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2017-05-05, 10:02 PM
The Questrunners Guild's major hall lies deep within Peridotia but that is not where you begin. You are at a local hall near the eastern edge of Peridotia. It is a minor hall where you have been hired on for an exploratory mission into the jungle. You are waiting to meet your contact in the guild, Robert, outside of the city walls in the warm humid air of midsummer.

2017-05-05, 10:58 PM
Derrussar chaffed at being summoned like this, but his his word is his word.
"If I give you this boon, Derr, then a boon in return, at my choosing, I expect back." the Questrunner said, having a valuable bit of information Derrussar needed and he knew it. The dark-furred Catfolk pondered discarding the Questrunner's price but the cost of garnering the information, if even possible, would be high. Grinding his teeth, Derrussar smiled as best he could. "So be it. I will give you a favor for the... information."
He looked at the others, keeping his contempt from his face. Gnome, human and pixie. And a Catman. Sounded like a bad joke told by a drunken bard in a tavern near the tanneries.
Seeing the others not making any inroads, he sighed internally while putting on his charm.
"I am Derrussar Winding Path. By your leave, I would have your names, if we are traveling together." Once they give up whatever name they choose to give, he smiles at each in turn. "So, what brings each of you before the Questrunners Guild? Promises of gold and riches?
An oath to bear? A need for adventure? All are valid for each."

2017-05-06, 03:41 AM
"Ian Daystar." said the young man. "I guess I'm here for the adventuring - you could say it's in my blood."

He took out his Psicrystal - a teal crystal in the shape of a hemisphere. The crystal grew legs made out of psionic ectoplasm.

"And this here is Cygnus. He's my Psicrystal - that's what Psions get instead of familiars."

2017-05-06, 04:02 AM
"The name is Trixis, but most call me Redeyes for some reason." the little gnome says, her voice much deeper than her slight frame would suggest. "Believe it or not, I am here to help you with my knowledge. That is who I am. That is what I do."

2017-05-07, 09:33 AM
Derrussar nods to each in turn. "Well, we all have our reasons. I have some talent with magic and items, while I can usually persuade someone to help us along the way, which I imagine I was asked along." he says with a toothy grin.

2017-05-07, 05:07 PM
Derrussar nods to each in turn. "Well, we all have our reasons. I have some talent with magic and items, while I can usually persuade someone to help us along the way, which I imagine I was asked along." he says with a toothy grin.

"My ablilties lie in the area of physical combat and psionic powers. Looks like I'm the front-liner, then." said Ian. "I'm pretty good at tracking as well."

"By the way... didn't Robert say that there would be four people? I count only three."

2017-05-08, 01:19 AM
"Yes he did. I hope they will arrive shortly."

2017-05-08, 02:04 AM
"Yes he did. I hope they will arrive shortly."

Ian nodded.

"I wonder what's the problem... hope it's nothing too serious.

That reminds me. What can you do? I think you're a divine spellcaster..."

2017-05-08, 02:28 AM
"Very observant of you! Yes I am, I serve Rill Cleverthrush as His Cleric."
After a second, if she does not see recognition and understanding on Ian's face, she adds:
"Rill Cleverthrush is the Gnomish God of Artisans."

2017-05-08, 02:47 AM
"Very observant of you! Yes I am, I serve Rill Cleverthrush as His Cleric."
After a second, if she does not see recognition and understanding on Ian's face, she adds:
"Rill Cleverthrush is the Gnomish God of Artisans."

"Oh, I see. I know a little about religion, but to be honest I only dabbled in it a little. Still, the name rings a bell.

May I ask what magic he grants to his priests?"

2017-05-08, 02:59 AM
"The usual spread of spells I would say, with focus on spells that help with finding, aquiring and understanding magic items, gems most of all. I usually like to be prepared for those occasions. I am afraid killing things is not His speciality nor is it mine. I can hold my own, I guess. Once we get to more dangerous places I will prepare for the brutality one has to face in the process of uncovering secrets." Trixis sighs "It is unavoidable, I fear. Unpleasant, anyway."

Almost as an afterthought she adds: "Oh, and I am quite good at healing as well. It is expected of me, I know."

2017-05-08, 03:29 AM
"The usual spread of spells I would say, with focus on spells that help with finding, aquiring and understanding magic items, gems most of all. I usually like to be prepared for those occasions. I am afraid killing things is not His speciality nor is it mine. I can hold my own, I guess. Once we get to more dangerous places I will prepare for the brutality one has to face in the process of uncovering secrets." Trixis sighs "It is unavoidable, I fear. Unpleasant, anyway."

Almost as an afterthought she adds: "Oh, and I am quite good at healing as well. It is expected of me, I know."

Ian sighed as well.

"Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Competition isn't bad, but there's so much needless conflict in the world.

That's part of the reason why I always wanted to be an adventurer. My parents were adventurers too, you see, and I've heard enough to know that it's not all gold and glory. Ever heard about the Stellar Champions?"

2017-05-08, 03:37 AM
I hope it is ok if I just go ahead and play this out.
Lore Roll: [roll0]
25: Obscure, known by few, hard to come by. Should e good enough I guess.

"The Stellar Companions you say? Lily and Lucas Daystar, right? Michael Rayshine? Julia Sharpeye? I heard a few stories told aout them in a tavern once."

2017-05-08, 05:26 AM
I hope it is ok if I just go ahead and play this out.
Lore Roll: [roll0]
25: Obscure, known by few, hard to come by. Should e good enough I guess.

"The Stellar Companions you say? Lily and Lucas Daystar, right? Michael Rayshine? Julia Sharpeye? I heard a few stories told aout them in a tavern once."

"And Lydial Forestleaf and Torken... yeah, those guys. I don't have to explain how I'm related to them, do I?

Don't tell too many people though - it gets annoying."

2017-05-08, 05:39 AM
"I understand. My parents work in a libary, nothing exiting there. But when I heard the call I had to go and see the world. It is quite fascinating really."

2017-05-15, 04:18 PM
Arathana silently approaches and descends down towards the group, hearing her new companions talk amongst themselves. Feeling uncomfortable, but no more so than usual when dealing with others, she lands in front of them before turning visible. "You can call me Ara. I apologise for my lateness."

She doesn't really have much knowledge on the current topic (or particularly want to input details from her past) so she continues with what she sees her role as. "I'm a martial adept skilled at unarmed combat. My invisibility and size allow me to additionally serve well as a scout."

2017-05-15, 04:20 PM
"Hello Ara!" Trixis says with a smile "My name is Trixis."

2017-05-15, 07:12 PM
"Pleasure to meet you, Ara. My name is Ian Daystar, and this is my psicrystal, Cygnus. The catfolk here calls himself Derrussar." said the young man. "So, it looks like we're all here now."

"Now, I wonder what's taking Robert so long..."

2017-05-18, 02:47 AM
"Long is not the term I would use to describe it," says a strange burbling voice from the edge of everyone's vision. A weird mix of lobster, clam, and humanoid stands before you waving its left claw in admonishment. "I am precisely on time according to my chronometer and my chronometer is the one I will be use to meter time. Now, come to my office and we shall discuss the mission." The clam/lobster man turns and heads to the small wooden building that sits not too far out from the walls of the city.

2017-05-18, 02:50 AM
"Long is not the term I would use to describe it," says a strange burbling voice from the edge of everyone's vision. A weird mix of lobster, clam, and humanoid stands before you waving its left claw in admonishment. "I am precisely on time according to my chronometer and my chronometer is the one I will be use to meter time. Now, come to my office and we shall discuss the mission." The clam/lobster man turns and heads to the small wooden building that sits not too far out from the walls of the city.

"Yeesh, talk about timing." said Ian. "Come on, let's go."

2017-05-18, 02:53 AM
With a shrug and a smile for her companions Trixis follows, her mind already set on the task of figuring out what kind of creature they were dealing with.

@ZamielVanWeber: What knowledge skill do I roll?
I will add the appropriate modifier to the roll later: [roll0]

2017-05-18, 07:43 AM
Ian followed the being called Robert. As he did so, he asked nobody in particular,

"Oh, would anyone mind if I check out your auras? Of course, if you don't want me to, then I won't..."

He means if he can check the others with a detect psionics, which due to psionics-magic transparency also functions as detect magic. I'm not sure if I can identify specific magic dweomers with a Psicraft check, though.

2017-05-18, 12:21 PM
Ara shrugs in response to Ian's question, not really knowing why he wants to do this, but seeing no harm in it. She then flies on ahead to Robert's office eager to get on with the mission.

2017-05-18, 08:45 PM
"Derrussar? Trixis? Are you guys okay with that too?" asked Ian. "It's nothing serious, just a power for detecting magic and psionics."

2017-05-19, 01:37 AM
"Go ahead, I do not mind at all!"

2017-05-19, 01:43 AM
"Go ahead, I do not mind at all!"

"What about you, Derrussar? If you don't like it, that's fine with me, I guess."

Anyone know what happened to razorback? He hasn't posted for a while and he said he'd be back by now.

2017-05-19, 06:21 PM
Derrussar has a look of one weighing something before answering. "You have my permission but it is always wise to consider what you're seeking before you go looking."
As he follows the others into the office.

2017-05-19, 10:09 PM
That's pretty deep. Maybe you should keep that in mind.

said the telepathic voice of Ian's psicrystal.

Good point Cygnus. Still, it would probably be stupid not doing it after getting permission.

Ian activated his detect psionics. As he did, his eyes glowed, and a soft hum sounded. With his newly enhanced senses, Ian checked his future teammates, and Robert as well for good measure.

Cygnus will speak in the same color as Ian, and in the Garamond font to distinguish from his owner.

As I've just activated it, detect psionics only allows me to detect the presence or absence of magic and psionic auras. I'll need a few more seconds to check more specific stuff.

Speaking of which, how does magic-psionics transparency interact with Psicraft and Spellcraft?

2017-05-22, 02:34 AM
The power activated without a hitch. To Ian's senses, all three of his new teammates were letting off a weak aura, meaning that they all had at least one magic or psionic item.

Unfortunately, Ian had already guessed that, as there was no way that adventurers of their status would lack any sort of dweomered object at all. He did detect a psionic aura from Ana, though.

In hindsight, I should probably just asked what they had, instead of scanning them myself. Oh well...

With a small sigh, Ian dropped the manifestation and joined the others.

Hmm, it's been a while since anyone's posted. Btw, did I detect any sort of magic or psionic aura from Robert? In case you didn't know, detect psionics can distinguish between magic and psionics.

2017-05-25, 11:08 AM
Robert sits on an oddly shape stool that conforms to his clammish body. He waves a claw, "Gentlefolk, thank you for your help. We have encountered a minor problem that seems excellent to determine the abilities of new adventurers such as yourselves." He daintily picks a map up and rolls it, holding it down with rocks stamped with the Questrunner's insignia, "the many jungles on Folia was actually quite populated with both sedentary and semi-nomadic tribes. One area is reporting an unusually high amount of disease. As soon as people can overcome it they are afflicted by another. We want you to investigate the illness and determine what can be done to stop it, especially before it spreads into Peridotia. We highly suspect this is the work of Nurgle or Talona cultists so expect divine magic. Any questions," he finishes with his burbling voice.

2017-05-25, 11:20 AM
"I have some knowledge on diseases." Trixis pipes up "Can you tell me more about the illnesses that spread there?"

2017-05-25, 05:19 PM
"I have some knowledge on diseases." Trixis pipes up "Can you tell me more about the illnesses that spread there?"

"I'm curious about that as well. Whatever the cause, we need to know all that we can."

Glad to see the game's back up and running. Rolling Knowledge(religion) twice to see what I remember about the churches of Nurgle and Talona.


Edit: Looks like the answer's "not that much". At least I beat the DC 10 check. :smallannoyed:

2017-05-26, 01:24 AM
Ara grimaces. Disease is not really something she's good at dealing with. Can't punch it, and it's not really something that you can hide from either, though the cultists spreading it...

"If it is cultists spreading it, would those cultists be spreading these diseases from outside the tribe or likely to have infiltrated them and be working within?" There isn't a guarantee that it is cultists that are doing this, but Robert said it was likely them and that problem is the most within Ara's wheelhouse to solve.

2017-05-26, 01:59 AM
Ara grimaces. Disease is not really something she's good at dealing with. Can't punch it, and it's not really something that you can hide from either, though the cultists spreading it...

"If it is cultists spreading it, would those cultists be spreading these diseases from outside the tribe or likely to have infiltrated them and be working within?" There isn't a guarantee that it is cultists that are doing this, but Robert said it was likely them and that problem is the most within Ara's wheelhouse to solve.

Huh. thought Ian. I didn't think about that.

If the plagues are indeed caused by the cults of...

Nurgle and Talona. That's what Robert said. said Cygnus' telepathic voice in Ian's head.

Thank you, but next time try waiting more than half a second before butting in.

You're welcome.

*telepathic sigh* Anyways, if this really is the work of cultists, then whether this was inside work or not could be crucial.

If this is the work of spies, then they'll probably try to stab us in the back. Well, you in the back, I don't have one.

But if they don't, that means either they don't have anyone subtle enough to fool everyone...

...Or they're good enough not to bother. I wonder if there are clerical spells that can do that. We - okay, I should probably talk about that with the others later.

2017-05-26, 09:46 AM
"I have little knowledge of such matters, but will help where I can. Cultists, eh? Well, if nothing else, we'll ferret out the nest and end their menace, keeping the disease from spreading any further."

2017-05-26, 09:56 PM
"I have little knowledge of such matters, but will help where I can. Cultists, eh? Well, if nothing else, we'll ferret out the nest and end their menace, keeping the disease from spreading any further."

Ian glanced at the Catfolk.

I don't like him.



That's kind of harsh. We've known him for, what, ten minutes?

Probably less than that. And it's not like I'm saying that to his face.

Technically you can't say it to his face, Cygnus.


Yeah, I know that technically, Cygnus shouldn't have such a distinct personality. He's only a 3rd-level psicrystal, after all. But he's not a 1st-level one, either. He has Int 7, and 10 for his Wis and Cha. I think that's enough for an intelligent conversation, and personally there's no real mechanical benefit, so...

Oh, both Cygnus and Ian don't really like Derrussar that much. However, Cygnus is a Nimble psicrystal, so he's quicker to decide how he feels about the Warlock. Ian isn't as decisive(or as he would say, hasty), so he's less inclined to do so.

Note that they "don't like" him, not "dislike" him. Something about him rubs them the wrong way, but they have no reason to dislike him.

Edit: Oh yeah, I've decided to make Cygnus's dialogue bigger. Using the default Garamond font made the letters smaller, for some reason.

2017-05-27, 04:34 AM
Talona you know precious little of save that she is a goddess of chaos and evil and her church is extremely loose, more cult-like than anything else. As for Nurgle he is an incredibly chaotic being who represents the inevitable cycle of existence: life springs from death, dies, and new life springs. He has gained little major traction outside of myconid settlements in Folia and his priests are greeted cautiously: once is as likely to give illness as to treat it.

Robert shifts his considerable bulk. "We are not sure how the cultists are spreading disease, but the rate and stubbornness of the infections make us highly believe that there is an agency at work here beyond simple ill fortune, forgive the pun." He waves his claws in a gesture that is difficult to understand but seems to indicate frustration. "We need to deter that agency before it tests Peridotia and the simple fact that our good relations with the tribes on Folia benefits us is greatly added incentive to end this now."

2017-05-27, 04:42 AM
Talona you know precious little of save that she is a goddess of chaos and evil and her church is extremely loose, more cult-like than anything else. As for Nurgle he is an incredibly chaotic being who represents the inevitable cycle of existence: life springs from death, dies, and new life springs. He has gained little major traction outside of myconid settlements in Folia and his priests are greeted cautiously: once is as likely to give illness as to treat it.

Robert shifts his considerable bulk. "We are not sure how the cultists are spreading disease, but the rate and stubbornness of the infections make us highly believe that there is an agency at work here beyond simple ill fortune, forgive the pun." He waves his claws in a gesture that is difficult to understand but seems to indicate frustration. "We need to deter that agency before it tests Peridotia and the simple fact that our good relations with the tribes on Folia benefits us is greatly added incentive to end this now."

Ian spoke up.

"So it's definitely unnatural, then? Disease is a powerful weapon in the wrong hands... What kinds are we talking about? And is there anything else we have to know?"

I just got the joke... I actually swore and laughed at the same time. :smallbiggrin:

2017-05-29, 11:32 PM
Robert waves his claws unusally. "I am afraid we are unable to provide much more information. The diseases are varied and stubborn and we are simply unable to spare the resource to find out more. This is as much a fact finding trip as it is an opportunity to improve diplomatic relations."

2017-05-30, 01:25 AM
Robert waves his claws unusally. "I am afraid we are unable to provide much more information. The diseases are varied and stubborn and we are simply unable to spare the resource to find out more. This is as much a fact finding trip as it is an opportunity to improve diplomatic relations."

"I see. Very well then, I'm in. Do you know any places that sell cheap protections against disease? I can spare some gold to buy some scrolls." said Ian.

2017-05-30, 04:34 AM
"It is also an oportunity to help people in need. And to broaden our horizons. Sounds good to me!"

2017-05-30, 07:09 AM
Derrussar just arches an eyebrow at Trixis but lets it be.
"As Ian has stated, any proofs or protections would be beneficial. Having one of your eradicators succumb to the wiles of this disease would not bode well."

Its good that Cygnus and Ian don't like Derrussar. He isn't supposed to be likable. Hopefully he can prove to be, at least, valuable.

2017-05-30, 07:19 AM
Derrussar just arches an eyebrow at Trixis but lets it be.
"As Ian has stated, any proofs or protections would be beneficial. Having one of your eradicators succumb to the wiles of this disease would not bode well."

Its good that Cygnus and Ian don't like Derrussar. He isn't supposed to be likable. Hopefully he can prove to be, at least, valuable.

"Yeah, that would suck." Ian said.

"That reminds me... are there any clerical spells that would help, Trixis?"

Remember, Cygnus and Ian were using their telepathic bond to communicate, so Derrussar probably won't have actually heard what they were talking about. I guess that Ian might not have done a good job at hiding his feelings, though(no ranks in Bluff and no Charisma bonus), and I guess it's not too much of a stretch to think that he would have glanced at Cygnus a few times while they were talking.

I'll spoiler their private telepathic conversations in the future, though.

2017-05-31, 03:17 AM
Ara nods and says "If that's all" before getting ready to leave. Once they head out she goes invisible once more. She's glad to be done talking even if she understands that it's important for dealing with the client and getting information. Not talking means not having to be in awkward situations. Like having to explain that you don't have enough coinage to buy anything that could really protect her against diseases. Living on the road as has been has given her good opportunities and let her find some useful magic items to help her, but she hasn't gathered a lot of gold to buy stuff with.

Ara shakes aside any doubts, just trying to focus on he mission at hand and how one would best avoid the diseases being spread about. The group seems to be working alright together so far, hopefully that can continue. Hmm. As Ara watches the group invisibly above them she thinks she sees...

I see the Derrussar has See the Unseen on his list so he can see Ara even when she's invisible. I was wondering if she could notice that his eyes would sometimes follow her. I don't know whether that would be spot or sense motive, (or if this even works at all, which if it doesn't just means I'll edit out the last part of this post and we can disregard the roll) but I'll put a roll here for whatever modifiers would be used. [roll0]

2017-06-02, 08:42 PM
Ian turned to ask Arathana if she had enough gold to buy a scroll or two.

She was gone.

"What the? I could have sworn she was there a few seconds ago."

Ian looked around frantically for the Swordsage, but saw nothing. He swallowed.

Oh gods, this is just like the horror stories your father used to tell us!

You're not helping, Cygnus!

2017-06-03, 10:44 AM
Derrussar just gives a sly smile as Ian comments while giving Arathana a wink. "I wouldn't give it too much mind. I'm sure she will reappear any moment now, probably just went around the corner a bit.
To be honest, I'm a bit low on coin and have little to contribute but I will join you for now."

2017-06-03, 06:23 PM
Derrussar just gives a sly smile as Ian comments while giving Arathana a wink. "I wouldn't give it too much mind. I'm sure she will reappear any moment now, probably just went around the corner a bit.
To be honest, I'm a bit low on coin and have little to contribute but I will join you for now."

Ian didn't really like the Catfolk, but his words slightly calmed him down.


"Well, okay... if you say so. It's not like we've got invisible assassins trailing us, I guess."

He laughed nervously.

2017-06-04, 09:21 AM
Ara narrowed her eyes at Ian. She was not an assassin! But of more importance was the fact that Derrussar could see her or at least sense her pretty accurately in some other way. It made her uncomfortable, to be noticed so easily, but she pushed those feelings away. It was hardly his fault for having that ability, and being that he is an ally for now, it's actually just another boon for the team. Being invisible hardly gives Ara any insight on finding other invisible creatures. It also served as a good warning, even with that ability Ara had better make good use of her stealth skills and the like while on this mission in case there are others who can detect her as well.

With that bit of introspection done Ara moves on ahead, ready to start the mission they've been given.

2017-06-06, 10:08 PM
"Anyways," Ian said, shaking off his mild paranoia, "I do have some gold. So I could buy a few scrolls, and maybe some other ways of resisting disease... and have some spare change left, I think."

He continued, "I can't actually use scrolls, though... so I'll be giving them to you, Trixis. Unless Derrussar can use them too, I guess. I'll carry the other stuff."

I'm not sure if Ian would know about the delay disease spell - would I need to roll a Knowledge(religion) or a Spellcraft check? He should probably know about magic to know that spells that would help in resisting disease are likely divine, though - remember, both his parents were adventurers, and he knows the other members of their party personally, including Michael Rayshine(the NG Cleric of Pelor).

2017-06-07, 06:38 PM
"I have a way with scrolls and other hard to use magic items. Choose wisely and I will use them for you." the Catfolk says with a grin.

2017-06-07, 08:06 PM
"I have a way with scrolls and other hard to use magic items. Choose wisely and I will use them for you." the Catfolk says with a grin.

Ian raised an eyebrow before shrugging.

That guy's a bit weird.

Well, I suppose, but he doesn't seem bad. It'll be fine.

Not "bad" weird, just "odd" weird. And a bit too smug for my tastes, honestly, but that's mostly personal.

So yeah, I think we'll be okay.

"Good." said Ian, partly to Derrussar and partly to Cygnus in his pocket. The entire conversation he'd had with his psicrystal had taken place almost at the speed of thought itself - which, in a way, was unsurprising when you thought of how they'd talked to each other in the first place.

"I think there might be a low-level spell that would help, but I'll have to check the shops first. And I'm thinking of checking the herbal shops too, in case there's something useful there."

Let's see... I wonder if I'd need rolls?

Just in case, I'm rolling Knowledge(nature) to see if I know/remember Fleshshiver.


I'm not the only one to check their character sheet before every roll because they don't remember the bonus, right? :smallannoyed:

Edit: Ooh, natural 18! I'm pretty sure the Survival DC is for finding it in the wild, so that's not indicative of whether I made the check or not, but I think that I rolled fairly high enough to know about it or remember.

2017-06-08, 12:55 AM
"Thank you Ian. I can use items with divine magic just fine. In other things I will not be as useful I fear."

2017-06-08, 01:06 AM
"Thank you Ian. I can use items with divine magic just fine. In other things I will not be as useful I fear."

"Well, besides you, only Derrussar can. We all have things that we can't do... that's why we ask other people for help. That's why we're working together." Ian said.

"Don't worry about not being able to do what someone else can do... find what you can do, and do it as well as you can. That's what my parents have told me... and that's what I'm telling you guys now, he continued, looking at his two visible companions. And perhaps to myself, too, he thought.

"And that goes for Ara too... I'm not sure where she is now, but I hope she can trust us to help her.

I trust her as well, after all."

Remember that OOC as well guys. And not just as players. :smallwink:

2017-06-08, 01:44 AM
"What do you think will happen when we reach the jungle?" Trixis seems to be happy to have someone to talk to "I mean, I have heard about many dangers there. From insects to dragons, there are so many creatures living there. And plants,
too! They can be real dangerous!"

2017-06-08, 01:55 AM
"What do you think will happen when we reach the jungle?" Trixis seems to be happy to have someone to talk to "I mean, I have heard about many dangers there. From insects to dragons, there are so many creatures living there. And plants, too! They can be real dangerous!"

"Yeah... dangerous." Ian muttered, suddenly solemn. "I've heard a lot too. And I'm sure that the jungle isn't going to be a big threat, at least not compared to who or what's spreading all the diseases.

Still, promise me that you'll stay on your guard. You too, Derrussar." he added, looking at the feline Warlock.

"I think I can get us through without much problem, but you never know. Even if we don't run into too many jungle hazards, we have to make sure that the journey doesn't drain us too much, especially if Robert's right. And to be honest, he probably is."

2017-06-08, 06:38 AM
Derrussar nods at the comments and pauses for a moment, considering his words... about giving too much information about himself, before speaking. "Ian is right. I grew up in the jungle. Most of the creatures mean you no harm other than protecting themselves or looking at you like their next meal. Not malice,
in that sense, just a sense of finely tuned survival. It is best to cultivate that spirit, especially when we find whatever is spreading this disease. Guaranteed that malice in in their mind."

2017-06-08, 07:23 AM
Derrussar nods at the comments and pauses for a moment, considering his words... about giving too much information about himself, before speaking. "Ian is right. I grew up in the jungle. Most of the creatures mean you no harm other than protecting themselves or looking at you like their next meal. Not malice, in that sense, just a sense of finely tuned survival. It is best to cultivate that spirit, especially when we find whatever is spreading this disease. Guaranteed that malice in in their mind."

While something still rubbed Ian - and by extension, Cygnus - the wrong way about the way how the catfolk spoke, the general gist was something that he could agree with.

"Yes, many beasts would like to avoid conflict, unless in defense or to feed... A shame people are different." Ian sighed. "The wilderness might be a pain to get through, but believe me, if so much as a tenth of the things my parents have told me are true... that's not even the tip of the iceberg. And while divine casters are incredibly powerful allies in any case, they're an absolute nightmare on the receiving side." He shuddered. "And that's not just from hearsay."

Can confirm. mentioned Cygnus, with the telepathic equivalent of a wince. Remember that sparring accident with Michael?

Don't remind me.

Once, when Michael was visiting, he'd suggested a light mock fight against Ian and Cygnus. It had been going well, until the Cleric had become distracted. Ironically, the fight had gotten even harder, because Michael had tried to make up for his split focus with stronger spells. And when he'd turned back, the young Ian was on his face, battered and bleeding from a stone storm and half dead by then. To rub salt in the wound, it was Michael's healing powers that got him back up on his feet.

Predictably, both Ian's parents were less than amused.

At least he bought you a ton of stuff. Wasn't that jug of shapesand from him, and the rations and mug - not to mention the holy water and the ioun stone? And I wouldn't be surprised if he forked over half the money to make your sword as well.

He didn't have to, but Mom hasn't forgiven him completely yet. And even if she had, he probably still hasn't forgiven himself.

Stone Storm is from Secrets of Sarlona. It's a 3rd level spell for Wizards/Sorcerers and a 5th level spell for Clerics. It deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 slashing damage that bypasses DR as magic + bludgeoning and magic + slashing, respectively, as well as a penalty to Listen checks for a round.

Needless to say, that was way overkill for a sparring match against Ian, who was probably something like ECL 3~4 at the most then. Good thing it wasn't a Flame Strike. :smalltongue:

2017-07-05, 10:14 PM
The jungles of Folia thin out near Peridotia, but as you traverse deeper the trees become thick and the canopy starts to shroud the sun. The day passes uneventfully and you eventually find a good place to make camp. Even at night the forest is alive and talking and the air is almost oppressive with the weight of its moisture.

I rolled and there were no day encounters. Survival rolls to get food/water for the day or draw from rations. Do you want to make camp or press on? You expect you are about half a day from the infected area.

2017-07-05, 10:33 PM
The jungles of Folia thin out near Peridotia, but as you traverse deeper the trees become thick and the canopy starts to shroud the sun. The day passes uneventfully and you eventually find a good place to make camp. Even at night the forest is alive and talking and the air is almost oppressive with the weight of its moisture.

I rolled and there were no day encounters. Survival rolls to get food/water for the day or draw from rations. Do you want to make camp or press on? You expect you are about half a day from the infected area.

"This looks like a good camping spot as any... should we stay here for the night?" asked Ian.

"Personally, I think that we shouldn't strain ourselves this early, if we have enough rations. And I think I can gather more if we really need it... what do you think?"

You know that every hour spent here is an hour more people suffer, right?

I know, Cygnus. But we can't take any risks, not when it could be a potentially hard fight. Remember, we have to fight both disease and cultists. Adding fatigue to that list probably isn't a good idea.

*sigh* Yeah, I'm being impatient again. But still.

Hey, I want to keep going too, but we both know that it's a bad idea. Wish we could, though.


Jeez, it's good to have the game back and running again.

I vote for camping here for the night. I should really shape my Shedu Crown(I didn't have it shaped in Peridota because it's a freaking crown floating over my head) in the morning.

2017-07-06, 02:39 AM
Ara draws into her supplies and takes some of the rations she has on her person. She's not really a 'jungle person' and wouldn't trust her skills to successfully forage during the best of time when there aren't diseases running rampant.

Ara listen's to Ian and bites back her first response to press on ahead. Even invisible, her favoured Martial discipline of the Shadow Hand colors her first instinct to use the shadows and sneak in under the cover of night. But that's just one path, one option of many, and Ian's points are good. Conserving their strength for the battle ahead is smart.

Hmm, I wonder if he's forgotten I'm here again Arathana wonders to herself before silently flying down and pausing right near his ear to say (in a normal conversational tone for the whole group to hear, but quite shocking to hear it from there when you aren't expecting it) "I agree, we should use our rations for the moment and set up camp before pressing on in the morning."

Ara waits a moment to see what his reaction is. She's not usually this much of a prankster, but it seemed like fun, and it reminded her a bit of her old home (though this hardly even qualifies as a 'prank' based on the standards of pixies near Barthis). She continues "I'll be maintaining my invisibility and sneaking about when we enter so please don't draw any attention to my presence when we get there. If you want my opinion or thoughts on something and we're in public just say something like 'I wonder what Auntie Anna would think of this' or something like that so I know and can whisper a reply."

2017-07-06, 02:52 AM
Hmm, I wonder if he's forgotten I'm here again Arathana wonders to herself before silently flying down and pausing right near his ear to say (in a normal conversational tone for the whole group to hear, but quite shocking to hear it from there when you aren't expecting it) "I agree, we should use our rations for the moment and set up camp before pressing on in the morning."

Ian was so surprised that he practically jumped a foot in the air. "What the f- Wha? Wait, is that you, Ara?"

Through their telepathic bond, the psicrystal added some significantly more colorful words, to say the least.

Calm down, Cygnus, it's just Ara. Yeesh, we've heard way too many adventurer horror stories.

Ara waits a moment to see what his reaction is. She's not usually this much of a prankster, but it seemed like fun, and it reminded her a bit of her old home (though this hardly even qualifies as a 'prank' based on the standards of pixies near Barthis). She continues "I'll be maintaining my invisibility and sneaking about when we enter so please don't draw any attention to my presence when we get there. If you want my opinion or thoughts on something and we're in public just say something like 'I wonder what Auntie Anna would think of this' or something like that so I know and can whisper a reply."

"Fine, just don't sneak up on me like that again. I really don't want to freak out and accidently hit someone in the face with a sword or something like that." :smallannoyed:

"What do you think?" he asked the other two members of the group.

2017-07-06, 12:53 PM
As they move through the jungle, Derrussar feels more at home than the others, having grown up in this environment though he rarely savored it.
Keeping an eye out for a good spot and any potable water or food, along with any danger, he is brought out his thoughts by Ian.
"Hmmm... yeah, this looks alright, I suppose..." he murmurs as looks around, making sure nothing obvious was missed.
After scrounging around as much as he cared for, he settles down on a fallen tree, checking its sturdiness before sinking his weight into it.
"Alright, what do we do for watches for the night? Don't want anyone drug away by a large snake or other creature." he says with a less then friendly grin.

Survival check

2017-07-06, 07:20 PM
"Hmm... to be honest, I'd volunteer, but I have one or two things that I need a good night's sleep to prepare. And Trixis probably needs to prepare her spells for tomorrow... either you or Ara, I guess. Wait a sec."

Ian took out Cygnus from a pocket.

Hey, Cygnus, would you help with the night watch?

Of course. To be honest, I'm surprised you want to sleep.

Of course I don't want to, but I have to recharge my psionic energy. And I should probably shape my Shedu Crown too. You never know what could happen, after all.

Good point.

"Cygnus says he's going to help with the watch too."

Recharging power points and shaping soulmelds both require a night's rest, if I remember correctly. Fortunately, Psicrystals are Constructs and thus don't need to sleep.

2017-07-07, 01:48 AM
Trixis nods: "I will have to sleep to be at my best tomorrow, of course. But I can take first watch if you like."

Trixis was still full of wonder and exited about finally seeing things she heard and read about, herself, first hand.

2017-07-07, 02:14 AM
"Fine, just don't sneak up on me like that again. I really don't want to freak out and accidently hit someone in the face with a sword or something like that." :smallannoyed:

"No promises" Ara says. And really, how can she possibly make promises about how Ian reacts to her or make sure he remembers her existence. Totally not because of how amusing his surprised face was.

Hmm, keeping watch is good, but Ara hadn't considered the complications of spellcasting companions and how much rest they would need, her own magic recovering on it's own after a days time, not even truly needing rest on her part. Having Cygnus is good then as it won't force them to split it up just between herself and Derrussar.

"Sounds good. I can take first watch, Cygnus second, and Derrussar third" Ara suggests, thinking it best to not give the middle shift to beings that do actually need to sleep.

2017-07-07, 03:05 AM
"No promises" Ara says. And really, how can she possibly make promises about how Ian reacts to her or make sure he remembers her existence. Totally not because of how amusing his surprised face was.

Ian rolled his eyes at that. "Alright..."

She's probably going to do that again.

What do you mean, "probably"?

Huh? What do you... oh.


"Sounds good. I can take first watch, Cygnus second, and Derrussar third" Ara suggests, thinking it best to not give the middle shift to beings that do actually need to sleep.

"Strategically, that is the best plan. Next time, though, try asking him before he ends up forced into it. :smallannoyed:

You don't have to if you really don't want to, Derrussar."

Trixis nods: "I will have to sleep to be at my best tomorrow, of course. But I can take first watch if you like."

Trixis was still full of wonder and exited about finally seeing things she heard and read about, herself, first hand.

"Hmm... what spells do you have prepared right now? Do you think they'll be good enough for tomorrow?"

You know, casters not getting enough rest is a pretty bad idea.

Yeah. But honestly, are you going to tell her no?

Eh... not really.

Didn't think so.

As Cygnus says, casters not getting their 8-hour rest is usually unwise. But it bites less since Trixis is still running full.

Ian's a bit annoyed at Ara right now. Partly because she startled him, yes, but also because her wording essentially forces Derrussar into watch duty.

Yes, I'm sure that razorback won't be too annoyed OOC.

But while Ian and Cygnus don't exactly *like* him, there's no reason not to extend basic decency.

2017-07-07, 03:24 AM
"Hmm... what spells do you have prepared right now? Do you think they'll be good enough for tomorrow?"

"I usually pray for spell helping with learning and every day life. I will have to ask Rill Cleverthrush for a few spells more oriented towards combat and survival, I think. I am sure he understands my need."

2017-07-07, 03:36 AM
"I usually pray for spell helping with learning and every day life. I will have to ask Rill Cleverthrush for a few spells more oriented towards combat and survival, I think. I am sure he understands my need."

:smallannoyed: "Really?" asked Ian.

"I'm terribly sorry, Derrussar... maybe I should take the last watch?"


I prefer this to not even giving him a choice.


Ian still has most of his PP, which is why he's considering it at all. Still, it's not that wise, and he knows it. He still prefers that to forcing the watch onto Derrussar, though.

2017-07-07, 08:36 AM
About to speak up a couple of times, he is cut off by the others before he can answer, leaving Derrussar hanging with his mouth half way open several times.
When things finally settle down, he shrugs. "My strengths rely on neither me having to sleep or supplicate myself to another being, so slot me in wherever. Have no fear, you will awake from my watch." he says as he sits down, cross-legged, as pulls out some hard tack and begins to chew on the jerked meat.

2017-07-07, 10:24 AM
Ara isn't too used to working with others, which is part of why her phrasing of that sounded more like a demand than a suggestion, still she was a little embarrassed with herself when Ian pointed it out. When Derrussar speaks up and says he's fine she says "Ah, good to hear it. Sorry if it sounded like I was forcing you to take watch." And yet she knew she kind of was, because what other option was there, leaving half the team less able and combat ready? Not a good proposition, but nothing else that can be done with spell casters.

"Trixis? Combat is good, so make sure you're prepared for some fighting, but also see if you can get some spells that will be good for investigation." Ara knows the usefulness of being able to defend yourself, but all the combat skills in the world won't help us take whoever is spreading these diseases around if we can't find the ones spreading these diseases.

2017-07-07, 08:13 PM
"Trixis? Combat is good, so make sure you're prepared for some fighting, but also see if you can get some spells that will be good for investigation."

Ian nodded.

"I'm sure we'll have to fight at some point, but we have to figure out exactly what's happening. Otherwise we could walk into a trap."

He took out his magical rations. Good thing they renew themselves every day, and Cygnus doesn't need to eat.

2017-07-09, 11:12 PM
Derrussar gives a small chuckle at Ara's comment. "It is in my best interest to make sure
we all wake after the night, just like the rest of us. Now, if we were at home and you tried to make me do dishes..."

2017-07-10, 02:35 AM
Derrussar gives a small chuckle at Ara's comment. "It is in my best interest to make sure
we all wake after the night, just like the rest of us. Now, if we were at home and you tried to make me do dishes..."

Ian stifled a giggle at the mental image.

Okay, that was funny. I'll give him that.

2017-07-10, 08:40 PM
The night passes a bit wet and humid and, not too long from dawn, a large snake slithers into the encampment.
Whoever is up roll knowledge (Nature) and initiative please.

2017-07-13, 02:28 PM
Derrussar sleeps as much as he can until woken up, the damp air clinging to his fur as he shakes it off.
Grumpily he looks at the one who woke him, contemplating dark deeds as he begins to come fully awake. Nodding, he stands and stretches as he begins his watch, the last of the night.

The night is quiet except for the sounds of the jungle, small creatures coming close to find a snack, something dropped by the group to keep them going.
As the false dawn begins to take shape, Derrussar notices a creature come into view, a large jungle snake by the look of it.
"Up all of you, if you value your life and don't wish to see the insides of this reptile!" he says to rouse everyone as he prepares to deal with the creature.

Ready an action to blast the snake if it looks like it is going to attack.
Eldritch Blast


Crit 20/x2

2017-07-16, 09:42 PM
Alright, roll your initiative and we shall begin.

2017-07-17, 11:32 PM
The serpent slithers forward and begins to taste the air in front of you, eyeing you warily.
Derrussar's turn.

2017-07-25, 08:45 AM
Trixis awakens and looks around, seeing the snake only at second glace.

She takes her sword in hand but is still too groggy to act.

knowledge nature: [roll0]
-> +2 to hit and damage against the snake and others of its kind in this combat.

2017-07-25, 11:05 AM
Ara gets up quickly upon hearing Derrussar's alert and flies up invisibly to get closer to this new threat. She sees the snake slithering around and Derrussar ready to blast it but holding back. Ara doesn't move any closer, but if it tries to move closer to the group she'll be able to strike at it.

(OOC: She gets up and tries to go into a position that will let her get an opportunity attack if it moves to attack the group).

2017-07-25, 04:43 PM

Oh crap!

Jaden sprang up, grabbing Cygnus from the ground and pulling out his blade. With a moment's thought, he infused the sword with psionic energy and rushed towards the combat.

Grabs Cygnus as a standard action, moves towards the fight while drawing his sword as a move action, burns 2 PP to charge his deep crystal jovar as a free action.