View Full Version : In celebration of May the 4th, the making of a Jedi

2017-05-04, 07:17 AM
So, it's May the 4th and in celebration of Star Wars day, I'm curious about what build you would do to make a Jedi? What spells replicate Jedi or Sith powers that you see? What magical gear does a force user need?

As for class, I think that the Valor Bard may be the most versatile for the spells that are needed along with the blade skills.

As for spells, I feel that all Good Jedi need to have at least these spells
Suggestion - Jedi Mind Trick
Levitation - Because lifting things with the force
Jump - for the Force Leap skill?

How about weapons/gear
Flame Tongue Sword?
Holy Avenger?

2017-05-04, 07:24 AM
I hate to say it, since it's pretty much the go-to idea on these boards, but Valor Bard would probably be a good call. Heck, even the UA School of Swords wouldn't be bad.

Extra Attack, plenty of mind-affecting and buff spells, and the ability to pick up things later like Telekinesis with Magical Secrets.

Grab yourself a Frost Brand (Flame Tongue? What are you, a Sith?!) long sword (because it's versatile) and have fun.

2017-05-04, 07:28 AM
I built a monk subclass for it a long time ago, which works similarly to (but IMHO better than) Four Elements.

–- New Monk Monastic Tradition: Jedi
- Note that monks already get a lot of other jedi-like powers as class features (step of the wind, slow fall, deflect projectiles, and still mind cover most of the remaining canon jedi powers).
- The Jedi receives Force Attuned and Lightsaber at level 3, and chooses Force Powers at levels 3, 6, 11, and 17.
-– Force Attuned
You learn the mage hand cantrip if you did not know it already.
-– Lightsaber
As a bonus action on your turn, you can manifest a gleaming blade of radiant force from a specially prepared hilt, which you are proficient with and counts as a monk weapon. The blade has the finesse and versatile properties, and deals 1d6 radiant damage on an hit. Your unarmed strike, martial arts, and flurry attacks can be made with the Lightsaber or with your unarmed strike, individually for each attack, as you prefer. Any features, skills, and abilities which benefit your unarmed strike can also be used with your Lightsaber.
-– Force Powers
At each of levels 3, 6, 11, and 17 the Jedi chooses two powers from the following list. He chooses an innate power and a trained power. Innate powers are abilities that the Jedi has a natural affinity for, but has not practiced enough to become fully proficient in their use. Trained powers are innate powers that have been mastered by the Jedi, and as such have a lower cost and an higher save DC (if applicable).
---- Alter Perceptions
(Ki cost: 2 innate / 1 trained, Wis save)
Distract an enemy. Make a Wisdom check (+prof if trained). The result is the Wis save DC.
---- Empathy
(Ki cost: 1 innate, cannot be trained)
Opposed Wis check. If successful, you learn the general attitude and mood of a creature, and gain advantage on your next social or opposed ability check against it in the next minute.
---- Enhance Senses
(Ki cost: 3 innate / 2 trained)
Initial benefit: Gain advantage on perception, investigation and intuition checks. Requires concentration.
Secondary benefit: If you pay twice the cost and sacrifice the initial benefit, you instead gain blindsight. This benefit requires both concentration and the expenditure of one force point every round.
---- Fear (dark side)
(Ki cost: 3 innate / 2 trained)
Make an Wis check (+prof if trained). The result equals the Cha save DC. If successful, the target is frightened as long as you maintain concentration. The target gets a new save at the end of each of its turns.
---- Force Grip (dark side)
(Ki cost: 4 innate / 3 trained)
Make an Int check (+prof if trained). The result equals the Con save DC. If successful, the target is grappled (at range, this supersedes the general rule about grapple range) and takes 2d6 damage each round that you concentrate, plus an additional 1d6 for each point spent above the initial cost. The target gets a new save at the end of each of its turns.
---- Force Heal
(Ki cost: 3 innate / 2 trained)
Heal a creature of 1d8 + wisdom modifier damage, plus an additional 1d8 for each point spent above the initial cost.
---- Force Illusion
At level 3, you can cast Minor Illusion. (Ki cost: 2 innate / 1 trained)
At level 6, you can cast Silent Image. (Ki cost: 3 innate / 2 trained)
At level 11, you can cast Major Image. (Ki cost: 5 innate / 3 trained)
These illusions only affect a single target of your choice.
---- Force Lightning (dark side)
(Ki cost: 2 innate / 1 trained)
You cast Witch Bolt. Each additional point spent counts as an extra spell level.
---- Force Strike (some uses dark side)
(Ki cost: 3 innate / 2 trained)
Make an Int check (+prof if trained). The result equals the Str save DC. Up to four adjacent targets take 3d4 damage, are pushed 10 feet, and fall prone. On a successful save, the targets take half damage and are not pushed or knocked prone. If used against intelligent living targets, this becomes a dark side power.
---- Friendship
(Ki cost: 1 innate / 0 trained)
You cast the Friends cantrip.
---- Hurl Object (some uses dark side)
(requires Move Object to be trained) (Ki cost: variable, see Move Object)
When you use Move Object, you may throw the item with enough force and velocity to deal damage. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 damage for each point of force required to move the object (not for each point spent to move the object). If the object hurled is a living creature, it takes the damage as well. If used on or against a living creature, this becomes a dark side power.
---- Imbue Lightsaber
(Ki cost: 1 permanent Ki point) (level 6 required)
Your Lightsaber gains a +1 to attack and damage rolls. You can gain this Force Power up to three times and the effects of doing so stack, but you may not take this power more than once at any given level. The first time you take this power you must learn it as a trained ability. Each subsequent time it may be taken as an innate ability if you choose.
---- Mind Trick
(Ki cost: 3 innate / 2 trained)
As per Suggestion, except the following. Make a Wis check (+prof if trained). Result equals the save Cha DC.
---- Move Object
(Ki cost: 2 innate / 1 trained)
You can lift and move an object weighing 10 lbs or less. Each time you double the current cost increases this limit by a factor of 10, becoming 100 lbs at a cost of 4/2, 1000 lbs at a cost of 8/4, etc. If used against a living creature, the target gets a Wis save to negate the effect. Make an Int check (+prof if trained). The result equals the save DC.
---- Prolong Force
(must be chosen as a trained ability)
You may choose to spend Hit Points to power your Force Powers instead of Ki. The Hit Point cost is equal to three times the untrained (or innate) Ki cost, regardless of whether you are trained in the Force Power being used or not.
---- Sense Force
(must be chosen as a trained ability)
DM Fiat premonitions
---- Telepathy
(Ki cost: 2 innate / 1 trained)
You can create a mental link with any creature that you have met who is on the same plane and planet. Through this link you can send emotions and a five word message to the target. If trained, you only need be on the same plane of existence and the planetary restriction is lifted.

2017-05-04, 07:31 AM
A Sith certainly needs to have

Shocking Grasp - Force Lightning
Levitation -
Lightning Bolt - Force Lightning
Vicious Mockery? - They seem to be very insulting
Detect Thoughts - Both Vader and Kylo Ren use this ability
Power Word Kill? - Best I can see for force choke...
Detect Evil and Good - They see each other

A Jedi
Animal Friendship - Ezra in Rebels seems skilled at this
Suggestion - Jedi Mind Trick
Levitation - Because lifting things with the force
Jump - for the Force Leap skill?
Foresight - Seeing the future is up there
Detect Evil and Good - They see each other

2017-05-04, 07:37 AM

Start with brutal force, for the force jump

Talent would be mystic hand

End with at 20

Brute force (for Niman style using force while attacking and defending)
Mastery of air (for leaps mid fight and aoe knock down force abilities )
Mastery of force (force choke , push, and lifting heavy things)
Mastery of wood and earth (animate weapon is light saber throw)
Precognition (I am one with the force the force is with me)
Psionic restoration (force heal)
Telepathic contact (mind shenanigans )
Psionic weapon (just whacking stuff, ethereal weapon over lethal strike tho)

Light step (being speedy)
Energy beam(lightning)
mystic hand (general force moving small things )
Mystic charm (quick mind tricks) / Beacon (choose a lightsaber color)

2017-05-04, 08:11 AM
You can do a good fantasy 'Jedi' with Warlock and GOO patron as The Force. At level 1 you're already throwing witch Sith lightning, and at level 14 you get to create a thrall take an apprentice. Doesn't get telekinesis and can only levitate itself though.

You can also get a lot of Jedi-styled tricks out of Monk. Open Hand has a lot of benefits, subtle and otherwise, but Four Elements has a few good choices too. Fist of Unbroken Air and Thunderwave are force push, and Hold Person is your force grip. There's less strong choices for it at higher levels, but see if you can take lightning bolt instead of fireball. It's an Avatar power too. You never even have to say Jedi.

The wizard's Bladesinger and the fighter's Eldritch Knight can't be discounted either, for swordplay with access to the excellent wizard list.

2017-05-04, 08:14 AM
The wizard's Bladesinger and the fighter's Eldritch Knight can't be discounted either, for swordplay with access to the excellent wizard list.

An EK would be a very effective Mace Windu type character.

2017-05-04, 10:35 AM
Have you considered using the Mystic as a chassis? You can be pretty martially competent, as well as getting a bunch of "Force" powers. Heck, the soul knife might even work for a lightsaber.

2017-05-04, 10:42 AM
Pact of the Blade Warlock.

You get a light sabers you turn on as a bonus action, Green Flame Blade for wide slashes and scaling damage, and a few force tricks for any given scene. Just reflux some RP stuff and you're golden.

2017-05-04, 10:44 AM
Pact of the Blade Warlock.

You get a light sabers you turn on as a bonus action, Green Flame Blade for wide slashes and scaling damage, and a few force tricks for any given scene. Just reflux some RP stuff and you're golden.

For a Jedi, just be a character that uses a Sun Blade. They're already a weapon hilt with an energy (radiant) blade that turns on and off. :)

2017-05-04, 12:09 PM
Pact of the Blade Warlock.

You get a light sabers you turn on as a bonus action, Green Flame Blade for wide slashes and scaling damage, and a few force tricks for any given scene. Just reflux some RP stuff and you're golden.

Also, UA has the Undying Light patron that you could use.

2017-05-04, 12:27 PM
For a Jedi, just be a character that uses a Sun Blade. They're already a weapon hilt with an energy (radiant) blade that turns on and off. :)

That's assuming you can -get- one. DM has control over that.

Pact of the Blade Warlock allows you to have it as soon as you finish your "But I wanna go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!" whining.

Meanwhile you can grab invocations like Bewitching Whispers for a powerful Jedi Mind Trick (you can use the Friends cantrip for the weak-minded ones), Eldritch Sight to see the Force, Repelling Blast to throw enemies around, Otherworldly Leap to jump around like Yoda on crack, and Whispers of the Grave to chit-chat with the Force Ghost of your dead mentor.

Just need to talk to your DM about letting you grab Telekinesis as a 5th level spell so you can get your X-Wing out of the mud.

2017-05-04, 12:35 PM
That's assuming you can -get- one. DM has control over that.

Pact of the Blade Warlock allows you to have it as soon as you finish your "But I wanna go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!" whining.

Meanwhile you can grab invocations like Bewitching Whispers for a powerful Jedi Mind Trick (you can use the Friends cantrip for the weak-minded ones), Eldritch Sight to see the Force, Repelling Blast to throw enemies around, Otherworldly Leap to jump around like Yoda on crack, and Whispers of the Grave to chit-chat with the Force Ghost of your dead mentor.

Just need to talk to your DM about letting you grab Telekinesis as a 5th level spell so you can get your X-Wing out of the mud.

Well done, very well done :)

2017-05-04, 12:40 PM
A multiclass Monk/Druid does this pretty well.
You pick up some extra abilities that aren't very jedi/like, but I think that's true of many "jedi" builds.

Monk: the physicality, the step of wind, the unarmored look & robes.
Druid: A number of druid spells up to level four are pretty jedi-like:
0 Guidance, Gust, Resistance, Thunderclap
1 Animal Friendship, Charm Person, Detect Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Jump, Longstrider
2 Thunderwave, Enhance Ability, Find Traps, Flame Blade, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace, Protection from Poison
3 Feign Death, Protection from Elements
4 Confusion, Dominate Beast, Freedom of Movement, Locate Creature