View Full Version : Personification Life: EPIC (IC Thread XI)

2017-05-03, 11:56 AM
Coming to a halt and catching his breath as he and his new companion reached their destination, Hectaros scoffed at the mention of magic. "Bah - magic? Trickery, more like it; trickery... or the will of their gods." He hushed down as Hablaratta filled him in on the rest of the situation, furrowing his brow in confusion as he took a seat nearby the others. "These natives... they just kidnap one of this group's own? And they don't even try to fight for her safe return? Why bow before these fiends? And... and..." he went wide-eyed and struggled for a moment with his words as his gaze shifted to Fritz. "A god? Here? It can't be... can it? The gods never show themselves..."