View Full Version : Rules Q&A Does the use of Cosmic Connection to boost checks disrupt spellcasting?

2017-05-06, 05:07 PM
Pretty straightforward question ... Does using Cosmic Connection (when trying to boost CL/Skillcheck/etc.) to boost checks disrupt spellcasting through the damage it inflicts?

It seems perfectly reasonable to rule it that way, I guess (so concentration check - that also involves the damage in question - or the spell fails, etc.). But I guess that depends on when the rolls (for spellcraft, to determinate the caster level, etc.) are made and if all rolls (including the concentration checks) are made in the instant they turn out to be necessary, so when trying to also greatly boost concentration, things might end in some (theoretically, if the caster somehow manages to stay alive and well) infinite loop of ever increasing concentration checks (because the additional damage mandates additional and even higher rolls) that the user of Cosmic Connection is likely unable to win?

So how do things work out in this case? Can someone offer some help regarding how these effects would actually resolve or what reasonable ways to rule this would be?

Thanks in advance.

2017-05-06, 05:16 PM
What book is "Cosmic Connection" from?

2017-05-06, 05:24 PM
What book is "Cosmic Connection" from?

It's one of the Cosmic Descryer's Class features (and as such found in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/prestigeClasses/cosmicDescryer.htm)).

2017-05-06, 09:20 PM

Since the power can be used for other things besides spell casting, and you draw it in to use it (vs. it saying it flows through you), I'd rule that drawing it in is a free action that takes place BEFORE whatever action you are going to apply the effect to. You have to have the power in you before you can apply it.

So you decide you're going to cast a spell at +3 levels and you're already connected. You draw in the power, taking 15 points damage. You then cast the spell at +3 levels. No concentration check needed since you took the damage before you started casting