View Full Version : Picking out Items For A Duskblade/warblade/JPM

2017-05-06, 01:52 PM
So I Have another thing I need help with, this time a JPM made from a Duskblade and a warblade.

thing is we don't have money to spend we have to ask the gm if we can have said item(s) with in reason. we are once more level 12 for this game.

I know I want something I can make AOO with, I like the style of a sword but the type and the enchantments i'm not sure on.

I have armor mage light so i'm thinking mithrial something breast plate.

and i'd like a few mis magic items to help me

2017-05-07, 03:12 AM
Afaik there is no sword with Reach. Go for (Spiked) Chain or Meteor Hammer to threaten adjacent and 10'.
(There's also some infernal spear in one of the MMs that does the same, MM3 I think, if you don't like chain weapons).

Place two Discipline enchantments on your weapon: one for the Stance you'll be using, one for your favourite maneuvers. Voilą, +6 To Hit for the price of a +2.
Also, make it Adaptive (also ToB) if you can afford it. Oh and the weapon should be Adamantine or Glassteel.

Get all the Novice items for extra maneuvers.

Armour: Mithral BP sounds fine. You prolly won't get Soulfire, but make sure you get Death Ward.

As lame as they are, Animated Shields are an efficient way to boost your AC.

As for other, general items, find the "Necessary Magic Items" thread. Some great picks include the Shadow Cloak, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Third Eye Clarity.

Lastly, word to the wise: do keep track of WBL regardless. You don't want to be short-changed. OFC if the DM allows you gear that amounts to 150 or 200% WBL, enjoy. ^^

2017-05-07, 08:57 AM
Do you really need to go warblade, jmp advances devoted spirit so crusader is much better option. Even swordsage with is better in this instance.

2017-05-07, 01:06 PM
Do you really need to go warblade, jmp advances devoted spirit so crusader is much better option. Even swordsage with is better in this instance.

what would you suggest for the spell casting half?

2017-05-07, 02:00 PM
wizard is powerful, maybe to powerful depending on your party composition. If you have cleric and psion in party, sure go wizard. If you have rogue and fighter duskblade is more apropriate. You will stil be the most powerful member.

2017-05-08, 03:36 AM
Spellthief or hexblade would be an interesting JPM