View Full Version : Player Help Which Mystic Order is best for a Jedi and/or Sith-like character?

The Aboleth
2017-05-07, 01:24 PM
Hey, everyone!

I'm looking to build a Mystic that is basically a Jedi or Sith-like character; in looking at the Mystic Orders, I can't decide which is more appropriate so I'm wondering what your thoughts are on that matter?

It seems Awakened is more befitting of a Jedi--many of its Disciplines seem very Suggestion-like (the description of Occluded Mind pretty much screamed "These are not the droids you're looking for" to me); that being said, Wu Jen gives me Mastery of Force which would allow me to manipulate objects and such, plus Mastery of Weather gives me a good "Force Lightning" option if I'm going for a more Sith-like vibe.

What do you think? Am I on the right track with these two Orders, or is there another which would suit the character concept better? I know Soul Knife would give me a ready-made "lightsaber" but I'm not too interested in that aspect of a Jedi/Sith--I'm more into the idea that the character would be so attuned to the powers of their mind that they wouldn't really need a weapon of any sort.

As far as level and optimization goes: Starting from the ground up at Level 1, and I'm not overly concerned with optimization (more into the fluff/concept than I am about being super OP or anything like that).

Thanks in advance for the help!

Sir cryosin
2017-05-07, 02:08 PM
I'm playing a level 8 high elf order of the awaken. I have mastery of Force, pisonic weapon, psychic Assault's, psionic restoration, telepathic contact, nomadic step. My DM even let me craft a lightsaber +1. Any order can work just like there are many different types of Jedi and sith.

2017-07-18, 04:13 PM
I'm playing a level 8 high elf order of the awaken. I have mastery of Force, pisonic weapon, psychic Assault's, psionic restoration, telepathic contact, nomadic step. My DM even let me craft a lightsaber +1. Any order can work just like there are many different types of Jedi and sith.

Agreed. Anything could work. I guess i am partial to the idea of the soul knife however. Just cant beat the coolness factor of having a blade at will.

that being said, i would love to see the approaches that people have made.

Power selections, back stories, or anything else worth sharing would be a great source of inspiration.

2017-07-18, 08:24 PM
As I was playing SWtoR the other day I realized that thematically there is very little difference between my dps Sith Juggernaut and my Elf Hexblade (in our home-game we reflavored my hexblade's patron to be that of a spirit of his ancestor). If I had chosen my spells with that in mind, the similarity would be even greater

edit: after post I realized one of the big similarities is a homebrew invocation that allows me to throw my pactblade and it returns. so mea culpa and all that. I blame it on heavy painkillers

2017-07-18, 11:08 PM
My bets on Mastery of Water for the classic Harm power on a dark Jedi, Psionic Restoration for go-to light side points. My personal favorite however, is Mastery of Earth for animating weapons and such. Lightsaber throw!