View Full Version : All tiefling party?

2017-05-03, 04:23 AM
As someone who collects and paints models I found myself with six separate tiefling miniatures on my painting bench: a fighter, a paladin, a cleric, a rogue, a sorcerer and a warlock. Aside from being great models, I'm thinking of painting them with an overall theme that ties them in to the same (NPC) party, and they'd do great as a rival party to the PCs. My question is whether this would actually work that well: Tieflings aren't the best for most of those roles and while it would be fun to drop six Darkness spells on an encounter, I worry that they'll seem a bit gimmicky. Any suggestions as to how to run this? If they are equipped as the models are (not always the case but something I like to try and keep to) then there's a solid front line with the fighter, the cleric and the paladin, two very strong blasters with the sorcerer and the warlock, a decent amount of healing from the cleric and the paladin, and the rogue can be buffed and sent to assassinate enemy casters. I just feel it's a bit too odd for most people and I'm not sure whether it would work well.

2017-05-03, 04:37 AM
The SCAG (Sword Coast Adventure Guide) has a few alternate racial trait options for tieflings.

If you're that hard up to differentiate the tieflings, you could always borrow heavily from Pathfinder (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-tiefling/)'s alt racials. Scroll waaaay down for an interesting chart.

2017-05-03, 04:45 AM
I don't get why they shouldn't work by a mechanical point of view: sorcerer, warlock and paladin all benefit from charisma, plus classes don't really require appropriate race combinations to work well. (That said from one who's playing a PHB tiefling shadow monk)

By a roleplaying point of view a tiefling death squadron feels pretty fitting in my opinion.

2017-05-03, 05:05 AM
That's one hell of a party.


2017-05-03, 05:08 AM
Sadly I don't have access to SCAG (poor student) but I've heard it's got some nice cantrips and such so I might have to look at getting it on the cheap.

I just feel that the Fighter and Cleric are going to be rather weak, with Tiefling giving them very little of what they actually want.

As for tie-in themes I'm thinking of modelling dragon scales onto all of them from the same dragon (in their backstory they killed it or something) and the fighter already has a shield I made from part of a plastic bottle and some greenstuff that looks like a blue dragon's scale so they'd look like a unit at least.

2017-05-03, 05:09 AM
If three's a curse, is six... two curses? Or one curse, but cast from a higher-level spell slot? :smalltongue:

2017-05-03, 05:12 AM
If three's a curse, is six... two curses? Or one curse, but cast from a higher-level spell slot? :smalltongue:

Clearly that's the Warlock at work there :smallamused:

Dr. Cliché
2017-05-03, 01:34 PM
Make them all bards and have the party battle the ultimate death-metal band.