, he says, leading you out into the hallway. Now I must beg leave once more to return to my duties. If you have no other abode in Shayar, I beseech you to accept my offer of a room here. It would be my pleasure to be your host while you visit our fair city. He motions to a janni.

Sameira will show you to your quarters if you desire to rest after your long journey. Otherwise, please do take the time to travel the city. It would be a grave error indeed to come this far without taking advantage of its sights.

2017-05-30, 07:12 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

"Are we staying together as a group?" Waning Crescent asks. "I am far out of my depth here and would rather not try to find my way on my own just quite yet.

2017-05-31, 02:01 AM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She looks at Waning Crescent and nods at her words, I agree, I would like some accompaniment myself, if I am to stay here in the city. She pauses a moment, looking around unsure, Admittedly, I am not even entirely sure what is happening at the moment.

2017-05-31, 12:57 PM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

I will humbly accept your offer to use one of your rooms, your excellence. And I think I will have a stroll through this grand city. If there is anyone who wishes to accompany me, you are welcome to do so. I will leave in a few minutes.

I will go look into the disturbance at the market myself, see if there are any suspicious things happening. I will make sure I will keep my distance from the Vizier so I might be able to see if he acts suspiciously.

2017-05-31, 04:12 PM
Kom Ombos

"I will accompany you, Bladesinger. I wish to search out more of my own kind, and hear what they can tell us of this city. Perhaps we can learn more of this mysterious disease; even marketplace rumours can hold a grain of truth..."

2017-05-31, 11:24 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

"We thank you for your hospitality. I shall put my belongings in our room and then accompany the others to see what fruits might be found in the sook and what wonders this city holds." he bows to vizer as he stands and prepares to follow the servant to his lodgings so that he might leave his pack there. If there is one lesson he learned in his youth it is an obvious outsider, especially a traveller with a large pack makes an easy mark. The markets after all make excellent hunting grounds for any pickpocket or thief.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-01, 11:27 AM

Sameira smiles and asks you to follow her. She leads you to a room on the upper floor of the house. It is very grand, much more so than your tiny cell at the monastery. You go to the window and look out onto the gardens.

It was very brave of you, attacking those gryphons. Sameira stands by the door, still smiling. If you're injured in any way, I'd advise you to go to Zaria Al-Assad, the healer in the Alley of the Feather Thieves to the west of the Grand bazaar. She winks. I'm sure she can help you with anything you require.

With that she disappears, leaving you alone in the room. You put down your pack and go down to your friends.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-01, 11:37 AM
When Dhulanar returns you set off for the market. It is not difficult to find. All roads seem to converge on it like a spiderweb, drawing you in. And there, at the centre of the web you find the spider - a clamorous display of ships and stalls selling anything you can imagine. Good, clothes, jewellery. The jewel of Shayar enthralls you with its wares.

Even as you take in the sight, you hear a polite cough. Greetings, O travelers to our fair city! A gnome stands in front of you wearing a brightly coloured set of clothes. He gives you a grin and a mock salute.

But worry not, O friends, about missing out on the wonders of this great city, for before you stands the great Saluk, Master of the secrets of Shayar. For a mere one gold coin, I shall be your guide to the place of Unearthly Wonders. Peaches from Huzuz, silks from Jaaris, gems from the palace of the Padishah of the Marid. Ask what you will and Saluk shall find it for you.

2017-06-01, 12:56 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

"Did Sameira's words sound like a suggestion of more than just healing to any of you?" Waning Crescent asks the others.

At the approach of the gnome Waning Crescent just looks to the others, hoping they will respond in whatever way is appropriate. The offer sounds good, but she does not have too much coin to spare at the moment.

2017-06-01, 11:20 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

As they make their way to the Sook, the young man responds to Wanning Cresent's observation, "You know now that you mention it..." he says, his face flushing red, "...I wasn't even hit -- do I look like someone in need of 'healing' ?"


Once they are in the market proper Dhulanar's senses become more keen, when the gnome shows up, he begins to actively seek out any coin hawks who may be lurking nearby, he responds to their would be guide while scanning those in near proximity.

"The desert, honest and harsh, is at its most dangerous without a guide, yet the in the press of the city, beguiling and beckoning it is oft the guide who is the danger."

The former pick pocket slides his hand to the purse he keeps tied around his neck, and under his monk's robe, a single gold piece balanced between two fingers, "Anything? Anything you say master Saluk? Whatever I am seeking here in this city you shall be my aide and guide, for but a single gold? I seek a girl. A particular girl around fifteen years, her name is Arrakis, hair black like the water of a moonless night, with ripples just the same, eyes of grey like steel, that pierce one's heart more deeply than any blade, and when she dances --- like the wind upon the sands, the stars upon the sea, the gazelle upon the plains. But like all precious things, she has..."

He waves his hand and makes a motion as if to throw the coin in the air,


The coin is now nowhere to be seen.

"For the one who finds her, more than a coin would be their just reward."

[roll0] Does this Gnome Bawd seem "honest" or is this maybe a trap or con?
[roll1] Looking out for any pickpockets, or thugs who might be working with gnome to take us unaware while we are distracted
[roll2] making the coin "disappear" to show we are not easy "marks".

2017-06-02, 09:18 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

I do not doubt she was hinting at more, though, I must admit my curiosity of this woman she mentions. She goes along with the group, watching the sights and sounds of the city, taking in the hustle and bustle.

As the gnome approaches, she merely raises an eyebrow quizzically, looking at him with amusement more than interest. She squats down, and extends a hand with fingers pinched on a coin, I wish you to lead me to one who can speak with and hear the winds, like myself. Do you know anyone alike that?

2017-06-04, 04:03 PM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

My good man, unlike my companions it is not a person I seek but information. Is there a place in this city where I could enjoy a Shisha and some drink and learn more about this city and the words on the street?

Aardvark 001
2017-06-05, 04:36 AM

A quick glance reveals no rogues nearby. If the gnome is trying to trick you, it seems he is working alone. Yet even he does seem to be an honest guide - or at least as honest a guide as you can find in a busy marketplace.

When you throw the coin up he grins widely and claps his hands. Ah! By the Loregiver, that was well done! True magic is easy enough but such sleight of hand is indeed a marvelous feat. He regards you curiously. But tell me, how much would the reward be, for finding this fair dancer?


The gnome bows. Certainly, O mage.
Anything you wish for, Saluk can find it. There is indeed such a person here, and I shall take you to him if you so wish


The gnome considers your request. If it is the shisha that you require, O bladesinger, then the I know of such a place. But if you wish to learn more about the city and its stories, I would take you to Alisha the barber, for in this city there is no finer storyteller than she.

2017-06-05, 01:52 PM
Kom Ombos

The Lizardfolk is a little taken aback by Dhulanar's theatrics, but recovers in time to put a question to the gnome.

"Little creature, I seek others of my own kind: that is, Scaled Ones or healers, either or both."

2017-06-05, 03:11 PM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

A female barber? Saiph was used to getting his long hair and more importantly his beard handled by men. Would a woman know how to handle a razorblade or straighten the hair with fire?
He found himself intrigued.

Alisha, you say? I would like to meet this teller of stories. The shisha can wait. It would be nice to get some of the desert sand out of my hair, maybe even get a cut in the local style.

If it is not to short, mind you. He chuckled

Aardvark 001
2017-06-06, 04:52 PM

The gnome shakes his head. I have seen many dragon-kin and many kobolds in my time, O cleric, but never have I seen a scaled one such as you. If it is healers you wish to find, however, I know of many who would be happy to attend to you.

2017-06-06, 09:42 PM
Nazla Parisa Hakim

She smiles and says, I would be most grateful if you would do this for me! she pauses momentarily, a bit more thoughtful as she looks at her friends before continuing, Though... I request that you guide me last, I wish to accompany them and see the sights and hear the sounds first. She smiles at him and then looks at her newfound allies sidelong, giving a softer smile their direction.

2017-06-06, 10:05 PM
Dhulanar al-Yateem


A quick glance reveals no rogues nearby. If the gnome is trying to trick you, it seems he is working alone. Yet even he does seem to be an honest guide - or at least as honest a guide as you can find in a busy marketplace.

When you throw the coin up he grins widely and claps his hands. Ah! By the Loregiver, that was well done! True magic is easy enough but such sleight of hand is indeed a marvelous feat. He regards you curiously. But tell me, how much would the reward be, for finding this fair dancer?

The boy leans in close. "An unbeliveable reward. One you might never have expected but that is priceless to be sure!"

2017-06-07, 01:53 PM
Kom Ombos

Ombos hisses faintly at the mention of dragon-kin and kobolds, but does not seem surprised to hear that his kind is little-known here. "Perhaps the storyteller, then. Hearsay may prove instructive, in a place like this... although I have little enough need for a barber." It is unclear whether this last comment is meant to pass as humour.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-07, 03:47 PM
The gnome sniffs at Dhulanar's words, disappointed by the vague words. Turning to the others, he bows. Then follow me, my friends, and I shall lead you to the greatest tale-spinner in all Shayar.

He leads you through the marketplace, ducking and weaving pay the stalls confidently, but slow enough that you can follow. The crowds have grown as the evening nears.

Finally you come to a large shop on the western edge of the market. The inside is very richly furnished, with several tables arranged around the room. At the far end, on a barber's seat sits a large, well built man. And beside him, talking lightly as she shaves his hard, a tall half elf with hair like soft cotton and a voice like cactus honey.

She smiles at Saluk as he enters. More customers for me? Ah Saluk, you shall surely have a pot of coffee for your troubles.

The gnome sighs. O Alisha, a pot of coffee made by your hands would be worth any number of customers.

The barber grins. Flattery shall get you nowhere Saluk. Coffee is all you shall have. Saluk throws his hands up as if calling on fate to aid him. Alisha turns to you. And such a strange group of customers too. I am surely blessed tonight. Come, sit at a table and have some coffee. I have almost finished with Lawaren here. And tell me a tale while you wait. Then I shall tell you one in return.

2017-06-09, 12:27 AM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

"I shall tell The Tale of the Lonely Fire." Waning Crescent says and pauses briefly before starting.

"Out in the desert there was an oasis with a single lonely tree.
Not only was it alone in the company of trees, but even the travelers who came by would not keep it company as by itself it did not provide enough shade.
And so it was, lonely for years and years.
Until one bitter cold night the winds in the sky above separated a cloud from a storm.
This lonely cloud came closer to the oasis, seeing it's reflection and thinking it was not alone after-all.
The lonely storm cloud reached down with a lone bolt of lightning that struck the lonely tree.
The lightning bolt was not that strong, for it had come only from a single lonely cloud.
So the fire burned the tree slowly.
The fire saw that like the tree and the cloud, it was all alone for there was nowhere for it to spread, nor other fires about.
The strong winds came low and slowly pushed the lonely tree and the lonely fire out over the oasis.
The winds were so bitter cold that they should have put the fire out.
But the fire was so lonely it accepted even the cold as company and lost it's heat.
Then, finally, the lonely tree fell down into the oasis.
While the tree sank, the lonely fire sat atop the waters.
It slowly began to free the water.
When morning came, even the sun's light and the hot winds did not melt the ice caused by the cold of the lonely fire that still burned atop the waters.
Each day the cold spread and more of the oasis froze.
The more the oasis froze, the more the fish in the waters were pushed to the edges and were more easily hunted.
Until only one lonely fish remained, with not even enough water to turn around in.
The lonely fire did not wish to lose it's last remaining companion.
And so it said to the fish
'Leap from the water and swallow me and you will be able to swim in the ice I have made'
And so the lonely fish did as the lonely fire suggested.
And when it fell back into the oasis, it swam through the ice like it was water.
One day, a lonely traveler came upon the oasis and saw the lonely fish leaping in and out of the frozen waters.
He thought to himself that with a fish so fantastic as that, he could find himself a very good wife.
So when the lonely fish next leapt out of the ice, the lonely traveler caught it in a big pot of water.
The water soon froze and the lonely traveler realized he would never be overwhelmingly hot again so long as he had the fish.
This was a greater prize than the lonely traveler had thought it would be and he knew he should not settle for merely a very good wife.
And so some time later, the lonely traveler was wed to a once lonely princess of a kingdom which had but one lonely city.
They put the lonely fish in a big pool of water in the palace and made much wealth for their kingdom from the ice.
Some years later both the once lonely King and the once lonely Queen passed away from an illness.
Leaving behind a lonely princess.
The lonely princess was a kind young girl and saw the lonely fish and thought that it was a terrible thing to be so lonely.
So she took the lonely fish and brought it to the river where the moving waters would not freeze and it could be with other fish.
The no longer lonely fish rejoiced and said to the lonely fire inside of it
'It is so wonderful, I need be lonely no more. My old friend, I wish I could do the same for you.'
'Alas, you cannot. I would be put out if you let me out in these waters.' said the lonely fire to the once lonely fish.
'Ah!' said the once lonely fish.
'Look about us. I see many lights of many fires of the city. I shall spit you out when we approach one.'
And so the once lonely fish did as it said.
And leaped out of the waters and spat out the lonely fire.
The lonely fire sailed through an open window and next to a cooking fire.
The cooking fire said to the lonely fire
'You seem very cold'
'And I have been so alone as well' replied the lonely fire.
'Come closer then and I shall share my heat and you shall not be lonely any longer' the cooking fire replied.
And so the lonely fire crept closer until at last, as the cooking fire had said, it's cold lessened.
And then it warmed.
And then it grew hot.
Hot like the cooking fire.
And the once lonely fire remembered the once lonely fish had told it that there were many fires in the city.
And so the once lonely fire decided it would visit them all."

Waning Crescent takes a dramatic pause here and then after a moment finishes with emphasis, "This is why there is no Kingdom of Erkanthul."

Performance: [roll0]

2017-06-11, 05:48 AM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

I will tell you the tale of the three wise men and the camel.

Once there lived a man in a small village in Arabia. He had a camel. Whenever he went on a journey, he went along with his camel. At one such journey, he lost his camel unexpectedly. He was in search of his camel. He asked everyone, “Have you seen my camel." But everywhere his effort was in vain.

One day when he came through a city he met three wise men on his way. As usual he asked the wise men "Have any one of you seen my camel?" The three wise men thought for a while and began to speak. The man asked them curiously, “Have you seen my camel on your way?"

The first wise man asked him, “Is your camel’s one eye blind?"

The man replied quickly, “Yes, yes my camel's one eye is blind."

"Have you seen my camel on your way" the man asked the second wise man.

The second wise man asked him, “Is your camel lame?"

The man became curious and said, “Yes, yes he is lame!"

“Have you seen my camel" again he asked the third wise man.

The third wise man asked, "Was your camel carrying honey on one side and grain on the other side?"

On hearing these words, the owner of the camel became happy and asked them’ “Have you all seen my camel? Please tell me."

Now the three wise men replied, “We had never seen your camel?"

“You three are fooling me now" Don’t make fun of me", the man said in anger.

The three wise men said calmly." We are not fooling you man. We didn’t see your camel anywhere". The man got angry and took them to the King for enquiry.

He said to the King, “The three men had stolen my camel my Lord".

He also described what they had said. The king asked the three what had happened. The three men denied that they had never seen it. The King asked them then how they could tell the identity of the camel lost.

The first man told the king that he had seen the grass eaten on only one side. “So I assumed that the camel must be blind in one eye", He said.

The second man said that he had seen the grains scattered on one side and the honey on the other side. “So I assumed that the camel was carrying the grains on one side and honey on the other side", He said.

The third man described that the hoof marks of the camel were lighter on one side than the other. “So we came to a conclusion that the camel must be lame", He said.

The courtier including the king wondered about the cleverness of the three. So the king declared that they were not thieves and he asked the owner of the camel to search on the way the three wise men had come. The camel man went out of the court bending his head in search of his camel. The king appointed the three, as his ministers and ruled according to their advice.

Saiph smiled when he finished the story. It was his favourite story, told to him numerous times by his grandfather. He eyed the barber curiously. Would this be a good enough offering?


2017-06-14, 12:41 AM
Dhulanar al-Yateem

So it was a story this woman wished. Fair enough. Although no performer nor one adept in the aspects of social intercourse -- especially after years spent in a hermitage in the desert. Nor was he especially creative. There was though one story he knew very well.

"This shall not be a tale of the lonely fire..." he said as a small flame appeared in the palm of his hand, "...yet it is a tale of loneliness" the flame jumped from one hand to the other than took the shape of a small camel walking in place, "nor is this a tale of the loss of wealth...." the camel exploded into three separate sparks each balanced on a fingertip of the boys spread hand, "...though it is one of loss." he continued. The flames took the vague shape of three men in with broad turbans marking them as men of station. "nor is this a tale of men wise of station high." the three fiery men disappeared in a puff as the boy turned his hand palm down to the floor and dust sand and earth began to swirl up from the ground to collect in a small little sand storm in his now upturned hand.

"This is a story of an orphan. A child of the dusty streets, poor in all things but one..." the swirling sand coalesced into the shape of a small boy who seemed to walk in place in his palm before collapsing into his hand in a pile of sand which ran through his fingers the pearls of time caught in glass.

"This boy alone like the fire, and bereft of those things sweeter and more necessary for life than the honey or grain the camel had carried, neither mother of father was there to teach and comfort him and so he went through his life lost like that camel -- yet no one would miss or seek him. Like so many other children of the sook he became a thief. And a good one at that -- if 'good' any thief can be called."

"Stealing just enough to feed himself, his was a life of constant travails, with little time for friends or caring for anyone save for himself. That was until he met the merchant's daughter." the sand once again began to swirl and twist and like an earthen serpent slithered back into his palm spinning a twisting ever faster until it took the shape of a pirouetting girl whose skirts billowed and whose braid lashed out in wild orbit of her quickly spinning form, like a small dervish she spun in place in his palm.

"So it was that the enchanting daughter of the merchant became his first real friend. And while she dances all worry and hardship melted away. All the loneliness and loss was gone, and there grew instead a warmth." the girl fell into his hand a pile of sand once again as a smal flame appeared in his other hand, pulsing ever so slowly and rhythmically, as it slowly took the shape of a beating heart.


The brightness of the small fiery heart grew until it too exploded in a flash of light leaving nothing but a scar of smoke and scent of burn in the air.

"but there was little hope for an orphaned thief and the daughter of merchants. None the less the heart wants as it does and so the door stole now not to feed his body but to feed his dream, and something else began to grew in his breast."


"And so it was that he stole and stole an when he had almost collected enough he decided he would go to the merchant and his wife and ask after their dancing daughter. But as the tribesmen say, every horse stumbles. And so too did the boy, and he was caught. His hand in the purse of an official and off he was whisked to jails. The knife was sharpened and the oil heated, for the reward of theft is well known."

"Yet the swift blade of justice never fell. Instead the hand of generosity was opened by a travelling aesthetic. 'Sell me the boy' he said to the guard, 'I will return what he took from one and more' he told the official. And so it was that he was indeed wed that day but not too the merchant's daughter but to a new life of discipline and learning of contemplation and self mastery. So the boy was both lost and saved. And never again did he see the small girls who had saved him from despair, and the seed of love and hope planted in his little chest so long ago grew into a strong tree, watered daily upon the dreams and hope of the child that some day like the loneliest of fires he might too find what brings him joy and banishes the loneliness."

Using Elemental Attunement Cantrip to sculpt fire and earth.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-14, 05:06 AM
When you finish, the barber and her customer applaud your tales. I see I was right about the entertainment, the elf says. Surely I have not heard so fine a tale in many months. So come now, O bladesinger, and I shall tell you a tale of my own. For your stories have reminded me of one which I have not told in many years.

The man rises from the barber’s chair and thanks Alisha, handing her a few silver coins. He bows to you and thanks you for the story before leaving. Alisha motions for Saiph to take the chair. When he sits down, she begins cutting without consulting him at all.

Know this, O friends, that in the days when the Loregiver still walked these sands there lived in this city an elf by the name of Mustafa. Now this Mustafa came to be on a journey to Huzuz to see the Loregiver when he chanced upon an oasis in the desert. Blessed is he who shall hear the words of the Loregiver, said Mustafa, and so saying, he did go to the oasis to drink. Yet as he neared the waters, he saw a most wondrous sight.

There, by the waters, stood a large palm tree, and on it was perched two young monkeys. By the base of the tree there stood a lion, and he roared and leaped at the tree so that the monkeys screamed and cried out for aid. Mustafa took a stone and threw it at the lion, whereupon it struck the lion on the head and killed it instantly.

Then did Mustafa drink of the waters and sit under the shade of the palm tree to rest awhile. He had not rested long when he was bestirred. He awoke to see the monkeys rubbing his leg to arouse him. Now this Mustafa was a hakim, and a most knowledgeable one too. He saw at once that these were no ordinary monkeys, and he cast his magics to see what afflicted them.

To his surprise, the monkeys took the form of two young women. The elder used a countenance like that of the rising sun while the second had a beauty greater than the first moon of the winter feast. They threw themselves at Mustafa’s feet. There is nothing greater than Fate the most supreme, the elder said. I thank thee, O great Hakim, for delivering my sister and I from the lion. For he was a janni, and a slave of our mistress, the Efreeti. When the Efreeti left, this slave partook of her wine and would turn to us for sport. We thank thee for delivering us from him. But make hate and leave this place, lest the genie has her revenge on thee

When Mustafa heard this he was much afeared, for to kill a genie’s slave was a most grievous error. But he thought to himself, There is nothing greater than Fate the most supreme. Am I not the cleverest hakim in all Zakhara? So he asked the women to trust his judgement and he turned them back into monkeys and sent them up the palm tree, also taking care to hide the janni’s corpse from sight. Then he built a fire and began to cook some of the meat which he carried with him. When the meat was cooked, he left it uneaten and concealed himself in the trees.

He had scarce been hidden a few minutes when there was an almighty rumbling as the efreeti appeared at the oasis. She was of a most noble and beauteous countenance yet her eyes flashed with a cruel fire. Upon setting the cooked meat, she assumed that it had been cooked by her slave. She tasted the meat, whereupon Mustafa emerged and said. O great efreeti, I welcome you to my humble camp. Please, do avail yourself of my food for I have much to spare.

On hearing this the genie said. O noble hakim, I knew not to whom this may belonged. I thank you for your offer. But where is my slave, the janni?

At this, Mustafa made much show, beating his chest and crying O Lady of the Brass court, I have committed a most heinous offence. For upon seeing this janni disguised as a lion, I was much afeared and I struck him dead. Lo! There lies his corpse.

The genie was incensed. Hefting her blade of polished brass, she advanced upon the hakim. Truly this was a most grave error, O hakim. For now I shall have your head.

Mustafa prostrate himself before the genie and said O noble genie, I submit myself to you. But you have eaten of my salt, and surely according to the ancient laws, you may not kill me now?

The genie stopped, for she knew he spoke true. Very well said she. But the salt bond shall last you only three days. Once those three days are past, you shall surely feel my blade. Now, since I am your guest, let us eat of the meat you have cooked.

So the Mustafa and the genie sat down to eat, and having eaten their fill, the hakim invited the genie to play a game of dragonchess. Now the efreeti had the wisdom of a thousand years, yet Mustafa bested her easily. Then the genie suggested a game of cards, yet here to the hakim was victorious. The genie raged and raved at her loss so that Mustafa suggested another game.

He took from his bag a small box with ornate markings and seals. If you can tell me, O noble genie, what lies in this box without that I shall open it, then I shall accept that you are indeed the victor here.

On hearing this the genie smiled. Then prepare to admit your loss, O Mustafa, for I shall best you now. So saying, the genie did shrink down to the size of a mote and slipped into the box. There is in the box a ring with a golden dragon engraved upon it.

Ah! said Mustafa. Truly the wisdom of the genie folk is far greater than that of we mere mortals. Yet when the efreeti tried to leave the box, she found that she could not do so, for Mustafa had so enchanted the box with his seals that it served as a prison to any genie who entered.

Here the barber stops. Ah! But I have finished my work here. Well, she says as she lets Saiph out of the chair, suffice it to say that Mustafa did eventually release the genie, but only after she had promised to serve as his slave for ten years. Then she took him to her palace in the desert to the north and they lived there for the ten summers which she had promised him, and served as his slave most dutifully. Then, at the end of three ten years, they had fallen so much in love with one another that they married and lived happily for many years and had many children from their union.

Waning crescent, Dhulanar and Saiph get inspiration. Nice stories guys.

2017-06-15, 11:28 AM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent smiles at the compliment and listens to the story with interest. Afterwards she just waits for the others to say/do something since she thinks the best way not to make incorrect steps is to not act without knowledge.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-20, 05:59 AM
Nazla turns to Saluk and whispers something to him. He nods and jumps to his feet. I thank you for the story, O Alisha. Perhaps I may come back later to see how it ends. I must take your leave however. I go to meet Feroz at his stall and we must catch him before he closes it for the night.

He looks to the rest of you. Is there any other place you would like to visit today? Or are you headed for the traveller's khan for tonight?

2017-06-21, 12:56 AM
The young boy smiles at the Gnome, "No. I think we can arrange our own lodgings for the night. We thank you for your hospitality." he hops to his feet and takes a leisurely stroll around the room, "So..." he says looking at his travel companions, "...where to next?"

2017-06-22, 03:22 PM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

Thank you so much for the stories and the excellent craftmanship. But before we go I would like to ask you one more thing if that is okay. I was wondering if you could share some more uhmmm "stories" maybe some recent ones about things happening in this city and the region?

Aardvark 001
2017-06-22, 03:37 PM
The barber smiles. I hear more stories in a day than most people hear in a lifetime. I flatter myself I know more about this city than the Sultan himself.
What would you like to know?

Kom stands and bows to Alisha stiffly. I beg your pardon, O keeper of the Lore, but I will also take your leave now. This going gnome has promised take me to a healer and I think should go before night falls.

Saluk gives Alisha a final grin and a wink and skips out of the shop with your companions in tow.

2017-06-22, 04:06 PM

Saiph Ar-Raqis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1191700)

Saiph smiles to the barber. That is good to know, thank you.
Pardon me for being blunt, but I was wondering what you could tell me about the nobility in this city. We have met with the Emir and Vizier and have been talking at length about the tragedies that have happened recently. We had an interesting day traveling with the Emir that almost ended in a tragedy as well, getting attacked during the trip here.
I understood that the Emir was loved by the people of this city, but current events tell another story. This got me wondering. How is it that a man so loved by the people, has so much bad luck... are the stories not true, does his excellence have enemies here in the city?

Aardvark 001
2017-06-22, 04:44 PM
Alisha frowns at first, then realised what you mean. Ah, you mean the Emir of the Pearl cities?
I had heard of his arrival in Shayar. Indeed, you must tell me more about these attacks sometime. But you are mistaken in thinking tu hat he is loved in Shayar. Not because he is hated, but because he has never been here before.

His daughter, on the other hand, was certainly much loved. She was a very wise and charismatic woman, and very generous to those in need. She worked with her cousin, the vizier, to improve the lives of many people in the city, building schools and hospitals and the like.

Her death was truly a tragedy. Although... she lowers her voice. Some do say that her death was not entirely natural. That she was poisoned in some way that no person could realise it.

She smiles. But really I do not know much more than that. The are rumours certainly,
but I'm afraid they are not for me to tell.

2017-06-26, 12:54 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

"Should we go see this Zaria Al-Assad then?" Waning Crescent asks the others.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-26, 03:35 PM
Alisha looks surprised at your words. Well, if you go to visit Zaria Al Assad then that is another matter. It was she who told me that the sultana's death may have been brought on by an assassin's poison. If you go to her then she will surely answer any questions that you may have on that front.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-30, 05:18 PM
Before you can interrogate the elf any further, you hear much commotion coming from the market outside. Alisha sweeps out of the room. You follow.

A fire is burning at the far end of the bazaar. The flames shoot high into the sky, lighting up the heavens with an angry red glow.

Alisha rushes towards the source, with the three of you in tow. The fire seems to be coming from one building in particular. Even as you approach, an efreeti emerges from the crowd. He raises his hands and the flames sputter. Even so, it is too late.

The crowd starts chattering loudly as the fires die down, leaving an empty blackened shell where once a store stood. Alisha stands beside you, looking horrified.

Decided it was time to move things along. Also, it resolves a few issues with the story.

2017-06-30, 07:06 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Mantle of Courage
Concentrating On: --

"What has just occurred? I understand it was a fire, but not the significance." Waning Crescent asks Alisha, having followed along in case it was some kind of problem they could have aided with.

Aardvark 001
2017-07-01, 09:25 AM
Alisha remains silent but a genasi standing beside you answers. This was no ordinary fire. Such a blaze could never have started so quickly. This was the work of the Brotherhood.

2017-07-01, 11:30 AM
"The Brotherhood?" Dhulannar asks, horrified at the the loss of wealth and likely life...

"Are you saying someone did this on purpose?"

Aardvark 001
2017-07-01, 04:43 PM
The genasi nods sadly. Such is the life under the tyranny of these fanatics. Still, poor Zaria. She was a most generous woman, and a finer healer than most in this city.

The efreeti, who had made his way into the blackened structure, now returns carrying a small bundle. The people closest to the building gasp and cry out angrily as he nears them.

Saluk! Ah, there is no grace or virtue save in Fate the most supreme. Is he alive?

He is alive, the efreeti says. But he is in need of urgent aid. He was the only one inside. I shall take him to a healer. So saying, he flies off into the air, vanishing into a column of flame.

2017-07-10, 12:45 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Diminution
Concentrating On: --

"Would it be allowable for us to investigate the fire ourselves?" Waning Crescent asks.

Assuming the answer is yes, but also assuming it might be best for this "Brotherhood" to not see her do so, Waning Crescent tries to find a stealthy way to approach and investigate the scene of the fire.

Bonus action to switch psychic focus to Diminution

Stealth: [roll0]
advantage: [roll1]

Investigation: [roll2]

2017-07-11, 12:04 PM
The young monk creeps in behind Waning Crescent, "What is it?" he asks in a hushed whisper looking around to see if he sees anything out of place or that might help understand better what has happened.


Aardvark 001
2017-07-27, 08:42 AM
Nobody stops you as you enter the burnt shell of the building. Alisha hesitates, then comes in after you. The damage is extensive. Even so you can see signs of a struggle. Cuts and gouges and marks that could not be from the fire alone.

The place was obviously a healer's clinic. Strange tools of all shapes and sizes hang from hooks along the walls. There are blackened twigs that were once healing herbs and medicines.

Yet it is not these details that catch your attention. For lying on the floor in the middle of this empty room, blackened with ash and soot, lies a staff with a headpiece carved in the likeness of a lizard. It is a staff you have seen often enough. The staff of Kom Ombos, your companion on the journey to this city.

2017-07-27, 01:51 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Diminution
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent brings the staff back to her companions and then describes the scene and asks, "Do any of you know what this all might mean?"

Aardvark 001
2017-08-19, 03:58 AM
Alisha nods. I... I'm afraid I might. She turns to you, she's wide with fear. Her easy confidence is gone, replaced by a terrible foreboding. But not here. Not in this place. Come back to the shop.

You look around and realise that there is little progress to be made here. Besides, while nobody stopped you from coming into the building, the mamluks will probably be here soon and they might not be as forgiving of magic wielders on the site of a magical attack. You follow the barber out.

Alisha doesn't lead you into the shop itself, but rather she stops on the threshold as if unwilling to let you in. That secret iritis you about... she pauses. The one that Zaria told to me. You see, Zaria was one of the healers whom the Sultan called on when his wife was taken ill. She could not cure her. She could not even find the cause of her malady. But she did discover one thing that none of the other physics did.

The sultana was with child when she died. It was not but a few weeks old, so it was not noticeable but Zaria always had a keener sense than most.
In any case, the sultana died soon after and the news would only have distressed the Sultan further so Zaria made no mention of it to anyone. Except to me.

Alisha shakes her head. That is all she told me. I don't even know if it has anything to do with what happened today but I feel better now that the secret is not mine alone.

2017-08-19, 05:43 AM

The young monk scoops up the charred remains of Kom Ombos' staff as they head back to the shop, he listens as the secret of the Sultan’s child that wasn’t is revealed. He traces the carving of the reptilian head on the burnt piece of wood and looks to Wanning Crescent questioningly.

2017-08-19, 12:49 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Diminution
Concentrating On: --

"Do you suppose we should let the Sultan or the Emir know?" Waning Crescent asks.

Aardvark 001
2017-08-21, 03:38 AM
Alisha shakes her head. That is your decision to make. I ask only that you don't reveal who supplied you with this information, lest I am met with some equally terrible fate.

Aardvark 001
2017-08-27, 04:22 AM
Dhulanar nods in agreement. He turns to Waning crescent. Shall we go to the Vizier? He invited us to dine with him tonight and it would be wise to keep the Emir informed about what has befallen our comrades.

You look towards the commotion in the market and see that the place is now swarming with mamluks. You even recognise some as the guards from the vizier's palace. No doubt they would remember you too, if you were to approach them.

2017-08-27, 12:09 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Diminution
Concentrating On: --

"That sounds like a good idea." Waning Crescent replies. She doesn't say anything about talking to the mamluks because she's not exactly sure what they'd say to them or if it would be looked on poorly to engage with them right now.

Aardvark 001
2017-08-27, 03:44 PM
You bid farewell to the distraught barber and make your way to the vizier's palace once more. In the few short hours since you last made the journey, your group has almost halved in number. Even the desert sands were less perilous than this cursed city seems to be.

The streets are quiet as you leave the hubhub of the market behind you. Only the revelry of the traveller's khan breaks the still night air.

The vizier's palace is still alive and merry as you approach, however. A sneering female dao guards the entrance to the house but she lets you pass when you explain your presence. A janni servant shows you to the room where the vizier did greet you earlier.

He and the Emir are sat on large divans at around a sumptuous feast. The vizier rises as you enter and smiles. My friends, I almost thought you would not come. Sit, and eat with us. He frowns as he sees your number so reduced. But what is this? What became of your companions?

2017-08-30, 11:43 PM
The young man smiles weakly to the Sultan as he places the charred remains of the staff before them. "Some, it seems, may have met with some unfortunate events. There seems ot have been a fire at the healers, and at least once of our number was there. As for the others they had their own business to attend to, what has since become of them I cannot say. Only hope they are well and safe."

Aardvark 001
2017-09-01, 04:05 AM
The vizier's eyes widen with shock. A healer's? You mean the clinic of Zaria Al Assad? He shakes his head sadly and sits down. These Brotherhood madmen go too far! he snaps, his eyes belying his anger. I promise you my friends, they will pay for their actions on this night.

We just received news of the fire, the Emir explains. He sighs sadly. Kom was a brave warrior. He saved my life in the desert. Without him, I would not be here. I know he did not worship our gods, but may he find peace in the hereafter all the same.

2017-09-01, 01:00 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Diminution
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent gives a respectful silence and looks for an opportunity to give the Emir the information they found without the Sultan overhearing, as she is unsure if they should at this point.

Aardvark 001
2017-09-06, 10:50 AM
The opportunity to talk to the Emir never really presents itself during dinner. The mood is sombre and the conversation sparse, but as you go to your to your rooms you are met by a servant of the Emir who brings you to his chambers.

You find the Emir pouring coffee into three cups. He sets two down in front of you. Now tell me, he says, What happened today. And what did you find out?

2017-09-06, 01:23 PM
Waning Crescent (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1194007)
Level 3 Tiefling Mystic (Order of the Avatar)
Psychic Focus: Diminution
Concentrating On: --

Waning Crescent relays the events of the day and lets him know about the pregnancy, though she doesn't name the source of the information (and thus I suppose doesn't say who it is they met with that gave it to them).

2017-09-06, 02:44 PM
Dhulanar listens quietly and tries to watch the Emir for any signs of emotion, or concealed emotion as Waning Crescent relays the news to the leader. Does it seem as if this news in new to him...
