View Full Version : 3.5 healer

2017-05-05, 11:38 AM
so I need to make a healer (3.5 build) that is traveling with a rouge and a ranger level 5 build any suggestion its a urban based campaign, I could just do the simple healer DMPC I just never really played a healer before so just looking for the right direction or ideas

Karl Aegis
2017-05-05, 11:39 AM
A wand of cure light wounds.

2017-05-05, 11:46 AM
If you're looking to do a pure healer, you might be disappointed. A Cleric focused on battlefield control spells like Ice Slick and support spells like Recitation will have you taking an active role and being much more engaged. Since Clerics can spontaneously cast cures you'll have no problem with healing if it's called for (though the aforementioned wand of cure light, or lessor vigor, will do that job as well).

(Calling Giles... :-P)

2017-05-05, 11:46 AM
A wand of cure light wounds.

okay aside form the sarcasm.. I wanted the character to actually have a purpose in the campaign, there's not many healers in the delvers guild so I wanted to bring a character in the game that had some meaning

2017-05-05, 11:53 AM
alright so let me elaborate a little more, so eventually in the campaign the necropolis district is going to break out of the fortress that's holding it back, which includes spirits, zombies, skeleton's, a very powerful lich etc. which is going to flood into the 75,000 person city and If the healer lived I wanted him to have a importance in this to help seal the dead back, also like I stated not many healers in this particular guild because most die so majorty of people go potions, wands the usual so I was just trying to build a character

Karl Aegis
2017-05-05, 12:07 PM
Truenamer 2
5 ranks in Truespeak
Ability Focus Truespeak
Masterwork Tool Truespeak
Decent enough Int score or +Int skill check race

Pick up Universal Aptitude and Word of Nurturing, Minor as your Lexicon choices.

Stay away from the front line, but feel free to be closer to the front line than a usual healer due to the fact that you can afford to spend resources on yourself, unlike a normal healer. Still, try not to die a horrible and painful death.


2017-05-05, 12:50 PM
Truenamer 2
5 ranks in Truespeak
Ability Focus Truespeak
Masterwork Tool Truespeak
Decent enough Int score or +Int skill check race

Pick up Universal Aptitude and Word of Nurturing, Minor as your Lexicon choices.

Stay away from the front line, but feel free to be closer to the front line than a usual healer due to the fact that you can afford to spend resources on yourself, unlike a normal healer. Still, try not to die a horrible and painful death.


I feel like this class would be better represented through a player, I will be DM and also playing this character I feel like truenamer just wouldn't sit right feel like it would be disrespecting the class

2017-05-05, 12:53 PM
suldbvbsjgbjhuiuiuhdhsjjalamuhah- truename for negative

2017-05-05, 12:56 PM
I feel like this class would be better represented through a player, I will be DM and also playing this character I feel like truenamer just wouldn't sit right feel like it would be disrespecting the class

Oh, no deary. We couldn't disrespect truenamer any more than the class already disrespects itself. Going with what was suggested, you will eventually be limited on healing abilities by how high the skill check gets, unless you are running some auto success on a 20 house rule for skills. It is a busted class that doesn't really operate in any fashion that makes sense or doesn't require mountains of cheese. Sticky, stinky, gooey cheese.

2017-05-05, 01:02 PM
There's a Healer class in the Miniatures Handbook. It's generally considered sub-optimal for all the reasons that in-combat healing is considered sub-optimal... and for reasons that the class invents just to make itself sub-optimal.

If you want a DMPC "healer" that is going to help stem the tide of an undead horde...

Just be a Cleric. Get the Sun and Healing domains. Go into Radiant Servant of Pelor when you can.

Mike Miller
2017-05-05, 01:03 PM
Have you seen the class titled Healer? It may fit the role exactly as you intend.

Karl Aegis
2017-05-05, 01:07 PM
Okay, what exactly is a healer to you? We seem to be using very different definitions for healer with yours being some kind of ghost buster Mary Sue type thing instead of the standard never take damage save us from our mistakes type healer.

2017-05-05, 01:08 PM
There's a Healer class in the Miniatures Handbook. It's generally considered sub-optimal for all the reasons that in-combat healing is considered sub-optimal... and for reasons that the class invents just to make itself sub-optimal.

If you want a DMPC "healer" that is going to help stem the tide of an undead horde...

Just be a Cleric. Get the Sun and Healing domains. Go into Radiant Servant of Pelor when you can.

cleric was my first though it was just exactly what you stated of stem the tide of a undead horde which is why I asked didn't know if you new a good build if the npc does make it I was planning around between level 10-13 of the outbreak

2017-05-05, 01:11 PM
Okay, what exactly is a healer to you? We seem to be using very different definitions for healer with yours being some kind of ghost buster Mary Sue type thing instead of the standard never take damage save us from our mistakes type healer.

you made me laugh mary type sue havent heard that in a long time :smallbiggrin: , and by healer yes I mean the save us from our mistakes kind, just eventually wanted to deal with helping seal the undead back into the necropolis (if he ever made it that far)

2017-05-05, 01:13 PM
alright so let me elaborate a little more, so eventually in the campaign the necropolis district is going to break out of the fortress that's holding it back, which includes spirits, zombies, skeleton's, a very powerful lich etc. which is going to flood into the 75,000 person city and If the healer lived I wanted him to have a importance in this to help seal the dead back, also like I stated not many healers in this particular guild because most die so majorty of people go potions, wands the usual so I was just trying to build a character

Okay, what exactly is a healer to you? We seem to be using very different definitions for healer with yours being some kind of ghost buster Mary Sue type thing instead of the standard never take damage save us from our mistakes type healer.

Seconded. After reading your post over, it really sounds like you are suffering from a bad case of DMPCitis. Don't worry, it isn't lethal, we just need to shore a few things up. First off, if you are the DM and playing a PC at the same time, do not under any circumstances make this all about your DMPC. If you constantly have the spotlight blazing down on this guy in the way it vaguely sounds like you are wanting to, you will only end up alienating your party. Now we have the other issue of how you are describing this guy: if you aren't going to make him OP, then it also sounds like you could make an escort mission out of him, as in the party trying to keep him safe against a world of angry undead. Doable, but feel free to google any of the dozens of videos explaining why escort missions suck.

Besides that, yea, a simple Healer or Cleric would work for this.

Karl Aegis
2017-05-05, 01:14 PM
cleric was my first though it was just exactly what you stated of stem the tide of a undead horde which is why I asked didn't know if you new a good build if the npc does make it I was planning around between level 10-13 of the outbreak

Sorcerer 6 / War Weaver 5
Domain Access: Healing
Hook up with a bunch of buddies, teleport into a mass of undead and let loose a mass cure light wounds. Most undead should die if you hooked up enough people. You have just solved the plot. Why did you need PCs?

2017-05-05, 01:17 PM
thank you buufreak you are completely right this is a bad case of DMPCitis thank you for the diagnose before it got bad, sorry for the wasted time I was much distracted on my idea and really not thinking it through

2017-05-05, 01:19 PM
Sorcerer 6 / War Weaver 5
Domain Access: Healing
Hook up with a bunch of buddies, teleport into a mass of undead and let loose a mass cure light wounds. Most undead should die if you hooked up enough people. You have just solved the plot. Why did you need PCs?

thankyou for the input from the beginning and trying to help but buufreak solved this,

2017-05-05, 01:23 PM
Well, I had a long reply about the benefits of the (generally subpar) Healer class from the Miniatures handbook, but... looks like the situation's resolved itself, so I'll just delete that thing...

2017-05-05, 01:25 PM
Well, I had a long reply about the benefits of the (generally subpar) Healer class from the Miniatures handbook, but... looks like the situation's resolved itself, so I'll just delete that thing...

I read it before you deleted it buddy, I liked the idea of switching with positive and negative energy planes tho,

2017-05-05, 01:31 PM
Being a healer isn't a full-time role unless you plan on also interacting with NPCs. In combat, as others have said, taking a preventative approach to your medicine is much more effective.

There's a couple routes you could take to easily heal, while allowing yourself the freedom to do other things:

Dip Dragon Shaman or take Draconic Aura (DM 16) to get the Draconic Vigour aura, which fast heal 1s all your allies up to half, and supplement with wands and belts of healing. Touch of Healing (CC 62) is similar.
Focus on being able to heal unusual conditions such as stunning, dazing, ability damage, etc -- all those things that wands/ belts won't cover. You could use things like Mitigate Suffering (CC 61), Vathrin Stigmata (Drag319 61), Benevolent ACF (Drag311 50), Divine Restoration ACF (Ds 9), any of the spontaneous domain casting+a restoration domain, or similar.
If you really wanted to, you could go down the battle healer route by adding riders to your heals, such as with Imbued Healing (CC 60). If you're going to do this, you'll want Healing Improved Power (Drag342 24) so that you don't need to run all over. Healer ACF (Drag353 88) might be nice, too.
Optimise the heck out of it. Use whatever CL-boosting tricks you favour in conjunction with the Pool of Healing ACF (CC 47) to never run out of healing mojo.

Preemptive edit: Buufreak raises a good point. I'll stop here for now.

2017-05-06, 02:14 AM
Make a Warforged with Adamantine Body, Psion (Egoist) 5 with True Healer (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070314a). A literal heal-bot.

Edit: Plan for him to go into Sangehirn (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625c) at least until Healing Touch, but be sure to take the levels that increase manifesting at levels you would want to pick from the limited list of powers.