View Full Version : General manga&anime thread I:Under construction

2017-05-05, 12:48 PM
This thread is for talking about or discussing all those minor mangas and animes that might not warrant a full new thread, but that you might still feel a need to share or comment on among fellow entutiasts.

In this sort of thread spoilers are of course impossible to avoid, but i would all the same ask people to at least be a little considerate in not directly ruining a big surprise for others. Like for example revealing that the philosofers stone in FMA is actually made of people, to pick an older example.

Anyway, i though that if this actually reaches 25 pages then we can have a vote for a actual thread title there.

And to kick things off i would ask if anyone else have watched and enjoyed Mob psycho 100? It share some simularities with One Punch man, though the protagonist is not quite as overpowered. But it also manages at times to turn our expectations against us in some hilarious surprises.
I did also love how the most responsible adult in the show actually turns out to be the con man :smallbiggrin: