View Full Version : How fast can a Rogue run?

2017-05-07, 09:12 PM
An elf has a movement rate of 30 feet. In a round of combat, this would normally mean your maximum is 60 feet - 30 feet for moving, and 30 more if you take the Dash action. But a level 2 Rogue is allowed to take a bonus action, and this bonus action can be a Dash action. So, suppose I'm 65-90 feet away from where I need to be; can I move, dash, and dash to move a maximum of 90 feet, and get into position?

2017-05-07, 09:13 PM
An elf has a movement rate of 30 feet. In a round of combat, this would normally mean your maximum is 60 feet - 30 feet for moving, and 30 more if you take the Dash action. But a level 2 Rogue is allowed to take a bonus action, and this bonus action can be a Dash action. So, suppose I'm 65-90 feet away from where I need to be; can I move, dash, and dash to move a maximum of 90 feet, and get into position?

Short answer? Yes.

2017-05-07, 09:17 PM
Radical. 2nd level is looking pretty sweet. : 3


EDIT: You know, there really ought to be a daily limit on that. I know it technically only functions during combat, but what's to stop two rogues from abusing this by chasing each other across the land with knives? But that's nitpicking and munchkining. Just thought it was a humorous observation. : P

2017-05-07, 09:25 PM
Honestly, it's not broken as an at-will. It's 15' a second, which is about 10 MPH. I can probably do that.

More than that, if you do it too long, the DM is free to rule you start gaining exhaustion, for sprinting for hours on end.

2017-05-07, 09:31 PM
If speeds like these are essentially just a sprint, then that begs the question "Why can't anyone else do this?" If someone else is distant from the battlefield and needs to get over there, there doesn't seem to be more they can do then just, move and dash. The "Run action" no longer exists.

2017-05-07, 09:33 PM
If speeds like these are essentially just a sprint, then that begs the question "Why can't anyone else do this?" If someone else is distant from the battlefield and needs to get over there, there doesn't seem to be more they can do then just, move and dash. The "Run action" no longer exists.

Because you're moving at combat speed. You're watching carefully for obstacles, keeping an eye on enemies, being on guard...

I do agree, a Run action wouldn't be bad. But let's be honest-how often was that used in 3E?

2017-05-07, 10:10 PM
Now take Mobile feat and go Arcane Trickster for Haste...

240 ft. a turn

2017-05-07, 10:13 PM
I do agree, a Run action wouldn't be bad. But let's be honest-how often was that used in 3E?
I've played three games in 5e and already been faced with three situations where I really wished I could move a little bit faster.

2017-05-07, 10:31 PM
The limits on Dashing can be found in the chase rules. Basically, the reason why travel speeds are derived from the 30 ft base is also the reason why rogues are only faster over those short sprints, because the Dash is only sustainable over short distances. Even without consulting the Chase rules, a good rule of thumb is that anything over 1 minute cannot be simply Dashes through.

2017-05-07, 10:56 PM
If speeds like these are essentially just a sprint, then that begs the question "Why can't anyone else do this?" If someone else is distant from the battlefield and needs to get over there, there doesn't seem to be more they can do then just, move and dash. The "Run action" no longer exists.

"Why can't anyone else do this?" Not to sound flippant, but because it is a game, mate. They want different classes to be able to do different things. The same reason somehow barbarians and monks can run faster. Does a barbarian get so mad they run harder?

2017-05-08, 01:32 AM
"Why can't anyone else do this?" Not to sound flippant, but because it is a game, mate. They want different classes to be able to do different things. The same reason somehow barbarians and monks can run faster. Does a barbarian get so mad they run harder?
Barbarians and Monks have a higher base land speed. They are capable of running long distances faster, because they're so physically fit. (Fighters and Rangers are fit too, but not as much so. They're less focused on physical perfection and more on skill, cunning, and tactics)

What gets me is that there isn't any way to sprint, unless you're a Rogue. Rogues are the only people who are capable of sprinting.

2017-05-08, 01:38 AM
What gets me is that there isn't any way to sprint, unless you're a Rogue. Rogues are the only people who are capable of sprinting.

monks can sprint too, at the cost of ki, as can tabaxi (kind of), and in a limited capacity orcs.

2017-05-08, 02:20 AM
What I'm trying to say is, there ought to be a more general way to spend the entire turn sprinting from point A to point B, with no regard for anything but just getting there. 3.5 had it nice: Run as a full-round action, lose your DEX bonus to AC and can't do any actions besides free actions, move 4x your speed in a straight line. (3x if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load) That was good. It has sharply limited usage in a combat scenario, but those times when you need it, you're glad it's there. Just like a lot of stuff they cut for 5e to make it simpler. : /

I need to stop griping about 5e. It isn't 3.5, and it isn't meant to be, and I need to get over that. x.x

Anyway, question asked and answered. Can I move dash dash as a 2nd level Rogue? "Yes"? Good, okay. Thanks for the assistance. Sorry for rambling so much.

2017-05-08, 02:22 AM
Now take Mobile feat and go Arcane Trickster for Haste...

240 ft. a turn

I'll top that.

Be a Wood Elf with 35 base speed.
If allowed, take the wood elf racial feat and cast Longstrider for land speed of 45 feet (no concentration required).
Add two levels of monk and five levels of barbarian for land speed of 65.
Add mobility for 75 ft.
Then haste it for double: 150 ft. per move.

450 ft. a turn, if I'm not mistaken.

2017-05-08, 02:31 AM
Without magic a monk can move 225ft in one turn if it's a wood elf and has the mobile feat. A rogue can move 135ft under the same circumstances.

2017-05-08, 03:48 AM
I'll top that.

Be a Wood Elf with 35 base speed.
If allowed, take the wood elf racial feat and cast Longstrider for land speed of 45 feet (no concentration required).
Add two levels of monk and five levels of barbarian for land speed of 65.
Add mobility for 75 ft.
Then haste it for double: 150 ft. per move.

450 ft. a turn, if I'm not mistaken.

If we're comparing maximum movement per turn then a Vengeance Paladin and some pigeons win it with faster than light travel.


2017-05-08, 08:16 AM
Now take Mobile feat and go Arcane Trickster for Haste...

240 ft. a turn
You forgot the extra haste action so 360 ft.

I'll top that.

Be a Wood Elf with 35 base speed.
If allowed, take the wood elf racial feat and cast Longstrider for land speed of 45 feet (no concentration required).
Add two levels of monk and five levels of barbarian for land speed of 65.
Add mobility for 75 ft.
Then haste it for double: 150 ft. per move.

450 ft. a turn, if I'm not mistaken.

Why can't anyone do the math correctly in this thread, it's actually 600 ft per turn here

2017-05-08, 08:33 AM
You forgot the extra haste action so 360 ft.

Why can't anyone do the math correctly in this thread, it's actually 600 ft per turn here

Ouch, that was a bit uncalled for. It's less about if I can do the math correctly, and more about if I remebered the extra Action from Haste.

2017-05-08, 09:34 AM
The main gimmick (in my opinion) of haste is the extra action you get man, how can you forget it

2017-05-08, 09:40 AM
The main gimmick (in my opinion) of haste is the extra action you get man, how can you forget it

You realize, you could have just said "you forgot about the extra action from haste, making it 600ft". It makes you look like less of an ass. Generally on a forum, giving a person the benefit of the doubt is better then being insulting. Then again, considering that after Arkhios admitted that he forgot about the extra move, you doubled down on being a jerk, I guess that's just the kind of person you are.

2017-05-08, 09:58 AM
Yeah I'm kind of an ass, and the added layer of anonymity just makes it worse. I mean nothing by my words, you guys aren't dumb I'm just a loser who really likes 5e and knows more than he should about it.

2017-05-08, 10:10 AM
I think this is a koan.
"How fast can a rogue run?" asked the master
"A barbarian's hairy butthole." said the monk