View Full Version : Shattered Skies: Act 1 - Zemia

2017-05-02, 08:17 PM
The three of you are jostled awake as the ground under you seems to quake. ...well, on closer examination, it would seem that the 'ground' is wooden boards, and based on the low thrumming sound and greasy-metallic smell, it's likely you're on some sort of airship. As you sit up from the makeshift bedding you find yourselves in, you notice a man leaning against what appears to be the only door out of the room. Propped up next to his legs is a rather large axe. ...speaking of, it would appear most of your own equipment is not on your persons.

When the man notices your regained consciousness, he knocks on the door twice, then resumes leaning against it. He watches you all carefully, but says nothing. His explosive mass of facial hair hides his expression as effectively as a mask.

While you don’t actually have your stuff on you, when (or if) you recover it: You obtained the crystal “Stoneskin”!

Stoneskin - Attacks against you that are reduced to 0 damage from Defenses and DR do not default to 1 damage and do not affect you with secondary effects.

2017-05-02, 08:44 PM
Lord Zhelez wakes up in a panic. His eyes do not show his sudden wakefulness as they were not closed while he slept. Despite this, his flailing about and scared gasps show he is in a state of consciousness he was not in prior.

The noble couldn't by regular means determine what situation he was in. He grazed his hands against the wall, floor, and any object within imediat arm's reach. He could at least tell he was no longer in the cave. The sounds and smells around him suggested he was back on the airship. Was it the same airship as before? He would not be able to determine this without having someone else confirm.

"If there are others here. Make yourselves known to me." The noble thought there must have been at least another person in the room with him. The knocking sounded like one produced by a knuckle against wood.

2017-05-04, 12:26 PM
Johnny groaned as he came to consciousness to the sound of loud complaining. "Zhelez can't you even die quietly?" he muttered, pulling himself upright.

When he opened his eyes he noticed the axe, the guard, the axe, and then the axe; in that order. "Well this is concerning."

2017-05-04, 01:28 PM
Harke came back to consciousness swiftly, almost violently, as she twisted and rapidly shifted to get up and scan her surroundings. Having noticed when she was still on the floor, that the ground was made of wooden boards, and seemed to emanate sound, it was apparent that she was on someone's airship.

It didn't take long for the winter warrior to spot the man leaning against the only door to the room. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the man and his axe, and realized that she was unarmed. Well, she may be unarmed, but she was far from helpless. "Who are you and where are we?" the questions were voiced in a level tone.

2017-05-04, 06:48 PM
The noble was relieved that someone he knew was here with him. Especially one of those someone's being Harke. The noble bowed in her direction in a far too formal manner for the occasion.

"My Lady Zastruga, it is good to hear your voice." Zhelez realised he had to acknowledge his other companion as well. He never took the time to remember his name however. He attempted to look where he heard the young man's voice and spoke as politely as possible despite the man's previous comment. "It is good to know you are safe as well."

The noble began to dust himself off and tried to look as presentable as possible. His very practiced routine of feeling every part of his clothing for an imperfection was more work than usual. He seemed to be missing some very vital components of his wardrobe. His rapier being the most obvious missing accessory.

After knowing he wasn't alone and knowing he looked adequate enough, Lord Zhelez finally had to think about the third pressing matter. Harke must have been referring to someone unfamiliar who was with them now. Zhelez didn't know where this person was but they must have been within speaking range. The noble speaks in the direction he had heard the knocking. That sound hadn't come from where he heard his two known companions speak.

"Please do let us know the situation. The last moments I can recall had the grounds of a cave shattering beneath us. I do not know what others may remember."


2017-05-08, 11:02 AM
"What he said. Cave, rock dragon, boom, then this lovely place. Care to fill in the gap at the end there?"

2017-05-14, 06:24 PM
The​ ​guard​ ​pointedly​ ​ignores​ ​your​ ​questions,​ ​continuing​ ​to​ ​watch​ ​you​ ​impassively​ ​with​ ​his​ ​axe never​ ​far​ ​from​ ​reach.
If​ ​thou​ ​gaze​ ​long​ ​into​ ​the​ ​Beard,​ ​the​ ​Beard​ ​will​ ​also​ ​gaze​ ​into thee.

After​ ​a​ ​few​ ​moments,​ ​you​ ​hear​ ​a​ ​set​ ​of​ ​thunderous​ ​footsteps​ ​outside.​ ​Through​ ​the​ ​door​ ​bursts​ ​an enormous​ ​man​ ​with​ ​bright​ ​eyes​ ​and​ ​a​ ​much​ ​neater,​ ​close-shaven​ ​beard.​ ​Cheap​ ​cologne​ ​faintly masks​ ​his​ ​manly​ ​scent.

”Welcome​ ​aboard​ ​the​ ​Lost​ ​and​ ​Found,​ ​home​ ​of​ ​Bruno’s​ ​Salvage​ ​Company!​ ​I​ ​would​ ​be​ ​Captain Bruno​ ​himself.​ ​So​ ​glad​ ​to​ ​see​ ​you​ ​awake​ ​after​ ​all​ ​those​ ​days!​ ​Apologies​ ​for​ ​the​ ​accommodations; we​ ​don’t​ ​often​ ​pick​ ​up​ ​surprise​ ​guests​ ​mid-flight!​ ​Now,​ ​I’m​ ​sure​ ​we​ ​have​ ​lots​ ​of​ ​questions​ ​for each​ ​other,​ ​and​ ​you’ll​ ​have​ ​to​ ​forgive​ ​Charles​ ​here​ ​for​ ​not​ ​being​ ​much​ ​of​ ​a​ ​conversationalist.” He​ ​pats​ ​the​ ​guard​ ​on​ ​the​ ​shoulder,​ ​earning​ ​a​ ​beady​ ​glare​ ​that’s​ ​not​ ​entirely​ ​unaffectionate. “Would​ ​our​ ​esteemed​ ​lady​ ​and​ ​gentlemen​ ​like​ ​to​ ​chat​ ​while​ ​you​ ​wait​ ​for​ ​food​ ​and​ ​drink​ ​to​ ​be sent​ ​up?”

Behind​ ​his​ ​friendly​ ​smile​ ​and​ ​respectful​ ​speech,​ ​Bruno​ ​surveys​ ​all​ ​of​ ​you with​ ​an​ ​appraising,​ ​almost​ ​predatory​ ​manner​ ​-​ ​Zhelez​ ​especially.​ ​Whatever​ ​his​ ​ulterior​ ​motives are,​ ​they​ ​likely​ ​aren’t​ ​in​ ​line​ ​with​ ​your​ ​own.
Bruno’s​ ​way​ ​of​ ​speaking​ ​suggests​ ​that​ ​he​ ​learned such​ ​formality​ ​through​ ​practice,​ ​rather​ ​than​ ​being​ ​deeply​ ​accustomed​ ​to​ ​it.​ ​He​ ​probably​ ​interacts much​ ​differently​ ​in​ ​nonbusiness​ ​situations.

2017-05-15, 09:37 PM
"It is my pleasure." The noble bows to the two salvagers in a manner which as always, was far too formal. "I can myself speak for the quality of your business. We are grateful to you for having boarded us upon your vessel." Lord Zhelez bows once again. "We do indeed have much to ask. However we are already indebted to you and thus should pay with some of our own answers first. As to where we came from, I believe you will much enjoy the answer to that. We were hired by a mining company to find a shard deposit. What we found was well..." Zhelez pauses and feigns pondering on the topic. "Let us say my words could not do the deposit justice. I am totally incapable of describing what you would see." He wasn't lying.

"It seems as though that contract has fallen through however and it is highly doubtful we will receive any compensation for our time. Thus I am willing to offer our services to Bruno's Salvage Company. We owe no loyalty to our previous employer as we have received no payment and your business has already proven its competency by rescuing us. I know it would be in both party's best interests for us to pursue this venture together." Lord Zhelez seemed to simply be giving valuable information away for free but he had put thought into this. The noble could tell the man he was speaking to was greatly in pursuit of material gains. One does not develop an accent like that unless they are striving to raise their class by means of those who are already above them. Zhelez was clearly above this man. He could use this.

"Now we can easily trace back our steps from where you found us to return to this immense deposit. We will however need to collaborate with you for this task." The noble throws a practiced smile towards where he heard the captain to help foster some trust. This was immediately followed by a quick bombardment of questions and information to confuse the poor fellow.

Not only will we need to know where we are but where we were. How long have we been traveling and following which path since we boarded? Also who else is on this ship? Any new passengers like us or more of your own crew? We will also need to know who spotted us and how they got us on board. Who knows, one among you may have seen the spectacular spectacle of shards when they found us and are keeping quiet to return to it themselves. One can never be too careful with who they trust on their crew. They may only see the short term gains and don't understand like I do how having an effective team would much better harvest the wealth from the mine." A gesture is made towards the Lady Zastruga and the other companion of Zhelez's who's name he can't remember.

"My team of course is best suited for both procuring the shards and then protecting its couriers to safely make it to market. Oh but wait!" Zhelez pretends to pat himself down looking for something. "I seem to be missing a few tools. Were they lost in the fall?" The noble turns towards Lady Zastruga. "Do you still have your...no? That won't do." Still not missing a beat and giving Bruno no chance to cut in, Zhelez continues his endless talking. "We seem to be missing some vital equipment. This includes some shards which helped us dowse towards the incredibly valuable deposit. I can't describe which one it was. I will need to have all shards you found on us returned. We hope they weren't lost in the fall." The noble finally pretends to calm himself down and waves his hand casually.

"This is of no matter right this instant. I'm sure you will bring us to our belongings and other companions as soon as possible. You wouldn't want to miss out on this business deal any more than I would. For now, food and drink sounds lovely. It will be so hard to remember and navigate back to the shrd deposit of a lifetime without being properly fed. It was, days was it since we've been found? We have grown rather peckish in that time. Don't bring the food up, please take us to the dining hall. We will eat together while we discuss more business."

Charm: [roll0]

2017-05-16, 08:15 AM
Johnny largely tuned out Zhelez's ramblings, a developing skill he feared would get much practice in the near future, and instead focused his attention on 'Bruno'. That the man was a liar and a thief was a matter of course, but you don't get very high on any chains of command without being at least a bit of both so he didn't hold it against him. He did, however, plan to take it into consideration with every word the man said.

2017-05-16, 02:10 PM
As no answers came forth from the man with the axe, Harke grew increasingly more wary and bad tempered, though she answered Zhelez calmly. "I am glad to see that your are well too, Lord Zhelez. And you Johnny." She waited a little longer to see if the man was going to respond to anything they had asked, the only thing stopping her from beating the questions out of the man being the foreign environment and lack of knowledge about the situation.

Luckily the man that burst through the door was much more accommodating. Harke nearly lost her composure when 'Captain Bruno' casually mentioned that it had been days since they were found. Slightly disturbed by this fact, she allowed Zhelez to take the lead in negotiations. He seemed to have something of a magic voice, so Harke felt she could trust him with that kind of thing. Once Zhelez was finished with his spiel, Harke couldn't think of anything to add herself, and so she simply adjusted her posture to stand tall and make herself look like all of the warrior that she was. A little basic intimidation might help with having the Captain of the ship accept Zhelez' demands. Words were good yes, but having muscle to back them up was even better.

Intimidate (in Roll20): 17

2017-05-18, 09:41 PM
Bruno kept up his smile throughout Zhelez's entire tirade. Eventually, once the noble settles, he starts to answer the questions fired at him.

"An incredible deposit of shards, you say? I will be certain to take your offer into consideration. As for where we are, we're about a day's ride away from Cloudport. We will be stopping there in order to resupply, but after that, I am more than willing to travel to this 'deposit' you mentioned.

"All of the others on this ship are my crew, and I will thank you to not besmirch their loyalty." Bruno's smile drops for only a fraction of a second when he says that, before it picks right back up again. "Your equipment that we managed to recover is currently being inspected; I'm sure you understand. One can never be too careful with unknown people that have suddenly fallen from the sky, after all. Once it has been determined that none of it is...malicious, let's say, it shall be returned to you with all due haste.

"The food is being prepared as we speak; we were, admittedly, unsure when the three of you would awaken, so I'm certain you understand the short delay. While we wait, why don't you tell me about yourselves? I don't recall hearing an introduction; perhaps you could start there?"

2017-05-18, 11:17 PM
Lord Zhelez was rather displeased with Bruno's lack of submission. He thought the man would have been able to have been manipulated at least somewhat. Very well, if the captain couldn't be goaded by greed or obfuscation, then perhaps intimidation would work.

"Why yes of course! What bad manner I have demonstrated by delaying a proper introduction." The noble bows as he is always ought to do. "I am Izdyvatel Zhelez of the House Zhelez. My companions are the noble Lady Harke Zastruga of the clan Zastruga and Lieutenant Johnny of the Survey Corp." Zhelez had managed to remember Johnny's vocation even if the name had escaped him. In his head he thanked Harke for saying Johnny's name aloud a moment earlier.

"Most certainly you have heard of our family names. Mine perhaps not, as historically we have always been on the highest rungs of society. The common folk only knew that they worked for us but were never quite sure how. Politics are always too complicated a manner to those who haven't been groomed to handle them. If your company was old and important enough, it certainly would have been owned or controlled by the House Zhelez at some time or another. Seeing as the company bears your first name, I do not see it yet having a legacy that my house has taken notice of." Zhelez feigns looking away from Bruno with disinterest as he adjusts his cuffs.

My Lady Zastruga bears a name that no one can ignore." Zhelez gestures towards the daunting woman. "The most famed warriors in Zemia on all fronts. From the most savage of fighters on the front lines into the underworld or the most highly trained guardsmen who stand beside King Mishka himself. To cross a member of the Zastruga clan is certain death."

"And of course my other companion is an expert in reconnaissance and survivalism." The hand presenting Harke is lowered and the other raised to draw attention to Johnny. "A beast the likes I had never seen was the only reason these two had fallen onto your ship. It was a monster towering above all others. It's steps shook the very fragment we stood on. Its prodigious size alone was the only reason it stood a chance against us. In a last desperate attempt for it's own survival, it shattered the ground beneath our feet in a futile attempt to prolong its own existence. I doubt the monster survived the fall after the injuries it had already suffered by our hand."

The noble clears his throat authoritatively. "In a strange twist of fate, Bruno's Salvage Company has been graced with the presence of several very powerful people. You have have done us a great service by giving us safe passage upon your vessel. You are sure to be greatly rewarded once our houses hear of your assistance to us. That is if the assistance continues." Zhelez raises a hand to bring attention to Johnny once again. "To trace back our steps to the deposit, we will need much greater details in regards to the navigation made in the past three days. You will tell Johnny these details so that he as our expert will file a full report back to our houses. Do not make the mistake of being anything but cordial now that you are aware of our status. Continue to treat us well and there can be great gains made. A poor performance from this point will result in severe consequences. Do not attempt to treat Johnny as any less than us either because of his lower standing. All actions you take towards any of us will be observed by the others. Lady Zastruga will be watching and I will be listening."

2017-05-26, 07:11 PM
Bruno clasps his hands in a servile gesture, producing an airy clap.
”Of course, of course! My Lord Zhelez, my Lady Zastruga, Lieutenant Johnny, you shall be treated to only the best of what meager hospitality my humble ship can offer! I had thought from your way of dress that you might be persons of no small import, but now I’m certain that our meeting was the Goddess’s own guidance!

“Now, if your lordships will excuse me, I’ll attend at once to all the little matters to ensure your continued comfort. Our best skycharts are kept safe in our home office; I shall take you to them the very moment we land in Cloudport tomorrow and we can see about retracing this treasure of yours!

“Ah, if I might beg your forbearance once more - the ship is not entirely safe to wander, you see, for all its exposed pipes and mechanisms and so forth. It would ill behoove me to let my guests come to harm at the hands of a stray cog, or disappear into the bowels of the engine room! Please, permit Charles here to escort you to any destinations you might require; he cannot speak, but I assure you he understands language perfectly well. Of course, you are more than welcome to remain here, but I quite understand the urge to stretch one’s legs during a flight.”

If you don’t detain Bruno any longer, he ducks out of the door and you hear his heavy footsteps echo against the steel flooring back the way he had come from. Charles, the hirsute axeman, resumes his post slightly less sullen than before.

Bruno seems entirely too happy about this turn of events. From the moment Zhelez gave your group’s full titles, he’d been working hard to suppress a grin, turning the energy into his words instead.

About twenty minutes later, three crewmen shuffle in single-file, each bearing a metal tray with a bowl of hot stew, a couple of biscuits, some decoratively-sliced citrus fruits, and a clean damp cloth. The ingredients and preparation are simple, but it’s obvious how much extra attention was paid to the presentation to make up for the meal’s shortcomings.
The stew seems to be primarily root vegetables and salt-preserved fish in a slightly thickened broth. It smells incredibly salty, followed by a rich savoriness from the dried fish - it’s rather simple and heavy-handed compared to the palate you’re accustomed to.

Whether the meal was prepared especially for you three or just on account of being close to port, it contains some particularly precious ingredients. Because you know the critical importance of protein, electrolytes, and fresh fruits to long-distance travelers and laborers, you can appreciate the true luxury of this otherwise simple meal.
The crewmen are all about as scruffy and unwashed as Charles, but do their best to present good posture and pleasant smiles. Not spilling hot soup on a moving airship might be a motivating factor too.
If not detained, they leave as soon as they set down their trays.

If you eat what you’re served, you gain +2 AP that last until the end of your next extended rest (a Hearty Meal).

If you passed the Survival/Med Ed check, you also gain 10 Temporary HP for the same duration (a Salty Surprise).

2017-05-29, 08:27 PM
"Whether it be due to the Goddess or simply luck, the assistance of either can benefit one greatly. The benefits of us working together may now come where before they would never have even been considered. It will be a pleasure to compare our charts tomorrow." The noble bows more casually this time to show polite grace to someone who is of much lower standing than himself.

"Thank you kindly for offering Charles to escort us. I myself am not prone to wandering but my companions may differ. We will remain here for a few more moments at the very least. Thank you again Bruno."

With the meal's arrival, Lord Zhelez is quick to accept the food and service of the crewman. Bruno was being more than gracious after Zhelez spoke and the noble wouldn't even dream of the captain having spoken sarcastically. Zhelez's ego would never allow that.

The noble follows the sounds of the tray and uses that to find the table. Zhelez attempts to cover around his feeling for the chair and how to sit by asking Lady Zastruga and Johnny to join him. It would have been impolite to take a seat before a lady after all.

The noble never looks at the food but does waif it towards himself to determine what he was to be eating. He very much enjoyed the scent. Dried fish and root vegetables were peasant food but this didn't dissuade Zhelez at all. It would be assumed his palate was more acustomed to foie gras and caviar but in reality, he was acustomed to food worse than this, much worse. He would never admit that however.

Zhelez ate formally, placing the cloth on his lap before eating and sipping his soup silently. He looked nowhere in particular while eating but did turn his head in the direction of whoever may have been speaking.

"I believe we have come across some splendid hosts. We are also to be docking at cloudport in roughly 24 hours. Today is restful but then we must know what are plans are come making it to port. During a meal seems an appropriate time for the four of us to discuss this." Zhelez extended the word "four" to signal that there was one not eating who would also be part of this conversation.

"I have my contacts." No Zhelez didn't. "But what of you two? Is there someone in Cloudport or someway for you to contact someone of use to you from there? Shall we simply find the fastest route back to our previous venture, regain our bearings with additional support on top of Bruno's Salvage Company, try to regain contact with others of our previous crew and employers, or something else entirely?" The noble took a sip of his stew to give his companions a moment to think. "Then again, we are under no obligation to stay together other than the benefit it would provide should we choose to continue with our previous mining venture. I do wish to continue this but your plans may have changed. What is it you two are planning?"

2017-06-02, 06:34 PM
Harke said nothing as Zhelez continued to speak. She wasn't quite happy that her royal name was needed to get things moving, but she was a pragmatic kind of person and ultimately didn't mind it much. Once the food arrived, Harke sat down after Zhelez bade her to and ate with a lot more restraint and finesse than might have been expected of a person of her violent nature.

When Zhelez spoke up again, Harke gave him a level look. Does he not ever get tired of talking? She wondered. Though his talent at it is quite evident, she had to admit. "No, I'm afraid I have no contacts in Cloudport, nor will anyone I know be of use in this situation. As you likely know, members of the Zastruga family value independent thinking and actions greatly. It would bring shame on me, were I to contact home and ask for help." Harke was going to ask about Zhelez' contacts, but she was side tracked by his next questions. "I believe that there is no real reason to regain contact with the rest of our previous crew. In the end, they either against Zemia profiting from our finds, or noncommittal. Where our previous employers were two people who had differing opinions, perhaps Captain Bruno may be persuaded to trade with the correct party. As such I believe that it should be our priority to, as you said, find the fastest route back to our previous venture and capitalize on it, before anyone else does. Staying together would be a great benefit towards that end. It is a shame that we cannot work with the Gespelt brothers any longer, however this change of circumstances is not our fault and therefore we shouldn't hesitate to make the best of our situation."

2017-06-03, 06:29 PM
When the food arrives the attempt at a fancy presentation makes him a little leery of it. His experience with 'fine cuisine' consisted of bland meats and over complicating simple dishes to the point of ruining them. The thought of apples and walnuts in stuffing still fills him with an unreasonable rage to this day. After poking through it and eating a spoonful Johnny could recognize it was put together with taste and nutrition in mind, and it tasted pretty good to boot.

"Just don't trust him too far." Johnny stated, careful to keep his voice low enough that 'Charles' wouldn't be able to make out his words. "Only people I know that happy to hear they've got nobility on their hands, and in their hair, are the ones planning on taking them for all they're worth. I'm fine with coordinating, though. Better for us to all pitch in to one expedition than splitting up and each trying to get back there first. Assuming the main lode didn't fall through the ground with us."

2017-06-03, 11:19 PM
Lord Zhelez finishes his meal with a clean plate. He had enjoyed the food much more than any noble should have.

"I believe we are all in agreement then. Let us head back to the shard deposit as quickly as possible. Bruno and his crew can stock up on the necessary mining materials in Cloudport if it not already in their possession. In the interim those of us who are most inclined to navigation can review the sky charts and determine the most likely location for the shard deposit." Satisfied with the plan, Zhelez initiates it without further discussion.

"I'm sure you overheard us Charles. Please be so kind as to inform your captain of our next course of action."

2017-06-06, 11:07 PM
The remainder of your flight to Cloudport passes in relative peace. You’re served more of the same stew at dinner - now slow-cooked into a thick broth, with bits of fish and vegetable that literally melt in the mouth - and given cots with the freshest bedding they could turn up. Charles remains your patient attendant, and Bruno stops by to check on you after dinner and before breakfast.
The Lost & Found did engage a flock of monsters in the night, but the crew fought them off without needing to disturb you three. You hear no-doubt-exaggerated tales of the battle echoing through the halls during breakfast.

You are informed that all your equipment has been packed securely in the cargo hold, and will be returned to you the moment it’s unloaded; trying to retrieve it now would be an unnecessary bother, and quite the insult to the fine work that went into packing it in the first place.
Your things are, indeed, tucked deep in the cargo hold, fastened with nets and sacks in between large crates of unknown contents. You can imagine how it might be risky for a crewman to get back down there to dig them out from above; one sudden jerk of the ship could leave him pancakes. ...Or something like that.
Cloudport - South Dock

You land in Cloudport soon after breakfast, and the Lost & Found swiftly becomes abuzz with the activity of securing and unloading the relatively small vessel. Bruno pops in to suggest that you wait in your quarters until the activity dies down, rather than join the throng of unwashed workmen in the ship’s narrow corridors, then he himself disappears among the aforesaid.

About half an hour passes until, heeding an unknown signal, Charles rises from his post by the wall and beckons you to follow. You’re lead through a couple hallways, then down a metal gangplank out of the ship.

The dock is actually a large cavern in the lower side of the fragment that’s been hollowed out and furnished for human use. It’s already bustling, a macrocosm of the ship you just left. You only see a couple other airships (in poor state of repair), but there are a number of individuals and small groups coming and going on their own wings - some wearing wicker packs bigger than they are, some shrouded in dark clothing, others in patchwork armor with weapons worn openly. The collective noise is intense, but not so much that you can’t make out individual shouts from the far side of the landing. Likewise with bodies, you’re among many more people than you have been recently, but the crowd is not so thick that one could easily vanish into it. A cool wind runs steadily across the cavern mouth, leaving a scent of pure air that overcomes whatever the people might smell like.
If you look out of the dock into the Sky, you’ll see that the Blastline - that impenetrable sea of clouds - is closer than you’ve ever seen it before. That must be where this settlement got its name. You’re on the untamed First Stratum.

Bruno suddenly appears nearby while you were taking in the scenery.
”Welcome to Cloudport, my esteemed guests! It may not seem like much to you, but for many of us it’s the closest thing we can call a home. Treat her kindly and she’ll keep you well.

“Now, to business!” Bruno claps twice, prompting a couple of his crew to scurry over with your equipment. Everything is present and accounted for - in fact, it seems you have more shards than you did before fighting the rock dragon, plus a strange Crystal that bears no distinct color.
”I’m sure your lordships must be exhausted after that long flight. I’m afraid it will be a short while longer before proper accommodations can be prepared. For the time being, please feel free to rest aboard the Lost & Found, or you all are welcome to accompany me to where we can look over those Skymaps to find your misplaced treasure!”

Out among the crowd on the dock, you start to notice a number of people wearing yellow bandannas on their persons. You think they might be eyeing Bruno and his crewmates, though it’s just a hunch. If Bruno has noticed them, he’s given no indication.
There’s nothing obviously wrong yet, just your gut telling you that something’s up - or about to go down.
You probably don’t smell the color yellow, unless you’re a synesthete. What you do smell is smoke, very faintly dispersed on the wind. You also sense the undercurrent of tension that’s gathering on the docks.

2017-06-07, 10:44 PM
Zhelez didn't mind the accommodations during the trip despite his supposed status. He rather enjoyed the food and was able to sleep easily in the makeshift beds that were offered. As before he slept with his eyes open but no one would have had a reason to notice this during the night unless they felt the need to observe Zhelez at rest.

With The Noble's possessions returned, he was quick to put back every piece of equipment exactly where it belonged. All the same items in the same pockets and everything checked twice to ensure its uniformity. This usual pat down does find more shards than Zhelez was expecting. He draws no attention to this and continues as normal.

"I shall treat the port as a place worthy of respect as if it were the high court." Zhelez bows to his host in a manner befitting being welcomes into someone's home. "The sounds of this place make it seem as if there is always something going on. Not quite the center of the world of commerce but one that could be built into it given enough of the workers here obtain their lucky break." The noble continues to listen to try and understand the going-ons around him but eventually another sense takes over.

"Bruno, I am sorry to say this but the open air has reminded me of something I have been missing. Those of are status cannot go this long without..how do I put this?" Zhelez brushes some non-existent lint from his arm. "I heard that long ago there was once a pool of water so large one could go months traversing it and never make it across. It could only be conquered by ships much like how we travel the skies now." Zhelez continues for a bit in regards to this long lost ocean but his point was nowhere to be found for quite a while.

"That is to say that well...is there a public bath in Cloudport? We are not working class and cannot afford to smell as such when we make our public appearances. While it is of no detriment to your vocation it is an occupational necessity for ours. After such things I believe it will be time to review your skycharts. Though Johnny may be able to afford to review them right away as I spruce up and then return."

2017-06-14, 09:48 AM
"If it means he'll stop whining about it please just tell him where it is. Because trust me, we won't hear the end of it." Pulling on the armbands containing his kinetic booster and barrier Johnny did a quick striking routine, arms leaving a streamer of flames, before ending with the barrier giving a short spark and failing to function. At the concerned look of the man who'd unloaded the cargo he smirked. "Relax, damn thing was broken before we ran into the dragon."

Returning his belongings to the various pockets criss-crossing his jacket and pants and strapping on the the bag with his medical gear he returned to where the others were standing with Captain Bruno, looking across to the larger man. "Ready? You and me can probably get this done faster without the 'lord and lady' 'helping'. "

2017-06-18, 12:02 PM
Harke enjoyed the meals on the Lost and Found. She found it refreshing, tasting something that wasn't chock full of different flavours. Not to say the stew was one toned, but it had a simple elegance to it. She didn't quite trust Charles or Bruno for that matter and so she remained as alert as she could be without drawing further attention to herself. In truth, not drawing attention at this point was likely impossible, with Bruno's reaction to hearing that Zhelez and her were of noble blood. Not that Harke cared much for her royal nature. It was just a means to an end.

The warrior resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow when Bruno suggested they wait in their quarters. Bruno's treatment of the group was a little amusing if Harke was honest with herself. He was most likely going to try and use them for his own purposes as much as possible, but he surely knew that they were using him as well. It remains to be seen who would benefit more in the end.

She gazed around the dock. The realization that the dock had been hollowed from a fragment and furnished left Harke impressed, though she remained neutral as she gazed at the bustling area. When Harke came to realize that they were on the First Stratum though, her eyes widened a little. To think people make their homes even closer to the Blastline than we Zastruga do. Truly admirable.

Harke ignored Johnny for the most part, though she did give him a bit of a side glance. "I would like to observe as you review the maps if possible. I will take the opportunity to 'spruce up' afterwards." She didn't want to miss any of the discussion that was going to take place, whether she was going to be helpful or not.

2017-06-26, 01:40 AM
Bruno responds to Zhelez’s request with yet another practiced look of sympathetic apology, spreading his hands wide.
”I assure you that each of your lordships shall have a private bath prepared along with your rooms. Please understand that we had no way of sending word ahead of our arrival today - I sent runners the moment we touched Land, but of course the hotel staff then must take their own measures to ensure a respectable appointment for guests of your stature. Perhaps, then, you’d be so good as to accompany me to my office, and afterward retire to The Cloudy Moon?”

Johnny’s fiery exhibition draws stares and gasps from a number of onlookers, though a screen of Bruno’s crew and cargo subtly keeps them at a distance. Openly displaying the powers of monsters in populated areas is certainly one way to garner attention…

Assuming you sooner or later yield to Bruno’s pleas, he then escorts you further into the cavern, where more buildings of various sorts have been put to purpose. Namely, there's a complex of warehouses that get rented out as storage space, offices, meeting rooms, and so forth.

One such warehouse appears to be quite rather on fire.
Bruno and his crew express no small distress about this, in some very creative terms.

A dozen or so rough-looking sorts sift out from the crowd - they each wear a distinctive yellow bandanna somewhere on their person. They enter a spirited discourse with Bruno and his present crewmembers - though between the slurring, spittle, and slang it’s nigh impossible for you to derive meaning from the exchanges. The conclusion, however, seems to be that everyone very much would like to punch one another in the immediate future.

There’s a short amount of time in which to speak, act, flee, or seize initiative before a brawl breaks out in earnest.

You three each get a bonus die the next time you find it needful to curse like a sailor. Y’know, if that ever becomes important. Might wanna save the good ones for your grandkids, maybe.
It seems the Yellows are Bruno’s longtime rivals. The latest escalation between them involved some good ol’ arson while the Lost & Found was away from home, and the welcome party arrayed before you.
Also behind you.
Maybe there’s a reception banquet for you somewhere too?

2017-07-03, 06:29 PM
It was impossible for the noble to have managed any sort of navigation on his own so Zhelez would follow Bruno wherever he was led at this port. He wasn't fool enough to be led into a burning building however and was glad that it didn't seem to be their destination.

Once some thugs are entered into the mix, Zhelez was simply annoyed that his trip continued to be met with delays. The man wanted his bath and the blazing fire causing him to sweat was not making the situation any more tolerable.

Most would be unable to comprehend what the sailors were harping about but Zhelez was an exception. He of course would never admit this as he lived in the most respectable of neighbourhoods and the talk of the streets would be completely foreign to him. He was too wealthy and important to understand such low language. Totally gibberish really. Despite this, he yells back at the sailors interrupting his jaunt through the warehouse district.

"Can you cretins fathom who you're interrupting right now? I care not what your business is with Bruno as whatever qualm you have with him is insignificant compared to the work I have employed him for. You will find a time to engage with him in the future when he is not in a noble's presence. If you do not part this instant then the consequences of this encounter will be so severe you would have wished this conflict simply ended in spilled blood and a few of you dead." Zhelez crosses his arms and taps a foot mockingly. He doesn't give anyone a chance to respond to his bold statements before he continues again.

"Am I difficult to understand? Must I speak like you gutter trash to get my point across? Well... Zhelez clears his throat. "Wot ya blokes kickin' up some **** cuz a lil' blaze eh?! Run ye tails up th' apples and pears and rest ye noggin 'n da burnin' pellow ye! That's a betta use fir ya lot 'till I'm done 'ere. Come next criss-cross with Bruno ya cun tumble and that'll stop ya from lickin' da **** off me shoes this time. Ya ain't even fit fir that so praise above ya can still split fir today." Zhelez spits as is both customery with the rude mannerisms of the sailors but also to get the taste of the lower class out of his mouth.

"Have I made myself clear?"

Guile to get these guys to leave: [roll0] (Using the swearing like a sailor bonus die right away)

2017-07-06, 12:29 AM
In the wake of Zhelez's tirade, there is only silence. All in attendance, including the thugs, Bruno's men, and Bruno himself, stare slack-jawed at the noble. The auditory void is slowly filled by the thugs' footsteps as the begin to back away. Eventually, one just outright turns and books it, and the others are close behind. You hear one of them call out as they escape.

"Oh, yeah? Well, we've still got your ship! The Reapers always get their due!"

As the clamoring of feet fades away, all that remains is the crackling of the warehouse...oh, right, that's a thing.

Bruno, after he recovers, yells out to his crew, "What are you waiting for! Get that fire put out! ...And someone go check on the ship!" He then turns to you. "I must apologize for that; those 'Reapers' as they call themselves have been making life difficult for all of us here in Cloudport recently. Claiming to be 'sky pirates' or something; how ridiculous!"

Passers-by who heard the verbal assault seem to be making a pointed effort to be somewhere Zhelez isn't.

Everyone earns 3 XP for 'winning' the fight...even if it didn't actually happen. You also notice that some of the Reapers dropped some pouches of money; you are able to collect enough that each of you earns 150 gold.

Zhelez will have a +3 to all rolls to negotiate with denizens of Cloudport until the event is forgotten...which may be a long time coming.

2017-07-06, 10:26 PM
Zhelez smirks and flips back his hair when he hears the thugs flee in panic. "It is good for the lower class to know their place." The noble doesn't bother to collect any of the fallen gold. One, he could not see where it was. Second, he wouldn't be caught dead scavenging for money like a beggar. The Zhelez family name had more buying power than simple currency.

"Bruno, please see to it your men have your ship returned in one piece. I would hate to have our planned expedition together come to an end before it even began." The noble looks away from Bruno condescendingly and pretends to be more interested in brushing some non-existent fluff off his own shoulders. "Maybe this is the Goddess telling us we were wrong about you. You catching us in the sky was simply a fluke. What can I expect from the Bruno Salvage​ ​Company if it can't handle a handful of sky pirates after moon crystals or what have you?"

The noble didn't actually intend to end whatever working relationship he had with Bruno. Lord Zhelez was just talking to keep having something to do and wave his status around. If Bruno decided to walk away right now, Zhelez would be totally helpless. Not that anyone knew that.

"My lady Zastruga, Johnny, what do you advise we do in light of our commissioned vessel's potential absence?"

2017-07-09, 11:03 PM
Johnny was starting to come to a rather disturbing realization. The overwhelming concentration of elementalists among the original group hadn't gone unnoticed...and then there was Zhelez. Zhelez, the smarmy, pompous, self-aggrandizing noble. Who could shout a monster into hesitation. Who could tap into the local dialect to send a gang of pirates packing in their own lingo. And he'd just realized what that meant.

'Psychic elementalist. Crap.'

Psychic elementalists were something Johnny had never been entirely comfortable with. Give him someone who could channel a thousand volts through his bones or shake the ground out from under him, sure. But once you cross the border that is Johnny's skull things got dangerous.

Fortunately in this instance Johnny had been fairly up front of his opinion of Zehlez, and they were on the same side, so for now he could keep working with the man. But the second he heard whispers in his head or heard him talking about things Johnny hadn't said out loud all bets were off.

To the question Johnny gave a theatrical sigh, then grinned. "I think a rescue operation should off-set some of our responsibility for funding the coming expedition, eh? I'll go organize the hunt."

2017-07-24, 12:01 AM
In the absence of Harke’s input, you finally notice that she is, in fact, gone. Knowing her, probably saw the Reapers flee and instinctively gave chase. Maybe you’ll catch up to her at some point…?

While Bruno is focused on helping his crew get the warehouse fire under control and you two are discussing the hunt, a cloaked and hooded figure enters the space Zhelez cleared, from the dock side. It’s hard to discern gender - or anything, really - save the oversized pack that suggests a merchant of some sort.

They speak to you in a raspy whisper edged with venom.
”You’ll be going after them, yes? Brazen… those Reapers have gotten too damn brazen. Their hideout - it’s not in Cloudport, but can’t be far. Saw ‘em fly a ship eastward. I’d charge for that info, but there’s plenty o’ folks here who’d more’n like to see ‘em down the Blastline. Call it a public service.”

They stalk off as quickly as they appeared, though there’s time to call out to them before they disappear into Cloudport’s innards -- not that they seem the sort to stop and chat if you did.

2017-07-24, 11:19 AM
With Bruno acting as a fire marshal, Johnny eager to get into a scuffle, and some strange voiced individual spouting nonsense, Zhelez took the time to check his non-existent timepiece.

"This is all well and good but we are not lowly bounty hunters. I do not see how us getting involved with some humdrum goons will aid towards the goal at hand. We were simply to come to this port to resupply before heading back to the excavation site, were we not?" The noble uncouthly wipes some sweat from his brow, the fire nearby was still there evidently. If we must delay for some flights of fancy, Bruno could at least be so kind as to deposit me at the nearest bathhouse while affairs not of my business are settled."

2017-07-28, 11:23 AM
Johnny rolled his eyes at the noble's priorities. "Bruno, you got an idea of where they could be holing up that could dock a ship east of here? It's as good a lead as any other we've got, and the sooner I find them and burn everything they own to the ground the sooner we can get this expedition moving."

2017-07-31, 12:55 AM
Bruno answers Johnny between grunts as he heaves buckets down the line of crewmen, formal decorum all but forgotten now.
”Sounds like… a good plan! It’s gotta be… the caves… two marks east, one mark… south! Make it by midnight on… yer own wings! Save a little… fer me ‘n’ th’ boys when we catch up! Gah, get th’ next bucket up here ye... landlubbin’ laggards!

Oh, an’ ye can… fly through a cloud fer… yer blasted bath!”

A new location and its surroundings has been added to your map!
You’ll also stumble across encounters and sidequests as you travel the Shattered Skies.

Due to the countless air currents and fragments that lace the sky, straight-line travel is often difficult or impossible. Count squares in cardinal directions only, not diagonals.

2017-08-02, 12:53 PM
The noble was furious that things weren't going his way. Other people's pitiful issue were preventing him from acheiving any of the comforts he should have been entitled to. Lord Zhelez was ready to lash out at those around him but he halted himself as he pondered his scenario. He was in a strange area with no money, no contacts, and something else that prevented him from being able to be totally independent in this situation. When faced with the decision to continue with the group he had now or test his luck in a strange rogue port, he chose the former.

"...very well then. Johnny, shall we take our wings or find another method to reach our destination? I must admit I am not fond of manual flight. It is not something a noble ever gets acustomed to and it may be difficult for me to follow."

2017-08-02, 01:08 PM
"I don't have the cash to book an airship so unless you think you can handle an entire crew long enough to get us there without them remembering us-" 'and by the goddess I hope that's not actually something you can do...' "-then I think you're gonna have to rough it."

2017-08-02, 02:00 PM
"I can get us a vessel and then they will owe us for the privilege of transporting a noble!" Lord Zhelez waves his hand as if that would be a trivial feat. "Simply leave that to me, it will only take a matter of time." Lord Zhelez looks smugly in Johnny's direction but his expression changes once some more sweat drips from his brow.

"However, I can't be looking unkempt during negotiations. We still need to find that bathhouse."

Zhelez still gets that +3 roll to negotiations. That can be put to good use. So depending on what Lokyar actually wants to do and Turtle/Elfbird want to write about, we can attempt to get a vessel or just head straight into the plot. A timeskip where Zhelez somehow negotiated his way onto a vessel can also be a thing if you wanna push the plot forward faster.

2017-08-05, 05:44 PM
Johnny sighed in annoyance. "One of these days someone is going to start punching you and never stop, and the only hand I'm going to raise is to shake their other hand. Move, and talk, fast. I'm heading to the dock. You have half an hour before I head out without you."