View Full Version : Rappan Athuk - IC

2017-05-02, 10:04 PM
The four of you find yourselves sitting around a table at The Eponymous Tavern in the town of Endeavor's Outset. It is here than many teams of adventurers first meet to make their challenge against the legendary dungeon, Rappan Athuk. Having found yourselves to be the only four lone adventurers and others teams unwilling to hire you on and share their assured wealth and glory, you have formed an impromptu team. The wench brings another round of mead and collects your empty tankards as you work through the final stages of negotiating an agreement among yourselves.

The tavern itself is packed. Locals seem to be the primary clientele here, but there are several obvious bands of adventurers, still wearing their combat gear and spending too much gold. The room has four rows of long tables with affixed benches, each seating about twenty people, there are no other tables or chairs available to patrons. A bard performs while standing on a small stage, his routine consisting primarily of dirty jokes punctuated by discordant twangs on the strings of his lute to the bawdy laughter of the more drunken patrons.

2017-05-03, 12:51 AM

Graxin nodded a quick 'thanks' to the server and took a quick swig of his drink. He grimaced slightly as he glanced around the room. He wasn't a fan of large crowds and the entertainment seemed to be geared towards a different audience.

"I said, I think we should finished up any last minute shopping and get a move on." Graxin wasn't sure anyone could hear his gravelly voice over the din.

"I'm all set to go and can leave now, anyone need food or last minute supplies?" he glanced around the table and tried to assess his new companions.

Graxin's apprehension was apparent and plastered all over his scaly face.

2017-05-03, 09:27 AM

The slender gnome barely glances up as the serving wench deposits a fresh tankard in front of him. Lifting the wooden mug to his lips, he sips at the watery mead and contemplates the crowd, particularly the other adventuring companies.

So confident... how many will be food for crows and worms - or worse - come the next moon? he wonders to himself. His gaze travels to his new companions. And how many of them? What a collection of misfits we are - some kind of small dragonbrood; a half-blood dark elf, with some trace of reptilian; something almost but not quite human who won't even carry a real weapon into a dungeon. And, of course, there's me... small wonder that no other group would have us.

He takes another swallow of the mead and turns to Graxin. "Now, or at first light - unless that's a problem?" Wexler gives a meaningful look to the half-drow.

"I've not done much dungeon delving, so I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," he shrugs.

2017-05-03, 07:38 PM
"Once within, time of day ceases to matter. You will not see the sun again until you leave, assuming we survive long enough to flee," Jhuris responds. "We can leave whenever is convenient for you. A little sun won't harm me."

She goes back to sharpening her knife as the others talk, repeatedly testing its edge, finding it unsatisfactory, and resuming work.

"I recommend that you stock up on food and water before we delve. I don't know that you'll find anything palatable, or edible for that matter, once we enter, unless you have magic for that.

For that matter, I hear that simply reaching the entrance is fraught with peril. We might wish to make a plan on how to handle that. Are any of you familiar with the exact route there? I know that I am not."

2017-05-04, 03:31 PM
Josph sits in the corner, lost ij thought about a recent meeting. "I am ready. I think we will have to find out about the route ourselves."

2017-05-05, 02:47 AM
A younger man in well worn light armor slams his mug down on the table as he slides onto the bench next to Graxin. He flashes a wide smile and seems good-natured enough.

"Planning a run on the Dungeon o' Graves, I see. Why, I been down to level three meself," the man brags as he thumps his chest. "Name's Dreder. Buy me some drinks, and I'll learn you all I know."


2017-05-05, 08:41 AM
Wexler eyes the young man suspiciously.

Happy, charming, relatively good-looking... I dislike him already. Wexler thinks sourly.

"Got any proof of that claim?" he asks, swirling the mead in his mug. "And I don't mean someone that you're paying to vouch for you, either."

2017-05-05, 10:09 AM

Graxin rolls his eyes. " Third level indeed. I bet you dunno where it even is..." Graxin says indignantly.

2017-05-05, 05:39 PM
He downs the rest of his ale in one long pull, tosses the empty mug onto the table and pushes himself to his feet.

"Fine, fine. I can see you know what you're doing. Got everything all figured out. Just get a good insurance policy before you leave. Your loved ones are going to need it."

A dark skinned woman with a stern look approaches as Dreder stands. She wears mostly white clothing and silvered armor, an obviously enchanted holy symbol made into a charm on her brow.

"Bothering the newbloods again, Dreder?" she asks with a tone of mild annoyance.

"No more than you are, priestess," responds Dreder with sarcastic emphasis on the last word.

"Run along now." She waves him off and turns to the party. "I'm Niserie. If you have any uncertainties, you should resolve them before embarking. Just be careful who you trust."

With that, she turns to leave, apparently heading towards two others on the far side of the room wearing robes similar to her own.


2017-05-06, 05:09 AM
Jhuris Tyn

As the two walk away, Jhuris speaks up, saying, "I'm inclined to listen to Dreder. If a priestess like that dislikes him, he can't be too bad. Either way, we need to get a plan together.

I travel fairly light, but with the distances involved, I'm not too happy with the idea of walking it. Also, if we take anything away from the deeps, we'll be more heavily burdened. I'd suggest mounts of some kind, mundane if we can't afford magic."

2017-05-06, 09:15 AM

Joseph thinks for a few moments and then responds. "While we do want to take some food with us, I believe that it may not be as severe a problem as you expect. It is a well known fact that all creatures, save magical ones such as elementals and undead, do require food to live. Anything living that we find is likely to have food and a source for more food. The greater concern might be whether or not it is food we wish to eat."

"A simple mule loaded with a few weeks of extra food would be a cheap source of security, and one that we can do without if it is lost, as we have none now."

2017-05-06, 09:18 AM
Wexler eyes the exchange with just a hint of amusement. "Anyone know who she's a priestess of?"

He raises an eyebrow at Jhuris. "Go buy him a drink, then, and see what he has to say for himself. Gods know that there's a thousand and one rumours and tales about the place; adding a few more to the mix won't make much difference."

Wexler leans back a little and empties his mug. "As for mounts, if I could afford a magic ride, or even a decent hay burner, I probably wouldn't need to go dungeon crawling. Besides, who would look after them while we're strolling around tunnels and crypts? Unless someone already owns a beast, I say we check out it out first, then make the decision about mounts on our return." The gnome shrugs. "I'm open to suggestions, so... whatever."

2017-05-06, 09:32 PM
Jhuris Tyn

"Not Vulkoor, and that's all that matters."

Standing up, she says, "Very well, I'll go ask him."

Jhuris follows after Dreder and offers to buy him a drink in exchange for whatever she can learn.

2017-05-07, 07:32 PM
Jhuris has to buy Dreder a drink before he'll get over having his feelings hurt and then a second before he'll share any information. Six drinks in, she learns about as much as she thinks she's going to get, as his claims start to degenerate into a drunken ramble. She's spent 6 gold on the drinks.

2017-05-08, 09:43 AM
While Jhuris plies Dreder with drink, Wexler continues to discuss the logistics and purchase of additional equipment for their travel and initial delve into the dungeon.

Being the suspicious sort that he is, he keeps a surreptitious eye on the rest of the tavern for anyone that might be attempting to eavesdrop, or may be a little too interested in their planning.

A few "feeling suspicious" checks, just in case:
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Sense Motive: [roll2]

2017-05-08, 03:52 PM
Other than casual interest in the newest group of adventurers in town, Wexler doesn't notice anything unusual... until he sees someone approach a man sitting in a back booth, slide him some money while gesturing to you, and receive a slip of paper in return. You become highly suspicious for a moment, but as this is repeated shortly afterward by a woman approaching the same table and going through the same routine, it becomes suddenly clear that the locals have setup a betting pool on your party's chances of survival.

2017-05-08, 04:14 PM
Jhuris Tyn

Returning to the group, Jhuris lets them in on the bad news.

"So, apparently, we're doomed. He says there's a creature of some kind on the first underground level that can't be harmed by any known method. I was hesitant to believe that, but several others nearby affirmed the claim. So, either he's heard it from others or has actually been there... or everyone is in on the joke.

Regardless, I've been told the creature looks and smells like an amorphous mass of raw sewage and makes its home in what can only be called a 'latrine.' Apparently, when it kills, it drags the corpse back there so that it may consume it as its leisure, and it is believed that any gear its victims had is likely to be found there if one could manage to get at it and survive... which I'm not confident we can do given our current abilities."

2017-05-08, 04:25 PM

Joseph wrinkles his nose. "I'm not sure whether I want to put cotton up my nose so I don't smell that thing, or keep my nose alert so that we can run if we do smell it. I don't think working with something like that is the type of contribution to medicine that I want to make."

He looks over at the table with the betting pool. "If I hadn't just sent a runner to order extra supplies and a mule, I'd be tempted to place a bet on us not just surviving, but returning with everyone alive. Oh well, maybe we can get a cut when we return."

K:Dungeoneering to ID it or get ideas that aren't metagamed. [roll0]

2017-05-08, 07:05 PM

"Unkillable and smells like sewage... sounds like some dwarfs I know." Graxin chuckles to himself.

He made note of the information as it might be relevant later. He hoped not too relevant though.

2017-05-15, 08:45 AM

Wexler raises an eyebrow at the betting going on, but after a moment gives a shrug. He turns back to Jhuris.

"Can't be harmed, but clearly it can be avoided; otherwise no one would return to tell of it, nor would they be able to venture deeper into the dungeon. Good to know - if we run into it, we don't try and fight it."

2017-05-15, 09:31 PM
Joseph is unaware of anything that the "dung monster," as it has come to be known by the locals, might be.

2017-05-18, 12:03 AM
Wexler drains the dregs from his mug and stands up.

"Right, then; let's see about buying this extra gear and supplies that we need, and get this carnival on the road."

2017-05-18, 12:36 AM

"Sounds like a plan." Graxin adds as he finishes off his latest drink. He was going to miss the swill and the uncomfortable beds.

2017-05-18, 01:42 AM

Joseph stands with them, raising his mug in a final toast. "Indeed. Let's start our journey. To victory, untold wealth, and safe returns!"

2017-05-18, 07:28 AM
The four of you strike out from the pub, ready for your adventure. As you walk out into the streets of Endeavor's Outset, you find yourselves just outside of North Gate, the city's northern gate. They're very creative with the names around these parts. Very descriptive, anyway.

To the south lies the city that has grown up around the legend of Rappan Athuk and the large amounts of disposable wealth brought to the area by equally disposable adventurers. All that one might need for an adventure might be found within Endeavor's Outset.
To the north following the Coast Road, some 100 miles distant, is the legendary dungeon of Rappan Athuk itself, hidden somewhere in the foothills between the dubiously named Forest of Hope and the more aptly named Dragonmarsh Lowlands.

As you debate whether to set out immediately or head into the city to make any final arrangements, the runner sent out by Joseph arrives with the mule and extra supplies he ordered.


The city of Endeavor's Outset is at the very southern edge of the map, located at about "o" in "Coast Road".


2017-05-18, 07:44 AM

Joseph scowls for a moment before giving up. "Perhaps someone has a map showing where we can find the place? No, I suppose there are many entrances. Shall we be off?"

2017-05-19, 01:26 AM
Jhuris Tyn

"I have no need for additional supplies. I was quite ready to embark before seeking compatriots. I will, however, purchase a mule and hire a few guards to protect it while we remain within the dungeon.

If my numbers are correct, then I expect we will need fifty gold and a bit to secure guards for our animals for a two week journey. I'm estimating five days travel in each direction with four days underground. Four days should be more than sufficient for our first trek. I suspect we will not wish to remain for even that duration until we have a better understanding of Rappan Athuk and can be better equipped for its trials.

We could, of course, forgo the guards and take the beasts below with us instead, but I am not certain that this is wise."

I'm looking at 8gp for the mule plus 2 weeks pay and rations for 4 mercenary cavalry (DMG p105).
That should be 22.4gp for the hiring and 28gp for two weeks of rations.
I chose cavalry, because they would be better able to mount up and flee if it came to that.

2017-05-21, 10:14 PM

Graxin finishes stowing his new supplies on his mule. "Alrighty lets go!" he says with a little too much eagerness.

He nudges his mule forward slowly, hoping someone else would take the lead.

2017-05-22, 04:05 AM

Wexler returns from his quick shopping trip with rope, a shovel, and a selection of other tools for dungeon delving.

"Given the way that everyone here carries on about the place, I'm half expecting it to be sign-posted with ten foot tall runes made of fire and a troupe of heralds playing silver trumpets," he say sarcastically. "That said, I grabbed a cheap map - it's pretty crude, but it'll give us some idea of the major landmarks to watch for."

He lashes the equipment to one of the mules, and with one last check over his own gear, starts heading north along the Coast Road.

2017-05-22, 08:48 AM
With a last look at the city, Joseph straightens his necktie and begins walking, leading his mule. It'll be a long time before he sees a laundry-washer or civilized bath again.

2017-05-23, 05:10 AM
The party travels some 25 miles north along the Coast Road. It's a pleasant day, and you encounter neither other travelers nor hazards along the road. Overall, a fairly uneventful day. You expect another 3 days of such travel will bring you to your destination... or at least to where you'll need to leave the road if you head due east from the road to the dungeon.

With the sun beginning to set, you must decide whether to try to stop to make camp or press on through the night on a forced march.

2017-05-23, 07:43 AM

Near the end of the day, Joseph slows and stretches. "No sense exhausting ourselves before we get there. We should find a defensible camp while it's still light, and set up watches."

2017-05-23, 09:53 AM

"Sounds like a plan. I'm about ready for some food and sleep." Graxin starts to settle himself and tether the donkey. "Now that we are away from any prying eyes, I should probably tell you guys about what I've heard of this place." Graxin takes a huge bite (well huge for a gnome) out of his preserved meat. "Apparently there is some kind of cannibalistic illusionist that lives some where near the entrance. I dunno if its true, but I figure you all should be fore-warned just in case."

Graxin offers to take 2nd watch

2017-05-23, 04:15 PM
As you start to look for a place to make camp, you hear a roar coming from the north. After a moment, you realize it's the sound of running water. Traveling a bit further, you find a gorge with a dangerously swift and turbulent current. Fortunately, a stone bridge stretches across the river. You find a small clearing nearby where you feel the gorge will provide at least partial protection in that no one will be sneaking up on you from that direction.


2017-05-23, 05:38 PM
Jhuris Tyn

After taking the time to tether the mule, unload it, and make sure it's fed and watered, Jhuris Tyn looks around the campsite before settling in to grab a bite to eat.

"That sounds... ominous, though it's not really cannibalism if he eats people that aren't his own species."

2017-05-23, 05:56 PM

"I'll be sure to get clarification and reprimand the illusionist accordingly when I see him." Graxin offers. "Glamouring yourself to look like a gnome does not make you a cannibal good sir. Why I have half a mind to file a grievance with the union."

Graxin prattles on, though most of it is lost when he stuffs his face with more food.

2017-05-23, 09:28 PM

"I heard that there's a mushroom within that grants youth within. That would be an interesting find, although," he chuckles, "I've no need of it quite yet. I'm loathe to experiment on myself with such things anyway."

2017-05-24, 08:07 AM

Wexler snorts with suppressed laughter at Graxin's reply to Jhuris.

"If we're talking rumours, I've heard that there's a gateway to the Hells in the dungeon, found at the bottom of a pool in the centre of a maze." He takes a bite of jerked meat and chews thoughtfully. "Y'know, just in case you decide that the dungeon isn't challenging enough and want to head somewhere even more dangerous."

2017-05-24, 10:55 PM

Joseph strokes his mustache, cleaning any crumbs out of it as he finishes hsis meal. "I've heard that people have escaped from the hells, but there's supposedly a big white corridor of polished stone down below. Anyone who walks the whole length of it is cursed, and lost forever. I don't know if that means that they end up somewhere else, or just forever lose their sense of place and direction... but that sounds like it takes more than a planar teleportation spell to escape from.

2017-05-30, 11:39 PM
Barring any further argument, the watch is set for the night in the order of Graxin, Joseph, Wexler, and Jhuris. The four mercenaries accompanying you set their own watch in a rotation complementary to your own.

Due to extremely fortunate circumstances, the party sleeps soundly through the night, completely undisturbed by anything but dreams brought about by their own nervous anticipation.

As the sun slowly rises the next morning, they find they perhaps weren't entirely safe during the night. The footprints of two humanoids and several rather large canines can be seen in the mud approaching the party's camp, stopping a short distance away, circling halfway around and back, then departing. It seems you were not what these people were seeking, whoever they might have been...

2017-05-31, 07:07 AM

"Hmm, and none of us saw or heard a thing. Fortune has smiled on us today... but we should keep a closer watch." After breakfast, Joseph is ready to proceed unless there's reason not to.

2017-06-01, 04:01 AM

The gnome stands up and brushes off his hands after examining the tracks.

"That'd be right - not even a day out of town and we're almost eaten in our sleep," he grumbles. "Maybe they decided that we weren't worth the effort? Still, we'd best keep our wits about us in case they decide to come back with friends."

He shoulders his pack and adjusts his weapon belt. "Either way, they ain't here now, so nothing to be done about it except make tracks while it's still daylight."

2017-06-01, 08:56 AM

"Maybe they moved on to a better place to ambush us." Graxin says with caution. "Either way, we should pack up and get going." Graxin dusts of his gear and packs it away. He yawns deeply.

2017-06-01, 09:21 AM

"You're a very bouyant sort, aren't you Graxin?" Joseph finishes checking his mule's pack, and starts walking with the rest of the group.

2017-06-01, 09:22 AM
Weller notes that the tracks never venture closer than about 70 feel, just outside the range of dark vision and beyond the flickering light that would have been cast by the embers of the dying campfire.

2017-06-01, 09:32 AM
Jhuris Tyn

"That's rather a bit disturbing. They must have come when I slept, as I would surely have heard them otherwise. Whatever they case, they're obviously smart. I don't like it."

Jhuris eats the rations produced by her magic food bag, checks the mercenaries' readiness, and sets off on the trail north when the others are ready.

"I think we should look around a bit once we arrive but before we head down. We should find a secure location to set camp for our mounts and allies. I would not want them to meet with trouble while we are absent. It would make our return trip somewhat difficult."

2017-06-02, 04:11 AM

The dour gnome raises an eyebrow at Jhuris' first comment. "Pretty confident in yourself, aren't you? It's hard to tell from a scattering of muddy prints, but I don't think they lingered." He shrugs. "It'll probably remain a mystery."

He does nod in agreement with her remarks about a secure location. "Sounds sensible; no point running straight into the tombs or catacombs or whatever when their might be something lurking at our backs - we should definitely scout around and check it out first. Speaking of which... if we've got company around, I might go keep point for a bit."

Wexler concentrates and the shadows seem to gather around him as he scampers off the main road and ahead of the rest of the group.

Using Child of Shadow stance, and doing a normal double move; keeping ahead of the party by about 60'-100', using whatever cover/concealment is available just off the main road.

Assuming passive/'take 10' skill checks:
Hide: 18 (includes -5 for moving faster than half speed)
Move Silently: 18 (includes -5 for moving faster than half speed)
Spot: 15
Listen: 16

2017-06-05, 12:30 AM
Your party sets off once more along the road. After another day of travel and night of peaceful rest, you begin to question the tales of danger you heard about this area. It seems that either the legends are embellished or the dice gods have favored you greatly. On the third day, however, your fortunes change!

In the distance, some 300 yards away, you spot a wagon being drawn by two oxen. The wagon is loaded down with large bags, barrels, and a few crates stacked up, balanced precariously, and haphazardly tied down. A peasant man walks alongside the oxen goading them forward despite their protesting bellows. Behind and beside the oxcart are three heavily armed and armored men leading heavily burdened mules. When the other group notices your party, they draw their weapons, affix their shields, and slow their pace.

2017-06-05, 09:57 AM

"Bandits or merchants?" asks no one in particular. He looked over his own ragtag group. "I imagine we look like bandits ourselves." Graxin draws his weapon, but aims it at no one. He pulls his mule off the road to make room for the other group to pass. Graxin keeps a watchful eye on the flanks.

2017-06-05, 10:26 AM

"Courtesy, a good idea. Should we ask for directions?" Joseph puts his mule between himself and the armed passers-by, making sure his gloves are snug and secure in case he has to channel magic through them for his only offensive spell.

2017-06-05, 04:58 PM
Jhuris Tyn

"Fight or die is the usual standard; however, I'm more inclined to save that particular paradigm for after we reach our destination. I suggest that prepared caution is the better wisdom here."

2017-06-06, 08:47 AM

"They're probably more scared of us than we are of them," Wexler says, eyeing the group ahead. He draws his shortsword and tests the edge. "Still, best be prepared, but let them know that we don't mean harm. So, who's going to do the talking?"

2017-06-06, 08:57 AM

"I have no interest in talking to strangers" says quietly. The irony that the whole group was still a bunch of strangers was lost on Graxin.

2017-06-06, 12:52 PM
As you are debating what to do, the other group approaches yours. The guard in the lead gives your party a quick nod of acknowledgement as the two groups nervously pass each other without a word. Two of the guards continue to watch you over their shoulders for awhile, but nothing more comes of the encounter. You continue on your way unhindered.

Another night on the road comes, which again leaves you unmolested; however, come morning, you spot the same tracks as on your first night. This time, the tracks pass your by, seeming only to have stopped long enough to look at your group for a moment or two before continuing. They don't even bother to circle around you this time.

One final day of travel remains to you before you reach your destination. A few random rolls later, and you meet with no other random encounters. Towards late afternoon, you reach the bridge which crosses the Wild Edge River, the "border" between the "civilized" lands of the south and the "wilderness" of the north.

You know that somewhere north and east of this bridge lies the entrance to Rappan Athuk.

To the west, about 10 to 15 miles out, you spot faintly curling smoke, likely from several small fires or perhaps the scattered remains of one large fire.

2017-06-07, 03:24 PM
Jhuris Tyn

After mouthing a quick thanks to the gods for safe journeys, Jhuris takes stock of the situation.

"I think we ought to check out the fires. We have already agreed to scout around first, and it is the most obvious clue of something in the area. It may be in the opposite direction from the dungeon, so it's a good place to start. We can circle back towards the dungeon as we scout."

2017-06-08, 08:30 PM
Wexler Kerschel

Wexler eyes the distant smoke drifting into the sky and sucks at his teeth thoughtfully.

"It'll take about a day, maybe two if we hit rough terrain, just heading out there and back here again; and we still don't know how far out from the dungeon entrance we are. Still, we aren't in any huge hurry, so I guess it won't hurt to go an have a look... although it's hard to tell at this distance, those have the look of camp fires, which means there could easily be two dozen or more hostiles camped there." He looks at the others. "Well, I'm game if everyone else is? Might be best if I take point again."

Doing the standard scouting / on-point thing again: Child of Shadow stance, and doing a normal double move; keeping ahead of the party by about 50'-80' this time, using whatever cover/concealment is available.

Assuming passive/'take 10' skill checks:
Hide: 18 (includes -5 for moving faster than half speed)
Move Silently: 18 (includes -5 for moving faster than half speed)
Spot: 15
Listen: 16

Ask, or feel free to roll for me if an active skill check is required.

2017-06-08, 09:39 PM

"Sounds like a plan. Lead on." Graxin says.

2017-06-13, 03:56 PM
You make it to the area near where you spotted the smoke. As you approach the tree line, a group of ten lightly armed men emerge to meet you, weapons drawn. They look you over for a moment before the leader says, "What brings you here?"

2017-06-13, 04:17 PM

"The road?" Graxin asks with a smile hoping to disarm any tension.

2017-06-13, 05:16 PM

Joseph looks over the men to see if he can figure out their intent, or if they've recently been fighting.

These should probably be secret rolls. Sense motive at +5, Heal at +10.

2017-06-13, 07:42 PM
The men seem more bored than anything and show no signs of having fought recently.

2017-06-13, 09:20 PM

"Proving my side in an academic debate, and possibly also becoming fabulously wealthy if we don't all die of exsanguination, conflagaration, dissolution, or gravitation. In the short term - investigating yon column of smoke."

2017-06-14, 02:06 AM
"Umm..." The leader pauses for a second, clearly a bit confused by all the words he's not used to hearing. "The smoke is from our camp."

2017-06-14, 08:38 AM

"There you go, then; now you know - more or less - what we're doing out here... mind telling us what you're doing camped out in the middle of the wilds?"

2017-06-14, 02:31 PM
His eyes narrow, apparently not liking Wexler's tone. A few seconds pass, then he just sighs and shrugs.

"We call this place Lawbreakers' Haven. Anyone on the run from the law is welcome here... well, with a few exceptions. We don't take in murderers, slavers, or other more violent criminals, and we punish crimes committed against us harshly and immediately.

We're close enough to the dungeon that no one really bothers us, and we're defended enough that the local hostiles usually think better about attacking. Usually..."

2017-06-14, 05:13 PM

"Local hostiles? What have you had problems with? If you have any who are injured or poisoned, I would be happy to help before we continue on our way."

Diplomacy [roll0]
Hopefully they'll be grateful in the form of maps, directions, and tips.

2017-06-14, 08:37 PM
"Oh, uh, not much lately. There's a nest of harpies between here and the dungeon though. Best to circle around that one, unless you want a fight. They're pretty ruthless hunters, but they stay in their own territory for the most part.

There's a pretty mean nest of giant spiders west of here that we have to watch out for, but they don't hunt this direction too much anymore. They've found easier prey elsewhere, I guess.

A druidess has a grove just south of the Wild Edge River too. She's a real witch, if you catch my meaning. Stay far away from her if you know what's good for you.

Oh, don't wander around in the swamps up north either. Stay on the road if you go that way, or Cazrak will get you.

Actually, just stay on the road no matter where you are. It's safer that way... unless you're going to the dungeon. Then stay off the road. Almost every road claiming to go there is going to be a trap, and the ones that actually do go there probably have bandits waiting in ambush nearby. Cross country is your safest bet, but... not really."

2017-06-14, 09:02 PM

Graxin nods. "Thanks for the tip." he says earnestly. "Where abouts does the dungeon lie from here?"

2017-06-14, 11:02 PM
"Almost exactly due east, about a day's walk."

2017-06-17, 04:01 AM
Jhuris Tyn

"Lawbreakers' Haven? You make it sound like some kind of town. Is it just the few of you here?"

2017-06-17, 10:42 PM

"Thanks for the tip. This sounds like a dangerous area. How do you feed yourselves -- and why not go somewhere safer?"

2017-06-18, 11:08 PM

The gnome rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Sounds like it might be a place we could possibly fall back to, if camping closer to the dungeon for any lengthy time proves to be too dangerous." He looks at the leader. "Assuming that you'd be okay with that? In exchange we might even be able to help out with any of the more dangerous beasties that might be getting too close to the Haven. Thoughts?"

2017-06-19, 12:17 AM
He nods. "Like I said, anyone is welcome in our camp, except the most unsavory... and lawmen. As long as you aren't killing people or trying to make arrests, you're welcome. We're pretty self sufficient. We've got a couple spellcasters who conjure up enough food and water for everyone, and we've got a few other sources of supplies, mostly trade caravans. A few stop to do trade. Others get hostile with us, so we raid them. It works out."

He motions for the group to follow through the tree line. As you pass through into the camp, you see what looks less like a camp and more like a small settlement. There's somewhere between 150 to 200 men, women, and even children. Most seem to live in tents, but there are a few small shacks cobbled together mostly from old wagon parts.

Looking around, you think this is probably the safest place this close to the dungeon, assuming you can trust the large band of admitted criminals on the run from the law.

2017-06-19, 02:06 AM

Joseph looks around. "Impressive."

2017-06-19, 02:10 AM
"Eh, not really. We're just refugees and fugitives, but we look after our own.

If you want to help out though, you could try killing the Damsels, er, the harpies east of here. They're the most dangerous to us, and they've been expanding their hunting grounds lately. They've even started attacking caravans on the road a bit. If the caravans stop, we'll be in real trouble."

2017-06-22, 08:56 AM

"We might look into that after we've had a chance to try our luck in the dungeon," Wexler says to the leader.

To the rest of the group he asks, "Do you think we should overnight here? Or shall we head back towards the road and dungeon? Personally, I'm more inclined towards the latter - we should reach the dungeon around midday tomorrow, instead of around sunset."

2017-06-22, 09:01 AM

"Seems reasonable to me. Anyone else have an opinion?" Graxin asks.

2017-06-22, 09:36 AM

"Let's head back and rest near - but not too near - the road."

2017-07-04, 07:41 AM
The group rides away from the outlaw camp, heading cautiously back towards where they think the buried dungeon might be...

2017-07-05, 11:41 AM
Jhuris Tyn

"I think we should leave the mercenaries here at Lawbreakers' Haven. It's probably the only safe place around."
Assuming the others agree with her, she sets up a schedule with the mercenaries to meet them at the dungeon entrance in five days time. That gives a day for traveling there and then four days underground before returning. This matches with her previously calculated timeline.

Dungeon Master

You make it back to the road and set camp just to the west of it. During the night, you hear the screeching of harpies from the east, but they fortunately do not trouble you. Perhaps they don't hunt this far west, or perhaps they just found other prey first. Either way, luck continues to be on your side.

The next morning, you look in the direction from which you heard the screeching. There is a large field between here and the treeline. Several miles distant, just within the forest, you see a massive, gnarled tree standing some twenty or so feet above the treeline. Within the high branches, a giant nest has been formed, which you rightly assume to be the nest of the harpies. A dirt road winds across the field and into the forest, presumably to Rappan Athuk beyond. A crudely made wooden sign driven into the soil nearby even points the way to the dungeon as being along this road.

One of you remembers that harpies, though more intelligent than most beasts, aren't that smart and live as much by instinct as thought. Harpies are known to hunt in the evenings and early night, sleeping through the early parts of the day. If you hurry and don't make too much noise, you can probably make it through the harpy sisters' hunting grounds before they awake for the day.

2017-07-05, 12:01 PM

The human looks across the field at the Harpy nest and frowns. He looks north and south. "A longer route might be safer."

If we circle a couple of miles out of the way, are there trees we can travel under?

2017-07-05, 09:17 PM
Looking around, then looking to the map you picked up (http://www.mornproductions.com/gitp/RA/WIldernessMap.jpg) back in town, you realize that the only forested area between here and the dungeon is the small forest around the harpies' nest. The rest seems to be plains and low hills.

From what you've been told, their hunting grounds seem to only stretch from five to ten miles from their nest. You're fairly confident that circling around either direction would be relatively safe, assuming you stayed at least that far away from the trees.

2017-07-05, 10:30 PM

"I'd rather swing around south and avoid them."

2017-07-05, 11:50 PM

Wexler studies the map, then says with a shrug "Going south seems as good a direction as any. We can always try going north on the way out to see if it's any better or worse. "

2017-07-06, 07:07 AM
Jhuris Tyn

Taking out some colored chalks, Jhuris marks the map with the information gained back at Lawbreakers' Haven.

"It might not be perfectly accurate, but it's good enough based on what the guardsman told us. Gives us an idea of where not to go, at least.

I say we follow the river and then circle around to the north. It might cost a day's travel, but it should avoid the bird women."



Since it seems the majority of the party is in agreement, you circle around to the south. You make it several miles before cresting a hill and stumbling directly into a bandit camp! Fortunately, it seems the camp has already been destroyed. Evidence suggests harpies...

2017-07-08, 10:14 PM

"We're still in their hunting grounds. I doubt they'd come back here since they already took what they wanted. Maybe the harpies missed something useful. Let's stay low, stay quiet, and check."

Joseph cautiously advances into the bandit camp, checking the tents and anything else (wagons, containers) for anything useful or valuable.

Search mod is at +0, but I don't think we want to spend the time to take 20 on the whole place.
Thanks for the updated map!

2017-07-09, 12:56 AM

Graxin helps search. However he seems more concerned with remaining quiet and keeping an eye out. "We should probably keep moving.." he suggests. Part of him wondered if they should tackle the harpies sooner rather than later. If they are injured and fleeing the dungeon, he would hate to have to deal with them.

2017-07-09, 08:44 AM

Wexler likewise conducts a search of the remains of the bandit camp, trying to find anything left untouched by the harpies that might still be useful.

He also tries to determine how long ago the attack took place, examining any drops of blood for how dried they are and inspecting the camp fire to determine how cold it is. Part of his search and investigation includes trying to estimate how many bandits were here when the attack took place.

Search check: [roll0]

Survival check: [roll1]

2017-07-09, 06:11 PM
Jhuris [roll0]

The party finds little of value. It seems that either the harpies or other scavengers carried away any valuables they could easily find. Only the tattered remains of tents, random small bits of destroyed leather and metal, two broken barrels, and a few humanoid bones picked completely clean remain.

2017-07-09, 09:03 PM

"I guess those harpies are more than just animals if they looted the place. Let's go." Joseph tugs on the lead rope for his mule.

2017-07-09, 09:45 PM
The destroyed bandit camp behind you, you soon find yourselves approaching the area of the map that shows the location of the dungeon. You crest the last hill, and the complex finally comes into view.

In stark contrast to the lush greenery of the hills lies a large sunken graveyard, laid out in the shape of a cross. Rather than towering above the ground, the graves have settled into depressions, and the main mausoleum, a building of strange green stone, rests in the deepest depression some 40 feet below the ground on which you now stand. At the other end of the grave-filled hollow stands what appears to be a stone well. There are no gravestones near it.

The normal sounds of wildlife are gone, and large carrion birds circle overhead. An ominous silence rests about the place. Each of you knows in your heart that you have found the legendary dungeon of Rappan Athuk. And though none of you dares speak it, you wonder if you will live to return to the warmth of hearth and home.

2017-07-09, 10:12 PM

"Not quite what I expected." Graxin admits a little breathless. "Seems.. quiet." he says subtlety suggesting the cliche. "You folks ready?" He asks.

2017-07-11, 09:28 AM

The skinny gnome spends some time studying the layout of the graveyard before responding.

"Most of it is supposed to be underground, so, yeah... quiet. Let's circle the area first, as planned; see if there's anything lying in wait, maybe find the campsites of previous groups. I'll take point."

Doing the standard scouting / on-point thing again: Child of Shadow stance, and doing a normal double move; keeping ahead of the party by about 60' using whatever cover/concealment is available.

Assuming passive/'take 10' skill checks:
Hide: 18 (includes -5 for moving faster than half speed)
Move Silently: 18 (includes -5 for moving faster than half speed)
Spot: 15
Listen: 16

2017-07-13, 07:52 AM

Joseph follows along behind their scout. "Do we want to take the mules inside? I suspect they will not live long out here on their own."

2017-07-17, 10:22 PM

"I am fine with whatever the rest of you decide. I'm not sure how well they'll fare below ground. Also, I had originally negotiated with the mercenaries to remain above ground to watch the mules. If they are coming down with us, we'll likely have to renegotiate and pay them an additional fee."

She, of course, mentions this while the mercenaries are out of earshot.

2017-07-17, 10:39 PM

"Let's leave them here. Maybe we can find them a defendable position that's not quite so...morbid. I suspect we're supposed to descend to the depths of the grave to enter Rappan Athuk proper. Some cults have no sense of subtlety or creativity."

2017-07-19, 08:59 AM

"Maybe the cultists just really liked digging," Wexler says wryly. "Now let's finish this scouting, and if we find somewhere better the hirelings can set up camp there. We'll need to take a look at what's actually down there before we decide if we need extra hired muscle or not."

2017-07-19, 09:05 AM

"Well, glad we found the place, I think. We should probably all take a look around together. " Graxin suggests. "I suspect if you wander off, we'll not see you again."

2017-07-22, 10:22 PM
As you enter the graveyard, you come to the first tombstone, one a bit larger and more ornate than the rest. Atop a 4ft square pedestal is a life-size statue of a dwarf carved of dark gray marble. He looks to have been a fierce but noble warrior. Dwarven runes are carved into the front of the pedestal, but unfortunately, none of you speak the language. All of you almost simultaneously spot a tiny door near the base of the pedestal that likely opens onto a small compartment.

Several other graves seem to be particularly ornate and have lengthy epitaphs that might be worth reading, if you have the time to spare.
