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2017-05-03, 06:43 PM
@Travis: With Eoil, Kyrich, Vasla, yourself and five archers and three half orc enforcers, you make your way past the Museum of Architectural Marvels.

Past the Junkyard where you fought the SMC's crazed products and met the equally crazed Ellen.

And way past Society territory, deeper into the scorched ruins of The Mercy. This place has not been taken over by hobos or any lingering faction. The old buildings have been overgrown with plant life, which is an oddity, despite the pools of stagnant green water that have formed amidst the cracked asphalt.


Flowers have bloomed here as well. perhaps nature has found a way to reach this gods forsaken district and yet, despite not even a sound coming through amidst the urban canyons, Eoil is naturally frightened, as he stands between Kyrich and Vasla, petting his two feathered friends.

"Something isn't right here, guys... there should be at least an echo. Some whispers in the rubble. People...""

Vasla chuckles and walks beside him as she looks around.

"You really are scared of this place, aren't you? Tales of Asgrim and his men are just that- tales. It's easy to build a reputation like that when nobody's seen you up close. As far as many are concerned, I have slain thousands. Is it real? Maybe. Maybe not.

But it does keep people at bay. Chances are this guy does the same. Time to send your scouts...""

Eoil whistles into the sky and his two birds of prey land on a nearby broken structure:


"Aetius, my loyal friend. I need you to take to the skies. Let me know what awaits us ahead...""

It's a smaller bird of prey that looks at the eagle as this one takes to the air:


"Ákos, my beloved familiar. Join your big brother up in the sky... be careful: Do not let him get into trouble, Watch from above and then return swiftly to me, understood?""

The hawk screeches at the elf and takes off, as the half orcs sharpen their blades and the archers ready bows, forming a tight perimeter.

Kyrich looks around and then at the overgrown buildings and tightens the grip on his chains.

"I have been around this area before. Many months ago, but I have tried to forget what happened then.""

The cat folk walks around Kyrich with a raised eyebrow.

"You know this place? You could have said that last night.""

The ilumian shakes his head.

"I said I was around here. Once. Not enough to remember how to navigate this urban maze. It was me, Lysa, Keéra and Borazon. When we were headed for the Dragon's Flight.""

2017-05-04, 01:06 PM
Travis casts Heart of Earth on himself.

He sighs when his team grows to a dozen.

"Welcome. I am Travis. Some of you may not have worked with a wizard before so let me say a few words on it.

First tip is, never keep a wizard in the dark. I did not anticipate such a large team. I prepare spells in the morning. If I had known, my spell selection would have been a little different. We should still be alright, I think.

Next thing to know is that different spells last different lengths of time. I have a couple of protective spells on me already that last several hours.

When we get close to wherever we're going, I'll cast a couple more. Those ones last an hour and a half. Eoil, keep me informed of our progress so that I can cast them when appropriate.

Once we are right outside and confirm the presence of our target, I'll cast a shorter term protection on myself. The point of all these protections is to allow me to draw fire. I plan to get right in there and mix it up with the top enemies.

Before we go in, I'll cast a spell that will allow Kyrich to fly, so he can take the fight to Asgrim. I'll also cast one to make him invisible, and to make us move quicker, but those spells have to be timed just right because they last less than a minute.

In battle, I'll cast attack spells as needed. I only have a few but I can also toss acid. I also have a small number of spells that might block enemies or the like.

All of this preparation relies on good knowledge of what lies ahead, so scouts your role is key. Be careful though. These days in the Mercy scouts have a way of vanishing before they can report back."

In the 'deep Mercy' he says:

"Eoil, tell your birds not to drink the water out there. That's why it's quiet - no birds.

Kyrich, we have time so tell your story. What is the Dragon's Flight?"

2017-05-05, 12:08 AM
@Travis: When you signed up for this, you didn't expect a small army.

A dozen men and women and only one capable caster amongst them all? It will have to do, but you need to set some ground rules, as you invoke one of your arcane spells and coat your heart in stone, granting you much needed...

Something's wrong.

It's a light chest pain, as your spell goes off without a hitch, but this has not happened before: the process isn't painful.

Eoil's birds return and the elf speaks to the hawk as he looks at the group.

"We aren't alone. They spotted some figures moving several blocks away. Fast ones, too. Hold on...""

The elven archer casts the Mage Armor spell on himself and immediately his knees waver and nearly drops, as Vasla catches him.

"You ok? Don't go fainting on us now, Swift.""

"No. It's not that. Something... off. I don't know what it is. Like some backlash of sorts.""

The orcs, snipers and the rest listen to your instructions regarding spells and their limits. Kyrich is particularly pleased to know he may have a chance to fly.

"Last time, I fought that bastard on uneven ground. You get me airborne, Travis, and I can break him.""

Vasla sniffs the air and covers her nose.

"This place smells of death, even with all these plants. Any who, let's get cracking. I want to see what this Asgrim guy is all about.""

The ilumian shakes his head.

"You don't want to fight him alone, Vasla. We have a better chance if we stick together. As for The Dragon's Flight? That happened a few months ago, shortly after I arrived here:

Keéra, Lysa, Borazon and myself. We had intel on something going on in Hope's Caress' Grand Central Station. Our guide was an old hermit. A crazy old coot that made a living here. He said he belonged to the first batch of 'proud train conductors'.

At any rate, we reached the Dragon's Flight and amazingly, the thing was untouched. We decided to explore it inside. See what was going on. We already knew about people gone missing and we thought the train was being used to transport them. After all, who would come all the way here?

We found something, alright. That hellish machine was operational. It began speeding along its tracks at speeds I have not seen anyone achieve yet. In its metal bowels, we all fought for our very lives. That place was a death trap, set by...""

Kyrich's tale is interrupted as one of the Society Snipers asks everyone to lay low and quietly points to a pool not too far away.

Once, this place must've been for recreational purposes. A public pool for people to bathe in. Today, the pool still exists, but its waters are green and brown- sewage that has stagnated in it for who knows how many years.

The group's eyes widen as arms and legs splash in the water and a series of hideous creatures, the size of a man, pull themselves out of the water and lick the sewage off their hairless bodies:


Eoil watches in horror and looks at Vasla.

"What the hell are those things?!""

"Huh, you idiot! They haven't noticed us yet... are these the cannibals the stories tell about?"

Who knows if these creatures were once human, but they seem to be enjoying that fetid pool as one of them uses it as a toilet, another one keeps swimming in it...

And yet another stirs the waters with a broken arm- a morsel for him to gnaw and starts biting it with feverish glee...

Best marinating sauce ever.

The orcs have to hold it in as Kyrich looks at them and then at all of you.

"Your call- we can fight them or attempt to sneak past them. They do not seem armored, but I don't know what they can do.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=207254)

2017-05-05, 07:37 PM
"The arcane pollution is strong here, no doubt" Travis notes when Eoil casts his spell. He tries conjuring and tossing a blob of acid at empty ground just to see if even that action will have an effect on him.

ooc: Knowledge (arcana) [roll0] for arcane pollution

When they spot a group of strange monsters, Travis looks at them. Are they ghouls? Ghoul-like, for sure, but maybe not the same as the ghouls I've seen before.

"I say we try to sneak past them, and if that fails, we fight. Better to conserve our strength now if we can. On the way back, if we come this way, perhaps we will finish them off. Eoil, how far are we now from our target?"

2017-05-05, 11:16 PM
@Travis: This entire area is polluted, there is no doubt about it as you lob an orb of acid to the ground and this one sizzles, causing your entire body to tingle with a minor backlash.

If what you read at Runestone is true, this entire urban complex is highly dangerous. Chances that magic may go awry or affect arcane users is a very real possibility, but worse still..

It seems like this arcane pollution is being controlled somehow. This isn't a natural disaster or some spill gone abandoned. This almost seems like it's on cue, ready to register any magic being cast and selectively damaging casters.

But who could have such power? Arcane Pollution is an uncontrolled hazard. There are ays to deal with it, to expunge an area of it even permanently, but to wield it at will? Unheard of.

Eoil scratches his falcon's head and bids both birds of prey to remain silent as you keep walking through the overgrown district.

"I've heard of that, in passing. Some oil spill or stuff like that? Never felt that back in the Mercy. Well, we are still in the Mercy, but you know what I mean."

It is once the team has spotted these foul creatures swimming in the waste pool that you try and figure out if these are also the ghouls that ambushed your team so many years ago. They are clearly carnivorous, judging by the meat one of them is gorging on, sentient flesh must be their preferred meal...

Just like ghouls, but who knows at this point as you suggest to keep walking. Chances are you can have Kyrich slaughter them later on the way out as Eoil rubs his chin in thought.

"This is, as far as I am aware, Camazotz' Den. They don't really come with instructions, Travis. As far as I know, Asgrim could be hiding anywhere...""

It is ten that distant growls and howls can be heard amidst the streets as crumbling pieces of concrete slide down the sides of the buildings, causing the Society members to be on their guard, with Eoil very frightened indeed.

The archers ready bows and the half orcs draw blades as the growls can be heard all over the place, but not seen, with Vasla cracking her knuckles and looking around.

"How did they know we are here?"

It's a shadow that leaps on the tree branches above and lands on a nearby building, fifty feet up and looks down at all of you. A woman, by her voice:


"The Society slithers into Lord Asgrim's domain, seemingly unnoticed...""

The howls and growls can be heard all over the entire district.

"But you bring us a man of steel and chains, whose every step sends vibrations all over our home. That and the smell of fresh blood coming in, well... what kind of hosts would we be if we didn't introduce ourselves?"

Vasla clenches her fists and looks up at the figure.

"Where's Asgrim?! Or is it you who carry such a name?""

The woman balances on the edge of the window sill and crosses her arms.

"Ah yes, the cat folk. We were told about you. You have a big mouth for such a frail little body. I want to know why you have brought us so many offerings. We only requested a few of you, no more.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=207402)

2017-05-06, 09:19 AM
Eoil, you fool, I told you to inform me before we got to the area so I could prepare.

Travis says "Embarrassing! Excuse me; time for a bit of arcane research here."

He casts alter self, taking the form of a scaled reptilian humanoid: a troglodyte.

ooc: If he has time before the situation changes - and the side effect of spellcasting seems tolerable here - he will continue casting spells; the next is dragonskin (black).

2017-05-06, 06:27 PM
@Travis: Prior to venturing forward into Camazotz' Den, you take out a single black scale, purchased years ago at Runestone for just this exact moment as your body suffers a great change and turns pitch black, hardening with scales from the infamous Black Dragons, masters of swamps.

You then glare at Eoil for his lack of information as the mysterious woman appears fifty feet above all of you in a building and looks down at your group.

The growls and howls can be heard really close now as the sounds of claws on concrete echo through the city blocks, causing the half orcs and snipers to look around, mildly afraid as Kyrich finishes unwrapping the heavy chains around his arms and looks at you.

"Stay close to me, Travis. They are not getting to us."

It is then that you assume the form of the dirty Troglodyte, one of the most reviled races on Oerth, but when it comes to the alter Self spell, the most useful form known to date.

Again, that pain on your chest manifests with each casting. A rarity, but it's not causing immediate effects upon you.

The woman above watches you cast the spell and claps.

"So there is a wizard amongst you? This is rather unexpected! We were told that only a Battledancer would be given to us, but a mage as well...

I am sure Lady Cimeies will have fun toying with you! As for the rest...""

The beasts from the pool poke their head past the fenced area and several more crawl down broken windows like wingless bats and land on the ground, their posture hunched, their claws wicked and their mouths salivating with quivering lips as they howl and growl at your team.

"Our family is always hungry. I am Cordelia, Pack Leader of the Hungry Maw under Lord Asgrim's rule. Allow me to welcome such brave and tasty offerings with my ever hungry hosts...

Eat them all!""

Vasla clenches her fists and hops up and down, boxer style.

"Finally! Let's see what these urban myths are all about!"

Eoil draws his bow as his birds screech at the beasts, hoping to scare them away.

"Just keep me away from them, will ya? I don't feel like being somebody's lunch."

Kyrich begins swinging his chain and looks at the opposition.

"It wouldn't be this easy, would it? We'll need to finish off all of these monsters before we can reach Asgrim, it would seem."

Who knows how Seti, Anya and Raikou are faring elsewhere, but you got yourself into a big mess over here. At least you have numbers on your side, but who knows for how long...

Roll Initiative- Eoil and Vasla are yours to use. Their sheets are in the OOC.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=207513)

2017-05-06, 07:50 PM
I don't know what effect the arcane backlash is having. I must bring a sample of that green stuff to Runestone for study. It's probably acidic too, judging by my luck. Meanwhile Seti is amiably sparring with a few hammer-loving dwarves, and Raikou is blowing up soggy rats.

Travis says "Don't worry about me. Guess I'd best cast haste though can't help everyone. Not fair I know."

Vasla is ready to charge the enemy but upon hearing Travis' statement she grasps a wand.


Travis casts haste on himself, Kyrich, Eoil, Vasla, the three enforcers, and snipers 1&2 (9 rounds).

Seeing this injustice Vasla uses the wand to cast haste on the remaining 3 snipers and the birds (5 rounds).

Hasted, Eoil begins shooting using Rapid Shot. If there are targets within 30' add +1 to hit and damage. He focuses on the closest target, then the next if that one drops.

attack #1 [roll0], damage [roll1]
attack #2 [roll2], damage [roll3]
attack #3 [roll4], damage [roll5]
attack #4 [roll6], damage [roll7]

2017-05-06, 09:40 PM
Round 1

@Travis: Whatever is affecting your magic is definitely dangerous. You need to have a sample of it analyzed back in Runestone, but for that to happen, you first need to get yourself alive out of this hell hole.

Cordelia watches the events unfold below and keens her eyes as the group goes through the motions.

Vasla is first to act, as she draws one of her wands and grants a few of the Society Snipers and the tough half orc enforcers a much needed boost with the Haste Spell, causing the monstrous residents of the area to growl and back a few feet away.

"I had a similar idea, Travis. Let's plow through these heaps of walking trash!"

Cordelia shouts to the beasts below:

"Do not shy away from that, you fools! It's only a minor trick... feast upon them!"

The Society Archers do their job rather well, firing at the beasts with great precision, rarely missing their shots as the beasts howl in pain...

They don't seem resistant to the arrows, but they aren't slouches either- these guys can take an arrow to the knee and keep on swinging!

And then the Pack is upon you...

One of the beasts howls to the skies and crouches on all fours as it speeds towards one of the half orc grunts, leaping at the last second and landing on its entire body, both claws digging into his chest and its talons shredding his legs as the Enforcer grunts in pain and curses in his native language.

He's been hurt. Badly... but he will survive. These things are fast and they are able to pounce like beasts in the wild.

The same cannot be said about one of the snipers, who cries in pain as another of these beasts leaps upon him and rips his chest open with his claws, digging his fangs into his neck as blood spurts all over the ground, dropping him immediately.

Two of these wretched things rush against another Enforcer, with one swiping the half orc once on the cheek...

And his cousin predator leaping on the half orc, tearing out his entire face with one bite as his claws rend at his chest, dropping him instantly.

Three more of these beasts roar and speed towards Kyrich, an Enforcer and a Sniper as the ilumian's sigils flare up with great intensity.

"You aren't getting past me!""

The chain strikes one of the beasts, hurting it badly and attempting to trip it, but the creatures are fast and strong, as it leaps on one of the Snipers next to Kyrich and digs his claws into his chest, leaving him barely alive.

Another one rushes towards the other enforcer and Kyrich's chain becomes tangled by a conveniently lifted root, allowing the beast to jump on the half orc and leave him within an inch of his life!

The ilumian curses in his own language as he yanks the chain out of the root, which recedes into the ground and watches the thrid beast making a beeline towards him.

"Not this time!""

Kyrich's spiked chain does the trick this time, ripping the creature's flesh from his leg and dragging him on the ground, ten feet away. Alive, but very badly hurt.

The other monsters start moving towards the group from a nearby street. they won't be able to close in yet, but the losses so far have been bad on your side.

It is then that you cast a powerful transmutation on yourself and a few other team members. You need to make it out alive from this place if The Mercy has a chance to survive whatever crazed machinations Gram and Asgrim are plotting!

Kyrich looks at the three beasts around him, with one of them prone and begins to swing his massive chain around, punishing each for their beastly transgressions and generally being an affront to nature.

Two of them are fatally flayed as the Sniper looks up at Kyrich.

"Thank you! I thought I was...""

"Save your thanks for later. We are just getting started here.""

@Travis: Cordelia watches her forces being taken down and in turn taking down a few of your own team as she points her finger at you from above and a purple haze begins to appear around her as a single phantom bat, purple in color, screeches and flies towards you, enveloping its wings around your body as it sinks his teeth into your neck.

"You sure have a lot of spells upon you, mage. That much is clear....

This shall be delicious!""

This phantom bat is not only biting into your flesh, but it also seeks to suck you dry of every single spell you have on you!

Greater Mage Armor: 6 damage

Alter Self: 4 damage

And having cast that, regardless of the outcome, the bat disappears into thin air and Cordelia slides into the window of the building, seen no more.

Eoil watches the bloodshed and looks at his feathered friends.

"Stay at least ten feet up in the sky. Away from the windows. Go! Time to show off my own archery skills. Granted, I would rather not be so close to the enemy, but given the situation at hand..."

Vasla hisses at the elf as she gets ready to take on her own enemies.

"Less talking more shooting!""

The elven archer lines his shots and three are directed at one of the beasts closer to him and with the half orc enforcer, dropping him like a bag of rocks.

The fourth shot strikes true at another beast, but it isn't enough to kill it.

The two remaining half orc enforcers, true to their title, display their training and strength, wounded as they are, as one of them flank its enemy with Vasla's help and bashes it twice, striking vital areas in its body, enough to leave it limping badly.

The other one, closest to you sidesteps and although he cannot flank, he certainly can swing that blade, injuring his own clawed enemy.

Your side has taken some heavy losses, but so have them. The problem is that who knows if these are the only ones roaming around these buildings...

Round 2

One of the Snipers attempts to tumble away from the action... poorly.

A savage claw to his ribs nearly extinguishes his life as the brave little ranger limps away and his hand shakes from blood loss as he aims at one of the beasts in melee with his half orc buddy.

"Take this!""

It's a single arrow that flies past the Enforcer and perforates the creatures head. A clean, perfect shot. Perhaps the best this guy has made in his life, as the clawed fiend drops on his back immediately.

Eoil nods to the archer and looks at the other three.

"Focus fire on one! Take them down!""

The Snipers do as told and slide to the side if needed, shooting at one of the beasts, barely wounded earlier and despite all shots striking, it isn't going down!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=207514)

Society Sniper x4
Den Residents x 6
Society Enforcer x2

2017-05-07, 09:37 AM
Vasla finally gets a chance to strike back at the enemy. She first pummels the one she's flanking, then if he falls, takes a 5' step east to strike the next foe. 4 attacks w/haste + snap kick.

attack #1 [roll0], damage [roll1], sneak attack[roll2] if applicable
attack #2* [roll3], damage [roll4], SA[roll5]
attack #3* [roll6], damage [roll7], SA[roll8]
attack #4* [roll9], damage [roll10], SA[roll11] (snap kick)
* Add +2 to hit and apply sneak attack if still attacking flanked foe.

Travis winces as the phantom bat strikes him, dispelling much of his protection and hurting his pride as much as his body uses Abjupt Jaunt to dodge the Slashing Dispel.

I didn't expect her to be a caster. Damn it, I've made several mistakes already and my team is paying the price. Well those monsters aren't ghouls, so maybe my next spell will work on them.

Once all of the remaining foes he sees are within range, he casts mass whelm. If it works he says "That just knocks them out, so finish them!"

ooc: mass whelm damage [roll12] nonlethal, Will negates DC 19

Eoil continues firing if enemies remain standing,
attack #1 [roll13], damage [roll14]
attack #2 [roll15], damage [roll16]
attack #3 [roll17], damage [roll18]
attack #4 [roll19], damage [roll20]

2017-05-07, 11:33 AM
@Travis: Damn that Cordelia!

Who would've thought they had a caster all the way here? It should come as no surprise, though: many mages seek refuge in The Mercy, but she definitely doesn't look like one that went to Runestone with you.

At any rate, two of your best defense spells are gone, but you should still be able to avoid these beasts if they come lunging at you.

Vasla is quick dig her claws into the flanked monster's kidney, twisting her hand inside as this one howls in pain and drops to the floor, very much dead.

It's an acrobatic leap from the cat folk as she lands next to the other beast man, riddled with arrows and performs a round kick, breaking his neck and sending him spiraling several feet away from her.

"Not bad. Not bad...""

Then the remaining Pack moves in.

A few just enter the fray, howling and growling.

One leaps on an Enforcer and swiftly claws away its throat, causing the bulky half orc to drop on his knees and choke on his own blood.

Another charges Vasla, but the cat folk simply plays with him as she bobs and weaves left and right.

With only four of these hideous creatures left, you call one of your most powerful Enchantments. It is clear by now that these are not undead, despite their ghoulish appearance. Whatever happened to them, they are still living, if only in a bestial form.

It's an unseen surge of power that invades the feral man beasts as their minds are pummeled again and again relentlessly, with all four shrieking as they claw at their own heads in pain.

Of the four, three collapse on the ground as one actually resists the spell.

Kyrich sidesteps and swings his massive spiked chain at the unconscious beast nearby.

"Normally I would let these things stay down and take a nap, but once they awake, they will likely pursue us. Can't let it happen...""

It's two punishing chain swipes that thrash the fallen beast man as the ilumian reels back his red chains.

Eoil sighs in relief as the area is pretty much controlled and aims at the lone standing beast, aiming true and firing as many arrows as he can, three striking its mark.

Although riddled with arrows, the creature isn't dead yet. Eoil may fire a lot of them, but what he has in quantity, lacks in quality shot by shot.

The last half orc enforcer walks up to the beast that dropped at Vasla's feet and brings his blade down on its back, striking a vital area. It may not be the most honorable way to finish off someone, but it is important to remember:

You are traveling with outlaws. Many which deal in assassination. And even with such a cowardly, yet effective tactic, the creature isn't dead yet. Although still knocked out.

The remaining archers focus fire on the lone standing beast man and swiftly bring it down, as Kyrich, Eoil, Vasla and the Half Orc Enforcer butcher up the other two, with chains, kicks, punches and daggers when needed.

Not a pretty sight, but at least these guys are very much dead.

A bloody battle this was. You haven't been hurt that much, but the soldiers sent by Spooner certainly have. some are not going to be able to trek on forward, that much is a given.

The ten monstrous bodies lie scattered around the street. They carry no armor or weapons, save for those murderous claws.

Eoil swipes the sweat off his brow and fans himself with his hat.

"The Society will not like knowing we lost so many people. That's for certain."

Vasla gathers the bodies of the brave men and orcs that died in the scuffle and intones a quick prayer.

"What's done is done. We cannot simply return at this point. I say we move forward. Asgrim and that shifty wench, Cordelia... they must be hiding somewhere around these streets.""

Kyrich wraps the chains around his arms and looks at those who have been hurt the most.

"We could send the wounded back, couldn't we? They should know the way back to safe haven, but it isn't my call.

What do you think, Travis?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=207548)

2017-05-07, 02:11 PM
Travis says "They might be ambushed on the way back. Does anyone have healing ability? I have some but very limited. This is not the time to hold back if you have a wand or something."

ooc: Assuming that AJ got an unfavorable ruling, Travis will cast mage armor and shield on himself. This brings his AC to 29, or 28 when haste wears off.

Not the level of protection I planned on, but better than nothing.

ooc: Edited as AJ was used to dodge Slashing Dispel.

He casts shield on himself. This brings his AC to 36 when haste wears off.

"Perhaps we should investigate the building where Cordelia was."

2017-05-07, 08:08 PM
@Travis: Vasla looks at the wounded soldiers and nods.

"We have gone a long way so far. Sending them back might as well be a death march."

Eoil rummages through his coat and takes out a wand.

"I knew I kept this one for emergencies! Snipers and Enforcer, form a line...""

And so, Eoil starts healing the wounds from his men, bringing them up to solid fighting status again. The dead are still dead, however, but at least you have five soldiers that can still fight. the snipers are nothing to sneeze at, but by the time Eoil is done healing them, the Haste spell has already worn off.

Kyrich looks at the ruined building and then at the others yonder, as the distant echoes of howls and growls can be heard.

"They must already know we are here by now. Time is of the essence.""

Vasla peeks into the building, staying close to the main door and looks around.

"It's totaled inside. Easy access if you can climb or jump or fly. Cordelia must've used the adjacent buildings and trees to make her escape while we fought.''

It is then that the sun above becomes clouded and sunlight becomes really sparse. Not enough to shroud you incomplete darkness, but enough to allow those who can hide, hide rather well.

Eoil looks up and then at his pocket watch.

"Odd... it's barely noon. Why is it getting so dark so soon?""

Kyrich tightens his chains and looks around.

"I can bet you this isn't natural, Eoil. Shall we proceed, or do we take the high road across the buildings?"

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=207690)

2017-05-08, 06:20 PM
We have no choice but to leave our dead here. Food for the enemy ... but surely they must have a steadier supply ... unless the missing end people end up here but I don't think they do ...

Travis tries to figure out what magic might cause the sudden darkening.

ooc: Knowledge (arcana) [roll0], Spellcraft [roll1]

"Kyrich, you've met Asgrim. Is he prideful? What might lure him out to confront us personally?

High road? I'm not sure what you mean. Some of these buildings might be more intact. Perhaps the leaders lair in one. I'm going to start checking them out as we pass them."

He looks at the one to the east.

ooc: Spot [roll2], Listen [roll3]

What are the black areas on the map?

2017-05-14, 10:24 PM
@Travis: You look up at the sky and wonder how the sun could be hidden like this.

Normally, this could be assumed to be overcast weather, nothing strange. However, there is some unnatural effect clouding the sun over Camazotz Den. This seems to be a localized phenomenon. Something only a mighty caster could have access to, usually a druid, since they can alter the weather at a whim, at least the most powerful ones, but when you are dealing with certain beings of great power, the distinction between arcane and divine becomes rather blurry.

You could still trek on- this doesn’t seem to have an adverse effect on you or anyone in the group- it’s simply the sky clouding up. Could it be a magical effect? Most likely, and if so, in theory, it could be dispelled.

As for any signs of life nearby, none. These dead creatures must;ve scared any others from showing up, but the distrant howls and growls have not dimisnihed. They are aout there, wel hidden in the other city blocks, most likely waiting to spring an ambush.

Kyrich aims at the derelict buildings and then looks at Vasla and the Snipers.

“The high ground. Take to the roofs, Travis. My training doesn’t make me very agile as a climber, but if we keep people on the rooftops, we could have an advantage and get a better view. Maybe even prepare against a possible ambush.”

Regarding Asgrim and his pride, the ilumian shakes his head.

“He’s sneaky and underhanded. When Sarjon sent his forces to attack Archaidous, Borazon and the others, Asgrim was sent to kidnap Sedghe, a friend of ours in The Mercy. He attacked her because he knew the strongest were busy occupied at the time.

Later, when Archaidous and the other retaliated on the warlord, Asgrim took the chance to attack the House of Knowledge, hoping to bring it down. That time, however, my squad and I were there to send him away.

Is he prideful? Maybe. But he’s definitely not honorable and will not attack us directly. We are in his domain now, Travis. Who knows what he has planned for us."

Eoil sends his hawk and eagle to scout ahead, both who return shortly afterwards.

"Other than the distant howls, they cannot see anything else hiding up the street. Which way shall we continue?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208192)

2017-05-15, 07:22 PM
Travis replies "I like the idea of taking to the roofs, but that means we'd be stuck on top of one building.

Which building do you think would be most advantageous to climb?

In any case, we should first see what's inside the buildings.

I say we head east, then north. I will look inside each building as we pass it. After all it would be a shame to let all of this magical protection on me go to waste."

2017-05-15, 10:31 PM
@Travis: Vasla looks around at the buildings and scratches her left ear.

"I could climb to the building I just checked inside. Climb the walls or the interior debris. I am a rather good athlete and could probably make the jump from one building to the next. Barring that, use the adjacent trees."

Eoil looks at his birds of prey and shrugs.

"We have aerial reconnaissance. I can send them scouting ahead to warn us of danger."

The catfolk keeps walking with the rest as you explore rather quickly, the inside of each building, heading east and then north, as per your suggestion.

"They may fly faster than I can jump and leap, Eoil: but even a hawk cannot see as good as I. Let's hope they are good scouts.""

The dilapidated buildings have signs of recent use- mostly droppings. And one can only guess of the human kind, as well as bones gnawed extensively. Plant life has taken ahold of many structures, breaking through the concrete and snaking itself up through the higher floors, in some cases, breaking the beams that support the buildings and the roots themselves acting as pillars for their concrete homes.

Claw marks can be observed on the walls of some of these buildings. Not the same size of those creatures you fought earlier. Something far bigger must be prowling around this district.

And it is as you round the corner of a city block that the skies grow increasingly dark. Whatever magic is at work here, is blotting out the sun at an accelerated pace, as the howls of those damned mongrels echo through the urban canyons.

It is then, at the turn of a street, covered mostly in foliage and rebar, that all of you feel it... and in some cases, see it.

Aetius, Eoil's eagle companion is the first to exhibit a drastic change, as its entire body turns blue and the eagle screeches in alarm, shedding a few feathers onto the ground as his master picks one of them.

"This is odd. What could have caused your plumage to turn... oh no."

The Society Snipers turn around as one of them drops instantly on the ground, snoring loudly. Another looks at all of you as he tries to speak:


He's been frozen in place. In fact, these two have been subjected to...

A third sniper and the half orc enforcer both become increasingly jittery and nimble- the haste spell?

Eoil looks at you and then at Vasla and Kyrich, who shrugs off whatever is happening.

"This is Arcane Pollution! This is not good!""

The dreaded arcane pollution you have read about in Runestone the day prior. It has manifested in small bursts around The Mercy, but here, its concentrated power is far worse.

And by the sheer power emanating through your body, who knows how far it stretches and what it will do to you...

Roll a Fortitude DC 17 for Travis, Eoil & Vasla

Also, a Spot Check for all three

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208344)

2017-05-15, 11:53 PM
@Travis: Vasla grits her teeth as a a visible surge of arcane power, crimson in color, rises from the ground in a sixty foot area, resembling a swarm of diminutive dragonflies as a woman's laughter echoes through them.

Kyrich readies his chains and watches the two Snipers.

One has fallen to the Deep Slumber spell. The other is victim to Hold Person.

The other Sniper and Enforcer have been the lucky recipients of the Haste spell.

So this is what arcane Pollution does? Your body has managed to stave it off as much as possible, but Eoil doesn't seem to be doing so well as the swarms of arcane dragonflies swarm around him and the elf holds his head and shuts his eyes.

"Get out of my HEAD!?!!!!"

He has not been so lucky, as a terrible spell has befallen the arcane archer.

Confusion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/confusion.htm), Will DC 17 negates

These spells are normally cast in an area, but here, they have been individually targeted. This may seem like a random effect, but it seems more like a designed trap. Did Asgrim prepare this?

It is at that very moment that two black rays strike both Kyrich and Vasla. Direct shots, as both knight and rogue feel immediately weakened as their skin turns pale.

4 negative levels for Vasla and 3 for Kyrich. Vasla's sheet reflects the changes already

It is then that two monstrous creatures crawl out of the trees, fifty feet above, making no sound whatsoever:


They look like bats, but they are as big as a man and extremely stealthy as Kyrich and Vasla pant and look up at their enemies, with several of those mutated freaks dropping from the trees, withered into husks.

These things must've been feeding on them. In fact, this must be their nest, having become immune to the Arcane Pollution.

But what the hell are they?

Knowledge Nature (trained) if applicable. I believe Eoil has it, but depending on the save, he may or may not be able to deliver the info.

The creatures flap their leathery wings, as spores are left in their wake and fly fifty feet above you, ready to cause much mayhem.

Kyrich and Vasla are seriously hurt. With no cleric in the team right now, they may end up being dead weight. That spell is brutal, but it can be shaved off... if they have hours to ride it off, of course.

But as you look up at these two new monsters, you realize: time is definitely not on your side.

Roll Initiative for Travis, Eoil & Vasla

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208345)

2017-05-16, 08:25 PM
Round 1

Despite your superior numbers and excellent reflexes, these creatures are much faster than all of you, as Vasla and Kyrich are dealt a massive blow to their body and soul by these infernal bat... things.

Eoil shakes his head and shoos the ethereal crimson dragonflies away as they vanish into thin air and looks up at the creatures.

"I have never seen something like this before... some new kind of bat? Bigger than any I have heard of. We are not safe out here...''

And how true does the arcane archer's words ring as both beasts screech and swoop[ down towards the group, but not towards those on the ground:

Aetius, with his blue plumage, is the first to fall, as the monstrous bat rakes his feathered body and holds on tight, snapping his neck in the process as he starts eating the eagle in mid flight, much to Eoil's horror.

"No.... Ákos! Get out of the sky!!!!""

Too late a warning, as the elf's familiar is similarly dealt a crushing claw swipe across its body, tainting the feathers red and causing the Society member to clutch his chest in pain as tears roll down his cheeks.

But Ákos, even though smaller than Aetius, is a familiar. He shares some of the strengths of his master and although such attack would've killed a regular hawk, this familiar is quite hardy, as it prepares to swoop down back towards Eoil...

It's a brutal slash from the bat that sends the familiar nearly plummeting down towards his master as he retreats from the air. Badly wounded. More blood than feathers... but alive.

The two ensorcelled Snipers, try as they can, are still either deep asleep on the ground or frozen in place, unable to move a muscle.

The other two Snipers aim high and loose their arrows, striking the beasts. They don't seem that hard shelled, despite their appearance, but they are far from dead, that's for sure.

And rather than take chances, the two Snipers and the Half Orc Enforcer turn tail and round the corner of a building, seeking some degree of cover.

Kyrich is badly hurt, but he's not stepping back as he watches one of the creatures feast on Eoil's eagle and turns to look at all of you.

"Find cover and fire! I will deal with these two here..."

The ilumian's sigils nearly blind everyone as he utters a word in his native tongue and his belt begins to glow as his size doubles, much like a giant and in so doing, his chains become not unlike giant snakes of steel as the massive Kyrich stands eye to eye with both beasts.

Belt of Growth

"I won't let them get to you guys, but I need cover fire!""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208398)

Sporebat x2
Society Sniper x4
Society Enforcer

2017-05-16, 10:36 PM
Vasla feels sluggish from the strange ray but her wand may help counter that. She uses it to cast haste on Kyrich, Travis, Eoil, sniper 4, and herself. She also drops prone to make herself a smaller target against any more rays, getting ready to use her other wand.

Eoil, enraged, fires at the monster that killed his eagle friend. (ooc: w/PBS, rapid shot, haste)
attack [roll0], damage [roll1]
attack [roll2], damage [roll3]
attack [roll4], damage [roll5] (rapid shot)
attack [roll6], damage [roll7] (haste)

Travis thinks Damn, I was not expecting any of this. If only Raikou were here ... Well I hope he's faring better than us. If those things can shoot more of those rays ...

With his mission rapidly going south, he decides to unleash his most powerful spell, one that he rarely gets to cast but today he prepared two of them so that he could cast one. If they are immune to acid, we are in real trouble.

ooc: Cast sudden maximized vitriolic sphere centered behind the creatures so as to catch both of them but not Kyrich. 36 acid damage, Reflex half DC 21; on a failed save 2 more rounds of the damage.

Taking a cue from Vasla he also drops prone.

2017-05-17, 01:56 AM
@Travis: Vasla's fur is beginning to shed- not a good sign. Those rays are nasty business and had they been used on the Snipers or even the Half Orc, chances are they would be slain.

The catfolk's hand shakes as she reaches out to the trusty wand and basks as much as she can with the useful Haste spell, her limbs becoming a lot springer now as she drops on the ground and lays low, looking up at the beasts above with Kyrich.

"How is it possible that things like that share our home? Eoil, don't you know anything about this? You;re the ranger, for crying out loud!"

Eoil does not respond to Vasla's comments as he dries the tears of disbelief and rage fills his eyes.

"You took my friend... MY FRIEND!!!!""

Eoil may not have Vasla's bravado, but those biirds are like family to him as he focuses on the one that killed Aetius and unleashes Arcane Archer hell!

Every single shot fired hits its mark. Eoil may not be a bruiser, but when it comes to a bow? You have yet to meet someone with his level of skill.

One thing becomes apparent though- that last shot. That one ought to have pierced that bat's heart and instead, it hasn't been as effective.

Either these things are no longer living, or they are some new species that have spawned in this place.

Then, you take a look at these two flying fiends.

Arrows will hurt them. Chances are Kyrich's chains will as well. You do have the ability to lob orbs of acid ad infinitum, but given what they did to both Vasla and Kyrich, a few tiny potshots will not be enough.

You have one spell. One of your most powerful in fact. Reserved for truly formidable foes. These may not be the right enemy, but you cannot allow them a chance to use that ray again.

And so, you look up at the creatures and begin to focus on the phenomenal cosmic power that surges through your mind and watch the air around both bats begin to turn acrid green, with the scent of acid washing over the street as your hair stands on end and your eyes become neon green, uttering the words of power as both flying critters are caught in a caustic green explosion, causing both to shriek in pain as the acid does indeed hurt them. a relief, since that's one of your strongest offensive spells,

One of them manages to spin around inplace, suing its wings to lessen the damage.

The other... he isn't as hurt, but between the Snipers and Eoil's arrows, these two should go down easy.

And speaking of going down...

You follow Vasla's example and drop to the ground. With your many spells, those rays should have a hard time reaching you.

It is then that Cordelia's voice can be heard, but not seen, atop one of the nearby buildings.

I see you have come across Lord Asgrim's pets. That eagle fell way too easily and Vasla and Kyrich are not going to last long, are they...hehehhehehee.

But if by any chance you do survive, I have arranged for you to meet some friends of ours. The night sky beckons forth their strength and hunger. Gifts from our Queen...

And they are dying to meet you all.

Round 2

The bats close in on Kyrich and manage to claw at him, but their strength isn't that good, even if they are flanking him- enough for a few scratches and failed tail swipes.

The Sniper that was held by the Arcane Pollution manages to break free, after much effort and takes a single step back, not far enough from the winged beasts, but hopefully safe with Kyrich nearby.

The other keeps slumbering, unaware of the imminent danger he's in....

And then, something unseen drags him away! Powerful magic at work whisked him out of existence.

Your vitriolic Sphere has worked rather well. One was able to resist and so, takes no further damage.

The other is barely staying aloft as the acid corrodes its body, but even with your spell set at max potency, it isn't enough to bring it down.

The two Snipers, hasted by Vasla's spell and the Arcane Pollution, fire their arrows, but because the beasts are in melee with kyrich, their aim isn't as good, with only one striking the already heavily corroded beast.

The half orc, having no way to attack them directly, follows suit and drops prone on the ground.

It's Kyrich, who tired and weakened by their earlier attacks, cries out in Ilumian as his sigils flare up and bashes both beasts with his spiked chains, ripping at their bodies with great strength, as both beasts shriek and are dropped by his massive spiked chains as they flop on the ground and screech loudly before dissolving into a mass of putrid fungi.

They are dead now... but yet another team member has gone missing.

Vasla gets up and touches her chest.

"It feels cold inside. Whatever was that they shot at us?""

Kyrich remains in giant form and looks around.

"That witch Cordelia is still around, taunting us. She mentioned there were others that were expecting us. We should be on our guard.""

Eoil walks up to his dead eagle companion and picks his body, wrapping it in a cloth and putting him in his back pack.

"I will not bury you here, old friend... We are losing our people in this place. Do we wish to continue? First, let me heal your wounds, Kyrich.""

Eoil takes out the wand and heals the ilumian as much as he can, but that damn ray has left the knight unable to recover at full.

The same happens when Eoil attempts to heal Vasla.

Ákos is healed back to full health, narrowly escaping death as the group, much diminished in size and with haste long gone, looks at you as Kyrich tenses his chains.

"Where it not for that spell, Travis, i don't know if I may have been able to take them down fast enough before they tried one of those nasty spells of theirs. Thank you.

Where should we head to next?""

The half orc walks up to the foliage where those two beasts came out and smiles, despite the current situation.

"It would seem we aren't the only ones who have come here. Take a look.""

1700 gp

Arcane Scroll (Disguise Self (25 gp)

Arcane Scroll Resist Energy (150 gp)

Wand of Summon Monster II (24 of 50 charges) (2160 gp)

The cat folk's eyes widen and a smile draws upon her face.

"They keep money here?! Sweet... I mean, yeah. We can use the money to pay the families of the fallen, I know...""

Eoil looks at Vasla and then at the ever shrouding darkness above.

"If we make it out of this place alive. We are one man short now. They are picking us off one by one. Any ideas of where to go from here?"

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208403)

2017-05-17, 09:43 PM
Travis pulls out his everburning torch and casts see invisibility.

He says "That acid spell took a lot of my arcane power, but those enervating rays were dangerous ... no point in second guessing it now.

It feels like we walked right into a trap. Also, between what Cordelia said and what happened to our sleeping friend, I fear that the infamous invisible acidic sewer bugs may be about.

Perhaps we should retreat. Our handsome faces are unlikely to lure Asgrim out of his hole, but perhaps our fleeing backsides would be more to his liking.

What do you think?"

2017-05-17, 11:41 PM
@Travis: You watch the Sniper disappear and the skies darken, as a full moon shines through the clouds.

This is way beyond normal. It shouldn't even be past mid noon, and here, it's already midnight. Someone is messing with the entire weather...and that's not possible. None of the mages you know have such an ability.

You then take out your torch, which provides safe illumination around the team and utter the arcane words to grant you the ability to see the unseen...

Cordelia can be seen about fifty feet high, flying and surrounded by a swarm of bats as these shunt her like a shadow into a wall and disappears completely.

The howls of those creatures can be heard very close as the distant claws on pavement scuttle past a few streets.

This does not bode well for the Snipers, who look around at the sky, arrows ready and the lone half orc holds his blade with both hands. His race used to the dark, but wary nonetheless.

Eoil keeps his hawk familiar close and nods.

"I hate to admit it, but it would be best if we left this place. I don't think we can handle another skirmish.""

Vasla hops up and down, limbering her muscles.

"I can still fight these things. The flying ones are a problem, but that's why we have Kyrich. I say we press onward."

Kyrich turns to look at all of you, still towering above like a giant and looks at you straight in the eye.

"If we leave, we abandon any chance of taking down Asgrim, Travis. We may survive, but once the timer runs out, we are likely to be fighting against him and The Roosters together. I know you are a mage and I know what you guys can do. If you decide we leave, can you take us all in one casting?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208530)

2017-05-18, 08:56 AM
Travis says "I could not transport so many and that is why I didn't even prepare that spell today. I do have a rope trick where we might hide if need be but space inside is limited so a giant throws that off.

Very well, onward. We might as well check out those buildings to the north.

I cast a spell to see the invisible, and I did see Cordelia in the air surrounded by bats just before she vanished, some kind of dimension door I think.

Kyrich, let me know when you want a fly spell, but I only have a total of two today - and might use one myself - and it only lasts nine minutes."

2017-05-18, 07:35 PM
@Travis: Kyrich looks at his monumental size and your mention of the rope trick and tightens his chains.

"I personally don't plan to spend the night in this place, despite what the sky tells me. So if we are doing this, we might as well hurry up and take down Asgrim and his freak family.""

Eoil keeps Ákos close to him at the mention of Cordelia.

"So she casts the Dimension Door spell? That's a level of magic not even I have attained... and she's invisible to top it all off. I really have a bad feeling about this.""

Of course Eoil would not have attained that degree of magic. This elf is a Society member. Trained with the bow and a smatter of the arcane. Never one to be on par with a true wizard such as yourself.

The ilumian knight's sigils shine almost as bright as your torch as he moves in front of the group, still in giant form.

"Given what you are telling me, Travis, I might need that flight spell sooner than we think...""

It's not a long trek as the moonlight illuminates a river of alchemical water to your right and a ruined heap of buildings almost a hundred feet tall, collapsed over the years due to decay.

And it is thirty feet up that your Divination catches sight of Cordelia, who seems to have been waiting for all of you as a swarm of bates surround her.

It isn't later that splashing can be heard from a nearby fetid pool and howls from nearby buildings and thickets of trees as five of those disgusting pale creatures close in on the group, although they aren't invisible, as the team gets ready with chains, bows and fists.

Cordelia claps as she looks down upon you.

"Bravo! You managed to best Lord Asgrim's pets, but I am certain that Kyrich and Vasla cannot fight as well as they did earlier, can they?""

Vasla's ears pick up the sound of her voice and directs her gaze at empty space amidst the rubble.

"I am getting fed up with your stalking! Come down here and fight me!""

Cordelia chuckles as the residents of this place grow claws twice their initial size and something breaks from a window not too far away, flapping leathery wings against the full moon as it screeches loudly and looks down upon all of you from thirty feet high:


"I do not think so, Vasla Tirrus! I am quite content watching you all drop one by one as you traverse Lord Asgrim's domain. In fact, we were waiting for the right conditions to be set:

The moon is already at its peak here and so, the three Heralds have been awakened. Your first guide towards the next life, my dear kitten- Furcas, the Pitiful Screech.""

What has Asgrim sent to fight you this time? This creature looks like a bat, but things can be deceiving...

Knowledge Arcana & The Planes to ID it. Also, Initiative

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208594)

2017-05-18, 10:21 PM
@Travis: You look up at Cordelia and can tell she;'s under the influence of an Invisibility and Flight spell. The bats around her are the result of some spell casting, but something different entirely.

Then you look up at Furcas and furrow your brow...

This creature is what scholars at Runestone would classify as 'Magical Beasts'. This is a rare one, since they aren't found naturally in the Prime, but since your studies did not focus on Extraplanar Lore, you don't have much to go to regarding its origins and ways to best deal with them.

What you do know is that this creature is called a Lesser Varrangoin. These creatures fit into a family of species, but their names elude you right now. What is known about this specimen in particular is that not only can it fly naturally, like a bat, but it is vulnerable to silver- any other alloy will simply bounce back or mildly inconvenience it.

Lesser Varrangoins are used as fodder, but are smart enough to keep a distance with their prey, using a breath weapon, not unlike that used by Black Dragons. The kind of breath weapon they use, make it immune to that energy type, since one Lesser Varrangoin will differ wildly from another of its species when it comes to this particular method of attack.

If confronted in melee, Lesser Varrangoins will engage with claws, bite and a vicious stinger that carries a mildly incapacitating poison.

There is something else about them... but right now, it eludes you.

Round 1

With yet another very dangerous group of foes closing in, it's Furcas who screeches at all of you as it opens its jaws and foams acid, which concentrates into a corrosive line of phlegm that burns you, Kyrich and one of the Snipers, as the dreaded beast flies overhead and stops thirty feet above the group on the other side after its fly by attack.

Kyrich manages to avoid the worst of the acidic spill, but not the Sniper, who although alive, is badly burnt as a result.

In your case, you may be able to avoid the damage entirely, given your plethora of spells.

16 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208599)

Den Resident x5
Society Sniper x3
Society Enforcer

2017-05-18, 11:35 PM
Vasla uses her wand of haste again to lend some speed to Kyrich, Eoil, Travis, herself, and the half-orc. She also moves towards the beastmen, hoping they will attack her in vain rather than the snipers.

ooc: Travis' Reflex save [roll0] vs DC 16

Of course it had to be acid Travis thinks. Bad guys in the Mercy these days like to use acid as much as I do. It's the trend, the popular fashion. Maybe I helped start the craze.

He casts a fly spell on Kyrich. "As you were saying. Use silver on the winged monster if you can!"

Like Vasla, Travis moves towards the nearby beastmen, hoping to draw their attacks.

ooc: He has AC 37 with haste since he used an Abrupt Jaunt earlier to avoid the dispelling.

Eoil, not carrying silver arrows, instead attempts to defend his men by shooting down the nearby beastmen, starting with the nearest and moving on if that one goes down.

ooc: Eoil w/PBS, rapid shot, haste
attack [roll1], damage [roll2]
attack [roll3], damage [roll4]
attack [roll5], damage [roll6] (rapid shot)
attack [roll7], damage [roll8] (haste)

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208601)

2017-05-19, 01:41 AM
@Travis: Vasla takes out her trusty wand and activates it, dousing most of you in that useful little spell and does a back flip, landing in front of two of the Beastmen, while she ducks and weaves.

"Ok, then! Let's dance!""

Bolstened by Vasla's spell, you move past the Snipers and stand defiant in front of the other two Mongrels, not before waving a single feather and granting Kyrich the ability to fly and catch Furcas in his own element.

The ilumian knight nods as the transmutation takes over him and watches you move past him.

"I don't have any silver handy...not yet, but with that guy, brute strength will have to do. Thank you, Travis."

The creatures snarl at you and sharpen their claws. You know that there is no chance they can even lay a grimy claw on you, but at this point, it's best not to risk the lives of the remaining Society soldiers- they won't survive an onslaught like this.

Eoil takes point, aiming his bow at one of the closest beasts- which happens to be one with you- and fires true, every single shot.

The creature howls in pain as his chest becomes riddled with arrows, but bleeding and frothing as it may be... it isn't down yet.

It is then that both Kyrich and Vasla are struck by fiery rays as their bodies implode from within, flames scorching them as they are lifted a foot off the ground before exploding internally...

36 fire plus 3 Sneak Attack plus 5 Sudden Raystrike. No save

Vasla may have been ready against these guys, but that blast was too much for her as the Catfolk drops unconscious and bleeding on the ground, trailing smoke.

Kyrich is a powerhouse, taking the ray directly, even with his body caught ablaze, the ilumian can still fight.

Then you look up and keen your eyes at the source of this- Cordelia!

She has become visible now, of course, as her bat swarm flies around her and she moves over the group.

"One by one, The Society falls... I was getting tired of that stray, anyways. Too much tough talk, such little claws. Kyrich! I am very impressed: you survived a direct hit.

I must wonder how many more your body can take. Family...feast on the others!"

Two of the creatures move in to flank you, but despite the many claw slashes, your spells keep you safe, however from the corner of your eye, you can see that Vasla is down. If they decide to focus on her, let alone that crazed Cordelia up above...

One of the Snipers close to Vasla cries in pain as one of the beasts leaps upon him, not before chanting some gibberish and you can see its claws extend to twice its size as they rip the poor archer in two, splattering his remains on the ground.

That was the Rhino's Rush! These creatures are able to cast such a spell? Not good.

Another one rounds the battlefield and rushes towards the lone half orc, but this one has been blessed by Vasla's spell, parrying the incoming claw with no small amount of effort.

The last one mutters the same spell and charges Kyrich, who swings his massive chain, but is unable to trip the beast before this one leaps in and slashes his leg, carving a deep wound.

The two surviving Snipers move around their comrades and aim at the beast already hurt by Eoil, with both firing an arrow each, enough to bring it down.

Still, there are many more threats on the ground and aloft.

The half orc Enforcer lives true to his title, slashing at the beast in front of him twice. It ma not be dead, but the guy times his swings just right, enough to puncture at least three internal organs on the monster.

Kyrich looks at his many wounds and then at the petty animal in front of him as his chains punish the beast's hide.

"I have had it with you, rats! You will lead me to Asgrim, even if I have to carve this entire place with your thrashed bodies!!!""

The chains do their job- three solid lashes to be precise- before the unholy beast howls in pain for the last time before dropping on the ground, flayed beyond recognition.

Round 2

Cordelia watches the battle from above and then looks at Furcas, pointing her finger towards Vasla.

"Furcas! Menj be az Asgrim úrhoz!""

The Lesser Varrangoin screeches and swoops down to where the catfolk lays and begins carrying her bt placing her over his shoulder.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208603)

Den Resident x3
Society Sniper x2
Society Enforcer

2017-05-19, 08:10 PM
No no no!

Travis reviews his very limited options while trying to postpone review of his mistakes for later, but his attempt to remain calm is only partly successful.

He decides to try casting a stinking cloud centered on Cordelia. Should have done that to begin with but I had no idea she could do that. She's at least as powerful a mage as I am, and better prepared.

ooc: stinking cloud: 20' radius, Fort DC 19

"Kyrich, save Vasla!" he urges.

Eoil targets the beastman who just killed one of his archers.

ooc: Eoil w/PBS, rapid shot, haste
attack [roll0], damage [roll1]
attack [roll2], damage [roll3]
attack [roll4], damage [roll5] (rapid shot)
attack [roll6], damage [roll7] (haste)

2017-05-19, 09:35 PM
@Travis: You have always attempted to keep a cool head about things. After all, a wizard is always prepared for any situation. This was ingrained in your mind for years by Noirin.

He failed to mention, however, that there are mages out there who also prepare for any such circumstances, such as fighting other mages. Cordelia is not some low life Mercy grunt- she has very decent arcane skills, combined with those of a rogue. No wonder she has been dubbed as leader of Asgrim's Pack, at least according to her.

You need to find a way to neutralize her before Furcas does something unspeakable with Vasla. and at the same time, you need to keep those surviving here safe!

No pressure, as you take out a rotten egg and hold your breath as you crunch it in your hand and the rotten yolk spills through your fingers and transforms into a gas that flies towards Cordelia, enveloping her in a noxious green cloud.

Cordelia coughs inside and exits the Stinking Cloud, flying towards Kyrich, but staying a few feet up in the air, as always.

Her bats, however, have not left the cloud.

"Gross! That was disgusting and I live here! Kyrich, you are not going to rescue the kitten...

Not with those.""

Cordelia waves her hand and draws a purple stylized sigil of a hog, which turns the purple light into drops of fat that rain upon the ilumian...

Or more precisely, on his chain.


The knight attempts to hold on to his weapon, but this one slithers around his hands and drops to the ground, reverting back to its original and still threatening size.

Kyrich looks up at the flying witch and his sigils flare up in anger.

"I'm going after you later! Travis! Keep my chain safe...

I'm going to rescue a cat.""

Eoil on his side watches with horror as his long time friend and colleague is dropped and another of his Snipers are taken down with ease and fires a volley of arrows at the beast man, leaving him badly wounded, but still alive.

Then the Pack moves in.

One of them still with you in melee, swings his claws in utter frustration- your spells are keeping this monster clawing at the air itself.

The half orc enforcer is not so lucky as the other two gang up on him and proceed to take flanking positions, slashing his lower jaw with a brutal swipe and then tearing into his insides, as these splatter on the ground and glisten under the moonlight.

What a horrible way to go.

The two Snipers left aim at one of the battered beasts and bring it down with a concentrated volley. This is a very uneven fight- they are dropping, but so is your team.

And unlike them... you don't have reinforcements coming any time soon.

And then Kyrich races across the field and appears before Furcas, bare handed.

"Get your hands off her!""

The ilumian is trained to fight with a chain- that's his signature weapon. But desperate times call for desperate methods, as Furcas attempts to bite him and, against all odds, Kyrich's larger size proves fruitful as he wrangles with the varrangoin, attempting to put him in a headlock.

"Get her out of this place! I can keep him pinned as long as necessary!""

Who knows how long Kyrich can wrestle this thing, but at least he's not taking Vasla away, although her condition is not looking better as her smoked body doesn't stop bleeding out.

Round 3

Furcas lives up to his name, as the Pitiful screech attempts to break free of Kyrich's hold, to no avail. he may not be actually hurting him- his hands are strong, but not strong enough to punch through his tough hide. However, the beast is down unless it can somehow wriggle free.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208630)

Den Resident x2
Society Sniper x2

2017-05-20, 09:33 AM
The beastman may be harmless to Travis right now, but the archers might not fare so well against it.

He sees no choice but to take the risk. Heedless of giving the beastmen an extra opportunity to try and claw him, he repositions himself so as to catch all of the enemies in range including Cordelia, then casts his last mass whelm. I should have cast it earlier, but the damn stinking cloud gambit seemed worth a try ...

ooc: mass whelm [roll0] nonlethal, Will negates DC 19

Eoil continues firing, targeting beastmen first (and the closer one first), then Cordelia

ooc: Eoil w/PBS, rapid shot, haste. If vs Cordelia, no PBS, so subtract 1 to hit and damage.
attack [roll1], damage [roll2]
attack [roll3], damage [roll4]
attack [roll5], damage [roll6] (rapid shot)
attack [roll7], damage [roll8] (haste)

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208671)

2017-05-20, 04:11 PM
@Travis: Time to go big or go home. In retrospect, this spell should have been used at the very beginning.

Calling forth an impossible amount of arcane power into your mind, you look at the beast men, one of which attempts to claw at you as you move past it, to no sucess.

Then you look up at Cordelia in the sky, who has wrought much destruction upon your team.

And finally at Furcas, who wrangles with Kyrich, claw versus bare hands.

The amount of power unleashed is such, that one of the Beast Men shrieks in pain as his mind is assaulted by psychological trauma and drops on the ground. alive, but knocked out for a lengthy while.

The other creature survives the spell, and snarls at you.

Furcas screeches in pain as Kyrich tightens his grip around the Varrangoin, but he is not down yet.

The same can be said about Cordelia, who yells in pain from above and looks down at you.

"I grow tired of this mage! You are a nobody. Trapped in a losing battle!""

Eoil on his part aims his bow at one of the unaffected creatures on the ground and fires all his arrows, with one striking him way too close to the heart, but still... it stands!

Cordelia looks at Furcas, who struggles with Kyrich and begins to amass a large amount of shadowy bats around her as they turn into purple phantoms and coalesce into one.

"Feast on him!""

The large bat flies towards Kyrich and wraps his wings around the ilumian's back, digging his teeth into his neck as Kyrich grits his teeth in pain and begins shrinking in size, while the bat vanishes into thin air.

Slashing Dispel, Buffs removed:

Enlarge Person


Treacherous Cordelia looks at you as Kyrich's giant size and his ability to fly are painfully removed.

"Who shall be next, I wonder?"

And having said that, she flies across the field, always staying thirty feet high in the sky.

The lone Pack member, still standing and badly hurt, looks at Eoil and snarls as he leaps upon the arcane archer...

Only to shift his attention at the last second to his tiny hawk familiar, Ákos, bringing down hateful wrath and an explosion of blood and feathers as Eoil's eyes widen with fear and pain, watching as the beast man chomps his friend's head and smiles, blood and feathers drooling down his mouth.

For Eoil, this loss is all too personal

If the familiar dies or is dismissed by the wizard, the wizard must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw. Failure means he loses 200 experience points per wizard level; success reduces the loss to one-half that amount.

"FIRE!!!! KILL HIM!!!""

The Snipers position themselves as best they can and their shots ring true, hurting the beast... but this one is tough to bring down, as it stands by a thread, gloating as he spits Ákos' chewed head on the ground.

Kyrich, despite having his size reduced, still manages to hold Furcas in his arms as the beast shrieks in frustration and anger.

Round 4

It's a green glow around Furca's mouth as its tops struggling with Kyrich and opens his fangs as the ilumian's eyes widen and a spit of acidic phlegm bursts through his chest and out his back, corroding his flesh and armor.

Kyrich ought to be dead by now, given how much punishment he has taken, but amazingly, the knight still stands... if barely by a thread.

Cordelia crosses her arms and tilts her head.

"No wonder Lord Asgrim said this one was of his interest... but as tough as you are Kyrich, you cannot endure forever.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208692)

Den Resident x2
Society Sniper x2

2017-05-20, 06:53 PM
Travis thinks Some of this may be my fault, but the bird? Totally Eoil's fault for having trained it to stay so low to the ground. Truth is I just assumed it was higher up, as never would I think it would just loiter for no reason in a vulnerable position, so I paid no attention to it.

He casts a spell to lob a small sphere of ball lightning at the enemy mage. It's not a strong spell, but my options now are few.

"Is this the life you want Cordelia? To be a monster?"

ooc: lesser orb of electricity ranged touch [roll0], damage [roll1]

Horrified, Eoil backs away from the beastman and unleashes another volley of arrows.

ooc: Fort save for Eoil: [roll2] vs DC 15

ooc: Eoil w/PBS, rapid shot, haste. If vs Cordelia, no PBS, so subtract 1 to hit and damage.
attack [roll3], damage [roll4]
attack [roll5], damage [roll6]
attack [roll7], damage [roll8] (rapid shot)
attack [roll9], damage [roll10] (haste)

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208698)

2017-05-20, 06:55 PM
ooc: Eoil 1st attack crit confirm [roll0], extra damage [roll1]

2017-05-20, 08:12 PM
@Travis: Why did he have to bring his damn pets into this place? Eoil will have to grieve these and chalk them up to his own fault.

For now, you need to bring Cordelia down from the sky, as you begin rubbing both hands together, creating enough friction so as to cause sparks to fly around your hands, not unlike Raikou's methods of blasting as a orange sized sphere of crackling electricity appears on your hand and you hurl it directly at the flying caster.

Cordelia watches the sphere aim straight towards here and keeps her arms crossed as her cloak becomes shadows and wrap around her.

"The pot calling the kettle black...""

It is less than an inch before the orb strikes home that Cordelia turns into shadowstuff and reappears ten feet away..

She jaunted! In a way not too different from your own training back at Runestone.

"You call me a monster, mage. But look at yourself:

You are a mix of Trog and Dragon. A Chimera in the best sense of the word. You have come to my home, Lord Asgrim's domain and have claimed many of our family's lives...

When all we wanted were two. A little too late to start calling people names, don't you think? For that matter, you don't even have one!""

Eoil on his part shoots the standing beast man right in the forehead, dropping him instantly and aims up at Cordelia.

"We wouldn't have come here if your master didn't ask for names on a list! Trust me: I did not want to come here, but now...now I am going to stay. I will bring you down, you witch! For the lives of my friends fallen under your command!""

Cordelia laughs as the arrows fly towards her and evades all of them... except for the last one.

"You miserable elf! That hurt me! But...""

Cordelia flies across the street again and looks at you and Eoil as she points her index at Kyrich, who struggles with Furcas and a small pinpoint of orange energy appears on the tip.

"...not as much as it will hurt him!""

For all his strength and fighting prowess, the ilumian's sigils cease to rotate around his head as Cordelia fires a concentrated Burning hands spell, shaped into a ray, piercing the knight in the back and causing his body to emit flames and smoke as he staggers a few feet and drops on the ground close to Vasla. Alive... but by very little.

Furcas, no longer held by Kyrich, kicks the man while he's down and screeches at the group as Cordelia looks at the remaining Snipers.

"Well... what are you waiting for?""

Eoil curses in elven and looks at his remaining soldiers.

"You heard the bitch...give her what she wants!""

Both Snipers aim high and fire at Cordelia. One of the arrows misses. The other one strikes her hand...

But it doesn't really hurt her, as she snaps the arrow head with ease.

"Just as I thought- they aren't the real threat here.""

Round 5

Cordelia looks down at those still standing and then at the Lesser Varrangoin, speaking in that odd language of hers:

"Ezek az enyém, Furcas. Vedd a lányt ..."

Furcas does as ordered and screeches as he picks Vasla, slings her over his shoulder and rises twenty feet up in the air, unconscious and bleeding catfolk in toll.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208699)

Den Resident
Society Sniper x2

2017-05-20, 09:05 PM
Travis says "If you value your family's lives then we can trade. This one is unconscious but not yet dead. Let us leave with our people and you can have him alive."

He begins to cast a spell. (ooc: SM5)

Eoil continues trying to shoot the witch.

ooc: Eoil with rapid shot, haste.
attack [roll0], damage [roll1]
attack [roll2], damage [roll3]
attack [roll4], damage [roll5] (rapid shot)
attack [roll6], damage [roll7] (haste)

2017-05-20, 09:39 PM
@Travis: You look at Kyrich, face down on the ground, his massive body covered in smoke and wisping flames.

Then at Vasla, her body with a little less smoke but a lot of dripping blood as it's carried aloft by Furcas.

And then all the bodies dropped on the floor, both friend and foe alike and begin focusing on one of your most powerful spells- the signature of every Conjurer: The Summoning.

It needs to be something that can rival this witch in battle, before she wipes all of you down.

And while you focus on the spell, you call out to Cordelia about having a truce of sorts. This is responded by laughter from the flying caster as she looks down at all the arrow ridden and broken bodies.

"You have got to be kidding me, mage. You would ask a truce? An exchange of sorts? While you are casting a spell? You must not be from around here, are you?

The Catfolk and the ilumian belong to Lord Asgrim, mage. You could have given them to us freely, but...""

It is then that Eoil shuts her up by shooting a volley of arrows, all which strike Cordelia as this one's eyes blaze up with icy blue light.

"That's it! Stupid archers and their arrows. Try this on for size!""

It's a cold aura that surrounds Cordelia as ice shards rotate and concentrate on the tip of her finger as she blasts Eoil Swift right in the chest, causing his entire body to acquire a bluish color and small icicles to form around his feet and hands, causing the Society Leader to shiver uncontrollably.

That was the Frost Breath spell. She managed to turn it into a ray and so, has left Eoil dazed for a few seconds. he won't be able to accurately shoot her and that's a problem.

The Snipers drop their bows and draw daggers, closing in on the last fallen beast and plunge their blades into it, but bleeding as it is, he isn't dead.

This leaves you in a very difficult situation: now only you stand around that can actually affect this woman.

Round 6

Furcas flies forty feet away, staying twenty feet off the ground as it carries Vasla over a toxic pool. If you cannot stop him, chances are he will take off with the Catfolk and who knows if any of you will see her again.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208703)

Eoil (Dazed)
Den Resident
Society Sniper x2

2017-05-21, 08:25 AM
A golden griffon appears on the roof of the nearby building.

Travis tells it "Attack her!"

augmented celestial griffon
augmented Celestial Griffon Large Magical Beast (); CR 5; HD 7d10+35; hp 73;
Init +2; Spd 30 ft., fly 80 ft. (average); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.;
AC 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +7; Grp +17;
Atk Bite +13 melee (2d6+6); Full Atk Bite +13 melee (2d6+6) and 2 claws +10 melee (1d4+3);
SA Pounce, rake 1d6+2, smite evil;
SQ Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Darkvision 60 ft, Resistance to acid 5 and cold 5 and electricity 5, DR 5/magic, SR 12;
AL CG; SV Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +5;
Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 5, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Jump +8, Listen +6, Spot +10
Feats: Iron Will, Multiattack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Pounce(Ex): If a griffon dives upon or charges a foe, it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.
Rake(Ex): Attack bonus +10 melee, damage 1d6+3.
Skills(): Griffons have a +4 racial bonus on Jump and Spot checks.
Smite Evil(Su): Once per day a celestial creature can make a normal melee attack to deal +7 extra damage against an evil foe

The griffon leaps up and flies, attempting to gain a bit of height then dive upon the floating foe.

ooc: Assuming it can dive to Pounce at her. If it can charge, add +2 to attack. If it can't dive, just use the bite.
bite [roll0], damage [roll1]; Smite Evil: add +7 damage if she is evil
claw [roll2], damage [roll3]
claw [roll4], damage [roll5]
rake [roll6], damage [roll7]
rake [roll8], damage [roll9]

If she used Abrupt Jaunt to evade the griffon, Travis will cast a lesser orb of electricity at her.
ooc: lesser orb ranged touch [roll10], damage [roll11]

Otherwise, he will cast greater invisibility on Eoil.

2017-05-21, 04:15 PM
@Travis: You finish the incantation and golden sigils appear on the ground, inscribing the runes of Elysium, land of the Blessed Isles, where the sun shines forever.

Cordelia raises an eyebrow as the summoning circle begins to expand and a rain of white feathers and the scent of roses fills the place.

"What disgusting magic is this?!""

It is then that with a heavenly shriek, your champion is called forth from the Outer Planes:


Cordelia barely has a chance to react as your summoned creature does your bidding and swoops towards the flying menace, raking and biting and even smiting with his beak- a major strike to Cordelia which confirms that she is in fact, evil.

And yet, for all that punishment, the mage still stands! She hasn't been hit that much, except by you and Eoil, who stands dazed as you place your hand on his shoulder and utter the words of power, causing him to vanish completely.

Cordelia looks at her wounds and then at the vanishing elf and finally at your summoned beast, rising ten feet further up into he air and possibly giving your griffon a chance to strike.

from the Griffon to Cordelia

It's a single black gnat that flies from the ground and flies towards her. Followed by another. And another. And another...

Until a swarm of black gnats buzz around Cordelia, who focuses her arcane power and aims it at all of you below: Eoil, yourself, the griffon, the dropped Beast man and the two snipers.

"I grow tired of this game! DIE ALL OF YOU!!!!""

It's a massive cone that envelops everyone in a swarm of black hungry beetles, ripping apart the downed Beast Man, leaving nothing but his bones.

One of the Snipers is completely enveloped and reduced to skeletal remains only.

The other, by mere chance, is able to resist the nefarious power from this caster.

In the case of the griffon, though, something else happens, as the gnats envelop him too, but a few carry his divine spark back to Cordelia, sinking into her skin and strengthening her.

Doom Scarabs: 24 damage. Will DC 21 for half. Given the area of the cone, AJ is not possible.

The surviving Sniper limps towards his bow and picks it up, but there isn't much he can do.

Round 7

Furcas can no longer be heard, flying as fast as his wings can carry him with his precious cargo.

Cordelia seems hurt, but not down for the count. She has shown quite an aptitude for magic and who knows what other tricks she has up her sleeve.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208838)

Travis & Griffon
Society Sniper

2017-05-21, 05:10 PM
Griffon AOO bite , damage [roll1]

Will saves vs DC 21:
Travis [roll2]
Griffon [roll3]
Eoil [roll4] Note: His sheet does not reflect his Wisdom for the Will save.

The griffon shrieks and pursues his foe by circling around to gain altitude, then tries to bite her again.
Griffon bite [roll5], damage [roll6]

Travis casts a fly spell on himself and rises up 15' and 5' closer to the enemy.

Eoil considers his options and decides to attack again and move 5' west and south.

ooc: Eoil with rapid shot. (Haste has expired.)
Also note that he is invisible, so if she can't see him, her Dex to AC doesn't apply and he gets SA.

attack [roll7], damage [roll](1d8+1) + SA
attack [roll9], damage [roll](1d8+1) + SA
attack [roll11], damage [roll](1d8+1) + SA [roll12] (rapid shot)

Eoil goes to try and heal Kyrich, then himself.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208841)

2017-05-21, 05:13 PM
Eoil base damage
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

2017-05-21, 07:51 PM
@Travis: It was a good idea to summon this creature. Pity he wasn't summoned earlier, but with only one enemy left, you should be able to bring her down easily.

However, even with a Celestial Gryphon by your side, Cordelia's skin is rather thick and so, his mighty beak is unable to cause her much harm. Never mind when he moves closer in for a retaliatory attack.

Eoil fires his arrows and normally being invisible, he would be able to target Cordelia's soft spots and deal additional damage, but because she is forty feet up in the air, his arrows strike true, but not as deadly as they should.

You on the other hand, fling a feather in the air and rise to the challenge, deciding to put down Cordelia for good.

The wicked witch watches the arrows fly at her and although she cannot see Eoil, she gets a pretty good idea where they are coming from as she calls forth another swarm of black beetles to her aid.

"This is it! I should have finished that elf when I had a chance earlier! Say good bye!!!""

It's another sinister swarm of scarabs that rain upon you, the gryphon, Eoil and the surviving Sniper, which end s up killing him as the beetles devour his entire flesh, leaving behind only bones.

Like before, your summon is badly wounded as the scarabs steal a bit of his divine essence and transfer it to Cordelia.

19 damage. Will DC 21 for half

And unlike before, Cordelia kicks the gryphon in the beak and somersaults in mid air, leaping towards a nearby building.

"You are going to come after me, mage? You are welcome to try. Chase me into the unknown. Surely you can best whatever lies ahead alone?""

Round 8

At this point, Furcas and Vasla can no longer be seen or heard. The Varrangoin has taken her, who knows where.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208843)

Travis & Griffon

2017-05-21, 08:35 PM
Will saves
Travis [roll0]
Griffin [roll1]
Eoil [roll2]

With no more snipers left to try to protect by attempting to bring down the witch, Eoil heads over to Kyrich and attempts to heal him with the wand. ooc: [roll3]

Travis flies up (now 30' high) and towards the witch (not that he would use that as a derogatory term for a female spellcaster, it doesn't take long at Runestone to dissuade students of that) and shoots a ball of acid at her.

ooc: acidic splatter ranged touch [roll4], damage [roll5]

If the griffin gets an AOO as she departs it takes it; otherwise it swoops on for another bite. (now 45' high)
Griffin AOO bite [roll6], damage [roll7] if applicable
Griffin bite [roll8], damage [roll9]

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208844)

2017-05-21, 10:57 PM
@Travis: With Eoil unseen and most likely dead, it's you and your summon against Cordelia, who places her hand against the old building's wall.

She had tumbled before and so, avoided your champion;s beak and this time as both you and the gryphon blast and charge at her, Cordelia is far more nimble, avoiding both attacks with ease.

"That's it... come and chase me, little mage.""

Cordelia once more somersaults backwards and away from danger from your summon as she she flies back several feet and while upside down in the air, aims at a point in space between you and your summon, her finger igniting in an ember that shoots between both.


It's a massive fiery explosion that catches you and the gryphon in it. The flames magical in nature, as they pierce your beast's innate resistance and seeks to bring both of you down.

31/B] fire damage. reflex DC 20 for half

She's flying further into Asgrim's territory and although she has suffered grievous damage, she is apparently taunting both of you to follow her.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208847)

[B]Round 9

Travis & Griffon

2017-05-22, 11:38 AM
Neither Travis nor the griffon are able to avoid taking heavy damage from the fireball.

The griffon, though badly wounded, charges down at its foe.

Griffon: ooc: added +2 to attack, -2 to AC for charge (AC 15). Current hp: 9
bite [roll0], damage [roll1]
claw [roll2], damage [roll3]
claw [roll4], damage [roll5]
rake [roll6], damage [roll7]
rake [roll8], damage [roll9]

If she survives the beast's attack, Travis casts invisibility on himself and heads the other way.

ooc: Travis current hp 18

Eoil uses the wand on himself [roll10]

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208892)

2017-05-22, 11:40 AM
Griffon crit confirm 2nd claw [roll0], extra damage [roll1]

2017-05-22, 04:34 PM
@Travis: With Eoil barely alive, you grit your teeth under the fiery assault from Cordelia as neither you nor the gryphon are able to evade the worst.

Not wanting to risk further injury, you fly back towards the main group... or what's left of it.

The gryphon charges at Cordelia, but this one raises an eyebrow as she places her hand against the wall of a building and, enveloping herself in shadows, jaunts inside, not to be seen again.

You fly around the battlefield and examine the corpses...

It was a massacre, alright, as Eoil uses his wand to bring the ilumian back on his feet as this one looks around at the devastation.

"Where's Vasla? What happened to her?""

Eoil shakes his head and looks around.

"She's gone. We are all that's left...""

The ilumian grabs the elf by the collar and lifts him up.

"I told you to protect her! That's why I was wrangling that beast! Now she's gone! Taken by Asgrim!!!"

Eoil looks away as the knight drops him down and motions at the corpses.

"You think this doesn't hurt me as well, Kyrich? I have lost dear friends today. I hate to admit it, but this is not a mission we should have pursued...""

Eoil looks up at you.

"I believe I mentioned that after losing our first batch of Snipers, not to mention my eagle."

Kyrich walks up to his chains and picks them up, making sure to wash off the grease.

"So this is it? Just the three of us? What are we to do now?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=208990)

2017-05-22, 04:54 PM
Travis heads down to Eoil. "I am here, invisible, but badly hurt. The witch escaped. Heal us with that wand, then let's get the hell out of here while we still can."

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209001)

ooc: Of the loot from earlier, Travis wouldn't have taken the cash, but he would have taken the arcane scrolls and wand.

2017-05-22, 05:23 PM
@Travis: You land and indicate Eoil where you are, grabbing hand and placing it upon your shoulder, so he knows where to heal.

"This has been nothing more than a death march! I opposed coming here in the first place. There is a reason The Society doesn't mess with Asgrim and now I will have to explain everyone back home that we lost five Snipers, three Enforcers and Vasla. Do you have any idea what they will do when they know of this?""

Regardless of the bitterness in is words, the elf does heal you. he knows he needs you as alive as possible to escape this place.

Afterwards... who knows.

73 HP healed

Eoil then finishes patching up Kyrich and himself, as the howls of the beasts can be heard amidst the buildings and streets. You are certainly not alone in this place. You are being watched, as you gather up the wands and scrolls, to which Eoil raises an eyebrow.

"I don't think you plan on keeping all that, Travis? Everything gets split. I lost a lot of good men...and a woman, to this place. Don't be surprised if your slice of the pie ends up being smaller.""

Kyrich wraps his chains around his arm and starts walking back.

"You can each tear your throats out when we get out of this place, understood?"

Eoil looks at the wand and frowns.

"Two measly charges. That's all that's left. I agree: we can resolve loot division back in HQ."

And so, you start retracing your steps, hoping to leave this Den before more of its inhabitants come out to play. You need to warn Seti, Raikou and the others: who knows how they are faring. Definitely better than you, that's for sure.

But at least, you get to leave alive...

Spot & Listen

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209010)

2017-05-22, 05:48 PM
Travis was only hurt a certain amount, so when he feels healthy again or nearly so, he tells Eoil "That's enough right now."

ooc: He was down 44 hp (18/62). Definitely didn't take all 5 charges.

"Eoil, I advised against this expedition as well. But you're deluded if you think the Society ever had the option of not fighting Asgrim. He picked the fight, the only questions were the details of how it would go down.

I'll keep the scroll of resist energy. I need to learn that spell. You can have the wand and the disguise self scroll."

Travis spot [roll0], listen [roll1]
Eoil spot [roll2], listen [roll3]

2017-05-22, 07:26 PM
@Travis: It is a little less charges needed to put you back in full health as Eoil pockets the wand and takes the wand and the scroll, with you keeping the scroll of abjuration, which will definitely come in handy for fights to come.

"Asgrim did not send that list, it was that Rooster Gram. We could have gone about this a different way... I wasn't even at that meeting! And then Seti sends for me and tells me I need to gear up a team. I wonder he is doing.""

Your invisibility spell is still active and should be for a few more minutes when a cold wind blows through the alley and the howls of the beast men can be heard away as they seem to be running in the opposite direction.

Kyrich tenses his chain and looks around.

"What would make these beasts run away...""

It is then that you, Eoil and Kyrich see it: a large shadow that covers all of you and flies above, almost blocking the faux moon as a massive figure lands several feet away from all of you, causing a nearby building to crumble from the shockwave:


"I was told by Cordelia that there were three left. I only see two. Heh. So this is the chain wielder Asgrim wants? And the little archer that has taken down many of the Denizens of Camazotz...

What a disappointing catch!""

This monster is big. Bigger than Kyrich when enlarged. He wears a black mask that covers most of his face, a black breast plate, a shield that hovers around him and wields a devastating looking great sword.

Kyrich stands up to the challenge and begins unwrapping the chains from his burly arms.

"You will let us through, beast. Cordelia had to fly away, and for good reason:

She was inches away from her life. Be smart, unlike the creatures that prowl this place, and stand aside.""

Eoil gulps as he begins reaching for his bow.

"Yeah! We wouldn't... we have enough of your hide to make a few pelts for our home!""

The massive beast raises a leathery eyebrow at Eoil and laughs as his tail whips the ground behind him, causing a small crater to form where it lands.

"I can smell it, elf.... FEAR! And rightfully so:

I am Räum, the Winged Tormentor, the strongest member of the Cabal Macabre! Furcas already has the woman and Cordelia wiped out all your men...""

Räum takes a single step forward as a nearby chunk of building slides down and crashes on the street.

"However, if you believe you are getting out of this place alive, you are mistaken! I haven't been to the Prime ever and it will give me great pleasure taking down your feeble weakened souls!""

This guy looks like a powerhouse. And full of confidence too- he is alone.

It would seem Asgrim will not let you walk out of this place alive. You need to find a way to deal with this monster...and quickly.

Initiative plus Spellcraft plus Knowledge (Arcana) to ID it

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209014)

2017-05-22, 09:44 PM
@Travis: Both you and Eoil back up a bit once you realize what Räum is.

You have already fought its lesser version earlier- the one who flew off with Vasla, but this one has not been sent to capture, but kill, given its nature.

This is a Rager Varrangoin, the next step in a very nasty family of Magical Beasts. The rager lives up to its name, being able to awaken a Barbarian's signature ability. On top of it all, these monsters are completely immune to spells that target the mind.

If one wishes to hurt it in battle, only weapons forged by a mage will have any chance of hurting it. Although there must be more information about these creatures, it eludes both you and Eoil for now.

What does not elude you is the amount of spells Räum has on him. Cordelia must've warned him about you and the others and so, he's not unprepared.

Create Magic Tattoo
Bull’s Strength

The Winged Tormentor swings his massive blade and relaxes his defensive stance, as his wings stretch as wide as they can.

"Well then, let us see if Cordelia;s tales are true about you two...""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209015)


2017-05-23, 03:01 PM
@Anya: .... and then, your knees cave in as you arrive at a whole new different place:

https://www.videogamesartwork.com/sites/default/files/images/image/1372239515/thelastofus_environment_city_ruins_at_night_by_mac iej_kuciara.jpg

It looks like The Mercy. All ruined, like any other alley in the district, but one thing becomes apparent:

It's night time here. A large moon looms over the ruined buildings and heavy vegetation has claimed most of the steel structures.

Hestern looks up at the full moon and then at his surroundings.

"According to my calculations, this is the place, but my spell should not have taken longer than a thought to complete. Hold on...""

Farwing takes out an old pocket watch and looks at the time.

"It's twenty past noon. No, the spell worked. It's something in this place that is changing daylight to nigh time...""

Distant roars can be heard in the darkness as Hestern looks at you. There are no signs of Soraya or anybody else you know in this immediate place.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209096)

2017-05-23, 04:50 PM
Travis approaches the monster and tries hurling acid at it, becoming visible in the process.
ooc: ranged touch [roll0], damage [roll1]

"So you are the rival that Furcas hoped we would kill."
ooc: Bluff [roll2]

Eoil on the other hand would rather attack from where he stands, shooting with arrows enhanced by his magical bow.

attack [roll3], damage [roll4]
attack [roll5], damage [roll6]
attack [roll7], damage [roll8]

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209099)

2017-05-23, 05:50 PM
Round 1

@Travis: Eoil aims all his arrows at Räum and fires...

Not a single one hits!

The Rager Varrangoin laughs as the arrows bounce off his shield and thick hide and armor.

"Cordelia was weak- flying away from those arrows. They can't even tickle me...""

You then appear from the Veil and lob an orb of acid at the Winged Tormentor's face, which, although it hurts him... it doesn't hurt him as much. This beast seems naturally resistant to acid.

This beast did not like being attacked by surprise, as he roars in your direction and takes out a tiny potion- or at least tiny compared to his size- and swallows it whole, as he chews the glass and gulps it down, causing his body to alter itself as it mimics a lethal predator from far away lands.


"You say Furcas sent to finish me? HAHAHHAAHHAHAAAAA!!!! Little mage with no name: he works for ME! And now, you are going to wish you had remained hidden!""

Räum, despite having taken that potion, moves right in your face and swings his massive blade!

This guy can move preternaturally fast, as the blade strikes you and not only hurts you brutally, but attacks your very arcane essence!

30 damage plus 7 magebane. AJ is possible, please mark where Travis jumps off to.

Kyrich's colar glows with ancient symbols as his strength grows exponentially, but not his size, unlike last time, as he rushes towards Räum, hoping to trip the monster as he looks back at Eoil.

Torc of Titans

"Find cover! This guy is stronger than the others!""

And so, as Kyrich moves in with his chains, Räum takes the chance to strike the knight with his reach, while at the same time, Kyrich lashes out with his chain...

An uneven match, as Kyrich is impaled by that bloody blade and the ilumian's chain strikes an illusory self of the beast.

Kyrich has been hurt. Hurt badly. A hundred spells cast by Cordelia alone would not be able to match a single blade strike from this monster. And yet, the knight stands his ground, loyal to the end.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209101)

Round 2


2017-05-24, 01:52 AM
Anya hears the roar: "Sounds like we're in exactly the right place. I won't ask you to endanger yourself Hestern, but we could use you." Anya darts off in the direction of the noise, keen to find out more about what was going on before she started slinging spells.

What happened to Anya the night before?
Where was she kept?
Who was the woman who held her prisoner?
What was that woman seeking when she tested Anya?
What changes have been wrought on Anya?

Were these changes magical?
Will Anya lose control of her body?
Will Anya lose control of her mind?
Are they similar to the changes that overcame Barrin?
What tools did the woman use to effect the change?

Where is the control rod for the Rooster's machine kept? (Thought I'd throw an extra one in since I couldn't think of an 11th about Anya's previous night)

2017-05-24, 03:22 AM
@Anya: Before teleporting to Camazotz Den, you write down a series of very specific questions to Hestern, who reads them in silence and folds the paper, pocketing it.

"Commune is very basic and very vague, Anya. I will do my best to get an accurate response from Delleb, but these are far more intricate than the ones from the night prior. At any rate, let us go...""

And once you find yourself in the twilight district, far from known locations in your travels and no safe contact around, the roar not too far tells you you just might be in the right spot, as you ask the old mage to stick around... just a while longer.

Hestern Farwing is not too content with the idea- he's been a recluse for most of his life. Even when he was living at Runestone. The idea of storming unknown territory isn't his cup of tea, but your safety is paramount.

"We are only going to check the situation, Anya. Once we have seen it, we are leaving. Is that understood?"

The first thing that catches your attention is a bunch of corpses: both of some beast men and half orc and human rogues, littered about in what can best be described as a bloodbath, as the moon shines on their entrails and glistening blood.

Not a good sign.

The second and most immediate thing that catches your eye is a beast of a monster, easily the size of a giant and decked like some unholy knight with large bat wings and an illusory body that shifts around, making him very hard to discern where exactly he is that is engaging... Travis?

The mage that joined you a few nights ago into Ellen's hideout. Travis has demonstrated to be on par with some of the finest wizards you have met- and that includes Hestern, but he isn't alone- Kyrich, the ilumian knight, is close to Travis and badly wounded by the beast's titanic great sword.

A little further back, some elven archer is shooting at the beast, but they don't seem to be having the upper hand as Hestern holds your arm and urges you to stop as he sizes up the monstrosity.

"By Delleb above! They have one of these here?! Anya, this is not a battle we can hope to win. We need to get out of this place!"

Know. Arcana to ID the beast, Spellcraft to ID buffs and roll initiative. Also, let me know if you can see the map

@Travis: whether you jaunted or not, you watch a familiar face round the ruined streets of Asgrim's domain:

Anya the Beguiler. She proved instrumental in bringing down Lenore back at the SMC complex. Maybe she can do the same now against Räum. And even better yet. She isn't alone:


An old man with dirty robes and a staff? Unless Anya brought beggars into this fight- which would be rather stupid- this guy must be somewhat with a certain degree of power.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209112)


2017-05-24, 02:47 PM
@Anya: You cannot tell what spells envelop this enormous monster, but you do know what it is:

A Rager Varrangoin, a magical beast that has not been spotted in this world... probably ever. These creatures have the ability to awaken a barbarian's rage, true to their name. They can fly. They can only be hurt by weapons forged with magic and worst of all for you and reason why Hestern is so adamant about escaping:

They are immune to Mind Affecting spells.

Of note, a Rager Varrangoin is supernaturally fast, able to perform actions in combat that no other regular person may be able to do in such a short amount of time.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209152)


2017-05-24, 09:20 PM
Travis used an Abrupt Jaunt to gain some distance from the beast, causing it to miss. That huge blade would have hit me. Look what it did to Kyrich. How fast it is. What chance do we have?

He sees Anya, and an old man - Perhaps the diviner of whom I've heard?

"Glitterdust!!! Kyrich - run!" Travis attempts to communicate two thoughts at once.

With as few spells as I have left, I don't have a lot of options. Even were I fully prepared, this monster might have been too tough to beat. Same with Cordelia. Both in the same day?

Time for a rope trick? Two problems there. First, the monster would likely slay Kyrich before the man can enter it. Second - that witch might come back and dispel it, or perhaps this monster has magic of its own; who knows what it can do.

A lesser electric orb attack? Would probably miss, and even if it hits, would have little effect on such a big monster even if it has no special resistance. And I would bet gold that it does.

He ends up casting a thin wall of smoke, 20' high and 45' long. He also approaches again, not leaving Kyrich to bear the brunt alone, but prepares to 'abruptly jaunt' again if need be.

If we survive the next few seconds, then if Anya can blind the monster, maybe we can then escape.

ooc: 30' of the length shown as yellow area on map. It extends 15' into the green area.
9 rounds; provides concealment to the other side. Fort DC 17 or nauseate 1 round if passed through.

Eoil can see that the battle is lost. He attempts to escape by fleeing to the south.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209172)

2017-05-25, 01:40 AM
@Travis: And so, it comes to this.

Facing Cordelia alone was an ordeal. Facing Cordelia with Furcas an army of her Beast Men was an onslaught...

But now you have to face off against Räum, who towers in all ways above all of the other enemies.... and in one day? Back in Runestone, they told you a wizard should never have to over exert themselves. that adventuring was an easy business: enemies would never gang up on you when you were nearly spent. That would be unfair play.

And who plays unfairly, anyways?

Well.. you just met them.

With over half your team wiped out, there is no way you can face off against Räum in a fair battle, even as you bend Space & Time to avoid his most dangerous blade.

Even with Anya and that hermit mage with her, chances are you will not be able to put The Winged Tormentor down. No, you need to escape Camazotz Den. The Roosters may launch their attack in a few days, but at least you will be alive to face them in known ground.

And so, avoiding the worst, you call forth one of your lesser spells, as a solid wall of black smoke erupts from the cracked streets and block sight, noxious to anyone coming through it as you order Anya to Glitter the bastard. At least if he's blind, he won't be able to sense you.

Eoil runs down the street towards the pool where you first saw the creatures bathe and feed and catches his breath.

We are all going to die in this place...

It is then that Räum's hideous visage breaks through the wall of smoke and looks at you as he swings his blade. He hasn't been affected in the slightest!

"You are not getting me with such old tricks, mage! I am the Winged Tormentor! The strongest amongst Camazotz' Den! Embrace your end, little human...""

It's a brutal slash that would have pretty much cleaved you in two as you once again evade the worst.

73 damage plus 4 magebane

Räum snarls as you avoid the worst and Kyrich looks at you and braces for the worst as he runs through the wall you conjured.

"The brave knight chooses to flee? I do not think so!""

As the ilumian runs through the wall you just created, he is able to brace himself against your spell, but not against Räum's blade, cutting him in the back, a perfect opportunity for the Varrangoin to attack him.

However, even with an attack clearly as a benefit from Kyrich running away, the monster looks at you as a smile draws upon his face and an emerald aura draws upon his entire body, with a swarm of green spectral bats that circle around you.

"Silly mage... you cannot hope to escape me!""

This swarm is a Spell Like ability! This monster can cast too?! And he is actually getting rid of most if not all of your protections!

Heart of Earth


Greater Mage Armor


This is not good at all, as your earlier Abrupt Jaunt saved you from his blade, but this guy is almost on par with you when it comes to actions in combat!

"Well, the mage is not so mighty after all! This shall not be as fun as I thought at first..."

If any deities are out there listening, you better start praying for a Miracle!

Kyrich, badly hurt, manages to run and nearly trip on his own chains as he stumbles out of the battlefield, but not yet safe.

@Anya: You watch Travis call out to Glitter this monster. You watch Kyrich, who a few days ago was found with clover knocked out in Ellen;'s hideout, badly hurt as he stumbles through the corpses of who knows how many battles.

But you cannot see either Travis or the bat like beast anymore, as the mage has called forth an impenetrable wall of smoke.

Hestern watches the events and takes out his pocket watch.

"Anya, if ever there was a time to flee... now would be it.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209175)


2017-05-25, 03:53 AM
Anya watched in horror as the monster bore down on Travis and Kyrich. Until recently she had felt competent and capable in the Mercy, but now she was surrounded by Runestone trained mages, druids, demons and whatever it was that Gram and Hathway were. Maybe the solo life is getting a bit dangerous. She idly wondered whilst her hands moved almost of their own accord, causing an explosion of light to coat the demon.

Glitterdust, Will DC 17 to avoid the blind effect (duration 9 rounds). Also makes invisible things visible.

Anya wasn't too pleased about being told what to do by the mage, but since this demon could ignore her greatest enchantments, she had to accept that Travis probably had the right idea.

If Travis continues to run then Anya joins him darting away from the monster. Otherwise, she'll draw her runestaff...

2017-05-25, 04:41 AM
@Anya: All these years working solo missions eventually have caught on you.

Mad machines, huge monsters and then Gram and Hathway, who very well may be the worst you have encountered so far.

You could escape, seeing how badly wounded Kyrich has emerged from the Wall of Smoke, trailing copious amounts of blood as he looks at you.

"Anya? Anya! You should not be here! Escape. Go back and warn my squad. I will fight this thing out here. Travis is with Räum beyond that smoke screen, but there is another that has taken to hiding and ran off. Find an elven archer and get him out of here!""

Hestern looks at the man and then around at the dark moonlit streets.

"There's another here? How many?""

"With me, it's three total... why?""

Old Farwing sighs and looks at Anya.

"As much as I'd like to, Delleb would not forgive me if I left good people in this place- do as that mage Travis tells you to: blind that beast. Ilumian! come to me, you are in no condition to fight that creature. Anya, stay close. Don't wander away.""

And so, you call forth your own spontaneous magic, learned from no master as you direct your gaze at the Smoke Wall and cause an eruption of arcane light to explode beyond it.

@Travis: It's a an explosion of multicolored glitter that envelops Räum as the Rager Varrangoin looks around and snarls, before laughing deeply and it is then that you see an outlined mask on his face, covering half an eye.

"You brought friends... and your name is Travis, is it? Travis... what a silly little name. Almost not worth killing. Almost.""

He's all glittered and fabulous, but not blinded. With most of your spells taken away by his own innate casting, getting to the others will be tricky.

Round 3

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209178)


2017-05-25, 10:56 PM
When Travis used abrupt jaunt to avoid the monster's huge blade, he reappeared on the other side of the wall of smoke.

Now he races towards Anya's group following Kyrich.

Well that didn't work as I hoped but it could be worse, as long as the old guy has a teleport prepared. I wish he hadn't given my name away to the enemy, but I guess he's not used to this sort of thing either.

Meanwhile, Eoil rounds the corner, and decides to head towards the potential savior as well.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209290)

2017-05-26, 12:50 AM
@Travis: You can outrun Räum, but not forever. This monster has set his sights on you and Kyrich... and possibly Anya as well as you run across the cracked streets towards the group, with the ilumian barely standing and catch sight of Eoil running out of the public pool area of this district as he stops in his tracks and catches his breath.

It is then that The Winged Tormentor flies through your Wall of Smoke and lands with an earth shaking sound on the ground as he towers above all of you and, although still glittering, he's just as dangerous as before.

"So these two have come to play? An old man and his little grand daughter? Hehehehheee...

Or is it something else, huh? No matter- four or... five! The end will be the same.""

It is then that the Varrangoin slashes at your body once more, seeking to cleave you in half!

40 damage plus 6 magebane

And using his unique powers granted by his race, the beast moves even closer now, facing Anya head on, as his shadow envelops her and the old man.

"You wish to join the elf down the street? I can arrange that...""

Kyrich coughs some blood and sidesteps the group, bringing his chains into play, as they dance against the massive Tormentor, but only one seeks to strike him...and even then, that bastard's potion has made sure he isn't struck at all!

Räum laughs as the chain misses him entirely.

"You are all washed up, Kyrich! There is no way you can protect them! Look at yourself- you can barely stand!""

@Anya: Hestern grips his staff and looks beyond the beast and at the lone elf.

"Child, if you have an ace up your sleeve, use it now- otherwise, we are leaving that elf behind.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209291)


2017-05-26, 04:35 PM
She could not stop this creature, not with it's rage granting it immunity to her magic, and she doubted a fireball could bring it down, else surely Travis would have tried that. But she could slow it.

Even as Hestern tried to pull her away Anya was weaving a spell, one that would draw the darkness (of which there was plenty here) and make it solid, a cloying fog that would slow even this supernaturally fast creature. Or so she hoped.

Solid Fog (still can't see the map sorry), but she'll put the fog on the Varrangoin between herself and it.
And then a move action to get away.

2017-05-26, 06:42 PM
@Anya: This monster is literally face to face with you, getting a decent breathing room is going to be a problem.

So, since you cannot blind him or mess up his mind, you need to lock him down.

It's a handful of dried peas thrown up wards as they stop in front of Räum's face and explode in a billowy thick white fog. Unnatural in origin, this spell is perfect to give you ample moving space. except with one problem:

Given its huge radius and height, you, Hetsern, Kyrich, Travis and even the lone elf down the street are enveloped in it.

You can barely make out Räum's shape amidst the fog as he roars in frustration and Hestern is quick to act, placing his hand on your wrist and yelling to all in line:

Hold hands! We are getting out of this place...

But first, we need to rescue someone.""

@Travis & Anya: It's an incantation in Draconic as the entire fog and ground begins to rumble and unmake itself and in the blink of an eye, all of you appear at the fog's edge.

Dimension Door

@Travis: Räum is nowhere to be seen, but definitely heard as he curses in his native tongue- a mix of unintelligible words and roars. You are safe and away from this beast, but Anya's fog has caught Eoil at its edge. He can move out, but it won't be an easy escape- that spell is known for being incredibly annoying when used in battle.

And because the old man used a spell you are aware of as well, you know he won't be able to muster his mind for a few seconds after such precise movement through Space & Time.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209356)

Round 4


2017-05-26, 08:05 PM
Travis says "Excellent! But beware - it can dispel."

He moves a little close to the fog, knowing that if the beast does somehow pull off a final attack on him, he will need to use his final abrupt jaunt.

Eoil meanwhile struggles to get out of the fog, and emerges.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=209359)

2017-05-27, 10:02 AM
@Travis: So this guy can indeed use magic- good. If he was able to move you and the others closer to Eoil in a heart beat, perhaps he can be your ticket out of this Monster Lair.

Eoil struggles to get out of the fog, pushing his frail elven body through the misty molasses Anya conjured and looks at the thick bank and then at the newcomers.

"You couldn't have made it at a better time. We need to leave this place... like now. Immediately!""

Kyrich takes a sigh of relief, knowing the danger is over and relaxes his stance.

"I couldn't agree more. Old man, if you have such a spell, please take us back to The Mercy- not the beast infested one we are in now.""

And just as you warn about Räum's abilities to dispel, Anya's fog is covered in a swarm of spectral green bats that swarm around the billowing cloud and suck the fog dry before screeching and flying upwards, disappearing into the night sky as The Winged Tormentor stands several feet away from all of you and looks at the group.

Solid Fog

It is then that the beast's muscle mass increases in size and his eyes go white with rage as he roars at the team and readies his massive blade.

He's gone into a barbarian's rage!

"You are not leaving this place alive!"

And so, the Winged Tormentor begins charging towards one of you in particular- Eoil the Archer- as the ground beneath him cracks and forms craters and the entire street quakes under his weight, his blade lethal as the beast has decided to forgo defense in favor of sheer strength.

@Travis: Because you jaunted earlier past the Wall of Smoke, Räum's earlier Dispel was not able to target you, but right now, there is no wall to cast concealment between all of you. You have one last Jaunting ability left and if you choose to use it, you could save Eoil by placing yourself in front of him and take Räum's punishment.

Maybe you'll be alive after such a charge. Maybe. But Eoil definitely will not.

Kyrich watches the beast charge straight towards Eoil and swings his spiked chain at Räum, this time managing to break through his displacement and managing to wrap it around the monster's leg as he tugs at the chain with all his might, nearly tripping the beast, but this one has been blessed with a Barbarian's Rage and so, the chain nearly breaks as the monster is unimpeded in his trail of destruction.

"He's going to kill him! Eoil, brace for impact!"

The blade runs in course across the street and impales the Arcane Archer with lethal effectiveness.

damage to be listed in the other thread depending if Travis Jaunts in front of Eoil or not

@Anya: Regardless of whether Eoil or Travis getting it, Hestern doesn't wait for you to weave more spells, having this beast so close and begins to chant the words of power as the entire moonlit streets begin to rumble and shake as Räum's horrible visage seems to become distant as he laughs in a deep voice, which becomes faint as all of you travel through Space and Time:

I claim a life today, but it will not be the only one... we will see each other again! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?512887-A-City-of-Sinister-Delights-IC&p=22036427#post22036427)

2017-05-27, 04:36 PM
Travis has to make a split-second decision: Jump in front of Eoil, possibly losing his own life, to save the elf?

Logically, he should not: If there is any chance to eventually defeat these villains, Travis' skills seem more likely to be of use against them.

But he doesn't have time for logic right now.

He takes the risk.

2017-05-27, 06:50 PM
@Travis: Normally, this arcane archer, who has haggled with you over the small amount of loot found in this ghastly place, should deserve no better end than being ran through by this Varrangoin. Besides, if you make it back to The Mercy, there won't be any explanations to be made to any corrupt Society committee.

And yet...

As the elf's expression turns into horror and tears begin rolling down his pasty white cheeks and his entire life rolls in front of him, Reality takes a break from spinning as you find yourself calling you as you stand in front of Eoil, a determined look on your face and you join your astral self in the blink of an Afterthought as you jump between realities and time resumes its normal pace once more...

Eoil has his eyes closed as blood splatters on his face, just to open one, followed by another and have awe and surprise and color come back to his cheeks.

Anya grips her runestaff, already starting to flare with flames, but is no less surprised.

Kyrich stands his ground and remains silent. He is no stranger to sacrifice.

The old man has no time to show any reactions as he incants the spell and all of you are taken back to his shack, but a painful reminder of your trip lingers over your entire body.

56 damage plus 7 magebane. You may now post in the link provided above, which will take Travis and Anya to the first IC.